
Save Earth ...Seize Federal Reserve Founding Stock


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2 p.m. west coast 09-25-2024   portland homeboy strikes back — welcome

Did Zelenski?

Nothing like war to make a war profiteer getting insider trading tips to fall in love with another cess-pool. Your heart calls them murderers in love.

Nothing like war to make a war profiteer getting insider trading tips to fall in love with another cess pool. Your heart calls them murderers in love.

Did Wall Street do it?

(below) Kind of sounds like the Corp U.S. Executive, Legislative, Judiciary & Schumer's DNC today persecuting Trump and the Republic of America & funding Nazis in Ukraine to fight Russia for Wall St. & City of London profits, redux deja vu ...did they do it?

Kissinger recruited as a spy for Dulles, in charge of file room where records of nazis brought into U.S. were kept; hired by a company collecting nazis to use for WWIII against Russia. U.S. Nazi partmershiphttps://www.portlandhomeboy.com/3-15-IMF-Russian-Woodpecker-in-Ukraine.html 

Kind of sounds like the U.S. Corporation State & Justice Departments today persecuting Trump and the Republic of America & funding Nazis in Ukraine to fight Russia for Wall St. & City of London profits.

(up) click pic: Excerpted from America's Nazi Secret, by John Loftus (up) click pic: Excerpted from America's Nazi Secret, by John Loftus (up) click pic: Excerpted from America's Nazi Secret, by John Loftus

Did Pfizer do it?

Did Bill Gates do it? ...(he's into depopulation & genocide; for example, these five videos) ...when he's not forcing employees to watch child rape & murder vids ...better give Corp U.S. another (~3x)

folks of all ages now drop dead: no idea why ...but we know it's not the jab

SADS — Sudden Adult Death Syndrome


Excess deaths, the data.




1,000 Athletes & Sports-related incidences March 2021 - 16 June 2022 @ 5 secs


Robert Malone, inventor of mRNA tech tells parents 3 things about vaxxing their kids


Did indigenous peoples do it? ...seriously?

indigenous people understand our job is to protect & nurture mother earth

In other countries like Bolivia & India rivers can sue corporations that harm them


also: Rivers sue corps, (here) https://www.portlandhomeboy.com/1-18-1-Earth-Personhood.html 

In the Light of Reverence follows struggles of several Indian tribes trying to protect their spiritual sites. which exist as landmarks in our country's landscape. Filmmakers Christopher McLeod & Malinda Maynor discuss religious freedom & how it pertains to Native American spiritual practices under the law.


Indian spiritual practices denied

Sacred Land Film Project — Satish Kumar brings Hindu, Buddhist and Jain perspectives to the understanding of a sacred place.


Satish Kumar — a sacred place

Yellow Monster – The devastating effect of uranium mining on Navajo land.


Yellow Monster – Navajo uranium mining

 documentary that tells the story of a corrupt government, unconscionable greed and a policy of destruction aimed at the Aboriginal Homelands of Indigenous People from the 1940's until today. It is a documentary set against the Indigenous landscape of the Desert Southwest and focuses on lives being destroyed by the horror of uranium mining and effects of radiation...as a government's cruel secret is carried on the face of the wind. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WkFtCmG9pcQ 

Uranium mining windborne

Did nuclear industry do it?


Source:  Voice of America overseas U.S. intelligence broadcasting service

add add

1st Responders: Exploding nuclear waste barrels plague Las Vegas

Help animals & Mother Nature survive vs Bill Gates, WEF, IMF & City of London's nuclear fallout & waste

Did the Pacific Ocean do it? ...it certainly has reason to

Self-preservation & Pacific Ocean Conservation is half the battle. The only companion e-books (& website) to document that prior & ongoing radioactive nuclear industry waste & fallout …& prior atmospheric testing & waste & fallout are killing the Pacific Ocean ...& is a feminist issue because women & girls who live within 25 miles of a nuclear reactor get more cancer than men or boys or those living farther away

Self-preservation & Pacific Ocean Conservation is half the battle. The only companion e-books (& website) to document that prior & ongoing radioactive nuclear industry waste & fallout …& prior atmospheric testing & waste & fallout are killing the Pacific Ocean ...& is a feminist issue because women & girls who live within 25 miles of a nuclear reactor get more cancer than men or boys or those living farther away ...& 41,000 men, women & children a day get fatal & non-fatal cancer from accumulated & new nuclear industry radioactive waste & fallout

Did the Pentagon (Military Industrial Complex) do it?

