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Trump & Soros
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10 a.m. west coast 10-02-2024 portland homeboy strikes back — welcome |
Did Alex & Huma do it?

Huma is the Arab terrorist puppet master... Alex is the global replacement migration border jumper agent provocateur puppet master
1) Huma informs & befits Islamic terrorists; Alex informs, outfits & befits border jumper terrorists & 'color revolutions' in funding agents provocateurs like Obama staged 2014 Maidan coup in Ukraine blaming Russia; Schumer, DNC & Kamala befit Antifa riots & burnings nationally & blamed racism ...DNC, FBI & Antifa did Jan 6 and blamed Trump, (more-1).
Did George, Chuck & Nancy do it?
What is a color revolution?

KOIN 6 — Portland: More violent riots, highest murder rate & car thefts in U.S. — lowest education of all cities in U.S. — catch-&-release that & defund the poilce that, you idiots.

Blue Portland demonstrators (criminals) protest police violence Wednesday & mark 70 nights of rioting, burning buildings, smash store window, loot & rob jewelry stores.

Antifa attacks Portland ICE — Timeline of protests, riots: Portland Police Bureau releases nightly recap of fires, vandalism; another Pelosi & Harris lovefest celebration.

Jul 17, 2020 — Portland protest: Man caught on video attacking a U.S. Marshal with a hammer | ABC7; Portland: Texas sociopaths earns $26/hr 'have riot will travel' (story)
What is a Corp U.S. color revolution? ...(Combat Weaponized social media)
(left) Dec 16, 2013 Senator John McCain addresses Ukrainian protesters & Nazis & Ultra Right extremists in Kiev on Sunday, telling them build ties with European Union, sever ties with Russia ...setting up the Maidan-coup Obama Biden regime change coup d'etat using Nazi agents provocateurs & death squads. |
Did Soros & Hillary do it?
The 'color revolutions' are real blood & guts regime change; smaller false flag ones are fake media events like Kamala's first speeches to her kids & grandkids made to look like rallies; destabilizing Antifa riot terrorists for years burning down America ...hired by Soros-funded organizations, bussed from location to location like Antifa leaders were bussed to Jan 6.
Color revolution regime change (a subset of CIA & MI6 covert ops) always gets rid of a democracy politicians like JFK in America or Salvador Allende in Chile and replaces them with a CIA-asset dictators like Gavin Newsom or Kamala Harris or Barack Hussein Obama Soetoro Dunham or let's go Brandon or Zelenski.
Alex Soros and his father focus these days on capturing the minds and votes of hispanic and all border jumpers and non-border jumpers in the Americas: South, Central & North, and Africa and Asia and are active doing coups thru-out Eastern Europe and elsewhere around the world. George Soros buys politicians and promotes replacement migration, defunding the police, catch-and-release, sex reassignment and the state programming children without parental intervention.
Why & how? ...Soros dumps $100,000,000 into Texas to flip it blue ...How? ...watch these videos: Dominion + Schumer illegal voter registration
2) The history of corrupt voting machines goes back even before there were voting machines. It started with war forcing regime change; then it morphed to coups d'tats, then to provocations & false flag events by agents provocateurs. Then it became institutionalized in fake elections, puppet regimes, banana republics and finally with voting machines and next internet voting. Problem is, digital voting can be controlled by a drunk moron in a cafe. And internet voting can be robotic run by intelligence agencies or artificial intelligence.
4) United Nations invented replacement migration as Agenda 21 dba Agenda 2031 as a criminal enterprise controlled by City of London central bankers in-so-doing proving governments are in collusion with U.N. to enrich themselves and destabilize stable governments for a NWO globalist central world dictatorship without freedom, individual or national sovereignty ... to enslave humanity to monarchy (dictatorship) as it existed before the founding of America and will return if America fails. |
-) Science has linked chemtrails to increasing Alzheimer's in adults and Attention Deficit Disorder in children.

