Note: Excerpts - an an open letter from Arnie Gundersen — Fairewinds Energy Education (original text) ... to Bill Gates:Mr. Gates, during fifty years of developing nuclear power expertise, I learned that sooner or later, in any foolproof system, the fools are going to exceed the proofs …it’s time for you to face the music (and the facts): marketing hype associated with your latest “brainchild” ignores 70-years of fails usingliquid-sodium-based reactor coolant. — Mycle Schneider, Politico E.U.: “All they have are PowerPoint reactors ...far from an operating pilot plant.” — Union of Concerned Scientists, Advanced Isn’t Always Better: Is different better? The short answer is, no.” — Forbes Magazine: “Wyoming To Lead Coal-To-Nuclear Transition: Interest for nuclear plants growing beyond Wyoming as Montana, Nebraska, Utah, Idaho and North Dakota [explore] advanced nuclear reactors …brainchild of Bill Gates …has developed a 345 MW sodium-cooled fast reactor with a molten salt-based energy storage system.” — Scientific American, liquid sodium “dangerous as it is captivating … On contact with air, it burns; plunged into water, it explodes."— Bulletin of Atomic Scientists: “Private industry tried in the 1960s to operate its own commercial-sized
fast-breeder, Fermi I; benefits were negative. Barely three years after Fermi 1 came online, a partial fuel meltdown in 1966 brought it down.” — In the book. We Almost Lost Detroit, other sodium-cooled reactorfails in U.S. and worldwide. American Nuclear Society, Admiral Rickover, founder of the nuclear Navy, testified to Congress in 1957: “We went to full power on the Seawolf ... on August 20 of last year. Shortly thereafter, she developed a small leak. It took 3 months, 24 hours a day, to locate and correct the leak." Rickover killed Navy’s sodium-powered reactor due to leaks, volatility,repairs and radiation exposure. — After failed attempts to use liquid sodium on the Seawolf and Fermi 1, nuclear zealots convinced U.S. Congress to subsidize a sodium-cooled reactor at Clinch River in Tennessee. Rise and Demise of the Clinch River Breeder Reactor in Scientific American: “In 1982 …Energy Department videotape safety tests how molten sodium can react in contact with a reactor’s concrete containment. Concrete contains water crystals. Molten sodium reacts explosively with oxygen, including oxygen contained in water. The test demonstrated and video showed concrete exploding in contact with liquid sodium."
— Monju sodium reactor ... After cancelation of the Clinch River fiasco, those nuclear zealots continued to pursue the fantasy of a sodium-cooled fast breeder reactor at the Monju site in Fukui Prefecture, Japan. After 4-months, plagued by inevitable sodium leaks and sodium fires, Monju reactor had an emergency shutdown! The Monju sodium reactor took ten years to construct, ran intermittently for one year, and failed to operate for twenty years. Japan government's subsidized costs, exceeded $11 Billion. Reuters: “With Monju’s shutdown, Japan’s taxpayers are left with at least 375 billion yen ($3.2 billion) to decommission its reactor, on top of 1 trillion yen ($8.5 billion) spent.” — Reuters, France has decided to cancel itssodium-cooled reactordesigns for at least half a century! — Mr. Gates, during my fifty years of developing nuclear power expertise, I have learned that sooner or later, in any foolproof system, the fools are going to exceed the proofs … it’s time for you to face the music (and the facts): the marketing hype associated with your latest “brainchild” ignores 70-years of fails using liquid-sodium-based atomic reactor coolant. — Arnold "Arnie" Gundersen, Chief Engineer, Fairewinds Energy Education
Kim Kardashian told her 58 million twitter followers she's "shocked and furious" to learn that smoke from the Woolsey Fire started at Santa Susana and is potentially radioactive. Kourtney Kardashian tweeted "our family lives only 20 miles from Santa Susana." SantaSusana Sodium Reactor near Los Angeles CA, in Simi Valley; 3-4 nuclear facility reactor meltdowns were completely covered up, 400x worse than Three Mile Island – radioactive Plutonium, Cesium, Strontium released over L.A. for over 20 years, to date, (here) & (here)
08:07 PM Sep 16, 2013 -6388- Landslide at MOX-fueled Japan Nuclear Plant - AP: Emergency data transmission from Monju stops as typhoon hits - Kyodo: Can’t access site due to mudslides, reactor temperatures unknown
08:25 PM Jun 17, 2011 -0766- 6,000 lb. crane hits inner vessel - 300 miles sw of Fukushima, 60 mi from Kyoto, 1.5 million people
Japan - Monju fast breeder reactor - failing commercialization prototype
Japan Strains to Fix a Reactor Damaged Before Quake[1] [i], New York Times By Hiroko Tabuchi
[i] In two decades since 1991, the Monju reactor generated electricity only for one full hour. Under a government plan, Japan would use technology developed at Monju to commercialize fast-breeder reactors by 2050.
[1] [end note No. 703] - two maps on page 570 go here -- 64 nuclear reactors in Japan; Monju site (not shown) sits on 7 earthquake faults, is sodium-cooled, uses plutonium fuel, designed to produce fuel for Japan’s 63 nuclear plants, and as commercialization prototype.
Forbes Magazine: “Wyoming To Lead Coal-To-Nuclear Transition: Interest for nuclear plants growing beyond Wyoming as Montana, Nebraska, Utah, Idaho and North Dakota [explore] advanced nuclear reactors
Wyoming | North Dakota | Montana
01:00 AM Jul 4, 2012 []-3712- Russia owns 20% of all U.S. uranium reserves - Top Nuke Official: Russia is mining Uranium in Wyoming - something you couldn’t imagine 3 or 4 years ago (VIDEO)
In the midst of the domestic energy boom, livestock on farms near oil- and gas-drilling operations nationwide have been quietly falling sick and dying
Earlier this year, Michelle Bamberger, an Ithaca veterinarian, and Robert Oswald, a professor of molecular medicine at Cornell’s College of Veterinary Medicine, published the first (and, so far, only) peer-reviewed report to suggest a link between fracking and illness in food animals. The authors compiled case studies of twenty-four farmers in six shale-gas states whose livestock experienced neurological, reproductive and acute gastrointestinal problems. Exposed either accidentally or incidentally to fracking chemicals in the water or air, scores of animals have died. The death toll is insignificant when measured against the nation’s livestock population (some 97 million beef cattle go to market each year), but environmental advocates believe these animals constitute an early warning.
In Louisiana, seventeen cows died after an hour’s exposure to spilled fracking fluid. (Most likely cause of death: respiratory failure.) In north central Pennsylvania, 140 cattle were exposed to fracking wastewater when an impoundment was breached. Approximately seventy cows died; the remainder produced eleven calves, of which only three survived. In western Pennsylvania, an overflowing waste pit sent fracking chemicals into a pond and a pasture where pregnant cows grazed: half their calves were born dead.
Ever since a heater-treater unit, which separates oil, gas and brine, blew out on a drill pad a half-mile upwind of Jacki Schilke's North Dakota ranch, her own creek has been clogged with scummy growth, and it regularly burps up methane. No one can tell me what’s going on, she says. But since the blowout, her creek has failed to freeze, despite temperatures of forty below. (Testing found sulfate levels of 4,000 parts per million: the EPA’s health goal for sulfate is 250 parts per million.)
Schilke’s troubles began in the summer of 2010, when a crew working at this site continued to force drilling fluid down a well that had sprung a leak. Soon, Schilke’s cattle were limping, with swollen legs and infections. Cows quit producing milk for their calves; they lost from sixty to eighty pounds in a week; and their tails mysteriously dropped off.
05:02 PM Jan 14, 2016 -8762- L.A. - Radioactive material, poisons fill San Fernando Valley; thousands sick (AUDIO)
08:11 AM Jun 10, 2011 -0694- Nebraska, Omaha: Fire knocks out spent fuel cooling at nuclear plant - heightened alert - Missouri River floods
02:35 PM Jun 30, 2011 -0914- What would happen if dam fails upstream from Nebraska nuke plants?
11:59 AM Jun 30, 2011 -0912- Concern: massive dams upstream from Nebraska plants - Army Corps: ‘issues’ monitored
11:57 AM Jul 1, 2011 -0927- Nebraska, Omaha: Corps stops releases at Big Bend Dam upstream nuke plants for erosion check - Release rates cause erosion
04:08 PM Jun 26, 2011 -0849- Water leak at concrete berm surrounding Ft. Calhoun nuke plant main transformers
03:04 PM Jun 26, 2011 -0848- Ft. Calhoun: Auxiliary building surrounded by water after berm fails - if water enters, station blackout with core damage in hours
02:40 PM Jun 26, 2011 -0847- Ft. Calhoun plant on emergency generators - workers try to restore electricity - power supply cut as water surrounds main electrical transformers
01:37 PM Jun 26, 2011 -0846- Ft. nuke plant: 2,000 ft berm collapses - river surrounds two buildings
11:23 AM Jun 23, 2011 -0821- 4 more inches of water at Nebraska nuke plants after 7% flow increase from dam
12:59 PM Jun 21, 2011 -0803- Sandia Labs: Similarities between Fukushima Dai-Ichi and reactors like Nebraska’s Cooper nuke plant - loss of electricity could cause meltdown
06:29 AM Jun 20, 2011 -0788- Nebraska: Cooper nuke plant levee about to break - at risk of washing away completely (VIDEO)
08:21 AM Jun 19, 2011 -0778- Another Nebraska nuke plant - notification of unusual event
07:13 AM Jun 19, 2011 -0776- Nebraska Emergency Mgmt. - Situation worse - couple months too long for levees to hold?
12:43 PM Jun 18, 2011 -0775- Top Ft. Calhoun nuke plant official: To get to a disaster level floodwater would have to rise 3.5 feet above current levels
07:53 AM Jun 18, 2011 -0768- 8 feet of snow remains on ground in Montana, and still snowing - It’s going to flow back down there toward Nebraska: NWS Meteorologist
Omaha, Nebraska - Fort Calhoun
06:04 PM Jun 17, 2011 -0763- 2/3’s hot nuclear fuel in reactor core at Ft. Calhoun plant - media claims it was shut down for refueling and maintenance
05:18 PM Jun 17, 2011 -0762- Report before event at Ft. Calhoun - flooding of intake structure could stop cooling of reactor
11:56 AM Jun 17, 2011 -0761- Ft. Calhoun plant event: potential flooding issue in intake structure - can impact water pumps
07:51 AM Jun 15, 2011 -0739- Japanese media blackout of words: MOX, plutonium and meltdown
03:00 AM Jun 15, 2011 -0738- Nebraska: Nuclear plant - 80 miles away - sandbags useless for underground water rising
02:21 AM Jun 15, 2011 -0737- Nebraska: Nuke plant containment building flooded to cool fuel rods
01:39 AM Jun 15, 2011 -0736- Radioactive whales caught 650 km from Fukushima plant - Radioactive cesium in 2 whales of 6 - 31 becquerels / 24.3 becquerels cesium/kg flesh
08:07 PM Jun 14, 2011 ]-0735- Nebraska, Omaha: Nuke plant circled by floodwater - can levees hold? - dykes designed for 3 weeks of water - 4 mths expected w/5-foot rise
08:11 AM Jun 10, 2011 -0694- Nebraska, Omaha: Fire knocks out spent fuel cooling at nuclear plant - heightened alert - Missouri River floods
06:44 PM Jul 1, 2011 -0934- Nebraska, Omaha: residents get notices from gov’t how to handle catastrophic levy breach
04:47 PM Jul 1, 2011 -0932- Wildfire spread to a canyon beside dumping ground for ‘low-level’ radioactive waste
03:59 PM Jul 1, 2011 -0932- Levee blown up near Ft. Calhoun nuke plant - No gov’t entity had anything to do with the detonation
03:16 PM Jul 1, 2011 -0931- Journalist: Is nuclear waste dump in Bandelier Park? - Los Alamos official, mute - Bandelier supr: 50% of Bandelier Parki afire
Fukushima Fallout Peaks in Utah & Indiana
03:40 PM Feb 1, 2017 -8837- United States hit with extremely large peaks of Fukushima radioactive material – Significant amount of plutonium released for months – Radioactivity from plant measured globally and blanketed entire Northern Hemisphere (VIDEO & MAP)
Mammals (including people): extra fingers, toes, arms, legs, heads, missing eyeballs & mouths, legs grown together
08:14 AM Apr 18, 2016 -8806- Human babies - Fukushima: extra arms & legs-[i] (polymelia), extra fingers (polydactyl); Washington State (Hanford) : no brains, protruding spines -[ii]; Chernobyl: brains outside head; many arms & legs, misshapen bodies; cyclops with no face, mouth or limbs; also see-[iii]; Missouri: cancer clusters, double sets of teeth, missing eyeballs, brain tumors-[iv]-[v]; Fallujah, Iraq: deformed, no heads, two heads, cyclops, scales, missing limbs;-[vi] Kazakhstan - 29 fetuses found at uranium site; India - born with partially formed skulls, blood disorders, missing eyes or toes, fused fingers and brittle limbs - children with mutations, - deformed heads, lopsided bodies, ‘toad skin’, eyelids turned inside out; school built using radioactive waste part of community outreach project -[vii] -[viii] (VIDEO); Utah - (historical) piles of dead lambs - 2 heads, no legs - no eyes or mouths - legs grown together
8:14 AM Apr 18, 2016 -8806a- Surge in babies born with extra arms, legs after Fukushima - I feel officials know the cause is radiation - many get abortions to avoid ‘inconvenient’ babies - High number of stillbirths - Many people report cancer, far from Fukushima (VIDEO)
Lambs, farm animals, cats, dogs
[]-8806.1 -8719- (historical) Piles of dead lambs with 2 heads, no legs - born without eyes or mouths - legs grown together; cats & dogs: St. George, Utah & Walla Walla, Ritzville, Hanford, WA - (VIDEOS)
Surge in babies born with extra arms, legs after Fukushima - abortion avoids ‘inconvenient’ babies - High number of stillbirths
[]-8806.2- -8806- Surge in babies born with extra arms, legs after Fukushima - I feel officials know the cause is radiation - many get abortions to avoid ‘inconvenient’ babies - High number of stillbirths - Many people report cancer, far from Fukushima (VIDEO)
[]-8806.3- -8423- babies born w/no brain, and protruding spines by Hanford-[ix] also see babies w/extra fingers born in Japan-[x] also see: Chernobyl Legacy by Paul Fusco-[xi]
[]-8806.4- -8228- Radiation effects on fetuses: Nuclear radiation deforms genes-[xii] - twins attached by organs growing outside body, 1-eyed cyclops, babies with giant heads - respond to people (GRAPHIC PHOTOS -[xiii]-[xiv] & VIDEO)
[]-8806.5- Kazakhstan: Jars of stillborn, aborted and abandoned babies amputated body parts at nuclear waste site
[]-8806.6- 10:04 AM Mar 23, 2016 | 980 <> Cemetery of dead babies missing brains next to U.S. nuclear site - Funeral Director: Almost all infants we have died the same way… that’s pretty much all I see on death certificates - Few miles from most contaminated place in hemisphere - One of largest documented anencephaly clusters in U.S. history (VIDEO)
Children with mutations on every street - deformed heads, lopsided bodies, toad skin, eyelids inside out
[]-8806.7- -8750- Children with mutations on almost every street - deformed heads, lopsided bodies, toad skin, eyelids turned inside out - school built using radioactive waste - community outreach project (VIDEO)
05:06 pm Jan 7, 2014 -8805- Also see: Dead, conjoined baby gray whales found on West Coast of N. America - 2 heads - 2 tails, joined in middle (PHOTOS -[xv]-[xvi] & VIDEO)
Lambs, farm animals, cats, dogs
[]-8806.1- []-8719- (historical) Piles of dead lambs with 2 heads, no legs - born without eyes or mouths - legs grown together; cats & dogs: St. George, Utah & Walla Walla, Ritzville, Hanford, WA - (VIDEOS)
Archive: Lambs, dogs, cats - gross mutation
08:00 PM Sep 30, 2015 |-8719- Utah, St. George and Washington State, Walla Walla, Ritzville, Hanford; other U.S. nuclear sites - (archived historical info:) Piles of dead lambs with 2 heads, no legs - born without eyes or mouths - legs grown together; farmers do not understand why all animals are dying - and dogs & cats. (VIDEOS)
09:26 PM Sep 6, 2015 -8707- Los Angeles (historic): U.S. explodes nuclear reactor for human radiation exposure experiment to document health consequences of radionuclide effluent cloud on downwinders - covers Southern California in radioactive plume (MAP)
Attorney for Down-winders in Arizona, Nevada, Utah, & nationally, here
10:49 AM Dec 17, 2014 -8526- Mushroom-shaped pink cloud seen at Fukushima after Reactor 3 exploded - Film: Nuclear bomb explosions caused pink clouds of radiation; Clouds were pink from fallout (VIDEO & PHOTOS -[i])
[]-8526.1- (excerpt): Ralph Morris, child during nuclear testing: We would see a cloud going over town - looked like, maybe very high clouds, but they were pink, like a pink covering of the sky. We later learned that was from the fallout. They told everyone there was nothing to worry about. My grandfather said, Oh no, the government would never do anything to hurt us, never anything. Really, that’s how people felt. It was an absolutely terrible, terrible thing. It devastated and shattered families - they didn’t care about us at all.