Masters of War

Bob Dylan - Masters of War - I just want you to know I can see through your masks

song here        printed lyrics here

Did weather warfare do it?

Did Nadler? ...the skank? ...Podesta?

Did bauble-head do it?

Just seeing Raskin is sickening ...you feel that too?

Whenever I see this guy, Rasputin, Rascal, Raskin whatever I want to barf ...there's something sickening about the space that used to house his angelic soul; it is the psychic stench of a rotted soul become demonic beyond salvation & recognition ...worse even than Adam Schiff.

Speak of the Devil...

Did Ghislaine? (here)

Pizza Mystery guest informant

World Economic Forum Klaus Barbie Schwab

Podesta molesta? Spain parade & animal trafficking
Ben Swann's "Reality Check" on Pizzagate – https://rumble.com/v4ctxun-this-reporter-was-fired-after-airing-this-segment-exposing-pizzagate-.html  

Can't talk about D.C. without getting to the bottom of Pizzagate, first – https://rumble.com/v20y29u-the-big-picture-of-child-trafficking-pizzagate-and-beyond-documentary.html  



Cheaper for Vatican, UN & City central bankers to legalize sex crimes with children & animals than prosecute each other for sex crimes

Oy Vey!   

World Economic Forum declares pedophiles ‘will save humanity’ — wants decriminalization of sex with children, says laws against "age gap love", i.e. pedophilia, "violate human rights".

Did the FBI do it?

Ted Gunderson, FBI ret.


L.A. FBI head: Several hundred-year-old Rothschild central banker / illuminati gameplan tactic to rule the world thru globalism & current Illuminati child sex trafficking, sacrifice, blackmail & extortion by 'the Elite'

Did Putin do it?

Russia sailed its ships to New York to help fight the American Revolution of 1776; sailed its fleet to San Francisco to help Lincoln in the Civil War in 1865; won World War 1 and World War 2 with very high casualties; was double-crossed by triple-agent Allen Dulles who was a director of Schroder Bank ...as Dulles before the end of WW2 hired Hitler's Gehlen Organization Eastern Front intelligence outfit that became a part of the newly formed CIA with the mission of destroying Russia ... betraying our Ally. Schroder Bank had Bechtel groom Ronald Reagan to be Governor then President. I've written two novels in long and abridged editions, on these topics.https://rumble.com/v54d5wu-putin-issues-urgent-warning-us-preparing-bird-flu-false-flag-to-sabotage-el.html  

Putin issues urgent warning: U.S. preparing bird flu false flag to sabotage election?

Did you?

portlandhomeboy.com op-ed

Did species loss do it? ...using Israeli preventive assassination

Little animals suffer too ...click pic

We need a vice president & president who will eliminate nuclear power, weather warfare, chemtrails, biological- & nuclear warfare, EMP, the Fed & City of London and eliminate war ...& can document why, to all Americans ...because that is destroying all life on Planet Earth ...then return ownership of American money interest-free to Americans. The current system charges you interest on your money ...which is why the American Revolution was fought to rid us of interest (unjust taxation without representation).

What about that darn Chinese spy ballon in SC?

Chinese spy weather warfare balloon tracked over secret military nuclear, missile defense & weather warfare sites from Alaska thru South Carolina correlated to thousands of cloud seeding facilities China islocating in Tibet plus building the world's largest ionospheric heater use to set off volcanos, earthquakes, tidal waves & the wild & crazy manmade weather the world is currently being subjected to by a multitude of world powers governed by western central bankers and non-western central bankers.


