Antifa, Starbucks, exploitation of women & the environment & caffeine addiction …while Portland, Seattle, Los Angeles & Earth burn (here & here)
Antifa, Soros, Gates, Pelosi Christen Portland Antifa, OR
Antifa, financed by Soros on behalf of the Rothschild & Rockefeller central banker/gangsters of Fed/City of London & their UN apologists, welcome your sorry ass to Portland, the stupidist place in the United States with the world's stupidest Governor & Mayor having a love fest with Antifa which hopefully will land all of them in prison for life. The Govenor & mayor insist this is a love fest of Black Lives Matter ...but, it is White people burning down Federal & police buildings with the same disregard the same people burn down Black churches. This is an army of about 10,000 paramiliary scumbags hired by Soros to destablize the United States of behalf of World Bank and the IMF & the interlocking directorate of the Federal Reserve & City of London central bankers who have been doing this around the world for 300 years in order to destroy subject populations they wish to make finanicial & physical slaves of central banking imperialism.
Stop globalist central bankers' coup
Dems: November globalist coup
3rd world kids in Africa are soldiers
Goodbye U.S. Constitution freedom (there is no pandemic exclusion to the U.S. Constitution)
Soros invades Portland ... he thought it was Poland, to destabilize the United States & sink his vampire teeth into your wallet & butt, forever
Soros on 60 Minutes (1998) & PBS (1993) ...was Nazi collaborator seizing Jewish property in Budapesh, 1944 (here)
George Soros & son on chopping-block ...get big surprise!
Mama Bear takes robber down ...will history repeat itself?
Soros confession: Wrecks economies & former Nazi informer (story, here)
Deutschebank's primary role in backing Trump's business operations; review of George Soros' backing of Trump's business dealings; review of Soros's role in 'Aryanizing' Jewish property during Holocaust; review Bormann capital network links, (here); Chechnya; Ukraine
Click up pic for story; (Click down pic, see story; Sean Gervasy: Destabilization of Eastern Europe & Soviet Union – Full Court Press, (here)
Public Relationships: Hill & Knowlton, Robert Gray & the CIA
PR giant H&K flecked for dictators and mopped up corporate messes from Bhopal to Three Mile Island; its former D.C. head, Robert Gray, gathered information for Intelligence agencies and helped the CIA sway public opinion.
Burson-Marsteller Poisons the Grassroots – Global PR firms aim their vast resources at small grassroots struggles around the world. In Vermont, with big budgets, infiltrators, and dirty tricks, they fought farmers and activists.
Great Global Greenwash: PR, Pax Trilateral & Rio Summit – Burson Marsteller spindoctors undermine environmentalists
LUKE 22:36 "But now if you have a purse, take it, and also a bag; and if you don't have a sword, sell your cloak and buy one."
Congress is totally corrupt, Mr. Trey Goudy ...who we looked up to ...ya' think? They are total sell outs – Lock up all of them!
LUKE 22:36 "But now if you have a purse, take it, and also a bag; and if you don't have a sword, sell your cloak and buy one."
How Keanu Reeves & Halle Berry Learned To Shoot Guns For 'John Wick'
Halle Berry Training with Taran for John Wick: Chapter 3 - Parabellum
Keanu Reeves Quad Loads with Taran for John Wick: Chapter 3 - Parabellum
Defund the police cause it increases civilian gun buys?
...makes sense to me; want your husband or wife & sons & daughters here without police protection? ...see if you can relate to the following videos ...we should defund the Fed/City London & Saudi Arabia
What is freedom worth to you, wage slave? You can't tell a book by it's cover. Look in the mirror & see if there is a spiritual entity there stationed on earth to get rid of misery & evil ...or a money demon – bet your life
(l) You can't tell a book by it's cover. The 'Dating Game Killer' killed at least four before his appearance – and would kill again soon after, (here); hope you like what Pelosi's gonna do ...use stimulus money to pay your neighbor to spy on you tracking voyeurs
LUKE 22:36 "But now if you have a purse, take it, and also a bag; and if you don't have a sword, sell your cloak and buy one."
