insufficient fun(d)s ...on Main Street ...but on Wall Street:
grace 23
Fed, City of London, World Bank & IMF Financial Terrorism
Deep State Nuclear Mafia
End Federal Reserve Directors whose corporations, financials & military threaten conventional, nuclear- & weather warfare to mandate that countries must qualify for Foreign Aid by collectively agreeing to build 1,000-to-2,500 new reactors to qualify for Foreign Aid grow foreign & national debt so those directors can additionally profit personally yearly by increased interest payments (dividends) made by taxpayers (you & me) ...on that unconstitutional national debt that is taxation without representation, that must be deleted that power held by monarchs, dictators & central bankers
Are you tormented by what’s going on in the world today? Laughter helps: "Kill a banker, win a prize," yelps.
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– Do they make your choice? –
According to company 10K filings to the SEC, the Four Horsemen of Banking are among the top ten stock holders of virtually every Fortune 500 corporation
The Four Horsemen of Banking (Bank of America, JP Morgan Chase, Citigroup and Wells Fargo) own the Four Horsemen of Oil (Exxon-Mobil, Royal Dutch/Shell, BP & Chevron-Texaco) tandem w/Deutsche Bank, BNP, Barclays & other European old money behemoths. But their monopoly over the global economy does not end at the edge of the oil patch. According to company 10K filings to the SEC, the Four Horsemen of Banking are among the top ten stock holders of every Fortune 500 corporation.
grace 25
interest is taxation without representation ...taxation without representation is why we fought the american revolution of 1776 — or — listen to the bankers, pay them interest on your own money & live your life in financial slavery they want you like that while they traffick & devour your health, wealth & innocence
America's Presidents: A Little Bit of Truth Goes a Long Way
"Banking institutions are more dangerous to our liberties than standing armies. If American people ever allow private banks to control the issue of their currency, first by inflation, then by deflation, the banks and corporations that will grow up around will deprive the people of all property until their children wake-up homeless on the continent their fathers conquered. The issuing power should be taken from the banks and restored to the people, to whom it properly belongs."
~ President Thomas Jefferson, 1801-1809
"Bankers are a den of vipers. I intend to rout you out and by the Eternal God I will rout you out. If the people only understood the rank injustice of our central bank system, there would be a revolution before morning. If the central bank continues to control our currency, receiving our public monies, and holding thousands of our citizens in dependence, it would be more formidable and dangerous than the naval and military power of the enemy. It is not our own citizens only who are to receive the bounty of our government ... More than 8 million dollars of the stock of this bank are held by foreigners ... Is there no danger to our liberty and independence in a bank that in its nature has so little to bind it to our country? If government would confine itself to equal protection, and, as Heaven does its rains, shower its favor alike on the high and the low, the rich and the poor, it would be an unqualified blessing."
~ President Andrew Jackson, 1829-1837
"Whoever controls the money of a nation, controls that nation and is absolute master of all industry and commerce. When you realize that the entire system is very easily controlled, one way or another, by a few powerful men at the top, you will not have to be told how periods of inflation and depression originate."
~ President James Garfield, 1881
"We began planning the Revolutionary War in order to issue our own money again ...and keep King George III and Bank of England [City of London Corporation] from enslaving us with debt, and making Americans their financial slaves. By the time the revolutionary war started, Apr. 19 1775, British taxation had sucked the gold and silver out of the American colonies, to Britain. So, we had to print money to finance the war."
~ Benjamin Franklin, a 'founding father', 1706-1790
"The privilege of creating and issuing money is the supreme prerogative of Government, the Government's greatest creative opportunity. By adoption of these principles, taxpayers are saved immense sums of interest."
~ President Abraham Lincoln, 1861-1866
"If this mischievous financial policy which has its origin in North American during the late war in that country, shall become indurated down to a fixture, then that Government will furnish its own money without cost. It will pay off debts and be without debt. It will have all the money necessary to carry on its commerce. It will become prosperous without precedent in the history of the world. The brains and wealth of all countries will go to North America. That country must be destroyed or it will destroy every monarchy on the globe."