[]-8526.2- (excerpt): Ali Sadler, host: Would my cousin have died at 13 from leukemia if he hadn’t farmed and played in fallout beneath pink clouds of radiation? The Atomic Energy Commission told my family, the citizens of southern Utah, and all Americans, that there’s no danger. Time and time again the message of ‘no danger’ was spread.
11:14 PM Feb 18, 2014 -8009- Utah: Highest radiation levels directly over Salt Lake City, Utah & surrounding area Mar 20, 2011 - most intense concentration of anywhere in the world, including Fukushima (GRAPHIC)
60 Bald eagles die-off
08:21 PM Feb 18, 2014 -8008- Utah: 60 Bald eagles die-off - not from West Nile virus as claimed (VIDEO)
Sea star epidemic on West Coast - Sea urchins, sea cucumbers affected
05:12 PM Dec 30, 2013 -6867- Researcher: Fukushima pollution may be causing sea star epidemic on West Coast - Sea urchins, sea cucumbers also affected - Something’s making them susceptible… It’s unlike anything we’ve seen… Populations go locally extinct overnight
Utah - Idaho: 20-30 Bald Eagles suffer seizures, head tremors & paralysis
03:24 PM Dec 30, 2013 -6866- LA Times: Experts suggest bald eagle deaths are related to Fukushima radiation - Idaho officials reporting similar sickness - hard to have national bird in your arms, going through seizures (AUDIO)
nuclear slave yakuza homeless
09:23 PM Dec 29, 2013 -6864- UN Official ‘Astounded’: Homeless taken to work in Fukushima, ready to die - Pastor: At end of month, they’re left with no pay - Police: They end up in debt to employers after food and housing fees deducted (VIDEO)
-8734- Missouri Senator Maria Chappelle-Nadal, Sep 17, 2015 (at 27:00 in): There are references that are in the reports that the Attorney General did with independent scientists where they say that what we have under the ground could end up as Chernobyl. What I am concerned about are the 40,000 tons of uranium that have been spread all over the place… We’re talking about the most potent uranium in the world… We’re looking at the cancer clusters… We’re looking at the number of children who have double sets of teeth, children who have missing eyeballs, the number of children who have brain tumors. This is not consistent with a normal community whatsoever.
Excerpt: Jenell Rodden Wright gets a chill when she recalls the 20-year reunion she attended for the McCluer North High School class of 1988, less than five years ago.
It’s amazing to think about it now, she says. Everything was normal. Everyone seemed healthy and happy. We were all fine.
06:52 PM Jan 19, 2016 -8763- Idaho: Mutated mountain lion found near U.S. nuclear site - (PHOTOS-[i] & VIDEOS)
Utah - Idaho: 20-30 Bald Eagles suffer seizures, head tremors & paralysis
03:24 PM Dec 30, 2013 -6866- LA Times: Experts suggest bald eagle deaths are related to Fukushima radiation - Idaho officials reporting similar sickness - hard to have national bird in your arms, going through seizures (AUDIO)
05:12 AM Sep 22, 2012 -4329- Massive blaze burns through former uranium site in U.S. in Idaho - may be ‘minor’ increase in radioactivity levels - no firefighting going on - more contaminated areas threatened (VIDEO)
infant mortality
01:21 AM Jan 25, 2012 -2373- Idaho TV: Data shows a large spike in deaths - particularly infant deaths - in 14 weeks following Fukushima meltdown – Largest spikes in Boise (VIDEO)
07:38 AM Nov 12, 2011 -1772- Hydrogen explosion at Idaho nuke facility? Sodium released hydrogen… the reaction can range in magnitude from a flash to an explosion
03:46 PM Nov 11, 2011 -1768- Emergency response continues at INL sodium fire - All employees at complex ordered to remain inside buildings - Worker hospitalized with burns
02:45 PM Nov 11, 2011 -1767- Weapons-grade plutonium at location of Idaho sodium fire - Just days ago director of complex said hazards were not thoroughly understood and controls were not properly in place
02:31 PM Nov 11, 2011 -1766- Local TV: Reports that explosion may caused sodium fire at Idaho National Lab
02:25 PM Nov 11, 2011 -1765- Sodium fire underway at ‘Material and Fuels Complex’ at Idaho National Lab - Identical location as recent plutonium exposure
07:38 AM Nov 12, 2011 -1772- Hydrogen explosion at Idaho nuke facility? Sodium released hydrogen… the reaction can range in magnitude from a flash to an explosion
02:58 PM Nov 10, 2011 -1754- We need aggressive plan to deal with mass of toxic debris headed to U.S. from Japan - Concern over hazards to people, fish & clogged waterways
12:34 PM Nov 10, 2011 -1753- Gundersen: U.S. plant designs near licensing by NRC without Fukushima modifications (VIDEO)
11:59 AM Nov 10, 2011 -1752- Breach in cladding caused plutonium release in Idaho - Workers exposed to ‘high levels’ allowed to go home and return for more tests
07:41 PM Nov 8, 2011 -1738- 17 workers exposed to plutonium in Idaho nuclear reactor - Details on health not immediately provided - No evidence of radioactive release outside facility
12:52 PM Aug 26, 2011 -1235- Evacuation: Fast-growing wildfire burns near spent fuel storage at Idaho National Lab - Accepts nuclear rods from plants across US
06:44 PM Jun 23, 2011 -0825- Idaho: EPA RadNet monitors shipped out of Boise - don’t expect an update any time soon
04:50 PM Jun 23, 2011 -0823- Idaho DEQ: Dietrich says agriculture and livestock won’t be affected much - but Fukushima cesium has a longer half-life than radioiodine - both got deposited in our soil - avoid it
09:25 AM Apr 6, 2011 -0233- Washington State, Richland [Hanford]: Air monitor shows sustained radiation spike March 31, then goes out of service - iodine-131 found in Richland drinking water - EPA finds radionuclides in Richland tap water… one of two spots in U.S.: other is Boise Idaho.
10:39 PM Apr 4, 2011 -0219- EPA finds drinking water with radioactive iodine-131 in Idaho and Washington - Samples collected last week
09:45 PM Apr 4, 2011 -0218- Volunteers operate EPA’s radiation monitors - Helps federal agency save money - A network of individuals work with EPA, voluntary agreement as RadNet-trained monitor operators
09:03 PM Apr 4, 2011 -0217- Nuclear expert: EPA claim no harmful rad could reach U.S. is idiotic - EPA: Federal government is monitoring situation - EPA detection system not 100%
08:36 PM Apr 4, 2011 -0216- U.S. Department of Energy: No level of radiation is without health risks - Nobody is talking about the fact that there is no safe dose of radiation.
06:40 PM Apr 4, 2011 -0215- CA nuclear expert criticizes EPA: We have an emergency network that’s supposed to help us know whether to take emergency action, it’s not working - Rad in Bay Area rainwater high
07:41 AM Apr 4, 2011 -0214- Latest forecast: All California under radiation threat April 6, 7 - levels high as Japan (VIDEO)
06:46 AM Apr 4, 2011 -0213- Canada, B.C - Mobile radiation measurement suspended as radioactive cloud looms (VIDEO)
06:17 PM Apr 3, 2011 -0207- Idaho, Boise: Rainwater highest levels in U.S. - 80 times I-131 allowed in drinking water - Officials have no explanation - 242 pCi/L of I-131 March 22
05:09 AM Apr 3, 2011 -0206- Radiation: Watch wind and weather patterns carefully if you live in California (VIDEO)
08:58 AM Feb 17, 2016 | 577 []-8775 Vancouver B.C. & Seattle: 220,000,000 atoms of Fukushima Iodine-129/liter of rainwater w/15 million year half-life in aquifer; supplies deadly drinking water to 120,000 people in BC/WA
06:52 PM Jan 19, 2016 []-8763- Idaho: Mutated mountain lion found near U.S. nuclear site - (PHOTOS & VIDEOS)
HowWoke Are You?
Capital Punishment for Capitalist Central Bankers who own Fed / City of London — they are systemic white racists & sexists & the creators of white racism against all people & countries of color & own & direct the U.S. military industsrial complex, nuclear & biological warfare establishment
Most popular & fraudulent & brain-dead, mind-controlled U.S. President in history ...with his head stuck up his **s ... turns Talban into one of the best equipped fighting forces in the world ... to be allied with China & Russia ...hidin' Biden, thanks to Bechtel, Schroder Bank & JPMorganChase, IMF, Fed & City of London et al, (here).
(l & m, parts 1&2) Protesting nuclear reactor destruction of Life with no burning down police stations, calling to abolish police, looting, extorting, murdering or agent provocateurs; (r) Occupy Wall Street began over nuclear power & bankers
01:19 AM Oct 28, 2011 -1629- Occupy Wall Street protest began over nuclear power & bankers (see vid, upper right – Film ‘Early Warnings’ details sit-in on Wall Street on 50th Anniversary of 1929 Stock Market Crash. Protestors were demanding an end to financial support for the nuclear industry and part of larger occupations at Seabrook Nuclear Power Plant. Plan to “Occupy Wall Street”, protest financial system put into action over 30 years ago, seen in this clip ‘1979 Wall St. Occupation’ (vid, up right)
The Pacific Ocean is Dying
...nuclear industry will never be safe & clean
Millions & billionsof whales, dolphins, sea turtles, seals, walruses, manatees, pelicans and other seabirds, tidal pool animals – starfish, urchins, anenomies, limpets – plankton, krill, herring, tuna, salmon, squid, octopi (and more sea life) —(story, here)—
Why The Pacific Ocean is Dying
Nuclear industry, depleted uranium, war games, sonar, weaponizing the planet: electromagnetic pulse – directed energy weapons – ionispheric heaters – stratospheric aerial spraying – weather warfare: hurricanes, tornadoes, earthquakes, tidal waves – & conventional & non-conventional warfare – all are reasons why the Pacific Ocean is dying—(story, here)—
The Pacific Ocean is dying because nuclear industry is not safe & clean
... new & mysterious diseases caused by global warming & climate change have rotted the brains & hearts of the 8 families that own the Federal Reserve Bank, own the nuclear industry & own the rest of the military industrial sociopathic & psychopathic complex & own the Fortune 500 ...& by the way, own your stupid ass
The clock is ticking while the Pacific Ocean is Dying ...until it is dead
Here are 'their' weapons of choice to get rid of us, too —(cont, here)—
Hold interlocking directors of the Fed interest rate bankers responsible for destroying the Pacific Ocean; march them to the gallows, —(here)—
(above) Dana points out nuclear power is not safe & clean, as claimed ...& some 20 million 1-ton decomposing bags of nuclear waste stored beside rice fields, persimmon & peach orchards of Fukushima, across Japan ...& beside the Pacific Ocean.
Epidemiologist dismisses prior count of 1 million people dead, discounts 10 million, discounts 60 million ... using nuclear industry statistics, Sister Rosalie counts 1.2 billion fatal & non-fatal nuclear cancer victims: these real victims of nuclear industry go untold as a Hiroshima count, Chernobyl count, Fukushima count, background radiation count & world count—(story, here)—
When you include animals, count may exceed trillions
When you include animals, numbers double & triple & the count goes from 1.2 billion fatal & non-fatal nuclear cancer victims, to include 3-5 billion additional animals (non-human) ...perhaps even a trillion or 2 ...or more
...add into the death & sickness toll, helpless animal victims ... that doubles or triples fatal cancer & non-fatal cancer deaths ... to 6-to-9billion mammals ... include other animals (not mammals, such as birds, fish, invertebrates, insects, etc), 3-5 billion more casualities.
...while you're at it, it's time in addition to holding the nuclear industry accountable, to also hold accoutable the petroleum industry with pollution and undersea sonic booms for oil exploration and geo-engineers with chemtrails, weaponized electromagnetic pulse (EMP), CERN and weather warfare. And, depleted uranium (DU) munitions used worldwide and tested domestically outside in the air by Livermore California and used in practice shooting by the military on the sea ... which makes countries and innocent populations of mammals (includes people), other animals on the land and in the sea ... and all life forms with DNA ... sick unto death; and, mutates people and animals and plants, and mutates bacteria and viruses(creating new and mysterious diseases) for 100,000 years to come.
The Plankton in the Ocean is Dying & I am angry
There's more to pollution, global nuclear warming & military climate change than meets the eye
Plankton creates 80% of Earth's oxygen ...when 'they' kill plankton, 'they' destroy the ocean food chain & Earth's oxygen & all land & sea animals starve (you too) ...this website tells you who 'they' are & how 'they' must be held accountable to save Earth & her animals, today. OMG! Culprits behind fossil fuel regime change wars, global warming & climate change, —( here&here)—
07:53 PM Oct 15, 2011-1546- Radioactive plankton heavily contaminated – Food chain fears – Continuously carried southward from Fukushima
07:35 AM Mar 18, 2012 -2873-Cesium-134 detected in plankton 600km from Fukushima just 3 months after meltdowns - Scientists say necessary to look at bioaccumulation
04:30 PM May 21, 2013-5899- Highest levels of Fukushima contamination in plankton east of Hawaii? (MAPS)
02:54 PM Aug 6, 2014-8355- Pacific Northwest: Die off of young salmon; healthy then die heading out to sea; far less plankton than normal; testing for Fukushima radionuclides(VIDEO)
Whales filter phytoplankton & zooplankton
Sep 1, 2015 VOA: 30 dead whales wash ashore. [NOAA's] In the ocean, toxins move up the food chain; some of the whales filter phytoplankton & zooplankton; they get the toxins that way; as you go higher up the food web, more toxin gets concentrated.
Baby Elephant seals & sea lions die of leukemia-linked disorder
03:53 PM Aug 26, 2015-8702- California Coast: Many baby seals dying of leukemia-linked disorder- 1/3 of recent deaths at San Francisco Bay rescue center (CHART)
Leukemia in mammals (such as whales, seals, sea lions, people, dogs & cats)
-8702.1- Physics and Radiobiology of Nuclear Medicine (Springer), Jun 29, 2013: Leukemia is one of the most common cancers induced by radiation in humans, accounting for one in five mortalities from radio-carcinogenesis. Risk of leukemia varies with age, younger persons more prone to radio-carcinogenesis - Leukemia appears as early as 2-3 years after exposure, average latent period of 5 to 10 years.
08:20 PM Sep 6, 2014-8702.2- & -8408- California sea lions dying from organs falling out of place, tumors, accumulation of pus inside bodies (PHOTOS & CHART)
(12) Abscess: Collection of pus in tissue of the body
(1) Carcinoma: Cancer that begins when altered or damaged DNA occurs so that cells become transformed, and begin to exhibit abnormal malignant properties.
