
Save Earth ...Seize Federal Reserve Founding Stock


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 Pacific Ocean Dying 

The Pacific Ocean is Dying - and You Don't Even Know

...when you know, you can help save animals you love from excruciating deaths

You can realize your Angelic calling and Divine nature then respect and protect yourself and protect Life. This website and the three e-books will help you to fulfill your Angelic calling ...in hopes of you becoming self-realized, and fulfilled ridding the planet of the Fed interest rate bankers who own and direct all the corporations in the Western world now damaging Mother Nature, Natural Order, Divine Order and the Life Force with pollution, greed and war. Which side are you on? Time to act.

Spirits trying to cope with a human awakening

Who Are You? Why Are You Here?

You are Guardians. You Are Here To Protect Life & Protect Mother Earth & To Exact Justice Against Those Evil Ones Who Are The Anti-Kingdom

The Pacific Ocean is Dying from Nuclear Industry, Sonar, Electromagnetic Pulse (EMP), Depleted Uranium (DU) Target Practice, War Games, War, Ionospheric Aerial Aerosal Spraying (Chemtrails), Pharmchem & Petrochem & Stratospheric Weather Warfare (manmade typhoons, lightning, floods, fires, tidal waves & earthquakes). This website and our free e-books exist to provide documentation for you to show to others. As the sea dies, you do.

-----------        HEALTH CARE FOR OUR PLANE      ---------- 

Nuclear Power is Not Safe and Clean

The Pacific Ocean is Dying - and You Don't Even Know

We Can Shut Down Nuclear Industry

For the first time, all the evidence of nuclear destroying animals & people ...in one place!

For the first time, all the evidence you need to shut down all the nuclear reactors in the U.S.A. and around the world is gathered in one place!

The Pacific Ocean is Dying And You Don't Even Know Book Cover

our two volume set

  1. The Pacific Ocean is Dying and You Don't Even Know
  2. Nuclear Power is Not Safe & Clean

for information, scroll down

...here's 30,000 facts – prove your intuition & feelings are right – 

Our two-volume set includes 9,000 links to 30,000 published news & scientific documentation studies to prove every argument in our books & website ... & it's premise, are true: To save Earth, Federal Reserve directors whose corporate & military objectives to destroy girls, the Pacific Ocean, Mother Earth & her animals with global nuclear warming & military climate change ...should be marched to the gallows.


Now it’s easy to save face, to win arguments with parents, friends or juries to keep pregnant women and children – and all life on Earth – safe …these hard facts make you an expert with all the authority and documentation you need …each fact is hand-numbered, easy to recall and to list! Sidestep tragedy. Buy now!

Note: Site & e-books under reconstruction & repair: We've restored 6,500 of 9,000 links on our site & in our e-books to 30,000 pieces of published newspaper & scientific documentation after Enenews (our environmental nuclear news provider) folded. When we finish the update, we'll notify you, here 

Self-preservation and Pacific Ocean Conservation is half the battle

The Pacific Ocean is Dying and  You Don't Even Know

The Nuclear Regulatory Commission's Final Solution for Mammals, Gaia & Divine Order 


<> MS Word COMPUTER Version w/search engine & pop-ups

(This is the first book that documents the nuclear energy industry & prior atmospheric testing are killing the Pacific Ocean and mammals (including human) & females are most vulnerable.)

Excerpt: Chapter 12. Mammals vs. Idiots (<> PDF CELL PHONE (<> MS Word COMPUTER Version w/search engine & pop-ups

If you do nothing else in your entire life to save life on our planet, at least read this e-book & at least wake up once as your real self.

Nuclear Power is Not Safe and Clean

E-book has 9,000 links to 30,000 pieces of published documentation!( (...due to EneNews folding ... 6,500 of 9,000 links are repopulated. When all links are back, we will notify you, here.)

Proving you are right, saving your family and others is half the battle

Nuclear Power is Not Safe & Clean 

Nuclear Waste & Fallout  Reference Database


<> MS Word COMPUTER Version w/search engine & pop-ups


Financial Warfare for Dummies

 Occupy Deutschebank - Financial Warfare for Dummies

The eight dynastic banking families that own the Fed own 20% of each Fortune 500 corporation ...and, own and direct the U.S. and British military industrial complex, the corporations that cause global arming, climate change, pollution, death of the oceans, war, cancer and biological warfare pandemics ... sanction them, arrest them for treason – march them to the gallows now ...and, then you will save the Planet Earth & life, here.


