
Save Earth ...Seize Federal Reserve Founding Stock


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(covid news & blues)

(site & e-books under repair) - last update: 11 a.m. 06-05-2021 -> for updated version, press: control F5 - (it's a big site & can take a couple minutes to load & populate)

The Declaration of Independence says that we the people of the Republic of the United States of America have the right and duty to alter or abolish any government that does not secure our unalienable rights, including: life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.

The foreign government now in charge, being, the United States Corporation, says if two or more persons conspire to knowingly or willfully advocates, abets, advises, or teaches the duty, necessity, desirability, or propriety of overthrowing or destroying the government of the United States [corporation] or the [United States corporation's] government of any State, Territory, District or Possession thereof, or the government of any political subdivision therein, each shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than twenty years, or both, and shall be ineligible for employment by the United States [corporation] or any department or agency thereof, for the five years next following his conviction.

Republicans favor the Republic of the United States of America and Democrats favor the United States corporation.

..but to whom do they both owe their alliegience? ...only to the corporate state, defined by Mussolini, as fascism.

Who's destroying you & the planet?

The Four Horsemen of Banking who own the Four Horsemen of Oil — Destroy them to save the world, overnight ...and bring in 1,000 years of joy for humanity

The only way to save the world from evil is to totally destroy these institutions that control & destroy all Life on the planet ...they are the only ones strong enough to own & use all their weapons of choice against you & eliminate 90% of humanity

The only ones on the planet powerful enough to use all their weapons against you at the same time in every country in the world, are:

The Weapons of the Four Horsemen of Banking who own the Four Horsemen of Oil — The only ones on the planet powerful enough to use all their weapons of choice against you at the same time in every country in the world

Here are the weapons of choice of the United States corporation that has illegally taken over the Republic of the United States of America (see above video)

— Nuclear industry (mutation & cancer) 

— Sonar (bursting eardrums & body organs of whales, dolphins, seals, walrus & other sea life) 

— Electromagnetic pulse [EMP] (mood control & earthquakes) 

— Microwave (+ EMP & DU), (cancer, weather warfare) 

— Depleted uranium [DU], [babies of mammals (including people) with extra fingers, toes, hands, arms, legs & heads ...or none at all]

— Chemtrails (Alzheimers, asthma, death of forests) 

— Weather modification (hurricane, tornado & tidal waves)

— War & war games (including biological-, chemical-, conventional-, nuclear-, weather/earthquake-, covert, nonconventional- (destabilization, revolution, coups, countercoups), electromagnetic- financial- economic- cyber- media- propaganda- mind control- & social engineering, warfare.

   ...All hurt pregnancies of mammals (including human), reptiles, birds, amphibians & insects

   ...Nuclear industry mutates the DNA of all living things including plants, trees ...& even viruses & bacteria to form new & mysterious diseases & prevents mammals (including people) from faithfully reproducing after their own kind, attacks Natural- & Divine Order (preventing living things from faithfully reproducing after their own kind) & gives you hundreds of immune deficiency follow-on diseases, cancer & leukemia

— In just 70 years, every living thing on Earth has become contaminated with deadly man-made radiation that keeps adding up to create birth defects, immune-deficiency diseases leading to cancer and luekemia, breast cancer, thyroid cancer, ovarian cancer, prostate cancer, bone cancer, heart attacks, organ cancers and lung diseases – (see Nuclear Industry Disclaimer)

— PsyOps (psychological warfare operations, propaganda, disinformation)

—  It is NO GLOBAL WARMING that is CREATING the NEW & MYSTERIOUS DISEASES that is KILLING LIFE in the PACIFIC OCEAN : Fukushima plutonium & nuclear fallout & waste mutates viruses & bacteria to form new & mysterious diseases in the Pacific Ocean & is well on its way some species in the Pacific Ocean, extinct

Rule No. 1 — Simple as pie (for nuclear & covid)

Rainforests are responsible for roughly one-third (28%) of the Earth’s oxygen ...but most (70%) of the oxygen in the atmosphere is produced by marine plants.

The remaining two percent (2%) of Earth's oxygen comes from other sources. The ocean produces oxygyen through the plants (phytoplankton, kelp, and algal plankton) that live in it. These plants produce oxygen as a byproduct of photosynthesis, a process which converts carbon dioxide and sunlight into sugars the organism can use for energy.

One type of phytoplankton, Prochlorococcus, releases countless tons of oxygen into the atmosphere. It is so small that millions can fit in a drop of water. Prochlorococcus has achieved fame as perhaps the most abundant photosynthetic organism on the planet. Dr. Sylvia A. Earl estimated Prochlorococcus provides the oxygen for one in every five breaths we take. 

The ozone layer, also called the stratosphere, is composed of the ozone gas (90% of the total ozone in the atmosphere). The ozone has three oxygen atoms, and it is the result of the action of Ultra Violet (UV) radiation on oxygen molecules, composed of two oxygen atoms. 

Destroying the plankton with nuclear industry, and destroying the stratosphere with electromagnetic pulse (EMP) weather warfare and earthquake warfare is causing global warming

Destroying the oxygen in the ocean & in our blood with biological & electromagnetic warfare weapons such as Covid achieves United Nations Agenda 30 ...depopulating the world 90% with genocide in order to save Earth's natural resources for central bank exploitation & destruction.

According to the U.S. House of Representatives, the private bankers who own the Fed own most all of the successful businesses in the United States, including nuclear, military-industrial, automotive, pharmaceutical, petrochemical, agribusiness.

Therefore, the families to hold responsible for killing the Pacific Ocean and for global warming are the banking families that own the Fed/City of London that owns the companies that are polluting the Earth and the stratosphere, destroying the Pacific Ocean and consequently giving us immune deficiency diseases and cancer and mutating or stillborning our pregnancies.

The Great Reset wants to kill freedom & build 1,000 new nuclear reactors to save the Earth ...but, already 41,000 people get fatal & non-fatal cancer from nuclear industry, every day (here) & so do animals in the sea & on land (here & here) – the nazi masters of war doing this, are, (here) – can you smell them? These are the murderers of the Earth, not you & I.  