(1) Cardiomyopathy: Heart muscle disease – deterioration of the heart muscle, usually leads to heart failure
(1) Coccidioidomycosis: Fungal disease - serious complications may occur in patients with weakened immune systems
(2) Disseminated Intravascular Coagulation: Blood clots [that can] lead to multiple organ damage - clotting is disrupted - severe bleeding can occur
(7) Neoplasia: Commonly referred to as a tumor - malignant neoplasm is a cancer
(6) Otostrongylus: Lungworms in lungs or heart of seals
(3) Peritonitis: Inflammation of tissue lining inner wall of abdomen - may result from infection (often due to rupture of a hollow organ)
(4) Pneumonia: Inflammatory condition of the lung
(6) Prolapse: Latin for, to fall out - organs, such as the uterus, fall down or slip out of place - organs protruding through vagina or rectum
(3) Pyothorax: Accumulation of pus in the pleural cavity
(2) Renal Failure: Kidneys fail to adequately filter waste products from the blood
(5) Septicemia: Potentially fatal whole-body inflammation caused by severe infection
11:05 AM Aug 18, 2015 -8700- Official: Thousands of Millions of fish wash up dead in Alaska – Piles of them… I have never seen anything like it… First time we’ve ever heard of this (VIDEO)
02:19 PM Aug 11, 2015 -8696- Officials: Trillions of becquerels of radioactive material still flowing into sea at Fukushima - Map shows nuclear waste coming up from bottom of ocean far offshore – Japan TV Journalist: Contaminated seawater will circulate around globe… disaster like a huge cloth expanding everyday (VIDEO)
12:40 AM Aug 11, 2015 -8695- U.S. Gov’t Expert: Fukushima is always on people’s minds… a lot of concern and worry about radiations role in unusual marine deaths – Reports of shrunken or enlarged organs, black kidneys, sores on liver, slime in mouth, discolored skin – Mortality in intertidal zone like we haven’t seen before (VIDEO)
09:48 PM Aug 9, 2015 -8694- Toxic bloom basically eating the West Coast alive – Unusual deaths up and down the Pacific coast – All populations of marine mammals are way down in areas (VIDEO)
10:30 PM Aug 8, 2015 -8693- Die-off of birds all over Alaska beaches, floating in Pacific – They seem to be starving – Record-breaking spike in rescues, dramatic increase – Deformed and abnormal animals reported (PHOTOS & AUDIO)
01:57 AM Aug 7, 2015 -8692- U.S. Gov’t: We don’t know what’s going on in Pacific – Many ill baby seals abandoned; Dozens of walruses found dead; dying whales, birds, fish (AUDIO)]
When you stop denying what's going on & look at it, does it make you angry? ...these animals suffer excruciating deaths because they are subjected to mankind's greed & lust for power & control & are now being made extinct by s**thead bankers who own & direct the corporations that comprise the military industrial nuclear global warming climate change establishment & should be tried, imprisoned &/or marched to the gallows & left to turn in the wind, non-violently of course following due legal process ...your call
08:28 PM Aug 3, 2014 -8348- California coast: Huge increase in dead and sick sea mammals - starving, drooling, brain damaged, suffering seizures - sea lions vanishing (VIDEO)
Whales, dolphins wash up dead, baby dolphin calling out
08:34 PM Aug 3, 2015-8690- San Francisco: Whale deaths baffle scientists – Dolphins wash up dead on beach, heartbreaking to hear dying baby calling out (VIDEO)
05:43 PM Aug 1, 2015-8689- USA Today: Millions of fish dead in Pacific Northwest – Ocean conditions have gone to hell – Salmon covered in fungus, red lesions all over, big gaping sores – Extinction concerns (VIDEO & PHOTOS)
09:16 PM Jul 21, 2015-8682- Gov’t Official: Chilling report from Pacific Ocean… Silence on the seas - Quite literally, there aren’t any fish – Japan Professor: Fukushima posing reproduction risk to marine life, ongoing concern over bio-accumulation of radioactive material (VIDEOS)
09:40 PM Jul 20, 2015-8681- TV: Mystery green goo decimates fishing on West Coast – Like ectoplasm in Ghostbusters – Experts: About as severe as we could ever anticipate… Lot of unusual things going on – we’re not catching any fish… Never as bad as right now… Almost non-existent… Worst season ever (PHOTO)
12:59 AM Jul 20, 2015-8680- Fukushima – Plutonium flowing into Pacific for years to come – Strontium hits record levels (VIDEO)
02:26 PM Jul 17, 2015-8679- Pacific Northwest – fishing closures enacted – mass die-offs linked to disease – 100% infection rate in some areas – Rotting gills, distended bellies (VIDEOS)
07:54 PM Jul 16, 2015-8678- Fukushima: Nuclear waste overflowing into Pacific Ocean – can’t be stopped
Don't be naive's time to grow up, protest & try the perpetrators & march the guilty to the gallows, non-violently
The 'new & mysterious' diseases of ocean life are not caused by the fake news 'red blob' of warm water ...they are caused by seaborne nuclear fallout & waste (here & here) that mutates viruses & bacterial to form new & mysterious diseases, (here & here). And, military use of depleted uranium for target practice & military use of ionospheric heaters, military & oil company use of sonar (that bursts the ear drums of whales, dolphins & other sea life & disorients them) & oil company use of sonar-like sonic booms every few seconds for weeks for sounding out oil deposits beneath the ocean floor. Fortunately in terms of consequences, all the corporations doing creating this genocide are owned by the international interlocking directorate of the Fed/City of London who formed the stock market in the first place, funded the corporations with start-up capital & own controlling shares of every Fortune 500 company (here). And, who get dividends on the founding shares of the Federal Reserve they alone own (here), so when they & their corporations & their corrupt Congress swamp raise the national debt & get paid the interest on the national debt every year from the U.S. & the other five banks they own in other countries, they now get about $2 trillion dollars a year in personal disposable income from your paychecks. Think I'm kidding, look what the Founding Fathers & U.S. Presidents said ...the exact same thing: (here). So, who are these murdering clowns, (here).
09:59 AM Aug 28, 2015-8703- Radiation Expert: Horrific health toll from Fukushima meltdowns – Impossible not to be moved by scale of deaths and suffering – Thousands to die of cancer and that’s just the tip of the iceberg – dead babies significantly increased in many areas of Japan – Government actions unconscionable (AUDIO)
06:04 PM Nov 7, 2015-8739- Fukushima – Million cancers maybe – 100’s of times more thyroid cancers (VIDEO)
10:52 PM Jun 28, 2015-8667- Nonprofit Group: Every single person we hosted from Japan has had health problems… Blood stains found in almost all of their beds – Japanese Mom: Most mothers I’ve met from Tokyo and Fukushima are suffering thyroid problems, eye problems, nose bleeds… very surprising (VIDEO)
09:28 AM Feb 12, 2015-8564- Doctor removed six thyroids in recent months from USS Reagan crew exposed to Fukushima fallout – Over 500 sailors ill after mission in Japan – Officers sick soldiers everywhere, many in hospitals in San Diego or Hawaii… I don’t know what’s going on – Veteran in wheelchair thrown out by physician, you’re faking, you need to leave (VIDEO)
10:11 AM Nov 7, 2014-8490- NYT:Japanese doctors want ban on thyroid cancer screenings – A tsunami of thyroid cancer – Stop the diagnosis – We need to actively discourage early detection – WSJ: Judge rules nuclear reactors causing thyroid cancers – Study: Fukushima-related tumors can spread fast, must be monitored
03:00 PM Nov 5, 2014-8489- Emergency radiation testing used at Democrat & Republican conventions after Fukushima; and, for 2nd Obama inauguration – Seafood, meat, vegetables, milk, water checked for nuclear waste – top officials agree to publicly downplay crisis – 80% of milk samples by Orlando, FL had significant Cs-137
-8428.4- & -5042- TV: U.S. sailors having traits associated with radiation poisoning after Japan operation – Bleeding from rectum – Baby with birth defects – Cancer – Thyroid problems (VIDEO) Dec 29, 2012
10:20 AM Aug 20, 2014-8376- VIDEO: Children of U.S. Navy sailors suffer from cancers after Fukushima exposure - I couldn’t move… so much pain… I have leukemia – More kids with thyroid cancer – Father: We couldn’t figure it out… his body was changing – Sailor: Right side of my body is shriveling up, one arm now almost 5 inches smaller
12:05 PM Aug 3, 2014-8347- Gov’t Report: Over 1,750 navy sailors suffer from ill-defined conditions after exposure to Fukushima radiation while aboard USS Reagan – Significant increases in male infertility and child birth complications – Dozens have thyroid disorders, many spontaneous abortions – Extreme measures used to cover this up (AUDIO)
-8428.5- & -8525- Video: Cemetery blocks filled with babies downwind of Hanford nuclear site – This needs to be talked about, the children… murdered – Mother: My newborns died within hours, tumors all over, brain disintegrated after massive stroke – Body parts, cadavers, fetuses… the nuclear industry took in the dead of night… from all over U.S. Dec 16, 2014
03:39 PM Sep 19, 2014-8428- Bizarre deaths after exposure at Hanford nuclear site - my whole family’s dead; Mom eaten up by tumors, could see them growing; Dad had masses suddenly erupt all over; brother died at birth - incredible number of colleagues killed by cancer, 2-3% alive-[i] (VIDEO)
[i] KING 5 News, Sep 17, 2014: Hanford - Investigators expose a continuing pattern - If you work at Hanford and speak up about safety concerns, watch out. Chances are you’ll be met with harassment, intimidation, and the end of your career - Hanford’s tank farms hold the deadliest substances on Earth - Shelly Doss: If you just ignore the rules - you risk contaminating the person - contaminating the environment - These were blatant violations - Managers said she was to ignore that and 5 other major violations - They were very angry because they’d been getting away with it. - After 23 years - Shelly Doss was - fired - In the last year, they fired - 2 high-profile Hanford managers who blew the whistle. >> Watch video here
Trisha Pritikin, Hanford down-winder, interview by TalkingStickTV (emphasis added):
- Part I at 0:15 in - My brother - is one of the many infants who died shortly after birth in what is now known to be the Hanford downwind area.
- Part 2 at 12:30 in -My father died of thyroid cancer 3 years ago. He was a nuclear safety engineer at Hanford who believed that there was nothing wrong there - I have severe thyroid disease and my mother had thyroid disease. There’s no history of thyroid disease anywhere in our family - My whole family’s dead now - My mother died this March of rapidly metastatic malignant melanoma - just took over her body. It killed her in 6 weeks. I’m not saying this to evoke pity but to educate people.
- Part 3 at 1:00 in - The most logical reason I’ve heard for why this information on radiation - wasn’t shared with the public is liability. The government doesn’t want to deal with people’s health problems caused by the involuntary exposures.
- Part 4 at 1:30 in - My dad didn’t want to admit that he had thyroid problems, because he was a nuclear engineer and said nothing was wrong with Hanford - It erupted almost overnight into masses and went all over his body - Then he suddenly had 20 masses in his lungs. I thought, ‘This is like a science fiction movie,’ because it’s moving much faster than cancer ever moves - He received a letter from the Dept. of Energy - saying in response to his letter asking whether he had ever been a subject of human radiation experiment, yes he had been.
- Part 4 at 6:30 in - In March this happens again - My mom's whole body is getting eaten up by malignant melanoma. There are tumors everywhere, they are just growing all over. You could see them growing in her stomach, it was surreal. These two people died deaths which are very bizarre; you don’t see this in normal life. It’s like you take a science fiction movie - look at this person getting eaten up - If I simply state the facts, the American Nuclear Society and DOE accuse me of being emotional and over-involved - They say thyroid cancer’s a slow-moving disease and people don’t die.
- Part 5 at 1:00 in - Last Christmas my mother was still alive - I was going to Oak Ridge for a meeting and my mom said you could visit our old friends - she listed 6 couples - she just kept saying, ‘No, they’re dead. No that’s right, they died - Well, they’re all dead, I guess you don’t have to visit any of them.’ She didn’t think it remarkable that they’re all dead - There’s this incredible number of my parents’ colleagues who are dead from cancer - They just didn’t want to put 2 + 2 together and say, ‘Everybody’s dead from cancer, isn’t that weird?’ Yes, it is weird -and now you are both dead of cancer mom and dad - just the strangest, fast-moving cancers. If you could put all my parents friends together would be just 2% to 3% of them alive still, it is so amazing.
- Part 5 at 13:00 in - No family history of thyroid disease yet 4 of 4 members of my family developed it - There are lots of families with multiple incidence.
Watch the highly informative 50-minute interview here
07:16 AM Apr 21, 2014-8184-Fukushima radiation killing children – heart problems, leukemia, thyroid – terrible things are going on – authorities hiding truth from world – we need to admit many people are dying, but not allowed to (VIDEO) There are some terrible things going on in Fukushima. The biggest problem is that there is no one to help us. I talked to local authorities in different places in Fukushima, but no one would listen to me. They believe what government says – radiation is there – it is killing children. They are dying of heart conditions, asthma, leukemia, thyroid complications. Lots of kids are extremely exhausted after school, others are simply unable to attend PE classes. But the authorities are still hiding the truth from us, and I don’t know why. Don’t they have children of their own? It hurts so much to know they can’t protect our children.
This website is about teaching you who is destroying Earth so you know who is destroying you & the Pacific Ocean & the animals & how they are doing it; if you know this already, go elsewhere. You may think Life will be better in Eternity for you ...but if you remain in denial, maybe not so much
Got kids? ...the idiots are coming for you - 11:47 PM Nov 24, 2012 -4838- Fukushima Journalist at UC Berkeley: Gov’t complains when school tries to remove radioactive material - 'why you did that? You don’t need to' - Mothers stand up
(up) 1979-Occupy Wall Street begins as a public anti-war movement protest against nuclear power & dynastic banking families enabling it to kill mammals (including people) & all life on Earth (see hint)
Peace & occupy activists are heartfelt people not defined by sexual identification, unlike Biden's administration that forces sexual identity on children & runs America by drugged S&M bedroom antic dictators.
Nuclear is not safe and clean and by it's manmade nature & indisposable & lethal waste costing trillions of dollars to unsafely store & unsafely maintain, is promoted by sold out nuclear apologists, idiots & fools.
01:19 AM Oct 28, 2011 -1629.1- also see -1629-Occupy Wall Street protest began over nuclear power & bankers– Film ‘Early Warnings’ details anti-war sit-in on Wall Street on 50th Anniversary of 1929 Stock Market Crash. Protestors demand an end to financial support for nuclear industry & was part of larger occupations at Seabrook Nuclear Power Plant. Plan to “Occupy Wall Street” protest against the central bankers financial systemwas put into action over 39 years ago, seen in this clip ‘1979 Wall St. Occupation’
How can you take action in solidarity with youth strikers & communities in the struggle against fossil fuels. In September 2019, Rising Tide North America joined, Shut Down DC, that disrupted the morning commute in the nation’s capital; and then a mass shut-down of San Francisco’s Financial District that blockaded the major banks funding oil, gas and coal and created a two block street mural that showed the world we want to live in. Both of those actions incorporated hundreds of new people that stepped up to take action at scale.
(above) click pic for, Fracking Kills Babies – documentation
Lorem ips
Greta: The ocean is dying from nuclear waste global warming & military ionospheric heaters ... NOT from a red blob of global warming as the mainstream media (owned by Wall Street), says
—Military use of ionospheric heating weapons bounce energy off space & sky to the Pacific Ocean ...plankton (that produces Earth's oxygen) is destroyed &
The radioactive fallout from atomic weapons testing started in 1945 & ended around 1985. And, it just so happens that there are two global trend breaks in lung cancer an upturn around 1950 and a downturn about 1990 ...that is a perfect match with the nuclear fallout period. — Ionizing radiation is the true cause of most cancer, (click here) — Rise in cancer follows rise in nuclear testing
*0005-Janet Women & pregnant women, babies-to-be, infants & girls within 25 miles of a nuclear reactor get more cancer than men or boys or those living farther away
*0006-Janet Chernobyl research documents that radionuclides mutate germs, viruses & bacteria to create new and mysterious diseases
*0002 Fetal harm from Fukushima fallout in the western states
*0007 Red Blob & *0008 Red Blob Extinction RebellionThere never was a 'red blob' of global warming water creating "new & mysterious diseases" killing millions of ocean mammals & billions of fish & trillions of plankton ...'red blob' on official seaborne nuclear radiation maps represents plutonium nuclear waste i.e. nuclear global warming along w/100s of other radionuclides causing excruciating bleeding lesions & tumors on ocean life & extinction levels of disease destroying oceanic food chains.
Do you want to let Fed interest rate capitalist bankers destroy girls as a species with their reactors?
Capital Punishment for White Racist Capitalist Central Bankers who Own the Nuclear & Military Industrial Biological Warfare Complex & Own 20% of each Fortune 500 Corporation — these are the corporations polluting the Earth & genociding us & the owners of the Fed / City of London are to blame for all our problems, not the people — we must decapitalize every monarchy & billionaire, (here's a bunch of charts who tell you who is running the country, scroll down to the charts, here)
(above) May 2015 Side Session on Gender & Nuclear Weapons at United Nations in NY — Mary Olson: disproportionate harm to girls & women compared to boys & men from ionizing radiation exposure. Gender & cancer ... women get more cancer than men from nuclear ionizing radiation (catastrophic & daily normal reactor emmissions.)
HowWoke Are You?
Capital Punishment for Capitalist Central Bankers who own Fed / City of London — the systemic white sexist bank owners
BLACK LIVES MATTER — The history of love (self-sacrifice), feeling (empathy) & grieving (tears) is resistance ... the white race needs to feel & target & eliminate City of London corporation who is the source of white racism against people & countries of color for the last 2,000 years,(click here)
The radioactive fallout from atomic weapons testing started in 1945 & ended around 1985. And, it just so happens that there are two global trend breaks in lung cancer an upturn around 1950 and a downturn about 1990 ...that is a perfect match with the nuclear fallout period. — Ionizing radiation is the true cause of most cancer, (click here) — Rise in cancer follows rise in nuclear testing
*0005-Janet Women & pregnant women, babies-to-be, infants & girls within 25 miles of a nuclear reactor get more cancer than men or boys or those living farther away
*0006-Janet Chernobyl research documents that radionuclides mutate germs, viruses & bacteria to create new and mysterious diseases
*0002 Fetal harm from Fukushima fallout in the western states
*0007 Red Blob & *0008 Red Blob Extinction RebellionThere never was a 'red blob' of global warming water creating "new & mysterious diseases" killing millions of ocean mammals & billions of fish & trillions of plankton ...'red blob' on official seaborne nuclear radiation maps represents plutonium nuclear waste i.e. nuclear global warming along w/100s of other radionuclides causing excruciating bleeding lesions & tumors on ocean life & extinction levels of disease destroying oceanic food chains.
