Bloodlines Own Nuclear & Media |

Which bloodlines own nuclear? ...& the media ...& the 'city' ...& the fortune 500 ...& the western military industrial complex establishment of city warlord banking predators, sociopaths & psychopaths
...could it be the dynastic warlord central bankers in the charts of interlocking corporate director-ships? ...(of course not ...well, maybe on the surface

Editor’s note: edition update – 41,000 people each day get fatal or non-fatal cancer from nuclear industry, including kids who died in the womb &/or were aborted because of nuclear industry fallout & radiation.
rosalie, thank you … you made the world a better place while you were here and after you left your legacy continues to educate people & save their lives.
(rosalie bertell — 41k people get fatal & non-fatal cancer from fallout, daily) number of people dying & getting cancer from nuclear has been revised to 1.2 billion since 1940.
08:55 pm oct 22, 2012 -4581- Gov't official, scientists convicted of manslaughter for giving public incomplete, imprecise and contradictory info on quake danger (video)
Title: Italian scientists convicted for failing to predict quake Source: ABC News (Australian Broadcasting Corporation) Author: Mary Gearin Date: Oct. 23, 2012: Six scientists and a former government official have been sentenced to six years in jail for multiple manslaughter for giving the wrong advice about an earthquake which struck the Italian city of L’Aquila in 2009, killing over 300 people. Prosecutors said they did not expect scientists to provide a precise forecast. But they argued the commission had given incomplete, imprecise and contradictory information on the danger after a meeting on March 31, 2009, a few days before the earthquake. Instead of highlighting the danger, they said the experts had made statements playing down the threat of a repeat of the earthquakes which wrecked the town in 1349, 1461 and 1703, saying the smaller shocks were a normal geological phenomenon.
[...] contrary to the majority of the news coverage this decision is getting and the gnashing of teeth in the scientific community, the trial was not about science, not about seismology, not about the ability or inability of scientists to predict earthquakes. These convictions were about poor risk communication, and more broadly, about the responsibility scientists have as citizens to share their expertise in order to help people make informed and healthy choices.
Scientific experts are among the most highly trusted sources of information in society, and as much as they share their expertise about risk with governments, they should also communicate with and educate individuals looking for the same kind of guidance. Small wonder then that the people of l’Aquila are celebrating what is essentially their revenge against those they hoped would help them make informed choices about how to stay safe, experts who – quite innocently, to be sure – let those people down.
01:30 PM Jan 19, 2014 -6940- Senior Scientist: Second radioactive plume heads to California - effects increase as front edge of large water plume arrives - levels to rise for years - health and safety issue in U.S. yet no one testing ocean (VIDEO)
08:37 PM Jan 19, 2014 -6942- 20-year-old documentary foreshadows Fukushima: Men picked up in slums of Tokyo [by Yakuza mafia] to work at nuclear plants - Many become ill with radiation sickness - Too frightened to speak out (VIDEO)