Chinese spy weather warfare trial balloon tracked over secret military nuclear, missile defense & weather warfare sites from Alaska thru South Carolina

2018 - Facts Matter; Chinese test balloon launch of hypersonic missiles


Pentagon shoots down 'high altitude object' over Alaska

portlandhomeboy.com op-ed

Demons, anyone? ...surfacing in the halls of Congress in District of Columbia shape-shifting into blood-thirsty Congresspersons with stock in war companies getting their blood-money

Demons, anyone? ...surfacing in the halls of Congress in District of Columbia shape-shifting into blood-thirsty Congresspersons & those in the Executive, Legislative & Judicial bodies with stock portfolios in war companies getting their blood-money destroying souls


High Food Prices & Food Terrorism Dictators = Schumer, Soros, Bill Gates, Monsantos, IMF, JPMorganChase, Schroder Bank (Bechtel) & City of London central bank directorate


See following pic to I.D. NY Fed shareholders

Did Ruskombank & JPMorganChase do it?

How is it these dynastic banking interlocking directors of the Fed & City of London founded and financed the communists ... and according to Sutton and Loftus, two brilliant researchers financed the Nazis, as well ...oh, who cares ...except that the same forces are funding nazis and ultra-right throughout eastern Europe who are now also active in Asia and South America and guess where else ...could it be the USA?


Owners of the NY Fed get the interest on the national debt as a dividend on their exclusive ownership of Federal Reserve Stock as defined in their founding papers


Masters of War

Podesta SkanksSchumer, Podesta, Soros, Clinton, Pelosi & their families must be divested as figureheads destroying America for City of London central banker NY Federal Reserve stockholders like JPMorganChase & Schroder.

Podesta spirit-eating pig-out sampling mixture of blood, semen & other body fluids with effigy of Hillary Clinton

New Cold War III

IMF Nazi-led Ukraine War

Note that figures are for last quarter only (note: Facebook is now called Meta) ...THESE PROFITS ARE HOW MUCH THEY ARE OVERCHARGING YOU ...think these people give a flying f*ck about a dead president? ...think again.

Remember, these people are capitalists. They have all the capital. You are not a capitalist. You have no capital. No savings. You are a paycheck-to-paycheck wage slave.

Note in the last line these figures are for last quarter only ...THESE PROFITS ARE HOW MUCH THEY ARE OVERCHARGING YOU ...think these people give a flying f--- about a dead president? ...think again.


Central Banker League

Occupy Everything

Financial Warfare for Crash Dummies


Did Soros do it? ...strike two

Did Doug Emhoff & Lord Mallock-Brown do it?

Kamala Harris's Husband, Doug Emhoff, May Have Connections To Smartmatic & Dominion Voting Systems: New Company Formed With Lord Mallock-Brown Who Previously Served as Deputy Secretary-General of UN and Vice-President of World Bank and United Kingdom Foreign Office Minister Expanding From Voting Machines to Biometrics, Online I.D. verification, Internet Voting With Citizen Participation, E-Governance And Pollution Control

Doug Emhoff is Kamala's husband

The fix is in

Did Doug Emhoff & Lord Mallach-Brown do it? ...strike two ...not to mention Soros — strike 3

...Jun 11 2024 Puerto Rico 6,000 Dominion voting machines tank in rigged election attempt

JUN 11 2024 – Six thousand (6,000) Dominion voting machines 'miscalculating' votes in Puerto Rico elections

Soros ballot harvesting: Soros Caught Boasting All Future Elections Are '100% Rigged'


JUN 11 2024 – Six thousand (6,000) Dominion voting machines 'miscalculating' votes in Puerto Rico elections

Easy as ...A ...B ...C ... Patent for fake voting machines

[A] owned by U.S. Army (here) [originally assigned to a company who's  

[B] vice chair consulted to the Carlyle Group]  

[C]  Does Kamala's husband's (former?) law firm interact with a voting machine syndicate, & see here ]

Kamala Harris's Husband, Doug Emhoff, May Have Connections To Smartmatic & Dominion Voting Systems: New Company Formed With Lord Mallock-Brown Who Previously Served as Deputy Secretary-General of UN and Vice-President of World Bank and United Kingdom Foreign Office Minister Expanding From Voting Machines to Biometrics, Online I.D. verification, Internet Voting With Citizen Participation, E-Governance And Pollution Control


Georgia Ballots Were Illegal: Proof Of Cover-up

Georgia ballots were illegal!


