States – Nuclear Poisoned States Rot Our State of Mind
Federal Reserve Directors whose Corporations & Military Tactics Kill U.S. States should be done away with
How are Fed interest rate bankers killing & aborting pregnancies of women & animals & killing kids where you live?
States here
On the dying Planet Earth, in the U.S. beneath chemtrails created by climate engineering & by nuclear reactors, kids, pregnancies of mammals (including people) & creatures in a variety of species get destroyed by normal day-to-day nuclear reactor ops, by failing, leaking & exploding dumps & by catastrophic nuclear situations such as Three Mile Island, Chernobyl & Fukushima.
How are Fed interest rate bankers killing you & your families & animals and Mother Nature with nuclear power, nuclear fallout & nuclear waste 'they' wage the sixth great extinction of life with nuclear fallout & climate engineering against you & your pregnancies & animals ... in your State? ...find out,Here
United States
12:19 PM May 11, 2011-0469-EPA shuts down Fukushima-radiation monitors in Calif. finding high levels of radiation in drinking water
Air, Water & Food are Weaponized in Your State Against You by Pro-Nukers – Bob Nichols
We all breathe & eat deadly nuclear isotopes in our food & drink them in our water; lethal metal isotope particles so small from the air they go right thru our clothes & skin
Muzzle velocity & range: 1 milligram of uranium, which is smaller than you can comfortably see, radiates outward 850 particles and energy squibbs a minute. These particles will kill or maim you.
Think of them as small, radioactive bullets. Some move with remarkable speeds, with a muzzle velocity of 983,568,960 feet per second, or 299,792,458 meters per second.
To a group of red blood cells or liver cells 'standing' next to the little, evil uranium particle, it must seem like hell on Earth ...only worse. The destructive fire from the uranium rounds never stops.
Inside kill job:the rounds have a range of about 20 cells in all directions. The radioactive isotopes make a perfect killing machine. We are struck with the 850 rounds per minute per milligram ... throughout our lives ... a deadly reality from the pro-nukers ...(you all know one). Shun 'them'.
Criminalize 'them'. Send 'them' to their well-deserved reward. The pro-nukers have shortened all our expected life spans.The rapid killing off and maiming of all humanity, the animal kindom, and all living things is what we are talking about. (Cont in following youtube)
Let's take a closer look at what other nuclear fallout is going on in your State ...use our reactor finder, here
Your family &/or workplace is now an endangered species
To avoid cancer from the reactors, read the e-books, (here)
Why should you use the reactor finder to see if you live within 25 miles of a nuclear reactor? ...because women & girls living within 25 miles of a normally operating nuclear reactor get more cancer than men or boys, or those living farther away.
(l) Airborne path of Fukushima airborne fallout from March 2011 to present; (r) Seaborne path of Fukushima seaborne fallout from March 2011 to present
(l) Radioactive Cloud of Nuclear Fallout Over Europe From the Chernobyl Disaster; (r) Nuclear fallout ALERT as Russian Radioactive leak sweeps across Europe: A NUCLEAR disaster in Russia has sent a radioactive cloud across Europe, experts have warned. Nuclear radiation fears are also being caused by North Korea with their testing of the hydrogen bomb and missiles.
Indigenous Peoples Around The World Respect The Land & Mother Earth – Does The Fed? City of London?
(l) Location of nuclear reactors (each also a dump); (m) Red areas covered with nuclear test radiation; (r) States with Indian Casinos.
Your family &/or workplace is now an endangered species
To avoid cancer from the reactors, read the e-books, (here)
a short video to watch, below
a short video to watch, (above)
Part 1 – Philip Klasky, Lecturer in American Indian Studies & Dr. Carlos Davidson, Dir,. SFSU Environmental Studies
Part 3 – Radiation biologist Natalia Manzurova tells of her experience as a Chernobyl 'clean up liquidator' - translated by psychologist Tatiana Mukhamedyarova.