(above), Great Reset: Godless fallen angels of Lucifer) – Fascist politicians sell their angelic souls to the Dark Force rejoice in greed, power & bloodlust, inaugurated by Bechtel faction of the international interlocking directorate of the Federal Reserve faction of the City of London (corporation), a square mile inside London that is a separate country, now partnered w/Communist China to create the CNWO (China + New World Order) of fascist & totalitarian billionaire satanic monarchs. The not-so-great Great Reset is traditional genocide, fascism & nazi evil values espoused by owners of the major corporations being western central bankers owning the Fed & City of London paired with monarchies & billionaires & China to entirely destroy the American middle class small business & ability to feed & clothe & shelter one's family & replace it with one world government being master & slave — communism & slavery — faux race war — lack of morality & ethics in personal lives, government & business (covid news & blues)

THE GREAT RESET ~ "If this mischievous financial policy which has its origin in North America ... shall become indurated down to a fixture, then that Government will furnish its own money without cost. It will pay off debts and be without debt. It will have all the money necessary to carry on its commerce. It will become prosperous without precedent in the history of the world. The brains and wealth of all countries will go to  North America. That country must be destroyed or it will destroy every monarchy on the globe." Hazard Circular, 1865 London Times 

4th Reich Nazi takeover in Oregon & California & Washington by JPMorganChase & Fed bankers?

Federal Reserve Bank: JPMorgan/Chase is a threat to the financial stability of the United States

Portland, OR auction house selling Nazi leader Himmler’s dagger - Nazi trains come for kids in L.A.

How JPMorganChase predicted 2020-2021 (Antifa & BLM) extreme social unrest not seen in 50 years 3 years before it happened; they planned it w/Soros-hired neo-nazis & thugs (like they do in other countries).

History: JPMorgan, Dupont, GM coup to take over White House & install a fascist dictator


exposé MSNBC & Google expose on lawsuit vs Bill Gates for forcing employees to watch child porn & child snuff films ...& Gates relationship with Epstein (above vid)

Why did Bill Gates finance the U.N. & World Economic Forum run-thru's on the financial warfare needed to destablize America's economic system by an influenza biological warfare attack on Americans, the presidency & democracy 3 years before it happened? ...they financed it

Why did billionaires & politicians & world monarchs turn fascist & censor conservative values & religion? ...to centralize power by destroying our freedom, history, family values, gender & Constitution

 Homeless from financial warfare — & — Displaced by weather warfare — & — Families broke & broken by covid psy-ops to destroy middle class America business using fascist dictator politicians?

...thanks to Fed/City of London, Sovereign Knights of Malta & Skull & Bones German Society of the Order of Death, JPMorganChase & Deutschebank merging with China to create the CNWO (China + New World Order) hell on Earth

Can God legally hang Federal Reserve/City of London directors & the Royal Family whose economic warfare tactics make people homeless &/or refugees & redistribute their wealth as you see fit

Fed & City of London's UN Plan will create more homeless in U.S. ...then convert U.S. to dictatorship/oligarchy/3rd World poverty status 

United Nations – Replacement Migration: Is It a Solution to Declining and Aging Populations? —(here)—

United Nations projections indicate that over the next 50 years, the populations of virtually all countries of Europe as well as Japan will face population decline and population aging. The new challenges of declining and aging populations will require comprehensive reassessments of many established policies and programmes, including those relating to international migration. Focusing on these two striking and critical population trends, the report considers replacement migration for eight low-fertility countries (France, Germany, Italy, Japan, Republic of Korea, Russian Federation, United Kingdom and United States) and two regions (Europe and the European Union). Replacement migration refers to the international migration that a country would need to offset population decline and population aging resulting from low fertility and mortality rates. —(concerning USA, cont below, here)—

I. OVERVIEW OF THE ISSUES —(here)—  ...the present study addresses the question of whether replacement migration is a solution to population decline and population aging. Replacement migration refers to the international migration that would be needed to offset declines in the size of population and declines in the population of working age, as well as to offset the overall aging of a population. Eight countries and two regions that are treated as individual countries have been selected for this study. All of them are relatively large countries that have below-replacement fertility. The countries and regions are France, Germany, Italy, Japan, Republic of Korea, Russian Federation, the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, the United States of America, Europe and the European Union. Through the technique of population projection, calculations are made of the amount of replacement migration that would be necessary for each of the eight countries and two regions to offset the expected declines in the size of the total population and working-age population, as well as to offset the overall aging of the population.

Replacement Migration (continued from above) 

8. United States of America
(a) Past trends
The total fertility rate in the United States dropped from 3.45 births per woman in 1950-1955 to 2.02  in 1970-1975. Except for a temporary period during the late 1970s and early 1980s, when it hovered  around 1.8, the total fertility rate has continued to be around two children per woman. Life expectancy at  birth, meanwhile, has risen from 69.0 years in 1950-1955 to 75.7 years in 1990-1995. As a consequence  of these changes, the proportion of the population aged 65 or older rose from 8.3 per cent in 1950 to 12.5  percent in 1995, and the potential support ratio declined from 7.8 in 1950 to 5.2 in 1995. As a point of  comparison, the potential support ratio was 15 in 1900, when 4 per cent of the population was aged 65  years or older.

(b) Scenario I
Scenario I, the medium variant of the United Nations 1998 Revision, assumes an annual net intake of 760,000 migrants per year between 1995-2050, for a total of 41,800,000 net migrants during the period.  Accordingly, the total population of the United States is projected to increase continuously from 267  million in 1995 to 349 million in 2050 (the results of the 1998 United Nations projections are shown in  the annex tables). By 2050, out of this total population of 349 million, 59 million, or 16.8 per cent, would  be post-1995 immigrants or their descendants. The population aged 15-64 would increase slowly from  174 million in 1995 to 214 million in 2050, although not in a monotonic fashion. The population aged 65  or older would rise rapidly, from 33 million in 1995 to nearly 76 million in 2050. As a result, the  potential support ratio would decrease from 5.2 in 1995 to 2.8 in 2050.