Barry's Stepfather, LoLo Soetoro, 14th richest man in the world, vice president of major oil company, in charge of Indonesia death squads ...Barry's mom & grandma CIA couriers & informants

Obama mama & step da da


Obama (Barry Soetoro) Caught Boasting 'Democrats Control The Voting Machines'

Obama says Democrats control voting machines


Trump grabs Tanya by the pussy !


Jack Smith castrated now Tanya Chutkan for the deep state to rule case.

...don't take your sights off Tanya 666, the devil's advocate

Trump & Chutkin shoot-out


What's good for the goose: Crossfire Hurricane coup d'état https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_765A0YRb6Y&t=1s 

...Should the intelligence agents who testified Hillary's fake Steel dossier about pissing golden showers & whores was true ...be tried for treason ...Hillary & Bill, Comey & Pelosi, Podesta & Schumer et al? ...being a coup d'tat

 001 Trump assassination attempt


In the land of the blind, the one-eyed man is king

In my view and 100 million armed patriots, these demonic entities are complicit ...but hold on, we're just getting started lining up the devil's legion.

Soros the God of suffering ... Even through he is Jewish, in his teen years Soros was a Nazi informer, (here); has he more respect for life or his power over it?

Jewish, in his teen years Soros was a Nazi informer, (here); more respect for life or sociopathy? 

Hillary, Rice,

Podesta Skanks

Podesta Skanks

Uranium One starring Hillary Podesta Putin

Doctor reviews film footage shows no bloodsprays

BODY WAS MOVED? WAS HE SHOT ELSEWHERE & THEN MOVED ONTO THE ROOF?  https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2024/07/interview-wheres-blood-photos-er-trauma-surgeon-says/

Male view of a Constitutional Republic & of Democracy

The Benny Show


Female view of a Constitutional Republic & of Democracy 

Ayn Rand


DIY Social Engineering



Tavistock Institute

Davos Propaganda Czar

Soros buys Hispanic radio station network

Buys largest U.S. Hispanic radio station network 

Bill Gates & George Soros might as well be fucking each other, they're fucking everyone else

Evil Soros globalist dynasty

Trudeau is  Bluto & your are Popeye

World Economic Forum Klaus Barbie Schwab

Ted Gunderson, FBI ret.


L.A. FBI head: Several hundred-year-old Rothschild central banker / illuminati tactic to rule the world thru globalism & current Illuminati child sex trafficking & sacrifice by 'the Elite'

U.S. House of Representatives chart of who owns Fed ( pdf (msword) & Original House document, (here

  (below) Charts by Eustace Mullins, excerpted from: The Secrets of the Federal Reserve, second edition (1st 1952 — 2nd 1983, as I recall). He told me on phone original edition banned and burned in Germany when published in 1952. An intelligible expose on Federal Reserve System that makes sense ...(contains no senseless-economic-theory-garbage.)

Did J. Henry Schroder do it?

Fed interest-rate bankers make a killing. They get the interest on the national debt.

Fed interest-rate bankers make a killing. They get the interest on the national debt

Fed interest-rate bankers make a killing. They get the interest on the national debt

Fed interest-rate bankers make a killing. They get the interest on the national debt

Fed interest-rate bankers make a killing. They get the interest on the national debt,

Fed interest-rate bankers make a killing. They get the interest on the national debt

Fed chart footnotes

Central Bankers & their corporate interlocks of corporations they own


Portland Homeboy augurs the coming presidential inauguration gala a la Schroder Bank vs JPMorganChase vs WWIII

#1 — 1st assassination attempt — The day Trump was shot & survived I predicted it would be followed by an EMP attack or a world war; the next day the banks across the U.S. suffered what they called an "Internet outage" and banks shut down. https://www.pennlive.com/nation-world/2024/07/massive-internet-outage-shuts-down-banks-flights-more-what-you-need-to-know.html 

#2 — 2nd assassination attempt — The day after, I predicted Schroder Bank who owns Bechtel who grooms California politicians, would benefit if Kamala was assassinated because Newsom (Pelosi's nephew) would be inserted in place of Kamala for a presidential run, (angering Hillary & her Kissinger / Nazi Skull & Bones NY Fed JPMorgan shareholder handlers). Several days prior, Newsom (Schroder / Bechtel) signed legislation into law that forbids California schools from telling parents when teachers groom their kids who then consider sexual reassignment. https://www.youtube.com/shorts/-BK0Qurt1SY