All five parts,(here) 1-of-5) | (2-of-5) | (3-of-5) | (4-of-5) | (5-of-5)
Deadly Impact of Nuclear Testing, Fallout, Waste & Hot Particles on Indian Country
(l) Wild Earth Guardians, here — (r) Forest Service Employees for Environmental Ethics, here
Activists United to Stop Nuclear & Extracted Fuels (formerly called 'Fossil Fuels')
— activist index —
Law of the Rights of Mother EarthEnvironmental Person-hoodEarth Person-hood
NuclearA-B | C-E | F | H-S | S-W | — | EnvironmentalA-C | C-F | F | G-N | O-P | R | R-V | W | | — | Environmental Law | — | Animal Rights / Conservation | — | Human Rights | — | Unique | — | Alternative News | — | Central Banking | — | Solar / Alternative Energy | — | Women's Rights | — | Add'l Resources
Who in their right mind would write these two e-books then do a website and take six years out of his life save you? Some fool ...wait a minute,
Nuclear industry is a crime against all plants, animals & life in the Pacific Ocean
----------- HEALTH CARE FOR OUR PLANET ----------
Pacific NuclearNewswire for Women
These e-books have 9,000 documented facts Congress hates that prove them dangerous to us
When radiation mutates DNA, it doesn't care if it is plant, animal or human DNA. It destroys the Life Force and Divine Order of every living creature or plant to faithfully reproduce itself after its own kind. The Life Force needs you, your children, pets, gardens and children-to-be, safe and sound. The Life Force is suffering as never before ...can you feel it? It needs your love. Love begins with you reading these books.
...could it be your guardian angel? Nah. I don't have a spiritual purpose with my life. I was put here to consume everything. I'm a Republican ...I mean, a Democrat. I forget. No, wait. Maybe I'm a human being ...or a turtle. Gee.
You know this already, it's easier to pretend ...and, more fun! – eating sugar, getting high, watching tv, talking about sports idols and movie stars ...
Space Weather | Solar Flares | Sun Spots | Earthquakes
Kaiser Permanente: cell phones & personal computers increase miscarriages
...Kaiser Permanente medical study proves non-ionizing electromagnetic radiation from cell phones, personal computers, wi-fi & space weather increases miscarriages
...someone else will fix it, right? No. You fix it otherwise why be an incarnate spirit on Earth, y'know? But, who's doing it here?
Take a look at 5G& directed energy weapons?click pic -or- here
Can 5G Be Weaponized? (here)
(above) NOTE: This appears to be a re-mix of an actual news broadcast re-mixed with videos and pictures that were taken 5 days after the original broadcast ...apparently accurately remixing the original broadcast with what the artist perceived as the truth, matching the pictures in the broadcast with pictures from the fires in Northern California that were the same, in an evidentiary fashion. Kind of an interesting reverse-propaganda designed to tell the truth rather than lie. Kinda like that approach, don't you? More, here.
Note: On this map of WTC/911, the orange circles and squares are burned and melted cars. Why are some of the cars so far away?
— Activists United in song —
Nuclear industry is a crime against your parents
— Activists United to Stop Nuclear & Fossil Fuels —
Law of the Rights of Mother Earth Environmental Person-hoodEarth Person-hood
Fracking Kills Babies
...babies born in fracking areas of Pennsylvania 66% more likely to die before 28 days old
New study shows for the first time, that contamination from fracking kills babies in fracking areas: heart, neurological, kidney defects. The fracking production process releases radium, uranium and other naturally occurring radioactive materials from shale strata to contaminate groundwater. (For story, click pic)
Hide & go seek
Nuclear industry is a crime against beauty
Animals | Central Banks | Mysterious Diseases
Don't tread on me
When we use nuclear power, we create something nature tried to destroy to make life possible
Until about two billion years ago, it was impossible to have any life on Earth; that is, there was so much radiation on Earth you couldn’t have any life – fish or anything. Gradually, two billion years ago, the amount of radiation on this planet – and probably in the entire system – reduced and made it possible for some form of life to begin. When we go back to using nuclear power, we are creating something which nature tried to destroy to make life possible. Nuclear power is not worth it. (cont)
- Admiral Hyman G. Rickover, U.S. Navy officer, driving force behind naval nuclear power
Nuclear industry is a crime against lovers
Fairewinds video interviews & transcripts
Extreme Nuclear Danger
Arnie Gundersen appeared on Ecoshock radio to discuss extreme nuclear dangers with host Alex Smith. February 02, 2017 (program, here) (Original transcription by Fairewinds, (scroll down at EcoShock site: here)
Tritium, a radioactive isotope and bi-product of nuclear power generation, is making headlines with notable leaks at 75% of all the reactors in the United States ...including Indian Point in New York, and Turkey Point in Florida, (Fairewinds video, here – transcription below video). Fairewinds interviews Dr. Ian Fairlie. Ian was formerly with United Kingdom’s Department for Environment, Food, and Rural Affairs specializing in radiation risks from nuclear power stations. From 2000 to 2004, headed the Secretariat to the UK Government’s CERRIE Committee examining radiation risk of internal emitters. Retiring from government service, he has consulted to the European Parliament.