(c) Scenario II
Scenario II, which is the medium variant with zero migration, uses the fertility and mortality assumptions of the medium variant of the 1998 Revision, but without any migration to the United States  after 1995. The results in this scenario are quite different from those of scenario I. The total population  would increase to 290 million in 2050, which is 50 million less than in scenario I. The population aged  15-64 would rise from 174 million in 1995 to 192 million in 2010 and 2015 and then decline, returning to  174 million in 2050. The population aged 65 or older would double, from 33 million in 1950 to 68  million in 2050. As a result, the potential support ratio would decline to 2.6 in 2050, which is slightly  below that presented in scenario I.

(d) Scenario III
Scenario III keeps the size of the total United States population constant at its maximum of 298 million, which it would reach in 2030 (assuming no in-migration after 1995). In order to keep the total  population constant at that level, it would be necessary to have 6.4 million migrants between 2030 and  2050, which is an average of 319,000 migrants per year. By 2050, out of a total population of 298  million, 7.3 million, or 2.5 per cent, would be post-1995 immigrants or their descendants.

(e) Scenario IV
Scenario IV keeps the size of the population aged 15 to 64 constant at its maximum of 192.5 million, which it would reach in 2015 (assuming no in-migration after 1995). In order to keep the working-age  population constant at that level, 18.0 million migrants would be needed between 2015 and 2050, which  is an average of 513 thousand migrants per year. By 2050, out of a total population of 316 million, 25.0  million, or 7.9 per cent, would be post-1995 immigrants or their descendants.  78 United Nations Population Division, Replacement Migration

(f) Scenario V
Scenario V does not allow the potential support ratio to decrease below the value of 3.0. In order to achieve this, no immigrants would be needed until 2025, and 44.9 million immigrants would be needed  between 2025 and 2035, an average of 4.5 million per year during that period. By 2050, out of a total  population of 352 million, 61 million, or 17 per cent, would be post-1995 immigrants or their  descendants.

(g) Scenario VI
Scenario VI keeps the potential support ratio at its 1995 value of 5.2 persons aged 15-64 for each person aged 65 or older. In order to keep the potential support ratio constant at that level, it would be  necessary to have 593 million immigrants from 1995 to 2050, an average of 10.8 million per year. By  2050, out of a United States total population of 1.1 billion, 775 million, or 73 per cent, would be post 1995 immigrants or their descendants.

(h) Additional considerations
The official United States estimate of (documented) migrants into the United States from 1990 to  1996 is about 1.1 million per year. Thus, the past regular inflow into the United States is well above the  number of migrants needed to prevent a decline in the total population or in the working-age population.  Also under both scenarios III and IV, the percentage of post-1995 immigrants and their descendants in the  total population of 2050 (2.5 per cent for scenario III and 7.9 per cent for scenario IV) would be below the  percentage of foreign-born that exists currently (9.6 per cent). Figure 23 shows, for scenarios I, II, III and  IV, the population of the United States in 2050, indicating the share that consists of post-1995 migrants  and their descendants.

In the absence of migration, the figures show that it would be necessary to raise the upper limit of the  working-age to 66.9 years to obtain a potential support ratio of 3.0 in 2050, and to about 74 years in order  to obtain in 2050 the same potential support ratio observed in 1995 in the United States, which was 5.2  persons of working age per each older person past working age. Increasing the activity rates of the  population, if it were possible, would only be a partial palliative to the decline in the support ratio due to  aging. If the activity rates of all men and women aged 25 to 64 were to increase to 100 per cent by 2050,  this would make up for only 21 per cent of the loss in the active support ratio resulting from the ageing of  the population. 

As to UN lack of credibility, note following photo & headline

Saudi Arabia is one of the most hostile environments for women in the world: But, not according to the United Nations, World Bank, & IMF apologis ts

The Great Set up, Great Shut up & Great Reset

Did Prince Philip die of CV-19? ...Nazi Fehme deathsquad collaborator & brother to Queen Elizabeth, Prince Philip wished to be reincarnated as a “deadly virus” to wreak havoc in the world & reduce global population. He finally got his genocidal Nazi deathsquad dream come true. White billionaires, white Monarchs, [and, white racist City of London (Corporation) central bankers have specialized in murdering, enslaving, robbing & raping about 120 countries of color {see, Occupy Deutschebank & JPMorganChase: Financial Warfare for Dummies, here} for centuries, robbing Earth & Third World countries of natural resources to this day ... ... ... & totally designed & financed racist CV-19 ...along with China ...encompassing the CNWO (China New World Order) dirty money laundry & fascist (dictatorship) death machine a la Nugan Hand Bank, BCCI, BIS, IMF, World Bank, JPMorganChase & Deutschebank ...the most polluting & drug-ridden slimeball banks, (see handy-dandy chart & scroll down to the lists of bankers whose goal is to own, market, enslave, exhaust then murder & discard you & your loved ones, here).

Break up the white racist four horsemen of central banking

(info: Banker Race War vs Humanity, Creation & God & see  Biden, Burisma, Ukraine, QAnon | China Trumped)

(up) Five in Ten 10/1/20: CIA Director Blocking Release of Russiagate Docs ...another City of London central bank collective project

...not so great resetis a set-up by corrupt politicians, billionaires, China, City of London (Corporation) racist bankers, & United States (Corporation, c. 1868) to kill you in a fake race war & destroy the Republic of the United States of America (c. 1776) ...but, we're not havin' it (racist biowar, here)

 Abstract: "If this mischievous financial policy which has its origin in North American during the late war in that country, shall become indurated down to a fixture, then that Government will furnish its own money without cost. It will pay off debts and be without debt. It will have all the money necessary to carry on its commerce. It will become prosperous without precedent in the history of the world. The brains and wealth of all countries will go to Nor th Americ a . That country must be destr oyed or it will destroy every monarchy on the globe."

~ Hazard Circular inserted in 1865 London Times re: Lincoln's 'Greenbacks', a publicly-(not privately-) owned currency

How you're gonna be set up & reset for a (race) war by billionaires & white, City of London (Corporation) racist bankers of a biblical Canaanite-Phoenician bloodlines screwing you with Maritime Admiralty Law for 4,000 years, (timeline, here)

America, you asked for it ... you let them get away with murdering President Kennedy; you let them get away with 9/11 WTC, you let them get away with dozens of wars colonizing 3rd world countries; you let them get away with biological attacks on you with CV-19 ... you let them get away with pollution, with chem-trails, with weather warfare, with nuclear reactors, with ionospheric heaters, with mind control, propaganda, rigging elections and censorship

...WTF did you expect would happen to you when you are no longer of use to them? ...they're slaughtering your children for body organs and selling them into the sex trade? Have any idea who's doing it to you? No? ...this site's for you.