Do you want to let Fed interest rate capitalist bankers destroy girls as a species with their reactors?
Capital Punishment for White Racist Capitalist Central Bankers who Own the Nuclear & Military Industrial Biological Warfare Complex & Own 20% of each Fortune 500 Corporation — these are the corporations polluting the Earth & genociding us & the owners of the Fed / City of London are to blame for all our problems, not the people — we must decapitalize every monarchy & billionaire, (here's a bunch of charts who tell you who is running the country, scroll down to the charts, here)
(above) May 2015 Side Session on Gender & Nuclear Weapons at United Nations in NY — Mary Olson: disproportionate harm to girls & women compared to boys & men from ionizing radiation exposure. Gender & cancer ... women get more cancer than men from nuclear ionizing radiation (catastrophic & daily normal reactor emmissions.)
HowWoke Are You?
Capital Punishment for Capitalist Central Bankers who own Fed / City of London — the systemic white sexist bank owners
BLACK LIVES MATTER — The history of love (self-sacrifice), feeling (empathy) & grieving (tears) is resistance ... the white race needs to feel & target & eliminate City of London corporation who is the source of white racism against people & countries of color for the last 2,000 years,(click here)
The radioactive fallout from atomic weapons testing started in 1945 & ended around 1985. And, it just so happens that there are two global trend breaks in lung cancer an upturn around 1950 and a downturn about 1990 ...that is a perfect match with the nuclear fallout period. — Ionizing radiation is the true cause of most cancer, (click here) — Rise in cancer follows rise in nuclear testing
*0005-Janet Women & pregnant women, babies-to-be, infants & girls within 25 miles of a nuclear reactor get more cancer than men or boys or those living farther away
*0006-Janet Chernobyl research documents that radionuclides mutate germs, viruses & bacteria to create new and mysterious diseases
*0002 Fetal harm from Fukushima fallout in the western states
*0007 Red Blob & *0008 Red Blob Extinction RebellionThere never was a 'red blob' of global warming water creating "new & mysterious diseases" killing millions of ocean mammals & billions of fish & trillions of plankton ...'red blob' on official seaborne nuclear radiation maps represents plutonium nuclear waste i.e. nuclear global warming along w/100s of other radionuclides causing excruciating bleeding lesions & tumors on ocean life & extinction levels of disease destroying oceanic food chains.
Do you want to let Fed interest rate capitalist bankers destroy girls as a species with their reactors?
Capital Punishment for White Racist Capitalist Central Bankers who Own the Nuclear & Military Industrial Biological Warfare Complex & Own 20% of each Fortune 500 Corporation — these are the corporations polluting the Earth & genociding us & the owners of the Fed / City of London are to blame for all our problems, not the people — we must decapitalize every monarchy & billionaire, (here's a bunch of charts who tell you who is running the country, scroll down to the charts, here)
(above) May 2015 Side Session on Gender & Nuclear Weapons at United Nations in NY — Mary Olson: disproportionate harm to girls & women compared to boys & men from ionizing radiation exposure. Gender & cancer ... women get more cancer than men from nuclear ionizing radiation (catastrophic & daily normal reactor emmissions.)
HowWoke Are You?
Capital Punishment for Capitalist Central Bankers who own Fed / City of London — the systemic white sexist bank owners
Keep San Francisco LGBTQ++ Sexual Politics in the Bedroom
Kamala's war on children & family
For today's forecast trajectory in real time , (here)
Note: Web page is updated daily. Trajectory prepared using the HYSPLIT model of NOAA
WHERE OH WHERE IS THE NUCLEAR WEATHER FORECAST FOR EVERY SINGLE NUCLEAR REACTOR IN THE UNITED STATES & IN THE WORLD? — every day 41,000 people get fatal and non-fatal cancer from nuclear industry ...1.2 billion since the 1940's ...Fauci pandemic, that
Dead Zones
nuclear industry fallout + ionospheric heaters + chemtrails heavy metal conductive plasmas + weather warfare + earthquake warfare + food shortages + water shortages + IMF = Great Reset + CNWO (China + New World Order) = bye bye
New Fukushima ocean nuclear dead zone is like several years ago, (right). There are four causes: nuclear contamination; ionospheric heating to cause an earthquake off the Oregon coast; and, military use of depleted uranium wargames and sonar or oil industry use of sonar for oil sounding, and chemtrail pollution. (click here)
These are the maps from several years ago, when the dead zones were blamed on a "red blob" of global warming instead of a red blob of nuclear fallout global warming and ionospheric heating for weather warfare and chemtrail pollution. (click pic)
Greta: The ocean is dying from nuclear waste global warming & military ionospheric heaters ... NOT from a red blob as the mainstream media (owned by Wall Street) says — Greta: Military use of ionospheric heating weapons bounce energy off space & sky to the Pacific Ocean ...plankton (that produces Earth's oxygen) is destroyed & trillions of sea animals suffer & die, (here) . — April 28, 1997 Defense Secretary William S. Cohen: Terrorist nations are developing means of triggering earthquakes, volcanic eruptions & disastrous weather (here) & (more, here). — Noam Chomsky says the U.S. is the biggest terrorist country in the world, (here). — (Greta: See, nuclear industry (being the military industrial war complex) owned by Wall Street Fed central bankers (here), creates global warming (here); — also see, Weather warfare (here) — Earthquake warfare (here) & (here) — Chemtrails (heavy metals electronic plasma sky warfare) (here) — Financial warfare (here)
(below, right) Johns Hopkins University, (active in research directly applied to biological warfare weapon creation - {right}), published a study that suggests the possibiity that Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19) testing swabs may be laced with tiny, star-shaped micro-devices capable of delivering vaccines to people without their knowledge or consent. Patrick Smith from JHU wrote these tiny, star-shaped micro-devices were inspired by a parasitic worm that digs its sharp teeth into its host intestines. Known as theragrippers, micro-device chips made of metal and thin, shape-changing film are coated in heat-sensitive paraffin wax sent into the body unnoticed. Each of these chips is no larger than a speck of dust. The claim is, dust-sized theragrippers can be implanted in the tips of PCR test swabs and delivered to the innocent without knowledge or consent.
(abave) Made of metal & thin, shape-changing film & coated in a heat-sensitive paraffin wax, “theragrippers,” each roughly the size of a dust speck, potentially can carry any drug or bioweapon (such as CoVid) & release it gradually into the body
When we use nuclear power, we create something nature tried to destroy to make life possible
Until about two billion years ago, it was impossible to have any life on Earth; that is, there was so much radiation on Earth you couldn’t have any life – fish or anything. Gradually, two billion years ago, the amount of radiation on this planet – and probably in the entire system – reduced and made it possible for some form of life to begin. Now when we go back to using nuclear power, we are creating something which nature tried to destroy to make life possible. Every time you produce radiation, you produce something that has a half-life, in some cases for billions of years. I think the human race may wreck itself; it is important that we get control of this horrible force and eliminate it. Nuclear power is not worth it. – Admiral Hyman G. Rickover, U.S. Navy officer, engineer, & driving force behind naval nuclear power
All of life on Earth is radioactive now, and it only took about 70 years. The more people, plants and animals get, the quicker they sicken. It is just that simple. – Bob Nichols
True, the white man brought great change. But the varied fruits of his civilization, though highly colored and inviting, are sickening and deadening. And if it be the part of civilization to maim, rob, and thwart, then what is progress? I am going to venture the man who sat on the ground in his tipi meditating on life and its meaning, accepting the kinship of all creatures, acknowledging unity with the universe of things, was infusing into his being the true essence of civilization.– Chief Standing Bear, The Land of the Spotted Eagle, 1933
For this other death – not by plague, this time, not by poison, not by fire, not by artificially induced cancer, but by the squalid disintegration of the very substance of the species – this gruesome & infinitely unheroic death-in-birth could as well be the product of atomic industry as of atomic war. – Ape and Essence by Aldous Huxley (1949)
You also must help us by prayer, so that many will give thanks on our behalf for the blessing granted us through the prayers of many. – Corinthians 1:11
But now, if you have a purse, take it, and also a bag; and if you don't have a sword, sell your cloak and buy one". - Luke 22:36
Former Pfizer vice president says 50x more kids will die from Covid vaccine than Covid virus
Fed | City of London | IMF World Bank | BIS | C+NWO (China + New World Order) | ...Their globalist weapons of choice to destroy freedom, choice, democracy, community, Gaia, Nature, life on Earth & Divine Order
...Nuclear industry mutates the DNA of all living things including plants, trees ...& even viruses & bacteria to form new & mysterious diseases & prevents mammals (including people) from faithfully reproducing after their own kind, attacks Natural- & Divine Order (preventing living things from faithfully reproducing after their own kind) & gives you hundreds of immune deficiency follow-on diseases, cancer & leukemia —
In just 70 years, every living thing on Earth has become contaminated with deadly man-made radiation tht keeps adding up to create birth defects, immune-deficiency diseases leading to cancer and luekemia, breast cancer, thyroid cancer, ovarian cancer, prostate cancer, bone cancer, heart attacks, organ cancers and lung diseases ... & 'they' know it!
GLOBAL WARMING : Fukushima plutonium & nuclear fallout & waste mutates viruses & bacteria to form new & mysterious diseases in the Pacific Ocean & is well on its way some species in the Pacific Ocean, extinct
Rule No. 1
Rainforests are responsible for roughly one-third (28%) of the Earth’s oxygen but most (70%) of the oxygen in the atmosphere is produced by marine plants.
The remaining 2 percent of Earth’s oxygen comes from other sources. The ocean produces oxygen through the plants (phytoplankton, kelp, and algal plankton) that live in it. These plants produce oxygen as a byproduct of photosynthesis, a process which converts carbon dioxide and sunlight into sugars the organism can use for energy.
One type of phytoplankton, Prochlorococcus, releases countless tons of oxygen into the atmosphere. It is so small that millions can fit in a drop of water. Prochlorococcus has achieved fame as perhaps the most abundant photosynthetic organism on the planet. Dr. Sylvia A. Earl estimated Prochlorococcus provides the oxygen for one in every five breaths we take.
The ozone layer, also called the stratosphere, is composed of the ozone gas (90% of the total ozone in the atmosphere). The ozone has three oxygen atoms, and it is the result of the action of Ultra Violet (UV) radiation on oxygen molecules, composed of two oxygen atoms.
Destroying the plankton with nuclear industry, and destroying the stratosphere with electromagnetic pulse (EMP) weather warfare and earthquake warfare is causing global warming
According to the U.S. House of Representatives, the private bankers who own the Fed own most all of the successful businesses in the United States, including nuclear, military-industrial, automotive, pharmaceutical, petrochemical, agribusiness. These are the multi-national corporations creating pollution & global warming destroying Gaia (the entire interworking system of planetary life systems, ecosystems, & interactions).
According to SEC filings, these same central bankers & the banks they own, also own 20% of every company in the Fortune 500 ...(and why shouldn't they, these are the bankers that created Walls Street and London Stock Exchange & funded these companies with capital & venture capital) ...duh, (here)
Therefore, the dynastic central banking families to hold responsible for killing the Pacific Ocean and for global warming are the banking families that own the Fed and that own the companies that are polluting the Earth and the stratosphere, destroying the Pacific Ocean and consequently giving us immune deficiency diseases and cancer and mutating or stillborning our pregnancies.
Interestingly, the patented racist CoVid genetically targeted biological warfare substance & fake vaccines target the cell's ability to process oxygen in the blood, resulting in strokes & other heart-related issues.
Who, what, when, where, how & why the jab is domestic terrorism
FBI plans & staffs kidnap plot of Michigan governor & White House riots?
Dr Judy Mikovits: 'Vaccines' bioweapons, 5G, Graphene, military, blacks
Phyzer CEO won't get vaccinated ...will not cut the human DNA line to be humanoid?
A, B, C's of bye-bye ...introducing end-times vaccine replacement of humans with humanoids (see 'c' rider, below)
(below-l) "Phizer vaccine is 99% GRAPHENE OXIDE with a lipid nanoparticle that pushes the graphene oxide into your cells that explodes your mitochondria (oxygen & energy processors). It destroys everything inside your cells. It creates an incredibly inflammatory storm inside you. It has affinity to create acute inflamation of the lungs, an inflamatory storm in cardiac patients, and in brain tissue. This ties to strokes, heart attacks ...&, it's being given to pregnant mothers & babies ... to fulfill the central bankers' great reset Fed / City of London UN Agenda 21/30 to depopulate Earth 90% by 2030. THERE'S NO REASON FOR GRAPHENE OXIDE TO BE IN THE PHIZER VACCINE EXCEPT TO MURDER PEOPLE."-- quote from videos (below-l).
Time Will Tell
Planned takedown of America, ending in martial law & genocide. A nefarious plan is under way to place America under a military dictatorship, halt the mid-term elections & unleash armed soldiers to go door-to-door, confiscating guns & forcing vaccines on the American people to achieve Holocaust-level mass extermination. That plan follows a specific seriesof events that all orbit around the concept of "planned chaos" ...all this within the next 18 months.
Graphene-based AI-powered neuromodulation technology to read & control brain behavior used in vaccines?
There's graphene in vaccines; INBRAIN Neuroelectronics demonstrates graphene-based neuromodulation technology using AI-powered neuroelectronics is real. INBRAIN, funded to build AI-powered graphene biocircuits to read & control brain behavior, is not involved in vaccines, but their technology proves graphene-based brain control is a real.
for continuted coverage, go to Domestic Terrorism, submenu CoVid Intro, (here)
Why Fauci guarantees biological warfare: funds domestic & globalist creation of biowar weapons ...owns stock in Moderna
Rand Paul & Fauci face off
(Above) 60,000 Innocents dying from the experimental jabs, so far
About 73 Patents on the Virus; intentional bio-weapon release to erase constitution rights per not so 'Great Reset'.
July 16, 2021 - Planned takedown of America, w/military martial law to keep fascist dictators in CA OR, WA & U.S.
Sequencing of spike protein vaccine started one month before outbreak occured
McEnany: ‘My mouth dropped open’ when Psaki said this'
(above) Vaccines now injected door-to-door in North Carolina
"No reason for graphene oxide to be 99% of the Phizer vaccine but to murder people"
Spculation: Canadian court no vax victory? ...or, defeat?
Speculation: Are vaxxed now 5G trans-human borg candidates?
Nuclear Weather Forecast for Fukushima, Japan
For today's forecast trajectory in real time , (here)
Note: Web page is updated daily. Trajectory prepared using the HYSPLIT model of NOAA
WHERE OH WHERE IS THE NUCLEAR WEATHER FORECAST FOR EVERY SINGLE NUCLEAR REACTOR IN THE UNITED STATES & IN THE WORLD? — every day 41,000 people get fatal and non-fatal cancer from nuclear industry ...1.2 billion since the 1940's ...Fauci pandemic, that
Dead Zones
nuclear industry fallout + ionospheric heaters + chemtrails heavy metal conductive plasmas + weather warfare + earthquake warfare + food shortages + water shortages + IMF = Great Reset + CNWO (China + New World Order) = bye bye
New Fukushima ocean nuclear dead zone is like several years ago, (right). There are four causes: nuclear contamination; ionospheric heating to cause an earthquake off the Oregon coast; and, military use of depleted uranium wargames and sonar or oil industry use of sonar for oil sounding, and chemtrail pollution. (click here)
These are the maps from several years ago, when the dead zones were blamed on a "red blob" of global warming instead of a red blob of nuclear fallout global warming and ionospheric heating for weather warfare and chemtrail pollution. (click pic)
Video starts at 48 seconds in
Greta: The ocean is dying from nuclear waste global warming & military ionospheric heaters ... NOT from a red blob as the mainstream media (owned by Wall Street) says — Greta: Military use of ionospheric heating weapons bounce energy off space & sky to the Pacific Ocean ...plankton (that produces Earth's oxygen) is destroyed & trillions of sea animals suffer & die, (here) . — April 28, 1997 Defense Secretary William S. Cohen: Terrorist nations are developing means of triggering earthquakes, volcanic eruptions & disastrous weather (here) & (more, here). — Noam Chomsky says the U.S. is the biggest terrorist country in the world, (here). — (Greta: See, nuclear industry (being the military industrial war complex) owned by Wall Street Fed central bankers (here), creates global warming (here); — also see, Weather warfare (here) — Earthquake warfare (here) & (here) — Chemtrails (heavy metals electronic plasma sky warfare) (here) — Financial warfare (here)
(below, right) Johns Hopkins University, (active in research directly applied to biological warfare weapon creation - {right}), published a study that suggests the possibiity that Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19) testing swabs may be laced with tiny, star-shaped micro-devices capable of delivering vaccines to people without their knowledge or consent. Patrick Smith from JHU wrote these tiny, star-shaped micro-devices were inspired by a parasitic worm that digs its sharp teeth into its host intestines. Known as theragrippers, micro-device chips made of metal and thin, shape-changing film are coated in heat-sensitive paraffin wax sent into the body unnoticed. Each of these chips is no larger than a speck of dust. The claim is, dust-sized theragrippers can be implanted in the tips of PCR test swabs and delivered to the innocent without knowledge or consent.