Kill a Banker – Win a Prize 

 Occupy Deutschebank 

Financial Warfare for Dummies 


<> COMPUTER MS Word Version w/search engine & pop-ups


Excerpt: CAN YOU IMAGINE A SUPER BOWL WHERE TEAMS FIGHT TO THE DEATH? ...or, an arena where central banking teams fight to the death? 

In the NFL, 32 teams battle it out to win division titles. Division winners fight to win conference championships. Conference winners battle in the Super Bowl. One team wins the Super Bowl. 

In the 1% central banks, 104 teams battle to win division titles. Division winners fight in conference championships. Conference winners battle in world wars. One team wins the war and the other 104 teams forfeit their wealth to the winning team.

We think it is happening in someone else's home ...that, there is no forced displacement (illegal immigration), here ...no violent conflict ...nstarvation ...no bloodshed ...no homelessness ...no genocide ...nomass rape ...no human trafficking ...no child's organs up for sale ...  that it is over there, over closed borders, not here.  We are all one humanty ...we hurt inside as one; and not one is made whole, till all are safe, clean, fed, clothed, well and made whole.

A time to speak; and a time to love; and a time to hate — We have a struggle, not against blood and flesh, but against the governments, against the authorities, against the world rulers of this darkness, against the wicked spirit forces in heavenly places

The Pacific Ocean is Dying

Millions & billions of whales, dolphins, sea turtles, seals, walruses, manatees, pelicans and other seabirds, tidal pool animals – starfish, urchins, anenomies, limpets – plankton, krill, herring, tuna, salmon, squid, octopi (and more sea life) covered in lesions and tumors and sick with 'mysterious diseases' are dying excruciating deaths, suspended in the water and washing up dead and dying on west coast beaches and all round the Pacific Rim where ever the Pacific Ocean makes landfall on a beach.

Chernobyl scientists document fallout mutates bacteria & viruses to form new & mysterious diseases —(here)—

According to world renown epistomologist Rosalie Bertell, global warming is not caused by greenhouse gases, but by the military weaponizing the planet. Similarly, deaths of millions & billions of sea life attributed to global warming & climate change causing new & mysterious diseases in the Pacific Ocean appears false, since studies by Chernobyl scientists document that nuclear ionizing radiation mutates bacteria and viruses to form new & mysterious diseases.

Consequently, the Pacific Ocean is dying from hundreds of tons of plutonium-filled water discharged daily from water acquifirs into the sea 24/7/365 since March 2011.

Urgent Alert

Why is the Pacific Ocean Dying?

How do we know?

Our two books & this website will give you clues to have your own 'aha moment' & your intution (located in your pineal gland) will figure out who's at fault for ordering nuclear ecocide, genocide & omnicide, that they should be tried, judged, sentenced – then marched to the gallows ...or, not? 

...we know, because of investigative reporters like Dane Wigington & Bob Nichols & Dana Durnford

(Conclusive & amazing documentation, search results on Dane's website, here: The Pacific Ocean is Dying )

...and others

(videos, here: Is the Pacific Ocean really dying? – info here – and EneNews)    ...& our two free e-books   ...and, Dana Durnford    ...and more anti-nuclear activists

Rosalie is a brilliant researcher, epidemiologist& Catholic nun who pioneered & documented the weaponization of Planet Earth. Elana Freeland has followed in Rosalie's footsteps.

Planet Earth: The Latest Weapon of War

by Rosalie Bertells

As weaponry and warfare have become more sophisticated, so their long-term effects have become more insidious and deadly. Whilst it is easy to identify the visible aftermath of war, how can we gauge less obvious costs such as poverty, famine, environmental problems and civil unrest? Each year governments pump huge amounts of money into military research programmes but what do we really know about the long-term consequences?

Under an Ionized Sky

by Elena Freeland

It is difficult to believe that our planet has been weaponized before our very eyes, but that is exactly what has happened. First, we were seduced by the convenience of a wireless world; then, atmospheric weather experimentation in the guise of carbons 'climate change' converted the air we breathe into an antenna. Now, the geo-engineering we’ve been subjected to for two decades is being normalized as the 'Star Wars' Space Fence rises around and within us. Is this the Space Age we were promised?

