
Save Earth ...Seize Federal Reserve Founding Stock


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9 p.m. west coast 09-15-2024   portland homeboy strikes back — welcome

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ShadowGate 1.0 ... Weaponized Social Media

 Combat Weaponized social media takeover of Iraq, U.S.A., Syria (no commentary edition)

Combat Weaponized Social Media   ... Millennial Millie: Shadow Gate 2.0: Fake News Industrial Complex  — no commentary — Millennial Millie: Weaponized social media takeover of Iraq, U.S.A., Syria

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WqBU8EyPSh8&t=4s  —   https://www.millennialmillie.com/ 

Combat Weaponized Social Media ... Hacking of DNC NOT done by Russia, done by Ukraine CIA-contractors ... the beginning of PizzaGate & RussiaGate

FTR #981  hacking by ukraine [as cia operatives] 

Secondarily, see https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=s_l-zbFX4aw

Who's behind the Jan 6 insurrection at the U.S. Capitol?


 Who's behind the Jan 6 insurrection at U.S. Capitol?

...speaking of vomit a lurid sex novel starring Upchuck Erectionist Prefectionist Genocidal Murderer Schumer & smut novel writer Leticia James


...speaking of vomit a lurid sex novel starring Upchuck Erectionist Prefectionist Genocidal Murderer Schumer & smut novel writer Leticia James

Welcome to the assassination brought to you by Homeland Security Investigations Assassinations

The brought-in Nazis into the State Dept after WWII set the protocol for today's Nazis in Ukraine condoned by the State Department ...which, incidentally, is not the State Department of America, it is the State Department of the District of Columbia which is under the authority of the IMF and does not service Americans ...it serves only citizens of the United States Corporation (foreign-owned District of Columbia)

U.S. House of Representatives chart of who owns Fed (pdf (msword) & Original House document, (here

  (below) Charts by Eustace Mullins, excerpted from: The Secrets of the Federal Reserve, second edition (1st 1952 — 2nd 1983, as I recall). He told me on phone original edition banned and burned in Germany when published in 1952. An intelligible expose on Federal Reserve System that makes sense ...(contains no senseless-economic-theory-garbage.)

Did J. Henry Schroder do it?

Fed interest-rate bankers make a killing. They get the interest on the national debt.

Fed interest-rate bankers make a killing. They get the interest on the national debt

Fed interest-rate bankers make a killing. They get the interest on the national debt

Fed interest-rate bankers make a killing. They get the interest on the national debt

Fed interest-rate bankers make a killing. They get the interest on the national debt,

Fed interest-rate bankers make a killing. They get the interest on the national debt

Fed chart footnotes

Central Bankers & their corporate interlocks of corporations they own

Did Mark Milley do it?

Mar 27, 2024 — Cardone singled out Pelosi, claiming she's never made more than $179,000 per year, yet her net worth is estimated to be around $120 million.


Where did her $120,000,000  come from?


4.1 Weaponizing Climate Change

‘Climatic warfare’ has been excluded from the agenda on climate change

Michel Chossudovsky, updated Sep 14, 2023

Hostile Environmental Modification

CBC 1996 News documentary: HAARP – U.S. military weather weapon. And, the report is here.



After Financing & Arming The Nazi Coup In Ukraine Directed By Obama & Biden, Corp U.S. (under IMF Receivership) Immediately Subsumes Ukrainian Central Bank & Steals 36 Tons of Ukrainian Gold

Ukraine Murdered by IMF City Central Bankers: Complicit Congress won't tell you ~ Central Bank Robbery: At moment of U.S. sponsored Nazi coup in Ukraine, Victoria NuLand has 36 tons of Ukrainian gold shipped to U.S. Federal Reserve ...who disclaim comment.

today in history — ukrainian central bank gold robbery ...(what, regime change?)

Central Bankers Robbery: At moment Nazi coup in Ukraine, Victoria NuLand has 40 tons of Ukrainian gold shipped to U.S. Federal Reserve.

Maidan Coup: What really happened to start the Ukraine war now approaching WWIII

(click for youtube) EUROMAIDAN COUP: 2014 Nazi coup putches Ukraine from Putin to Biden - WTF? (up) Alleged Burisma nuclear & power mafia merry-go-round murders, coups, regime change, installed leaders, women hit by cars by mafia, puppet presidents, corrupt administrations & imbezzled U.S. taxpayer dollars. 

Ukraine Legend

Dec 16, 2013 John McCain addresses Ukrainian protesters in Kiev; U.S. Republican senator John McCain addresses crowds in Independence Square in Kiev on Sunday, encouraging the to protest in support of greater ties with the European Union & to sever ties with Russia.

Dec 16, 2013 U.S. Republican Senator John McCain addresses Ukrainian protesters in Kiev on Sunday, telling them support ties with European Union, sever with Russia; setting up a U.S. regime change coup d'etat with Nazis.

EUROMAIDAN COUP: 2014 Nazi CIA/Soros playbook regime change a la City of London coup putches Ukraine from Putin to Obama/Biden - with my tax dollars?! – WTF?


