
Save Earth ...Seize Federal Reserve Founding Stock


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Traditional theater drama symbols

 Carlyle Fake-Voting-Machine: Patents 
12:21 p.m. 03-01-2025 west coast usa

legal disclaimer: this is a comedy & satire & tragedy site for financial crash dummies 

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Easy as A ... B ... C ...

Mirror, mirror on the wall, who's the fairest of them all? 

Patent for fake voting machines [A] owned by U.S. Army (here) [originally assigned to a company who's [B] vice chair consulted to the Carlyle Group]    — c/o Sidney Powell's former website; [newsflash: [C] Kamala's husband's law firm represents voting machine syndicate, & see here]

[Editor's note: Remember the presidential run-off election & vote re-count between George W. Bush & Clinton / Gore (who introduced climate change to an unwitting & dumbfounded public) was decided in Florida in favor of W. Bush; and former president George H.W. Bush was then on the board of the Carlyle Group (after Bin Laden's father stepped down); and remember the tyhoon that destroyed Haiti and G.W. Bush & Bill Clinton were put in charge of the billion dollars raised that disappeared and never made it to the Haitian people? In our weather warfare page, Haiti is discussed, along with Chernobyl & Fukushima as weather warfare targets. 

Moons & Junes & ferris wheels, the dizzy, dancing way you feel ...when everything you dream comes real; I've looked at life this way. But now it's just another show, you leave 'em laughing when you go, & if you care, don't let them know, don't give yourself away - Joni Mitchell

Ukraine as a U.S. puppet for weather-, earthquake- and biological warfare against the Soviet Union and Russia.

Defense Secretary William Cohen, "Terrorism, Weapons of Mass Destruction, & U.S. Strategy" 4/28/1997  Sec of Defense: Manmade earthquake volcano climate chaos warfare  ...[what you don't know is killing you] Defense Secretary William 

When will they every learn?

US Corporation military presence — 750 bases in 80 countries   ...at home, United States Corporation (Corp US) smothers the Republic of the united states of America. Question is, what country is that flag for?

God put the sign of the rainbow in the sky to remind him that even though he could not find one good person on Earth, he would not destroy mankind, again. I guess he delegated that to the World Economic Formum and the City of London central- & investment bankers.

(above, Kamala's & Pelosi's & Feinstein's & Newsom's San Francisco constituency comes out of the closet. Kamala's photo-ops are usually staged with her family and relatives and all the kids as the only audience; perhaps that's why she looks so comfortably embarassed all the time.

Patents for fake voting machines for Carlyle Group?

US bank financial crises hurts you benefits JPMorganChase

In the US …that is, the United States corporation in receivership under the control and ownership of IMF since 1944, your bank keeps you in financial crisis because the IMF is interwoven into the fabric of the central- and investment bankers of the City of London, a square mile inside London called “the square mile”, “the crown”, “the city” and “the City of London” ...which, like the Vatican in Italy is a separate country and like the Knights of Malta, the Vatican bodyguards, which is a virtual country with no real estate at all, and is composed of the intelligence heads of the western world.

America vs Corp U.S.

America vs United States Corporation

If you walk into a Court holding an American flag that indicates you are under that flag of America and practice common law as originally prescribed in the American Constitution (not the United States Corporation flag surrounded with gold fringe which indicates banker's law: Maritime Admiralty Law — you're now on very thin ice and likely will be classified by the United States Corporation judge under Maritime Admiralty Law, as a terrorist. Just the same as an American parent who protests at a school board meeting about not wanting their child taught using graphic pictures about sex in primary school, or, pre-school — and these parents are now defined as terrorists by Homeland Security.


Admiralty Law: Word Controlled Humans & The Law of Money — Jordan Maxwell ...[who you defending against?] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=w-SPcsfz0_E 

Which brings us to Biden surrendering sovereignty of the IMF's United States Corporation to World Health Organization in times of biological warfare attack, now called, pandemics ...such that the United Nations dictates override your rights as defined in the American Constitution and Bill of rights and United Nations World Health Organization decides if you get locked down or sent to prison for refusing their orders.