Why The Pacific Ocean is Dying

Nuclear Power Not Safe, Nuclear Power Not Clean —

Nuclear radiation, depleted uranium, war games, sonar, weaponizing the planet: electromagnetic pulse – directed energy – ionispheric heaters – stratospheric aerial spraying –weather warfare: hurricanes, tornadoes, earthquakes, tidal waves – & conventional & non-conventional warfare —(Story, here)—

  • Nuclear fallout causes tumors, lesions, deformities, cancer and leukemia in sea mammals and fish and other sea life

Death of the food chains from nuclear radiation poisoning

  • The fishing industry is floundering because the plankton, krill and feeder fish are gone and sea mammals, fish and sea birds are starving by the hundreds of thousands, and millions

Depleted uranium war games

  • Depleted uranium war games and stratospheric aerial spraying (chemtrails) fallout add to the burder


  • Sonar use by military and undersea oil exploration disorients whales, dolphins and other sea mammals and bursts their ear drums and body organs, and causing mass strandings and excruciating deaths

Weaponizing the planet

  • Electromagnetic pulse

  • Directed energy weapons

  • Ionispheric heaters 

  • Weather warfare –

  • –Hurricane

  • –Earthquake

  • –Tidal wave

  • – Conventional & non-conventional warfare 

    ...all make for a weaponized planet!

(For a cellphone pdf or for a computer ms word document with 9,000 hand numbered links to 9,000 newswire summaries about nuclear fallout from Fukushima affecting the Pacific Ocean and countries around the world, that is linked to 25,000 published news stories, white papers, youtubes, studies & photos, see The Pacific Ocean Is Dying  and  Nuclear Power Is Not Safe And Clean, here.

 The Pacific Ocean is Dying - and You Don't Even Know 

Nuclear Industry Predators

Congress is aiding and abetting nuclear industry

Nuclear industry predators & perps in military-industrial, Congress & central banking must be arrested, tired, prosecuted by district attorneys, found guilty by juries, sentenced by judges & marched to the gallows for crimes against humanity, Nature, Divine Order & for treason.

 The Pacific Ocean is Dying - and You Don't Even Know 

Free Picture-eBooks & slideshows

Now for the first time, never before available

Now, for the first time 9,000 newswire summaries hand-numbered for easy international reference & exhibits and linked to 25,000 published documents with hundreds of pictures, illustrations, charts, interviews, youtubes, white papers never before available in one research document (as a pdf file for cell phones or a searchable MS Word document with a 'find/search engine') – & slideshows ...

...for activists, animal lovers, attorneys, college students, district attorneys, environmentalists, journalists, K-12 kids, pregnant women, researchers, scientists and teachers.


10/27/17 – "Fukushima nuclear meltdown kills our ocean; you can pretend its not for a little while longer. " - Dana Durnford. U.S.A. – products from five Japanese prefectures to no longer go through safety certification.  

09/26/17 – "How pathetic, dangerous, arrogant  – 74 yrs; no media nor university tells the difference between irradiated fuel rods and bananas or potato chips ... one irradiated fuel rod to kill all life on Earth in Time." - Dana Durnford

(above: animated collage by Dana Durnford ...only the birds & surfer move) Everybody go surfing, Surfing U.S.A.

(above) If you're not familiar with the nuclear shows, this is a good one to start with.


Same As It Never Was

Once a fool, always a fool

06:40 AM Oct 20, 2015 -8729- Former U.S. Gov’t Official: Pacific Ocean animal die-offs - Gov’t fails to tell public consequences of fallout - media silence deafening

09:37 AM Feb 23, 2016 -8778-  -8778- Pacific Rim: Extinction threat: salmon; sardines, squid, sea urchins, kelp, sea star; marine mammals

09:28 AM Feb 22, 2016 -8777- Fukushima to dump past, present, future nuclear waste & debris into Pacific

09:42 AM Feb 19, 2016 -8776- Gundersen: Plutonium everywhere in Japan; redeposits in unanticipated locations; black radioactive dust wherever I go; runs right into Pacific Ocean (VIDEO)

09:58 AM Feb 29, 2016 -8781- L.A. Times: Ongoing fish famine along U.S. West Coast - Dearth of food across ocean - Severe fishery implosion - Supply has been low since 2011 - Gov’t Expert: Looks very grim… hard to watch