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08:55 pm oct 22, 2012 -4581- Gov't official, scientists convicted of manslaughter for giving public incomplete, imprecise and contradictory information on quake danger
06:14 AM Nov 14, 2017 -9006- Fukushima Cover-Up: “Keep cancers a secret” say doctors - “We’re getting leukemia and cataracts and we die suddenly” - “Students having sudden heart attacks” — Officials “actively ignoring” reports of illness and death
08:22 AM May 24, 2016 -8818- Fukushima radiation may eat holes in people’s brains; military hides radiation levels; officials hide consequences of crisis; worry over number of cancers; public suffers radioactive-related diseases (VIDEO)
06:04 PM Nov 7, 2015 -8739- Fukushima - Million cancers maybe - 100’s of times more thyroid cancers (VIDEO)
08:15 AM Nov 10, 2017 -9003- Former U.S. Senator: All these Navy sailors have died after Fukushima radiation exposure — TV program reveals many are now dead — Veterans break down in tears… suffering cancers, paralysis, amputations, bleeding from anus, severe pain (VIDEO)
8:14 AM Apr 18, 2016 -8806a- Surge in babies born with extra arms, legs after Fukushima - I feel officials know the cause is radiation - many get abortions to avoid ‘inconvenient’ babies - High number of stillbirths - Many people report cancer, far from Fukushima (VIDEO)
01:15 PM Mar 3, 2017 -8853- Many at Fukushima have brain damage - Worker develops 3 types of cancer in a year - Secret hospital used to treat those sickened by radiation exposure - Doctor: ‘People cried, can we survive?
10:36 AM Mar 14, 2016 -8788- Shocking how many people died in Fukushima - Cremated bodies of Fukushima radiation workers found near plant - Such a high rate of cancer being detected in Fukushima children (VIDEOS)
04:07 PM Oct 8, 2015 -8723- Fukushima domestic radiation: Child cancers up 5,000% - prepare for onset of leukemia, other diseases (VIDEO)
10:15 PM Mar 1, 2017 -8852- Mysterious cancer killing sea lions along West Coast - Bones turn to mush – Inside, masses of yellow, cancerous tissue - Animals die at alarming rates (VIDEO)
10:06 AM Mar 11, 2016 -8787- Nuclear Expert: Fukushima worst nightmare - Released 1,000 atomic bombs worth of radioactive material - Everyone on earth has been exposed… an increase in cancer will result
06:45 PM Sep 2, 2015 -8705- West Coast: Whale strandings, cancer in seals, collapse of fish stocks (PHOTOS) (VIDEO )
02:13 PM Jul 7, 2016 -8824- All along Canada’s Pacific coast, mussels are dying… Bodies are swollen by cancerous tumors - Unprecedented mutations allow cancer to spread from one species to another like a virus - (VIDEO)
11:19 AM Jan 7, 2016 -8758- West Coast - 200,000 sea lions at risk; sick animals eating themselves from the inside - cancer includes liver, pancreas; intestines shut down; infested with parasites & immune to antibiotics; numbers of dead or starving seals wash ashore (VIDEO)
09:59 AM Aug 28, 2015 -8703- Radiation Expert: Horrific health toll from Fukushima - Impossible not to be moved by scale of deaths and suffering - Thousands to die of cancer and that’s just the tip of the iceberg - dead babies significantly increased in many areas of Japan - Government actions unconscionable (AUDIO)
(Editor's note: Here's an innocent-looking globalist biz-dev deal ...let's take it apart to see what we find ... of course, we'd never find the IMF.)
Coca-Cola Extends Olympic Sponsorship to 2032 — Joint Deal w/Chinese Dairy
AP – Jun 24, 2019
LAUSANNE, SWITZERLAND - Taking Coca-Cola’s sponsorship beyond 100 years, the International Olympic Committee has extended with Coca-Cola from 2021 through 2032 in a first-ever joint commercial deal with Chinese dairy company Mengniu.
Coca-Cola’s partnership with the IOC began at the 1928 Summer Games and will now stretch to 104 years. While the Atlanta-based drinks giant is an Olympic fixture, the deal helps 20-year-old Mengniu’s ambition to turn its milk and yogurt drinks business into a global brand.
The value of the deal was not disclosed at a signing ceremony Monday. The Financial Times citing anonymous sources reported it could be worth $3 billion with up to half in cash sponsorship. “The agreement includes unprecedented investment in traditional and digital media to promote the Olympic values globally,” the IOC said in a statement.
Follow the money trail – it always leads back to who is printing the money
Who owns/owned Coca Cola?
SunTrust Sells Coca-Cola Stake After 93 Years to Warren Buffett, Collects A Tidy Two Million Percent Return —(here)— (Sep 7, 2012) ----> Go to U.S. House Subcommittee report charts of who owns the Federal Reserve and what corporations they own, —(here: cell phone pdf | computer ms word w/pop-ups & search engine)— (Editor's note: The initial charts here are prepared by Eustace Mullins, likely using the U.S. House Subcommittee report charts of who owns the Fed, because he says they should jibe ...however, he's no longer with us by departed.)
We downloaded the ms word version of the charts with pop-ups & search engine and searched for SunTrust. We didn't find it. Next. We searched for SunTrust in google; yielding: SunTrust Banks, Inc. is an American bank holding company. The largest subsidiary is SunTrust Bank. It had US$199 billion in assets as of March 31, 2018. SunTrust Bank's most direct corporate parent was established in 1891 in Atlanta, where its headquarters remain. Wikipedia
Still, nothing. Then we goggle'd American bank holding company & got: What does it mean to be a bank holding company?
A one-bank holding company is a corporation that holds at least a quarter of the voting stock of a commercial bank. One-bank holding companies led to the creation of leveraged bank holding companies. These entities are under the supervision of the United States Federal Reserve (or, the Fed). Feb 17, 2018. This crap is so confusing, since it's banking, it is ruled by the Fed.
Am losing interest but won't give up: Let's return to the chart word version search engine and put in GE, because GE made the nuclear reactors in Fukushima and at Hanford in Washington State that gave the people cancer as they lived downwind on the Snake River Valley, those GE reactors pepper the U.S. and all that have inherent design flaws that do not hold up in earthquakes ...and see what happens.
But, before doing that, 'Sun' sounds familiar to the charts. So, we searched for Sun and got a hit on chart No. 5 (below) — There's also a hit on Chart 3
Federal Reserve Directors whose Corporations & Military Tactics & Media Kill the Ocean should be caught & permanently released

04:46 PM Jan 19, 2014 -6941 - Nuclear Engineer: it’s alerting to see this many articles downplaying Fukushima health effects — You have to think, why is this happening? (VIDEO)
Who owns nuclear? ...& the media? ...could it be the same dynastic warlord central bankers as in the charts? (below) ...of course not ...well, maybe
01:30 PM Jan 19, 2014 -6940- Senior Scientist: Second radioactive plume heads to California - effects increase as front edge of large water plume arrives - levels to rise for years - health and safety issue in U.S. yet no one testing ocean (VIDEO)
08:37 PM Jan 19, 2014 -6942- 20-year-old documentary foreshadows Fukushima: Men picked up in slums of Tokyo [by Yakuza mafia] to work at nuclear plants - Many become ill with radiation sickness - Too frightened to speak out (VIDEO)


[Editor's note: Free copies are no longer available ...see e-book revised edition, (here).]