
Save Earth ...Seize Federal Reserve Founding Stock


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This is a San Francisco public-approved annual event approved by Kamala Harris, Nancy Pelosi, Diane Feinstein, Gavin Newsom .. these are the folks for vote for them, all San Francisco politicians beholden to Bechtel corporation (who put Reagan into office, and staffed Reagan's Cabinet with Bechtel Corporation employees. Bechtel along with GE et al, build nuclear reactors around the world, including in China, as does Bill Gates. Now Bechtel & Gates have teamed up to put 4 more reactors at Hanford, one of the most polluted sites on Earth, where the kids nearby in the neighboring counties are born without brains & and buried in dedicated children's cemeteries; the local morticians say most of the kids buried there have cancer in common & the fact they were born without brains.

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Capital Punishment for Capitalists

Kamala's war on children & family 

San Francisco is into kinky sex, as you can see from this background picture. The gays & lesbians support the democratic blue state politicians, who are from San Francisco & are funded by gays & lesbians ... which is why San Francisco / Bechtel-positioned local, State & National Politicians are corrupting the youth of American and of the United States corporation. Sure, look at the pictures, when you're high on speed, everything goes..















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Premise: Fed/City of London, JPMorganChase, Soros, Skull & Bones/Sovereign Military Knights of Malta together are directing a coup to destabilize & waste America,  destroy Life & rule Earth using vampire clowns ...commonly referred to as, politicians who serve bankers. FIRST THEY GET RID OF THE POLICE, THEN THEY GET RID OF THE ARMED FORCES. THEN WE LOSE OUR CONSTITUTION (OUR FREEDOM). THEN THEY CALL IN THE UN TO POLICE THE U.S. THEN WE BECOME SLAVES AND OUR CHILDREN ARE CONFISCATED, HARVESTED & MARKETED BY THE STATE, AS IN CHINA.




















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This is a San Francisco public-approved annual event approved by Kamala Harris, Nancy Pelosi, Diane Feinstein, Gavin Newsom .. these are the folks for vote for them, all San Francisco politicians beholden to Bechtel corporation (who put Reagan into office, and staffed Reagan's Cabinet with Bechtel Corporation employees. Bechtel along with GE et al, build nuclear reactors around the world, including in China, as does Bill Gates. Now Bechtel & Gates have teamed up to put 4 more reactors at Hanford, one of the most polluted sites on Earth, where the kids nearby in the neighboring counties are born without brains & and buried in dedicated children's cemeteries; the local morticians say most of the kids buried there have cancer in common & the fact they were born without brains.

The Republic of the United States of America IS NOT THE UNITED STATES CORPORATION, which is the Federal government ruling today by a coup d'etat; the Fed & IRS are privately owned companies, like United States Corporation, all owned by the City of London corporation (NOT the City of London ... but the City of London Corporation, a privately owned company.



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Break up the four horsemen of banking -- The Four Horsemen of Banking (Bank of America, JP Morgan Chase, Citigroup and Wells Fargo) own the Four Horsemen of Oil (Exxon-Mobil, Royal Dutch/Shell, BP & Chevron-Texaco) ...in tandem with Deutsche Bank, BNP, Barclays & other European old money behemoths. But their monopoly over the global economy does not end at the edge of the oil patch. According to company 10K filings to the SEC, the Four Horsemen of Banking are among the top ten stock holders of virtually every Fortune 500 corporation.[1] So who then are the stockholders in these money center banks?























Who's destroying you & the planet?

The Four Horsemen of Banking who own the Four Horsemen of Oil — Destroy them to save the world, overnight ...and bring in 1,000 years of joy for humanity

The only way to save the world from evil is to totally destroy these institutions that control & destroy all Life on the planet ...they are the only ones strong enough to own & use all their weapons of choice against you & eliminate 90% of humanity

The eight horsemen are owned by the Fed / City of London central bankers, who conquered then enslaved 120 countries of color. The Fed / City of London central bankers are the systemic white racists who need to be kicked off the planet & sent back down into the underworld where they plan to war in heaven (Earth) & destroy God, Gaia & Divine Order unless you stop them.
















