
Save Earth ...Seize Federal Reserve Founding Stock


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Traditional theater drama symbols

 JPMorganChase this little piggy went to market — UNDER CONSTRUCTION
2:11 a.m. 02-05-2025 west coast usa

legal disclaimer: this is a comedy & satire site for financial crash dummies  —  to update or if a picture is missing press control f5 to make picture appear  —  under re-construction, substantive & developmental editing  —  to enlarge screen press ctrl + to shrink ctrl -  to reset ctrl 0

The whole point of propaganda & fascism is to distract you from feeling & your divine spiritual purpose here to protect & nurture the Earth, Life, Time, Justice, Love & all sentient beings

Is Trump reincarnation of greatest Chinese emperor, who had to defeat a coup by his government's deep state to restore & protect the Golden Age from their evil not so great reset & riots?
(up-right) Analysis brilliant & simple: not so great reset deep state coup & riots in Portland & U.S. (down-r) put cursor at 8:43 Is Trump reincarnation of greatest Chinese emperor, who had to defeat a coup by his government's deep state to restore & protect the Golden Age from their evil not so great reset & riots?

The real enemy is not China ...that is only a word. The real enemy are the richest people of all countries; but, primarily the international interlocking directorate of the Fed/City of London Rothschild-founded central banks who have been ruling the western world to wipe out the Mideast, Russian, China, India, Africa, and the Americas for hundreds of years. Putin threw the Rothschilds out of Russia and Trump threw the genocidal Nazi-like Henry Kissinger who along with Allen Dulles brought Nazis in to run the Eastern European faction of the newly formed CIA in 1945, who are the De*p *tat*, out to crucify you.Great reset Portland racism riots by Soros-Fed/City of London ...not China or Russia to eliminate Life on Earth

Who's behind the not so Great Reset Portland Racism Riots: (top row of 3, l) U.S. Constitution vs reset Fed/City of London banker oligarchy (c) reset Fed/City of London invites Chinese Troops to do military exercises in Canada (r) anational (sovereign) reset Fed/City of London interlocking dynastic banking mafia oligarchy controls 'West' for hundreds of years; (bot row) Sidney Powell interview: Epoch Times

U.S. Constitution's Last Stand vs reset Fed/City of London (Chinese, Russian, British, U.S.) Communis m

Coming to a war theatre by you

—time to jail the reset Fed/City of London owners of the mainstream media, Fortune 500 & military industrial complex attempting a global coup vs the Constitutional Republic of the United States of America?—

Freedom now (for people of all colors) from the reset racist oligarch central banker dynasties of the last 300 years

OMG ...he's cleaning up the swamp of reset racism, riots & fake elections, worldwide! ...Portland & Salem riots by fascist dictator mayor & governor, next!

Don't judge a book by it's cover – anti-bullying action [rebellion against Great Reset of rioting bullies in Portland]

America's Got Talent audiences & anti-bullying song - will world audience figure out they are slaves & victims of Fed/City of London bullies?

Republic of the United States of America pushed aside & taken over by the United States Corporation owned by City of London Corporation after U.S. Civil War

Nazi not so Great Reset of oligarch bankers

Worldwide racist elected bullies & dictators in Portland OR, CA, PA: Got the picture?

video censored video censored

Why are U.S. votes being counted & flipped by a server in Germany to destabilize our freedom & our Constitution?,,,who authorized that?

...& why is CIA making software for those voting machines for fake voting & fake democracies & riots in banana republics ...like in Portland Oregon? ...because they are being directed to.

...& who are the international interlocking directorate of racist central bankers who own & direct the governments & intelligence & military forces of the western world against you?

(above l) U.S. voting server seized by U.S. Special Forces raid in Germany: Raw data confirms in 68 seconds up to 500,000 votes switched? (r) Massive mail-in voting fraud in Pennsylvania - State mails out 1 million ballots ...gets 2 million back ...are counted.

...bullied by voting machine fraud elections in Venezuela, Argentina, Italy & Sinapore ...& now in U.S.? (here) & (here)

...bullied by biological & psychological warfare (here) & by racist bankers? (here)

U.S. Army raids Germany to seize fake voting machine servers controlling U.S. election voting machine fraud, (here)

German voting machine server patents sold to China,  (here)

...about 72 million U.S. people report owning a gun ...but, few know who their enemy is: the racist Fed/City of London international interlocking directorate has been destroying the countries of black, brown, yellow, red & orange-pink (white) people for over 300 years & now is destroying the Pacific Ocean as well. What are your guns for?

...in 1776 for financial freedom patriots threw out the privately owned & racist City of London interest-rate bankers & switched to a publicly owned central bank that does not charge interest; but, the racist bankers came back with a great reset birthing the Fed in 1913; in 2020 racist international bankers are trying a great reset because our freedom gets in the way of their greed ...so, it's time to throw them out, again WORLDWIDE & return to the freedom of a publically owned central bank that charges no interest ... because racist bankers privately own the founding stock of the Fed/City of London central banks, the racist bankers get the interest on the national debt each year as personal dividends – several trillion dollars of your earnings across 5 central banks, leaving you & the world in riots, poverty & debt like we experience in Portland under the dictatorship & tyranny of fascist mayors & governors ...& struggle under increasing national (personal) debt & with racist oil wars, pollution & nuclear at all costs waged to erode our freedom, increase national (personal) debt so these racist bankers competing to finance & plunge the world in riots & war to get bigger dividends can eliminate private property (except for themselves) ...the bigger the national (personal) debt, the bigger their interest payoff, & the bigger their Fed/City of London stock dividends ...are you gettin' it? – interest is taxation without representation

