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 Hunter Biden Dildos vs Pelosi Buttplugs 
12:21 p.m. 03-01-2025 west coast usa

legal disclaimer: this is a comedy & satire & tragedy site for financial crash dummies 

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zelenski's pelosi buttplugs vs hunter biden dildos
Zelensky normalizes WWII Bandera brutality. Zelensky normalizes WWII Bandera brutality.

zelinski normalizes brutal & genocidal work of stephan bandera & his followers (below, highighted in red)

Dear U.S. & British & German progressive women & LGBTQ+, wake the f--k up about the City of London corporation EuroMaidan coup that Biden withheld a billion dollar pay-off from for Ukraine Nazis ???until his son???s criminal prosecutor was fired. (In the same spirit for City of London corporation Kamala Harris paid central American drug lords a billion dollars to siege our borders.) City of London corporation central bankers fund pollution-, drug-, weapons- & human trafficking, worldwide ???it???s the basis of their wealth for centuries. ??? Since City of London central bankers??? EuroMaidan coup in 2014, OUN/B fascists are back in power in Ukraine, dominating police & national security elements ??? control that yields preeminence over political & civic affairs of unfortunate Ukraine. ??? Oleh Tihanybok, leader of OUN/B successor organization Svoboda.

Strange Fruit' hanging from a tree – Billie Holiday, (here)

German Chancellor Olaf Scholz lays flowers at WWII memorial ahead of meeting with Putin in Moscow.

German Chancellor Olaf Scholz lays flowers at WWII memorial in Moscow

???As heads of state and government it's our damn responsibility and our job to prevent a military escalation in Europe,??? German Chancellor Olaf Scholz told a news conference with Russian President Vladimir Putin in Moscow

"It is our damn responsibiilty to prevent war in Europe." – Germany's Scholz

Scholz says territories of Ukraine are non-negotiable ...an oxymoron.

DeJa Vu — Germany sent military convoys of 100's of trucks of weapons to supply neo-Nazis & fascists destroying Sarajevo in the mid-1990s ...but, denied it.


[Want this e-book in b&w for a couple bucks? Click pic.] GAY-BASHING ALERT: Today, if you are LGBTQ+ or a person of color & visit Ukraine, chances are you will never leave it, alive. Ukraine is a Biden nazi-run State as of the Euromaidan coup that in 2014 removed Ukraine from Russian control with Soros-like & CIA-like & Antifa-like fake demonstrations used to create banana republics for central banker billionaires ...and put Ukraine under western City of London corporation control. The same City of London corporation central dynastic family bankers that  financed the United States corporation, Europe, U.S.S.R., the Communists & the Nazis including all Axis and Allied forces to murder each other, are at it again in the Nazi fascist puppet State founded in 1941 they called, 'Ukraine', the same day the Nazi pogrom raped and butchered scores of Jews, women, gays & lesbians. LGBTQ+ that.


NON-BINARY BASHING ALERT: NON-BINARY or of color? ...UKRAINE deadly – biz as usual ...Biden, Hunter, Nazis, Facists in bed, together.


EARTH ISLAND vs EARTH PERSONHOOD | (Soros - click pic) Vids (here). CAQ (here).

Peter Dale Scott & Sean Gervasi – must-reads: what's up, down, next.

Secrets of Ukrainian women. Secrets of Ukrainian women

Since the Russian invasion of Ukraine & the resulting cries of “We are all Ukraine,” many have been eager to downplay the proliferation of neo-Nazis in Ukrainian paramilitary groups intelligence, police, the Ukrainian armed forces & even parts of the government. As Jimmy and Grayzone’s Max Blumenthal discuss, reports of neo-Nazis in Ukraine are not at all exaggerated, and the Zelensky government is, in fact, largely beholden to these racist, xenophobic, anti-gay groups that brag of the “fun” they get from fighting and killing.

Jimmy Dore show scores with documentation you should witness; "Killing is fun. The west hires us cause no one else will do it."


Soros: Jewish Nazi-informer – stages protests, regime change, finances chaos - crashes stock & gold mkts; sells long, buys short etc.


Insider traders; Braindead? – Pelosi greets Zelensky: Nazi slogans – Slava Ukraini! – Glory to Ukraine – Svaboda Ukraine! chain of fools — war crimes

EVERYTHING MR. EMORY HAS BEEN SAYING ABOUT THE UKRAINE WAR IS ENCAPSULATED IN THIS VIDEO FROM UKRAINE 24 Mr. Emory’s entire life’s work is available on a 32GB flash drive, available for a contribution of $65.00 or more (to KFJC). Click Here to obtain Dave’s 40+ years’ work, complete through Late Fall of 2021 (through FTR #1215). Mr. Emory has launched a new Patreon site. Visit at: Patreon.com/DaveEmory

(above) Click pic for video & again for sound oligarch-owned Ukraine24-TV ... like our media is oligarch-owned.


Ukraine: Pelosi, 3rd in line to U.S. presidency –  Pelosi crime family walks in Obama/Biden crime family footprints in Ukraine. 

(click pic for video)

Gennadiy Druzenko, Ukrainian military medical service; "gave orders to castrate wounded" Russians, "they are cockroaches."


(click pic for article or scroll down ~ Covert Action Magazine, (here)


"i'll be dog-goned ...we got bamboozled."

Have a happy heart and avoid cesium fallout to make sure!


Dec 16, 2013 John McCain addresses Ukrainian protesters in Kiev; U.S. Republican senator John McCain addresses crowds in Independence Square in Kiev on Sunday, encouraging the to protest in support of greater ties with the European Union & to sever ties with Russia.

Dec 16, 2013 U.S. Republican Senator John McCain addresses Ukrainian protesters in Kiev on Sunday, telling them support ties with European Union, sever with Russia; setting up a U.S. regime change coup d'etat with Nazis.

EUROMAIDAN COUP: 2014 Nazi CIA/Soros playbook regime change a la City of London coup putches Ukraine from Putin to Obama/Biden - with my tax dollars?! – WTF?


(above) Hillary Clinton & Henry Kissinger – NWO Great Reset globalist henchmen for Fed City of London dynastic central banking oligarchs ... Kissinger worked with Dulles.

 (excerpts from, America's Nazi Secret, by John Loftus)
ad (excerpts from, America's Nazi Secret, by John Loftus)

Dulles hired the German Gehlen eastern front Nazis (tasked with destroying the Soviet Union) before WWII ended to staff the Eastern division of the newly formed CIA, who continued the same task they had done for Hitler, but now for Dulles and the Globalists ...to destroy Russia & loot her people, naturals resources, oil, gas & people. Kissinger brought Nazis into the U.S., but the Globalists also sent them into Russia ... so, there you go. Hillary & Henry ... hate deplorables & useless breeders; believe in depopulation as does Bill Gates; ...hate the Russians; support Nazis to destabilize Russia & China; behind closed doors likely promote biological warfare to depopulate the planet asap. 




(U.S.-Ukraine geopolitics - puppet state - scroll down for documentation)  2014 - Sen. John McCain also showed up, standing on stage with right-wing extremists from the Svoboda Party and telling the crowd that the United States was with them in their challenge to the Ukrainian government. U.S. diplomats and the mainstream U.S. press immediately blamed Yanukovych for the sniper attack, though the

 circumstances remain murky to this day and some investigations have suggested that the lethal sniper fire came from buildings controlled by Right Sektor extremists. To tamp down the worsening violence, a shaken Yanukovych signed a European-brokered deal Feb. 21, in which he accepted reduced powers and an early election so he could be voted out of office. He agreed to requests from Vice President Joe 

Biden to pull back the police. The precipitous police withdrawal opened the path for neo-Nazis and other (ultra right) street fighters to seize presidential offices and force Yanukovych’s people to flee for their lives. Yanukovych traveled to eastern Ukraine and the new coup regime that took power – and was immediately declared 'legitimate' by U.S. State Department – sought Yanukovych’s arrest for murder.

Bagman Biden & his Billion Buck Nazi buy-back-better Payoff

FTR #982 Manafort & the Snipers: Azov Battalion & The  “Russia-Gate” Psy-Op

— by Dave Emory ⋅ November 1, 2017 ⋅ 15 comments Continuing and deepening analysis of the profound Ukrainian fascist connection to the “Russia-Gate” disinformation inundating the American political and journalistic landscapes, this program highlights circumstances surrounding the sniper shootings at the Maidan demonstrations. Those sniper shootings were the key circumstance generating international outrage against the Yanukovich regime and precipitating the rise of the OUN/B Ukrainain fascist successor organizations. Recorded the day after former Yanukovuch adviser and Trump campaign manager Paul Manafort was indicted by [VERY] special prosecutor Robert Mueller, this program supplements discussion from FTR #981. Distilling information concerning the sniper attacks, we review the possibility that Manafort might have played an advisory role in the sniper shootings, that the shootings might have been a provocation and examine the role of the Nazi Azov battalion and its proponents and component figures in connection with the Maidan shootings and the “Russia-Gate” propaganda. We wonder if recent attacks in Ukraine might be elements of a “sanitization” operation, aimed at eliminating participants in the Maidan shootings (provocation?), while blaming the violence (of course) on Russia. Major considerations in the Azov Battalion/Maidan sniper/Manafort imbroglio include: 1.-Alleged “Russian agent” Paul Manafort–identified in FTR #919 as a probable “advance man” for regimes targeted for destabilization–may well have been the person who recommended to his “client” Yanukovich to fire on the Maidan demonstrators. It was that gunfire that signalled the end of Yanukovich’s government.  ... (Editor's note: continued at bottom of page, in pink subhead.)

Burisma merry-go-round

Alleged Burisma nuclear & power mafia merry-go-round murders, coups, regime change, installed leaders, women hit by cars by mafia, puppet presidents, corrupt administrations & imbezzled U.S. taxpayer dollars.  — (click pic for youtube) EUROMAIDAN COUP: 2014 Nazi coup putches Ukraine from Putin to Biden - WTF? (up) Alleged Burisma nuclear & power mafia merry-go-round murders, coups, regime change, installed leaders, women hit by cars by mafia, puppet presidents, corrupt administrations & imbezzled U.S. taxpayer dollars. 



Because the 2014 coup – overthrowing elected President Viktor Yanukovych – was partly orchestrated by the U.S. government’s influential neoconservatives and warmly embraced by the West’s mainstream media, many of the ugly features of the Kiev regime have been downplayed or ignored, including the fact that corrupt oligarch Igor Kolomoisky was put in charge of the area where the implicated factory was located.

As the region’s governor, the thuggish Kolomoisky founded armed militias of Ukrainian extremists, including neo-Nazis, who spearheaded the violence against ethnic Russians in eastern provinces, which had voted heavily for Yanukovych and tried to resist his violent overthrow. (continued below, scroll down to see: 

“A Ukraine Link to North Korea’s Missiles?” by Robert Parry; Consortium News; 08/15/2017

Dec 5, 2017: FTR #981
the ukrainian fascist foundation of the "russia-gate" psy-op

hacking of the dnc was done by ukraine fascists [as cia operatives hired by the city] — not by russia 

Introduction: In FTR #967, we noted the Ukrainian fascist affiliation of Andrei Artemenko, a Ukrainian member of Parliament who worked with CIA and FBI-connected Trump business associate Felix Sater. Alleged by our media and government to have signified “Russian influence” on the Trump administration, this Sater/Artemenko gambit was actually an ANTI-Russian conspiracy.

by Dave Emory — In this program, we highlight the profound extent to which the “evidence” in the Russia-Gate “investigation” tracks back to the very same OUN/B successor organizations we have covered in so many of our previous programs: A story noting the probable Dnipropetrovsk origin of the missile technology apparently facilitating North Korea’s guided missile technology documented the political affiliation of Igor Kolomoisky [Kolomoiskoy], governor of the “Dnipro” district:   “ . . So, among the Kolomoisky-backed militias was the Azov battalion whose members marched with Swastikas and other Nazi insignias... . In response to the reports of possible Ukrainian collusion in North Korea’s missile program, Oleksandr Turchynov, secretary of the Ukrainian national security and defense council, issued a bizarre denial suggesting that the New York Times and U.S. intelligence agencies were pawns of Russia. . . . Press reports about Turchynov’s statement left out two salient facts: that as the interim President following the February 2014 coup, Turchynov ordered Right Sektor militants to begin the bloody siege of rebel-held Sloviansk, a key escalation in the conflict, and that Turchynov was the one who appointed Kolomoisky to be the ruler of Dnipropetrovsk.” The journalistic viewpoint on a Ukrainian hacker allegedly used by “Russian hackers” against the U.S. comes from Anton Gerashchenko, part of the same milieu as Pravy Sektor, Azov, etc. Gerashchenko is, in fact, an apologist for Azov, as discussed in FTR #‘s 803, 804, 808, 818: “ . . Security experts were initially left scratching their heads when the Department of Homeland Security on Dec. 29 released technical evidence of Russian hacking that seemed to point not to Russia, but rather to Ukraine. . . A member of Ukraine’s Parliament with close ties to the security services, Anton Gerashchenko, said that the interaction was online or by phone and that the Ukrainian programmer had been paid to write customized malware without knowing its purpose, only later learning it was used in Russian hacking. . . . It is not clear whether the specific malware the programmer created was used to hack the D.N.C. servers. . . .” Reading between the lines, an otherwise characteristically propagandized New York Times article encapsulated critically important information:  “. . . While still politically influenced, Ukrainian law enforcement is no longer a swamp of incompetence and corruption. It has been able to monitor Mr. Manafort’s former business associates and turn up evidence of Russian hacking in the 2016 United States election, in part owing to American support. . .” Exemplifying the Ukrainian fascists at the epicenter of “Russia-Gate” are a group of Ukrainian hackers, working in tandem with fascist politicians like the aforementioned Anton Gerashchenko. The hacker/ Ukrainian fascist link spawned the “PropOrNot” list of “Russian/ Kremlin/ Putin” dupes in the U.S. media: This list was compiled by the

Ukrainian intelligence service, interior ministry and –ahem – hackers: “. . . One of the more frightening policies enacted by the current oligarch-nationalist regime in Kiev is an online blacklist [42] of journalists accused of collaborating with pro-Russian ‘terrorists.’ [43] The website, ‘Myrotvorets’ [43] or ‘Peacemaker’—was set up by Ukrainian hackers working with state intelligence and police, all of which tend to share the same ultranationalist ideologies as Parubiy and the newly-appointed neo-Nazi chief of the National Police. . . . The website is designed to frighten and muzzle journalists from reporting anything but the pro-nationalist party line, and it has the backing of government officials, spies and police—including the SBU (Ukraine’s successor to the KGB), the powerful Interior Minister Avakov and his notorious far-right deputy, Anton Geraschenko. Ukraine’s journalist blacklist website—operated by Ukrainian hackers working with state intelligence—led to a rash of death threats against the doxxed journalists, whose email addresses, phone numbers and other private information was posted anonymously to the website...” A Ukrainian activist named Alexandra Chalupa has been instrumental in distributing the “Russia did it” disinformation to Hillary Clinton and influencing the progress of the disinformation in the media. “. . . One of the key media sources [46] who blamed the DNC hacks on Russia, ramping up fears of crypto-Putinist infiltration, is a Ukrainian-American lobbyist working for DNC.  She is Alexandra Chalupa—described as the head of the Democratic National Committee’s opposition research on Russia and on Trump, and founder and president of the Ukrainian lobby group ‘US United With Ukraine Coalition’ [47], which lobbied hard to pass a 2014 bill increasing loans and military aid to Ukraine, imposing sanctions on Russians, and tightly aligning US and Ukraine geostrategic interests. . . . In one leaked DNC email [50] earlier this year, Chalupa boasts to DNC Communications Director Luis Miranda that she brought Isikoff to a US-government sponsored Washington event featuring 68 Ukrainian journalists, where Chalupa was invited ‘to speak specifically about Paul Manafort.’ In turn, Isikoff named her as the key inside source [46] ‘proving’ that the Russians were behind the hacks, and that Trump’s campaign was under the spell of Kremlin spies and sorcerers. . . ” Alleged “Russian agent” Paul Manafort – identified in FTR #919 as a probable “advance man” for regimes targeted for destabilization – may well have been the person who recommended to his “client” Yanukovich to fire on the Maidan demonstrators. It was that gunfire that signalled the end of Yanukovich’s government. This reinforces Mr. Emory’s take on Manafort. “. . . The lawyer’s demands for explanation spring from the hacking earlier this year of the iPhone of Mr Manafort’s daughter,  [since confirmed as genuine, at least in part–D.E.] Andrea, with around 300,000 messages published in the dark web.