~ Hazard Circular inserted in 1865 London Times re: Lincoln's 'Greenbacks'
"Capital must protect itself in every possible manner by combination and legislation. Debts must be collected, bonds and mortgages must be foreclosed as rapidly as possible. When, through a process of law, the common people lose their homes they will become more docile and more easily governed through the influence of the strong arm of government, applied by a central power of wealth under control of leading financiers. This truth is well known among our principal men now engaged in forming an imperialism of Capital to govern the world. By dividing voters through the political party system, we get them to expend energies fighting over questions of no importance. Thus by discreet action we can secure for ourselves what has been so well planned and successfully accomplished."
CAN YOU SPELL, 'DRAIN THE SWAMP'? ...the United States Corporation only has jurisdiction in Washington, D.C. ... the Republic of the united states of America has continental jurisdiction
(up) click pic: Excerpted from America's Nazi Secret, by John Loftus
(up) click pic: Excerpted from America's Nazi Secret, by John Loftus
(up) click pic: Excerpted from America's Nazi Secret, by John Loftus
grace 32
THESE ARE THE PEOPLE & THEIR ENTITIES WHO GET THE INTEREST ON THE NATIONAL DEBT AS AN ANNUAL PERSONAL DIVIDEND ON THEIR EXCLUSIVE OWNERSHIP OF NEW YORK FEDERAL RESERVE SYSTEM STOCK ...ACCORDING TO THEIR FOUNDING PAPERS — more that one-trillion-dollars, in 2024 ... for illegally i.e. unconstitutionally lending you your own money then charging you interest for lending you your own money ... ARE WE STUPID? IT'S THEM, OR US ... WALL STREET OR MAIN STREET
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(below right-hand corner re: Euromaidan Protestz — this is a Soros-style false flag destabilization theatrical (even if bloody) staged media event just like the Soros-style events in Portland (here) & across America (here) to appear to muster public support & force regime change) & just like the theatrical staged "revolutions" in third-world countries staged by CIA (here) that are political coups to establish bananna republics that is, colonies with puppet dictators for City of London / Fed to steal natural resources, free
(click pic for youtube) EUROMAIDAN COUP: 2014 Nazi coup putches Ukraine from Putin to Biden - WTF? (up) Alleged Burisma nuclear & power mafia merry-go-round murders, coups, regime change, installed leaders, women hit by cars by mafia, puppet presidents, corrupt administrations & imbezzled U.S. taxpayer dollars.
grace 37
Try that in a small town ...outdoor city annual events in San Francisco under District Attorney Kamala Harris c/o Schroder subsidiary Bechtel
you loot we shoot and the bodies will never be found — Soros f**ks the Pacific Northwest in the Astor & JP Morgan tradition
oligarch bankers & billionaires run america & you —shooting you down like targets
the obama - sotero connection (step-father richest man in the world)
the newsom - getty connection (richest man in the U.S.)
all teachers should be fired for lying or being stupid & uneducated — 99% of public schools should be technical training in the trades from daycare on up - doctors and lawyers should be paid minimum wage — everyone should be paid the same wage
11th: In 1933, the Trading with the Enemies Act is adjusted to recognize the people of The Republic of the united states of America as enemies of The United States Corporation.
12th: In 1944, under the Bretton Woods Agreement, The United States Corporation is quit claimed to the International Monetary Fund, and The United States becomes a foreign controlled private corporation.