See the not so Great Reset; beware, racist oligarch bankers see you; got facial recognition ID? ...& killer drones?
0001 41,000 people a day get fatal or non-fatal cancer from NWO nuclear industryweaponized by reset racist bankers
0002 Christina Consolo - the dynastic racist oligarch bankers have reset people of all colors for centuries w/riots & genocide
(above vid uncut version) Slaughterbots Server seized by U.S. Army in Frankfurt Germany, officially recycling 2020 U.S. election votes
General Millie: We take an oath to the Constitution, not an individual or institution
Pro-mask study withdrawn after virus spread in counties analyzed by researchers – shows masks do not work to prevent respiratory lung infections, (here). The not so Great Reset allows our fascist monarchs, mayors, governors & congress-persons to fly fascist colors & kill freedom & provoke a race war. The racist oligarchy white owners of the Fed/City of London central banks own & control Fortune 500 & military industrial establishment & nuclear & biologicial warfare complex, (here) & (here). 
3:30-3:60 Military expert psych, info & electronic, warfare: Mechanical inability of vote machine to count 572,000 Biden votes & 3,200 Trump in same short time
Sidney Powell outs fake Dominion  elections WORLDWIDE by CIA for the racist Fed/City of London bankers ...now bringing you the not so Great Reset The government of the Republic of the United States of America IS NOT the government of the United States (corporation) ... that took over in 1868
OMG ...he's cleaning up the swamp of reset racism, riots & fake elections & falsely-elected fascist dictators, worldwide! ...Portland & Salem are next!

After Donald Trump's next four years as President, Sidney Powell should be the first female American president ...& here's why: By outing Dominion fascist voting machines & the CIA software used in 2020 in America to install racist & fascist democrats & to install dictators around world in fake democracies feeding obscene profits to western central bankers, Sidney is helping every country around the world to drain their swamp & outing the racist & fascist CIA ...but remember this, there are two other things you need to know: (1) the CIA works for the Great Reset racist & fascist international interlocking directorate of the Fed/City of London (corporation) Central bankers; and (2) better watch the video (above, right) to the end that makes the distinction between The Republic of the United States of America founded by our founding fathers & mothers as it has been pushed aside by The United States corporation (founded by City of London) which by coup in 1868 took over The Republic of the United States of America. The United States (corporation) now ruling the country ... IS NOT The Republic of the United States of America. Are you gettin' it? It is a private corporation owned out of England, NOT the Republic of the United States of America ... it is a clone, drone & voodoo walking dead look-a-like.

The Not So Great Reset Portland Riots

Make no mistake about it; there has never been a country on the face of the Earth ...far back into history as far as you can go ... there has never existed a country in which the people rose up and demanded their right to be free. Never. The concept of human spiritual, intellectual and physical freedom is totally a concept that has never, ever existed on the Earth. The only time that it has ever come into existance is the founding of the United States of America ...where it was understood we were sovereigns and we owned our bodies.

President Trump is the only world leader fighting with his last breath to preserve that tradition, housed in the U.S. Constitution & Bill of Rights ...your enemy is not Donald Trump ... your enemy is the great reset he is fighting against. And their leader, is Legion, (a demon or group of demons ... the demoniac soul is completely possessed by a foreign occupying power).

Ugly Maxine Waters, Ugly Nancy Pelosi, Ugly Kate Brow, Ugly Gavin Newsom - The not so Great Reset Portland racism riot is a central banker race war ploy populated by demons of hell vested in Democrats & Republicans in the no longer hallowed halls of Congress where they enrich themselves & gorge on the public trough & don't give a hoot if you & your family suffer, starve or perish You think of yourselves as Portlandians rioting for spiritual awakening, when in fact you are spiritual beings coping with a human awakening – remember why you came here?
Ugly Maxine Waters, Ugly Nancy Pelosi, Ugly Kate Brown, Ugly Gavin Newsom – The not so Great Reset Portland racism riot is a central banker race war ploy populated by demons of hell vested in Democrats & Republicans in the no longer hallowed halls of Congress & State governmentwhere they enrich themselves & gorge on the public trough & don't give a hoot how much your family suffers starves or perish You think of yourselves as Portlandians rioting for spiritual awakening, when in fact you are spiritual beings coping with a human awakening – remember why you came here?

As Biden & Harris celebrate peaceful demonstrations aside JPMorganChase bank in the midwest, Portland rioters in the Calif-Oregon-Wash bloc burn JPMorgan/Chase down - accidentally doing the right thing with no knowledge what-so-ever of  Fed/City of London ...the most racist folks on Earth ... of which JPMorganChase is only one interest

(ul) Stage set for Biden & Harris – USA: Celebrations, fireworks at Chase Centre as Biden delivers acceptance speech at stage set in front of about 100 family members & press & key operatives; (ur) Portland protesters celebrate while burning down Chase Bank ( here). 

Editor's note of the day, 11/11/20: It seems to me that the great reset aims to put Bechtel in control of building 1,000 new nuclear reactors & having total control of California's politicians at least since Reagan back in Death Valley Days in 1952 which was sponsored by Bechtel inbred, GE, & sponsoring Newsom's insanity & the V.P. wanna be Kamela Harris ...and Bechtel as a subsidiary and alleged operative of Schroder banking (& prime mover of Bohemian Grove auguring for inaugurations), Bechtel the kingpin of California energy & world nuclear power along with GE, are behind Newsom's success in outlawing the use of natural gas in California in any new homes built because it's so much cheaper than electricity ...and also behind wanting to destroy the gasoline industry & those states like Texas. One would think the purveyors of gasoline, such as Bush oil interests & JPMorganChase representing Rockefeller oil & banking interests representing (& being) the New World Order ... would be upset about this, but after all ...they're not simply because they will sell all their oil to China: food for thought & grounds for further research. You can not understand what is going on behind the scenes unless you look at the owners of the Fed/City of London ... the goal of this website is to show you the puppet masters who direct western world, to free yourself.