Occupy Global Revolution |
Ireland Occupy IMF |
1st Trump Assassination Attempt
Incoming shots fired from "the lone gunman" (before any return fire )...six (6) from 400' out, two (2) from 800' out, and one (1) from, 1300' out ... NOW, YOU FIGURE IT OUT !

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NaW8MzocIuE |
Now, 104,018,434 (104 million) armed Americans eye the assassination attempts on President Trump …knowing the FBI, Justice Dept and Homeland Security were proponing the fake Steele Dossier …knowing FBI is historically complicit in domestic assassination ops fomenting false-flag staged faux revolutions with COINTELPRO. CIA handles foreign murders and assassinations, except domestic ops of great import to City of London bankers, such as domestic presidential assassinations. |
Forensic ballistics report: (6) shots from 400’, (2) from 800’, (1) from 1,300’
If you try to walk on the nut tree forest floor you’ll trip over alphabet letters like quicksand. WEF CIA FBI DEI IRS USA D.C. NAZI MOSSAD OUQTINVU.
Free pass for Brown & Root, who sped Vice President Lyndon Johnson into his presidency faster than a speeding bullet. Just like Kamala. Fingerprints of Schroder Bank’s Bechtel are on the hairbrush used to groom Kamala, and spank her fanny will us?
One big alone nut case
Camel-lah’s husband his latent fingerprints may appear when digital I.D. does. United Nations barks at the door. NATO howls at the moon. Bill Gates m––sturbates over infanticide & with Google finances Bird Flu gain-of-function. Hunter Biden’s $2 toss-ups. Ghislaine’s bio-war lab. The alone nut doesn’t fall far from the tree.
Who dun it? …the assassination attempt on President Donald J. Trump
In Dante’s centuries-old novel, Inferno, he writes there is a sign on the gates of Hell that reads: Abandon hope all ye who enter here. I talk website speak …simple sentences that need no attention span for. I’ll prove who’s responsible.
City of London central bankers are likely assassins. For three centuries all they do is rob and murder people, races, governments, countries, the Animal Kingdom and Mother Nature. What's one more? |
What three letters of the alphabet link murders of John Lennon, John F. Kennedy & Robert Kennedy to shots just fired?
The message in the fortune cookie is, “It was not a lone nut. It was a walnut, almond & cashew forest”.
A lone nut would have to be JPMorganChase. Or, Schroder Bank. And/or it’s subsidiary, Bechtel. Or team George Soros, Hillary Clinton, Chuck Schumer, John Podesta. Nancy Pelosi. Alphabet soup agencies. World Economic Forum. City of London. Hi-tech billionaires. Skull & Bones. Bohemian Grove. Knights of Malta. Congress. The lone nuts cover the forest floor. All the usual suspects in one sun-sized nut case.
Typical MK-Ultra alone nut programmed assassin …Google it
Alone nut drowning in $1.5-million-dollars in offshore bank accounts, sophisticated explosive triggers, explosives, drones, encoded cell phones …literally on the Government payroll.
All singing the Ascension he would be dead & the involved clues some fool at the top of the nut pyramid forgot would be no lone nut. The pyramid crumbles. The eye on top, closes, belly up.
Another red herring that stinks itself numb.
Enter George Soros, Bill Gates, Hillary Clinton, Nancy Pelosi, Chuck Schumer, John Podesta …who knew they sang in the same choir. You did. I did. Who didn’t? …FBI knows nothing, sees nothing, tells nothing and all point at the mirror …hear no evil see no evil speak no evil.
This guy is straight outta an LSD hypnotic trance. Multiple personality #3.
(7-20-2024 to be continued)
Did Austin Private Wealth do it? — This zoo seems to be running the country along with B. Gates, Soros, Schumer, City of London central bankers, NY Fed stockholders, the Bormann financial empire & Vatican Bank stockholders
And of course, they tried to blame Iran but Dick & Liz Cheney and their Bush neo-con NWO plan for a New American Century seems obvious if they want continual warfare to genocide populations they love assassinations & regime changes, y'think? ...but this time they f*kt-up doing an Iraq to Iran. |
1st Assassination attempt proof of 2nd shooter (likely 3-to-4) ...Now, FBI can easily assassinate anyone in Congress, extort or blackmail them
Both recent assassins in 1st & 2nd attempts were in Blackrock-related videos
2nd Assassination attempt shooter recruited mercenaries in Ukraine ...he had a non-profit ...the first member was a female CIA agent likely his handler |
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J. Henry Schroder
U.S. House of Representatives chart of who owns Fed ( pdf) (msword) & Original House document, (here) — (below) Charts by Eustace Mullins, excerpted from: The Secrets of the Federal Reserve, second edition (1st 1952 — 2nd 1983, as I recall). He told me on phone original edition banned and burned in Germany when published in 1952. An intelligible expose on Federal Reserve System that makes sense ...(contains no senseless-economic-theory-garbage.)