One of the texts sent toher sister, Jessica, said: "Don't fool yourself. That money we have is blood money.’ It continued ‘You know he has killed people in Ukraine? Knowingly, as a tactic to outrage the world and get focus on Ukraine. Remember when there were all those deaths taking place. A while back. About a year ago. Revolts and what not. Do you know whose strategy that was to cause that, to send those people get them slaughtered.’ ” Reinforcing the hypothesis that the Maidan shootings were a provocation is the disclosure by Ukraine’s chief prosecutor that the rifles allegedly used to fire on the Maidan demonstrators were recovered by an alleged Yanukovich operative and leader of the snipers who was one of the  demonstrators on the Maidan! “ . . . Ukraine’s Prosecutor General Yuriy Lutsenko says that the man who helped the so-called “black hundred” of police task force Berkut, who had been shooting at protesters during the Revolution of Dignity, flee Kyiv and deliberately drowned their weapons to conceal evidence, was himself one of the participants of the Maidan protests. ‘With the help of military counterintelligence, we have found weapons of the ‘black hundred,’ including a sniper rifle, which the entire country saw on footage showing the shooting at the protesters from outside the October Palace,” he told the 112 Ukraine TV channel. . . . ‘We found it with a large number of automatic rifles on the bottom of one of Kiev’s lakes. They were cut and drowned in one batch by a single group, whose leader is one of the targets of our investigation. Unfortunately, this man who, according to our version, upon the orders of [former Interior Minister Vitaliy] Zakharchenko helped the ‘black hundred’ flee Kyiv, destroyed and drowned their weapons, he, himself, was with us on the Maidan,’ Lutsenko said.. . ” The sniper activity in the Maidan must be weighed against the fact that Nazi-linked elements from the Azov milieu were serving as snipers in Kiev at the time. Were they connected to the shootings of demonstrators? The supposed “evidence” of Russian hacking in the U.S. election comes from CrowdStrike, whose co-founder and chief technology officer – Dmitry Alperovitch – is deeply tied to the NATO/OUN/B milieu installed in power in Ukraine: “. . . Dmitri Alperovitch is also a senior fellow at the Atlantic Council. The connection between Alperovitch and the Atlantic Council has gone largely unremarked upon, but it is relevant given that the Atlantic Council—which is is funded in part by the US State Department, NATO, the governments of Latvia and Lithuania, the Ukrainian World Congress, and the Ukrainian oligarch Victor Pinchuk—has been among the loudest voices calling for a new Cold War with Russia. As I pointed out in the pages of The Nation in November, the Atlantic Council has spent the past several years producing some of the most virulent specimens of the new Cold War propaganda. ” ### ##

1. Following is information supplementing the discussion from FTR #967 concerning attempts by the OUN/B successor organizations to oust Poroshenko:
2. Efforts by Yulia Tymoshenko to pass information about Poroshenko to U.S. authorities.
3. The role of former Ukrainian intelligence chief, Pravy Sektor intimate Valentyn Nalyvaichenko in Tymoshenko’s efforts.
4. The role of Nalyvaichenko in providing dirt on Poroshenko to Artemenko
5. The role of Atlantic Council financier Viktor Pinchuk in advancing “peace plans” being attributed to “Russia/Putin/the Kremlin/dupes of same.”

— by Robert Parry; Consortium News; 08/15/2017

Robert Parry highlights a critical feature of the transfer of Ukrainian ICBM technology to North Korea. Dnipropetrovsk, where a financially distressed missile factory resides, had Ukrainian oligarch Igor Kolomoisky as governor, beginning in 2014 just after the Maidan revolution.

1. Robert Parry highlights a critical feature of the transfer of Ukrainian ICBM technology to North Korea. Dnipropetrovsk, where a financially distressed missile factory resides, had Ukrainian oligarch Igor Kolomoisky as governor, beginning in 2014 just after the Maidan revolution.

Kolomoisky is a strong backer of neo-Nazi elements of the Ukrainian militia units that are prominent in the military conflict in Eastern Ukraine–the Azov battalion in particular.

Azov’s political front, National Corp, recently formed a far-right union, along with Right Sector/Pravy Sektor and Svoboda, calling for: an end to the country’s attempts to move closer to the EU; instead forming a “European Union with the Baltic States;” Ukraine to acquire its own nuclear arsenal.

As Parry also notes below, it was Kolomoisky’s operation in Dnipro that has come under suspicion for a possible role in the shoot-down of Malaysia Airlines Flight 17 on July 17, 2014. That may well have been a rogue Ukrainian military operation authored by neo-Nazi militias operating in that area–they had access to the anti-aircraft missile technology used to down the aircraft.

“A Ukraine Link to North Korea’s Missiles?” —by Robert Parry; Consortium News; 08/15/2017

U.S. intelligence analysts reportedly have traced North Korea’s leap forward in creating an intercontinental ballistic missile capable of striking U.S. territory to a decaying Ukrainian rocket-engine factory whose alleged role could lift the cover off other suppressed mysteries related to the U.S.-backed coup in Kiev.

Because the 2014 coup – overthrowing elected President Viktor Yanukovych – was partly orchestrated by the U.S. government’s influential neoconservatives and warmly embraced by the West’s mainstream media, many of the ugly features of the Kiev regime have been downplayed or ignored, including the fact that corrupt oligarch Igor Kolomoisky was put in charge of the area where the implicated factory was located.

As the region’s governor, the thuggish Kolomoisky founded armed militias of Ukrainian extremists, including neo-Nazis, who spearheaded the violence against ethnic Russians in eastern provinces, which had voted heavily for Yanukovych and tried to resist his violent overthrow.

Kolomoisky, who has triple citizenship from Ukraine, Cyprus and Israel, was eventually ousted as governor of Dnipropetrovsk (now called Dnipro) on March 25, 2015, after a showdown with Ukraine’s current President Petro Poroshenko over control of the state-owned energy company, but by then Kolomoisky’s team had put its corrupt mark on the region.

At the time of the Kolomoisky-Poroshenko showdown, Valentyn Nalyvaychenko, chief of the State Security Service, accused Dnipropetrovsk officials of financing armed gangs and threatening investigators, Bloomberg News reported, while noting that Ukraine had sunk to 142nd place out of 175 countries in Transparency International’s Corruptions Perception Index, the worst in Europe.

Even earlier in Kolomoisky’s brutal reign, Dnipropetrovsk had become the center for the violent intrigue that has plagued Ukraine for the past several years, including the dispatch of neo-Nazi militias to kill ethnic Russians who then turned to Russia for support.

Tolerating Nazis

Yet, protected by the waves of anti-Russian propaganda sweeping across the West, Kolomoisky’s crowd saw few reasons for restraint. So, among the Kolomoisky-backed militias was the Azov battalion whose members marched with Swastikas and other Nazi insignias. Ironically, the same Western media which heartily has condemned neo-Nazi and white-nationalist 

violence in Charlottesville, Virginia, adopted a much more tolerant attitude toward Ukraine’s neo-Nazism even as those militants murdered scores of ethnic Russians in Odessa in May 2014 and attacked ethnic Russian communities in the east where thousands more died.

When it came to Ukraine, The New York Times and other mainstream outlets were so dedicated to their anti-Russian propaganda that they veered between minimizing the significance of the neo-Nazi militias and treating them as bulwarks of Western civilization.

For instance, on Feb. 11, 2015, the Times published a long article by Rick Lyman that presented the situation in the port city of Mariupol as if the advance by ethnic Russian rebels amounted to the arrival of barbarians at the gate while the inhabitants were being bravely defended by the forces of civilization. But then the article cited the key role in that defense played by the Azov battalion.

Though the article provided much color and detail and quoted an Azov leader prominently, it left out the fact that the Azov battalion was composed of neo-Nazis.

This inconvenient truth that neo-Nazis were central to Ukraine’s “self-defense forces” would have disrupted the desired propaganda message about “Russian aggression.” After all, wouldn’t many Americans and Europeans understand why Russia, which suffered some 27 million dead in World War II, might be sensitive to neo-Nazis killing ethnic Russians on Russia’s border?

So, in Lyman’s article, the Times ignored Azov’s well-known neo-Nazism and referred to it simply as a “volunteer unit.” In other cases, the Times casually brushed past the key role of fascist militants. In July 2015, Times published a curiously upbeat story about the good news that Islamic militants had joined with far-right and neo-Nazi battalions to kill ethnic Russian rebels.

The article by Andrew E. Kramer reported that there were three Islamic battalions “deployed to the hottest zones,” such as around Mariupol. One of the battalions was headed by a former Chechen warlord who went by the name “Muslim,” Kramer wrote, adding: “The Chechen commands the Sheikh Mansur group, named for an 18th-century Chechen resistance figure. It is subordinate to the nationalist Right Sector, a Ukrainian militia. Right Sector formed during last year’s street protests in Kiev from a half-dozen fringe Ukrainian nationalist groups like White Hammer and the Trident of Stepan Bandera.

“Another, the Azov group, is openly neo-Nazi, using the 'Wolf’s Hook' symbol associated with the [Nazi] SS. Without addressing the issue of the Nazi symbol, the Chechen said he got along well with the nationalists because, like him, they loved their homeland and hated the Russians.”

Rockets for North Korea

The Times encountered another discomforting reality on Monday when correspondents William J. Broad and David E. Sanger described U.S. intelligence assessments pointing to North Korea’s likely source of its new and more powerful rocket engines as a Ukrainian factory in Dnipro.

Of course, the Times bent over backward to suggest that the blame might still fall on Russia even though Dnipro is a stronghold of some of Ukraine’s most militantly anti-Russian politicians and although U.S. intelligence analysts have centered their suspicions on a Ukrainian-government-owned factory there, known as Yuzhmash.

So, it would seem clear that corrupt Ukrainian officials, possibly in cahoots with financially pressed executives or employees of Yuzhmash, are the likeliest suspects in the smuggling of these rocket engines to North Korea.

Even the Times couldn’t dodge that reality, saying: “Government investigators and experts have focused their inquiries on a missile factory in Dnipro, Ukraine.” But the Times added that Dnipro is “on the edge of the territory where Russia is fighting a low-level war to break off part of Ukraine” – to suggest that the Russians somehow might have snuck into the factory, stolen the engines and smuggled them to North Korea.

But the Times also cited the view of missile expert Michael Elleman, who addressed North Korea’s sudden access to more powerful engines in a study issued this week by the International Institute for Strategic Studies.

“It’s likely that these engines came from Ukraine — probably illicitly,” [missile expert] Michael Elleman

said in an interview with the Times. “The big question is how many they have and whether the Ukrainians are helping them now. I’m very worried.” . . .  .

The Risk of Nuclear War

. . . . Yet, while the Ukraine crisis may have reduced living standards for average Ukrainians, it was an important catalyst in the creation of the New Cold War between Washington and Moscow, which offers lucrative opportunities for U.S. military contractors and their many think-tank apologists despite increasing the risk of nuclear war for the rest of us. . . . .

The MH-17 Case, Kolomoisky’s operation in Dnipro also has come under suspicion for a possible role in the shoot-down of Malaysia Airlines Flight 17 on July 17, 2014. According to a source briefed by U.S. intelligence analysts, Dnipro was the center of a plot to use a powerful anti-aircraft missile to shoot down Putin’s official plane on a return flight from South America, but instead – after Putin’s plane took a more northerly route – the missile brought down MH-17, killing all 298 people aboard.

For reasons that have still not been explained, the Obama administration suppressed U.S. intelligence reports on the MH-17 tragedy and instead joined in pinning the shoot-down on ethnic Russian rebels and, by implication, Putin and his government.

In the West, the MH-17 shoot-down became a cause celebre, generating a powerful propaganda campaign to demonize Putin and Russia – and push Europe into joining sanctions against Moscow. Few people dared question Russia alleged guilt even though the Russia-did-it arguments were full of holes. [See here and here.] . . . .

. . . . In response to the reports of possible Ukrainian collusion in North Korea’s missile program, Oleksandr Turchynov, secretary of the Ukrainian national security and defense council, issued a bizarre denial suggesting that The New York Times and U.S. intelligence agencies were pawns of Russia.

“This information [about North Korea possibly obtaining rocket engines from Ukraine] is not based on any grounds, provocative by its content, and most likely provoked by Russian secret services to cover their own crimes,” Turchynov said.