(up) Chart shows interlocks of main owners of racist Fed/City of London; Rockefeller interests & other major owners, (here).

Schroder Bank under the dictatorial eye of Rothschild in collusion with their Fed/City of London putsch including Sovereign Military Knights of Malta, and Skull & Bones ...have pretty much enslaved all of the Americas financially, physically & spiritually ...inventing the great reset to rid the world of blacks, browns & whites, yellows greens in blues is what they've been doing for 1,200 years.

(up) In the chart legend, note Bechtel ...today with Bill Gates now with funded studies to put four additional nuclear reactors at the Hanford Reservation site ... part of their reset plan to put in 1,000 new reactors in 30 years ... to fry you (here & here). Note Allen Dulles, at bequest of Schroder & Fed/City of London bankers handled the Nazi portfolio of stock before WWII (just as the Bush dynasty was busted by the Justice Department for selling oil to Hitler during WWII) ...then brought Nazis into the CIA (to destroy our ally, Russia), and brought Nazis into the U.S. Military, & into our biological warfare program ... using influenza simulants & deadly agents to create local and worldwide pandemics since 1950.

(see video below, center) Whether you love Trump or hate him, he is so much more intelligent & ahead of the game than those shape-shifting deep State demons & vampires who attack God's Kingdom on Earth with the four horsemen of the Apocalypse & the legions of Hell clothed or otherwise disguised as human beings, or walkind death who abandoned their humanity, long ago & worship money instead of our Creator

(see video below, center) Whether you love Trump or hate him, he is so much more intelligent & ahead of the game than those shape-shifting deep State demons & vampires who attack God's Kingdom on Earth with the four horsemen of the Apocalypse & the legions of Hell clothed or otherwise disguised as human beings, or walkind death who abandoned their humanity, long ago & worship money instead of our Creator

McInerney – CIA election fraud software for dictators in Banana Republics now used here
Dominion machines flip Trump votes to Biden – rig elections for dictators; Pelosi a stockholder Washington D.C. – Tens, or hundreds of thousands in Trump MAGA march?
General Thomas McInerney evidence alleging election fraud using CIA software to ensure elections in Banana Republics, now in U.S. to prevent Trump landslide & empower the not so Great Reset, (here). The owners of the Fed/City of London & their interlocking corporate ownership directorates own the military industrial complex & direct the CIA & apparently initiated the not so Great Reset ...if they want redistribution of wealth, then we should start with them & remove that wealth & power & redistribute it to the needy.
0003 Voter fraud evidence of hand-counting & computer vote flipping software 11/23/20 see 22:00-25:00  8.2 Quake by meltdowns – Radioactive plume North America bound?

 Love Life? ...but feel opposite about bankers

— interest is taxation without representation —

Do not think for a moment human kindness can be legislated. Marxism, Communism, Nazism, Fascism were all funded in 1919 from New York City by the owners of the Fed/City of London, illegally thru their bank, Ruskombank,  and the 'isms'can not dictate love. Only your heart can love. Do not be deceived by Republicans or Democrats or the U.S. Congress ...they are all complicit in destroying America & creating suffering, selling out for money, selling you out ... they have sold their souls and are trying to merchandize and weaponize you against yourself & human kind.

Your only hope is to put your differences aside and exercise free will & love ...which you have now lost in the great reset. The democratic governors & their secretaries of state financed by Soros on behalf of the Fed/City of London, and  Sovereign Military Knights of Malta and Skull & Bones and JPMorganChase have ignored the freedoms guaranteed to you by the U.S. Constitution & Bill of Rights. There is no pandemic exclusion to the U.S. Constitution & Bill of Rights. Your elected officials have become fascist dictators. All elected officials that keep us from the freedoms guaranteed to us by the U.S. Constitution & Bill of Rights are traitors & must be immediately arrested & removed from power. Traditionally, the penalty for treason is death. You better watch your step & make your calls very carefully ...you will be taxed out of existance & priced out of freedom.

Take heed, the moment of judgement is upon you & yours and in this moment you must make correct judgements ...the great reset removes all freedoms & choice & private property for the middle class so you must rent everything from your owners ...you are no longer allowed freedom by your elected officials. Soros has bought your district attorneys. Soros has bought your secretaries of State. Soros, the Fed/City of London, the Sovereign Military Knights of Malta, Skull & Bones, JPMorganChase, Deutschebank & the dynastic central bankers who own them the last centuries ...your untrue enemies.

This little piggy went to market...

There is one group powerful enough to start wars, genocide, kill leaders, bring down World Trade Center, deploy global biological-, economic- & financial warfare, propaganda & take away 30 million jobs, overnight ...to create a globalist New World Order ...that own the Fed, founded United Nations, initiated domestic psychological warfare (NSC-68), own & direct pharmchem, medical & military industries & 20% of each company in the Fortune 500 including pharmchem, medical, food, the military industrial complex, nuclear & corporations polluting the western world ...(here & here)

 Broke as a joke? ...better stop laughing, they're coming for you

1. — if you think for a second this great reset attack on humanity is not planned out by Fed/City of London racists to eliminate people of color around the world — think again — the world socialism & communism globalist vision of no private property for you only for them, enslaves you (btw: financed along with Nazism & communism from New York City {here}) ...the Fed/City of London dynastic central banker oligarchs will own everything including you & we will be plunged into slavery & a dark age of humanity  — ask any immigrant or illegal what they're fleeing ...it's the World Order-sponsored Communism, Marxism, Socialism, Nazism, & Fascism, fake Democracy, the Fed/City of London New World Order Communism, Marxism, Socialism, Nazism, & Fascism & now China, Russia & India partnered with NWO globalism to create the CNWO. Broke as a joke? ...better stop laughing, they're coming for you. You could give up or educate yourself by reading about your enemies, Occupy Deutschebank (& JPMorganChase): Financial Warfare for Dummies, (available here).