(abave) Made of metal & thin, shape-changing film & coated in a heat-sensitive paraffin wax, “theragrippers,” each roughly the size of a dust speck, potentially can carry any drug or bioweapon (such as CoVid) & release it gradually into the body
When we use nuclear power, we create something nature tried to destroy to make life possible
Until about two billion years ago, it was impossible to have any life on Earth; that is, there was so much radiation on Earth you couldn’t have any life – fish or anything. Gradually, two billion years ago, the amount of radiation on this planet – and probably in the entire system – reduced and made it possible for some form of life to begin. Now when we go back to using nuclear power, we are creating something which nature tried to destroy to make life possible. Every time you produce radiation, you produce something that has a half-life, in some cases for billions of years. I think the human race may wreck itself; it is important that we get control of this horrible force and eliminate it. Nuclear power is not worth it. – Admiral Hyman G. Rickover, U.S. Navy officer, engineer, & driving force behind naval nuclear power
All of life on Earth is radioactive now, and it only took about 70 years. The more people, plants and animals get, the quicker they sicken. It is just that simple. – Bob Nichols
True, the white man brought great change. But the varied fruits of his civilization, though highly colored and inviting, are sickening and deadening. And if it be the part of civilization to maim, rob, and thwart, then what is progress? I am going to venture the man who sat on the ground in his tipi meditating on life and its meaning, accepting the kinship of all creatures, acknowledging unity with the universe of things, was infusing into his being the true essence of civilization.– Chief Standing Bear, The Land of the Spotted Eagle, 1933
For this other death – not by plague, this time, not by poison, not by fire, not by artificially induced cancer, but by the squalid disintegration of the very substance of the species – this gruesome & infinitely unheroic death-in-birth could as well be the product of atomic industry as of atomic war. – Ape and Essence by Aldous Huxley (1949)
You also must help us by prayer, so that many will give thanks on our behalf for the blessing granted us through the prayers of many. – Corinthians 1:11
But now, if you have a purse, take it, and also a bag; and if you don't have a sword, sell your cloak and buy one". - Luke 22:36
Former Pfizer vice president says 50x more kids will die from Covid vaccine than Covid virus
Fed | City of London | IMF World Bank | BIS | C+NWO (China + New World Order) | ...Their globalist weapons of choice to destroy freedom, choice, democracy, community, Gaia, Nature, life on Earth & Divine Order
...Nuclear industry mutates the DNA of all living things including plants, trees ...& even viruses & bacteria to form new & mysterious diseases & prevents mammals (including people) from faithfully reproducing after their own kind, attacks Natural- & Divine Order (preventing living things from faithfully reproducing after their own kind) & gives you hundreds of immune deficiency follow-on diseases, cancer & leukemia —
In just 70 years, every living thing on Earth has become contaminated with deadly man-made radiation tht keeps adding up to create birth defects, immune-deficiency diseases leading to cancer and luekemia, breast cancer, thyroid cancer, ovarian cancer, prostate cancer, bone cancer, heart attacks, organ cancers and lung diseases ... & 'they' know it!
GLOBAL WARMING : Fukushima plutonium & nuclear fallout & waste mutates viruses & bacteria to form new & mysterious diseases in the Pacific Ocean & is well on its way some species in the Pacific Ocean, extinct
Rule No. 1
Rainforests are responsible for roughly one-third (28%) of the Earth’s oxygen but most (70%) of the oxygen in the atmosphere is produced by marine plants.
The remaining 2 percent of Earth’s oxygen comes from other sources. The ocean produces oxygen through the plants (phytoplankton, kelp, and algal plankton) that live in it. These plants produce oxygen as a byproduct of photosynthesis, a process which converts carbon dioxide and sunlight into sugars the organism can use for energy.
One type of phytoplankton, Prochlorococcus, releases countless tons of oxygen into the atmosphere. It is so small that millions can fit in a drop of water. Prochlorococcus has achieved fame as perhaps the most abundant photosynthetic organism on the planet. Dr. Sylvia A. Earl estimated Prochlorococcus provides the oxygen for one in every five breaths we take.
The ozone layer, also called the stratosphere, is composed of the ozone gas (90% of the total ozone in the atmosphere). The ozone has three oxygen atoms, and it is the result of the action of Ultra Violet (UV) radiation on oxygen molecules, composed of two oxygen atoms.
Destroying the plankton with nuclear industry, and destroying the stratosphere with electromagnetic pulse (EMP) weather warfare and earthquake warfare is causing global warming
According to the U.S. House of Representatives, the private bankers who own the Fed own most all of the successful businesses in the United States, including nuclear, military-industrial, automotive, pharmaceutical, petrochemical, agribusiness. These are the multi-national corporations creating pollution & global warming destroying Gaia (the entire interworking system of planetary life systems, ecosystems, & interactions).
According to SEC filings, these same central bankers & the banks they own, also own 20% of every company in the Fortune 500 ...(and why shouldn't they, these are the bankers that created Walls Street and London Stock Exchange & funded these companies with capital & venture capital) ...duh, (here)
Therefore, the dynastic central banking families to hold responsible for killing the Pacific Ocean and for global warming are the banking families that own the Fed and that own the companies that are polluting the Earth and the stratosphere, destroying the Pacific Ocean and consequently giving us immune deficiency diseases and cancer and mutating or stillborning our pregnancies.
Interestingly, the patented racist CoVid genetically targeted biological warfare substance & fake vaccines target the cell's ability to process oxygen in the blood, resulting in strokes & other heart-related issues.
Who, what, when, where, how & why the jab is domestic terrorism
FBI plans & staffs kidnap plot of Michigan governor & White House riots?
Dr Judy Mikovits: 'Vaccines' bioweapons, 5G, Graphene, military, blacks
Phyzer CEO won't get vaccinated ...will not cut the human DNA line to be humanoid?
A, B, C's of bye-bye ...introducing end-times vaccine replacement of humans with humanoids (see 'c' rider, below)
(below-l) "Phizer vaccine is 99% GRAPHENE OXIDE with a lipid nanoparticle that pushes the graphene oxide into your cells that explodes your mitochondria (oxygen & energy processors). It destroys everything inside your cells. It creates an incredibly inflammatory storm inside you. It has affinity to create acute inflamation of the lungs, an inflamatory storm in cardiac patients, and in brain tissue. This ties to strokes, heart attacks ...&, it's being given to pregnant mothers & babies ... to fulfill the central bankers' great reset Fed / City of London UN Agenda 21/30 to depopulate Earth 90% by 2030. THERE'S NO REASON FOR GRAPHENE OXIDE TO BE IN THE PHIZER VACCINE EXCEPT TO MURDER PEOPLE."-- quote from videos (below-l).
Time Will Tell
Planned takedown of America, ending in martial law & genocide. A nefarious plan is under way to place America under a military dictatorship, halt the mid-term elections & unleash armed soldiers to go door-to-door, confiscating guns & forcing vaccines on the American people to achieve Holocaust-level mass extermination. That plan follows a specific seriesof events that all orbit around the concept of "planned chaos" ...all this within the next 18 months.
Graphene-based AI-powered neuromodulation technology to read & control brain behavior used in vaccines?
There's graphene in vaccines; INBRAIN Neuroelectronics demonstrates graphene-based neuromodulation technology using AI-powered neuroelectronics is real. INBRAIN, funded to build AI-powered graphene biocircuits to read & control brain behavior, is not involved in vaccines, but their technology proves graphene-based brain control is a real.
for continuted coverage, go to Domestic Terrorism, submenu CoVid Intro, (here)
Why Fauci guarantees biological warfare: funds domestic & globalist creation of biowar weapons ...owns stock in Moderna
Rand Paul & Fauci face off
(Above) 60,000 Innocents dying from the experimental jabs, so far
About 73 Patents on the Virus; intentional bio-weapon release to erase constitution rights per not so 'Great Reset'.
July 16, 2021 - Planned takedown of America, w/military martial law to keep fascist dictators in CA OR, WA & U.S.
Sequencing of spike protein vaccine started one month before outbreak occured
McEnany: ‘My mouth dropped open’ when Psaki said this'
(above) Vaccines now injected door-to-door in North Carolina
"No reason for graphene oxide to be 99% of the Phizer vaccine but to murder people"
Bill Gates squirms over his Jeffrey Epstein connections (here), (here) + is sued by employees he forces to watch child snuff movies & kiddie porn, (here)
10/03/21 - AI-powered Dept. of Defense, Project Salus, with Joint Artificial Intelligence Center analyzed data on 5.6 million Medicare beneficiaries aged 65 or older, aggregated from Humetrix, a real-time data and analytics platform that tracks health care outcomes ... findings show majority of covid hospitalizationsoccur among fully-vaccinated individuals and growing worse from Antibody Dependent Enhancement, where the treatment intervention (mRNA vaccines) is worsening health outcomes and leading to excess hospitalizations and deaths, (here).
9/26/21 – The central bankers' recycled plastic myth – What actually happens: 60% is burnt to put toxins into the air,(here).
9/26/21 – Arizona – Situation update: Prepare for epic CRISIS THEATER following AZ forensic audit results ...(which may also be rigged) — AZ forensic audit results shows systemic fraud, faked votes, it was rigged, (here). Maricopa County forensic audit results have been leaked — if draft documents are correct, they now show over 54,000 fraudulent, faked and otherwise invalid ballots -- more than five times the margin of 'victory' for Joe Biden ...and this is from just one county alone: Maricopa.
As the truth begins seeps into the consciousness of the American people, the illegitimate Biden regime may or may not unleash desperate measures to distract the American people with another engineered crisis of some sort. {Editor's note; Such as a nuclear electromagnetic pulse (EMP war) with China.]
9/11/21 – West Virginia – 26% rise in positive cases in the last eight weeks in people fully vaccinated and a 21% increase in breakthru cases requiring hospitalization in people who are fully vaccinated and in the last eight weeks a 25% increase in deaths of people that are fully vaccinated.
9/14/21 – United Nations World Health Organization warns that immunized are dangerous to unimmunized people. "World Health Organization European Advisory Group of Experts in Immunization former Vice President Professor Christian Perronne yesterday said that all vaccinated people must quarantine over the winter months or risk serious illness. Perronne specializes in tropical pathologies and emerging infectious diseases. He was Chairman of the Specialized Committee on Communicable Diseases of the High Council of Public Health. Confirming the rapidly deteriorating situation in Israel and the UK, the infectious disease expert stated...
...“Vaccinated people should be put in quarantine, and should be isolated from society ... ... ... Unvaccinated people are not dangerous; vaccinated people are dangerous for others. It’s proven in Israel now – I’m in contact with many physicians in Israel – they’re having big problems, severe cases in the hospitals are among vaccinated people, and in UK also, you have the larger vaccination program and also there are problems.” The current working group on the COVID-19 pandemic in France was reported to be “utterly panicked” on receipt of the news, fearing pandemonium if it follows the guidance of the experts.
Israeli doctor Kobi Haviv told Channel 13 News: “95% of seriously ill patients are vaccinated. Fully vaccinated people account for 85-90% of hospitalizations. We are opening more and more COVID branches. The effectiveness of vaccines is declining or disappearing.
09/2721 – Solar Polar Forcing, Geomagnetic Storm Forecast, Heinrich Event
Solar flares make earthquakes,(here); HAARP solar flares do, too(here)
True, the white man brought great change. But the varied fruits of his civilization, through highly colored and inviting, are sickening and deadening. and if it be the part of civilization to maim, rob and thwart, then what is progress?
9/11/21 – Judge Jeanine: Liar-in-Chief Joe Biden has given a terrorist organization their own nation and abandoned in Afghanistan the American girls' soccer team players aged 9-to-14 years old. [Ed's note: Taliban & Mormon marrying age.]
9/11/21 – West Virginia – 26% rise in positive cases in the last eight weeks in people fully vaccinated and a 21% increase in breakthru cases requiring hospitalization in people who are fully vaccinated and in the last eight weeks a 25% increase in deaths of people that are fully vaccinated.
The resistance begins now - Global non-compliance movement launched — All around the world, informed, passionate citizens are rising up against medical tyranny, from the truckers in Australia to peaceful protesters in France, UK and Canada. In the United States, Tea Party Patriots announced protests in 60 cities. People of the world are increasingly realizing the plandemic scamdemic is a malicious scam to mass murder innocent people while enslaving people under tyrannical government rule. People are waking up like never before, and they've seen people they know and love killed by the covid vaccine (or the traumatic lockdowns). We are now seeing the beginning of the peaceful uprising against medical tyranny, and a true sleeping giant has been awakened, (here).
Introducing the comedy & satire & cartoon hit
If I prove to you all the companies that made these offensive racist (genocidal) & misogynist (woman-killer) ads are owned & directed by the same few systemic white racist dynastic banking families that see women as sex toys & destroy people of color & countries of color? ...would you get even?
...introducing for your sadistic revenge: JPMorganChase & IMF, the Fed & City of London will you get even? ...with these same few imperialist dynastic banking families who since 1918 have waged the CoVid influenza biological warfare pharma industry to cull the human herd down to sex slaves & racist targets ...& who own & direct the military-industrial complex, orchestrate all the white wars & their Satanist habits continue to enslave humanity, animals & destroy the Kingdom of God, Gaia, Mother Nature, the skies, the environment & the oceans ...that all these corporations who created & perpetuate white systemic racism, hatred & enslavement of women & people of color, destruction of the environment, sickness & diseases, all sorts of wars, malnutrician, starvation & untold suffering , & own 20% of every company in the Fortune 500 & British Stock Exchange would you get even & save the world?
—(9,000 links in reverse chronological order from 2011-to-2018. to 30,000 published news stories/scientific documentation, of nuclear fallout & leaks around the world with a focus on your neighborhood & your State, here)—
Animals | Mysterious Diseases
New & Mysterious Diseases Chernobyl documentation: ionizing radiation mutates bacteria & viruses to create new & mysterious diseases, (here) Why are millions and billions of sea life like whales, dolphins, seals, sea lions, sea otters ... all mammals as we are, and all sea life in the Pacific Ocean floating suspended in the ocean dead or dying excruciating deaths and washing up on shores dead or dying excruciating deaths and crabs, lobsters, octopus, squid and other sea life pressed into the beach sand dead from Alaska to Mexico? ...or, starving because their food chain is now extinct?
Because of seaborne plutonium and hundreds of other radionuclides melted down into the water acquifirs at Fukushima feeding into the Pacific Ocean since 2011, and because the U.S. encouraged Japan to dump all their liquid and solid nuclear waste into the ocean every day, and burn it up into the atmosphere where it rains down on the Pacfic Ocean, the United States and circulates around the world every 40 hours and falls. Nuclear apologists blame these extinction levels on global warming creating new and mysterious diseases ... when research from Chernobyl proves radiation mutates viruses and bacteria to form new and mysterious diseases!
Animals | Central Banks | Mysterious Diseases
Mother Earth's Primary Enemy is the Money-issuing Class
...they control, finance & wage world war & wage world peace, own-&-extort the Presidency, bribe-or-blackmail Congress & made Earth a weapon of war
They create & seize the ruling class who direct power elites who control the military-industrial-petroleum-intelligence-drug trafficking community, media, K-12 / university education, nonprofit foundation (giving), medical, transportation, electric power, agriculture, pharma – & create, own, manufacture & traffic the arms trade ...& for this, they should be arrested, brought to trial, judged & marched to the gallows.
If none of these people who love money & power & control ... more than life ... existed, would Mother Earth & her animals & you & yours be healthier & happier?
The Pacific Ocean is Dying - and You Don't Even Know
We Can Shut Down Nuclear Industry
For the first time, all the evidence of nuclear destroying animals & people one place!
For the first time, all the evidence you need to shut down all the nuclear reactors in the U.S.A. and around the world is gathered in one place!
our two volume set
The Pacific Ocean is Dying and You Don't Even Know
Nuclear Power is Not Safe & Clean (e-book news database 2011-to-2018 w/9000 links to 30,000 pieces of published documentation)
both ms word w/pop-ups & search engine (computer version) &/or e-book (cell phone without pop-ups & search engine version) for free, here. — my other books, here)
Note; the 9,000 links in these two books broke when EneNews failed — 6,000 links have been repaired in the database (#2, above) , so far ...none have been repaired yet in #1, above) — We hope to have all links in the books corresponding links in the website repaired by Xmas Day 2021.
what is this html code for?
fed city of london central banks = "the west" = nwo
central banks of russia, china, india, the "-stan" countries = "the east" = cnwo
billionaires, central bank oligarchs + un plan to remove 90% of humanity to 'save earth'
if you believe nuclear power exists, you are a fool
Biden wants to rid america of extracted fuels ... so cnwo can have them —the oligarchs want to build 1,000-to-2,000 reactors now ...bechtel & bill gates are putting four new reactors in at hanford not far from child graveyards in the tricity area (where kids are born without brains the last 40 years) ...& building them in china. there's your cnwo.
do you really think we'll have electric battleships ... or nuclear (steam) powered ones? there is no such thing as nuclear power ...nuclear reactors are water cooled because the heat given off to make nuclear bomb materials is so great, it makes tons of steam ... they use the steam to turn electric turbines, like a windmill uses wind, or a dam uses water. You could use focused sunlight or fire to boil water into steam to turn electric turbines.