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We Won't Go Back, by XMelt ( on SoundCloud - skip down to 'radio' version) & XMeltMusic.com

lyrics and music (c) by Tanya, XMelt

We won't go back. Power to the people who are marginalized / We're tryin' so hard not to catastrophize / Concerned which threat he might authorize / We won't go back in time when bigotry was fine. / We won't go back. / We fight to form a more perfect union / That's why we established the Constitution. / We won't compromise our values under any administration!!! / And we just might start a revolution. / We won't go back. / Rap: We don't want no throwback / We ain't got time for that. / We're down with that broke back. / If you're not down for yourself, it don't matter if it's someone else. / They won't go back. / This is our country, one nation. / Doesn't matter what my race is or my religion. / That's not this country's basis, it's freedom. / So you best recognize we got to live our lives. / We won't bully. We'll respect, We won't lie and we'll protect. / Power to the people. We won't be marginalized! / We won't go back.









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Lest we not forget you. Watch your back, Bechtel & the blue States are coming for all your private property & ownership of those you love. Mark my words.



Watch your back! We're coming for you & your kids, your home, your assets, everything that is red will be blue ... mark my words.People think I'm a jack-ass. But I'm not, I'm a camel ...haven't you ever seen my Kamala smile? ...& my stupid grin. I have the I.Q. of a fence post, but I've got my black Tahitian pearl necklace, cause I'm in with the biggest thieves & murderers on Earth. Thanks, blue voters ...remember, when you go to the polls, never take your head out of your *ss.


















Keep San Francisco LGBTQ++ Sexual Politics in the Bedroom

Kamala's war on children & family 

-1- There is nothing that distinguishes the LGBTQ++ community from the rest of the human community, except sexual preferences and desire to have them broadcast in public. These sexual preferences and where they put what … which are innate in mammals (including people) … and thru-out the animal kingdom, should remain private behind closed doors rather than be paraded publically and  institutionalized in our laws and schools, military, businesses, city, county, State and Federal governments and normal everyday lives. 

-2- United States government morality is based on San Francisco city government morality. This is a premise that is easily proven, since all you have to do is look at the morality of San Francisco-approved public perennial LGBTQ++ public events initiated & approved under the watch by local San Francisco politicians, mayors, city & district attorneys.

-3- They later brought them to Washington D.C. with them and allowed bedroom antics that should be behind closed doors out onto the public streets and now are strutting out of the closet in national and international politics: San Francisco District Attorney Kamala Harris (now U.S. Vice President and soon-to-be President), House Speaker Nancy Pelosi and Senator Diane Feinstein, for example.

-4- They, and the current administration have made the rainbow flag symbolizing the sexual activity of the LGBTQ++ community, to be flown on the same flag poles as the United States flag at foreign embassies, and at U.S. public schools. And they are promoting the teaching of sexual politics in our pre-schools, K-12, college and university systems as mandatory. This is because these San Francisco politicians grew in local & national government stature quite rich by promoting the sexual orientation of their constituency.

-5- It is Bechtel Corporation, owned & directed by the mysterious international interlocking directorate of the Federal Reserve (a mysterious & foreign-owned company in a mysterious little country of 1-mile square, mysteriously located inside London, England & claiming roots to first century A.D. & is the seat of (anti-people-of-color) racism ...the City of London corporation, that owns & direct the central banks controlling America & the British Empire ...a privately held corporate owned by private stockholders ... ... ... 'they' own the Federal Reserve System & 'they' insert Bechtel Fed bedroom antics into national politics, school policy & the military to distract us while 'they' rape & pillage the Earth, Mother Nature & us.


Gallop Poll Analysis: Covid vaccine deaths likely to strike 2 Democrats for every 1 Republican

Recent polls & surveys reveal 95% of Democrats have either already taken the covid vaccine or plan to. But nearly half of Republicans plan to avoid taking the vaccine. (See Gallup source here.)

This means about 19 out of 20 Democrats are getting vaccinated, while only about 1 out of 2 Republicans are getting vaccinated. Anyone who can do math can readily calculate the impact of this if the warnings about covid vaccine mass deaths turn out to be true. Far more Democrats would be impacted (injured, hospitalized or even killed) by the vaccine, compared to Republicans or even Independents.

Today's detailed podcast takes a look at what happens if the vaccine death wave kicks in over the next 1-3 years, and what this might mean for America, elections, economics and the collapse of blue cities and states.
