Which brings us to the looming Restrict act, that indicates anyone who disagrees with government can be imprisoned for 20 years with no due process; and all their possession subject to forfeiture laws.

Which brings us to the difference between a republic and a democracy?

The Benny Show

(above) America is not, and never was, a democracy ... America is a constitutional republic. — FBI Agent Dan Kamoot made that video 50 years ago & its more right today, than ever before.  https://www.youtube.com/shorts/gazpRAkIYAc 



Which brings us back to The united states of America vs The United States Corporation

[A] (fake voting machine patents, here)


[B] ...in 2006, the U.S. Army funded a project for processing votes by “applying a plurality of vote scoring methods to produce a collective group decision that is resilient to errors.”  This is fancy language for an algorithm to alter or “rig” an election, to produce the predetermined outcome.  This is what the math shows happened in the 2020 Presidential election.   The method is protected by U.S. Patent No. 7,377, 431.[3]  The original assignee is the Trustees of Stevens Institute of Technology. ­

[B, cont] {Editor's note: Board of Trustees | Stevens Institute of Technology Thomas A. Corcoran is a Trustee and Vice Chair of the Board of Trustees of Stevens Institute of Technology. Dr. Corcoran has been a senior advisor for, The Carlyle Group and is president of Corcoran Enterprises, LLC, a management consulting company.}


All around the mulberry bush the monkey chased the weasel, da da daditty, pop! goes the weasel.

[C, cont]

The monkey chased the weasel.

Have a happy heart and avoid cesium to make sure!

Forest fire as a military weapon

psychic poop of the day

 Obama boasts the Democrats control the voting machines.




Election rigging has been going on a long time. Remember in Los Angeles when voting machines gave the exact amount to opposing candidates ...and, it's business as usual for the company (CIA) around the world ...what use is a CIA coup d'etat or a Soros fake color revolution if you cant rig the elections to put or keep corrupt politician sleaze-balls in power?

Biden Bragged About Rigging Brazil Election Against Bolsonaro Before Election Day

Magically, all over the world 17 different countries & states report that each has exactly 233 new corona-covid cases; hmmm ...must of used a voting machine to report it.


Chemtrails for dummies.

judge joe brown outs barack obama (lolo's barry soetoro)

Kari Lake damning testimonies by poll personnel

Kari Lake: Damning testimonies by poll personnel of praised but failed machines


Why didn't they tell us that obama's (barry soetoro's)  step-father lolo soetoro was both an overseas vice president of mobile oil also in charge of the death squads in indonesia and worked with herbie walker (i.e. george herbert walker bush) who founded halliburton and barry's grandmother was a cia conduit for covert ops monies & Lolo Soetoro was the 14th richest man in the world with barry as heir to 1/3 of the fortune


Judge Joe Brown on Barack Obama & Barry Soweto.Judge Joe Brown outs Obama: Food for thought & grounds for further research

Have a happy heart and avoid cesium fallout to make sure!

Back in the day ...she had something to say. After the fall, she had nothing at all. One potato, two potato, three potato ...four.

All around the mulberry bush the monkey chased the weasel, da da daditty, pop! goes the weasel.

The monkey chased the weasel.

Kamala's War on Children & Family Values

We must stop the Schroder Bank JPMorganChase Bill Gates George Soros City of London UN-WHO takeover of America under the demented leadership of San Francisco politicians like Pelosi, Feinstein, Harris, Newsom who get their marching orders & grooming from Schroder via their subsidiary Bechtel (putting 2 new nuclear reactors at Hanford Nuclear Reservation in Washington State w/Bill Gates & activating 2 old reactors, there).

Welcome to Shroder Bank subsidiary Bechtel's San Francisco-based politicians & their vision of a reset equitable America ...San Francisco city-approved perennial Alphabet soup public event with San Francisco District Attorney Kamala Harris, Nancy Pelosi, Diane Feinstein approval — to insert Shroder Bank subsidiary Bechtel Fed antics & bedroom politics into national politics & school policy — as the new normal forced on straight kids.