#3 — My premise proved JPMorgan (now JPMorganChase) due to several previous attempts to take over the White House https://www.portlandhomeboy.com/3-26-Morgan-Stanley-calls-USA-riots-3-yrs-prior.html  was responsible for Jan 6 given that:

(A) Smedley Butler turned them in and they were outted (busted) in the national press for wanting Butler to lead a military coup to remove a sitting president from office; and as soon as I published that premise the Youtube videos I used as evidence about Smedley Butler were scrubbed from the Internet

(B) MorganStanley predicted the riots and ensuing market volatility across America three years prior to them happening (implying foreknowledge and strategic planning) ...with a Federal Reserve announcement that JPMorgan is a financial threat to the stability of the United States. Several days ago the international president of MorganStanley drowned https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=H8x0RoH3hAY  in a freak storm https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yikrNtGjaGA&t=3s  when the yacht he was on sunk in a sudden squall.

(C) The day after the first assassination attempt Trump announced he was considering JPMorganChase CEO mountaintopper Jaime Dimon for Treasury Secretary ...as if Trump was a day late and a dollar short in accepting the JPMorganChase East Coast gambit prompting retaliation by the Schroder Bank / Bechtel West Coast gambit a slap in the face & formenting perhaps a 2nd assassination attempt to remove Trump then another to remove Harris to seat Newsom (Pelosi's nephew) in a contest between Pelosi (Schroder / Bechtel) vs Schumer (NY Fed / JPMorganChase / Deutschebank shareholders) infuriating Hillary.

The Palestinians are Semites, just like the Jews. But Schumer & Soros are anti-Semitic Jews. Schumer & Soros are Jews that are Nazi collaborators ...they support Nazi Azov Battalion & the Nazi regime that Obama, McCain, and Biden (following orders from City of London via IMF) empowered to do the 2014 Nazi coup in Ukraine that put the Nazis in power in Ukraine. Congress knows this and is complicit. Trump knows this, J.D. Vance knows this, Kennedy knows this ...but only Kennedy speaks of it. Obama & Biden supplied their Nazi regime that was empowered under Reagan & Bush to destabilize the Soviet Union & Eastern Europe with weapons & Azov genocided 14,000 Russians that lived in Ukraine to provoke Russia into war, Dick & LIz Cheney style, promoting their NWO New American Century of constant war across the planet. 

One-liner Joke Of The Day — Kill A Banker, Win A Prize

Corp. U.S. (central bankers) are spending hundreds of billions, probably thousands or millions of billions of dollars to destroy men, women, children, animals & nature in Ukraine, Russia, Gaza, Yemen, Africa and all people inhabiting Earth ... to eliminate humanity down to a handful of slaves ...if tomorrow, if the world would unite as one humanity and overnight kill all the central bankers & billionaires & trilliionaires who proft from this 1,000 year Reich strategy ...the world could live as one in peace. That's what the central bankers are afraid of and why they want to eliminate 99% of humanity. We need to eliminate the central bankers overnight. An entire world humanity assassinating evil as fortuituous blessing and spontaneous healing.

Media Silence Deadly Deafening

North St. Louis County, Missouri Bridgeton fire at West Lake nuclear landfill

11:19 PM Oct 28, 2015 -8734- Child cancer clusters, double sets of teeth, missing eyeballs, brain tumors – Missouri Senator Maria Chappelle-Nadal, Sep 17, 2015 (at 27:00 in): There are references that are in the reports that the Attorney General did with independent scientists where they say that what we have under the ground could end up as Chernobyl. What I am concerned about are the 40,000 tons of uranium that have been spread all over the place… We’re talking about the most potent uranium in the world [from Belgium Congo] … We’re looking at the cancer clusters… We’re looking at the number of children who have double sets of teeth, children who have missing eyeballs, the number of children who have brain tumors. This is not consistent with a normal community whatsoever, - VIDEO -at 27:00 in