(above l) Not so Great reset – clears people off land so oligarchs can rob Earth of natural resources without opposition.

2. — The great reset ongoing 50 centuries of racism, fascism & slavery by billionaire oligarchs enforced by Sovereign Military Knights of Malta (for 12 centuries) & Skull & Bones Brotherhood of the Order of Death & Fehme inquisition assassins is vested in Fed/City of London central banks (here), social media & bad science, including:

3. — ionospheric heaters for weather- & earthquake warfare; starting fires around the world using military lasers (here & here); biological warfare attacks CV-19, anthrax & using biological warfare simulants like influenza since 1950 (here); contamination of all living things on Earth by nuclear industry (here); conventional warfare, covert warfare, continued financial warfare/colonization of third world countries by the white racist Fed/City of London; electromagnetic warfare; chemical warfare; propaganda; contact tracing; 5G

4. — you can be like the fake news & deny reality & side with the central bankers who want to have a one world government & deprive you of private property & put you in re-education camps & eliminate 90% of humanity ...or... you can educate yourself to what's going on around you & stop it before you wake up in chains & UN-run FEMA camps your freedom gone, police defunded & gone & CNWO drones & robots herding you around.

America vs the not so Great Reset Fraud  ...only one can survive

the long shot comeback of the original Republic of the United States of America


 1 Evil  – 2 the Anti-Kingdom –  3 Nuclear Industry – 4 Vampire Bankers –  5 Genetically Targeted BioWar – 6 PsyOps Social Engineering & Social Media7 Weather Modification8 Nuclear War – 9 Racism – 10 UN Agenda 21/2030 – 11 Starvation – 12 Cancer – 13 Soros – 14 Home Protection – 15 Weather Warfare – 16 G5/Contact Tracing – 17 Portland –  18 Biden, Bechtel, Dementia & Cognitive Arts

Here are some current examples of idiots at work!

Poster on racism protests & riots snatched from post in Hollywood District, Portland, OR

 End corporate welfare (socialism) before it kills us, (here  Portland racism riots – corporations killing Earth – their CV-19 bailout  billions – corporate welfare (socialism); oil: $159 billion 1st 7 mths 2020 

 End corporate welfare (socialism) before it kills us, (here)   OR racism riots – corps killing Earth – bailout  billions of CV-19 corporate welfare (socialism) oil: $159 billion first 7 months, 2020; Hmmm... appears Fed/City of London, Sovereign Military Knights of Malta, Skull & Bones Brotherhood of the Order of Death are waging war & waging peace (click pic)
Poster on Portland racism protests & riots from post, Hollywood District, Portland, OR Occupy organizing demonstration turn-outs taken over by Soros' agents provocateurs? Hmmm... appears Fed/City of London, Sovereign Military Knights of Malta, Skull & Bones Brotherhood of the Order of Death are waging war & waging peace

1920s Portland's Ku Klux Klan & Royal Riders of the Red Robe (Klan auxiliary for foreign-born white Protestants).1920s Portland – Ku Klux Klan (domestic Protestants) & Royal Riders of the Red Robe (Klan auxiliary of foreign-born white Protestants).

Black families pushed from Portland 1920s Portland – Ku Klux Klan Adam Schiff shady ties to Ukraine exposed
In 1844, Oregon Territory passed laws like the 'Black Exclusion Law', that outlawed black people from living in Oregon; which included the 'Lash Law', that black people would be publicly whipped every six months with 39 lashes, until they left the State. The Ku Klux Klan arrived in Oregon in the early 1920s ...during the second Klan & quickly spread throughout the state, aided by a mostly white, Protestant population & racist & anti-immigrant sentiments already embedded in the region. The Klan succeeded in electing their members in local and state government, which allowed them to pass legislation that furthered their agenda. Ultimately, the decline of the Klan in Oregon came with its struggle in other states as well as nationally, and activity faded in the 1930s ...but continued to flourish underground, systemically rendering BLM.

Mickey Mouse was financed by Schroder banking interests; you will note in the Fed/City of London Charts that Schroder banking interests occupy the second tier beneath the Rothschilds in the City of London interlocking directorate (see Tri-Cities Nuclear submenu, called: Rockefeller Rothschild JPMorganChase Vampire bankers, scroll down to charts of who owns the Fed/City of London ... this will intuitively lead you to JPMorgan's home in Portland & help explain the Portland racism protests & Soro's financed riots in establishing the globalist new world order global government ruled by the interlocking directorate of Fed/City of London dynastic central banking families Will the real fascist dictators destroying millions of lives, jobs, businesses, democracy, freedom, the U.S. & Constitution please stand up & be counted? ... as those calling the Portland riots merely peaceful demonstrations ... these are your true fasicst dictators who must be imprisoned & replaced with those who have the best interests of the people in mind ...rather than increasing their personal wealth & power at the expense of the people. Fuhrer Kate's executive order – police to enter homes on Thanksgiving ...if you have over six guests fine is $1,200 each & up to 6 months in jail ...pretends to care about you. In the old days, of WWII, we would call Gavin a fascist stooge who served the Nazis helping to exterminate the people. Does this analogy hold today? Gavin was put into office by Bechtel, as was Reagan, Feinstein, Pelosi, Kamila Harris, Schwarzenegger. Bechtel is co-directed by Schroder banking interests (Schroder is one of the owners of the Fed/City of London, along with JPMorgan & Rockefeller interests serving Rothschild. Schroder banking interests were Hitler's bankers ... so, we're not far off. In this site you will see how this intersects with Kate Brown, Portland's racism protests & Soros' financed agent provocateurs doing Portland's riots. And, you will see why California has recently outlawed the use of natural gas in new homes because Bechtel directs the electric utilities in the west coast & Pacific Northwest. Natural gas use in new homes illegal – Bechtel runs electric, nuclear, CA, world politics.
Mickey Mouse Kate Brown Gavin Newsom

Will the real fascist dictators destroying millions of lives, jobs, businesses, democracy, freedom, the U.S. & Constitution please stand up & be counted? ... those calling the Portland riots merely peaceful demonstrations ... these are your true fasicst dictators who must be imprisoned & replaced with those who have the best interests of the people in mind ...rather than increasing their own personal wealth & power at the expense & misery of the people.