Welcome to Shroder Bank subsidiary Bechtel's San Francisco-based politicians & their vision of a reset equitable America ...San Francisco city-approved perennial Alphabet soup public event with San Francisco District Attorney Kamala Harris, Nancy Pelosi, Diane Feinstein approval — to insert Shroder Bank subsidiary Bechtel Fed antics & bedroom politics into national politics & school policy — as the new normal forced on straight kids.

Kamala's war on children & family 

Welcome to Shroder Bank subsidiary Bechtel's San Francisco-based politicians & their vision of a reset equitable America ...San Francisco city-approved perennial Alphabet soup public event with San Francisco District Attorney Kamala Harris, Nancy Pelosi, Diane Feinstein approval — to insert Shroder Bank subsidiary Bechtel Fed antics & bedroom politics into national politics & school policy — as the new normal forced on straight kids.

Biden's War on Children & Family Values

Burisma merry-go-round

EUROMAIDAN COUP: 2014 Nazi coup putches Ukraine from Putin to Biden - WTF? (up) Alleged Burisma nuclear & power mafia merry-go-round murders, coups, regime change, installed leaders, women hit by cars by mafia, puppet presidents, corrupt administrations & imbezzled U.S. taxpayer dollars. 


"i'll be dog-goned ...we got bamboozled."

Have a happy heart and avoid cesium fallout to make sure!





Have a happy heart and avoid cesium to make sure!


Was the jan 6 2020 white house assault not trump but a replay by jpmorgan (today, JPMorganChase) new york & london central bankers of their 1865 & 1933 coup attempts to bypass the constitution & install a fascist ruling elite of industrialists, oligarchs & billionaires? ...in 2020 implemented thru cia, fbi, state dept & justice dept like they do their central & south america banana republic agent provocateur soros-style fake uprisings, ukraine & mideast fake civil wars, rebellions, coups & their 911/wtc to restrict american freedom & liberty & destroy the mideast & eastern europe? 


(excerpts from, The Morgan Fascist Coup Plot and How FDR Defeated It, by L. Wolfe. This article appears in Aug 11, 2006 issue of, Executive Intelligence Review.)

The 1933 Coup (after the wall street crown 'depression' financial coup)

The coup was aimed at toppling President Franklin D Roosevelt with the help of half-a-million war veterans. The plotters ... alleged to involve some of the most famous families in America, (owners of Heinz, Birds Eye, Goodtea, Maxwell House & George Bush’s Grandfather, Prescott) believed their country should adopt the policies of Hitler and Mussolini to beat the great depression using forced labor.

The Villians

The "Morgan Coup Plot" ... was part of the drive for fascism that produced the Hitler and Mussolini regimes, which is broader than "Wall Street" or even "British." ...The majority of U.S. "players" and operatives, while having connections to House of Morgan ... are also connected to powerful sections of British oligarchy, and with networks of international Synarchy, especially tFrance- and Belgium-based interests directly involved in creation of the Hitler and Mussolini regimes.  

Just as with the drive for fascism today, behind it are the entirety of what LaRouche has called the "slime mold" of oligarchical financial interests, led by international Synarchy.... ... ...in today's political situation in the United States we are, in effect, confronting the same forces that attempted to impose fascism in the United States during the 1930s.  ... ... ...

"Synarchy provided ideological orientation for Wall Street circles with respect to economic, political, and social organization ...  Dr. Alexis Carrel, French biologist and eugenicist associated with French Synarchist circles.[16] He ... argued for mankind to follow guidance by an elite class and to implement enforced eugenics for population management. It was Carrel who had first suggested the use of gas chambers for eugenic purposes on a mass basis... ."

'Synarchy' vs Anarchy

The U.S.A.: Fascism Past and Present, by Clifford A. Kiracofe, Jr. July 7, 2006 issue of Executive Intelligence Review.