Press reports about Turchynov’s statement left out two salient facts: that as the interim President following the February 2014 coup, Turchynov ordered Right Sektor militants to begin the bloody siege of rebel-held Sloviansk, a key escalation in the conflict, and that Turchynov was the one who appointed Kolomoisky to be the ruler of Dnipropetrovsk.  ###

Above is part 1 ...for parts 2, 3, 4, 5, go to: Dec 5, 2017: FTR #981 the ukrainian fascist foundation of the "russia-gate" psy-op

1. Following is information supplementing the discussion from FTR #967 concerning attempts by the OUN/B successor organizations to oust Poroshenko:
2. Efforts by Yulia Tymoshenko to pass information about Poroshenko to U.S. authorities.
3. The role of former Ukrainian intelligence chief, Pravy Sektor intimate Valentyn Nalyvaichenko in Tymoshenko’s efforts.
4. The role of Nalyvaichenko in providing dirt on Poroshenko to Artemenko
5. The role of Atlantic Council financier Viktor Pinchuk in advancing “peace plans” being attributed to “Russia/Putin/the Kremlin/dupes of same.”


"who dun it?"

Have a happy heart and avoid cesium fallout to make sure!

"who dun it?"

Why was Morgan Stanley able to predict the Soros-playbook Antifa riots 3 years in advance? ...because of Morgan & Chase history & the City working with Soros to destablize countries of color with 'color' regime change staged media-gorged & public affairs-manufactured & produced coups ...(like jan 6 in the U.S.A.)

Why? ...because JPMorganChase planned it as Soros ...as Morgan did so many times prior in America (the Republic of the United states of America) & in the U.S.A. (U.S.A. corporation now illegally occupying Washington D.C.)

...who done it? — not Eisenhower — not Kennedy— not Carter — not Obama — not Trump

Trump & Deutsche Bank

...Longstanding connections to Deutsche Bank, go-to lender for real estate 

Currently destabilizing equities markets around the world, Deutsche Bank holds the potential to collapse the global financial landscape. Having benefitted from a “rigged” ECB stress test, having benefitted from predatory lending practices during the sub-prime crisis, having benefitted from a Federal Reserve bailout following the collapse of 2008 and facing a potential $14 billion fine from the U.S. Department of Justice, Deutsche Bank holds 42 trillion euros worth of derivatives on its books, an amount 11 times the economy of Germany! Trump’s being in hoc to Deutsche Bank for upwards of $100 million raises interesting questions about his potential position as head of the U.S. government. (here)

Financial Warfare: Deutsche Bank & the financial meltdown

It is important to understand that German banks are anything but blameless in the European financial crisis. Deutsche Bank carried a large amount of bad debt on its books and lied about it in order to fool investors. In 2007, the Federal Reserve had to help bailout Deutsche Bank. The U.S. sued Deutsche Bank over its manipulation of the American mortgage market.

JPMorgan/Chase Financial Warfare

Strategy: Next financial crisis – flash market crashes – extreme social unrest not seen in 50 years.  Tactics: Pitchforks &/or Fed stock buying in next financial crash.  (see Financial Warfare for Dummies) 

Federal Reserve Bank, says: JPMorganChase is a threat to the financial stability of the U.S.

Pam Martens and Russ Martens via WallStreetOnParade.com by way of ZeroHedge reports, Yesterday the Federal Reserve released a 19-page letter that it and the FDIC had issued to Jamie Dimon, the Chairman and CEO of JPMorgan Chase, on April 12 as a result of its failure to present a credible plan for winding itself down if the bank failed. The letter carried frightening passages and large blocks of redacted material in critical areas, instilling in any careful reader a sense of panic about the U.S. financial system.

[Editor's note — re: Hugh Son | @hugh_son Published 10:31 AM ET Tue, 4 Sept 2018 Updated 11:56 AM ET Tue, 4 Sept 2018CNBC.com]

How was JPMorganChase's Morgan Stanley able to correctly predict the current social unrest – unless they caused it to happen ...look at the precedents, my friend ...read 'em & weep. 

Their coup attempt was successful & they destroyed American public banking in 1913 when they bribed Congress to install their own privately owned bank called, The Federal Reserve, (to control the U.S. dollar & petrodollar) ... undoing what was accomplished in the Revolution of 1776 that threw out the private bankers who charged unfair interest, called, 'taxes'.

Their next successful blasphemy to destroy democracy and install fascism was called 'the Great Depression'. Next coup to install globalist fascism, here, was a failed military coup to overthrow Roosevelt &/or Truman ...it was exposed & failed.

They're at it again, this time with the help of Soros, Gates, Pelosi, Fauci & the UN (that serves Rockefeller's World Bank & his IMF for globalist financial domination of countries of color) together toppling the booming economy of the United States with a planned & rehearsed biological warfare attack & trying to destroy Trump who is the only one keeping them from world domination.

They win if they install a demented corrupt moron lead man for their coup in Ukraine, but already won since the national debt skyrocketed and —they get the interest on the national debt every year which Fed founding documents define as a 'dividend' on their exclusive ownership of Fed founding stock.

J.P. Morgan plan: Next financial crisis – flash market crashes —  Extreme social unrest not seen in 50 years — JP Morgan top quant warning   (orig story, here)

J.P. Morgan's top quant, Marko Kolanovic, predicts a "Great Liquidity Crisis" will hit financial markets, marked by flash crashes in stock prices and social unrest.

The trillion-dollar shift to passive investments, computerized trading strategies and electronic trading desks will exacerbate sudden, severe stock drops, Kolanovic said.  Central banks will be forced to make unprecedented moves, including direct purchases of equities, or there could be negative income taxes. Timing of when this next crisis will occur is uncertain but markets appear to be safe through the first half of 2019.

Hugh Son | @hugh_son Published 10:31 AM ET Tue, 4 Sept 2018  Updated 11:56 AM ET Tue, 4 Sept 2018CNBC.com 

Marko Kolanovic — Sudden, severe stock sell-offs sparked by lightning-fast machines. Unprecedented actions by central banks to shore up asset prices. Social unrest not seen in the U.S. in half a century. 

J.P. Morgan Chase's head quant, Marko Kolanovic, envisions the next financial crisis. The forces that have transformed markets in the last decade, namely the rise of computerized trading and passive investing, are setting up conditions for potentially violent moves once the current bull market ends, according to a report from Kolanovic sent to the bank's clients on Tuesday. His note is part of a 168-page mega-report, written for the 10th anniversary of the 2008 financial crisis, with perspectives from 48 of the bank's analysts and economists.
It's time to rotate into value –PM's Kolanovic  5:43 PM 1 Aug 2018 
Kolanovic, 43-year-old analyst with a Ph.D. in theoretical physics, has risen in prominence for explaining, and occasionally predicting, how the new, algorithm-dominated stock market will behave. The current bull rally, longest in modern history by some, is characterized by extended periods of calm punctuated with spasms of selling known as flash crashes. Recent examples include a 1,600 point intraday drop in February and a 1,100 point decline in August 2015. 

"They are very rapid, sharp declines in asset values with sharp increases in market volatility," Kolanovic, the bank's global head of macro quantitative and derivatives research, said in a recent interview. But those flash crashes occurred during a backdrop of a U.S. economic expansion; the new market hasn't been tested in the throes of a recession, he said.

"If you have liquidity-driven sharp sell-offs that come at the end of the cycle, or maybe even causes the end of the cycle, then I think you can have a much more significant asset price correction and even more significant increase in market volatility," Kolanovic said.

No one to step in and buy — In his report, Kolanovic explains how the major market trends that occurred after the 2008 crisis exacerbate selling during moments of panic. The massive shift from active to passive managed investments — he estimates that $2 trillion has moved that way in the past decade — has removed a pool of buyers who can swoop in if valuations tumble, he wrote. 

Rise of automated trading strategies is a factor because many quant hedge funds are programmed to automatically sell into weakness, he said. Together, index and quant funds now make up as much as two-thirds of assets under management globally, and 90 percent of daily trading comes from those or similar strategies, he wrote. 

"Basically, right now, you have large groups of investors who are purely mechanical," Kolanovic said. "They sell on certain signals and not necessarily on fundamental developments, such as increases in the VIX, or a change in the bond-equity correlation, or simple price action. Meaning if the market goes down 2%, then they need to sell."

Lastly, electronic trading desks at banks and other firms tend to withdraw when markets get rough, removing liquidity and contributing to a cascading decline in prices.

The 'Great Liquidity Crisis' — Kolanovic says that this potential meltdown in stock prices could cause the next financial crisis. His name for it: the Great Liquidity Crisis. (In markets, liquidity is a measure of the ease and speed a financial instrument can be traded without significantly impacting its price. For example, cash is highly liquid. Meanwhile real estate is usually illiquid.)  If markets fall by 40 percent or more, the Federal Reserve would need to leap into action to prevent a spiral that led into depression, Kolanovic said. That could lead to unconventional actions, including direct purchases of equities, a move that Japan's central bank has already taken.
Summer market melt-up coming, says JPMorgan's Kolanovic  6:35 PM ET Thu, 7 June 2018 | 05:32

"Suddenly, every pension fund in the U.S. is severely underfunded, retail investors panic and sell, while individuals stop spending," Kolanovic said. "If you have this type of severe crisis, how do you break the vicious cycle, the negative feedback loop? Maybe you stimulate the economy by cutting taxes further, perhaps into negative territory. Most likely is direct central bank intervention in asset prices, maybe bonds, maybe credit, perhaps equities if that's the eye of the storm."

In an hour long interview, Kolanovic said this scenario is less a prediction than a warning about a rising risk. He also said that the chance of a crisis happening are low until at least the second half of 2019. The exact timing of this crisis is uncertain but will be determined by the speed in which the Fed hikes interest rates and reverses bond purchases (a legacy of the last crisis), he said. The developing trade dispute with China could accelerate or delay the end of the cycle as well.  Kolanovic closes his report on an ominous note: "The next crisis is also likely to result in social tensions similar to those witnessed 50 years ago in 1968."

AP — A n Aug. 28, 1968 file photo shows a demonstrator with his hands on his head is led by Chicago Police down Michigan Ave. during a confrontation with police and National Guardsmen who battled demonstrators near the Conrad Hilton Hotel, headquarters for the Democratic National Convention. 

That year saw the peak of both the Vietnam War and anti-war movement and the assassinations of Martin Luther King Jr. and Sen. Robert F. Kennedy. Today, the internet and social media are helping to polarize groups, and events including the U.S. election and Brexit show tensions that will probably worsen in the next crisis, he said.  He was amore measured in his interview. If central banks can head off the worst of a crisis by providing a floor for asset prices, the status quo will probably be maintained, he said. 

"If they don't manage to," Kolanovic said, "then you're spiraling into depression, social unrest and a lot more disruptive changes that can negatively affect returns for a very long time."

J.P. Morgan  thinking: Pitchforks & Fed stock buying in next financial crash — If you thought the U.S. outlook could not get more dystopian, think again

(update, here) —  JPMorgan Chase issued a report earlier this week to mark the 10th anniversary of the 2008 Wall Street crash and provide its outlook for what’s ahead. JPMorgan suggests that the next financial crash may be so cataclysmic that the Federal Reserve may have to enter the market to buy up stocks – something which the central bank has never done before in the U.S. or, at least, acknowledged doing, because stock ownership is heavily skewed to the one percent.  JPMorgan further suggests that if the Fed did take this unprecedented step, it might lead to pitchforks in the street (our phrase) as a class war breaks out. (Imagine the Occupy Wall Street protests in 2011 and 2012 and then amplify that by years of pent up anger.)  (story cont, here)

JPMorgan Coup Plot to Takeover the United States, Destroy the Presidency, Destroy the Republic, Destroy Democracy & Install a Fascist Dictator to Destroy You ...history repeats itself?

The soldiers change, but the war remains the same

(stories, here & herehere & War is a Racket)—

War Is A Racket

By Major General Smedley Butler

1: War Is A Racket
2: Who Makes The Profits?
3: Who Pays The Bills?
4: How To Smash This Racket!
5: To Hell With War!


September 2008 launched an extraordinary chain of events:

  • General Motors, the world’s largest company, went bust
  • Washington Mutual became the world’s largest bank failure
  • Lehman Brothers became the world’s largest bankruptcy ever
  • Damage spread around the world.

(Editor's note: Who plotted, benefited and won this financial warfare? ...the historically Nazi and fascist banks: Deutschebank started the housing collapse, Chase (JPMorgan/Chase) bought bankrupt Washington Mutual and, for the first time, marched west, saturating the west coast in conquest, with Chase Banks. —(see free e-book download, Occupy Deutschebank: Financial Warfare for Dummies, here)—

9/11 War Games

—(vid, here)—

A Century of Enslaving You: The History of the Federal Reserve

—(vid, here)—

Our military has been highjacked by corporations owned by the Fed interest rate bankers, also known in Britain as 'the Crown', or 'Square Mile', or 'City of London' – who wage the military tactic of climate engineering for financial warfare

Because Planet Earth is dying in the sixth great extinction of life; this one manmade & caused by Fed interest-rate Crown bankers...

...financial vampires suck the blood & vitality of our kids in the military then crucify & sacrifice them on the alter of greed...

...& murder our kids, animals & all living things with their accumulating ionizing radiation to profit their corporations & stock markets...

...& attack our sky & trees & water & air & earth & rain with electromagnetic pulse to create & control violent weather to destroy & indebt nations to them...

...& deploy depleted uranium to depopulate entire countries & continents so women bear or abort deformed kids with extra arms, legs, heads & body organs in external skin sacks & fingers growing from their backs ...

...You pay the devil for nuclear power with your children's blood...

'Normal' everyday operations of nuclear reactors around the world destroy healthy pregnancies

My hitch-hiking heart

"when the saints come marching in, there will be a grand old good time, when the troops come marching in ...will it be azov, will it be azov, or will it be world economic forum, or bill gates, there is no difference when the shape shifters & united nations peacekeepers & nato come marchin' in."

FTR #1103 Fascism, 2019 World Tour, Part 13

Goose-Hopping in Hong Kong with Pepe the Frog & Azov Battalion

U.S. Troops Train Azov Battalion; Pravy Sektor chief joins Ukrainian Army as advisor

Posted by Dave Emory ⋅ April 7, 2015 — In a previous post, we noted that elements of the 173rd Airborne Brigade are to begin training of Ukraine’s national guard battalions, which include the Nazi Azov Battalion. Now comes confirmation that Azov will, indeed, be the recipient of training by the 173rd Airborne, beginning on April 20th [Hitler’s Birthday–D.E.]. In addition, Dmytro Yarosh, head of Pravy Sektor (one of the Nazi OUN/B heirs in Ukrainian power structure and government) will be an assistant to the army chief of staff, this to “control” the “punisher” battalions, including Azov.

Azov Battalion Trains Kids as Young as Six —  Ukrainian Hitler Youth?

Posted by Dave Emory ⋅ August 16, 2015 
The most visible and best-publicized of the Nazi fighting formations in Ukraine is the Azov battalion. We now learn that Azov is training a “youth cadre”–including children as young as six. We don’t think it is much of a reach to see their “young ‘uns” as what might be accurately viewed as a Ukrainian Hitler Youth. 