“Until about two billion years ago, it was impossible to have any life on earth; that is, there was so much radiation on earth you couldn't have any life or anything. Gradually, about two billion years ago, the amount of radiation on this planet ... and probably in the entire system ... reduced and made it possible for some form of life to begin. Now, when we go back to using nuclear power, we are creating something which nature tried to destroy to make life possible, Every time you produce radiation, you produce something that has a certain half-life, in some cases for billions of years. I think the human race is going to wreck itself; it is important that we get control of this horrible force and try to eliminate it. I do not believe that nuclear power is worth it." [Admiral Rickover (father of the nuclear navy).Testimony to Congress (28 January 1982); Economics of Defense Policy: Hearing before the Joint Economic Committee, Congress of the United States, 97th Cong., 2nd sess., Pt. 1 (1982)] (more, here)
(click pic for info how-to download free e-book)
PICTURE CAPTIONS of pictures from the 9,000 newswire summaries linked to 25,000 published stories, youtubes, white papers, books & research on which ourfree e-booksare based
– row 1 (l-r) Japanese women are losing teeth from Fukushima fallout;
artist's cartoon depiction of a real three-eyed fish found in a reactor discharge pond in South America;
Mutated butterflies fed food from the exclusion zone in Fukushima and Chernobyl mutated by eating the radioactive food ...the damage passed down thru generations of butterflies;
Sea mammal placentas damaged by ionizing radiation in the Pacific Ocean;
A Japanese woman points to internal bruising from breathing and eating Fukusima nuclear fallout;
A women damaged by Chernobyl fallout had her thyroid removed & feels the bandaged wound;
Horses in Northern California living on the west coast have bleeding lesions on their faces & their skin is falling off (while cows' milk following Fukushima airborne fallout was too dangerous to drink & above EPA nuclear safety limits we may presume the nuclear fallout on the pastures the cows ate was also eaten by the horses;
note: below the picture of the horses, we see a seal whose skin is falling off from Fukushima seaborne radiation;
Hundreds of thousands of Reindeer bleeding from the eyes and with internal bleeding suddenly die at the former nuclear test grounds in Kazakhstan
row 2 (l-r) Fish in the Pacific Ocean swimming in the sea water swimming in and contaminated by the currents coming from Fukushima that are contaminated with plutonium & hundreds of other radionuclides from Fukushima are bleeding from eyes and gills & have bleeding entrails coming out of them;
A mutated Rocky Mountain cougar east of nuclear test grounds has two sets of jaws, one protruding from the back of his head;
Mutated Children in Chernobyl mutated in the womb or from mutated ovum or sperm because of Chernobyl fallout;
A whale on a West Coast beach goes thru final dead throes in agony, either disoriented and made deaf with possible bursted internal organs from military sonar use or oil company use of sonar for undersea exploring ...or...starving to death because the Seaborne Fukushima nuclear waste has killed the food chain;
Dead Manatee; (proceeding downward)
Dead whales; Dead Seals & Dolphins;
Seals in Alaska beneath airborne Fukushima fallout & additionally swimming in ocean currents filled with seaborne Fukushima fallout are covered in bleeding lesions & tumors and/or completely hairless with bloody skin
left, 2nd column(top-bot) beginning under mountain lion with two jaws: (Two-headed kitten born in McMinnville Oregon, not far from the West Coast of Oregon covered with seaborne & airborne Fukushima fallout;
Fish covered in rotting sores; Fish bleeding from lesions in gills;
left, switch to middle of 1st column: Sea Lions paralized and unable to swim;
Insects in the exclusion zones & in studies eating food from the exclusion zones in Fukushima have mutated wings, mutated eyes, & feet growing from their heads;
A human baby & kitten in the exclusion zones show the effects of nuclear fallout from Fukushima & Chernobyl on their eyes;
Birds from the exclusion zone in Fukushima have lesions & tumors in their throats, as do insects;
left, continuing on bottom row horizontally (l-r) Birds with tumors in their throats;
Legs of child & feet when child was exposed in the womb to Chernobyl fallout beside normal feet and legs;
Plants contaminated with Fukushima fallout;
Dead sea animals;
Dead sea lions;
Insect with leg growing from head in Fukushima fallout study;
Normal butterfly beside butterly contaminated with Fukushima fallout;
Mutated insect from Fukushima fallout;
Utah lamb with mutated leg growing out of neck;
Newborn horses dying in Fukushima exclusion zone
right-hand column bottom, proceeding up: Dead whales on California west coast;
Mutated trees in the exclusion zones in Fukushima & Chernobyl without leaders.
Second row up bottom (l-r): Dead seagulls from starvation &/or airborne exposure to air filled with Fukushima fallout;
Tens of thousands of birds starving to death wash up on Alaska shores;
Dead whale on U.S. west coast of Pacific Basin.
Third row up from bottom (l-r): Birds from nuclear exclusion zones whose feathers are laced with nuclear fallout hot spots;
Mutated daisies from Fukushima fallout;
Map showing the Cascade Mountain range in the Pacific Northwest covered with airborne nuclear fallout from Fukushima, forever;
Map showing coastline of Pacific Northwest filled with seaborne Fukushima nuclear fallout.
Inset in middle of picture, (top-bot & l-r): Children when in the womb mutated by Chernobyl nuclear fallout, or prior to conception ovum & sperm were contaminated by Chernobyl nuclear fallout;
Former heads of U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission laugh it up when embarassed to deny human deaths from nuclear fallout from Chernobyl;
Mutated starfish;
Mutated fish;
Mutated children in glass jars apparently brought to term before being delivered & pickled in jars...note deformities, shared organs, cyclops;
Living kids with extra heads & deformed bodies in Chernobyl asylums.
Britain & City of London are Foreign Countries that have Meddled in all our American Elections & Consequently are among our Greatest Enemies & the Greatest Threat to the U.S. Constitution, Freedom & Human Rights since we threw them out of America in 1776 & they founded & took over the Fed domestic money supply by a financial coup in 1913.
The biggest racist force in the world & biggest enemy of the U.S. is the Fed City of London (the Crown) & British Monarchy puppets controlled by Fed City of London central bankers like JP MorganChase (who together with other co-directors of the Fed City of London not only have home offices in City of London ...but, own & control 20% of the Fortune 500 & consequently own & direct the U.S. military industrial nuclear complex companies (the 'Establishment' & the largest U.S. & British companies that cause global warming & pollute the Earth, Mother Nature, human souls that is, human evolution, awareness & Divine Order).
'They' control the nuclear industry that currently causes 41,000 deaths & non-lethal cancers every single day, since CV-19 was created in DARPA labs then outlawed then shipped to Wuhan by Fauci (on Gate's board) along with 250 million dollars ... you need to realize our biggest threat is from within & from a sovereign nation hidden in London, called: City of London corporation, aka the Crown, the City, the Square Mile ...which founded and controls all British colonies of color for the last several hundred years ... while the Monarchy controls all British white colonies for the last several hundred years. And, the Crown finances & therefore, controls ...the Monarch, Monarchy & Parliament) ...just like the Fed / City of London finances & therefore, controls ...America (being the Congress, Presidency, U.S. Military, IRS, all Government agencies & all who live within its borders). Since the Fed central bank stockholders have home bank headquarters in City of London, the City of London is the Fed and finances, therefore controls, America. Fed City of London has no loyalty to America, nor to God, but only to capitalism consequently the Almighty Dollar. The City of London, a foreign country, regularly interferes with U.S. elections ...most recently, Christopher Steele (a MI-6 agent working for British & City of London intelligence, fabricated the Steele Dossier to cover Hillary's email traitorous & treasonous activities by launching the fake narrative that Trump was a Russian spy forcing two fake impreachment processes).
It is the City of London corporation bankers now aligned with China causing all the current unrest in the U.S. & around the world and destroying the Oceans, whales, dolphins, sea life and plankton (that create 80% of the Earth's oxygen) with nuclear waste, military & oil exploration sonar, pollution & space age ionospheric heaters used for weather modification- & earthquake warfare ...whether you have an I.Q. of a genius or a fence post ...
We interrupt this website to document corruption of leadership of Oregon, Washington State, Californicate, FBI, CIA, Nincompoop Pelosi, Upchuck Schumer & Sh*thead Schiff democrap erectionists & republicants in this false flag 2nd fake impeachment & call for the imprisonment of the Congressional leadership of the Democraptic party & Republicant party for treason & insurrection & call for the impeachment & imprisonment of the Biden family crime syndicate & a TELEVISED broadcast Supreme Court hearing of voter election fraud evidence NEVER been heard in any court but witnessed by 75,000,000 Americans & immediate & permanent imprisonment of the Fed City of London Globalist Crime Syndicate & Great Reset Billionaires & Trillionaires who have vowed to reduce human population 90% by propaganda, destabilization, pandemic, starvation, poverty & war ...& robots, drones, 5G, weather warfare & fascism.
Soros-financed Antifa Agents Provocateurs Portland Style documented for you walking dead brainless non-patriot sheeple idiots. Legislation introduced in Portland Antifa Oregon to give reparations of $115,000 a year to every black person for life. Now, why don't they give $115,000 a year to everyone in the U.S. since everyone is a financial slave to the Fed City of London financial terrorists ...& to everyone in the world?
(Note: this picture is included so when the above video is censored {by the fascist billionaire social media giants who should be imprisoned for life because of their fascist & communist censorship denial of constitutional freedom of speech} will know what it is about.)
(Note: Picture is included when above video is censored {by fascist billionaire social media giants who should be imprisoned for life for censorship denial of constitutional freedom of speech} will know what it's about.)
--advertisement-- the real San Francisco Pelosi, Harris, Feinstein, Newsom, Bechtel et al, advocate as your new normal (photos of City of San Francisco sanctionedpublicannual events, parades, parties in old San Francisco)
To see how San Francisco-based politicians who run America spend your money, think ...consider the constituency of Vice President Harris, Senator Feinstein & Speaker Pelosi (not to mention Upchuck Schumer's erectionists) ...impeach that!
(above) Whether or not you believe in ionospheric aerial spraying (contrails & chemtrails), ionospheric heating for the purposes of weather warfare and earthquake warfare doesn't matter, because there are a lot of scientists and engineers who have worked on government projects to those ends, &/or know about them; we try to highlight some of them, at the top of the page click on the Fortune Teller tab, you will find; (Owning the Weather) & (Weaponizing Weather & Earthquakes, Geo-Engineering); and under the Rosalie & Janet tab your will find (Leuren Moret - Haarp Triggers Fukushima Earthquake) and one of my favorite scientists, (Rosalie Bertell).
Space age assaults against Life on Earth at extinction levels deployed by bankers
At this point, ask yourself, 'What does that all have to do with girls, oceans, Earth, dying, pandemics, CV-19, global warming, nuclear reactors, climate change, ionospheric heaters and space age assaults against Life on Earth at extinction levels deployed by bankers?
But before pondering that, it's easier just to ask, 'Why would anyone in their right mind be into that, anyway?' ...the reason why central bankers do all that shit is because financing it creates debt, and they collect the interest on the national debt as a personal 'dividend' ... a profit on their ownership of the founding shares of the Federal Reserve. THEY DO IT FOR THE MONEY THEY DON'T GIVE A FLYING YOU KNOW WHAT ABOUT LIFE.
Banks & bankers destroy animals & people with weather & earthquake warfare to create debt & interest payments's that simple
Now that you know who's doing it and why you can answer the question of, what does all that stuff has to do with anything at all? And, the answer is: central bankers do that stuff for money, they do all that destructive stuff for money and they laugh all the way to the bank (which they happen to own).
(continued from homepage)
Selected as a teaster to introduce the Space Weather family of sites, & to illustrate our daily Space Weather Report guide (see Nuclear Weather Forecast submenu), the above video —(& related site)— is a primer for brainy people (people with brains) who need to know the basics of how natural space weather [electrical energy (solar flares, sun spots, cosmic rays)], &/or manmade targeted ionospheric heating [(high-frequency active auroral research program {HAARP}] affect the instrumentation at nuclear reactors & first responder communications & may precipitate naturally caused &/or manmade earthquakes, tsunamis & tornadoes (weaponized weather warfare) ...& affect human behavior & wellbeing & (appear to disorient) the migration patterns of birds in Portland, Oregon (where migrating geese fly in circles). —(continued, here)—
Additionally, in support of the above paragraph, we have included a highly censored Central Intelligence Agency report depicting the end of the world based on bibilical and historical societal records and depictions of global cataclysmic events ...which we examine in light of the polar reversals of the sun's magnetic fields, resulting solar flare natural attacks upon the Earths magnetic fields and pole reversals an effort to explain current Fed interest rate banker-owed and directed military industrial space age weaponry including ionospheric spraying of heavy metals, ionospheric and stratospheric heating (high frequency active auroral research ...HAARP, programs ...high altitude and space based laser weaponry aka space based missile defense systems using lasers and HAARP technologies) ... which we believe based on constant worldwide chemtrail applications fulfill among others two functions including proving the CIA premise that the Earth can be destroyed by manmade space age weaponry that can duplicate biblical and scientific end of the world scenarios ...starting with biblical and societal and scientific historical events and accounts of life being exterminated on Earth or otherwise severely extinguished ...and, for the Fed/G8 to threaten countries by deploying water shortages, uncontrollable fires, earthquakes, tsunamis, and tornadoes all targeted to make nuclear reactor sites melt down and extinguish life, destroy power grids and infrastructures upon which society is today largely dependent, and sicken or end all life with DNA that replicates itself after its own kind ... because this annihilation appears to be the current state of world affairs as dictated and currently implemented by the prehistoric, Old and New World Orders and one-world governments of the last 5,000-to-7,000 years.
Sharp Rise in Whale Deaths Investigated
VOA transcript, Sep 1, 2015 (emphasis added): Sharp Rise in Whale Deaths Being Investigated - Since May, 30 dead whales have washed ashore on the Gulf of Alaska. (Deborah Fauquier, NOAA): ‘And the average for the whole year generally is 8, so it’s definitely significantly elevated and for us that was a reason for concern.’ The Extreme Mortality Event, as scientists are calling it, has triggered an investigation.
Huffington Post, Sep 1, 2015: Radiation in the Ocean - The West Coast of the United States seems under siege by negative environmental news… and numerous accounts of unusual coastal events: algae blooms, whale strandings, cancer in seals, collapse of fish stocks, and more… One argument has been the effect of radiation leaking from the [Fukushima] nuclear power plant reactors… and has been thereafter distributed by ocean currents; indeed there is evidence of a plume of increased concentration of Cesium-134, and other radioactive elements that have been observed at unprecedented levels, spreading out some 5,000 miles into the Pacific… In April of this year, there were headlines declaring that Fukushima radiation has reached the North American Shore and concerns were raised, spread through the Internet and press, that this was surely the cause of these otherwise inexplicable anomalous natural events. There is no Federal agency that funds monitoring of radiation in coastal water… So, yes, and no. No definitive conclusion, no clear argument that radiation is the cause of those coastal events which distress us so… The question is immensely important…
A Plus, Aug 27, 2015: The Story Behind This Picture Is So Mysterious, Scientists Are Scratching Their Heads; What is going on here?!… the number has skyrocketed. Thirty whales spanning at least four species have been found… NOAA Fisheries scientists and partners are very concerned about the large number of whales stranding in the western Gulf of Alaska in recent months, Dr. Teri Rowles of the NOAA said… these enormous, gorgeous animals are dying in such high numbers.
VOA, Sep 1, 2015: While President Barack Obama is in Alaska, he might have this question: Why have 30 dead whales washed ashore… [NOAA's] Fauquier said the extreme mortality event was complicated… Fauquier noted that in the ocean, toxins move up the food chain. Some of the whales actually filter the phytoplankton and the zooplankton… they get the toxins through that method…. as you go higher up the food web, more toxin gets concentrated.… NOAA hopes to explain why the whales died and why they perished in such great numbers.
Cordova Times, Aug 28, 2015: Whales..Thirty dead whales ….And no one knows why… when thirty of them die in four months, three times the usual rate, something is not right…. between 700 deaths over the years, scientists have managed to perform two full necropsies. For this particular event, they’ve done one limited necropsy… While they keep an eye on algae, they have been testing all possibilities. Possibilities like fallout from Fukushima, and while they did radiation testing as part of the limited autopsy, it came back with background levels that would occur normally in Alaska, said Julie Speegle, speaking on behalf of NOAA.