The word "Synarchy," and its associated ideology, was invented by the 19th-Century French occultist Alexandre St. Yves d'Alveydre (1842-1909), who headed the esoteric Martinist Order.

Born in 1842, he adopted the outlook of leading European intellectuals of the extreme right, Joseph de Maistre, Louis de Bonald, and the mystical occultism of Fabre d'Olivet (1767-1825), Napoleon's personal occult advisor.

St. Yves created an extreme right ideology to oppose what he perceived to be "anarchy," ... among nations. He called his new ideology "Synarchy".

The economic dimension of Synarchy influenced the "corporatist" political ideologies and movements of the early 20th Century such as Fascism. Corporative ideology called for the organization of society with control held by the ruling oligarchic and plutocratic class. Labor was to be crushed and parliamentary government was to be eliminated.

St. Yves' vision for Europe ... called for organizing Europe through a regional (Europe-wide) council composed of corporative chambers of economists, financiers, and industrialists. ...Through this process, finance and industry would be concentrated, and become the main political power governing society, a society in which labor was to be coerced into submission.



(excerpts from, The Morgan Fascist Coup Plot and How FDR Defeated It, by L. Wolfe. This article appears in Aug 11, 2006 issue of, Executive Intelligence Review.)

The Setting

As FDR prepared to take office in the late Winter of 1932-33, the U.S. government, much as today, was a captive of a cabal of private financial interests: the London-New York banking axis, whose strategists were the prime sponsors of fascism in Europe.

President Herbert Hoover's economic team was controlled by his Ambassador to Britain, former Treasury Secretary Andrew Mellon, and Federal Reserve Chairman Eugene Meyer, whose father had helped found the American branch of the Lazard Frères banking house and whose own career was created by Lazard. Behind them was a larger cabal of private investment banking interests, who had a stranglehold on U.S. government credit policy, including the investment banks of Kuhn, Loeb; the Morgan interests; the Rockefellers; Dillon Read; Brown Brothers Harriman; and Lazard Frères.[3]

Since the 1876 Specie Resumption Act, U.S. economic and credit policy had increasingly been dictated from London. Since 1913, the main vehicle for the implementation of that policy had been the Federal Reserve, a private central bank, established by British policy interests, and run by those interests and their U.S. allies in the Wall Street investment banks.

The Morgan bank, at times official U.S. banker for the British government, was founded and always based in London, known there as Morgan Grenfell, with its arms in New York being J.P. Morgan, Morgan Guaranty, and some other institutions.

Kuhn, Loeb arose as Jacob Schiff's enterprise, guided by his London partner, Sir Ernst Cassel, personal banker for King Edward VII, the British Round Table, and the Fabian Society. Kuhn, Loeb was then taken over by the London/German Warburg family, the biggest stockholders in the Nazi cartel IG Farben.

The Rockefeller family, beginning with a British partner in their early oil monopoly, extended into a cartel with Britain's Shell Oil, into Chase Manhattan Bank and Citibank, and into family foundations, all put into the service of British imperial policy.

Brown Brothers Harriman combined Brown Brothers (the family firm of Montagu Norman, known in England as Brown Shipley) in a 1931 merger with the Harrimans, made powerful by Sir Ernst Cassel's arrangement of British crown financial backing for Averell Harriman to acquire Union Pacific Railroad.

In this "secret government," which defined the parameters and often the details of critical policies, the House of Morgan held the most important portfolio, as the most important agent of Anglo-Venetian interests in the United States. The Morgan partners held directorships in 167 industrial concerns, banks, railroads, and utilities, and they controlled, through their banking relationships, the most important media in the United States, including the New York Times. And most importantly, the Morgans, along with the other merchant banks, controlled the market in the public debt of the United States, in concert with the Federal Reserve, through the latter's "open market" operations.