(above) Hillary Clinton & Henry Kissinger – NWO Great Reset globalist henchmen for Fed City of London dynastic central banking oligarchs ... Kissinger worked with Dulles.

(below) Kind of sounds like the Corp U.S. Executive, Legislative, Judiciary & Schumer's DNC today persecuting Trump and the Republic of America & funding Nazis in Ukraine to fight Russia for Wall St. & City of London profits, redux deja vu.

Kissinger recruited as a spy for Dulles, in charge of file room where records of nazis brought into U.S. were kept; hired by a company collecting nazis to use for WWIII against Russia. U.S. Nazi partmershiphttps://www.portlandhomeboy.com/3-15-IMF-Russian-Woodpecker-in-Ukraine.html 

Kind of sounds like the U.S. Corporation State & Justice Departments today persecuting Trump and the Republic of America & funding Nazis in Ukraine to fight Russia for Wall St. & City of London profits.

(up) click pic: Excerpted from America's Nazi Secret, by John Loftus (up) click pic: Excerpted from America's Nazi Secret, by John Loftus (up) click pic: Excerpted from America's Nazi Secret, by John Loftus

Nuclear (electric power) Bechtel & Bill Gates at Bohemian Grove deigned Pelosi's nephew fascist dictator Gavin Newsom will be the next president in 2024. They put in Pelosi, Feinstein, Cameltoe Harris, not to mention Reagan, Schultz & Weinberger not to mention along with Skull & Bones contingent George Herbie Walker Bush and the Republican National Heritage Committee WWII death squad leaders and orchestrated the destruction of Central & South America, Eastern Europe, the Far East (in league with City of London Corporation)

(below, scroll down) Following City of London international interlocking director charts are research of Eustace Mullins, excerpted from his book: The Secrets of the Federal Reserve, second edition (not 1952 edition but 1983, (as I recall). [He told me on the phone the original edition was both banned and burned in Germany when it was published in 1952. It remains the only book on the Federal Reserve that is intelligible and makes sense ...it contains no economic theory.]

U.S. House of Representatives chart of who owns Fed ( pdf (msword) & Original House document, (here) | (Who owns the nuclear industry? (here) & Who owns whom? |  Who owns the media? ...and, the presidency? (pdf | msword) | Who owns the military-industrial complex? (here) | Who owns you?  (here)

Did City bankers do it? ...yes ...I've been telling you 

Central Bankers & their corporate interlocks of corporations they own

Central Bankers & their corporate interlocks of corporations they own

U.S. House of Representatives chart of who owns Fed ( pdf (msword) & Original House document, (here

  (below) Charts by Eustace Mullins, excerpted from: The Secrets of the Federal Reserve, second edition (1st 1952 — 2nd 1983, as I recall). He told me on phone original edition banned and burned in Germany when published in 1952. An intelligible expose on Federal Reserve System that makes sense ...(contains no senseless-economic-theory-garbage.)

Did J. Henry Schroder do it?

Fed interest-rate bankers make a killing. They get the interest on the national debt.

Fed interest-rate bankers make a killing. They get the interest on the national debt

Fed interest-rate bankers make a killing. They get the interest on the national debt

Fed interest-rate bankers make a killing. They get the interest on the national debt

Fed interest-rate bankers make a killing. They get the interest on the national debt,

Fed interest-rate bankers make a killing. They get the interest on the national debt

Fed chart footnotes

Central Bankers & their corporate interlocks of corporations they own

Central Bankers & their corporate interlocks of corporations they own

Central Bankers & their corporate interlocks of corporations they own

Central Bankers & their corporate interlocks of corporations they ownCentral Bankers & their corporate interlocks of corporations they own

This is who dun it

The Four Horsemen of Banking


Did Burisma do it? ...allegedly helped as Kolomoisky got pregnant by IMF then Noriaga'd by CIA (i.e.  double-crossed & jailed)

Burisma merry-go-round

(click pic for youtube) EUROMAIDAN COUP: 2014 Nazi coup putches Ukraine from Putin to Biden - WTF? (up) Alleged Burisma nuclear & power mafia merry-go-round murders, coups, regime change, installed leaders, women hit by cars by mafia, puppet presidents, corrupt administrations & imbezzled U.S. taxpayer dollars. 


How is it these dynastic banking interlocking directors of the Fed & City of London founded and financed the communists ... and according to Sutton and Loftus, two brilliant researchers financed the Nazis, as well ...oh, who cares ...except that the same forces are funding nazis and ultra-right throughout eastern Europe who are now also active in Asia and South America and guess where else ...could it be the USA?


American Hero who turned in JPMorgan for plotting to remove Roosevelt & install a fascist dictatorship .. google it

American Hero Smedley Butler who turned in JPMorgan for plotting to remove Roosevelt & install a fascist dictatorship .. google Smedley Butler

Did Obama, IMF & Richard Moore do it?