09:41 AM Feb 4, 2016 -8769- Pacific Rim: Bird die-off; stomachs empty; hundreds of thousands at risk (VIDEO)

05:38 PM Jan 22, 2016 -8765- Pacific Rim: Wildlife die-off not just marine die-offs; more species getting sick; face extinction (VIDEO)

11:24 AM Feb 10, 2016 -8773- Fukushima: Intertidal biota by power plant - mass die off and reproductive failure of sessile species; sessile refers to organisms anchored, for example to rocks and piers, mussels, barnacles, limpet, rock shell, sponges, sea anemones, fan worms, chitons, gastropods, bivalves, crustaceans, echinoderms  —(more, here)—

09:58 AM Feb 29, 2016 -8781- L.A. Times: Ongoing fish famine along U.S. West Coast - Dearth of food across ocean - Severe fishery implosion - Supply has been low since 2011 - Gov’t Expert: Looks very grim… hard to watch

09:58 AM Feb 29, 2016 -8781- L.A. Times: Ongoing fish famine along U.S. West Coast - Dearth of food across ocean - Severe fishery implosion - Supply has been low since 2011 - Gov’t Expert: Looks very grim… hard to watch

09:41 AM Feb 4, 2016 -8769- Pacific Rim: Bird die-off; stomachs empty; hundreds of thousands at risk (VIDEO)

05:38 PM Jan 22, 2016 -8765- Pacific Rim: Wildlife die-off not just marine die-offs; more species getting sick; face extinction (VIDEO)

09:41 AM Feb 4, 2016 -8769- Pacific Rim: Bird die-off; stomachs empty; hundreds of thousands at risk (VIDEO)

03:00 PM Jan 13, 2016 -8761- Pacific Rim West-/Northwest coast … Alaska, British Columbia, Washington, California: Dead birds on beaches; also, complete reproductive failure, thick-billed murres, black-legged kittiwakes, horned and tufted puffins, glaucous-winged gulls, and sooty and short-tailed shearwaters; concurrent with whale, pinniped, sea otter, and fish mortalities (VIDEOS)

11:19 AM Jan 7, 2016 -8758- West Coast - 200,000 sea lions at risk; sick animals eating themselves from the inside - cancer includes liver, pancreas; intestines shut down; infested with parasites & immune to antibiotics; numbers of dead or starving seals wash ashore (VIDEO)

08:36 PM Dec 30 2015 - 8755-   Pacific Rim/West Coast: Baby whales die on West Coast – gov’t experts request tissue testing – may have been born weak – carcasses wash up on beaches in U.S., Canada, Mexico – highly endangered whale dies: abnormal blood clot formations in heart & lungs  (VIDEO)

08:36 PM Dec 30, 2015 -8755- Pacific Rim/West Coast: Endangered whale dies, abnormal blood clot formations in heart and lungs; baby whale carcasses on beaches U.S., Canada, Mexico  (VIDEO)

06:19 PM Dec 29, 2015 -8754- New Mexico, Waste Isolation Pilot Plant (WIPP): body found; sheriff investigates

06:54 PM Dec 28, 2015 -8753- California: Plutonium air sample points to  Fukushima

07:09 PM Dec 23, 2015 -8752- Fukushima sites: Fir tree mutations; insects missing legs or crooked; abnormalities in monkeys, fish and frogs

10:47 AM Dec 22, 2015 -8751- Russia, Leningrad Nuclear Power Plant: Radiation levels spike after emergency shutdown; traffic jams as people evacuate, rush to get iodine (PHOTOS)

10:12 AM Dec 21, 2015 -8750- India, Jadugoda: Children w/mutations on streets; deformed heads, lopsided bodies, toad skin, eyelids inside out; community outreach project school built w/radioactive waste (VIDEO)

07:03 PM Dec 18, 2015 -8749- Fukushima: MOx fuel leaked from containment; very dangerous due to plutonium content (VIDEO)

02:19 PM Dec 17, 2015 -8748- Seaborne/Fukushima: Vast amounts of radionuclides pour into Pacific Ocean; no science exists to stop catastrophe (AUDIO)