Agents of this cabal, acting under the orders of Bank of England Governor Montagu Norman, helped sponsor Hitler's Nazis as their proposed handmaidens to implement the policies demanded by their direct agent, Montagu Norman asset, Hjalmar Schacht. Schacht was to head the Hitler regime's financial and economic policy. Through Schacht and other assets, the Synarchists—Wall Street and London investment banks and their French and German political partners—had created huge global cartels, aimed at controlling all basic industry and raw materials, making governments and their populations subject to their power over economic life.

Throughout the 1920s, the New York and London investment banks participated with the German backers of the Nazi Party, such as Fritz Thyssen, in creating global cartels in steel, raw materials, and chemicals. The Nazis were the operatives chosen to implement the bankers' policies in Depression-wracked Germany. With plans to seize power in the United States, Britain, and France, along with the Nazis in Germany and Mussolini's Fascists in Italy, the aim of these private banking circles was world power.

In 1932, as the U.S. Presidential campaign moved towards its conclusion, Hitler's Nazis were on the edge of financial ruin. A rescue effort was organized, with the supervision of the Bank of England's Montagu Norman, to funnel cash into the Nazi coffers. The principal Wall Street bank chosen to handle this operation was Brown Brothers Harriman, whose principles included erstwhile playboy Averell Harriman, who was later to gain an important hold on the "liberal" wing of the Democratic Party, and Prescott Bush, grandfather of the current occupant of the White House; Prescott Bush actually served as bagman, taking the funds to Germany.[4]


[Editor's note: Sort of like Hunter Biden and Joe Biden are the bagman for the CIA taking funds, arranging biological gain-of-function weapons, and Chinese tracking technology to the Nazis and ultra-right in Ukraine and thru-out Eastern Europe who happen to be mercenaries for the CIA which carries out the wishes and dictates of the City of London and their subsidiary Wall Street to conquer Russia then China, steal the wealth of the world, depopulate the planet and party hardy on your nickel why they eat your soul.]


been there, done that

"who dun it?"

Navy Secretary Adams demanded that someone silence Butler, but no one dared to say anything, especially after the Mussolini flap. Butler continued to hammer away on the theme that the American military was being deployed to collect bankers' debts and secure looting rights in foreign countries.

When Butler finally retired, he was no longer constrained by military protocol. He now travelled the country, addressing anyone who would listen, attacking the bankers who controlled the deployment of the military.

Have a happy heart and avoid cesium fallout to make sure!



Have a happy heart and avoid cesium to make sure!

JPMorgan Chase

"who dun it?"

Why was Morgan Stanley able to predict the Soros-playbook Antifa riots 3 years in advance? ...because of Morgan & Chase espionage history & the City working with Soros to sabotage & destablize countries of color with 'color' revolutions regime change staged media-gorged & public affairs-manufactured & produced coups ...(like jan 6 in the U.S.A.)

Why? ...was it not because JPMorganChase planned it as Soros ...as Morgan did so many times prior in America (the Republic of the United states of America) & in the U.S.A. (U.S.A. corporation now illegally occupying the White House)

Have a happy heart and avoid cesium fallout to make sure!


...who done it? — not Eisenhower — not Kennedy— not Carter — not Obama — not Trump

Trump & Deutsche Bank

...Longstanding connections to Deutsche Bank, go-to lender for real estate 

Currently destabilizing equities markets around the world, Deutsche Bank holds the potential to collapse the global financial landscape. Having benefitted from a “rigged” ECB stress test, having benefitted from predatory lending practices during the sub-prime crisis, having benefitted from a Federal Reserve bailout following the collapse of 2008 and facing a potential $14 billion fine from the U.S. Department of Justice, Deutsche Bank holds 42 trillion euros worth of derivatives on its books, an amount 11 times the economy of Germany! Trump’s being in hoc to Deutsche Bank for upwards of $100 million raises interesting questions about his potential position as head of the U.S. government. (here)

Financial Warfare: Deutsche Bank & the financial meltdown

It is important to understand that German banks are anything but blameless in the European financial crisis. Deutsche Bank carried a large amount of bad debt on its books and lied about it in order to fool investors. In 2007, the Federal Reserve had to help bailout Deutsche Bank. The U.S. sued Deutsche Bank over its manipulation of the American mortgage market.