Mass graves in Lugansk, Ukraine bemoan Obama Biden Harris

Mass graves in Lugansk, Ukraine bemoan Obama Biden Harris

Mass graves in Lugansk, Ukraine bemoan Obama Biden Harris

Mass graves in Lugansk, Ukraine bemoan Obama Biden Harris

Mass graves in Lugansk, Ukraine bemoan Obama Biden Harris

Mass graves in Lugansk, Ukraine bemoan Obama Biden Harris

Ukraine soldiers at work destroying Ukraine

Mass graves in Lugansk, Ukraine bemoan Obama Biden Harris

Mass graves in Lugansk, Ukraine bemoan Obama Biden Harris

Mass graves in Lugansk, Ukraine bemoan Obama Biden Harris

Mass graves in Lugansk, Ukraine bemoan Obama Biden Harris

Mass graves in Lugansk, Ukraine bemoan Obama Biden Harris

Mass graves in Lugansk, Ukraine bemoan Obama Biden Harris

Mass graves in Lugansk, Ukraine bemoan Obama Biden Harris

Mass graves in Lugansk, Ukraine bemoan Obama Biden Harris

Mass graves in Lugansk, Ukraine bemoan Obama Biden Harris

Mass graves in Lugansk, Ukraine bemoan Obama Biden Harris

Mass graves in Lugansk, Ukraine bemoan Obama Biden Harris

Mass graves in Lugansk, Ukraine bemoan Obama Biden Harris

Mass graves in Lugansk, Ukraine bemoan Obama Biden Harris

Mass graves in Lugansk, Ukraine bemoan Obama Biden Harris

Mass graves in Lugansk, Ukraine bemoan Obama Biden Harris

Did Moore & MI6 do it? ...(not to mention the  bloody comedian)

Zelensky appears to be an MI6 double agent

Zelensky likely British Intelligence double or triple agent

Zelensky a British double- or triple-agent

Zelensky a British double- or triple agent

Zelensky a British double- or triple agent

Zelensky a British double- or triple-agent

Zelensky a British agent

Zelensky  a British agent



Zelensky a British intelligence agent with MI6 and CIA

3.6 Obama Kolomoisky Nuke Donetsk

Lauren Moret- nuclear bomb detonation in Ukraine

Lauren Moret- nuclear bomb detonation in Ukraine

Lauren Moret- nuclear bomb detonation in Ukraine

Lauren Moret - nuclear bomb detonation in Ukraine

Lauren Moret ...nuclear bomb detonation in Ukraine

Lauren Moret - nuclear bomb detonation in Ukraine

>Regime change Kazakhstan ...all the usual suspects

Regime change Kazakhstan

Feminist issues: Preview of our sister site, Nuclear Weather Forecast — Woman & girls that live within 20 miles of a nuclear reactor get more cancer than men or boys or those living farther away — 5-yr-olds living within 5 miles of a reactor get more cancer than those living farther away — 41,000 people get fatal & non-fatal cancer from nuclear industry every day.

Eva Cassidy sings Autumn Leaves

Eva Cassidy sings, Autumn Leaves

AMA is a short film by Julie Gautier she dedicates to the women of the world.

AMA - a short film by Julie Gautier

We won't go back -by Tanya https://soundcloud.com/xmelt/xmelt-we-wont-go-back 

We won't go back! -by Tanya

Nuclear is a feminist issue: 41,000 people get cancer from nuclear industry every day; 5-yr-old kids that live within five miles of a nuclear reactor get more cancer than 5-yr-olds living farther way; women & girls that live within 20 miles of a nuclear reactor get more cancer than men or boys or those that live farther away

41,000 people a day get cancer from nuclear industry

Peace & occupy activists are heartfelt people not defined by sexual identification, unlike Biden's Administration that forces sex identity & gender choice on kids & runs America by drugged S&M bedroom antics  ...& are all nuclear apologists & deny nuclear industry does everything you see in this video & 41,000 people every day get fatal & non-fatal cancer from nuclear industry ... not counting mammals & all life forms down to viruses & bacteria mutating to form new & mysterious diseases never seen before. Nuclear is not safe and clean & by it's manmade & womanmade & LGBTQ+made nature & indisposable lethal waste costs trillions of dollars to unsafely store & unsafely maintain …promoted by apologists, idiots, fools & genocidal murderers intent on destroying mammals (including people), Gaia & Divine Order.



editor's note

The Big Picture


editor's note

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 the views on this site are my views ... they do not have to be yours ... 

Thank you for your interest. Please contact your friends,  share this info & ask yourself if you now know who to blame.

Nuclear Weather Forecast thru-out the site: Every nuclear reactor is a nuclear dump where nuclear waste is stored, so we focus on America first then locations of every nuclear reactor & dump in the world, since all give you immune deficiency diseases, heart attacks & cancer.

Biden & Dementia Note: Portland Metro Creative Aging & Cognitive Arts Center is not funded at this time. enrollment membership info for our curriculum for students will be available, here.

Have a happy heart and avoid cesium fallout to make sure!