07:28 PM Dec 8, 2015 -8744- L.A. - Fukushima Alpha levels 1,000x normal: 0.3 aCi/ml (300 fCi/m3) - If a radionuclide is inside the body after being swallowed or breathed in - alpha radiation considered most dangerous: gross alpha-emitting radionuclides (plutonium isotopes): curium, plutonium and americium. [1,000,000 milliliters (ml) = 1 cubic meter (m3); 1,000 attocuries (aCi) = 1 femtocurie (fCi)]

07:45 PM Dec 3, 2015 -8742- Seaborne/West Coast: Fukushima radionuclide cesium 134 and 137 11 Bq/m3 for 1,000 miles

07:05 AM Dec 2, 2015 -8741- Fukushima contamination of Pacific and atmosphere w/ionizing radiation cannot be stopped; projected 10x all nuclear tests; menaces West Coast

02:03 AM Nov 24, 2015 -8746- West Coast: Alarming signs of oceanic distress - stranded seal pups 2,000% of normal levels - starving bags of skin and bone (VIDEO)

04:55 AM Nov 20, 2015 -8744- Giant whales piled up dead, test for Fukushima radiation (PHOTOS)

06:38 PM Nov 18, 2015 -8743- Pacific Northwest: Salmon population crash (VIDEOS)

07:12 AM Nov 16, 2015 -8742- Official Report: Fukushima radiation levels in U.S. - elevated measurements from 2011 nuclear disaster - Florida experiencing Cesium-137 deposition; Fukushima fallout in citrus fruit

11:59 AM Nov 12, 2015 -8741- West Coast: Unprecedented, largest animal on Earth found dead, had been very sick, emaciated - food supply killed; many sea creatures affected; whales tracked for past two years not doing well (VIDEO)

07:17 AM Nov 11, 2015 -8740- British Columbia: Man arrested over Fukushima-related YouTube videos; charged with criminal harassment of university scientists - (VIDEO)

06:04 PM Nov 7, 2015 -8739- Fukushima - Million cancers maybe - 100’s of times more thyroid cancers (VIDEO)

04:07 PM Nov 5, 2015 -8738 - Former Japan Ambassador: Uncontrolled nuclear chain reactions could be underway at Fukushima - Troubling indications of recurring criticality as Tellurium-132 detected over 100 miles from plant - Re-criticality discussed by Japans top nuclear official

08:08 PM Nov 4, 2015 -8738a- Millions of salmon disappear off West Coast in 2 days

07:32 PM Nov 3, 2015 -8737- West Coast die-offs - fish, whales, squid, more species (VIDEO)

02:35 AM Nov 2, 2015 -8736- Seaborne West Coast: Fukushima nuclear waste off shoreline of California, Oregon, Washington, and Alaska - Highest radiation off San Francisco (MAP)

05:31 AM Oct 23, 2015 -8730- Mexico, Gulf of California: Hundreds of dolphins, sea lions, turtles and rare sea animals floating on water and dead on beaches (PHOTOS)

06:40 AM Oct 20, 2015 -8729-  Former U.S. Gov’t Official: Pacific Ocean animal die-offs - Gov’t fails to tell public consequences of fallout - media silence deafening

07:11 AM Oct 19, 2015 -8728- West Coast: Illness kills marine animals at rapid rate - hundreds found dead in small area (VIDEO)

04:47 PM Oct 15, 2015 -8727- West Coast: Mass die off of seabirds - every bird seen withering away, starving to death, catastrophic molting (VIDEO)

10:12 AM Dec 21, 2015 -8750- India, Jadugoda: Children w/mutations on streets; deformed heads, lopsided bodies, toad skin, eyelids inside out; community outreach project school built w/radioactive waste (VIDEO)

11:10 AM Feb 25, 2016 -8780- Kazakhstan, Kalachi: Residents - comatose sleeping sickness, swollen brains linked to steam from deserted uranium mine carrying radionuclides

08:31 AM Feb 24, 2016 -8779- Washington State, Hanford Nuclear Reactor site: Closed reactor releases radioactive isotopes; high levels reported blowing onto roads (VIDEO)

04:45 PM Feb 12, 2016 -8774- NY, Indian Point Nuclear Reactor: Radiation leak worsens; increases 120,000%; 15 million pCi/L; Antimony radionuclides present (VIDEO)

06:59 PM Mar 2, 2016 -8783- Cancers around leaking nuclear plant near NYC - Tens of thousands of cases recently reported; More than anywhere else in U.S.… Why is this story not being covered by everybody? - Teacher: I can’t believe the number of teachers who have gotten cancer (VIDEOS)