Jaroslav Stetsko’s Personal Secretary Serves as Azov Battalion’s Spokesman

Posted by Dave Emory ⋅ June 10, 2016 ⋅ 
The spokesman ...and apologist, for the Nazi Azov Battalion in Ukraine is Roman Zvarych. Zvarych was the personal secretary to Jaroslav Stetsko ...the head of the World War II Nazi collaborationist OUN/B government. Azov is now receiving U.S. government funding.

All of the contents of Dave Emory's website as of 12/19/2014 — Dave Emory’s 35+ years of research and broadcasting–as well as hours of videotaped lectures are available on a 32GB flash drive. Dave offers his programs and articles for free–your support is very much appreciated.


 Intermarium Revival – Azov International – Nazi Springboard – Global Takeover
Posted by Dave Emory ⋅ June 12, 2020 

In numerous programs, we have noted international networking between the Ukrainian Nazi Azov Battalion and elements around the world: Azov is part of the “Intermarium Revival” that is seen as using Nazification of the Ukraine “pivot point” as a springboard for a global Nazi takeover.

abstract: American Nazis and white supremacists are among the elements networking with Azov and then “bringing it all back home” to their native lands. Azov Battalion and Pravy Sektor (“Right Sector”) elements have decamped to Hong Kong, networking with the so-called “Pro-Democracy” forces and working on behalf of EU NGOs. The Ukrainian Nazi influence has taken hold in Hong Kong: ” . . . . The interest has been mutual, with Hong Kong’s ‘democrats’ drawing inspiration from Ukraine’s pro-Western Euromaidan ‘revolution’ that has empowered far-right, fascistic forces. Hong Kong protesters have embraced the slogan ‘Glory to Hong Kong’, adapted from ‘Slava Ukrayini’ or ‘Glory to Ukraine’, a slogan invented by Ukrainian fascists and used by Nazi collaborators during WWII that was re-popularized by the Euromaidan movement. . . . ” Azov appears to have influence in Brazil, as well, allegedly having recruited fighters from that country: ” . . . . The country’s simmering neo-Nazi movement, with its secret world of swastikas, hate propaganda and street violence, was being recruited by rightwing extremists in Ukraine to fight against pro-Russian rebels in the European country’s civil war. Ukraine’s Misanthropic Division, an extreme right group aligned with the Azov Battalion, an ultranationalist paramilitary group aligned with Kiev, was behind the recruitment drive, Mr Jardim, Brazil’s foremost neo-Nazi hunter, alleged. . . .”

FTR #1103 Fascism, 2019 World Tour, Part 13: Goose-Hopping in Hong Kong with Pepe the Frog & Azov Battalion

Posted by Dave Emory ⋅ December 17, 2019 ⋅ 2 comments
We have been highlighting the role of Ukraine as a “pivot point” for the Earth Island or World Island, and the evolution of the Intermarium concept in the application of fascist control of that unfortunate country. 

Stretching from the Straits of Gibraltar, all across Europe, most of the Middle East, Eurasia, Russia, China and India, that stretch of land: comprises most of the world’s land mass; contains most of the world’s population and most of the world’s natural resources (including oil and natural gas.) Geopoliticians have long seen controlling that land mass as the key to world domination.

Key to analyzing the realization of control of the Ukrainian “pivot point” is the OUN milieu and its manifestation through the better part of the last century. 

On our Fascism: 2019 World Tour, we have covered the destabilization of China and Hong Kong, as well as the operations of the Ukrainian Nazi Azov milieu. Now, there has been something of a convergence.

Augmenting the right-wing and fascist presence in Hong Kong are veterans of the Azov Battalion and Pravy Sektor. ” . . . . The latest collection of extreme-right activists to reinforce the ranks of the Hong Kong separatists are from Ukraine. They call themselves Gonor and have tattoos on their upper torsos with undeniable symbols of white supremacy and neo-Nazism. These extremists previously fought in a notoriously brutal neo-Nazi militia called the Azov Battalion, in Ukraine’s war against pro-Russian militants. . . .”

The Gonor contingent includes a former leader of Pravy Sektor (Right Sector). ” . . . . Journalist Morgan Artyukhina identified another member of the far-right Ukrainian contingent in Hong Kong as Serhii Sternenko. Artyukhina noted that Sternenko is a former leader of the Ukrainian fascist group Right Sector, which burned down a trade union building in Odessa during the 2014 coup, killing 42 people. . . .”

Of particular significance is the fact that the Ukrainian fascists are in Hong Kong under the auspices of an EU-financed NGO. ” . . . . The Free Hong Kong Center is a project of an NGO called the Liberal Democratic League of Ukraine. In addition to building links with anti-Beijing forces in Hong Kong, the project says its mission is to ‘counter Chinese threats to Ukraine.’ The Liberal Democratic League of Ukraine is a pro-European Union advocacy organization which is a member of the European Liberal Youth and the International Federation of Liberal Youth, both of which are funded by the EU. . . .”

Key points of discussion and analysis include:

1.–The Azov and Pravy Sektor veterans call themselves Gonor and the NGO that facilitated their entry into Hong Kong whitewashed the Nazi/fascist nature of the group.

2.–Members of the group sported a variety of Nazi and fascist tattoos, including the “Victory or Valhalla” slogan that was the title of a book by David Lane. Lane drove the getaway car for the murder of talk-show host Alan Berg and minted the 14 Words—emblematic for the international Nazi movement. Svoboda’s C14 militia takes its name from the 14 words.  ” . . . . Several photos show that at least two of the Ukrainian fascists in Hong Kong have tattoos reading “Victory or Valhalla,” the title of a compilation of writings by the notorious American white supremacist David Lane, whose neo-fascist terrorist group The Order murdered a liberal Jewish radio host and planned more assassinations of left-wing Jews. Lane, who was convicted to 190 years in a US prison for numerous crimes, created the most famous white supremacist slogan, known as the 14 Words — which inspired the name of another Ukrainian neo-Nazi group called C14. . . .”

3.–Gonor has embraced the slogan “Stand with Hong Kong.” ” . . . .  Stand With Hong Kong is also the name of a Western-backed organization that has been lobbying the governments of the US, Britain, Germany, Canada, and Australia to impose sanctions and take punitive action against China. . . .”

4.–Gonor’s Telegram channel has highlighted acts of violence by the “pro-Democracy” demonstrators. ” . . . . Gonor’s Telegram channel offers members a front row seat to an orgy of violence. It has published dozens of videos of Hong Kong insurgents, heroizing them for shooting arrows and carrying out brutal attacks on state security forces. . . .”

5.–The NGO—The Free Hong Kong Center (a subsidiary of the Liberal Democratic League of Ukraine) also whitewashed the Nazi character of the Azov Battalion.

6.–The Ukrainian Nazis had obtained press passes for their presence in Hong Kong.

7.–The Ukrainian Nazis were emphatic about their presence in Hong Kong being an extension of the Maidan coup.

8.–The presence of the Ukrainian fascists in Hong Kong appears to be an extension of American and EU Earth Island geo-political activism.

9.–Are the Azov and Pravy Sektor veterans in Hong Kong to provide a violent, military presence as part of the Hong Kong destabilization effort? Are we witnessing a “Hong Kong” Maidan?

In FTR #1089, we noted the presence of Pepe the Frog as an iconic presence in the Hong Kong turmoil. 

Steve Bannon–one of the luminaries of the “Alt-Right,” and a former key Trump aide is centrally involved in the anti-China effort. This suggests that the presence of Pepe the Frog’s image in Hong Kong might have something to do with the “Alt-Right” after all.

As discussed in–among other programs–FTR #‘s 946 and 1077, Bannon was at the epicenter of the Cambridge Analytica cyber-psy-op during the 2016 election. One of the principal operators of Cambridge Analytica was Christopher Wylie. 

We wonder if the techniques used by Bannon, Wylie, Cambridge Analytica, SCL et al might have been used in Hong Kong? The the laissez-faire economy of Hong Kong has seen a 300 percent increase in rents while income has stagnated, thus impoverishing 20% of Hong Kong’s population. Many young people in Hong Kong might well be vulnerable to the type of social media psy-op that Cambridge Analytica specialized in.

Was such a technique employed to help generate the unrest in Hong Kong?

In our next program, we will review the rebirth of Cambridge Analytica, with a Hong Kong-based financier and business partner of Erik Prince (of Blackwater fame and the brother of Trump Secretary of Education Betsy DeVos) on the board of directors.

Cambridge Analytica is rebranding under a new company, Emerdata. Intriguingly, Cambridge Analytica’s transformation into Emerdata is noteworthy because  the firm’s directors include Johnson Ko Chun Shun, a Hong Kong financier and business partner of Erik Prince: ” . . . . But the company’s announcement left several questions unanswered, including who would retain the company’s intellectual property — the so-called psychographic voter profiles built in part with data from Facebook — and whether Cambridge Analytica’s data-mining business would return under new auspices. . . . In recent months, executives at Cambridge Analytica and SCL Group, along with the Mercer family, have moved to created a new firm, Emerdata, based in Britain, according to British records. The new company’s directors include Johnson Ko Chun Shun, a Hong Kong financier and business partner of Erik Prince. . . . An executive and a part owner of SCL Group, Nigel Oakes, has publicly described Emerdata as a way of rolling up the two companies under one new banner. . . . ”

The program concludes with discussion of WikiLeaks’ links to Chinese and Tibetan dissident activists and speculation about the CIA’s Edward Snowden’s activities in Hong Kong–the first stop on his international odyssey. In Hong Kong, he networked with WikiLeaks, who then facilitated his decampment to Moscow. That trip was the opening gambit in the New Cold War.

In our next program, we will further discuss China’s role as an international leader in Green technology and the implications of this for the Lithium Coup in Bolivia.

FTR #1097 Fascism: 2019 World Tour, Part 7 (Azov on Our Mind, Part 3)

Posted by Dave Emory ⋅ November 12, 2019 ⋅ 2 comments
This program continues analysis of the Azov milieu’s networking with fascist indidviduals and organizations at an individual level, at an organizational level and online.

Embracing “lone wolf” fascists around the world, as well as networking with fascist organizations and combatants who have joined the war in Ukraine’s Eastern provinces, Azov is recapitulating the “Intermarium” concept, minted by Polish head of state Josef Pilsudski in the period between the World Wars. Working with Croatians aligned with the “Neo-Ustachi’ milieu we have covered in many past programs, Azov is seeking to develop a nascent Eastern and Central European alliance of fascist and reactionary elements.

Of particular interest is the significance of the Ukrainian and Croatian fascist alliance, which will be explored at greater length in future programs.

Other programs highlighting the return of the Ustachi to power in the “new” Croatia include: FTR #‘s 49, 154, 766, 901.

Next, we note that The FBI arrested a US Army soldier for planning domestic terror attacks. Jarrett William Smith–charged with one count of distributing information related to explosives and weapons of mass destruction.

Smith has been in contact with the Azov Battalion. As early as 2016, he talked about traveling to Ukraine to join Azov. He joined the US military instead in June of 2017. After joining the military, Smith used Facebook to connect with another American who had traveled to Ukraine in 2017 to 2019 to fight with a group similar to Azov, which appears to be Pravy Sektor. This American reportedly acted as Smith’s mentor.

Using the encrypted messaging app Telegram, Smith discussed with an undercover FBI agent his plans for a car bomb attack against an unnamed major cable news network’s headquarters and distributed bomb-making materials. He also talked about attacks against members of antifa and interested in finding like-minded individuals to help him.

Looking ahead to other articles below, we note that: “. . . . Earlier this month, former FBI agent Ali Soufan, who runs the global security firm the Soufan Center, testified that 17,000 foreigners, including from the U.S. have traveled to Ukraine in recent years to gain paramilitary skills there. They fought alongside far-right groups like Azov and were returning home with those new skills. . . .”

Updating the story of Jarrett William Smith, we note:

1.–Smith’s apparent mentor is Craig Lang, another US Army vet.

2.–Craig Lang joined Right Sector, and then the Georgian National Legion in the Ukrainian civil war.

3.–Lang, along with fellow Army vet Alex Zwiefelhofer, is accused of robbing and killing the couple in an effort to get money to travel to Venezuela to “participate in an armed conflict against the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela.”

4.–After leaving Right Sector he joined the Georgian National Legion, which is also fighting in Ukraine.

5.–In previous programs, we have highlighted the apparent role of Georgian snipers in the Maidan provocation, the temporary role of former Georgian president Saakashvili as governor of Odessa, as well as UNA-UNSO combat activity in Georgia’s war with Russia. (UNA-UNSO is a branch of the UNA.)

6.–Zwiefelhofer also fought with Right Sector.

7.–The article below states that Lang and Smith were in contact in 2016, which is a year before Smith joined the US Army.

8.–The previous Vice article stated that the FBI said Smith got into contact with Lang after he joined the US Army in June of 2017.

9.–According to a June 23, 2016, conversation between Smith and Lang, Smith wrote, “No former military experience, but if I cannot find a slot in Ukraine by October I’ll be going into the Army … To fight is what I want to do. I’m willing to listen, learn, and train. But to work on firearms is fine by me too.”

10.–Lang responded, “Alright, I’ll forward you over to the guy that screens people he’ll most likely add you soon.  ...Also as a pre-warning if you come to this unit and the government comes to shut down the unit you will be asked to fight. You may also be asked to kill certain people who become on the bad graces of certain groups.”

11.–It appears that Lang was prepping Smith both to fight against the Ukrainian government, if necessary and to be prepared to commit assassinations.

12.–Given everything we know about this case at this point, it appears that Right Sector was sending a potential recruit into the US Army to learn the kinds of skills that would be useful for neo-Nazi terror campaigns and that recruit was arrested for disseminating those skills and planning exactly that kind of terror campaign.

Against the background of 17,000 foreign fighters gaining paramilitary experience in Ukraine, a Vice piece from July notes that Ukraine really is becoming a nexus for the international far right. That is precisely what the Azov Battalion has been working on doing.

In that context we note that:

1.–Foreign fighters have taken the combat skills honed in Ukraine’s war to other European nations. ” . . . . Researchers warn that Ukraine is radicalizing far-right foreign fighters in the same way Syria has with jihadis — albeit on a smaller scale — creating a global network of combat-tested extremists who pose a security threat that is now beginning to manifest itself. . . .”

2.– ” . . . . [Kacper] Rekawek said Ukraine fulfilled the need, expressed by many ideologues on the extreme right, for a ‘safe space’ for Nazis outside the West, where they could network and organize beyond the prying eyes of domestic security services. . . .”

