You can realize your Angelic calling and Divine nature then respect and protect yourself and protect Life. This website and the three e-books will help you to fulfill your Angelic calling hopes of you becoming self-realized, and fulfilled ridding the planet of the Fed interest rate bankers who own and direct all the corporations in the Western world now damaging Mother Nature, Natural Order, Divine Order and the Life Force with pollution, greed and war. Which side are you on? Time to act.

Who Are You? Why Are You Here?
You are Guardians. You Are Here To Protect Life & Protect Mother Earth & To Exact Justice Against Those Evil Ones Who Are The Anti-Kingdom
The Pacific Ocean is Dying from Nuclear Industry, Sonar, Electromagnetic Pulse (EMP), Depleted Uranium (DU) Target Practice, War Games, War, Ionospheric Aerial Aerosal Spraying (Chemtrails), Pharmchem & Petrochem & Stratospheric Weather Warfare (manmade typhoons, lightning, floods, fires, tidal waves & earthquakes). This website and our free e-books exist to provide documentation for you to show to others. As the sea dies, you do.
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