JPMorgan/Chase Financial Warfare

Strategy: Next financial crisis – flash market crashes – extreme social unrest not seen in 50 years.  Tactics: Pitchforks &/or Fed stock buying in next financial crash.  (see Financial Warfare for Dummies) 

Federal Reserve Bank, says: JPMorganChase is a threat to the financial stability of the U.S.

Pam Martens and Russ Martens via WallStreetOnParade.com by way of ZeroHedge reports, Yesterday the Federal Reserve released a 19-page letter that it and the FDIC had issued to Jamie Dimon, the Chairman and CEO of JPMorgan Chase, on April 12 as a result of its failure to present a credible plan for winding itself down if the bank failed. The letter carried frightening passages and large blocks of redacted material in critical areas, instilling in any careful reader a sense of panic about the U.S. financial system.

[Editor's note — re: Hugh Son | @hugh_son Published 10:31 AM ET Tue, 4 Sept 2018 Updated 11:56 AM ET Tue, 4 Sept 2018CNBC.com]

How was JPMorganChase's Morgan Stanley able to correctly predict the current social unrest – unless they caused it to happen ...look at the precedents, my friend ...read 'em & weep. 

Their coup attempt was successful & they destroyed American public banking in 1913 when they bribed Congress to install their own privately owned bank called, The Federal Reserve, (to control the U.S. dollar & petrodollar) ... undoing what was accomplished in the Revolution of 1776 that threw out the private bankers who charged unfair interest, called, 'taxes'.

Their next successful blasphemy to destroy democracy and install fascism was called 'the Great Depression'. Next coup to install globalist fascism, here, was a failed military coup to overthrow Roosevelt &/or Truman ...it was exposed & failed.

They're at it again, this time with the help of Soros, Gates, Pelosi, Fauci & the UN (that serves Rockefeller's World Bank & his IMF for globalist financial domination of countries of color) together toppling the booming economy of the United States with a planned & rehearsed biological warfare attack & trying to destroy Trump who is the only one keeping them from world domination.

They win if they install a demented corrupt moron lead man for their coup in Ukraine, but already won since the national debt skyrocketed and —they get the interest on the national debt every year which Fed founding documents define as a 'dividend' on their exclusive ownership of Fed founding stock.

J.P. MorganChase plan: Next financial crisis – flash market crashes —  Extreme social unrest not seen in 50 years — JP Morgan top quant warning   (orig story, here)

J.P. Morgan's top quant, Marko Kolanovic, predicts a "Great Liquidity Crisis" will hit financial markets, marked by flash crashes in stock prices and social unrest.

The trillion-dollar shift to passive investments, computerized trading strategies and electronic trading desks will exacerbate sudden, severe stock drops, Kolanovic said.  Central banks will be forced to make unprecedented moves, including direct purchases of equities, or there could be negative income taxes. Timing of when this next crisis will occur is uncertain but markets appear to be safe through the first half of 2019.

Hugh Son | @hugh_son Published 10:31 AM ET Tue, 4 Sept 2018  Updated 11:56 AM ET Tue, 4 Sept 2018CNBC.com 

Marko Kolanovic — Sudden, severe stock sell-offs sparked by lightning-fast machines. Unprecedented actions by central banks to shore up asset prices. Social unrest not seen in the U.S. in half a century. 

J.P. Morgan Chase's head quant, Marko Kolanovic, envisions the next financial crisis. The forces that have transformed markets in the last decade, namely the rise of computerized trading and passive investing, are setting up conditions for potentially violent moves once the current bull market ends, according to a report from Kolanovic sent to the bank's clients on Tuesday. His note is part of a 168-page mega-report, written for the 10th anniversary of the 2008 financial crisis, with perspectives from 48 of the bank's analysts and economists.
It's time to rotate into value –PM's Kolanovic  5:43 PM 1 Aug 2018 
Kolanovic, 43-year-old analyst with a Ph.D. in theoretical physics, has risen in prominence for explaining, and occasionally predicting, how the new, algorithm-dominated stock market will behave. The current bull rally, longest in modern history by some, is characterized by extended periods of calm punctuated with spasms of selling known as flash crashes. Recent examples include a 1,600 point intraday drop in February and a 1,100 point decline in August 2015. 