11:19 PM Oct 28, 2015 -8734- Child cancer clusters, double sets of teeth, missing eyeballs, brain tumors - North St. Louis County, Missouri ... Bridgeton fire at West Lake nuclear landfill

Missouri Senator Maria Chappelle-Nadal, Sep 17, 2015 (at 27:00 in): There are references that are in the reports that the Attorney General did with independent scientists where they say that what we have under the ground could end up as Chernobyl. What I am concerned about are the 40,000 tons of uranium that have been spread all over the place… We’re talking about the most potent uranium in the world… We’re looking at the cancer clusters… We’re looking at the number of children who have double sets of teeth, children who have missing eyeballs, the number of children who have brain tumors. This is not consistent with a normal community whatsoever.

The Poisoned Children of Coldwater Creek

Wright says, "There are a stunning number of reports of infertility, in addition to the birth-defect cases. There have been three separate cases of conjoined twins (a statistical anomaly if ever there was one). There were three babies born with only one ear, another without either eyeball."

Jenell Rodden Wright gets a chill when she recalls the 20-year reunion she attended for the McCluer North High School class of 1988, less than five years ago.

It’s amazing to think about it now, she says. Everything was normal. Everyone seemed healthy and happy. We were all fine.

That’s not ordinarily what stands out to people about their high-school reunions. But it turns out that there was nothing ordinary about the McCluer North class of ’88. In just a few short years after that normal reunion, not so much would be fine.

Not after Kathy Bindbeutel Broyles developed a brain tumor and died a few months later, at age 40, leaving behind four children. Not after Kathy Jones, mother of five adopted special-needs kids, died of uterine cancer at age 40. Not after friends Kerry and Steve contracted appendix cancer, and Scott got a brain tumor, and Diane was diagnosed with nonsmoking lung cancer-all in the course of a couple of years.

These friends from the neighborhood where Wright grew up and went to high school were not random cases of bad luck. And they were by no means isolated cases in North County. They are but a microcosm, part of an untold number of people afflicted by their own government in an area that realistically must today be termed a cancer cluster.

These were the children of Coldwater Creek, a picturesque tributary through about 15 miles of the county, spanning communities such as Florissant, Hazelwood, Black Jack, Spanish Lake, St. Ann, Berkeley, and Ferguson. It runs past schools, golf courses, and soccer fields.

The creek was once a thing of beauty, to be sure. But there was one problem that the residents knew nothing about: Some of the deadliest toxins known to man had been dumped into Coldwater Creek.

Over seven decades, home sweet home has doubled as a hell zone of water, soil, and air contaminated with treacherous substances like uranium-238 (with a half-life of 4.5 billion years) and thorium-232 (with a half-life of 14 billion years). The residents have paid a ghastly price, and the contamination may continue to plague future generations.

It all started with the famous Manhattan Project, as St. Louis’ Mallinckrodt Chemical Works secretly signed on to enrich uranium for the world’s first controlled nuclear chain reaction in 1942. For 15 years, the company would continue its uranium-refining activities at its downtown site, and when it ran out of room to store its tons and tons of hazardous waste-known in the day as poisons-it was off to a couple of sites near the airport.

Reportedly, not even the people assigned to transportation duties had any idea of what they had on their hands. It was inevitable, between the hauling and the storage, that Coldwater Creek and neighboring properties would become contaminated beyond anyone’s comprehension. Nothing could have been more irresponsible.

We have the oldest radioactive waste of the atomic age, says Kay Drey, the grande dame of local environmentalism. And there is no place on the planet to put this where it won’t impact our air, our water, and our lives. There is no solution.

For most of the past seven decades, authorities didn’t appear to make a serious effort to get rid of the waste, and as Drey points out, even moving it off to Utah or some other less-populated area is no panacea. In recent years, the government has made a fair amount of cleanup progress, but as recently as late April, the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers indicated that there is more testing-and more removal-to be done.

Obviously, removing all of the toxins from a highly populated area ought to show up prominently on the government’s radar screen, though that doesn’t seem to have been the case for much of this sordid history. But even if that were to happen-even if every last ounce of radioactive waste were to be gone-that wouldn’t end the problem.