(s'up?) Lately, if you mention woodworking on your phone, texts, facebook, youtube or email, the ads on your youtube change to woodworking. It's time to defund the industry fascist monopoly titans. Big brother tech fascists dump into to CIA & the intelligence community to Pelosi you.
Only city poorly run as Portland: Seattle? (vid right) After all, no one in the Pacific Northwest was told they were breathing 8-to-10 hot particles of Fukushima fallout a day for ten days, which will result in cancer
(up) Did Fauci ancestors fund that pandemic, too? (See Fauci cartoon/story funding the Wuhan Lab, below) – Death roams countryside during Middle Ages of plague.
Seattle Police Budget & Chief's salary cut with no notice as Antifa fascists burn city
radioactive imported antifa street riots in Portland OR over U.S. Foreign Policy & National Security on the local street level funded by soros concern for pacific ocean
12:47 PM Apr 06, 2012-3020-Boulder, Colorado hot Fukushima fallout – No other U.S. sample close, except Portland – higher
12:05 AM Mar 26, 2012-2922-Organic farm in Portland closes after rad tests – very frightening on West Coast
01:51 PM Jan 18, 2012-2304-Uncontrolled nuclear reaction risks inside Hanford plutonium facility near Portland
09:43 AM Dec 22, 2011-2067-After Fukushima, most radioactive area is Cascade Mountains – Portland cesium at 100 Bq/m²
01:04 PM Dec 22, 2011-2068-Infant deaths also up in B.C., Canada after Fukushima - Corroborates U.S. study
06:34 AM Nov 16, 2011-1802-Radiation precautions – Seattle, Vancouver, Portland? – Perhaps you need to wash shoes & things
12:00 AM Nov 01, 2011-7024-Portland cesium over 500 Bq/m²– topsoil to 8,000 pCi/kg cesium from Fukushima
11:30 AM Aug 19, 2011-1180-Fukushima mom in Portland: “10-yr-old son started having symptoms – Nose bleeding & fevers
....scorched earth defund police approach to ensure national insecurity for UN & NAT0 takeover of wealth & destruction of nature by greedy-ass bankers
...better put your sun glasses on, first ('they live', here)
LUKE 22:36 "But now if you have a purse, take it, and also a bag; and if you don't have a sword, sell your cloak and buy one."
S&W M&P Shield 9mm EZ Review
M&P Shield 9mm EZ
New Shooters
Top 10 Tips for Pandemic Gun Buyers (1)
Top 10 Tips for Pandemic Gun Buyers (2)
Paul's Top Five Guns for Home Defense
If I Could Only Own One Firearm
Paul's Top 5 Handguns (Updated for 2020)
Pedersoli Howdah 45 / 410
Walther PPQ M2 22lr w/suppressor
Keltec 30 & S&W Model 31
NPR/FBI: Americans set record 3.9 million background checks to purchase or possess firearms in June 2020(here)
Eclipses 3.7 million background check record Mar 2020
Small Arms Analytics, a firm that studies the economics of small arms and ammunition markets, estimated the FBI June figures translates into roughly 2.4 million unit sales.
NPR also sides with the nuclear industry in promoting nuclear power is safe & clean & will reduce global warming ...go figure.
News — Cartoons — Features
Huh? ...what?
Portland: Texas sociopaths earns $26/hr 'have riot will travel' (story)
Soros confession: Wrecks economies & former Nazi informer (story, here)
Paid protesters? They’re real – a Beverly Hills firm hires them & is sued for extortion (here)
... sociopathic protester earns $78,000 a year yelling & sign waving. How much to go from Texas to Portland OR to burn & beat people as Soros/Pelosi agent provocateur? network of Soros sociopath groups (here) & (here)
Mama Bear takes robber down
Homeless from financial warfare — & — Refugees from military warfare — & — Displaced by weather warfare — & — by covid psy-ops to destroy middle class America?