The United States Corporation government is a defined jurisdiction confined to the ten square miles of the District of Columbia for which it was founded and operative. But, it has usurpted and displaced for the last century the authority of the Republic of the united states of America ... replacing The Constitution of the united states of America, with, The United States Constitution, then cloning every State.
establish liability evidence for personal enmod-caused property damage & for national security by distinguishing acts of god from manmade extreme weather including enmod rain-, dust- & fire storms, floods, tornadoes, earthquakes, tsunamis, volcano & electromagnetic pulse attacks — rule out mother nature & acts of god when manmade weather once-people may be judged liable for your property damage, personal injury, pain, suffering & loss
(slide courtesy of Jim Lee,
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(click pic) Fed City of London, IMF, JPMorganChase, Soros, Skull & Bones, Sovereign Military Knights of Malta direct coups to destabilize & waste Portland Oregon, Kiev Ukraine & Taiwan destroy Life & rule Earth with vampire clown central bankers ...politician robots of bankers; castrate the police, then Armed Forces, then Constitution (freedom), call in UN peacekeepers or NATO to cop us & our streets ...make us serfs, slaves, sex objects ...children confiscated, harvested, marketed for body parts by the State ... as in China ...opps Kamala lost ...wait
The evil ones are coming for the livestock and companion pets. Zoetis is the animal health unit of Pfizer. In 2020 Zoetis totaled over $6 billion in vaccines. In early 2020 they were already working on a Covid "vaccine" for animals. In late 2020 they were pushing the USDA for approval for testing. It was granted.
On 1/26/21 Karen, a 28 year old Orangutan in the San Diego Park Zoo was nominated to get the jab. She had no side effects. Like clockwork, three dozen other zoos ordered the shot.
In 2017 Zoetis received a $14 million dollar grant from, wait for it, the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation. It was for the African Livestock Productivity and Health Advancement initiative. Since then, 1.7 billion shots have been administered. — Stan Sylvester, July 11, 2021
Psalm26:5 I hate the assembly of the evildoers and I will not sit with the wicked.
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One trillion is a thousand billions, or equivalently a million millions — A million is a thousand thousands — At the end of every month, I have nine cents to my name ...ten cents is a dime
[Editor's note re: video (below left): In a nutshell, allegedlythe Obama / Obiden / Soros & Congressional double-crossers (can't use the word traitor without getting thrown in jail) financed and trained the Ukraine Nazis & staged the 2014 EuroMaiden coup in Ukraine that destroyed democracy and installed dictatorship. Since Russia defeated the Nazis in WWII and Allen Dulles the head of U.S. WWII intelligence (OSS) not only represented the Nazi portfolio in the U.S. but was alsoon the German board of the German Bank (dare I say, Schroder) that financed Hitler to destroy Russia and Europe ...just before the end of WWII Dulles (the first director of the CIA) hired Reinhard Gehlen & the Gehlen Intelligence Org, Hitler's Intelligence director of Foreign Armies East tasked to destroy Russia and supervised Foreign Armies West tasked to destroy Europe and America run the CIA Eastern Europe Division and to continue to destroy Russia (one can only presume, for Schroder Bank). Dulles was a double agent representing the United States and Germany so with Gehlen launched the Crusade For Freedom in 1952 when I was 5 years old in Pennsylvania and together Dulles and his Nazi leadership double-crossed our ally Russia, who defeated Germany and WWI and WWII as a U.S. ally. Consequently one must assume that allegedly Fehme ... Schroder thru is subsidiary firm, Bechtel ...after putting the most corrupt discusting liars and demon San Francisco Californication politicians into office, including Pelosi, Feinstein, Newsom, Harris, Schiff aligned them with Zelensky and together stole billions of taxpayer dollars and sent them to Ukraine after McCain and Biden staged the 2014 Nazi EuroMaidan coup ... which brings us up to the video (below left) with Zelensky saying Trump is a Russian agent. Can anyone spell H I L L A R Y? Lest we forget, Ronald Reagan while he ran the actor's union was along with Nancy both FBI informers accusing actors of being communists in the late 1940s, and was then recruited by Bechtel Corporation and given a TV show, Death Valley Days sponsored by General Electric (who shares the Bechtel tent at Bohemian Grove each year to determine geopolitics and presidents) and trained at Hoover Institute on the Stanford Campus from 1950 thru being Governor thru being President and credited for destroying the Soviet Union ...and now still trying to destroy Russia then China. Poor Trump (well, not so poor, really) is caught in the middle, as usual are you and I. But if he rocks the boat his whole family and he himself risks too much.]