https://www.transcend.org/tms/2023/05/federal-reserve-cartel-the-eight-families-part-1-of-6/ |
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#2 — 2nd assassination attempt — The day after, I predicted Schroder Bank who owns Bechtel who grooms California politicians, would benefit if Kamala was assassinated because Newsom (Pelosi's nephew) would be inserted in place of Kamala for a presidential run, (angering Hillary & her Kissinger / Nazi Skull & Bones / NY Fed JPMorgan shareholder handlers).
(C) The day after the first assassination attempt Trump announced he was considering JPMorganChase CEO mountaintopper Jaime Dimon for Treasury Secretary ...as if Trump was a day late and a dollar short in accepting the JPMorganChase East Coast gambit prompting retaliation by the Schroder Bank / Bechtel West Coast gambit a slap in the face & formenting perhaps a 2nd assassination attempt to remove Trump then another to remove Harris to seat Newsom (Pelosi's nephew) in a contest between Pelosi (Schroder / Bechtel) vs Schumer (NY Fed / JPMorganChase / Deutschebank shareholders) infuriating Hillary.
Soros buys largest U.S. Hispanic radio station network — Very likely to deploy communist propaganda in Texas w/$100,000,000 to do a 'color revolution' with border jumpers to oust Senator Ted Cruz, turn Texas U.S. Congress blue using Schumer-style fake registration ops ...bet on Soros destabilizing Texas with State & national riots and murders like his involvment in Ukraine and thru-out Eastern Europe and thru-out the U.S. ...& bet on rotten voting machines, too ...& bet on B. Gates pissing pandemics on us shutting down voter booths, EMP attacks shutting down banks & airlines, and limited nuclear war in the mid-east & in Eastern Europe.
1) Huma informs & befits Islamic terrorists; Alex informs, outfits & befits border jumper terrorists & 'color revolutions' in funding agents provocateurs like Obama staged 2014 Maidan coup in Ukraine blaming Russia; Schumer, DNC & Kamala befit Antifa riots & burnings nationally & blamed racism ...DNC, FBI & Antifa did Jan 6 and blamed Trump, (more-01).
Abedin was Hillary's top assistant for many years. Huma's mother is the editor of a publication for the Muslim Sisterhood; the Muslim Brotherhood is a fascist Muslim faction of Arab Wahhabi-cult ultra right Nazi terrorists that has sworn to destroy America. Muslim leaders condemn the Muslim Brotherhood's murderous interpretation of the Koran, and condemn the Brotherhood's violence and rhetoric. Huma was previously married to Anthony Weiner, justly named for his child abuse convictions and Pizzagate ...and illegally having hundreds or thousands of classified emails from Hillary on his laptop (of which he escaped justice). Huma is the Arab terrorist puppet master... Alex is the border jumper & agent provocateur puppet master.
Thank you for your interest. Please contact your friends, share this info & ask yourself if you now know who to blame.
Nuclear Weather Forecast thru-out the site: Every nuclear reactor is a nuclear dump where nuclear waste is stored, so we focus on America first then locations of every nuclear reactor & dump in the world, since all give you immune deficiency diseases, heart attacks & cancer.
Biden & Dementia Note: Portland Metro Creative Aging & Cognitive Arts Center is not funded at this time. enrollment membership info for our curriculum for students will be available, here.