...WE'LL BE SEEING YOU TO SAY GOOD BYE ...and so will the not so great reset putting in 1,000 new reactors to destroy life on earth

The not so great reset ongoing 50 centuries of racism, fascism & slavery by billionaire oligarchs enforced by Sovereign Military Knights of Malta (for 12 centuries) & Skull & Bones Brotherhood of the Order of Death & Fehme inquisition assassins is vested in Fed/City of London central banks (here), social media & bad science, including:  3  ionospheric heaters for weather- & earthquake warfare; starting fires around the world using military lasers (here & here); biological warfare attacks CV-19, anthrax & using biological warfare simulants like influenza since 1950 (here); contamination of all living things on Earth by nuclear industry (here); conventional warfare, covert warfare, continued financial warfare/colonization of third world countries by the white racist Fed/City of London; electromagnetic warfare; chemical warfare; propaganda; contact tracing; 5G ...these are the forces bring us the great reset Portland racism riots coup participation in the destabilization of America & destruction of family values, freedom & democracy  

Sell your soul & cash in! Now's your chance to sell out ... go along to get along ... be a clown!

Nuclear Power is Not Safe and Clean 

Bill Gates & Bechtel put four reactors in at Hanford as Women, Mammals & Pregnancies abort & bear stillborn kids broken from Nuclear Industry ionizing radiation, (here) in their war against freedom (the Divine Right to own & govern your own mind & body), family & Divine Order (the acknowledgement of God & God's Creation, Ethics, Morality, Justice, Charity & Truth)


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Burisma merry-go-round

(click pic for youtube)

(Above) Alleged Burisma nuclear & power mafia merry-go-round with murders, coups, regime change, installed leaders, women getting hit by cars for revenge, puppet presidents, corrupt administrations & imbezzled U.S. taxpayer dollars. 

Where does Hunter fit in the Ukraine fascist neo-Nazi picture? ...(click pic) &/or (here)  (also, here & here) 





































Tiny house, 1926.




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Join Us On a Roller Coaster Ride to Save the Life Force

Women are now an endangered species

Your Life Force is suffering as never before ...can you feel it? Are you tired, grouchy, get sick easy? When radiation mutates DNA, it doesn't care if it is plant, animal or human DNA. It destroys your Life Force and the Divine Order of every living creature or plant to faithfully reproduce itself after its own kind. Radiation creates immune deficiency- and several hundred other diseases along the way to giving you non-terminal or terminal cancer and destroying you. You, your children, pets, gardens and children-to-be, need to be safe and sound. You can stay in denial and ignorance and cause millions of others and billions of animals and life forms to suffer and live with your guilt and cowardice, or simply sell out like all pro-nukers do. Or, you can realize your Angelic calling and Divine nature and respect Life and protect Life. This website and the two free e-books are our gift to you to fulfill your Angelic calling, in hopes of you becoming self-realized, and fulfilled.

Redwood Trees

Survival Today – The Survival of Women and All Life Depends on Taking Care of the Earth & Marching the Families that Own the Fed to the Gallows  — those families are attacking Natural & Divine Order with nuclear, depleted uranium, sonar, weather, earthquakes, electro-magnetic pulse & chemtrail warfare ...bet your life on it

-----------        HEALTH CARE FOR OUR PLANE      ---------- 

 —  Nuclear Power is Not Safe & Clean    — 

Nuclear Power is Not Safe and Clean
Nichols on Nuclear

 Next time you hear nuclear apologists say nuclear is safe & clean, just say, "put it where the sun doesn't shine"


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click pic to find out how to get your free e-books, today ...pdf for cell phone & tablets & ms word w/pop-ups for computer

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Business-as-Usual Daily Nuclear Industry Reactor Fallout, Dumps, Mines & Nuclear Catastrophe Fallout Hurts Wild & Domesticated Mammals (including human), Pets & Other Animals with Excruciating Pain & Suffering 

Here is an excerpt from Chernobyl: Consequences of the Catastrophe for People and the Environment: Chapter 11. Chernobyl’s Radioactive Impact on Microbial Biota, by Alexey V. Yablokov; edited by Janet Sherman:

[Abstract] Of the few microorganisms that have been studied, all underwent rapid changes in the areas heavily contaminated by Chernobyl. Organisms such as tuberculosis bacilli; hepatitis, herpes, and tobacco mosaic viruses; cytomegalovirus; and soil micromycetes and bacteria were activated in various ways. The ultimate long-term consequences for the Chernobyl microbiologic biota may be worse than what we know today. Compared to humans and other mammals, the profound changes that take place among these small live organisms with rapid reproductive turnover do not bode well for the health and survival of other species.