You see, there’s a real-life crisis going on right now: After a long latency period following their exposure to ionizing radiation, a stunning number of people have reached the presentation stage of their diseases.

That means we’re seeing symptoms in the generation of children who enjoyed the outdoors by playing in or near the water and otherwise exploring the lethal banks of Coldwater Creek. They skipped rocks, played with crawdads, and mixed yellow dirt with water to pan for gold.

When the creek would flood-which happened quite a bit-the water would seep into their families’ gardens and basements. And there was always the prospect of wind blowing thorium dust off the piles of radioactive waste and into the air breathed by the kids and their families.

And now, for a new generation, the symptoms are arriving. Most of the cancers appear to have popped out in just the last few years, says Wright. We are not even in full bloom.

A Facebook group called Coldwater Creek-Just the facts Please was created by a McCluer North grad in 2011, about the time many young North County residents were becoming gravely ill or dying. It has grown to more than 7,200 members, whose heart-wrenching stories seem endless.

Wright, an Ernst & Young certified public accountant and corporate executive before retiring to raise her children, joined the Facebook group shortly after it was established, as did another McCluer North grad, Diane Schanzenbach, an economics professor at Northwestern University. They are serious numbers crunchers who were struck by the statistical improbability of what they were seeing.

Members of the page have reported more than 2,500 cases of cancer, autoimmune diseases, and birth defects. The numbers spiked earlier in the year, after KSDK-TV’s Leisa Zigman aired some compelling coverage of the situation. At press time, those numbers hadn’t been fully updated.

But even the partial numbers are stunning. The data contains more than 100 reports of brain tumors and cancers, more than 50 cases of thyroid cancer, and more than 30 cases of appendix cancer-a stunning number, considering it’s a rare disease affecting fewer than 1,500 people annually.

There are dozens of cases of leukemia, multiple sclerosis, and lymphoma. There’s amyotrophic lateral sclerosis, pancreatic cancer, and more. Wright says there are a stunning number of reports of infertility, in addition to the birth-defect cases. There have been three separate cases of conjoined twins (a statistical anomaly if ever there was one). There were three babies born with only one ear, another without either eyeball.

/////-8734.2- also see: Missouri, St. Louis, Bridgeton and West Lake landfills: Fire rages towards 48,000 tons of Belgium Congo uranium 235, 238, most potent in the world

/////-8734.3- also see: Missouri, St. Louis, Bridgeton and West Lake landfills: Senator Maria Chappelle-Nadal - we’re looking at the cancer clusters in North County, number of children with double sets of teeth, missing eyeballs, brain tumors - this is not consistent with a normal community, at all - VIDEO -at 27:00 in

12:02 PM Mar 1, 2016 -8782- Uncontrollable radioactive flow coming from nuclear plant near NYC - Actual releases are trillions of times higher than reported during latest leak - Cracks in multiple spent fuel pools - Intense investigation underway to see if it can be stopped (VIDEO)

12:02 PM Mar 1, 2016 -8782- Uncontrollable radioactive flow coming from nuclear plant near NYC - Actual releases are trillions of times higher than reported during latest leak - Cracks in multiple spent fuel pools - Intense investigation underway to see if it can be stopped (VIDEO)

08:58 AM Feb 17, 2016 -8775- Vancouver B.C. & Seattle: 220,000,000 atoms of Fukushima Iodine-129/liter of rainwater [evacuation level is 40 atoms/liter] w/15 million year half-life in aquifer; supplies deadly drinking water to 120,000 people in BC/WA

(continued from, here)

We Won't Go Back, by XMelt (on SoundCloud - skip down to 'radio' version) & XMeltMusic.com

lyrics and music (c) by Tanya, XMelt

We won't go back. Power to the people who are marginalized / We're tryin' so hard not to catastrophize / Concerned which threat he (Trump) might authorize / We won't go back in time when bigotry was fine. / We won't go back. / We fight to form a more perfect union / That's why we established the Constitution. / We won't compromise our values under any administration!!! / And we just might start a revolution. / We won't go back. / Rap: We don't want no throwback / We ain't got time for that. / We're down with that broke back. / If you're not down for yourself, it don't matter if it's someone else. / They won't go back. / This is our country, one nation. / Doesn't matter what my race is or my religion. / That's not this country's basis, it's freedom. / So you best recognize we got to live our lives. / We won't bully. We'll respect, We won't lie and we'll protect. / Power to the people. We won't be marginalized! / We won't go back.