3.–Russian fascists have fought on both sides of the conflict–a harbinger of possible fascist subversion of Putin should they gain the upper hand in Russia after their return.

4.–” . . . . Swedish neo-Nazis who joined on the Ukrainian side saw it as essentially ‘the continuation of the Second World War on the eastern front. You are white Europe and you’re fighting Asia, in the form of Russia.’ . . . .”

5.–” . . . . Joachim Furholm, a Norwegian neo-Nazi and recruiter for Azov said their efforts would also help white nationalist forces in the one country where he believed they had the best shot of coming to power. . . .‘It’s like a Petri dish for fascism… and they do have serious intentions of helping the rest of Europe in retaking our rightful lands,’ he said. . . .”

We conclude by noting that House Democrats are lobbying that the Azov Battalion be labeled a Foreign Terror Organizaation. This would facilitate attempts to neutralize combatants who had served with Azov upon their return to this country.

Good luck with that!
FTR #1096 Fascism: 2019 World Tour, Part 6 (Azov on Our Mind, Part 2)

Posted by Dave Emory ⋅ November 12, 2019 ⋅ One comment

We have covered the origin, activities and expansion of the Ukrainian Nazi Azov Battalion in numerous programs. Part of the Ukrainain armed forces, this Nazi unit:

1.–Has spawned a civil militia which achieved police powers in many Ukrainian cities. “. . . . But Ukraine observers and rights groups are sounding the alarm, because this was not a typical commencement, and the men are not police officers. They are far-right ultranationalists from the Azov movement, a controversial group with a military wing that has openly accepted self-avowed neo-Nazis, and a civil and political faction that has demonstrated intolerance toward minority groups. . . .”

2.–Has as its spokesman Roman Zvarych. In the 1980’s, Zvarych was the personal secretary to Jaroslav Stetzko, the wartime head of the Nazi collaborationist government in Ukraine. Stetzko implemented Nazi ethnic cleansing in Ukraine during World War II.

3.–Wields influence with in the Ministry of the Interior through Vadim Troyan, the former deputy commander of Azov who is now deputy minister of the interior. ” . . . . The deputy minister of the Interior—which controls the National Police—is Vadim Troyan, a veteran of Azov and Patriot of Ukraine. . . .  Today, he’s deputy of the department running US-trained law enforcement in the entire nation. Earlier this month, RFE reported on National Police leadership admiring Stepan Bandera—a Nazi collaborator and Fascist whose troops participated in the Holocaust—on social media. The fact that Ukraine’s police is peppered with far-right supporters explains why neo-Nazis operate with impunity on the streets. . . .”

4.–Gets arms and training from the U.S., despite official restrictions on such activity. ” . . . . The research group Bellingcat proved that Azov had already received access to American grenade launchers, while a Daily Beast investigation showed that US trainers are unable to prevent aid from reaching white supremacists. And Azov itself had proudly posted a video of the unit welcoming NATO representatives. . . .”

5.–Is fulfilling their strategy of networking with Nazi and fascist elements abroad, including the U.S. ” . . . . FBI Special Agent Scott Bierwirth, in the criminal complaint unsealed Wednesday, noted that Right Brand Clothing’s Instagram page contained a photo of RAM members meeting with Olena Semenyaka, a leading figure within the fascist, neo-Nazi scene in Eastern Europe. In Ukraine, Semenyaka is an important voice within the Militant Zone and National Corps organizations and the Pan-European Reconquista movement, all of which have ties to the notorious Azov Battalion. Bierwirth said Azov Battalion, now a piece of the Ukrainian National Guard, is known for neo-Nazi symbolism and ideology and has participated in training and radicalizing U.S.-based white supremacist organizations. . . . .”

6.–Is networking with members of a group called RAM, some of whom were arrested by the FBI upon their return from Europe. violence.

7.–Is utilizing Ukraine’s visa-free status with the EU to network with other European fascist groups. ” . . . . ‘Their English has gotten better,’ Hrytsenko said, referring to Azov members behind the group’s Western outreach. . . . . Another thing that has helped, Hrytsenko noted, is that Ukraine’s break from Russia and move toward the European Union has allowed Ukrainians visa-free travel, making Azov’s outreach easier logistically. . . . .”

8.–Is looking to connect with more “respectable” European right-wing groups than they have in the past, this as a possible vehicle for Ukraine’s entry into the EU. ” . . . . Skillt, the Swedish national who fought as a sniper in the Azov Battalion, is one of them [critics]. ‘I don’t mind [Azov] reaching out, but the ones they reach out to… Jesus,’ he told RFE/RL, in an allusion to RAM. He added that he had recently distanced himself from Azov because of that association and others with far-right groups in Europe. Skillt, who runs a private intelligence agency in Kyiv and said his clients ‘really don’t enjoy bad company,’ argued that the group has made a mistake by not reaching out more to right-wing conservatives who could help with ‘influential contacts in Europe [so] you don’t get branded a neo-Nazi.’ But Semenyaka described praise of Azov from foreign ultranationalist groups who are increasingly welcoming it as evidence that the organization is taking the right path. And she said it isn’t about to let up. Next, she said, Azov hopes to win over larger, more mainstream far-right and populist Western political forces who ‘can be our potential sympathizers.’ ‘If crises like Brexit and the refugee problem continue, in this case, partnerships with nationalist groups in Europe can be a kind of platform for our entry into the European Union.’ . . . ”

9.–Was awarded the job of election monitoring by the Ukrainian government in their recent elections. ” . . . . They are the ultranationalist National Militia, street vigilantes with roots in the battle-tested Azov Battalion that emerged to defend Ukraine against Russia-backed separatists but was also accused of possible war crimes and neo-Nazi sympathies. Yet despite the controversy surrounding it, the National Militia was granted permission by the Central Election Commission to officially monitor Ukraine’s presidential election on March 31. . . .”

In this program, we note the operations and positioning of the Azov milieu both in Ukraine and globally.

Azov is among the fascist elements opposing Ukrainian president Volodomyr Zelensky’s efforts at brokering a piece with separatists in the ethnically Russian Eastern provinces of Ukraine. Amidst angry street demonstrations against the peace plan with the separatists, Zelensky met with some of the fascist groups, who have threatened to overthrow his government if he goes forward with the peace plan. The fascists enjoy the support of former president Petro Poroshenko.

Ukrainian Prime Minister Honcharuk and Minister of Veterans Affairs Oksana Koliaga attended an event organized by elements associated with C14 (the street militia of Svoboda) and Azov. Featuring Sokyra Pekurna–a Nazi metal band–the rally represented a further mainstreaming of the OUN/B successor organizations in Ukraine.

Further complicating the issue is the fact that the Azov Battalion has taken up positions in the town of Zolotoe, at the front of the ongoing war. They have said that they will not withdraw, a threat which, if borne out, will torpedo the peace process.

Concluding the broadcast, we “dolly [the camera] out” and begin an in-depth examination of the Azov international milieu. Embracing “lone wolf” fascists around the world, as well as networking with fascist organizations and combatants who have joined the war in Ukraine’s Eastern provinces, Azov is recapitulating the “Intermarium” concept, minted by Polish head of state Josef Pilsudski in the period between the World Wars. Working with Croatians aligned with the “Neo-Ustachi’ milieu we have covered in many past programs, Azov is seeking to develop a nascent Eastern and Central European alliance of fascist and reactionary elements.

Of particular interest is the significance of the Ukrainian and Croatian fascist alliance, which will be explored at greater length in future programs.  Other programs highlighting the return of the Ustachi to power in the “new” Croatia include: FTR #‘s 49, 154, 766, 901.

FTR #1073 Azov on Our Mind: Ukrainian Fascism Extends Its Tentacles (Return of the Prodigal “Black Sun”)

Posted by Dave Emory ⋅ June 4, 2019 ⋅ 13 comments

We have covered the origin, activities and expansion of the Ukrainian Nazi Azov Battalion in numerous programs. Part of the Ukrainain armed forces, this Nazi unit:

1.-Has spawned a civil militia which achieved police powers in many Ukrainian cities. “. . . . But Ukraine observers and rights groups are sounding the alarm, because this was not a typical commencement, and the men are not police officers. They are far-right ultranationalists from the Azov movement, a controversial group with a military wing that has openly accepted self-avowed neo-Nazis, and a civil and political faction that has demonstrated intolerance toward minority groups. . . .”

2.–Has as its spokesman Roman Zvarych. In the 1980’s, Zvarych was the personal secretary to Jaroslav Stetzko, the wartime head of the Nazi collaborationist government in Ukraine. Stetzko implemented Nazi ethnic cleansing in Ukraine during World War II.

3.–Wields influence with in the Ministry of the Interior through Vadim Troyan, the former deputy commander of Azov who is now deputy minister of the interior. ” . . . . The deputy minister of the Interior—which controls the National Police—is Vadim Troyan, a veteran of Azov and Patriot of Ukraine. . . .  Today, he’s deputy of the department running US-trained law enforcement in the entire nation. Earlier this month, RFE reported on National Police leadership admiring Stepan Bandera—a Nazi collaborator and Fascist whose troops participated in the Holocaust—on social media. The fact that Ukraine’s police is peppered with far-right supporters explains why neo-Nazis operate with impunity on the streets. . . .”

4.–Gets arms and training from the U.S., despite official restrictions on such activity. ” . . . . The research group Bellingcat proved that Azov had already received access to American grenade launchers, while a Daily Beast investigation showed that US trainers are unable to prevent aid from reaching white supremacists. And Azov itself had proudly posted a video of the unit welcoming NATO representatives. . . .”

5.–Is fulfilling their strategy of networking with Nazi and fascist elements abroad, including the U.S. ” . . . . FBI Special Agent Scott Bierwirth, in the criminal complaint unsealed Wednesday, noted that Right Brand Clothing’s Instagram page contained a photo of RAM members meeting with Olena Semenyaka, a leading figure within the fascist, neo-Nazi scene in Eastern Europe. In Ukraine, Semenyaka is an important voice within the Militant Zone and National Corps organizations and the Pan-European Reconquista movement, all of which have ties to the notorious Azov Battalion. Bierwirth said Azov Battalion, now a piece of the Ukrainian National Guard, is known for neo-Nazi symbolism and ideology and has participated in training and radicalizing U.S.-based white supremacist organizations. . . . .”

6.–Is networking with members of a group called RAM, some of whom were arrested by the FBI upon their return from Europe. violence.

7.–Is utilizing Ukraine’s visa-free status with the EU to network with other European fascist groups. ” . . . . ‘Their English has gotten better,’ Hrytsenko said, referring to Azov members behind the group’s Western outreach. . . . . Another thing that has helped, Hrytsenko noted, is that Ukraine’s break from Russia and move toward the European Union has allowed Ukrainians visa-free travel, making Azov’s outreach easier logistically. . . . .”

8.–Is looking to connect with more “respectable” European right-wing groups than they have in the past, this as a possible vehicle for Ukraine’s entry into the EU. ” . . . . Skillt, the Swedish national who fought as a sniper in the Azov Battalion, is one of them [critics]. ‘I don’t mind [Azov] reaching out, but the ones they reach out to… Jesus,’ he told RFE/RL, in an allusion to RAM. He added that he had recently distanced himself from Azov because of that association and others with far-right groups in Europe. Skillt, who runs a private intelligence agency in Kyiv and said his clients ‘really don’t enjoy bad company,’ argued that the group has made a mistake by not reaching out more to right-wing conservatives who could help with ‘influential contacts in Europe [so] you don’t get branded a neo-Nazi.’ But Semenyaka described praise of Azov from foreign ultranationalist groups who are increasingly welcoming it as evidence that the organization is taking the right path. And she said it isn’t about to let up. Next, she said, Azov hopes to win over larger, more mainstream far-right and populist Western political forces who ‘can be our potential sympathizers.’ ‘If crises like Brexit and the refugee problem continue, in this case, partnerships with nationalist groups in Europe can be a kind of platform for our entry into the European Union.’ . . . ”

9.–Was awarded the job of election monitoring by the Ukrainian government in their recent elections. ” . . . . They are the ultranationalist National Militia, street vigilantes with roots in the battle-tested Azov Battalion that emerged to defend Ukraine against Russia-backed separatists but was also accused of possible war crimes and neo-Nazi sympathies. Yet despite the controversy surrounding it, the National Militia was granted permission by the Central Election Commission to officially monitor Ukraine’s presidential election on March 31. . . .”

Supplementing discussion about the Azov milieu networking with foreign fascists, we note that alleged Christ Church, New Zealand, shooter Brent Tarrant had apparently networked with Azov during a visit to Ukraine:

1.–Brent Tarrant, allege Christchurch, New Zealand, Mosque shooter, had apparently visited Ukraine. ” . . . . His manifesto alludes to visits to Poland, Ukraine, Iceland and Argentina as well. . . .”

2.–Tarrant may have been a beneficiary of the aforementioned visa-free travel that EU association has for Ukraine. “. . . . Three quarters of them say the country is headed in the wrong direction, despite the fact that Ukraine has moved closer to Europe (it now has visa-free travel to the EU, for instance)... .”

3.–Even “The New York Times” noted the possible contact between Azov and Tarrant. “. . . . The Ukrainian far right also appears to have ties in other countries. Australian Brenton Tarrant, accused of slaughtering 50 people at two mosques in the city of Christchurch in New Zealand, mentioned a visit to Ukraine in his manifesto, and some reports alleged that he had contacts with the ultra-right. The Soufan Center, a research group specializing on security, has recently alleged possible links between Tarrant and the Azov Battalion. . . .”

4.–A private intelligence group–the Soufan Center–has linked Tarrant to the Azov Battalion. ” . . . . .In the wake of the New Zealand mosque attacks, links have emerged between the shooter, Brent Tarrant, and a Ukrainian ultra-nationalist, white supremacist paramilitary organization called the Azov Battalion. Tarrant’s manifesto alleges that he visited the country during his many travels abroad, and the flak jacket that Tarrant wore during the assault featured a symbol commonly used by the Azov Battalion. . . .”

Concluding with a piece of grotesque, unintentional comedy, “The New York Times” cited the fact that Mr. Zelensky, the new Ukrainian president, is a non-practicing Jew as proof that Russian statements about Ukraine being dominated by Nazis and anti-Semites is nothing but propaganda. The fact that the Azov’s Nationa Corps militia served as election monitors was not mentioned. ” . . . . the near total silence on his Jewish background has demolished a favorite trope of Russian propaganda — that Ukraine is awash with neo-Nazis intent on creating a Slavic version of the Third Reich. . . .”

