
Save Earth ...Seize Federal Reserve Founding Stock


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7 a.m. 06-24-2024  portland homeboy strikes back — strike back


E m e r g e n c y B r o a d c a s t ... Spain makes sex with animals legal --- France’s Draft Law: Citizens Who Speak out against the Covid-19 Vaccine. “3 Years Prison and €45,000 Fine”? --- EU Legalizes Child Porn As WEF Agenda To Normalize Pedophilia Accelerates --- Canada and Ireland make alternative news illegal --- My friends, we are in a fascist billionaire world coup takeover and our rights and freedoms are being eliminated by World Economic Forum, the mouthpiece for City of London central banker billionaires and independent players --- JPMorganChase Schroder Bechtel DuPont GM perennial plot to take over White House w/fascist coups in America enacted 1776, 1868, 1913, 1933, 9/11, Jan 6, CoVid, 2020, 2021, 2022, 2023 & on --- E x t r a E x t r a ...FYI Ongoing: 1997 U.S. Secretary of Defense Wm. Cohen announces Ionospheric plasma heaters: Weather warfare technology Alphen wave radio transmissions cause earthquakes, erupt volcanos, burst ear drums & organs of sea mammals & make humans hostile or in fear, loving or brutal --- #

.Shut up Portland Homeboy!

Meet Kamala's family!

Kamala's husband, Doug liked to Smartmatic & Dominion voting machine handlers?

The fix is in

Globalist voting machines for fun & profit

Kamala & Doug sittin' in a tree ... k   i   s   s   i   n   g

Newsom too big for his britches

Meet Kamala's family!

Kamala's War on Kids & Family

We can no longer trust Kamala's K-12 teachers to help parents safequard kids 

K-12 public school district boards and their teachers characterize parents who protest sexualization of their kids as 'terrorists' ... as requested by Homeland Security miscreants

Meet Kamala's Family! 

Schroder Bank had Bechtel's Gavin Newsom, Harris, Pelosi, Feinstein, Reagan, Schwarzenegger, Schiff, Waters run San Francisco, L.A. California 20(-70) years.

Newsom's your eventual president;  Bechtel's Californication won the last election ...with Harris- / Emhoff clan help?

Welcome to Shroder Bank subsidiary Bechtel's San Francisco-based politicians & their vision of a reset equitable America ...San Francisco city-approved perennial Alphabet soup public event with San Francisco District Attorney Kamala Harris, Nancy Pelosi, Diane Feinstein approval — to insert Shroder Bank subsidiary Bechtel Fed antics & bedroom politics into national politics & school policy — as the new normal forced on straight kids.


Sep 23, 2023 Massive documented voting corruption found: Arizona, Michigan, 20 other States

Mr. Reagan, intuitive political and well-researched documented insights that look behind the scenes at what's really going on that you're not allowed or supposed to know about.

Widespread voter registration fraud paid for by UpChuck Schumer for $1,000,000

The Mr. Reagan Showhttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GT9cxx_41sM 




Mr. Reagan, intuitive political and well-researched documented insights that look behind the scenes at what's really going on that you're not allowed or supposed to know about

(insert documentation video link (here) ... about youtube & facebook & twitter billionaire owners' censorship swaying 20 million voters in last presidential election and planned 40-to-60 million in 2024)


The three stooges of fascism

Central banker dynastic warlords financially enslaving you & slaughtering you

Dynastic central banker warlords of fascism, slavery & drug-, weapon- & human trafficking

(Above) Also, these dynastic central banker families also helped or directly founded and/or funded the Nazi Party (here) and the Communist Party (here).



Burisma merry-go-round

(click pic for youtube) EUROMAIDAN COUP: 2014 Nazi coup putches Ukraine from Putin to Biden - WTF? (up) Alleged Burisma nuclear & power mafia merry-go-round murders,

coups, regime change, installed leaders, women hit by cars by mafia, puppet presidents, corrupt administrations & imbezzled U.S. taxpayer dollars. 

I had a conversation

today in history — ukrainian central bank gold robbery ...(what, regime change?)

Central Bankers Robbery: At moment Nazi coup in Ukraine, Victoria NuLand has 40 tons of Ukrainian gold shipped to U.S. Federal Reserve.

What Congress won't tell you ~ Central Bank Robbery: At moment of U.S. sponsored Nazi coup in Ukraine,

Victoria NuLand has 40 tons of Ukrainian gold shipped to U.S. Federal Reserve ...who disclaim comment.

Pop! goes the weasel


Soros the God of suffering

Even through he is Jewish, in his teen years Soros was a Nazi informer, (here); has he more respect for life or his billions of dollars ...you decide.


Dec 16, 2013 John McCain addresses Ukrainian protesters in Kiev; U.S. Republican senator John McCain addresses crowds in Independence Square in Kiev on Sunday, encouraging the to protest in support of greater ties with the European Union & to sever ties with Russia.

Dec 16, 2013 U.S. Republican Senator John McCain addresses Ukrainian protesters in Kiev on Sunday, telling them support ties with European Union, sever with Russia; setting up a U.S. regime change coup d'etat with Nazis.

EUROMAIDAN COUP: 2014 Nazi CIA/Soros playbook regime change a la City of London coup putches Ukraine from Putin to Obama/Biden - with my tax dollars?! – WTF?