...thanks to Fed/City of London, Sovereign Knights of Malta & Skull & Bones German Society of the Order of Death, JPMorganChase & Deutschebank merging with China to create the CNWO (China + New World Order) hell on Earth
Can God legally hang Federal Reserve/City of London directors & the Royal Family whose economic warfare tactics make people homeless &/or refugees & redistribute their wealth as you see fit
UN Plan will create more homeless in U.S. ...then convert U.S. to dictatorship/oligarchy/3rd World poverty status
United Nations – Replacement Migration: Is It a Solution to Declining and Aging Populations? —(here)—
United Nations projections indicate that over the next 50 years, the populations of virtually all countries of Europe as well as Japan will face population decline and population aging. The new challenges of declining and aging populations will require comprehensive reassessments of many established policies and programmes, including those relating to international migration. Focusing on these two striking and critical population trends, the report considers replacement migration for eight low-fertility countries (France, Germany, Italy, Japan, Republic of Korea, Russian Federation, United Kingdom and United States) and two regions (Europe and the European Union). Replacement migration refers to the international migration that a country would need to offset population decline and population aging resulting from low fertility and mortality rates. —(concerning USA, cont below, here)—
I. OVERVIEW OF THE ISSUES —(here)—...the present study addresses the question of whether replacement migration is a solution to population decline and population aging. Replacement migration refers to the international migration that would be needed to offset declines in the size of population and declines in the population of working age, as well as to offset the overall aging of a population. Eight countries and two regions that are treated as individual countries have been selected for this study. All of them are relatively large countries that have below-replacement fertility. The countries and regions are France, Germany, Italy, Japan, Republic of Korea, Russian Federation, the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, the United States of America, Europe and the European Union. Through the technique of population projection, calculations are made of the amount of replacement migration that would be necessary for each of the eight countries and two regions to offset the expected declines in the size of the total population and working-age population, as well as to offset the overall aging of the population.
Replacement Migration (continued from above)
8. United States of America (a) Past trends The total fertility rate in the United States dropped from 3.45 births per woman in 1950-1955 to 2.02 in 1970-1975. Except for a temporary period during the late 1970s and early 1980s, when it hovered around 1.8, the total fertility rate has continued to be around two children per woman. Life expectancy at birth, meanwhile, has risen from 69.0 years in 1950-1955 to 75.7 years in 1990-1995. As a consequence of these changes, the proportion of the population aged 65 or older rose from 8.3 per cent in 1950 to 12.5 per cent in 1995, and the potential support ratio declined from 7.8 in 1950 to 5.2 in 1995. As a point of comparison, the potential support ratio was 15 in 1900, when 4 per cent of the population was aged 65 years or older.
(b) Scenario I Scenario I, the medium variant of the United Nations 1998 Revision, assumes an annual net intake of 760,000 migrants per year between 1995-2050, for a total of 41,800,000 net migrants during the period. Accordingly, the total population of the United States is projected to increase continuously from 267 million in 1995 to 349 million in 2050 (the results of the 1998 United Nations projections are shown in the annex tables). By 2050, out of this total population of 349 million, 59 million, or 16.8 per cent, would be post-1995 immigrants or their descendants. The population aged 15-64 would increase slowly from 174 million in 1995 to 214 million in 2050, although not in a monotonic fashion. The population aged 65 or older would rise rapidly, from 33 million in 1995 to nearly 76 million in 2050. As a result, the potential support ratio would decrease from 5.2 in 1995 to 2.8 in 2050.
(c) Scenario II Scenario II, which is the medium variant with zero migration, uses the fertility and mortality assumptions of the medium variant of the 1998 Revision, but without any migration to the United States after 1995. The results in this scenario are quite different from those of scenario I. The total population would increase to 290 million in 2050, which is 50 million less than in scenario I. The population aged 15-64 would rise from 174 million in 1995 to 192 million in 2010 and 2015 and then decline, returning to 174 million in 2050. The population aged 65 or older would double, from 33 million in 1950 to 68 million in 2050. As a result, the potential support ratio would decline to 2.6 in 2050, which is slightly below that presented in scenario I.