"They are very rapid, sharp declines in asset values with sharp increases in market volatility," Kolanovic, the bank's global head of macro quantitative and derivatives research, said in a recent interview. But those flash crashes occurred during a backdrop of a U.S. economic expansion; the new market hasn't been tested in the throes of a recession, he said.

"If you have liquidity-driven sharp sell-offs that come at the end of the cycle, or maybe even causes the end of the cycle, then I think you can have a much more significant asset price correction and even more significant increase in market volatility," Kolanovic said.

No one to step in and buy — In his report, Kolanovic explains how the major market trends that occurred after the 2008 crisis exacerbate selling during moments of panic. The massive shift from active to passive managed investments — he estimates that $2 trillion has moved that way in the past decade — has removed a pool of buyers who can swoop in if valuations tumble, he wrote. 

Rise of automated trading strategies is a factor because many quant hedge funds are programmed to automatically sell into weakness, he said. Together, index and quant funds now make up as much as two-thirds of assets under management globally, and 90 percent of daily trading comes from those or similar strategies, he wrote. 

"Basically, right now, you have large groups of investors who are purely mechanical," Kolanovic said. "They sell on certain signals and not necessarily on fundamental developments, such as increases in the VIX, or a change in the bond-equity correlation, or simple price action. Meaning if the market goes down 2%, then they need to sell."

Lastly, electronic trading desks at banks and other firms tend to withdraw when markets get rough, removing liquidity and contributing to a cascading decline in prices.

The 'Great Liquidity Crisis' — Kolanovic says that this potential meltdown in stock prices could cause the next financial crisis. His name for it: the Great Liquidity Crisis. (In markets, liquidity is a measure of the ease and speed a financial instrument can be traded without significantly impacting its price. For example, cash is highly liquid. Meanwhile real estate is usually illiquid.)  If markets fall by 40 percent or more, the Federal Reserve would need to leap into action to prevent a spiral that led into depression, Kolanovic said. That could lead to unconventional actions, including direct purchases of equities, a move that Japan's central bank has already taken.
Summer market melt-up coming, says JPMorgan's Kolanovic  6:35 PM ET Thu, 7 June 2018 | 05:32

"Suddenly, every pension fund in the U.S. is severely underfunded, retail investors panic and sell, while individuals stop spending," Kolanovic said. "If you have this type of severe crisis, how do you break the vicious cycle, the negative feedback loop? Maybe you stimulate the economy by cutting taxes further, perhaps into negative territory. Most likely is direct central bank intervention in asset prices, maybe bonds, maybe credit, perhaps equities if that's the eye of the storm."

In an hour long interview, Kolanovic said this scenario is less a prediction than a warning about a rising risk. He also said that the chance of a crisis happening are low until at least the second half of 2019. The exact timing of this crisis is uncertain but will be determined by the speed in which the Fed hikes interest rates and reverses bond purchases (a legacy of the last crisis), he said. The developing trade dispute with China could accelerate or delay the end of the cycle as well.  Kolanovic closes his report on an ominous note: "The next crisis is also likely to result in social tensions similar to those witnessed 50 years ago in 1968."

AP — A n Aug. 28, 1968 file photo shows a demonstrator with his hands on his head is led by Chicago Police down Michigan Ave. during a confrontation with police and National Guardsmen who battled demonstrators near the Conrad Hilton Hotel, headquarters for the Democratic National Convention. 