(above) Hillary Clinton & Henry Kissinger – NWO Great Reset globalist henchmen for Fed City of London dynastic central banking oligarchs ... Kissinger worked with Dulles.

 (excerpts from, America's Nazi Secret, by John Loftus)
ad (excerpts from, America's Nazi Secret, by John Loftus)


Dulles hired the German Gehlen eastern front Nazis (tasked with destroying the Soviet Union) before WWII ended to staff the Eastern division of the newly formed CIA, who continued the same task they had done for Hitler, but now for Dulles and the Globalists ...to destroy Russia & loot her people, naturals resources, oil, gas & people. Kissinger brought Nazis into the U.S., but the Globalists also sent them into Russia ... so, there you go. Hillary & Henry ... hate deplorables & useless breeders; believe in depopulation as does Bill Gates; ...hate the Russians; support Nazis to destabilize Russia & China; behind closed doors likely promote biological warfare to depopulate the planet asap. 






Central Bankers & their corporate interlocks of corporations they own

Central Bankers & their corporate interlocks of corporations they own


I hold my pants up with a piece of twine; it keeps them up there mostly all the time; and if you love me, tonight after we dine, if you'll be mine, please pull the twine.

fascist Democrat Party lackeys of the City of London fascist central bankers

Fascist Democrat Party lackeys of the City of London fascist central bankers of the WEF NWO Globalist Corporate Dictatorship

Ukraine as a U.S. puppet for weather-, earthquake- and biological warfare against the Soviet Union and Russia.

Weaponizing Earth

Weaponizing Earth

4.1 Weaponizing Climate Change

‘Climatic warfare’ has been excluded from the agenda on climate change

Michel Chossudovsky, updated Sep 14, 2023

Weaponizing Earth

Daughter of World Economic Forum (mouthpiece for City of London central bankers) ...spew some of her father's (Klaus) bullshit to install a global government

CIA destroys Russian Woodpecker attacks on USA by destroying Chernobyl

Naturally the biggest solar flare of the year makes the biggest earthquake of the year ...but, artificially --- HAARP facilities & ionospheric heaters make the biggest earthquakes of the year (& volcanic eruptions, too)

Naturally ...the biggest solar flare of the year makes the biggest earthquake of the year

Naturally the biggest solar flare of the year makes the biggest earthquake of the year

...but, artificially — HAARP facilities & ionospheric heaters make the biggest earthquakes of the year (& volcanic eruptions, too)

...for example, Japan was first threatened by Hillary's State Department if they did not comply they would suffer an earthquake

HAARP creates three Fukushima meltdowns

Here are the HAARP measurements of IMF (City of London central banker) ionospheric heaters focused above the earthquake fault sparking earthquakes that caused the Fukushima meltdowns

HAARP was involved in causing Fukushima earthquake.

& first-hand testimony by workers at the HAARP facility:

Scientific evidence & evidentiary testimony IMF's (City of London central bankers) HAARP caused the three Fukushima earthquakes continuing pollution therefrom continuously destroying life in the Pacific Ocean

& here (below) is our premise illustrated that the most recent earthquake attack in Taiwan, was likely by China or perhaps NATO (CIA / MI6), that is City of London central bankers & IMF ...or all of the above working together

Our premise: This was an earthquake warfare attack by China and by IMF (City of London central bankers)

Weaponizing Earth Weaponizing Weather

City of London central bankers, otherwise known as the military industrial complex ...are the only ones powerful enough to establish chemtrails & weather warfare globally

fascist Democrat Party lackeys of the City of London fascist central bankers

Fascist Democrat Party lackeys of the City of London fascist central bankers of the WEF NWO Globalist Corporate Dictatorship

Dangerous demonic entities

Dangerous demonic entities

We just don't need the majority of you.

fascist Democrat Party lackeys of the City of London fascist central bankers

Fascist Democrat Party lackeys of the City of London fascist central bankers of the WEF NWO Globalist Corporate Dictatorship

Thank you for your interest. Please contact your friends,  share this info & ask yourself if you now know who to blame.

Nuclear Weather Forecast thru-out the site: Every nuclear reactor is a nuclear dump where nuclear waste is stored, so we focus on America first then locations of every nuclear reactor & dump in the world, since all give you immune deficiency diseases, heart attacks & cancer.

Biden & Dementia Note: Portland Metro Creative Aging & Cognitive Arts Center is not funded at this time. enrollment membership info for our curriculum for students will be available, here.

Have a happy heart and avoid cesium fallout to make sure!

All site content, except where otherwise noted, is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 License.

legal disclaimer: a comedy & satire site — All site content, except where otherwise noted, is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 License.— for educational, historical & news purposes — attributions: for all individual ownership attribution see the individual original sources & attributions in the original 25,000-to-35,000 documents &/or evidence linked to by the 9,011 descriptive blurb news release links; and/or to other attributions given on the accompanying website ... in all cases refer to the documents linked to, by the 9,011 links for ownership attribution. Any revenue derived is to offset nine years of non-paid individual non-profit work around the clock 24/7/365 in researching, writing, compiling and bringing these e-books & website & documentation to your attention for altruistic educational, historical & news purposes as a public service.