FTR #982 Manafort and the Snipers: The Azov Battalion and the “Russia-Gate” Psy-Op
Posted by Dave Emory ⋅ November 1, 2017 ⋅ 15 comments
Continuing and deepening analysis of the profound Ukrainian fascist connection to the “Russia-Gate” disinformation inundating the American political and journalistic landscapes, this program highlights circumstances surrounding the sniper shootings  at the Maidan demonstrations.

Those sniper shootings were the key circumstance generating international outrage against the Yanukovich regime and precipitating the rise of the OUN/B Ukrainain fascist successor organizations. Recorded the day after former Yanukovuch adviser and Trump campaign manager Paul Manafort was indicted by [VERY] special prosecutor Robert Mueller, this program supplements discussion from FTR #981.

Distilling information concerning the sniper attacks, we review the possibility that Manafort might have played an advisory role in the sniper shootings, that the shootings might have been a provocation and examine the role of the Nazi Azov battalion and its proponents and component figures in connection with the Maidan shootings and the “Russia-Gate” propaganda.  

We wonder if recent attacks in Ukraine might be elements of a “sanitization” operation, aimed at eliminating participants in the Maidan shootings (provocation?), while blaming the violence (of course) on Russia.

Major considerations in the Azov Battalion/Maidan sniper/Manafort imbroglio include:

1.-Alleged “Russian agent” Paul Manafort–identified in FTR #919 as a probable “advance man” for regimes targeted for destabilization–may well have been the person who recommended to his “client” Yanukovich to fire on the Maidan demonstrators. It was that gunfire that signalled the end of Yanukovich’s government. This reinforces Mr. Emory’s take on Manafort. ” . . . . The lawyer’s demands for explanation spring from the hacking earlier this year of the iPhone of Mr Manafort’s daughter, [since confirmed as genuine, at least in part–D.E.] Andrea, with around 300,000 messages published in the dark web. One of the texts sent to her sister Jessica said: ‘Don’t fool yourself. That money we have is blood money.’ It continued ‘You know he has killed people in Ukraine? Knowingly, as a tactic to outrage the world and get focus on Ukraine. Remember when there were all those deaths taking place. A while back. About a year ago. Revolts and what not. Do you know whose strategy that was to cause that, to send those people get them slaughtered.’ . . . .”

2.-Reinforcing the hypothesis that the Maidan shootings were a provocation is the disclosure by Ukraine’s chief prosecutor that the rifles allegedly used to fire on the Maidan demonstrators were recovered by an alleged Yanukovich operative and leader of the snipers who was one of the demonstrators on the Maidan! “ . . . Ukraine’s Prosecutor General Yuriy Lutsenko says that the man who helped the so-called “black hundred” of police task force Berkut, who had been shooting at protesters during the Revolution of Dignity, flee Kyiv and deliberately drowned their weapons to conceal evidence, was himself one of the participants of the Maidan protests. ‘With the help of military counterintelligence, we have found weapons of the ‘black hundred,’ including a sniper rifle, which the entire country saw on footage showing the shooting at the protesters from outside the October Palace,” he told the 112 Ukraine TV channel. . . . ‘We found it with a large number of automatic rifles on the bottom of one of Kiev’s lakes. They were cut and drowned in one batch by a single group, whose leader is one of the targets of our investigation. Unfortunately, this man who, according to our version, upon the orders of [former Interior Minister Vitaliy] Zakharchenko helped the ‘black hundred’ flee Kyiv, destroyed and drowned their weapons, he, himself, was with us on the Maidan,’ Lutsenko said. . . . ”

3.-The journalistic viewpoint on a Ukrainian hacker allegedly used by “Russian hackers” against the U.S. comes from  Anton Gerashchenko, part of the same milieu as Pravy Sektor, Azov, etc. Gerashchenko is, in fact, an apologist for Azov, as discussed in FTR #‘s 803, 804, 808, 818:  ” . . . . Security experts were initially left scratching their heads when the Department of Homeland Security on Dec. 29 released technical evidence of Russian hacking that seemed to point not to Russia, but rather to Ukraine. . . A member of Ukraine’s Parliament with close ties to the security services, Anton Gerashchenko, said that the interaction was online or by phone and that the Ukrainian programmer had been paid to write customized malware without knowing its purpose, only later learning it was used in Russian hacking. . . . It is not clear whether the specific malware the programmer created was used to hack the D.N.C. servers. . . .”

4.-Exemplifying the Ukrainian fascists at the epicenter of “Russia-Gate” are a group of Ukrainian hackers, working in tandem with fascist politicians like the aforementioned Anton Gerashchenko. (This is discussed in FTR #981.) The hacker/Ukrainian fascist link spawned the “PropOrNot” list of “Russian/Kremlin/Putin” dupes in the U.S. media: This list was compiled by the Ukrainian intelligence service, interior ministry and–ahem–hackers: “. . . . One of the more frightening policies enacted by the current oligarch-nationalist regime in Kiev is an online blacklist [42] of journalists accused of collaborating with pro-Russian ‘terrorists.’ [43]  The website, ‘Myrotvorets’ [43] or ‘Peacemaker’—was set up by Ukrainian hackers working with state intelligence and police, all of which tend to share the same ultranationalist ideologies as Parubiy and the newly-appointed neo-Nazi chief of the National Police. . . . The website is designed to frighten and muzzle journalists from reporting anything but the pro-nationalist party line, and it has the backing of government officials, spies and police—including the SBU (Ukraine’s successor to the KGB), the powerful Interior Minister Avakov and his notorious far-right deputy, Anton Geraschenko. Ukraine’s journalist blacklist website—operated by Ukrainian hackers working with state intelligence—led to a rash of death threats against the doxxed journalists, whose email addresses, phone numbers and other private information was posted anonymously to the website. . . .”

5.-Anton Geraschenko is also a primary associate and defender of the Azov Battalion and the Nazi Social National Assembly that helped spawn it and overlaps its operations: ” . . . . The Azov Battalion was formed and armed by Ukraine’s interior ministry. A ministerial adviser, Anton Gerashchenko [who is networking with Ukrainian hackers looming large in the “Russia-Gate” investigation–D.E.], got angry when I asked him if the battalion had any neo-Nazi links through the Social National Assembly. ‘The Social National Assembly is not a neo-Nazi organisation,’ he said. ‘It is a party of Ukrainian patriots who are giving their lives while the rich Europeans are only talking about supporting Ukraine. When, may I ask, will English people come here and help us fight terrorists sent by Russia’s President [Vladimir] Putin, instead of lecturing us on our moral values or people’s political affiliations?’ Mr Gerashchenko was adamant, however, that there were no foreign citizens fighting in the Azov Battalion. ‘There are foreign journalists, from Sweden, Spain and Italy, who have come to report on the heroic achievements of the fighters in their struggle against terrorism,’ he said. . . .”

6.-Mikael Skillt (whom we discussed in FTR #803), alleges that he spoke to two aparent members of the unit contained at two snipers, some of whom were present during the Maidan protests and appeared to have fired at Ukrainian police units. This reinforces the view that the violence that led to the ouster of Yanukovych was the outgrowth of a provocation. Note that the Azov’s number two man–Ihor Mosiychuk–was sentenced to prison for a planned bombing in January 2014. His supporters demonstrated on his behalf on the Maidan, helping to create the turmoil that led to Yanukovich’s overthrow. Might this have been part of the same gambit as the Maidan sniper attacks? ” . . . . He [Swedish army sniper Mikael Skillt] admits, however, to having spoken to at least two snipers, who, during the Maidan protests had shot at police from the Trade Union House in Kiev — at the time, the headquarters of the protestors. ‘Their mission was to take out Berkut’s snipers,’ explained Skillt.[7] The deadly shots from the Maidan, which in Western propaganda had been used to legitimize the overthrow of President Viktor Yanukovych, have never been investigated by the putsch regime, and Berlin has never applied pressure for an investigation. . . . [On] January 10, 2014, Mosiychuk and two other fascists had been found guilty and sentenced to several years in prison for a planned August 2011 bombing attack. On the evening of January 10, ultra-right-wingers staged demonstrations protesting the sentence. The demonstrations degenerated into violent confrontations with the police. These confrontations, in turn, were then used by Berlin, Brussels and Washington to accuse Yanukovych of excessive use of force on the ‘movement fighting for democracy.”

7.-The assassination of a Chechyan sniper fighting in Ukraine suggests the possibility that the Maidan sniper dynamic may be in the process of being sanitized, after Mr. Manafort’s indictment, yesterday. Are the assassination of Ukrainian sniper Amina Okuyeva and the bombing attack on Ihor Mosiychuk linked? (Mosiychuk was Azov’s second in command, for whom Okuyeve worked as an advisor.) Was a previous alleged attempt on the live of Okuyeva and her husband by an assassin pretending to be a “foreign journalist” linked? Might the “foreign journalist” have been connected to the Azov Battalion? ” . . . . A Ukrainian veteran sniper was killed, and her husband, who allegedly tried to assassinate Russian President Vladimir Putin, was wounded in a shooting on Monday near Kyiv. . . . Amina Okuyeva and Adam Osmayev were riding in a car past a railroad crossing in the village of Hlevakha when their vehicle came under heavy fire from someone in the bushes on the side of the road. . . . Osmayev, who was also shot in the leg, has since blamed Russia for the attack and said that it was connected to a car-bombing last week that wounded Ukrainian lawmaker Ihor Mosiychuk . . . Okuyeva had once worked for Mosiychuk as an adviser, according to Reuters. . . . This wasn’t the first assassination attempt the couple had faced. On June 1, Osmayev and Okuyeva were in a car with a man, Artur Denisultanov-Kurmakayev, masquerading as a French journalist named Alex Werner. [Was this one of the “foreign journalists” Anton Gerashchenko claimed were coming to Ukraine?–D.E.] At one point, Denisultanov-Kurmakayev asked them to pull the car over so that he could give them a gift from his editors. ‘When he opened it I spotted a Glock pistol,‘Okuyeva told RFERL after the June attack. ‘He immediately grabbed it and started shooting at Adam.’ . . . ”

Program and Written Description Highlights Include:

1.-Review of Ukraine’s lustration laws–the three-sided statute targeted corruption, enhanced “anti-Communism” and–most importantly–criminalized any critical commentary on the OUN/B and UPA’s collaboration with the Third Reich.

2.-The efforts by Ukrainian fascists of the Pravy Sektor milieu to oust Petro Poroshenko by reporting corruption to U.S. authorities.

3.-Review of the Ukrainian intelligence service’s collaboration with CIA on the Manafort investigation.

4.-The role of OUN/B devotee Valentyn Nalyvaichenko in governing the SBU (the Ukrainian intelligence service.)

5.-Review of the operational links between the Ukrainian UNO-UNSA (the latest iteration of the UPA) and anti-Russian Chechen Islamists.

6.-Review of Jaroslav Stetsko’s personal secretary–Roman Svarych–as spokesman for the Azov Battalion.


Have a happy heart and avoid cesium fallout to make sure!


Who are Some of the Rotten Eggs in the Deep State? ...Uncle Sam & the Swastika (cont)

The Third Reich & Al Queda today are historical outgrowth of multi-national corporate capitalism & the Fed/City of London interest-rate banking families: The financing & arming of Nazi Germany & Al Queda,  (story, here)

FTR #1006 Robert Mueller & the subversion of operation green quest

He is not a prosecutor at all – he is a fixer

—(read more) | (also read here for expanded in-depth coverage, with pics)—

Abstract:  From Iran-Contra related investigations into the Bank of Commerce and Credit International (BCCI/ICCI), the criminal career of Manuel Noriega and the bombing of Pan Am 103, to individuals and institutions figuring in the nascent energy ventures of George W. Bush, to the financing of Al-Qaeda, Mueller’s judicial provinces lead directly to the Russia-Gate psy-op, whose elements figure in the mosaic of the 9/11 attacks.

the progression of scandals obfuscated by Mueller include:

4. –Operation Green Quest– The investigation into the financing of Al-Qaeda, the inquest produced the raids of 3/20/2002. These raids targeted individuals and institutions overlapping both the Bank Al-Taqwa and the Islamic Free Market Institute of Grover Norquist. The Bank Al-Taqwa held an account with an unlimited line of credit for Al-Qaeda. Incorporated in Liechtenstein, Al-Taqwa was headed by a former Nazi intelligence officer named Youssef Nada. The driving force behind the Bank Al-Taqwa was Francois Genoud, the heir to the political last will and testament and collected literary works of Adolf Hitler, Martin Bormann and Joseph Goebbels. Talat Othman, the operating director of Norquist’s Islamic Free Market Institute and protege of BCCI kingpin Gaith Pharaon, interceded with then Treasury Secretary Paul O’Neill on behalf of the individuals and institutions targeted by the 3/20/2002 raids. O’Neill was fired later that year. The Operation Green Quest investigation went nowhere and then FBI director Robert Mueller did not pursue any of the above leads. (Editor's note: also see FBI's John O'Neill,  here.)

For more about Operation Green Quest, the role of Robert Mueller’s FBI in the subversion of Operation Green Quest, see FTR #’s 356, 357, 415, 433, 454, 456, 462, 464, 467, 498, 499, 513, 569, 603, (cont) 

Who Killed John O'Neill?

...& brought down twin towers

(riveting, one-man dramatic movie, below)

A tour-de-force performance by Ryan Thurston explores the underside of 911 - as you have never seen it before. A connect-the-dots on big money, power and influence ...no building physics, ...no complicated facts.

Robert Mueller & the WTC/911 Commission Cover-up, (here)

FTR #1007 Alfa Males, Part 4: 9/11: Underground Reich & the Russia-Gate Psy-Op, (here)

FTR #1103 Fascism, 2019 World Tour, Part 13: Goose-Hopping in Hong Kong with Pepe the Frog & Azov Battalion

Posted by Dave Emory ⋅ December 17, 2019 

We have been highlighting the role of Ukraine as a “pivot point” for the Earth Island or World Island, and evolution of the Intermarium concept in the application of fascist control of that unfortunate country. 

Stretching from the Straits of Gibraltar, all across Europe, most of the Middle East, Eurasia, Russia, China and India, that stretch of land: comprises most of the world’s land mass; contains most of the world’s population and most of the world’s natural resources (including oil and natural gas.) Geopoliticians have long seen controlling that land mass as the key to world domination.