Nuclear industry is a crime that demands the death penalty
Fairewinds video interviews & transcripts
Smokescreen (animation)
Another $8.2 trillion dollars
At least $8.2 trillion would be needed to build the 1,000 atomic reactors the nuclear industry wants – 1 reactor every 12-days for 35-years. (video, left)
Proponents of nuclear power would have us believe that humankind is smart enough to store nuclear waste for a quarter of a million years, but at the same time humankind is so dumb that we can’t figure out how to store solar electricity overnight; (here).
Fairewinds video interviews & transcripts
Nuclear industry is a crime & those doing it should suffer no more & no less misery than they cause living things
Fairewinds video interviews & transcripts
Marco Kaltofen: The Hottest Hot Particle
If Fairewinds Energy Education was a Japanese website, the State Secrets Law of Japan would likely prevent us from issuing this video
Fairewinds was one of the first organizations to talk about 'hot particles' scattered all over Japan and North America’s west coast. Hot particles are dangerous and difficult to detect. In this video, Mr. Kaltofen discusses the hottest hot particle he has ever found ...and, it was discovered more than 300 miles from the Fukushima Daiichi site. Arnie Gundersen provides a brief introduction and summary to the video, (here).
Nuclear industry doesn't care about you
Marco Kaltofen finds Fukushima hot particles in Seattle & Boston
Radiation exposure to Japan after Fukushima earthquake
...presentation to American Public Health Association. Video, (here) scroll down at destination for Fairewinds transcript
Nuclear industry is a crime & it is time to lock these people up, try, judge, impose sentence & march them to the gallows
Fairewinds video interviews & transcripts
Nuclear Power Makes Global Warming Worse
How nuclear industry throws us under the bus: a false narrative reactors significantly reduce global CO2
CCTV host Margaret Harrington of Nuclear Free Future, interviews Fairewinds Chief Engineer Arnie Gundersen and Research Assistant Grayson Webb to discuss how the atomic power industry tries to sell the world a false narrative that the nuclear industry helps reduce Global CO2.
Arnie and Grayson discuss Fairewinds 18-month research endeavor that found using atomic reactors would reduce CO2 emissions sustainable energy source only 6% by the year 2050 and cost more than $8.2 trillion dollars!
Nuclear industry is all about eliminating Life & getting paid
Will the real teenage ninja mutant turtles please stand up?
It's like we're useless breeders or deplorables in a bad 1950's science fiction 'B' movie auctioned off as slaves to those who can not feel so are not human – they live
Nuclear industry is a crime against health
Portland attacked by Fukushima fallout
Portland, Pacific Northwest, West Coast, Mexico, North, Central & South America under attack by Fukushima fallout
Manmade ionizing Alpha, Beta & Gamma radiation are attracted to & attack different human body parts.
Nuclear industry is a crime against Seattle, Vancouver & Portland
Radiation precautions for areas near Seattle, Vancouver, Portland
Portland has cesium at 100 Bq/m²
Radiation precautions for areas near Seattle, Vancouver, Portland. Perhaps you need to wash your shoes …and other things. If in Oregon, Wash., Calif. you need to demand officials test how Fukushima fallout has affected rivers and fish -- Significant radiation hit west coast and settled in on Cascades. We’ll see a statistically meaningful increase in cancer from Fukushima on west coast …after Japan, the most radioactive area is Cascade Mountains. Portland had cesium at 100 Bq/m² – Arnie Gundersen
Nuclear industry is a crime against animals, Gaia & Divine Order
As Fukushima Daiichi keeps on giving the legacy of radioactive discharge throughout Japan and the northern hemisphere, it is time to recognize the whistleblowers in the U.S. and around the world, who try to keep the world’s existing atomic power reactors operating safely. These brave people cannot do their job if the regulators, like NRC, are part of the problem, from beginning to end! I was in the nuclear power industry. I promoted nuclear power plants and now I think they’re morally wrong. Their connection to the atomic bomb and the way the industry is, is just not what we should be practicing as a human race. As a woman, a mother, a grandmother, I feel it’s morally wrong. – Maggie Gundersen
Nuclear industry is a crime against the Life Force
Instruments don't eat
by Hirose Takashi
In Japan, every day the local government measures radioactivity. All television stations say while radiation is rising, it is not high enough to be a danger to health. They compare it to a stomach x-ray, or if it goes up, to a CT scan. What is the truth of the matter?