Premise: The not so great reset is a set-up for a fake race war & global genocide to achieve the United Nations (central bankers) Agenda-21/30 (great reset) goal of 90% depopulation to save ...rather, exploit ...the minerals & natural resources of Earth & replace people with robots with no job benefits ... a triumph of dictatorship & monarchy & fascism and satanic invasion on Earth as it is in Heaven

Now you're gonna be set up & reset for a race war by white, racist bankers 

Skull & Bones Brotherhood for the Order of Death ...active in Germany & Yale

Our President’s murder in broad daylight on a public street fifty-eight years ago, and the new government’s refusal to bring his killers to justice, meant nothing less than the end of our long experiment in democracy. We now live not in a democracy but in what more accurately can be termed a limited police state, and that is the ultimate legacy of the Coup of 1963 — Into the Nightmare: My Search for the Killers of John F. Kennedy and Officer J.D. Tippit by Joseph McBride; Hightower Press [SC]; Copyright 2013 by Joseph McBride; ISBN 978–1939795250; pp. 177–178.

We now live not in a democracy but in what more accurately can be termed a limited police state, and that is the ultimate legacy of the Coup of 1963

"Just as Czarist and White Russian spies jumped to the Nazis when their own army was defeated in World War I, the German Nazi and Russian Czarist spies together jumped to the American army as the German Wehrmacht was defeated in World War II. This is how a Czarist spy ring inside a Nazi spy ring became the inner circle of an American spy ring ...as it became the national security and foreign policy instrument of Washington and Wall Street. Everything Washington and Wall Street would know about the Soviet Union and Eastern Europe came from Czarists and Nazis installed at the center of the U.S. intelligence system. How can a naive, trusting, democratic republic give its secrets to crime, and its innermost ear to the spirit of Central European fascism ...and, expect not to see its Constitution polluted ...its traditions abused ...and, its consciousness of the surrounding world manipulated ultimately out of all realistic shape?" — U.S. Intelligence historian, Carl Oglesby, excerpted from Covert Action Information Quarterly

Do you know the difference between, The Republic of the United States of America – and – The United States (Corporation)

The 1865 U.S. Civil war was a pre-emptive strike to cover-up the 1868 founding of United States (Corporation) by City of London (Corporation) central bankers & billionaire robber barons, that side-lined: The Republic of the United States of America (to date)

Free! Nuclear energy! It's quick! It's easy! It's lethal! Get some today! 

Just 41,000 people get fatal or non-fatal cancer from nuclear industry every day ...now, you can be first! It fast! It's quick! It's easy! It hurts! Impress your friends! Wow! (here, there & everywhere)

Here's how: Women & girls who live within 25 miles of a nuclear reactor get more cancer than men or boys, or those farther away, (scroll down)

Nuclear disclaimer: The video above shows people, animals, plants, whales, dolphins, dogs, cats, birds, trees, flowers, butterflies, air, water, dirt can radiate, mutate or melt away & die like the scene from Raiders of the Lost Arc with the Nazi faces melting off ... get yours in time for Halloween!

(up) OMG! (Portland is Ukraine, here) & (Smedley Butler, too) (up) Admiralty Law: Jordan Maxwell

Coup plot to takeover America, destroy the Presidency, destroy the Republic, destroy Democracy & install a Fascist dictator to destroy you (no joke) ...history repeats itself?

The soldiers change, but the war remains the same - one rotten apple (all the money-issuing & interest-rate bankers) ruins all the apples in the barrel

(stories, here FTR #448 The Coup Attempt of 1934 & here FTR #602 The Plot to Seize the White House: Interview with Jules Archer &  here The Morgan Fascist Coup Plot and How FDR Defeated It & War is a Racket)

War Is A Racket

By Major General Smedley Butler

1: War Is A Racket
2: Who Makes The Profits?
3: Who Pays The Bills?
4: How To Smash This Racket!
5: To Hell With War!

JPMorgan/Chase financial warfare

September 2008 launched an extraordinary chain of events:

  • General Motors, the world’s largest company, went bust
  • Washington Mutual became the world’s largest bank failure
  • Lehman Brothers became the world’s largest bankruptcy ever
  • Damage spread around the world.

(Editor's note: Who plotted, benefited and won this financial warfare? ...the historically Nazi and fascist banks: Deutschebank started the housing collapse, Chase (JPMorgan/Chase) bought bankrupt Washington Mutual and, for the first time, marched west, saturating the west coast in conquest, with Chase Banks.  —(see free e-book download, Occupy Deutschebank: Financial Warfare for Dummies, here)—

Nuclear Power is Not Safe and Clean

Every 10 seconds, non-stop for a couple months, explosions 8x louder than a jet engine bombard te ocean floor & shatter cetacean eardrums, which leads to excruciating deaths of whales, dolphins & other sea life - done by oil companies owned by the interlocking directorate of the Fed City of London

Want to be Bill Gates? ...just play with yourself and pretend you're God

Blocking out sunshine to climax, (here) Getting off with Jeffrey Epstein
Microsoft staff forced to view photos & videos of “indescribable sexual assaults” & “horrible brutality” including rape & murder of children, resulting in severe post-traumatic stress disorder— lawsuit filed against Bill Gates & Microsoft, (here). “It’s horrendous,” said Ben Wells, one of the attorneys who filed the suit in Washington state, where Microsoft is headquartered. “It’s bad enough just to see a child get sexually molested. Then there are murders. Unspeakable things are done to these children.”
Get off making employees watch child porn- & child snuff vids Manservant busted in Gates' house with hundreds of kiddie porn vids