That year saw the peak of both the Vietnam War and anti-war movement and the assassinations of Martin Luther King Jr. and Sen. Robert F. Kennedy. Today, the internet and social media are helping to polarize groups, and events including the U.S. election and Brexit show tensions that will probably worsen in the next crisis, he said.  He was amore measured in his interview. If central banks can head off the worst of a crisis by providing a floor for asset prices, the status quo will probably be maintained, he said. 

"If they don't manage to," Kolanovic said, "then you're spiraling into depression, social unrest and a lot more disruptive changes that can negatively affect returns for a very long time."

J.P. Morgan  thinking: Pitchforks & Fed stock buying in next financial crash — If you thought the U.S. outlook could not get more dystopian, think again

(update, here) —  JPMorgan Chase issued a report earlier this week to mark the 10th anniversary of the 2008 Wall Street crash and provide its outlook for what’s ahead. JPMorgan suggests that the next financial crash may be so cataclysmic that the Federal Reserve may have to enter the market to buy up stocks – something which the central bank has never done before in the U.S. or, at least, acknowledged doing, because stock ownership is heavily skewed to the one percent.  JPMorgan further suggests that if the Fed did take this unprecedented step, it might lead to pitchforks in the street (our phrase) as a class war breaks out. (Imagine the Occupy Wall Street protests in 2011 and 2012 and then amplify that by years of pent up anger.)  (story cont, here)



Have a happy heart and avoid cesium to make sure!


"who dun it?"

JPMorganChase is world’s top banker of fossil fuel — you can bet they will cut it off to choke america & the west but they will continue to sell to 3rd world &/or underdeveloped countries like china & india & africa

...provided $195 billion in financing to fossil fuel companies since paris agreement in 2015 

...so, who's responsible for global warming? ...pollution? ...eXtreme climate change chaos ...gain of function nuclear weather war  ...ya think?

Have a happy heart and avoid cesium fallout to make sure!



Off with his head!

... Royals, monarchs, billionaires, oligarchs, City are often the same slimebags & walking dead cannibals

Off With Their Heads!


 (excerpts from, America's Nazi Secret, by John Loftus)
ad (excerpts from, America's Nazi Secret, by John Loftus)

here is the great reset, from the people's point of view ... instead of the central bankers, oligarchs & billionaires bringing our world population down to 500 million, we should start with them, and bring their population down to zero (0)

Occupy movement begins as protest vs Wall Street & nuclear power  — now defends humanity against globalist central bankers, monarchs & billionaires

(click pic) First Occupy movement: Protest vs Wall Street & nuclear power  — defends 99.99% against 0.001% central bankers, monarchs & billionaires

Ten technologies to own the weather.

(click pic) It's not global warming creating Xtreme climate change ...it's Xtreme  (gov't) military weather warfare chaos & financial warfare

High-frequency Active Auroral Research Program

(click pic) Presidents, patents & DARPA — HAARP Ionospheric heaters, elfvin waves: makes Xtreme climate change & earthquakes, volcanos erupt, typhoons, tidal waves, floods, drought, wildfires

Have a happy heart and avoid cesium fallout to make sure!


True, the white man brought great change. But the varied fruits of his civilization, though highly colored and inviting, are sickening and deadening. And if it be the part of civilization to maim, rob, and thwart, then what is progress? I am going to venture the man who sat on the ground in his tipi meditating on life and its meaning, accepting the kinship of all creatures, acknowledging unity with the universe of things, was infusing into his being the true essence of civilization. – Chief Standing Bear, The Land of the Spotted Eagle, 1933


Heartless Obama / Biden / Clinton / Pelosi / Schumer / Trump / Congress mafia crime families paid off by central bankers kept/keep the truth from you & sold/sell your sorry ass, out. From now on, only people in government will be rich & everyone else will be poor ...a typical 3rd world banana republic puppet government — welcome home.

10:42 AM May 30, 2014 8259 Hot particles of melted fuel inhaled by children every day ... Official in Fukushima: Please HELP US! We are forced to have it in our bodies ... Please let all people in the world know the life we are living.

Jefferson says in the Declaration of Independence: “Governments are instituted among men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed, That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness.”