Ukraine (here) America's Nazi Secret(here) CIA Soros Put Azov Nazis In Taiwan (here) Covid & Ukraine / Australia Chicken (Bird) Flu (here) False Flags from Ukraine to Gaza to Allepo (here) Obama Kolomoisky Nuke Donetsk (here)
Soros Goons: Portland Kiev Taiwan (here) Ukraine / Belarus US Nazi Secrets(here) Ukraine Climate Woodpecker Attacks USA (here) Ukraine / Gaza Destroyed by IMF(here) Ukraine IMF / Russian Woodpecker (here) Ukraine / Japan Nuclear Meltdowns by IMF / CIA (here)
Ukraine Martyred By City of London / IMF(here) Ukraine Nazis Rat Out Democracy (here) Ukraine Punked by Nazi Bankers (here) Ukraine Robbed by IMF Obama Biden Bill Gates Soros (here) Ukraine Russia Israel US Borders (here) Vatican Weapon Name Game(here)
When you rescue an animal, you rescue yourself and your angel within ...that is your soul ...only then, are you human and serving God and his Kingdom against the anti-Kingdom
grace 47
(the silent meow) WWIII = (the allies, being) Trump + Musk + Rothschild + JPMorganChase + Russia ... versus ... (the axis, being) Soros + Bill Gates + Schroder (Bechtel) + DNC + NY Federal Reserve fragments + JPMorganChase + China
JPMorganChase is fighting on both sides as they did in WWI & WWII ... and the Republic of the united states of America (dba America) is an ally ...but, the United States Corporation (dba United States) is an axis force ... as is City of London Corporation dba the city, the crown, the square mile and dba washington d.c., dba federal reserve, dba cia, dba mi-6, dba mossad, dba irs, dba alphabet agencies ... (and, each u.s state has a dba & one is an ally and one is an axis) ...hereFehme?-Schroder financed hitler & axis
Trump Soros(here) Schroder vs JPMorganChase(here) America vs Corp U.S. (here) American Civilian Counter-terrorist: Index (here) Biden (here) Capital Punishment For Capitalists (here) Carlyle Fake-Voting-Machine: Patents (here) Central Bank Robs Your Health (here) Covid Nuclear Pedoschiff (here) Chomsky & Deep State Historians (here) Confessions of a Jan 6 Rioter (here) Hunter Biden Dildos vs Pelosi Buttplugs(here) Hunter Biden Nazis of Desire(here)
IMF Economic Starvation & Financial Terrorism(here) JPM vs America 1776-2076 (here) JPMorganChase this little piggy went to market(here) JPMorgan Coups & Sabotage(here) JPMChase 12 Weapons of Racism (here) Kamala Kills Kids' Dreams (here) Kill a Banker, Win a Prize! (here) Kissinger Tactical Bra & IARPA Spy Underwear (here) Newsom Too Big For His Britches, Emhoff Too (here) Pelosi Coprolite (here) Podesta Skanks (here) Portland Homeboy Declares War on Bankers (here)
Royals Monarchs WEF UN IMF Billionaires (here) Sabotage: Geoengineering Wildfires & Droughts (here) Social Engineering (here) Soros: Portland Pelosi Podesta Hillary Nazis (here) Soros Sabotage: Portland Antifa & Kiev Nazis(here) Sydney Powell Fake Voting Machine: Patents (here) Trump Chutkan False Flag Op (here) Trump Grabs Chutkin By The Pussy (here) Tulsi India City Russia Ukraine Mafia (here) Twelve Central Banker Weapons Kill Us (here) World Bank Eats Financial Crash Dummies (here) My Books & E-Books (here)
Israel Mossad founded & financially supports Hamas eliminate Palestinians from their homelands (which Israel now illegally occupies) steal Gaza offshore & land-based oil & gas supply Europe with stolen natural gas & oil (here) — (which implies Israel destroyed the Nord natural gas pipeline previously supplying natural gas from Russia to Europe)
False Flags from Ukraine to Gaza to Allepo (part 1, here) ... Ukraine / Gaza Destroyed by IMF (part 2, here)
At the same time, Israel plans to build the Ben Gurian Canal thru Gaza and other Palestinian land that it occupies, in order to economically compete with Egypt's Suez Canal.