          1. Block out the sun (source of life on Earth) to force ice age on humanity
          2. Force employees to watch child porn; his butler busted for having thousands of child porn movies
          3. Force employees to watch child snuff movies
          4. Have a relationship of Jeffery Epstein then deny it
          5. Finance sterilization of girls in Africa for CIA | Gates' DTP Vaccine kills 10x more African girls than the disease, itself (more, here)
          6. Believe in depopulation through vaccination
          7. Finance scenarios of CV-19 destroying American economy for United Nations & World Economic Forum
          8. Have Fauci on board of Gates Foundation (it appears Fauci sent virus & $350 million to Wuhan)
          9. Biggest land owner in USA & will force GMO crops on humanity & outlaw meat for bio-engineered meat
          10. Build nuclear reactors in China, and in Washington State (partnered with Bechtel)

          Allepo, Syria - First thing Biden your time bombs Syria for Hillary for Kissingerass Camel-a la Bechtel

          fed city of london central banks = "the west" = nwo


          central banks of russia, china, india, the "-stan" countries = "the east" = cnwo


          billionaires, central bank oligarchs + un plan to remove 90% of humanity to 'save plunder earth'

          Biden Establishment

          (above, click pic)

          Where's that Donald Trump hiding, I want him to meet my friend.  Pick up the gun. Turn around. Shoot a clone job.

          (Above) MK-Ultra mind job or natural born killer? – Totally at home holding an AK-47, holding that gun like a baby & like it's a big cucumber.

          gun control: President Biden instructs his wife & women in America to buy a shotgun for home defense ...'it's simpler & easier to use than an AR-15 semi-auto assault style weapon ...& you just shoot both barrels off ...you don't need all those bullets'

          Biden tells wife: "Buy shotguns for home defense, easier to handle than AR-15 assault style weapons & you don't need all those bullets
          (Autumn's Armory)
          (Autumn's Armory, continued)

          Nuclear Power is Not Safe and Clean

          The Pacific Ocean is Dying - and You Don't Even Know

          We Can Shut Down Nuclear Industry

          For the first time, all the evidence of nuclear destroying animals & people ...in one place!

          For the first time, all the evidence you need to shut down all the nuclear reactors in the U.S.A. and around the world is gathered in one place!

          The Pacific Ocean is Dying And You Don't Even Know Book Cover

          our two volume set

          1. The Pacific Ocean is Dying and You Don't Even Know
          2. Nuclear Power is Not Safe & Clean (e-book news database 2011-to-2018 w/9000 links to 30,000 pieces of published documentation)

          both ms word w/pop-ups & search engine (computer version) &/or e-book (cell phone without pop-ups & search engine version) for free, here.  — my other books, here)

          Note; the 9,000 links in these two books broke when EneNews failed — 6,000 links have been repaired in the database (#2, above) , so far ...none have been repaired yet in #1, above) — We hope to have all links in the books corresponding links in the website repaired by Xmas Day 2021.

          click pic for Portland radioactivity obscured by Antifa

          (above: click pic then scroll down for Portland radioactivity obscured by Antifa)

          Yes Portland, we have no bananas today, even though nuclear experts say Hanford is safe as eating bananas

          (above: click pic then scroll down for Portland radioactivity obscured by Antifa)

          CV-19 now appears to have been launched by the Fed City of London & world oligarchs to pave the way for the not so great reset; Bill Gates says about 700,000 will have bad reactions to vaccines; Gates says he believes that world population should be reduced, & Gates Foundation money is involved with U.S. intelligence in Africa, leading to the sterilization of young girls.
          CV-19 appears launched by Fed City of London central bankers & world oligarchs to pave the way for the not so great reset; Bill Gates says about 700,000 will have bad reactions to vaccines; Gates says he believes that world population should be reduced, & Gates Foundation money is involved with U.S. intelligence in Africa, leading to the sterilization of young girls. Bill Gates & Bechtel Corporation are build reactors in China & three new nuclear reactors at the Hanford nuclear site ...nearby, in the Tri-City area, kids today are born without brains & for the last several decades & the area boasts 26 miles of unlined open trenches of the most hazarous nuclear waste in the world ...just like in Missouri, where kids have extra teeth, heads, fingers. These vampire clowns & their reset defile Life, Nature & Divine Order.

          Red Blob: Seaborne nuclear fallout from Fukushima ... not simply warm water creating mysterious diseases ...destroys millions & trillions of sea life as mainstream, fake news [co-owned by Gates-(building nuclear reactors in China)/MSNBC (pdf download, here) & General Electric–nuclear industry (pdf download, here), which is owned by the Fed/City of London Wall Street/London Stock Exchange bankers (inventing nuclear for military & financial warfare & financing it) (here)], lies to you.

          08:33 PM Apr 1, 2013   -5689- Kids born in Alaska, California, Hawaii, Oregon & Washington within 16 weeks after initial Fukushima meltdowns (3/11) are 28% more likely to suffer congenital hypothyroidism than kids 1 year earlier – in rest of U.S. the risk decreases http://grist.org/news/fukushima-meltdown-appears-to-have-sickened-american-infants 

          Opps, it's a secret ...don't tell
          This suffering beached whale washed up on the sand & suffering its hoarse death rattle panting is in excruciating pain; the cause in most probability is global warming caused by swimming in nuclear waste or fallout [or nuclear pollution & fallout frying the plankton & destroying the oceanic food chain (& causing starvation) & the largest source of Earth???s oxygen], military electromagnetic weaponry destroying the ozone & oxygen & frying the plankton thereby destroying the food chain and causing starvation, depleted uranium or sonar, oil company use of repeated sonar-caused sonic booms sounding for oil every few seconds for days, weeks & months, petrochemicals, pesticides, pharmchem waste, plastics & other chemical pollution. Did you know the owners of the Fed own & direct all the companies in the Fortune 500-1000 that pollute Earth & Space? ???& cause global warming & climate change & extinction of life on Earth.
          Nuclear fallout from exploding dump outside Las Vegas may be causing stillbirths, miscarriages, birth defects & lowered I.Q. in newborns(up) Gamble on Las Vegas cancer?| https://www.nuclearweatherforecast.com/1st-responders---triage.html

          Hard Truth What you need to know to win arguments with your parents to save animals or win arguments in court: nuclear energy is not safe for living things ...not safe ...not clean. Anyone who says it is, is ignorant or evil, an enemy of Life, and living things. The best you can do is educate them to the truth. Truth is scary. Good luck. Know the truth. Tell the truth. Save animals. That’s what this website & e-books written for you (here) is for ...not to make you cry ...not to make you mad or hopeless. These you get free along with the hard truth.