Key to analyzing the realization of control of the Ukrainian “pivot point” is the OUN milieu and its manifestation through the better part of the last century:

The Army’s Counter Intelligence Corps (CIC) confirmed the primacy of the OUN/B within the ABN: ” . . . . CIC confirmed that by 1948 both the ‘Intermarium’ and the UPA (Ukrainian partisan command) reported to the ABN president, Yaroslav Stetsko. The UPA in turn had consolidated all the anti-Soviet partisans under its umbrella. Yaroslav Stetsko was also Secretary of OUN/B and second in command to Bandera, who had the largest remaining partisan group behind Soviet lines under his direct command. Thus, OUN/B had achieved the leadership role among the anti-Communist exiles and was ascendant by 1950 . . . .”
Contemporary Ukraine is the focal point of the reincarnated Intermarium concept. ” . . . . The most recent reincarnation of the Intermarium has taken form in Ukraine, especially among the Ukrainian far right, which has re-appropriated the concept by capitalizing on the solid ideological and personal continuity between actors of the Ukrainian far right in the interwar and Cold War periods and their heirs today. . . .”
The continuity of the Intermarium concept as manifested in contemporary Ukraine is epitomized by the role of Yaroslava Stetsko (Yaroslav’s widow and successor as a decisive ABN and OUN leader). Note the networking between her Congress of Ukrainian Nationalists and Svoboda. “. . . . This continuity is exemplified by the wife of long-time ABN leader Yaroslav Stetsko, Yaroslava Stetsko (1920–2003), a prominent figure in the Ukrainian post-Second World War émigré community who became directly involved in post-Soviet Ukrainian politics. Having joined the OUN at the age of 18, she became an indispensable supporter of the ABN after the war . . . . In July 1991, she returned to Ukraine, and in the following year formed the Congress of Ukrainian Nationalists (CUN), a new political party established on the basis of the OUN, presiding over both.[129] Although the CUN never achieved high election results, it cooperated with the Social-National Party of Ukraine (SNPU), which later changed its name to Svoboda, the far-right Ukrainian party that continues to exist. . . .”
Yaroslava Stetsko’s CUN was co-founded by her husband’s former secretary in the 1980s, Roman Svarych. Minister of Justice in the Viktor Yuschenko government (as well as both Timoshenko governments), Svarych became the spokesman and a major recruiter for the Azov Battalion. ” . . . . The co-founder of the CUN and formerly Yaroslav Stetsko’s private secretary, the U.S.-born Roman Zvarych (1953), represents a younger generation of the Ukrainian émigré community active during the Cold War and a direct link from the ABN to the Azov Battalion. . . . Zvarych participated in the activities of the Anti-Bolshevik Bloc of Nations in the 1980s. . . . In February 2005, after Viktor Yushchenko’s election, Zvarych was appointed Minister of Justice. . . . According to Andriy Biletsky, the first commander of the Azov battalion, a civil paramilitary unit created in the wake of the Euromaidan, Zvarych was head of the headquarters of the Azov Central Committee in 2015 and supported the Azov battalion with ‘volunteers’ and political advice through his Zvarych Foundation. . . .”
The “Intermarium Continuity” is inextricable with the historical revisionism about the roles of the OUN and UPA in World War II. That revisionism is institionalized in the Institute of National Remembrance. ” . . . .The reintroduction of the Intermarium notion in Ukraine is closely connected to the broad rehabilitation of the OUN and UPA, as well as of their main hero, Stepan Bandera. . . . During his presidency (2005–2010), and particularly through the creation of the Institute for National Remembrance,  Viktor Yushchenko built the image of Bandera as a simple Ukrainian nationalist fighting for his country’s independence . . . .”
As discussed in numerous programs, another key element in the “Intermarium Continuity” is Kateryna Chumachenko, an OUN operative who served in the State Department and Ronald Reagan’s administration. She married Viktor Yuschenko. ” . . . . It is not unlikely Yushchenko’s readiness during his presidency (2005–2010) to open up to right-wing tendencies of the Ukrainian exile leads back to his wife, who had connections to the ABN. Kateryna Chumachenko [Yushchenko], born 1961 in Chicago, was socialised there in the Ukrainian exile youth organisation SUM (Spilka Ukrajinskoji Molodi, Ukrainian Youth Organisation) in the spirit of the OUN. Via the lobby association Ukrainian Congress Committee of America (UCCA) she obtained a post as  ‘special assistant’ in the U.S. State Department in 1986, and was from 1988 to 1989 employed by the Office of Public Liaison in the White House. . . .”
Embodying the “Intermarium Continuity” are the lustration laws, which make it a criminal offense to tell the truth about the OUN and UPA’s roles in World War II. Note Volodymyr Viatrovych’s position as minister of education. ” . . . . This rehabilitation trend accelerated after the EuroMaidan. In 2015, just before the seventieth anniversary of Victory Day, Volodymyr Viatrovych, minister of education and long-time director of the Institute for the Study of the Liberation Movement, an organization founded to promote the heroic narrative of the OUN–UPA, called on the parliament to vote for a set of four laws that codified the new, post-Maidan historiography. Two of them are particularly influential in the ongoing memory war with Russia. One decrees that OUN and UPA members are to be considered ‘fighters for Ukrainian independence in the twentieth century,’ making public denial of this unlawful. . . .”
As discussed in FTR #‘s 1096 and 1097, the Azov Battalion is in the leadership of the revival of the Intermarium concept.” . . . . In this context of rehabilitation of interwar heroes, tensions with Russia, and disillusion with Europe over its perceived lack of support against Moscow, the geopolitical concept of Intermarium could only prosper. It has found its most active promoters on the far right of the political spectrum, among the leadership of the Azov Battalion. . . .”
Azov’s Intermarium Support Group has held three networking conferences to date, bringing together key figures of what are euphemized as “nationalist” organizations. In addition to focusing on the development of what are euphemized as “nationalist” youth organizations, the conference is stressing military organization and preparedness: ” . . . . In 2016, Biletsky created the Intermarium Support Group (ISG),[152] 

introducing the concept to potential comrades-in-arms from the Baltic-Black Sea region.[153] The first day of the founding conference was reserved for lectures and discussions by senior representatives of various sympathetic organizations, the second day to ‘the leaders of youth branches of political parties and nationalist movements of the Baltic-Black Sea area.’ . . . . It also included ‘military attaches of diplomatic missions from the key countries in the region (Poland, Hungary, Romania and Lithuania). . . .”

On our Fascism: 2019 World Tour, we have covered the destabilization of China and Hong Kong, as well as the operations of the Ukrainian Nazi Azov milieu. Now, there has been something of a convergence.

Augmenting the right-wing and fascist presence in Hong Kong are veterans of the Azov Battalion and Pravy Sektor. ” . . . . The latest collection of extreme-right activists to reinforce the ranks of the Hong Kong separatists are from Ukraine. They call themselves Gonor and have tattoos on their upper torsos with undeniable symbols of white supremacy and neo-Nazism. These extremists previously fought in a notoriously brutal neo-Nazi militia called the Azov Battalion, in Ukraine’s war against pro-Russian militants. . . .”

The Gonor contingent includes a former leader of Pravy Sektor (Right Sector). ” . . . . Journalist Morgan Artyukhina identified another member of the far-right Ukrainian contingent in Hong Kong as Serhii Sternenko. Artyukhina noted that Sternenko is a former leader of the Ukrainian fascist group Right Sector, which burned down a trade union building in Odessa during the 2014 coup, killing 42 people. . . .”

Of particular significance is the fact that the Ukrainian fascists are in Hong Kong under the auspices of an EU-financed NGO. ” . . . . The Free Hong Kong Center is a project of an NGO called the Liberal Democratic League of Ukraine. In addition to building links with anti-Beijing forces in Hong Kong, the project says its mission is to ‘counter Chinese threats to Ukraine.’ The Liberal Democratic League of Ukraine is a pro-European Union advocacy organization which is a member of the European Liberal Youth and the International Federation of Liberal Youth, both of which are funded by the EU. . . .”

Key points of discussion and analysis include:

1.–The Azov and Pravy Sektor veterans call themselves Gonor and the NGO that facilitated their entry into Hong Kong whitewashed the Nazi/fascist nature of the group.

2.–Members of the group sported a variety of Nazi and fascist tattoos, including the “Victory or Valhalla” slogan that was the title of a book by David Lane. Lane drove the getaway car for the murder of talk-show host Alan Berg and minted the 14 Words—emblematic for the international Nazi movement. Svoboda’s C14 militia takes its name from the 14 words.  ” . . . . Several photos show that at least two of the Ukrainian fascists in Hong Kong have tattoos reading “Victory or Valhalla,” the title of a compilation of writings by the notorious American white supremacist David Lane, whose neo-fascist terrorist group The Order murdered a liberal Jewish radio host and planned more assassinations of left-wing Jews. Lane, who was convicted to 190 years in a US prison for numerous crimes, created the most famous white supremacist slogan, known as the 14 Words — which inspired the name of another Ukrainian neo-Nazi group called C14. . . .”

3.–Gonor has embraced the slogan “Stand with Hong Kong.” ” . . . .  Stand With Hong Kong is also the name of a Western-backed organization that has been lobbying the governments of the US, Britain, Germany, Canada, and Australia to impose sanctions and take punitive action against China. . . .”

4.–Gonor’s Telegram channel has highlighted acts of violence by the “pro-Democracy” demonstrators. ” . . . . Gonor’s Telegram channel offers members a front row seat to an orgy of violence. It has published dozens of videos of Hong Kong insurgents, heroizing them for shooting arrows and carrying out brutal attacks on state security forces. . . .”

5.–The NGO — The Free Hong Kong Center (a subsidiary of the Liberal Democratic League of Ukraine) also whitewashed the Nazi character of the Azov Battalion.

6.–The Ukrainian Nazis had obtained press passes for their presence in Hong Kong.

7.–The Ukrainian Nazis were emphatic about their presence in Hong Kong being an extension of the Maidan coup.

8.–The presence of the Ukrainian fascists in Hong Kong appears to be an extension of American and EU Earth Island geo-political activism.

9.–Are the Azov and Pravy Sektor veterans in Hong Kong to provide a violent, military presence as part of the Hong Kong destabilization effort? Are we witnessing a “Hong Kong” Maidan?

In FTR #1089, we noted the presence of Pepe the Frog as an iconic presence in the Hong Kong turmoil. 

Steve Bannon — one of the luminaries of the “Alt-Right,” and a former key Trump aide is centrally involved in the anti-China effort. This suggests that the presence of Pepe the Frog’s image in Hong Kong might have something to do with “Alt-Right” after all.

As discussed in — among other programs — FTR #‘s 9461077, Bannon was at the epicenter of the Cambridge Analytica cyber-psy-op during the 2016 election. One of the principal operators of Cambridge Analytica was Christopher Wylie. 

We wonder if the techniques used by Bannon, Wylie, Cambridge Analytica, SCL et al might have been used in Hong Kong? The laissez-faire economy of Hong Kong has seen a 300 percent increase in rents while income has stagnated, thus impoverishing 20% of Hong Kong’s population. Many young people in Hong Kong might be vulnerable to the type of social media psy-op that Cambridge Analytica specialized in.

Was such a technique employed to help generate the unrest in Hong Kong?

In our next program, we will review the rebirth of Cambridge Analytica, with a Hong Kong-based financier and business partner of Erik Prince (of Blackwater fame and the brother of Trump Secretary of Education Betsy DeVos) on the board of directors.

Cambridge Analytica is rebranding under a new company, Emerdata. Intriguingly, Cambridge Analytica’s transformation into Emerdata is noteworthy because  the firm’s directors include Johnson Ko Chun Shun, a Hong Kong financier and business partner of Erik Prince: ”...But the company’s announcement left several questions unanswered, including who would retain the company’s intellectual property — the so-called psychographic voter profiles built in part with data from Facebook — and whether Cambridge Analytica’s data-mining business would return


under new auspices. . . . In recent months, executives at Cambridge Analytica and SCL Group, along with the Mercer family, have moved to created a new firm, Emerdata, based in Britain, according to British records. The new company’s directors include Johnson Ko Chun Shun, a Hong Kong financier and business partner of Erik Prince. . . . An executive and a part owner of SCL Group, Nigel Oakes, has publicly described Emerdata as a way of rolling up the two companies under one new banner. . . . ”

The program concludes with discussion of WikiLeaks’ links to Chinese and Tibetan dissident activists and speculation about the CIA’s Edward Snowden’s activities in Hong Kong — the first stop on his international odyssey. In Hong Kong, he networked with WikiLeaks, who then facilitated his decampment to Moscow. That trip was the opening gambit in the New Cold War.

In the article below, be sure to view the photographs of the Azov/Pravy Sektor/Gonor contingent.

Key points of discussion and analysis include:

The Azov and Pravy Sektor veterans call themselves Gonor and the NGO that facilitated their entry into Hong Kong whitewashed the Nazi/fascist nature of the group.
Members of the group sported a variety of Nazi and fascist tattoos, including the “Victory or Valhalla” slogan that was the title of a book by David Lane. Lane drove the getaway car for the murder of talk-show host Alan Berg and minted the 14 Words—emblematic for the international Nazi movement. Svoboda’s C14 militia takes its name from the 14 words.  ” . . . . Several photos show that at least two of the Ukrainian fascists in Hong Kong have tattoos reading “Victory or Valhalla,” the title of a compilation of writings by the notorious American white supremacist David Lane, whose neo-fascist terrorist group The Order murdered a liberal Jewish radio host and planned more assassinations of left-wing Jews. Lane, who was convicted to 190 years in a US prison for numerous crimes, created the most famous white supremacist slogan, known as the 14 Words — which inspired the name of another Ukrainian neo-Nazi group called C14. . . .”
Gonor has embraced the slogan “Stand with Hong Kong.” ” . . . .  Stand With Hong Kong is also the name of a Western-backed organization that has been lobbying the governments of the US, Britain, Germany, Canada, and Australia to impose sanctions and take punitive action against China. . . .”
Gonor’s Telegram channel has highlighted acts of violence by the “pro-Democracy” demonstrators. ” . . . . Gonor’s Telegram channel offers members a front row seat to an orgy of violence. It has published dozens of videos of Hong Kong insurgents, heroizing them for shooting arrows and carrying out brutal attacks on state security forces. . . .”
The NGO—The Free Hong Kong Center (a subsidiary of the Liberal Democratic League of Ukraine) also whitewashed the Nazi character of the Azov Battalion.
The Ukrainian Nazis had obtained press passes for their presence in Hong Kong.
The Ukrainian Nazis were emphatic about their presence in Hong Kong being an extension of the Maidan coup.
The presence of the Ukrainian fascists in Hong Kong appears to be an extension of American and EU Earth Island geo-political activism.
Are the Azov and Pravy Sektor veterans in Hong Kong to provide a violent, military presence as part of the Hong Kong destabilization effort? Are we witnessing a “Hong Kong” Maidan?
“Ukrainian neo-Nazis flock to the Hong Kong protest movement” by Ben Norton; The Gray Zone; 12/04/2019.