Newsweek, Aug 27, 2015: Over the last few months, dead whales have been appearing regularly on beaches along the Northern California coast. In the same period, 30 whale carcasses have washed up along the coast of Alaska, puzzling scientists.
Washington Post, Aug 30, 2015: Concerns mount as whales are found dead in Gulf of Alaska - Researchers are scrambling to determine what’s behind the death of 30 whales… Other dead whales have been reported off the coast of British Columbia…. starvation or disease could be behind the deaths… The more likely culprit is unusual water conditions.
NPR, Sep 1, 2015: Researchers say record low oxygen levels in Hood Canal are causing marine life to die off. Marine life is struggling to survive… We have been seeing lots and lots of dead fish on beaches, said Seth Book, with the Skokomish Tribe’s Department of Natural Resources… This is really the worst year in terms of the oxygen, said Jan Newton, an oceanography professor at the University of Washingto
Baby Elephant seals & sea lions die of leukemia-linked disorder
-8702- California Coast: Many baby seals dying of leukemia-linked disorder- 1/3 of recent deaths at San Francisco Bay rescue center - 3:53 pm 09/26/15
Leukemia appears 2-3 years after exposure, average latent period, 5-10 years
-8702.1- also see: Physics and Radiobiology of Nuclear Medicine (Springer), Jun 29, 2013: Leukemia is one of the most common cancers induced by radiation in humans, accounting for one in five mortalities from radio-carcinogenesis. Risk of leukemia varies with age, younger persons more prone to radio-carcinogenesis - Leukemia appears as early as 2-3 years after exposure, average latent period of 5 to 10 years.
Welcome to the 6th Great Extinction of Life on our Planet
Ever wonder what happens to mammals (including people) & forests by nuclear power plants? ...and in the sea, whales, dolphins, seals, walruses & sea lions? ...from Fukushima plutonium, military sonar & depleted uranium, oil exploration soundings, & aerial aerosols, weather warfare & electro-magnetic pulse weapons see here for animals & see below for women & kids
Ever wonder what happens to mammals (including people) & forests by nuclear power plants? ...and in the sea, whales, dolphins, seals, walruses & sea lions? ...from Fukushima plutonium, military sonar & depleted uranium, oil exploration soundings, & aerial aerosols, weather warfare & electro-magnetic pulse weapons? We are currently in the Sixth Great Extinction of Life on Planet Earth ...& it is manmade. Using this site, you can identify & document the magnitude, suffering & horror of this extinction & also pinpoint who is to blame, their weapons of choice & why they should be arrested, tried, convicted & marched to the gallows. (l) Military lasers mounted on jets taking out enemy vehicles with precision accuracy are similar to the burnt vehicles at 911/WTC dispersed around Manhattan & censored from the public mind —(here) (here) (here)— (c) HAARP-like microwave-like electromagnetic pulses used for ionospheric, stratospheric & ocean heating can push the weather offshore, in this case from L.A. ...remember when the weather front went around California & instead of raining in California, snowed in Texas & Mexico 2017 or 2018? —(here) (here) (here)— (r) Note the Species Loss graph; we can attribute this man-made species loss to various kinds of pollution in the ocean and on land: plastics, pharmaceutical, hospital, chemical & pesticide wastes; nuclear waste; catastrophic nuclear events; normal day-to-day discharges from nuclear reactors of radionuclides into the atmosphere & sea; military industrial use of depleted uranium arms in the land & sea; petroleum industry use of sonar like sounding in undersea oil exploration, that bursts the eardrums & organs of sea mammals & other sealife; military use of sonar undersea; military industrial use of HAARP ionospheric & stratospheric heatings for weather warfare & drought or heat weaponry by weaponizing the Earth's weather systems & creating artificial solar flares to affect earthquake warfare & lasers to take out vehicles & to start forest fire, warfare. Exhaustive investigative reporting by Nuclear Weather Forecast has discovered that all of the major corporations that are causing damage to the Earth in these ways, are owned & directed by the eight dynastic banking families that own the Federal Reserve & those that serve them ...& another name for the Fed interest rate bankers, is, the military industrial complex —(here) (here) (here) (here)— Welcome to Nuclear Weather Forecast, your lifeline to saving the planet by bringing to trial & executing those money-issuing families in the interlocking directorate of the Federal Reserve Board to whom we pay the interest on the national debt each year, who use this obscene wealth to intentionally destroy & sicken all life on the planet & distort DNA so creatures can no longer reproduce themself after their own kind, & in-so-doing blaspheme Divine Order.
Surprise! Every Secondfrom Every Nuclear Reactor Chimney – a Slow Motion Nuclear Bomb Releases Fallout ... & Tritium
Tritium accumulates in your body & destroys your eggs & fetus ...ever wish they told you the truth?
Ever wish they told you the truth? Nuclear industry creates two-headed flowers, insects, cats, whales, dolphins ...and, children. As documented for over 70 years, since 1940, when U.S. Wall Street interests fed radionuclides to pregnant women and children and watched them sicken. And, when the 'jellyfish children' were born in the South Pacific nuclear testing zones, without bones. And, in the Nevada test area in the U.S., people got cancer and died -- they still do, today; in the tri-county area around Hanford, children are born without brains and buried in child cemetaries reserved for them; in Russia children in the nuclear testing zones ...unborn and born babies that are cyclops and distorted are preserved pickled in large jars.
In Belarus, where the wind carried the fallout from Chernobyl, the kids were born with extra heads, flesh sacks outside their bodies holding their brains or kidneys, hands coming out of their necks, legs without lymph glands producing tree trunk legs covered with tumors. Nuclear is destroying life on Planet Earth. Phase out nuclear and phase in solar now ... when Fukushima blew, Japan shut down 54 reactors. We can shut down all reactors in the world, tonight ...and make you more safe.
Stop all nuclear liars, lock them up and throw away the key.
Are you a member of an environmental group? Do you nurture Life? The Pacific Ocean is dying: Federal Reserve directors whose corporations and military tactics kill the Ocean should be marched to the gallows. It is the 11th Commandment. All nuclear reactors are designed to discharge radionuclides into the air, water and sea. And it is impossible to safely contain nuclear waste. Radionuclides destroy DNA and all prevent mammals (including people) and all life forms with DNA to accurantly bring forth others of their own kind (see first page of Bible), but to bring forth mutations. Nuclear destroys Divine Order and those who advocate nuclear are enemies of Divine Order, Nature, God, Earth, the Environment and all Life. They are your enemy.
Should we protect women, children & animals from the nuclear industry?
Is the immediate threat of a lifeless planet on your radar? Are you now an endangered species? Should mass murderers die?
These four life-&-death questions are among the most emotional and most difficult to answer in the world ... but you can ...confidently, authoritatively and without guilt, together we can be strong enough to do what needs to be done to help the Life Force survive ...after reading our site & our two free e-books.
Step beyond hard love
Step beyond hard love. It is our survival. Your adversary keeps you from realizing your angelic calling, prevents you from awareness of the wonder, awe, mystery, sanctity and preciousness of life and living – in this awe-inspiring unknown miracle known as life, creation and love ... walk softly upon Mother Earth, for She is alive.Your adversary has no love for you , takes your life against your will, bleeds you dry. Together, we can be strong ... and do what we needs to be done for us to stay living.
(above left)BEACHED WHALE DEATH RATTLE: Whales & sea life wash up dead & dying excruciating deaths from Alaska to Mexico, Central & South America, by the millions - Due to Fukushima plutonium in the migratory currents of the Pacific Ocean alongside whales, dolphins, sea turtles, salmon, tuna, octopi, squid and other sea life, undersea sonic detonations for oil and mineral exploration, depleted uranium (DU) munitions fired by the military into the sea for target practice, atmosheric nuclear and chemtrail fallout, weather warfare and electromagnetic pulse (EMP), CERN & HAARP microwave militarization, mammals (including people) suffer from hundreds of immune deficiency diseases, breast, uterine and other fatal and non-fatal cancers, miscarriages, heart attacks, strokes, lesions, tumors ... suffering in silence enduring seizures, excruciating pain then death...
...or, starve to death because the chitin and plankton at the bottom of the food chain is dead from radionuclide poisoning (and these effects mentioned above), as are the feeder fish like herring, so sea life and food chains are starving to death are millions of seals, sea lions, seabirds like gulls and pelicans from Alaska to Chile and the Artic to Antartic.
Our two books and this website will give you clues to have your own 'aha moment' – figure out who's at fault and should be tried, judged, sentenced then marched to the gallows for nuclear ecocide, genocide and omnicide ...or, not?
Nuclear industry destroys Divine Order of a plant, animal or person to faithfully reproduce itself after its own kind
...nuclear industry is your adversary ...they sicken, mutate & abort Divine Order & Life Force
Deliver nuclear industry to termination, it's deserved demise.
Almost 1/3 of [mammals, including] children born on the Pacific Coast are now at high risk for immune deficiency diseases, cancer & cognitive disorders
Almost 1/3 of [mammals, including] children born on the Pacific Coast of the U.S. are now at high risk for thyroid cancer and a host of other cancers. Infants, young children [and animals] and the fetus in the uterus of pregnant [mammals, including] women grow so quickly their cells divide at a high rate and are more vulnerable to DNA damage from radiation exposure. Young [mammals, including] children born on the U.S. West Coast were [and are] prey to [initial and subsequent] Fukushima fallout, and are 28 percent more likely to develop congenital hypothyroidism than infants [and young mammals] born the year before the three Fukushima explosions and meltdowns in 2011, and subsquent releases. (Study, here.)
Angelic Consequences
Viewing the pictures (above), you witness nuclear industry as it attacks God, Divine Order, Mother Earth, the Great Spirit and Holy Ghost. There are angelic consequences calling to punish the nuclear industry as Angelics fight the adversary to arrest and punish pro-nukers for committing murder, war, genocide and ecocide ...crimes against God, Divine Order, Mother Earth, the Great Spirit, Holy Ghost and Life Force.
Nuclear industry makes war on Divine Order
God decreed on page one of the Bible that all living things come forth after their own kind; nuclear destroys the ability of DNA to faithfully replicate itself after its own kind... nuclear industry is the enemy of Divine Order, nuclear industry is the adversary.
Genesis 1 King James Version (KJV)
11 And God said, Let the earth bring forth grass, the herb yielding seed, and the fruit tree yielding fruit after his kind, whose seed is in itself, upon the earth: and it was so.
12 And the earth brought forth grass, and herb yielding seed after his kind, and the tree yielding fruit, whose seed was in itself, after his kind: and God saw that it was good.
21 And God created great whales, and every living creature that moveth, which the waters brought forth abundantly, after their kind, and every winged fowl after his kind: and God saw that it was good.
24 And God said, Let the earth bring forth the living creature after his kind, cattle, and creeping thing, and beast of the earth after his kind: and it was so.
25 And God made the beast of the earth after his kind, and cattle after their kind, and every thing that creepeth upon the earth after his kind: and God saw that it was good.
Nuclear industry destroys Divine Order of a plant, animal or person to faithfully reproduce itself after its own kind
The adversary – being the nuclear industry – sickens, mutates & aborts Divine Order and Life Force. Deliver nuclear industy to termination, it's deserved demise.
There are eight thousand district attorneys in America. Do your job!
by Bob Nichols
It is time for our district attorneys to round these people up, bring them to justice and march them to the gallows. Do your job!
Got Milk?
(story, here)
California kids map pediatric cancers: Santa Susana Field Lab at Feb 2017 DOE meet. Physicians for Social Responsibility-Los Angeles directs nuclear threats program advocating protective health policies for nuclear industry weapons, nuclear energy & radiation regulations & ensures a proper cleanup of Santa Susana Field Lab, former nuclear & rocket testing facility polluted with nuclear industry radionuclides & chemical contamination.
You are now an endangered species
Nuclear Power is Not Safe & Clean
Conceiving within 25 miles of a nuclear reactor facility can mutate your child-to-be ... you have seen such children in the previous videos and pictures that were exposed to radionuclides at the meltdown in Chernobyl. This is now happening in Japan because of Fukushima ... but doctors abort these children and tell the mother she miscarried, terming miscarriages, 'unfortunate pregnancies'. This is not to say your child conceived in your womb will be born mutated, or aborted because of deformities ... but statistics and studies within the last 30-to-75 years confirm that women and their unborn, and girls living by nuclear reactors get more cancer than men or boys, or those living farther away.
Kids by Hanford today born without brains
Kids around Hanford nuclear reservation today are born without brains. In Missouri, by a nuclear dumpsite kids are born today with double sets of teeth and extra limbs. In Belarus, downwind of Chernobyl nuclear facility, with hands growing out of their shoulders. In Russia, by a nuclear test ground, there are large jars holding dead babies, a cyclops, a creature like the monster from the movie, Alien, with that large myshapen head. In India, where a school was built with cement made from radionuclides, most of the children are deformed ... the list goes on and on (read the e-books to protect yourself) ... help shut down all nuclear reactors, now. Help replace them with solar power, now.
[Editor's note:] Downwinders, (in this case) refers to people and animals in the intermountain area between Cascade and Rocky Mountain ranges primarily in Arizona, Nevada, Utah but also Oregon, Washington and Idaho exposed to nuclear contamination or fallout from atmospheric or underground nuclear weapons testing and nuclear accidents ...also refers to ionizing radiation and emissions exposure from day-to-day production and maintenance of coal ash, nuclear weapons, nuclear power, waste and geothermal energy. Near U.S. nuclear sites, downwinders are exposed to releases of radioactive materials into groundwater, food chains and air. (Other downwinders suffer acute exposure from uranium mining and nuclear experiments.)
Downwinders - Per capita thyroid doses in the continental United States of Iodine-131 resulting from exposure routes from atmospheric nuclear tests conducted at the Nevada Test Site, (map, left). Adverse health effects: increased cancers, thyroid diseases, malignant and cancerous brain tumors, female reproductive cancers and congenital malformations are observed in downwind communities from nuclear fallout and contamination. National Cancer Institute map (left) refers to Nevada Test Site downwinders, only is included for dispersion patterns, not dose estimates.
Fukushima fallout 100x worse than Chernobyl
Fukushima is hundreds of times worse than Chernobyl (use the MS Word 'find'/search engine in Nuclear Power is Not Safe & Clean). Children born mutated in Japan are referred to as, 'an unfortunate birth'...and murdered or aborted and the mothers told they miscarried.
Nuclear has made cancer the new 'normal' -- nuclear industry has made cancer 1-in-4, 1-in-3, 1-in-2 and now, 1-in-1.
See these normal flowers and birds (below)? Are they not beautiful? Yet birds that flew thru nuclear fallout die or fall from the sky, survivors' babies are born blind and cannot fly. Rain falling through fallout in the sky, down onto the flowers, vegetables, grains and water changes them into unnatural, unintended forms not meant by Mother Nature or Mother Earth the Great Spirit or Holy Ghost or Dove of Peace or our Creator. So, it is rightly said, the nuclear industry and those who proffer it blaspheme our Creator and all that is Holy, you, your unborn child, and all that lives.
Why are millions and billions of sea life like whales, dolphins, seals, sea lions, sea otters ... all mammals as we are, and all sea life in the Pacific Ocean floating suspended in the ocean dead or dying excruciating deaths and washing up on shores dead or dying excruciating deaths and crabs, lobsters, octopus, squid and other sea life pressed into the beach sand dead from Alaska to Mexico? Or starving because their food chain is now extinct.
Because of seaborne plutonium and hundreds of other radionuclides melted down into the water acquifirs at Fukushima feeding into the Pacific Ocean since 2011, and because the U.S. encouraged Japan to dump all their liquid and solid nuclear waste into the ocean every day, and burn it up into the atmosphere where it rains down on the Pacfic Ocean, the United States and circulates around the world every 40 hours and falls. Nuclear apologists blame these extinction levels on global warming creating new and mysterious diseases ... when research from Chernobyl proves radiation mutates viruses and bacteria to form new and mysterious diseases!
Why are we not told ...
-> the infant mortality rate doubled in Seattle and British Columbia from fallout, and an organic farm in Southeast Portland shut down because its soil was too full of Fukushima fallout to grow vegetables and fruit for market?
-> there are 20,000 otherwise accounted for deaths in the U.S. since March 2011, when the first fallout from the three meltdowns from Fukushima Japan assaulted the United States? ...and, that it will keep killing more people?
-> the Pacific Cascades from British Columbia to California is permanently contaminated with Fukushima nuclear fallout? ...and, with residual atmospheric nuclear fallout, too? ...and, fallout keeps killing practically, forever?
-> ...the death toll from high yield atmospheric nuclear testing has been revised from 1 million dead, to include accumulative low yield fallout that adds up ... to 60 million dead and 100 million cancers, plus several million abortions and miscarriages.