          Animal Collage
          (above) click pic ...also see, animal lovers – here

          Nuclear energy hurts then starts to destroy every living thing it touches. That includes very big mammals like whales and elephants, and it includes medium sized mammals like people, bears, dolphins, sea lions, mountain lions, cows, and horses; and, it includes smaller mammals like dogs, cats, goats; and very small mammals like mice, rats, squirrels, rabbits.

          But, nuclear energy hurts then kills other animals besides mammals (including humans). It hurts fish, birds, butterflies, turtles, bees, flies, insects, starfish, and sea urchins. It hurts sea weed, plants, trees, flowers, mushrooms, grass, berries, strawberries, melons, squash, tomatoes, corn, and hay. It even hurts viruses and bacteria. It hurts water and sky and earth and fire, by changing their God-given nature.

          God might say, that all living things that reproduce themselves after their own kind, are hurt by nuclear power, (cont, here-1e).

          (click pic ) Polar bears starve, as do sea lions, seals, whales, dolphins & more sealife from airborne & seaborne Fukushima fallout (ionizing radiation) destroying plankton, krill, sardines, herring, tuna & salmon food chains – covered w/bleeding lesions & tumors.

          Central bankers set animals & people on fire with nuclear fallout to create debt & interest payments ...it's that simple; according to industry figures, the nuclear industry has given lethal & non-lethal cancer (such as breast & prostate, organ, brain & eye), miscarriages & mutations to 1.2 billion people since 1940; that's 41,000 a day every day, such as today --or, your birthday-- ...& you don't even know how many animals in the sea & on land (maybe 10x more) or 410,000 a day (ever wonder why we're in the 4th great extinction of life on Earth? ...it's nuclear pollution & ionospheric heaters frying the plankton basis of Earth's oxygen & food chains & changing the weather making millions refugees & homeless victims of the interlocking directorate of the Fed/City of London banksters who should be gone

          CodeShutdown: Is collapse of the Pacific caused by climate change or nuclear fallout? The chitin in plankton absorbs radiation like a sponge. This concentrates nuclear industry fallout up to 10,000 times. The plankton die, bringing the radiation with them to the bottom and the tiny fish that feed on the missing plankton starve. The result: scientists don’t measure much radiation in the water, and larger fish that feed on smaller fish that feed on plankton, starve. This ripples up the food chain. Orcas at the top of the food chain are starving to death and not one scientist comes forward to mention Fukushima as a cause. A salmon’s diet: juvenile salmon eat zooplankton, and larval and adult invertebrates. In the ocean, salmon eat smaller fish, such as herring, pelagic amphipods and krill. The populations of which, have crashed.

          Central bankers set animals & people on fire with nuclear fallout to create debt & interest payments ...it's that simple ...41,000 people get fatal & non-fatal cancer from nuclear industry, every single day ...it's the largest pandemic on Earth...

          ...when you add in the animals of the sea & land, it might be 10x-100x, more suffering

          Now you know ...want us to name who's doing it?

          The Pacific Ocean is Dying and You Don't Even Know ...we are in the Sixth Great Extinction of Life on Planet Earth -- courtesy of Fed interest rate banking families valuing money over people, animals, all living things, and the Life Force. They value profits over people and it's time to stop the Fed interest rate banking families (and their apologists) who own and enslave us and murder us and all living things.

          The do-nothing U.S. Congress & kill everything Fed/City of London are conducting the 6th Great Extinction of Life on our Planet (here)

          "We must work together as stewards of Mother Earth to reclaim & restore the health of our Creator's Planet."

          While airborne or seaborne, atomized plutonium & hundreds of other radionuclides surround us & other animals carried in rain & water in very fine particles & hot spots with consequences... (cont, here-1l)

          (click pic)  Facts of life & death — 3:28 PM Apr 24, 2017 -8869- Mass die-off along U.S. West Coast - TV: “It’s just not clear why all the marine life is washing up like this. Reports coming in every day” - Experts: ‘Unknown’ organisms eating away brains, hearts - New infection never seen before (VIDEOS) 

          Nuclear Energy Creates Nuclear Global Warming

          Currently, the Fed/City of London G8 central banks want you to believe that it is not the nuclear energy industry that is destroying all Life on this planet. They want you to think it is global warming... (cont, here-01c)

          Once you want to know their names & find out who they are, you can stop them.

          Extinction-level journeys

          We trace the tragic extinction-level journeys of whales and dolphins in currents constantly re-filled for six years with floating and submerged Fukushima plutonium from Japan to the west coast. There, they surround and circle fishing boats crying and lay their heads against a boat, pleading for help, breaching and listing, swimming in circles helplessly, huge tumors on their heads, hiding by the hundreds in small harbors.

          Then, the whales and dolphins wash up dead and dying on the beaches, alongside dead crabs, starfish, octopi and pelicans in a death frieze, pressed into the sand from Alaska to Mexico

          Note the Alaskan seals, eyes bleeding and faces covered in lesions and tumors where jet stream rain-through brought airborne Fukushima hot radionuclide particles down upon them, and the polar bears, marked like the salmon with lesions and tumors from seaborne hot particles.

          Notice the young sea lion pups off California, not one survived where thousands were expected, birds falling from the sky, thousands washing up dead on the shorelines, harbors covered with dead fish and in California the skin is falling off the horses just like the seals, faces of both covered in bleeding lesions and tumors. (cont below)


          (Not so great reset continued) & (nuclear destroying plankton {creates 90% of world oxygen}) &  (nuclear destroying whales & butterflies & horses) & (pets & farm animals) & (sea mammals: whales & dolphins) & (nuclear destroying women & girls, see below) & (nuclear destroying kids, herehere) & (nuclear destroying first responders) & (space age lasers & ionospheric heaters & G5 destroying first responders, here) & (starting forest fires with space age lasers) & (with weather modification & weather warfare)

          How much death & taxes do you get from nuclear?