And you know something's happening, but you don't know what it is ...do you, Mr. Jones?
Go Demo's: 70 million Americans just got attacked on national television Portland & L.A. party Biden/Harris: Soros-paid swing state Sec's of State mail-in ballot fraud
Demos party hardy: Soros-paid district attorneys in swing states set violent rioters free NY billionaire George Soros spending big on California DA races
Happy but sad Dems: Colbert weeps over Trump's press conference Nov 11, 2020 –Talk of the Town The low down on The Great Reset One more time, listen to beginning of this? ...same as vid to left.
An artists impression of the usefulness of face masks & butt masks in Portland & around the world of dogs. Woof woof. Can you identify this breed of dog?


Girls & the Pacific Ocean die from walking dead bankers' nuclear global warming & 5g

V.P. Biden partners in personal enterprise with Chinese communists for $30M

Girls & the Pacific Ocean die from walking dead banksters' nuclear global warming fallout – get cancer by Haarp-5g cellphone aliens

When heck freezers over, the darned will contact trace you

Vampires suck the blood & life force out of grown-ups, girls & boys, animals & pets & destroy Mother Earth, her oceans & Mother Nature ...all are also dying from nuclear. (click pic)  Premise: Fed/City of London, JPMorganChase, Soros, Skull & Bones/Sovereign Military Knights of Malta together are directing a coup to destabilize & waste America, destroy Life & rule Earth using vampire clowns ...commonly referred to as, politicians who serve bankers. FIRST WE GET RID OF THE POLICE, THEN WE GET RID OF THE ARMED FORCES. THEN WE LOSE OUR CONSTITUTION (OUR FREEDOM). THEN WE BECOME SLAVES AND OUR CHILDREN ARE CONFISCATED & HARVESTED BY BULLIES.

WELCOME TO PORTLAND ANTIFA, OR ...where billionaires, bankers & nuclear suck the life force out of parents, girls, boys & pets

543 views - Oct 5, 2020 – Police roll in to engage rioters, thieves & saboteurs – officers attacked with Molotov cocktails – projectiles  — Thank: Sovereign Military Knights of Malta, Skull & Bones, Fed/City of London, JPMorganChase, Soros, Bechtel, Pelosi, Trump

When the shooting starts & a firebomb hits your dog & cat & child ...Will you still want to defund the police? ...or will you get a sniper rifle? Everyone who defunds the police should be arrested for sedition. Every politician who promotes UN Agenda 21 & 2030 should be imprisoned. Everyone who promotes fascist 5G to track us, should be marooned in space. We don't want facist 5G to cover Earth & enable Fed/City of London bankers, Sovereign Military Order of the Knights of Malta, and Skull of Bones Brotherhood of the Order of Death ...  to contact trace us, sell our kids into bondage & force us into extinction.

Whatever you do, do not watch the Admiralty Law video
Admiralty Law vs Personal Sovereignty (banking law vs the right to be yourself)

Make no mistake about it; there has never been a country on the face of the Earth ...far back into history as far as you can go ... there has never existed a country in which the people rose up and demanded their right to be free. Never. The concept of human spiritual, intellectual and physical freedom is totally a concept that has never, ever existed on the Earth. The only time that it has ever come into existance is the founding of the United States of America ...where it was understood we were sovereigns and we owned our bodies ...and consequently since 1868, [that right was taken away from us ...and] we're now under International Maritime Admiralty Law.  Jordan Maxwell, (see center video, above)

What is happening now took only 150 years to implement for 2020 ...and what is at stake in the 2020 election:

>1865 – City of London bankers vow to destroy the Republic of the United States of America:

 "If this mischievous financial policy which has its origin in North American during the late [civil] war in that country, shall become indurated down to a fixture, then that Government will furnish its own [public owned not private-banker owned] money without cost. It will pay off debts and be without debt. It will have all the money necessary to carry on its commerce. It will become prosperous without precedent in the history of the world. The brains and wealth of all countries will go to North America. That country must be destroyed or it will destroy every monarchy [dictatorship] on the globe."

~ Hazard Circular inserted in 1865 London Times re: Lincoln's 'Greenbacks' ... (publicly owned money, not banker-owned money)

The not so Great Reset ...brought to you by the global elite who claim to own Earth

ABP. VIGANÒ – OPEN LETTER TO TRUMP: RESIST ‘THE GREAT RESET’ 2021 Housing Crash? ...looks that way Victor Davis Hanson - U.S. Election 2020
Victor David Hanson - U.S. Election Reality Outsider (British) take on World Economic Forum's 'Great Reset'
 Oct 30, 2020  Abp. Carlo Maria Viganò
President is 'the final garrison against world dictatorship'

Can you survive the 12 weapons of racism in Portland? | Skull & Bones Brotherhood of the Order of Death  | Sovereign Military Knights of Malta | Fed/City of London | Nuclear | Girls | Earth | Oceans | Animals | Dying  ——  Fortune Teller   —— 1st Responders ——  Women —— Rosalie & Janet —— Souls for Sale ——  CV-19 | Bio-War |  Psy-Op | Contact Tracing  | Gates |  Fauci | UN  ——  Soros | Walking Dead | Antifia | Guns | Homeless | Refugees | Displaced | UN —— Rockefeller | Rothschild | Vampire Bankers | IMF | World Bank | JPMorganChase —— JPMorganChase | Deutschebank | Financial Terrorism | NeoNazis/Fascists/Antifa —— Nuclear Not Safe Not Clean ...Causes Global Warming, Species Extinction, Cancer & Immune Deficiency Diseases ——  Psy-Op |  CIA Tavistock | Owning Public Mind  ——  Royals  ——  Biden & Dementia – Portland Metro Creative Aging & Cognitive Arts Center  ——  Womenu

Ever wonder what the hell is going on all around you?