-> a highly respected epidemiologist, Sister Rosalie Bertell, a brilliant mathematician, calculated a total nuclear industry fatal andnon-fatal cancer toll ... based on nuclear industry statistics ... at well over 1.2 billion people.
-> Double that or triple it if you include animals.
The reason we are not told is because the nuclear industry is getting away with murder.
Until you read these books.
Why are women not told? – The infant mortality rate doubled in Seattle and British Columbia from fallout, and an organic farm in Southeast Portland shut down because its soil was too full of Fukushima fallout to grow vegetables and fruit for market? There are 20,000 otherwise accounted for deaths in the U.S. since March 2011, when the first fallout from the three meltdowns from Fukushima Japan assaulted the United States? ...and, that it will keep killing more people? The Pacific Cascades from British Columbia to California is permanently contaminated with Fukushima nuclear fallout? ...and, with residual atmospheric nuclear fallout, too? ...and, fallout keeps killing practically, forever?
The death toll from high yield atmospheric nuclear testing is revised from 1 million dead, to include accumulative low yield fallout that adds up ... to 60 million dead and 100 million cancers, plus several million abortions and miscarriages. A highly respected epidemiologist, Sister Rosalie Bertell, a brilliant mathematician, calculated a total nuclear industry death toll ... based on nuclear industry statistics ... at well over 1.2 billion people. Double that or triple it if you include animals.
World Nuclear Association
Reports Millions of People Live Within 10 miles (16 km) of an Operating Reactor — the U.S. has 100 commercial power plants, Canada has 19 power stations ...millions of people live within 10 miles (16 km) of an operating reactor.more
The overall death toll from nuclear industry, for all associated activites, is two billion otherwise unaccounted-for deaths. Real, accurate and up-to-date exposure rates in U.S. cities by reactors, here.
The reason we are not told is because the nuclear industry is getting away with murder. Until you read these books.
TV: Surge in babies being born with extra arms, legs after Fukushima
“I feel officials know the cause is radiation” — Nurse says many are getting abortions to avoid ‘inconvenient’ babies — “High number of stillbirths” — Many people reporting cancers, even far away from Fukushima (VIDEO) here BY ENENEWS, ON APRIL 18TH, 2016
LaborNet TV (subtitles by Emiko Suehiro), Feb 24, 2016 (emphasis added)
–Satomi Horikiri, Host (8:30 in): Have you heard of any health hazards in Fukushima? –Hisae Unuma, evacuee Futabamachi: I know many saying they have cancers, even in Saitama Prefecture… –Setsuko Kida, evacuee from Tomiokamachi: My daughter [got] pregnant in the fall of 2013, but she was diagnosed with tethered miscarriage… the womb grew… but her unborn baby didn’t grow at all. She… got a second opinion from another clinic in Mito, only to get the same result. When the Mito doctor asked her why she came for the second opinion, she told she couldn’t trust the doctor in Fukushima… Many with a birth defect were born after Hiroshima/Nagasaki A-bomb, but the number dropped in one or two years.
I only knew the reason in 2013; many women had to have an abortion, so that inconvenient babies wouldn’t be born… One month later, I was happy to know my daughter got pregnant. But in only 3 months my daughter told me the bad news and my mind got flooded with that story of Hiroshima/Nagasaki. That’s where I started to doubt. Although I asked the doctor to wait and see since my daughter could give birth if she tried, but the doctor said that the unborn child inside her was not alive anymore… So she had the abortion. My daughter called and told her friend about her abortion… She was told that out of 4 in her friends group, 3, including herself, had abortion during early pregnancy. The only one who could give birth was told by her doctor that she was unable to give birth because of the baby’s weak heart sound. So my daughter began to doubt her doctor, thinking her unborn baby could have made it. I became doubtful as well. A nurse I knew told me that many get abortions in Fukushima. My daughter and friends are just a few of those.
–Host: That is a painful story. –Kida: A year later I got to hear first hand cases of babies with a structural birth defect or polymelia ["Birth defect… in which the affected individual has more than the usual number of limbs" -Source] twice as many. I feel our gov’t or the medical university knows the cause is the radiation… My daughter remembers the words by her doctor… “We’ll send this cell to Fukushima Medical”… Why do they have to send a cell of aborted fetus? Is that what they had been doing? For what? Host: So many doubtful things going on… Kida (23:15 in): I just shared the story about my daughter’s abortion and high number of stillbirths. Whenever I deliver such a message I’m told to shut up. People say it’s a delicate issue, bad influence on Fukushima reconstruction or no data to back up. But more than 10 girls had similar experience as my daughter’s.Actually one woman was recommended to get an abortion at 6 months pregnancy last summer, and her unborn baby lacking one arm, one leg, with only 3 fingers on its foot… The nuclear reactors exploded, melted through… contaminated water keeps flowing into the Pacific Ocean. That’s the reason they asked not to restart nuclear plants. But isn’t the real reason the health hazard caused by radiation coming out? Health hazards are actually caused, and we have to send out such messages. But if we denied health problems… that would be the same as what Tepco or the gov’t is doing.
Nuclear Industry Mutates Eyes & Destroys Hearts & Organs
...ask parents of these kids what to do with pro-nukers
These kids were in their mother's wombs when Chernobyl melted down and blew up, permanently contaminating Ukraine, Belarus, Europe and Eastern Europe...and shredding their reproductive DNA so that as embryos radiouclides prevented them from reproducing faithfully after their own kind ...and their bodies were mutated by nuclear industry (owned by the banking families that own the Fed) (video, here& here) for which you are paying the nuclear industry bill with the blood of your children.
The Pacific Ocean is Dying and You Don't Even Know
The Nuclear Regulatory Commission's Final Solution for Mammals, Gaia and Divine Order
The Pacific Ocean is Dying and You Don't Even Know, was written to tell you what you are not supposed to know about the grave state of the Pacific Ocean: the Pacific Ocean is dying from manmade interference.
At first, we thought the millions, and even billions of mutations, diseases, cancers and deaths deaths of sealife in the Pacific Ocean were only from nuclear fallout and nuclear waste from Fukushima, Japan and the four nuclear reactors in Fukushima that blew up into the atmosphere and contaminated the sky around the world then contaminated the air, land, sea, ice and water below whenever it rained through the radioactive clouds circling the globe, and still does ...and the molten cores from those reactors in lava form that melted down into the fresh water acquifers below the reactor sites and beginning in March 2011 and continuing to this very date, and on into the future for perhaps the next 250,000 years releasing several hundred tons of water laced with plutonium, tritium and several hundred other radioactive nuclear isotopes into the Pacific Ocean every day 24x7x365 into the currents that flow from Japan to the United States then circulate around the world, being the migratory currents that whales, dolphins, tuna, salmon and other sealife navigate as they seasonally circumnavigate the Earth's oceans following the feeder fish and feeder foods like plankton, krill, herring and so on. Only problem was, the plutonium and other radioactive ionizing radiation killed entire food chains, and millions of seals, sea lions, dolphins and whales continue to starve to death, some emaciated seals wandering thru the coastside streets of San Francisco and into seaside markets in Southern California begging for food like lost dogs, or hundreds of thousands of sea lion pups dying with not one surviving, for several years while the tide pools from Alaska to Vancouver, British Columbia, Washington, Oregon and California were becoming extinct and people watched millions of starfish disintegrating before them.
However, we then realized that in addition to the nuclear waste and fallout from Japan, not only was there 70 years of waste from nuclear testing, nuclear submarines, aircraft carriers, open sea war games and target practice with depleted uranium ...but additionally, directed energy weapons, electromagnetic pulse testing, ionospheric heating experiments all following a pattern mapped out in a U.S. Air Force document called, Owning the Weather by 2025: Weather as a Force other words, weather warfare that was additionally based on the fact that the biggest solar flare of the year in the sun, when striking the Earth, creates the biggest earthquake on Earth, simultaneously...and the military's ability to simulate solar flares (which also knock out instruments at nuclear reactors as well as first responders radio communications), and to create earthquakes therefrom, as well as from fracking lubricants that oiled the tectonic plates whose movements against each other create earthquakes.
And, the hundreds of nuclear reactors around the world, in normal, day-to-day operations daily releasing nuclear fallout into the atmosphere, fresh and sea water, and the accidents and catastrophes not only in the reactors but dumps, uranium mines and transportation from reactor to reactor to dump to dump around the world in an underground brokerage and trafficking at taxpayer expense revealed the deep politics nuclear mafia ... otherwise known as the Federal Reserve Bank and City of London Corporation and their interlocking directorate of member investment banks that own shares of the Fed and City of London and dictate national and foreign policy and military action to the governments of the west served up by the G8/20 and its cohort of billionaires.
And, military sonar, like other sonar used in undersea oil exploration, ruptured the eardrums of whales and dolphins and other sea mammals as well as rupturing their body organs, all-in-all creating disorientation and excruciatingly painful deaths for the whales and dolphins we so love ...and accounting for mass strandings of whales and dolphins around the world.
J.P. Morgan's plan: Next financial crisis – flash market crashes – extreme social unrest not seen in 50 years
JP Morgan's top quant warning
—(orig story, here) & (here)—
J.P. Morgan's top quant, Marko Kolanovic, predicts a "Great Liquidity Crisis" will hit financial markets, marked by flash crashes in stock prices and social unrest.
The trillion-dollar shift to passive investments, computerized trading strategies and electronic trading desks will exacerbate sudden, severe stock drops, Kolanovic said.
Central banks will be forced to make unprecedented moves, including direct purchases of equities, or there could even be negative income taxes.
Timing of when this next crisis will occur is uncertain but markets appear to be safe through the first half of 2019, he said.
Hugh Son | @hugh_son Published 10:31 AM ET Tue, 4 Sept 2018 Updated 11:56 AM ET Tue, 4 Sept
Marko Kolanovic Sudden, severe stock sell-offs sparked by lightning-fast machines. Unprecedented actions by central banks to shore up asset prices. Social unrest not seen in the U.S. in half a century.
That's how J.P. Morgan Chase's head quant, Marko Kolanovic, envisions the next financial crisis. The forces that have transformed markets in the last decade, namely the rise of computerized trading and passive investing, are setting up conditions for potentially violent moves once the current bull market ends, according to a report from Kolanovic sent to the bank's clients on Tuesday. His note is part of a 168-page mega-report, written for the 10th anniversary of the 2008 financial crisis, with perspectives from 48 of the bank's analysts and economists.
It's time to rotate into value, says JPM's Kolanovic 5:43 PM ET Wed, 1 Aug 2018 | 05:24 Kolanovic, a 43-year-old analyst with a Ph.D. in theoretical physics, has risen in prominence for explaining, and occasionally predicting, how the new, algorithm-dominated stock market will behave. The current bull rally, the longest in modern history by some measures, has been characterized by extended periods of calm punctuated with spasms of selling known as flash crashes. Recent examples include a nearly 1,600 point intraday drop in February and a 1,100 point decline in August 2015.
"They are very rapid, sharp declines in asset values with sharp increases in market volatility," Kolanovic, the bank's global head of macro quantitative and derivatives research, said in a recent interview. But those flash crashes occurred during a backdrop of a U.S. economic expansion; the new market hasn't been tested in the throes of a recession, he said.
"If you have these liquidity-driven sharp sell-offs that come at the end of the cycle, or maybe even causes the end of the cycle, then I think you can have a much more significant asset price correction and even more significant increase in market volatility," Kolanovic said.
No one to step in and buy In his report, Kolanovic explains how the major market trends that occurred after the 2008 crisis exacerbate selling during moments of panic. The massive shift from active to passive managed investments — he estimates that $2 trillion has moved that way in the past decade — has removed a pool of buyers who can swoop in if valuations tumble, he wrote.
The rise of automated trading strategies is also a factor because many quant hedge funds are programmed to automatically sell into weakness, he said. Together, index and quant funds now make up as much as two-thirds of assets under management globally, and 90 percent of daily trading comes from those or similar strategies, he wrote.
"Basically, right now, you have large groups of investors who are purely mechanical," Kolanovic said. "They sell on certain signals and not necessarily on fundamental developments, such as increases in the VIX, or a change in the bond-equity correlation, or simple price action. Meaning if the market goes down 2%, then they need to sell."
Lastly, electronic trading desks at banks and other firms tend to withdraw when markets get rough, removing liquidity and contributing to a cascading decline in prices. The 'Great Liquidity Crisis' Kolanovic says that this potential meltdown in stock prices could cause the next financial crisis. His name for it: the Great Liquidity Crisis. (In markets, liquidity is a measure of the ease and speed a financial instrument can be traded without significantly impacting its price. For example, cash is highly liquid. Meanwhile real estate is usually illiquid.)
If markets fall by 40 percent or more, the Federal Reserve would need to leap into action to prevent a spiral that led into depression, Kolanovic said. That could lead to unconventional actions, including direct purchases of equities, a move that Japan's central bank has already taken.
Summer market melt-up coming, says JPMorgan's Kolanovic 6:35 PM ET Thu, 7 June 2018 | 05:32 "Suddenly, every pension fund in the U.S. is severely underfunded, retail investors panic and sell, while individuals stop spending," Kolanovic said. "If you have this type of severe crisis, how do you break the vicious cycle, the negative feedback loop? Maybe you stimulate the economy by cutting taxes further, perhaps even into negative territory. I think most likely is direct central bank intervention in asset prices, maybe bonds, maybe credit, and perhaps equities if that's the eye of the storm."
In an hourlong interview, Kolanovic said this scenario is less a prediction than a warning about a rising risk. He also said that the chance of a crisis happening are low until at least the second half of 2019. The exact timing of this crisis is uncertain but will be determined by the speed in which the Fed hikes interest rates and reverses bond purchases (a legacy of the last crisis), he said. The developing trade dispute with China could accelerate or delay the end of the cycle as well, he said.
Kolanovic closes his report on an ominous note: "The next crisis is also likely to result in social tensions similar to those witnessed 50 years ago in 1968." AP An Aug. 28, 1968 file photo shows a demonstrator with his hands on his head is led by Chicago Police down Michigan Ave. during a confrontation with police and National Guardsmen who battled demonstrators near the Conrad Hilton Hotel, headquarters for the Democratic National Convention. That year saw the peak of both the Vietnam War and anti-war movement and the assassinations of Martin Luther King Jr. and Sen. Robert F. Kennedy. Today, the internet and social media are helping to polarize groups, and events including the U.S. election and Brexit show tensions that will probably worsen in the next crisis, he said.
He was a bit more measured in his interview. If central banks can head off the worst of a crisis by providing a floor for asset prices, then the status quo will probably be maintained, he said.
"If they don't manage to," Kolanovic said, "then you're spiraling into depression, social unrest and a lot more disruptive changes that can negatively affect returns for a very long time."
J.P. Morgan thinking: Pitchforks & Fed stock buying in next financial crash
If you thought the U.S. outlook could not get more dystopian, think again
JPMorgan Chase issued a report earlier this week to mark the 10th anniversary of the 2008 Wall Street crash and provide its outlook for what’s ahead. JPMorgan suggests that the next financial crash may be so cataclysmic that the Federal Reserve may have to enter the market to buy up stocks – something which the central bank has never done before in the U.S. or, at least, acknowledged doing, because stock ownership is heavily skewed to the one percent.
JPMorgan further suggests that if the Fed did take this unprecedented step, it might lead to pitchforks in the street (our phrase) as a class war breaks out. (Imagine the Occupy Wall Street protests in 2011 and 2012 and then amplify that by years of pent up anger.) —(story cont, here)—
J.P. Morgan thinking: Pitchforks & Fed stock buying in next financial crash
If you thought the U.S. outlook could not get more dystopian, think again
JPMorgan Chase issued a report earlier this week to mark the 10th anniversary of the 2008 Wall Street crash and provide its outlook for what’s ahead. JPMorgan suggests that the next financial crash may be so cataclysmic that the Federal Reserve may have to enter the market to buy up stocks – something which the central bank has never done before in the U.S. or, at least, acknowledged doing, because stock ownership is heavily skewed to the one percent.
JPMorgan further suggests that if the Fed did take this unprecedented step, it might lead to pitchforks in the street (our phrase) as a class war breaks out. (Imagine the Occupy Wall Street protests in 2011 and 2012 and then amplify that by years of pent up anger.) —(story cont, here)—
Nuclear, Meth & Bareback, America? ...for your kids?
San Francisco sanctioned public events of Bechtel Fed Kamala Harris, Nancy Pelosi, Diane Feinstein & Gavin Newsom
(below) The soldiers change, but the war remains the same pro-China Bechtel behind California & national politics? ...or in front of it?
(below) Click pic for ordering info — Available in black & white, only, to order, put A Noah's Ark of Recurring Celebration: San Francisco Annual Event Guide into search engine at or click pic (above or below)
We figured out who's f**king us over ...central bankers & this website's gonna prove it & show you what Earth Personhood is; in other countries rivers and forests can sue corporations that harm them