-8734.1- also see: Missouri, St. Louis, Bridgeton and West Lake landfills: Fire erupts by nuclear waste landfill near city; -8734.2- also see: Missouri, St. Louis, Bridgeton and West Lake landfills: Fire rages towards 48,000 tons of Belgium Congo uranium 235, 238, most potent in the world

http://www.stlmag.com/news/think-again/The-Poisoned-Children-of-Coldwater-Creek/ – excerpt: Wright says there are a stunning number of reports of infertility, in addition to the birth-defect cases. There have been three separate cases of conjoined twins (a statistical anomaly) ... three babies born with only one ear ... another without either eyeball – 

Excerpt: Jenell Rodden Wright gets a chill when she recalls the 20-year reunion she attended for the McCluer North High School class of 1988, less than five years ago. It’s amazing to think about it now, she says. Everything was normal. Everyone seemed healthy and happy. We were all fine. That’s not ordinarily what stands out to people about their high-school reunions. But it turns out that there was nothing ordinary about the McCluer North class of ’88. In just a few short years after that normal reunion, not so much would be fine. Not after Kathy Bindbeutel Broyles developed a brain tumor and died a few months later, at age 40, leaving behind four children. Not after Kathy Jones, mother of five adopted special-needs kids, died of uterine cancer at age 40. Not after friends Kerry and Steve contracted appendix cancer, and Scott got a brain tumor, and Diane was diagnosed with nonsmoking lung cancer ... all in the course of a couple years.

It all started with the famous Manhattan Project, as St. Louis’ Mallinckrodt Chemical Works [allegedly a Nazi Germany nuclear outfit] secretly signed on to enrich uranium for the world’s first controlled nuclear chain reaction in 1942.

For 15 years, the company would continue its uranium-refining activities at its downtown site, and when it ran out of room to store its tons and tons of hazardous waste-known in the day as poisons-it was off to a couple of sites near the airport.

You see, there’s a real-life crisis going on right now: After a long latency period following their exposure to ionizing radiation, a stunning number of people have reached the presentation stage of their diseases.

That means we’re seeing symptoms in the generation of children who enjoyed the outdoors by playing in or near the water and otherwise exploring the lethal banks of Coldwater Creek. They skipped rocks, played with crawdads, and mixed yellow dirt with water to pan for gold.

When the creek would flood-which happened quite a bit-the water would seep into their families’ gardens and basements. And there was always the prospect of wind blowing thorium dust off the piles of radioactive waste and into the air breathed by the kids and their families.

And now, for a new generation, the symptoms are arriving. Most of the cancers appear to have popped out in just the last few years, says Wright. We are not even in full bloom. A Facebook group called Coldwater Creek-Just the facts Please was created by a McCluer North grad in 2011, about the time many young North County residents were becoming gravely ill or dying. It has grown to more than 7,200 members, whose heart-wrenching stories seem endless.

But, even the partial numbers are stunning:

The data contains more than 100 reports of brain tumors and cancers, more than 50 cases of thyroid cancer, and more than 30 cases of appendix cancer – a stunning number, considering it’s a rare disease affecting fewer than 1,500 people annually. There are dozens of cases of leukemia, multiple sclerosis, and lymphoma. There’s amyotrophic lateral sclerosis, pancreatic cancer, and more. Wright says there are a stunning number of reports of infertility, in addition to the birth-defect cases. There have been three separate cases of conjoined twins (a statistical anomaly if ever there was one). There were three babies born with only one ear, another without either eyeball.



Sacred Land Film Project — Satish Kumar brings Hindu, Buddhist and Jain perspectives to the understanding of a sacred place.


Satish Kumar — a sacred place

Thank you for your interest. Please contact your friends,  share this info & ask yourself if you now know who to blame.

Nuclear Weather Forecast thru-out the site: Every nuclear reactor is a nuclear dump where nuclear waste is stored, so we focus on America first then locations of every nuclear reactor & dump in the world, since all give you immune deficiency diseases, heart attacks & cancer.

Biden & Dementia Note: Portland Metro Creative Aging & Cognitive Arts Center is not funded at this time. enrollment membership info for our curriculum for students will be available, here.

Have a happy heart and avoid cesium fallout to make sure!