Central bankers set animals & people on fire with nuclear fallout to create debt & interest payments ...it's that simple ...41,000 people get fatal & non-fatal cancer from nuclear industry, every single day ...it's the largest pandemic on Earth...

...when you add in the animals of the sea & land, it might be 10x-100x, more suffering

Now you know ...want us to name who's doing it?

Portland's Antifa's ...not so great reset rioting, cancel culture, catch & release, defund the City of London 

The battle lines to stop racism & save our Constitution are clearly drawn:  Antifia & other violent anti-BLM protests distract us from what's really going on — a racist & globalist pink (white) banker new world order coup d'tat takeover to continue global racism & to install global fascism & global contact tracking & eliminate people of color, pink (white) opposition, Constitutional rights, freedom & justice, worldwide while they are currently destroying Life in the sea & on land with the 12 weapons, including racism.

Do you know what the three biggest racist organizations are currently in the world, today?

  • for 900 years the Sovereign Military Knights of Malta are a white organization of warlords destroying then enslaving countries of color & today, their members include the heads of western intelligence (war) services
  • for 300 years the Fed/City of London white central bankers/warlords conquered then enslaved 120 countries of color including the indigenous: U.S.A, the Americas, Africa & Asia
  • for several hundred years, Skull & Bones German Society of the Order of Death (aka, the 'Fehme ') based in Germany & Yale University are white people/warlords that control indigenous: United States of America, Central & South America, Europe & selected Asian countries

Of the twelve weapons, do you know what the three biggest racist weapons are in the world?

  • Weapon No. 4:
    • the Fed/City of London bankers
    • Skull & Bones German Brotherhood of the Order of Death
    • Sovereign Military Knights of Malta
  • Weapon No. 5:
    • genetically targeted biological warfare
  • Weapon No. 6:
    • Social engineering

Fed/City of London central bankers & billionaires like nerd Bill Gates & former nazi informer George Soros & World Bank/IMF United Nations Agenda 21/30 say we need to reduce human population by 90% — why don't they get rid of themselves, first?

Ever wonder what the hell is going on all around you?

> 2021 – Skull & Bones Society of the Order of Death, Sovereign Military Knights of Malta & Fed/City of London non-centralized global fascist coup ...putsch speed up by 900 year old Sovereign Knights of Malta to destabilize U.S. then takeover Earth in their continual Inquisition

> 2021 – Billionaire computer nerds back UN Agenda 21/30 coup to destabilize U.S. for City of London 

> 2020 – Communist destabilization of U.S. by Fed/City of London, Skull & Bones, & Knights of Malta 

> 2018 – Billionaire nerds do run-thru of CV-19 biological warfare attack to destroy U.S. economy & jobs & destabilize all countries

> 1919 – Creating, funding, deploying & maintaining communism, nazism & socialism out of New York City

> 1913 – Financial warfare coup takeover of public owned (no interest) central bank – creating Fed private owned (interest charging) central bank

> 1913 – Ongoing ...the Crown enlists the robber barons primarily the Rockefellors in 1906 to form the Fed in 1913 in a financial coup d'etat by the Rothschilds, Morgans, Browns & Rockefellors who bribe our Congress (to date) and re-establish their ownership of a privately owned central bank in the U.S. which they call, the Fed & re-establish globalist private ownership & financial control of the U.S.

Ongoing ...private owners of the Fed define interest on the national debt as their private 'dividends' ...meaning: they get the interest that you pay on the national debt each year ($600 billion dollars to $1,000 billion dollars on the Fed, alone) as a personal dividend on City of London exclusive ownership of Federal Reserve founding stock ...right into their wallets &/or corporations; figuring their ownership of 6 Rothschild-founded central banks, that's about $3,000 billion dollars a year, free ...of your hard earned tax money ... while the rest of the world goes starving, homeless & begging ...got teeth? ...a toilet? ...a shower?

>1868 – City of London bankers displace The Republic of the united states of America ...with, the United States Corporation, which is currently in charge, today ...not the Republic of the united states of America, (see Admiralty Law video, above)

>1868 – City of London banker monarchs vow to destroy the Republic of the United States of America:

 "If this mischievous financial policy which has its origin in North American during the late war in that country, shall become indurated down to a fixture, then that Government will furnish its own money without cost. It will pay off debts and be without debt. It will have all the money necessary to carry on its commerce. It will become prosperous without precedent in the history of the world. The brains and wealth of all countries will go to North America. That country must be destroyed or it will destroy every monarchy on the globe."

~ Hazard Circular inserted in 1865 London Times re: Lincoln's 'Greenbacks'

>1801 – President Thomas Jefferson warns if private banks take over, Americans will end up homeless.

"Banking institutions are more dangerous to our liberties than standing armies. If American people ever allow private banks to control the issue of their currency, first by inflation, then by deflation, the banks and corporations that will grow up around will deprive the people of all property until their children wake-up homeless on the continent their fathers conquered. The issuing power should be taken from the banks and restored to the people, to whom it properly belongs."