When you rescue an animal, you rescue yourself and your angel within ...that is your soul ...only then, are you human and serving God and his Kingdom against the anti-Kingdom
Unfortunately, almost all the natural gas & oil leases Israel is selling are on Israeli illegally occupied Palestinian territory like Gaza & offshore Palestinian assets Israeli theft estimated at 500 billion dollars (here & here)
(Below, second pic from right) In 1983 three (3) environmental modification (ENROD) sites in the former Soviet Union and are now in Ukraine, successfully modified the weather over the Rocky Mountains and successfully changed the patterns of the El Nino and stalled the Trade Winds, Panama Canal blames it's lack of water and loss of its rainy season on changes of patterns in the El Nino and stalled Trade Winds, who's doing it? China? Russia? JPMorganChase? Schroder? Israel? USA? United Kingdom? Nato? IMF? NY Fed?
to enlarge screen press ctrl + to shrink ctrl - to reset ctrl 0
The Panama Canal is running out of fresh water that gravity-feeds from a lake to refill the Canal on an ongoing basis. The stated reason is that the El Nino and trade winds are being stalled therefore not producing rain during the rainy season ...and there is an ongoing drought.
grace 52
Ukraine Climate Woodpecker Attacks USA & here & here
1962: LBJ Predicts Weather Control by Cloud Layer — "He who controls the weather, will control the world!"
2014 — 'We're moving to other ways to manage the ionosphere HAARP was designed to do, to inject energy into the ionosphere to control it; that is completed.'
Ten Technologies to Own the Weather Today
Ionospheric Heaters — Space Weather Control & Geophysical Warfare
Was chernobyl & russian woodpecker taken out by imf c/o city of london central bankers' (using u.s.a. mercenary military) covert nuclear weather war? ...seems reasonable financial warfare there's no mercy or sanctuary but imf extortion.
Was fukushima taken out by imf c/o city of london central bankers' (using u.s.a. mercenary military) covert nuclear weather war ...a most powerful earthquake-making transmitter site is located within 100-or-so miles ...adds up ask world bank.
A constitutional republic, not a democracy. The ideal of a democracy is universal equality. The ideal of a constitutional republic is individual liberty. A democracy always degenerates into dictatorship, which promises government-guaranteed equality and security, but it delivers nothing but poverty and serfdom for the people it robs and rules.America was founded as a constitutional republic, to safeguard the liberties of the people against the tyranny of democracy, or of one-man dictatorship. In the 20th Century, great strides were made toward the goal of subverting our republic into a democracy. The foremost tactic of the subverters is subversion of language. By calling America a democracy, until people thoughtlessly accept and use the term, the totalitarians have obscured the real meaning of our principles of government. — FBI Agent Dan Kamoot made that video ...50 years ago ...and it's more right today, than it has ever been.
grace 55
Alabama women, 85 & 61, sentenced for feeding stray cats — Beverly & Mary sought to trap the cats to be neutered ... officers said they found Mary holding a can of cat food,(here)
I stand alone, help me fight nuclear industry and rescue cats: by buying these books I graphically & editorially design, write & market(here)(see, Amazon, Curtis Brown)
American Civilian Counter-terrorist Manual: A Fictional Autobiography of Ronald Reagan (the Destabilization of the Soviet Union & Eastern Europe) ...(index, here)
Ronald Reagan & The Evil Empire: a fictional autobiography of ronald reagan (abridged edition focusing only on the white house years)
New American Underground Poetry: The Babarians of San Francisco – Poets From Hell
Old Rails' Tales: Anecdotes, Stories, & Memoirs on the road & in the yard) on Southern Pacific, Western Pacific, Santa Fe & Amtrak (foreword by studs terkel)
A Noah's Ark of Recurring Celebration: San Francisco Annual Event History ...Winners of the Human Race
i missed me after the terror, during the years of unbearable sorrow: trafficking the Holy Spirit
Storytellin' Muni Drivers: 20 years of on-the-job true stories told by MUNI drivers of Cable Cars, Street Cars, Trolleys & Diesel Buses (foreword by studs terkel)
Who's Who in Artificial Intelligence: The AI Guide to People, Products, Companies, Resources, Schools and Jobs
Unabridged novel being a fictional autobiography of Ronald Reagan ... also documents the genesis of Russia Russia Russia hoax from 1917
Ronnie and Nancy struggle to leave the White House, alive.