(d) Scenario III Scenario III keeps the size of the total United States population constant at its maximum of 298 million, which it would reach in 2030 (assuming no in-migration after 1995). In order to keep the total population constant at that level, it would be necessary to have 6.4 million migrants between 2030 and 2050, which is an average of 319,000 migrants per year. By 2050, out of a total population of 298 million, 7.3 million, or 2.5 per cent, would be post-1995 immigrants or their descendants.
(e) Scenario IV Scenario IV keeps the size of the population aged 15 to 64 constant at its maximum of 192.5 million, which it would reach in 2015 (assuming no in-migration after 1995). In order to keep the working-age population constant at that level, 18.0 million migrants would be needed between 2015 and 2050, which is an average of 513 thousand migrants per year. By 2050, out of a total population of 316 million, 25.0 million, or 7.9 per cent, would be post-1995 immigrants or their descendants. 78 United Nations Population Division, Replacement Migration
(f) Scenario V Scenario V does not allow the potential support ratio to decrease below the value of 3.0. In order to achieve this, no immigrants would be needed until 2025, and 44.9 million immigrants would be needed between 2025 and 2035, an average of 4.5 million per year during that period. By 2050, out of a total population of 352 million, 61 million, or 17 per cent, would be post-1995 immigrants or their descendants.
(g) Scenario VI Scenario VI keeps the potential support ratio at its 1995 value of 5.2 persons aged 15-64 for each person aged 65 or older. In order to keep the potential support ratio constant at that level, it would be necessary to have 593 million immigrants from 1995 to 2050, an average of 10.8 million per year. By 2050, out of a United States total population of 1.1 billion, 775 million, or 73 per cent, would be post 1995 immigrants or their descendants.
(h) Additional considerations The official United States estimate of (documented) migrants into the United States from 1990 to 1996 is about 1.1 million per year. Thus, the past regular inflow into the United States is well above the number of migrants needed to prevent a decline in the total population or in the working-age population. Also under both scenarios III and IV, the percentage of post-1995 immigrants and their descendants in the total population of 2050 (2.5 per cent for scenario III and 7.9 per cent for scenario IV) would be below the percentage of foreign-born that exists currently (9.6 per cent). Figure 23 shows, for scenarios I, II, III and IV, the population of the United States in 2050, indicating the share that consists of post-1995 migrants and their descendants.
In the absence of migration, the figures show that it would be necessary to raise the upper limit of the working-age to 66.9 years to obtain a potential support ratio of 3.0 in 2050, and to about 74 years in order to obtain in 2050 the same potential support ratio observed in 1995 in the United States, which was 5.2 persons of working age per each older person past working age. Increasing the activity rates of the population, if it were possible, would only be a partial palliative to the decline in the support ratio due to ageing. If the activity rates of all men and women aged 25 to 64 were to increase to 100 per cent by 2050, this would make up for only 21 per cent of the loss in the active support ratio resulting from the ageing of the population.
As to UN lack of credibility, note following photo & headline
Saudi Arabia is one of the most hostile environments for women in the world: But, not according to the United Nations World Bank & IMF apologists
(above) NO-GO Zones In The US! Literal Hellholes Coming
(above) Seattle is Dying – KOMO's Eric Johnson explores the impact the drug and homelessness problem is having on Seattle & possible solutions in, "Seattle is Dying."
Fox News – Aug 20, 2019: In the summer of 2019, Fox News embarked on an ambitious project to chronicle the toll progressive policies has had on the homeless crisis in four west coast cities: Seattle, San Francisco, Los Angeles and Portland, Ore. In each city, we saw a lack of safety, sanitation, and civility. Residents, the homeless and advocates say they've lost faith in their elected officials' ability to solve the issue. Most of the cities have thrown hundreds of millions of dollars at the problem only to watch it get worse. This is what we saw in San Francisco.
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Service Area Worldwide with a Focus on the Pacific Ocean, Oregon, Washington, California, British Columbia, Alaska, Hawaii, U.S., EU, Russia, India, Japan & locations of every nuclear reactor & dump since all give you immune deficiency diseases, heart attacks & cancer