
Save Earth ...Seize Federal Reserve Founding Stock


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3 a.m. 06-21-2024  portland homeboy strikes back


America vs Corp. U.S.

How the game is played ...for example: Republic of the united states of America — versus — United States Corporation (here)

How the game is played ...for example: Republic of the united states of America — versus — United States Corporation dba United States of America ...(a subsidiary of City of London Corp.) bankrupt in receivership run by IMF (an interlocking directorship with the City)

My Mom's Best Friend

Don't ever come at me with that bullshit

What isn't good about Trump is he's is pro-nuclear ...that's not good unless you want extinction. Restoring oil and gas should suffice. Sure, he has to compromise with deep state City of London bankers ...so I don't blame him — alive is good. Oil & gas are JPMorganChase (wants Eastern Europe & Mideast) and nuclear is Schroder via it's subsidiary, Bechtel (wants China). Trump will restore prosperity and get rid of inflation and lower interest rates, lower food- and lower gas prices. 

Who dat sayin' who dat every time I say who dat?

FINALLY Trump Makes SHOCKING Admission THEY cannot BELIEVE IT!  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TDifQp7_OWo 

Antony Sutton revealed this information, along with that of the Soviet Union and Nazi Party being financed out of New York City ...then, although a visiting British scholar fled for his life from his employment at Hoover Institute of War and Peace, located on the Stanford University Campus where Bechtel supported research into communist China. He is one of the guiding lights of patriots in America.


Antony Sutton revealed this information, along with that of the Soviet Union and Nazi Party being financed out of New York City ...then, although a visiting British scholar fled for his life from his employment at Hoover Institute of War and Peace, located on the Stanford University Campus where Bechtel supported research into communist China. He is one of the guiding lights of patriots in America.

These are the people who own the Fed/City of London & own the United States Corporation & promoting the great reset Portland racism riots & coup ...it's not just some inbred Soros-paid-for agents provocateurs with riots, gasoline & guns coming for you and Trump, it's the entire armies of the western and eastern world controlled by dictator oligarchs ...but it's only 1% of the 1% & we are the 99% ...every responsible person should get a couple guns cause with no police and only  UN and Chinese mainland police here, forget it ...good luck


Schroder, Bechtel, JPMorganChase, Soros

How the game is played ...for example: Rothschild, Schumer's DNC & Corp. U.S. hatred of Russia 

How the game is played ...for example: Rothschild hatred of Russia and its subsidiary United States Corporation's hatred now embodied by the Democratic Party and Schumer's DNC

...as championed by Rothschild agents Kissinger, Hillary, Pelosi, Schumer, Schiff, Waters, Podesta who hate Russia because they suck Rothschild d**k and hate you, "deplorable useless breeders" that must be "depopulated" to "save Earth"  as they blot out ssunshine the source of life with their poisonous chemtrails that f**k the sky and rape Mother Nature and poison the forests

City of London central bankers cause U.S. Civil War


City of London corporation causes U.S. Civil War

City of London corporation causes U.S. Civil War

Dead presidents speak from the grave


Cheney's Project For The New American Century, illustrated


Species Loss

How the game is played ...for example: Species Loss

Species loss due to evil manmade and evil womanmade lust for power + control = money

The dark forces of corporation-caused global warming & of nuclear fallout & gov't military eXtreme climate change at work. Our living planet is being murdered by central bankers using nuclear industry & weather warfare (not to mention conventional warfare).

Dark forces of oligarchal billionaire corporation-caused global warming central banker weaponized extreme climate change & nuclear fallout and waste, military 

ionospheric heater radiation & weaponized forest fires change at work. Our living planet is being murdered by central bankers using nuclear industry & weather

warfare (not to mention conventional warfare) to loot and gang-rape Mother Nature & Mother Earth and bring their boot down on your face.

Thank you for your interest. Please contact your friends,  share this info & ask yourself if you now know who to blame.

Nuclear Weather Forecast thru-out the site: Every nuclear reactor is a nuclear dump where nuclear waste is stored, so we focus on America first then locations of every nuclear reactor & dump in the world, since all give you immune deficiency diseases, heart attacks & cancer.

Biden & Dementia Note: Portland Metro Creative Aging & Cognitive Arts Center is not funded at this time. enrollment membership info for our curriculum for students will be available, here.

Have a happy heart and avoid cesium fallout to make sure!

All site content, except where otherwise noted, is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 License.

legal disclaimer: a comedy & satire site — All site content, except where otherwise noted, is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 License.— for educational, historical & news purposes — attributions: for all individual ownership attribution see the individual original sources & attributions in the original 25,000-to-35,000 documents &/or evidence linked to by the 9,011 descriptive blurb news release links; and/or to other attributions given on the accompanying website ... in all cases refer to the documents linked to, by the 9,011 links for ownership attribution. Any revenue derived is to offset nine years of non-paid individual non-profit work around the clock 24/7/365 in researching, writing, compiling and bringing these e-books & website & documentation to your attention for altruistic educational, historical & news purposes as a public service.