Neo-Nazis from Ukraine have flown to Hong Kong to participate in the anti-Chinese insurgency, which has been widely praised by Western corporate media and portrayed as a peaceful pro-democracy movement.

Since March 2019, Hong Kong has been the site of often-violent protests and riots that have run the city’s economy into the ground. The US government has funded many of the groups leading the pro-Western and anti-Beijing movement, and opposition leaders have coordinated closely with conservative political figures in Washington like Marco Rubio and Steve Bannon, lobbying for sanctions and other punitive measures against China.

Numerous delegations of far-right groups from across the world have traveled to Hong Kong to join the violent insurgency against Beijing, in which secessionists have attacked police with bows and arrows, shot gasoline bombs out of catapults, and burned numerous people alive.

With their flamboyant waving of US and British colonial flags and tendency to belt out the American national anthem on megaphones, anti-China separatists in Hong Kong have made themselves a magnet for the US far-right. Staff of the website InfoWars, right-wing social media personality Paul Joseph Watson, and the ultra-conservative group Patriot Prayer are among those who have made pilgrimages to the protests.

The latest collection of extreme-right activists to reinforce the ranks of the Hong Kong separatists are from Ukraine. They call themselves Gonor and have tattoos on their upper torsos with undeniable symbols of white supremacy and neo-Nazism.

These extremists previously fought in a notoriously brutal neo-Nazi militia called the Azov Battalion, in Ukraine’s war against pro-Russian militants.

The Azov Battalion is an explicitly fascist paramilitary group that organizes around neo-Nazi ideology. After a Western-backed 2014 coup against Ukraine’s democratically elected government, Azov was incorporated into the Ukrainian national guard. It has received support from the US government, which has armed and advised the neo-Nazis in their fight against Moscow.

Azov has also helped train American white supremacists, who have plotted terrorist attacks back at home in the United States. ... ... ... 

…The presence of Ukrainian regime-change activists in the Hong Kong protests is further evidence of the alliances that anti-Chinese activists in Hong Kong are building with other right-wing, US-backed movements around the world, sharing tactics to weaken and destabilize countries targeted by NATO.

[see image of Ukrainian fascist standing with Hong Kong protestors]

Ukrainian fascists join Hong Kong insurgency

On December 1, the far-right activist Serhii Filimonov posted photos on Facebook showing himself and three Ukrainian friends upon their arrival in Hong Kong. The images were accompanied by the anti-Beijing’s unofficial slogan: “Fight for Freedom. Stand with Hong Kong!”

Stand With Hong Kong is also the name of a Western-backed organization that has been lobbying the governments of the US, Britain, Germany, Canada, and Australia to impose sanctions and take punitive action against China.

In a video they posted on social media, the Ukrainian white supremacists revealed that they had obtained a press pass, misleadingly portraying themselves as journalists.

[see image of Ukrainian fascist showing image of the press pass they obtained]

Joining Filimonov on the trip to Hong Kong was a notorious extreme-right Ukrainian activist who goes by the name Maliar. Maliar is popular on Instagram, under the name xgadzillax, where he has more than 23,000 followers. (Maliar has a distinctive scar on the left side of the neck, which makes him easy to recognize in photos.)

[see image of Ukrainian fascist’s distinctive head tattoos and scar]

Besides the swastikas inked into his skull, Maliar had the Nazi symbols tattooed on his right leg, next to an algiz rune, another common white supremacist emblem.

[see image of Ukrainian fascist’s distinctive leg tattoos] 

Several photos show that at least two of the Ukrainian fascists in Hong Kong have tattoos reading “Victory or Valhalla,” the title of a compilation of writings by the notorious American white supremacist David Lane, whose neo-fascist terrorist group The Order murdered a liberal Jewish radio host and planned more assassinations of left-wing Jews.

Lane, who was convicted to 190 years in a US prison for numerous crimes, created the most famous white supremacist slogan, known as the 14 Words — which inspired the name of another Ukrainian neo-Nazi group called C14.

Filimonov, who also has a large following on Instagram, where he uses the name Sunperuna, published a photo showing the phrase “Victory or Valahalla” emblazoned on his chest.

[see image of Ukrainian fascist with “Victory or Valahalla” tattoo]

The book “Victory or Valhalla” is dedicated to “Aryankind.” In its pages, its author says he is committed to preventing the “imminent extinction facing the White Race” and the “Judeo-American/Judeo-Christian murder of the White race.” The screed is replete with homages to Nazis, and the back cover shows a photo of Lane’s body in his coffin, wrapped in a Confederate flag.

These Ukrainian fascists were such fans of the book that they permanently tattooed its title on their bodies.

Maliar, the other member of Gonor who joined the Hong Kong protests, has “Victory or Valhalla” inscribed conspicuously on his neck.

[see image of Ukrainian fascist with “Victory or Valahalla” on his neck]

Journalist Morgan Artyukhina identified another member of the far-right Ukrainian contingent in Hong Kong as Serhii Sternenko. Artyukhina noted that Sternenko is a former leader of the Ukrainian fascist group Right Sector, which burned down a trade union building in Odessa during the 2014 coup, killing 42 people.

Neo-Nazis take campus

On December 2, the Ukrainian fascist visitors posted photos of themselves on the campus of Hong Kong Polytechnic University (PolyU), a site of violent protests.

PolyU has been a crucial base of operation for the separatist uprising. A total of 3,989 petrol bombs, 1,339 pieces of explosives, and 601 bottles of corrosive liquid were recovered at the school, as of December 2, according to reports.

[see image of Ukrainian fascists, including Serhii Filimonov]

Serhii Filimonov (the first on the left in the photo above) has faced legal troubles in the past, appearing in court for allegedly brawling with police.

The photos Filimonov posts on social media make two things abundantly clear: He is a Nazi and wants as many people as possible to see him shirtless while bearing weapons..

[see image of Ukrainian fascist Serhii Filimonov holding a rifle]

Other members of Gonor have published photos on Instagram holding guns.

[see image of Ukrainian fascists posing with guns]

A video posted on Instagram in 2015 shows Maliar and a friend in a “White Rebel” Confederate flag t?shirt surrounded by guns and tasers.

Gonor’s symbol draws on many of the same far-right ultra-nationalist themes, with three white knives centered on a black flag.

Gonor’s Telegram channel offers members a front row seat to an orgy of violence. It has published dozens of videos of Hong Kong insurgents, heroizing them for shooting arrows and carrying out brutal attacks on state security forces.

Both Filimonov and Maliar previously fought in the US-backed neo-Nazi Azov Battalion. Maliar has posted photos on Instagram showing the two armed and in military uniform, wearing Azov patches.

[see image of Ukrainian fascist, Maliar, posing with guns in a military uniform with Azov patches]

And Filimonov has published several showing him and his friends wearing Azov t?shirts.

[see image of Ukrainian fascist Serhii Filimonov posing with friends in Azov shirts]

Ukrainian regime-changers build networks with Hong Kong secessionists

Despite all of this publicly available evidence demonstrating the open fascism of the Ukrainian hooligans in Hong Kong, the Kiev-based Free Hong Kong Center published a statement on Facebook defending and whitewashing Gonor.

The organization confirmed that the extremists did indeed fight with Azov “during the first period of the war” against pro-Russian separatists, but claimed that they have been unaffiliated since 2015.

The Free Hong Kong Center described the neo-fascists as “activists of the Revolution of Dignity and as well as veterans of the defending war with Russia.” Absurdly, the center declared that they “assured us they are really against nazism and another kind of alt-right ideology.”

“A lot of people were disappointed by the tattoos of these guys,” the Free Hong Kong Center conceded. But they insisted “that all symbols are from Slavic paganism.”

The Liberal Democratic League of Ukraine is a pro-European Union advocacy organization which is a member of the European Liberal Youth and the International Federation of Liberal Youth, both of which are funded by the EU. 

The main coordinator of the Free Hong Kong Center is a Ukrainian activist named Arthur Kharytonov, who is also the president of the Liberal Democratic League of Ukraine. Kharytonov was deeply

 involved in the Euromaidan protests in Ukraine, which led to the 2014 US-backed coup. He then set up the league in 2015.

Kharytonov and his organization have been frequently amplified in US government-funded Ukrainian media outlets such as Hromadske. In these softball interviews with a highly sympathetic press, Kharytonov likens the anti-Russia protests in Ukraine to the anti-China protests in Hong Kong, and calls for closer bonds between them.

On 6th year anniversary of #Euromaidan revolution, Ukrainians showed solidarity with protesters in Hong Kong. We invited main coordinator of Kyiv-based Free Hong Kong Center, Arthur Kharytonov to draw parallels between events in Ukraine & #HongKong.https://t.co/MMJkPLmeQC

— Hromadske Int. (@Hromadske) November 25, 2019

Kharytonov and these Western government-backed organizations are part of a growing network of Ukrainian regime-change activists who are organizing with secessionists in Hong Kong, holding and sharing insurgency tactics.

As the US and NATO-led unipolar hegemonic order that has dominated the world since the end of the Cold War begins to crumble, and as a rising China and Russia seek to restore a multipolar global system, Washington and European nations are constructing a latticework of movements to undermine their adversaries on their frontiers.

This global network is marketed as the advance guard of global liberalism, but as events from Ukraine to Hong Kong have revealed, fascism is festering at its base.
1b. The presence of a former leader of Pravy Sektor in Hong Kong is noteworthy. Pravy Sektor evolved directly from the UPA–the OUN/B’s military wing and a fundamental element of the Intermatium continuity.

“The Durability of Ukrainian Fascism” by Peter Lee; Strategic Culture; 6/9/2014.

. . . . Yuriy Shukhevych’s role in modern Ukrainian fascism is not simply that of an inspirational figurehead and reminder of his father’s anti-Soviet heroics for proud Ukrainian nationalists.  He is a core figure in the emergence of the key Ukrainian fascist formation, Pravy Sektor and its paramilitary.

And Pravy Sektor’s paramilitary, the UNA-UNSO, is not an “unruly” collection of weekend-warrior-wannabes, as Mr. Higgins might believe.

UNA-UNSO was formed during the turmoil of the early 1990s, largely by ethnic Ukrainian veterans of the Soviet Union’s bitter war in Afghanistan.  From the first, the UNA-UNSO has shown a taste for foreign adventures, sending detachments to Moscow in 1990 to oppose the Communist coup against Yeltsin, and to Lithuania in 1991.  With apparently very good reason, the Russians have also accused UNA-UNSO fighters of participating on the anti-Russian side in Georgia and Chechnya.

After formal Ukrainian independence, the militia elected Yuriy Shukhevych—the son of OUN?B commander Roman Shukhevych– as its leader and set up a political arm, which later became Pravy Sektor. . . .”

1c. Steve Bannon–one of the luminaries of the “Alt-Right,” and a former key Trump aide is centrally involved in the anti-China effort. This suggests that the presence of Pepe the Frog’s image in Hong Kong might have something to do with the “Alt-Right” after all.

Note Bannon and company’s networking with the Falun Gong cult and “Chinese Muslim Freedom Fighters”–read “Uighurs.’

“A New Red Scare Is Reshaping Washington” by Ana Swanson; The New York Times; 7/20/2019.

In a ballroom across from the Capitol building, an unlikely group of military hawks, populist crusaders, Chinese Muslim freedom fighters [Uighurs–D.E.] and followers of the Falun Gong has been meeting to warn anyone who will listen that China poses an existential threat to the United States that will not end until the Communist Party is overthrown.

If the warnings sound straight out of the Cold War, they are. The Committee on the Present Danger, a long-defunct group that campaigned against the dangers of the Soviet Union in the 1970s and 1980s, has recently been revived with the help of Stephen K. Bannon, the president’s former chief strategist, to warn against the dangers of China.

Once dismissed as xenophobes and fringe elements, the group’s members are finding their views increasingly embraced in President Trump’s Washington, where skepticism and mistrust of China have taken hold. Fear of China has spread across the government, from the White House to Congress to federal agencies, where Beijing’s rise is unquestioningly viewed as an economic and national security threat and the defining challenge of the 21st century.

“These are two systems that are incompatible,” Mr. Bannon said of the United States and China. “One side is going to win, and one side is going to lose.” . . . .

In our next program, we discuss China’s role as an international leader in Green technology and implications of this for the Lithium Coup in Bolivia.


According to the ICRP in 1991, just 5 mSv to the testes will cause damage to offspring – yet this dose was permitted yearly to members of the public, and ten times more to nuclear workers, in all countries prior to 1990. It continues today to be permitted yearly for nuclear workers in most countries.

Since fallout radiation is accumulative in the body, and women carry all their eggs from birth, the chances of ingested everyday fallout harming your unborn child increase as your injestion of each radionuclude atom, increases. Yes, each atom.

09:57 AM Jun 2, 2011 -0642- International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) says no such thing as safe levels of radiation – standard based on ‘cost-benefit’, not safety – 06/02/11, National Academy of Science: 1 in 5 workers get cancer from IAEA safety standard.



11:53 AM Jun 19, 2011 -0781- TEPCO pays for blacklist of actors & musicians against nuclear industry  — When one actor, Taro Yamamoto, joined an anti-nuclear protest, he lost his part in a popular soap opera. Yamamoto’s ‘crime’ was to say that schoolchildren in Fukushima should not be subjected to the same annual radiation dose (20 microsieverts per year) as nuclear power workers in Europe.

Nuclear regulators only take fatal cancers into consideration as 'detriments', others, especially those who endure a non-fatal cancer, may find their suffering equally worthy of consideration. And, limiting genetic effects to live born offspring does not wipe away the tears of a family that has endured a spontaneous mis-carriage or stillbirth. — Sister Rosalie Bertell


(Chart refers to human mammals.)

"Another century of nuclear power, and this carnage will continue with more than 10 million victims a year. An industry which has the potential to kill, injure and maim that number of innocent people – & all in the name of 'benefitting' society – is surely, wholly unacceptable."  – Sister Rosalie Bertell, PhD, GNSH, is President of the International Institute of Concern for Public Health, and Editor in Chief of International Perspectives in Public Health (IICPH).

Have a happy heart and avoid cesium fallout to make sure!

016 "well, you're alive at the end of the game ...looks like you're a winner!"

016"well, you're alive at the end of the game ...looks like you're a winner!"

Have a happy heart and avoid cesium fallout to make sure!

016 "well, you're alive at the end of the game ...looks like you're a winner!"



... Royals, monarchs, billionaires, oligarchs, City are often the same slimebags & walking dead cannibals

Off With Their Heads!


 (excerpts from, America's Nazi Secret, by John Loftus)
ad (excerpts from, America's Nazi Secret, by John Loftus)