          (see if you can figure out who's behind the current unrest)

          (click above pic for the whole gonsamagilla including commentary by Eustace)

           Guess who gets paid the interest on the national debt

          ...as a  personal dividend on private ownership of Fed founding stock? 

          (for answer: See above chart)

          (If you guessed NFL owners get paid the interest on the national debt each year ...WRONG! ...guess again, don't hesitate ... there's only one guess left)

          Do you want to let Fed interest rate bankers destroy life in the Pacific Ocean & on Earth?   ...with their

          nuclear financial warfare (debt & interest) & military nuclear war machine)?

          06:41 PM Jan 19, 2012 -2317-  20,000 excess deaths in U.S. after Fukushima, not 14,000? …age groups, cities VIDEO

          Current counts of the number of people who have gotten lethal and non-lethal cancers from nuclear are 41,000 a day (averaged daily from a total of 1.2 billion since 1941 based on nuclear industry figures) ...it is the largest pandemic on Earth

           You are not the only one to think the same things happen to all mammals (including human) & other animals

          Fed/City of London central bankers & billionaires like nerd Bill Gates & nazi George Soros & World Bank/IMF United Nations Agenda 21/30 say we need to reduce human population by 90% — why don't they get rid of themselves, first?

          Ever wonder what the hell is going on all around you?

          > 2021 – Skull & Bones Society of the Order of Death, Sovereign Military Knights of Malta & Fed/City of London non-centralized global fascist coup ...putsch speed up by 900 year old Sovereign Knights of Malta to destabilize U.S. then takeover Earth in their continual Inquisition

          > 2021 – Billionaire computer nerds back UN Agenda 21/30 coup to destabilize U.S. for City of London 

          > 2020 – Communist destabilization of U.S. by Fed/City of London, Skull & Bones, & Knights of Malta 

          > 2018 – Billionaire nerds do run-thru of CV-19 biological warfare attack to destroy U.S. economy & jobs & destabilize all countries

          > 1919 – Creating, funding, deploying & maintaining communism, nazism & socialism out of New York City

          > 1913 – Financial warfare coup takeover of public owned (no interest) central bank – creating Fed private owned (interest charging) central bank

          > 1913 – Ongoing ...the Crown enlists the robber barons primarily the Rockefellors in 1906 to form the Fed in 1913 in a financial coup d'etat by the Rothschilds, Morgans, Browns & Rockefellors who bribe our Congress (to date) and re-establish their ownership of a privately owned central bank in the U.S. which they call, the Fed & re-establish globalist private ownership & financial control of the U.S.

          Ongoing ...private owners of the Fed define interest on the national debt as their private 'dividends' ...meaning: they get the interest that you pay on the national debt each year ($600 billion dollars to $1,000 billion dollars on the Fed, alone) as a personal dividend on City of London exclusive ownership of Federal Reserve founding stock ...right into their wallets &/or corporations; figuring their ownership of 6 Rothschild-founded central banks, that's about $3,000 billion dollars a year, free ...of your hard earned tax money ... while the rest of the world goes starving, homeless & begging ...got teeth? ...a toilet? ...a shower?

          >1865 – City of London bankers displace The Republic of the United States ...with the United States Corporation, which is currently in charge, today ...not Republic of the United States, (see Admiralty Law video, above)

          >1865 – City of London bankers vow to destroy the Republic of the United States of America:

           "If this mischievous financial policy which has its origin in North American during the late war in that country, shall become indurated down to a fixture, then that Government will furnish its own money without cost. It will pay off debts and be without debt. It will have all the money necessary to carry on its commerce. It will become prosperous without precedent in the history of the world. The brains and wealth of all countries will go to North America. That country must be destroyed or it will destroy every monarchy on the globe."

          ~ Hazard Circular inserted in 1865 London Times re: Lincoln's 'Greenbacks'

          >1801 – President Thomas Jefferson warns if private banks take over, Americans will end up homeless.

          "Banking institutions are more dangerous to our liberties than standing armies. If American people ever allow private banks to control the issue of their currency, first by inflation, then by deflation, the banks and corporations that will grow up around will deprive the people of all property until their children wake-up homeless on the continent their fathers conquered. The issuing power should be taken from the banks and restored to the people, to whom it properly belongs."

          ~ President Thomas Jefferson, 1801-1809 (commentary-1n)

          >1776 – The Americans throw out the Rothschild, Morgan, & Brown central bankers who own the City of London corporation, known as 'the Crown', 'the City' & 'the Square Mile' (who occupy a square mile of investment banksters inside London that is a separate country then & now) ...for 'taxation without representation'.

          "We began planning the Revolutionary War in order to issue our own money again ...and keep King George III and Bank of England from enslaving us with debt, and making Americans their financial slaves. By the time the revolutionary war started, Apr. 19 1775, British taxation had sucked the gold and silver out of the American colonies, to Britain. So, we had to print money to finance the war."        

          ~ Benjamin Franklin, a 'founding father', 1706-1790

          The Crown owns all the British colonies of color around the world (about 120-130); while the British monarchy owns all the white colonies. The City of London corporation is the basis of our current racism problem that has persisted for hundreds of years. The Crown makes money by destroying countries of color, then by slave trading and drug running as well as taking all the gold, silver, timber (and eventually, oil) from the countries of color while leaving people of color to live in poverty ...can you spell Africa, Central & South American, Asia, Austrailia? ...and by war, which is also happening all over the world today ...and by Soros-style hiring of riff-raff to do riots, then sending in the armies to take over the countries of color, and installing puppet dictators and false democracies like Biden did in as a front man in Ukraine not long ago representing the Fed/City of London corporation as the U.S./City of London spokesperson (which is why Tavistock deployed MK Ultra and recently erased Biden's mind so that he can not testify against them).

          Now Do You Know Who Your Real Enemy Is? ...and who the real racists are?

          ...it is not the Republican leadership trying to uphold the U.S. Constitution.

          ...it is not the Democrat leadership trying to replace capitalism with socialism and communism.

          ...it is the international interlocking directorate of Fed/City of London central bankers whose ass they kiss.