~ President Thomas Jefferson, 1801-1809 (commentary-1n)

>1776 – The Americans throw out the Rothschild, Morgan, & Brown central bankers who own the City of London corporation, known as 'the Crown', 'the City' & 'the Square Mile' (who occupy a square mile of investment banksters inside London that is a separate country then & now) ...for 'taxation without representation'.

"We began planning the Revolutionary War in order to issue our own money again ...and keep King George III and Bank of England from enslaving us with debt, and making Americans their financial slaves. By the time the revolutionary war started, Apr. 19 1775, British taxation had sucked the gold and silver out of the American colonies, to Britain. So, we had to print money to finance the war."        

~ Benjamin Franklin, a 'founding father', 1706-1790

The Crown owns all the British colonies of color around the world (about 120-130); while the British monarchy owns all the white colonies. The City of London corporation is the basis of our current racism problem that has persisted for hundreds of years. The Crown makes money by destroying countries of color, then by slave trading and drug running as well as taking all the gold, silver, timber (and eventually, oil) from the countries of color while leaving people of color to live in poverty ...can you spell Africa, Central & South American, Asia, Austrailia? ...and by war, which is also happening all over the world today ...and by Soros-style hiring of riff-raff to do riots, then sending in the armies to take over the countries of color, and installing puppet dictators and false democracies like Biden did in as a front man in Ukraine not long ago representing the Fed/City of London corporation as the U.S./City of London spokesperson (which is why Tavistock deployed MK Ultra and recently erased Biden's mind so that he can not testify against them).

Now Do You Know Who Your Real Enemy Is? ...and who the real racists are?

...it is not the Republican leadership trying to uphold the U.S. Constitution.

...it is not the Democrat leadership trying to replace capitalism with socialism and communism.

...it is the international interlocking directorate of Fed/City of London central bankers whose ass they kiss.

Here's an example of financial warfare for you – maybe it's financial slavery, too ...your call. Note interest rate column with interest of 580% by your friendly mortgage banker doing you the favor of enslaving you with a '6% fixed mortgage rate'; can you spell, 'march them to the gallows'? (Now do you see why we fought the Revolutionary War to throw out the Rothschild central bankers ... interest = taxation without representation.

(above) click pic: Who do you think gets paid that 580% interest? (normally, people refinance every 5 years) ... the private owners of the NFL monopoly — or — private owners of the Fed/City of London central bank monopoly?


Central bankers set animals & people on fire with nuclear fallout to create debt & interest payments ...it's that simple; according to industry figures, the nuclear industry has given lethal & non-lethal cancer (such as breast & prostate, organ, brain & eye), miscarriages & mutations to 1.2 billion people since 1940; that's 41,000 a day every day, such as today --or, your birthday-- ...& you don't even know how many animals in the sea & on land (maybe 10x more) or 410,000 a day (ever wonder why we're in the 4th great extinction of life on Earth? ...it's nuclear pollution & ionospheric heaters frying the plankton basis of Earth's oxygen & food chains & changing the weather making millions refugees & homeless victims of the interlocking directorate of the Fed/City of London banksters who should be gone

CodeShutdown: Is collapse of the Pacific caused by climate change or nuclear fallout? The chitin in plankton absorbs radiation like a sponge. This concentrates nuclear industry fallout up to 10,000 times. The plankton die, bringing the radiation with them to the bottom and the tiny fish that feed on the missing plankton starve. The result: scientists don’t measure much radiation in the water, and larger fish that feed on smaller fish that feed on plankton, starve. This ripples up the food chain. Orcas at the top of the food chain are starving to death and not one scientist comes forward to mention Fukushima as a cause. A salmon’s diet: juvenile salmon eat zooplankton, and larval and adult invertebrates. In the ocean, salmon eat smaller fish, such as herring, pelagic amphipods and krill. The populations of which, have crashed.

Central bankers set animals & people on fire with nuclear fallout to create debt & interest payments ...it's that simple ...41,000 people get fatal & non-fatal cancer from nuclear industry, every single day ...it's the largest pandemic on Earth...

...when you add in the animals of the sea & land, it might be 10x-100x, more suffering

Now you know ...want us to name who's doing it?

The Pacific Ocean is Dying and You Don't Even Know ...we are in the Sixth Great Extinction of Life on Planet Earth -- courtesy of Fed interest rate banking families valuing money over people, animals, all living things, and the Life Force. They value profits over people and it's time to stop the Fed interest rate banking families (and their apologists) who own and enslave us and murder us and all living things.

The do-nothing genocidal de-population U.S. Congress & kill everything Fed/City of London are running the 6th Great Extinction of Life on our Planet (here)

"We must work together as stewards of Mother Earth to reclaim & restore the health of our Creator's Planet."

While airborne or seaborne, atomized plutonium & hundreds of other radionuclides surround us & other animals carried in rain & water in very fine particles & hot spots with consequences... (cont, here-1l)

(click pic)  Facts of life & death — 3:28 PM Apr 24, 2017 -8869- Mass die-off along U.S. West Coast - TV: “It’s just not clear why all the marine life is washing up like this. Reports coming in every day” - Experts: ‘Unknown’ organisms eating away brains, hearts - New infection never seen before (VIDEOS) 

Nuclear Energy Creates Nuclear Global Warming

Currently, the Fed/City of London G8 central banks want you to believe that it is not the nuclear energy industry that is destroying all Life on this planet. They want you to think it is global warming... (cont, here-01c)

Once you want to know their names & find out who they are, you can stop them.

Who Owns Whom?

...What self-respecting activist doesn't know the truth and whom to hate?