[Article] One gram of soil contains some 2,500,000,000 microorganisms (bacteria, micro-fungi, and protozoa). Up to 3 kg of the mass of an adult human body is made up of bacteria, viruses, and micro-fungi. In spite of the fact that these represent such important and fundamentally live ecosystems there are only scarce data on the various microbiological consequences of the Chernobyl catastrophe.

Several incidences of increased morbidity owing to certain infectious diseases may be due to increased virulence of microbial populations as a result of Chernobyl irradiation. … … …

All microorganisms (viruses, bacteria, fungi, and protozoa) and microbiological communities as a whole undergo rapid changes after any additional irradiation. The mechanism of such changes is well known: inclusion and increase in the frequency of mutations by natural selection and preservation of beneficial novel genes that for whatever reason appear more viable under the new conditions. This micro-evolutionary mechanism has been activated in all radioactively contaminated areas and leads to activation of old and the occurrence of new forms of viruses and bacteria.

continued, here


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Capital Punishment for Capitalists


The Fed directors (1% of the 1%) who own the original issues of Fed stock are paid the interest on the national debt by U.S. taxpayers (the 99.9%) each year, as 'dividends' of personally disposable income, currently in the amount of ~$700 billion dollars a year from the United States, alone.

However, since it is an international interlocking directorate owning the five original Rothschild-founded central banks ... when you sum up the interest payments on the national debts of those five countries, each year the eight families (and the banks they own) who own the founding stock, likely get over $2 trillion dollars each and every year in personal disposable income.

That is why they are the 1% of the 1%, who own 20% of the Fortune 500 in the form of controlling shares of each corporation, and likely the Fortune 1,000, too ...including all the corporations that pollute Earth that comprise the military-industrial-nuclear complex (cartel), all the major banks, oil companies, insurance companies, pharmchem & petrochem corporations and instigate wars and revolutions, sickness and misery, as well as all the corporations that produce and sell weapons, munitions, aerospace and space, food and clothing, cigarettes, drugs, alcohol, sugar, opium-derivation corporations, and so on ...according to the U.S. Revolution Bicentennial U.S. House of Representative Subcommittee on Banking report of 1976.

That report is available in abbreviated chart form (below) as well as the entire study (below). Those $2 trillion dollars do not include interest payments on homes, cars, personal loans, commercial real estate and development loans ...but only interest on loans to the U.S. and to foreign States.

That yearly $2 trillion dollars they pocket for their personal enjoyment is enough to end homelessness on Planet Earth, finance solar, end poverty, end hunger, and install sewage and clean water facilities for everyone on the planet. Now do you know why we say, in blame: "The Pacific Ocean is Dying – To Save Earth & Clean the Planet ...March Fed Interest Rate Bankers to the Gallows."

Kill a Banker, Win a Prize

U.S. House of Representatives document-derived selected primary charts: who owns the Fed (pdf) | (msword) | Original whole U.S. House Banking Subcommittee document, ( here) Who owns whom? Who owns the nuclear industry? (here) Who owns the media? ...and, the presidency? (pdf | msword)


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Smokescreen from Fairewinds Energy Education on Vimeo

More Nuclear Reactors Make Global Warming Worse 

The www.Fairewinds.org Crew created this special 2-minute animation to show you why building new nukes is a lost opportunity for humankind with precious time and money wasted on the wrong choice.

About $8.2 Trillion would be needed to build the 1,000 atomic reactors the nuclear industry wants – that’s 1 reactor every 12-days for 35-years.

Watch the animation to see what it means and why!

CO2 Smokescreen

New Nukes Make Global Warming Worse — uncovers the ludicrously small impact that nuclear power has on saving the Earth from CO2 emissions in contrast to the promises of the atomic power industry. Well received by fellow experts in the field and filmed by award winning cinematographer Martin Duckworth, the CO2 Smokescreen is the culmination of one year’s worth of research and hard work by the Fairewinds Crew, Fairewinds science advisors, and a group of amazing interns from the University of Vermont (UVM).






































































































Safe to eat? (here)            Supermarket Secrets (here) 









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Nuclear Power is Not Safe and Clean

The Pacific Ocean is Dying - and You Don't Even Know

We Can Shut Down Nuclear Industry

For the first time, all the evidence of nuclear destroying animals & people ...in one place!