Folks can return to the reactor stricken area in only 20,000 years: Amusement park electric bumper-cars abandoned after Chernobyl nuclear disaster & evacuation of Pripyat, Ukraine, Apr 27, 1986,   —(Alexei Yablokov, here) & (obit, here)—

(archival info) New Russian law on state secrets: All info on Northern Fleet radwaste & subs now secret  —(here)—

Nuclear waste dumps at sea & the Arctic: Russian Northern Fleet – sources of radioactive contamination —(orig report: links to chapters, here) & (printed-out backup copy, here)—

SITE & e-BOOK TAKEAWAYS – Summary & small print: Note: this site is documented with 9,000 newswire headlines each summarizing five published pieces of documentation linked to 30,000 published newspaper & magazine articles & TV news ...including scientific studies, book, white papers & youtubes ...which are available in our free reference e-book, right here; also, highlighted documentation is included in our MD, nuclear scientist & epidemiologist section, right here. The takeaways from the free e-books & this website, are:

IF you can read all the way from 1-8 , you are a genius

(1) Exposure to low level nuclear radiation over time is just dangerous as immediate exposure to high level levels of nuclear radiation;

(2) Women & girls living within 25 miles of a nuclear reactor get more cancer than men or boys or those living farther away;

(3) Since the March 2011 meltdowns (continuing in water aquifers beneath the Fukushima site dumping directly into the ocean since March 2011 & continuing, practically for Eternity) new and mysterious diseases blamed for the deaths of millions, billions & even trillions of sea life from plankton to whales and blamed for the destruction of the ocean food chain and starvation of untold millions of sea mammals and fish and birds ...which is turn is blamed on global warming ... is fake news. That is because nuclear scientists and epidemiogists from around around the world and specifically in Eastern Europe investigating Chernobyl document that ionizing (nuclear) radiation mutates viruses and bacteria to form new viruses and bacteria never seen before (presumably in addition to direct contact with Fukushima & military seaborne radionuclides) is proximate and/or causal for the new and mysterious diseases, infections, lesions and tumors blamed on global warming; 

(4) The depletion of our ozone layer was caused by the U.S. 8 months after our spacecraft discovered the Van Allen Belt (ozone layer), the U.S. start setting off nuclear bombs in the upper atmosphere and blew permanent big holes in our ozone layer (it was not from underarm deodorant aerosols, nor greenhouse gases as we were/are falsely told;

(5) It is not only nuclear reactor radionuclide radiation and nuclear dumping into the sea destroying life in the Pacific Ocean, but also military using depleted uranium target practice, military sonar and oil company exploration sonar both that burst the ear drums of whales, dolphins and other sea mammals and fish as well as burst their organs ...and

(6) The military use of space age electromagnetic spectrum radiation to emulate solar flares and create global heating of the outer atmospheres above earthquake faults for use in weather, tidal wave, typhoon and earthquake warfare for the purposes of, and finally:

(7) Creating increasing national debt which in turn creates greater 'dividends' being the annual taxes we pay on the yearly interest of the national debt to the eight families and their assignees who own the original founding stock of the Fed ...which is an international interlocking directorate including the five original Rothschild banks, which in adding up the annual interest on the national debts of those countries is over $2 trillion dollars a year in personal disposable income; this is nonwithstanding the amount of interest that is paid to them on personal, car, home, real estate, civic and other national State loans, interest on foreign aid including building railways and nuclear reactors ...and not withstanding their dividends from controlling ownership in all the Fortune 500 corporations and presumably the Fortune 1,000 ...including all the corporations both public and private comprising the military industrial complex and all the banks, oil companies, drug companies and other corporations that create the pollution that is destroying life on Earth ... for which

(8) We must now give Earth environmental personhood to sue these corporations out of existance, and we must march this 1% of the 1% (for crimes against people, animals, nature, Gaia and crimes against Divine Order) to the gallows, today.

 under construction One of the worst nuclear disasters in the world

Britain's worse nuclear disaster 

A British scientist & his team revealed levels of radiation illnesses in Fallujah, Iraq from U.S. munitions ...were comparable to, or higher, than those found in Hiroshima and Nagasaki after atoms bombs detonated there in 1945. —(story, here)—

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