Federal Reserve Bank declares JPMORGAN/CHASE a threat to the financial stability of the United States (here)

...hey, what's wrong with this picture ...JPMORGAN/CHASE is included among the private bankers that privately own the Fed, that you owe the national debt to – for 2017, you will pay them interest on the national debt out of your paychecks – $266 billion dollars ...this money DOES NOT go to the U.S. Government since the Fed is a privately-owned bank. (See charts, below.)

General Electric is a parent company of msnbc.com through GE’s 49 percent stake in NBC-Universal. NBC-Universal and Microsoft are equal partners in msnbc.com.

Westinghouse is owned by Toshiba in Japan. General Electric is owned by Hitachi in Japan.

Which private interlocking banking directorates that own the Fed own General Electric? ...see yellow highlight on charts; (here: PDF -or- MS Word).

General Electric-designed reactors like those in Fukushima that exploded up into the jet streams and melted down into the water acquifirs and blanketed the Pacific Ocean and the continental U.S. and the northern hemisphere with poison for several hundred thousand years, and are still feeding the Pacific Ocean have inherent design flaws ...like 23 sister-reactors in  the U.S. that need to be shut down and recalled before, after or while they give you cancer.

Does this mean that the private bankers that own the Fed and own the nuclear industry are killing you with cancer? ...as well as thousands of millions of helpless animals ...& all life forms with DNA that replicate themselves after their own kinds?

   Nuclear reactors line riverbank at Hanford Nuclear Reservation site on Columbia River, January 1960. GE N Reactor in foreground, twin GE KE & KW reactors, immediate background. Historic B Reactor, world's first plutonium production reactor, visible in distance.

The Life Force is under attack as never before ...can you feel it? ...it needs our help.

Children & other baby mammals (like whales, dolphins, seals, horses, donkeys, cows, goats, dogs, cats) have destruction of DNA, lethal & nonlethal cancers, heart attacks & immune deficiency diseases) from nuclear in common ...& DNA mutations in trees, flowers, insects, birds, reptiles, starfish, pelicans, sea birds, too; every living organism is slowly or quickly hurt or mutated by nuclear industry ...nuclear even mutates viruses & bacteria to form new & mysterious diseases for ocean- & land animals

(12-of-19) Currently, children and other baby mammals, as well as adults, are terribly suffering worldwide from nuclear power. And, the legion of evil doing this to us are persecuting whistleblowers. Even the trees and flowers and insects and birds and reptiles and whales and dolphins and starfish and pelicans and sea birds and cows, horses, dogs and cats and everything living that reproduces itself after its own kind, have their DNA in the crosshairs of nuclear madmen owned and governed by the G8, International Monetary Fund, World Bank and Bank of International Settlements …the western central banks. They are an Inquisition, killing all who do not worship money and are bent on destroying Natural Order, Gaia and Divine Order ... (cont, here-1f) 

06:41 PM Jan 19, 2012 -2317- 20,000 excess U.S. deaths after Fukushima, not 14,000? …age groups, cities VIDEO

Want us to name those who's doing it? ...or not

(13-of-19 cont from above) Wouldn't it be somethin' if the same bankers not only own the military industrial nuclear establishment, but also own all the corporations polluting the planet, making global warming, climate change, and making animals in the ocean extinct?

...I mean, then if we got rid of the bankers killing adults, boys and girls and animals on land and in the ocean ...and got rid of their corporations, we'd get rid of those problems and save humanity and the animal kingdom, overnight. That's old fashioned common sense is all that is ...got common sense? (cont below)

Soros' initial hiring of a private Antifa army maybe 500-1,000 criminally insane thugs per major city

(15-of-19) First the Fed/City of London bankers got rid of the middle class in New York City. Then they got rid of the middle class and working class in San Francisco. Now in Multnomah County, United Nations County where Portland Oregon Antifa United Nations Agenda 21/30 is, they want to make owning single family homes a relic, they just changed the zoning to put up a 4-plex or several row houses on the same 5,000 sq ft lot that used to only be allowed to have one family... (cont, here-1i )

Keep Portland Antifa Weird

(16-of-19) Portland Antifa citizens repeatedly vote to keep fluoride out of drinking water and keep it pure, based on new scientific research that fluoride reduces I.Q. in children and causes dementia in seniors …with all the pro and con documentation included in their voter handbook. Some weirdo’s document that fluoride calcifies your pineal gland, or ‘third eye’, the seat of your foresight, hindsight, imagination, dreams, intuition, simply seeing beyond normal sight …after all, the pineal gland has rods and cones like your other two eyes …say it isn’t so.

Portland Antifa doesn’t know an organic farm in southeast Portland southeast Antifa voluntarily closed down because it was permanently contaminated from Fukushima radionuclide rain-through (nuclear fallout) and resultant nuclear fallout ground shine …it could no longer grow food safe to eat, ever again. Nor, that Portland Antifa had/has the most rain-through and ground shine of Fukushima fallout in the U.S., as much as around Fukushima Dai-Ichi. The Pacific Cascades, even more... (cont, here-1j).

Having Antifa hire the homeless and pay them with speed and heroin

(17-of-19 cont from above) Soros is probably having Antifa hire the homeless to help them and paying them with speed and heroin ...before too long, anyway. Just keep buying guns. The sales records are falling and our tempers are rising. Cause if the morons succeed with castrating the police departments, ain't no one gonna save your a** but you. (cont below)


Lest we not forget you.

FAREWELL FROM PORTLAND ANTIFA, oregon ...WE'LL BE SEEING YOU TO SAY GOOD BYE ...and so will the not so great reset

Fentanyl nasal sprays, lollipops, injections, sublingual tablets and sprays are immediate acting and used for breakthrough pain caused from poverty & insufficient (Fun)ds ...on sale now or now trade your body organs!