Underground Poetry of San Francisco
Oral journalism, Old Rails' Tales NY Times: "Compassionate – Buoyant– Cream of the Crop – In Touch with Railroading – Extraordinary"
Oral Journalism, officially-approved ethnic public parades in San Francisco in 1,225 photo-journalism shots in the last days before San Francisco rotted
Oral journalism of adults who as kids were abused by priests & nuns, resource directory & perp index
Oral journalism on-the-job true stories told by by SF Muni Drivers of Cable Cars, Street Cars, Trolleys & Diesel Buses — an underground hit in old San Francisco
The first edition comprehensive guide to artificial intelligence talent— (out of print)
Kill A Banker, Win A Prize ...Financial Warfare for Crash Dummies-— can you imagine a super bowl where teams fight to the death? ...what about teams of central bankers? they play ball?
Subjective descriptive interpretive narrative of the information in our nuclear waste & fallout reference database
Objective descriptive narrative of 8,011 links each to three-to-five (3-5) summarized published articles &/or scientific studies together linked to 25,000-to-35,000 documents proving nuclear energy, reactors & industry is not safe & clean
Descriptive non-fiction narrative: In the NFL, 32 teams fight to win division titles then conference championships then winners battle in the Super Bowl and one team's owners triumph. With central banks, 104 teams of central bankers battle in division titles then conference championships then world wars till 103 teams surrender assets to the winning central bank's directors. For example, IMF took 32 tons of Ukraine central bank gold c/o McCain, Nuland, Obama & Biden's 2014 Maidan coup aimed at $8-trillion-dollars of mineral rights for City of London's dynastic international interlocking internecine central bank war directorate.
grace 56 Intercenine International Interlocking Bank Directorates
Intercenine International Interlocking Bank Directorates of Bechtel, JPMorganChase, Schroder & City of London corporation using nuclear-, bio-, climate-, data-, & A.I. war
Fukushima Daiichi Smoke & Mirrors & Censorship — 20,000 people in America died from alleged nuclear General Electric / Bechtel / Fukushima nuclear fallout ...& infant mortality doubled in Washington State & Vancouver B.C. it the fault of the owners of the New York Federal Reserve or City of London Bankers? ...yet again
Species Loss HAARP(here) Array of Weather Warfare Technology(here) Darpa: Forest Fire as a Military Weapon / La Haina(here) Earthquake Volcano Chemtrail War (here) Earthquakes made by Solar Flares(here) HAARP EMP DEW 5G Review (here) HAARP Attacks Philippines under Obama(here) HAARP Japan Earthquake Nuclear Meltdowns by Obama(here) HAARP measurements(here) Nuclear Triage Targets(here) Nuclear Weather War Targets(here) Space Weather(here) Weaponizing Climate Change(here)
“Geoengineering is defined as planetary-scale environmental engineering of our atmosphere: that is, manipulating our weather, our oceans, and our home planet itself”—Rosalie Bertell (1929-2012)
Orthodox jewish prayer calling on the archangels to vanquish the adversary while earnestly praying to god to substitute what is damaged with the original pure creation ...effective for all animals (including people being mammals)
(Dad was in the U.S. Air Force; Mom worked Manhattan Project)
41,000 people a day get fatal & non-fatal cancer from nuclear industry waste & fallout, (here)–&– Women & girls who live within 25 miles of a nuclear reactor get more cancer than men, boys or those living farther away, (here)–&– Documentation, medical & science, (here)
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