For the first time, all the evidence you need to shut down all the nuclear reactors in the U.S.A. and around the world is gathered in one place!

The Pacific Ocean is Dying And You Don't Even Know Book Cover

our two volume set

  1. The Pacific Ocean is Dying and You Don't Even Know
  2. Nuclear Power is Not Safe & Clean (e-book news database 2011-to-2018 w/9000 links to 30,000 pieces of published documentation)

both ms word w/pop-ups & search engine (computer version) &/or e-book (cell phone without pop-ups & search engine version) for free, here.  — my other books, here)

Note; the 9,000 links in these two books broke when EneNews failed — 6,000 links have been repaired in the database (#2, above) , so far ...none have been repaired yet in #1, above) — We hope to have all links in the books corresponding links in the website repaired by Xmas Day 2021.

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Fauci lied, millions died: The conspiracy behind hydroxychloroquine’s suppression

Sunday, June 06, 2021 by: Ethan Huff —Another email bombshell from the Anthony Fauci archives has been dropped, this one showing that “America’s doctor” knew full well that hydroxychloroquine (HCQ) was an effective remedy against the Wuhan coronavirus (Covid-19), and yet chose to lie to the public by claiming otherwise.

Not only that, but Fauci colluded with other deep state entities to ban HCQ from even being allowed as an “approved” treatment for the Chinese Virus, even though numerous studies prove it to be an effective remedy against all sorts of coronaviruses.

Fifteen years ago, Fauci himself was a strong proponent of HCQ, having indicated before it was politically incorrect to do so that HCQ works against SARS, a cousin of the Wuhan Flu.

Chloroquine, Fauci admitted back in 2005, “completely abolished SARS-CoV infection.” For whatever reason, the story changed in 2020 when SARS-CoV-2 (covid) emerged when Fauci suddenly decided that HCQ and its derivatives could not be used in the treatment of Chinese Disease.

Millions of people are now dead, thanks to Fauci’s bad advice. Big Tech followed suit by further censoring all information about HCQ from social media, and much of the world was plunged into lockdowns, mask mandates, and business closures – all because of Fauci’s lies.

“When the history books are written Dr. Tony Fauci will go down as one of the greatest mass murderers of our day,” writes Jim Hoft, The Gateway Pundit.

“He funded the research on coronavirus in the U.S. Then he funded it in China after it was banned here. Then he downplayed the severity of the disease. Then he lied about a successful treatment for the dangerous man-made pathogen. Fauci is a killer. Arrest Fauci.”

One wonders where Fauci is hiding these days as the lid is blown on this whole scandal. Fauci is quickly becoming the most hated figure on the planet, even more so, perhaps, than billionaire eugenicist Bill Gates. The good news is that justice is coming for all of them, eventually.

[Alan: Fauci in on the board of directors of Bill Gates Foundation & is an expert on the creation & deployment of biological warfare weapons.]

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Weather Modification: Remember the drought in California & the weather front went down to Texas & Mexico & snowed there? ...here is satellite imagery showing the storm weather front being pushed away from California with high tech space age electromagnetic equipment; this kind of stealth activity has a disastrous effect on animals & people & such droughts immediately lead to out of control & raging fires

(click pic) Weather Modification: Remember the drought in California & the weather front went down to Texas & Mexico & snowed there? Here is satellite imagery showing the storm weather front being pushed away from California with high tech space age electromagnetic equipment; this kind of stealth activity has a disastrous effect on animals & people & such droughts immediately leads to out of control & raging fires

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Thank you for your interest. Please contact your friends and share this information.



Nuclear Power is Not Safe and Clean

Congress + dirty politics = Soros / Gates / Pelosi / Feinstein / Harris / Newsom / UN globalist central bank-sponsored terrorists & depopulation & destruction of the U.S. middle class & American drea, via Reagan / Bush Admin. deployed by Bechtel Corp.faction of the interlocking international directorate of Fed / City of London defunding mental hospitals & creating homelessness in America ...40 years later is succeeding in reducing America to third world status began in NYC & SF during disco 1980s.

Service Area
Worldwide with a focus on you & locations of every nuclear reactor & dump since all give you immune deficiency diseases, heart attacks & cancer 

Biden & Dementia

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Note: Portland Metro Creative Aging & Cognitive Arts Center has not been funded at this time. If-&-when it is, enrollment membership information for our curriculum for students will be available, here.

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