          Here's an example of financial warfare for you – maybe it's financial slavery, too ...your call. Note interest rate column with interest of 580% by your friendly mortgage banker doing you the favor of enslaving you with a '6% fixed mortgage rate'; can you spell, 'march them to the gallows'? (Now do you see why we fought the Revolutionary War to throw out the Rothschild central bankers ... interest = taxation without representation.

          (above) click pic: Who do you think gets paid that 580% interest? (normally, people refinance every 5 years) ... the private owners of the NFL monopoly — or — private owners of the Fed/City of London central bank monopoly?


          (above) Bill Gates says 800,000 will die from using the vaccine ...because of the vaccine ...not because of CV-19; wants governments mandating vaccines & those administering vaccines to be indemnified & not held responsible for killing 800,000 eople with the vaccine.

          How come an expert on pandemics never mentions the biggest pandemic in the world? ...41,000 people a day get fatal & non-fatal cancer from nuclear industry

          Divest & lock up Gates, Fauci, Soros, JPMorganChase, Fed/City of London, UN ...then throw away the key!

          Sweden, South Dakota Were Right, Rest Of World Was Punk’d

          Sweden & South Dakota shrugged off dire predictions of mass die-offs from COVID-19 & did not shut down their entire economy & society, & now their response has been proven correct while the rest of the world stumbled into mass hysteria. 

          The African American community in the United States has faithfully disavowed violence masking as Black Lives Matter.

          (click pic)

          The True Essence of Civilization
          by Chief Standing Bear, (excerpted from, The Land of the Spotted Eagle, 1933)

          True, the white man brought great change. But the varied fruits of his civilization, though highly colored and inviting, are sickening and deadening. And if it be the part of civilization to maim, rob, and thwart, then what is progress? I am going to venture the man who sat on the ground in his tipi meditating on life and its meaning, accepting the kinship of all creatures, acknowledging unity with the universe of things, was infusing into his being the true essence of civilization. 

          Black Lives matter a Racist Virus? ... ... ... (btw: while you sleep, white supremicist Fed/City of London bankers for 300 years keep removing people of color from Earth & loot the planet ...can you spell d e n i a l?)

          On the Racist Nature of Escaped Influenza Pandemic Biological Warfare Agents ...huh? ...made in U.S.A. by DARPA? ...outlawed in U.S. then transfered to Wuhan lab? ...& Fauci funded it?

          Amer. Indians & Alaska Native persons 5x CV-19 than Whites; Blacks 5x,  Hispanics & Latino  4x (here)

          Nuclear & race-aimed influenza pandemic biological warfare research, development & deployment – DARPA (historically & currently) deploys camel, bat, swine, chicken & jet stream carriers in non-U.S.-petrodollar places: China, Cuba, Afghanistan, Angola, Iran, Iraq, China, Syria ...& Israel makes biowar agents to target Arabs ...our corrupt Congress is selling nuclear to & bombing every non-white mid-East country w/depleted uranium ...now can you spell r a c i s m?

          Weather Modification: Remember the drought in California & the weather front went down to Texas & Mexico & snowed there? ...here is satellite imagery showing the storm weather front being pushed away from California with high tech space age electromagnetic equipment; this kind of stealth activity has a disastrous effect on animals & people & such droughts immediately lead to out of control & raging fires

          (click pic) Weather Modification: Remember the drought in California & the weather front went down to Texas & Mexico & snowed there? Here is satellite imagery showing the storm weather front being pushed away from California with high tech space age electromagnetic equipment; this kind of stealth activity has a disastrous effect on animals & people & such droughts immediately leads to out of control & raging fires

          Keep Portland Antifa Weird

          (16-of-19)  Portland Antifa citizens repeatedly vote to keep fluoride out of drinking water and keep it pure, based on new scientific research that fluoride reduces I.Q. in children and causes dementia in seniors …with all the pro and con documentation included in their voter handbook. Some weirdo’s document that fluoride calcifies your pineal gland, or ‘third eye’, the seat of your foresight, hindsight, imagination, dreams, intuition, simply seeing beyond normal sight …after all, the pineal gland has rods and cones like your other two eyes …say it isn’t so.

          Portland Antifa doesn’t know an organic farm in southeast Portland southeast Antifa voluntarily closed down because it was permanently contaminated from Fukushima radionuclide rain-through (nuclear fallout) and resultant nuclear fallout ground shine …it could no longer grow food safe to eat, ever again. Nor, that Portland Antifa had/has the most rain-through and ground shine of Fukushima fallout in the U.S., as much as around Fukushima Dai-Ichi. The Pacific Cascades, even more... (cont, here-1j) .

          Nuclear Power is Not Safe and Clean

          The Pacific Ocean is Dying - and You Don't Even Know

          We Can Shut Down Nuclear Industry

          For the first time, all the evidence of nuclear destroying animals & people ...in one place!

          For the first time, all the evidence you need to shut down all the nuclear reactors in the U.S.A. and around the world is gathered in one place!

          The Pacific Ocean is Dying And You Don't Even Know Book Cover

          our two volume set

          1. The Pacific Ocean is Dying and You Don't Even Know
          2. Nuclear Power is Not Safe & Clean (e-book news database 2011-to-2018 w/9000 links to 30,000 pieces of published documentation)

          both ms word w/pop-ups & search engine (computer version) &/or e-book (cell phone without pop-ups & search engine version) for free, here.  — my other books, here)

          Note; the 9,000 links in these two books broke when EneNews failed — 6,000 links have been repaired in the database (#2, above) , so far ...none have been repaired yet in #1, above) — We hope to have all links in the books corresponding links in the website repaired by Xmas Day 2021.


          Thank you for your interest. Please contact your friends and share this information.



          Nuclear Power is Not Safe and Clean & fits Congress & dirty politics perfectly ...& Soros-Gates-Pelosi-UN's globalist bank-sponsored depopulation

          Service Area
          Worldwide with a focus on you & locations of every nuclear reactor & dump since all give you immune deficiency diseases, heart attacks & cancer 

          Note: Portland Metro Creative Aging & Cognitive Arts Center has not been funded at this time. If-&-when it is, enrollment membership information will be available, here.

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