
Save Earth ...Seize Federal Reserve Founding Stock


new on 2/2/20 1 a.m. – to view, clean cookies & history &/or refresh w/ control F5

Michael Jackson, Man in the Mirror

Martin Luther King Jr. – Michael Jackson – Man In The Mirror https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PivWY9wn5ps

Kamala is not a Martin Luther King, Jr. ...or a Malcom X ...or an Angela Davis ...or a Mohammed Ali



City of London central bankers & Soros & Schumer & the United Nations & the World Health Organization are destabilizing & ruining America with replacement migration & open borders

Soros @ 2:15 two minutes 15 secs in

Golden Gate Bridge seen from Marin highlands

Marching to their own war drum Evil genius Schumer, my pal

Congrats, love birds

Hail, hail, the gang's all here

click pic for video  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GNNlctAoB2

Soros on out son Alex in

Soros & son & witch Pelosi

Schumer Podesta Soros Pelosi Clinton Bill Gates Schiff ...not too much good in or around them

Huma Abedin & Alex Soros  https://rumble.com/v5bq2f1-insider-alex-soros-has-secret-back-door-access-to-23k-voting-machines.html 

Soros handles San Francisco politicians groomed by Bechtel, a subsidiary of ... and follows marching orders of Schroder Bank (groomed & financed Hitler causing WWI & WWII w/ JPMorgan, City of London Corp, New York Federal Reserve stockholders & United States Corp ...Schumer represents N.Y. Fed stockholders like JPMorganChase. San Francisco U.S. Congress clowns don't look in the mirror at CIA's hit parade.

Traditional theater drama symbols

click pic of Trump and Elon


(click pic)

Any idea how much money it costs you to be un-informed?

legal disclaimer: this is a human comedy satire & tragedy site ...financial crash dummies r welcome

To update (or pictures missing) refresh: press CTRL R   <> Under construction <> This page works on cell phone or computer <> Cell phone mini-menu see bottom of page <> Full menu = computer only

9 p.m. west coast 10-13-2024   portland homeboy strikes back — welcome

Alabama women, 85 & 61, sentenced for feeding stray cats  — Beverly & Mary sought to trap the cats to be neutered ... officers said they found Mary holding a can of cat food,  (here).


Who owns the Fed: (pdf —&— U.S. House doc, (here)  Note: At MediaFire click download tab ONLY (no add'l software needed)


The African American community in the United States has faithfully disavowed violence masking as Black Lives Matter.

Genetically targeted biological warfare attack by Fed City of London & aligned billionaire oligarchs ...who developed & released a racist virus to depopulate people of color from the Earth

Bats, gene editing & bioweapons: darpa experiment concerns amid coronavirus outbreak (here & here & here)

Reflections on a racist south african mutation of sars covid2

Both Moderna & BioNTech enthusiastically tout  flexibility of mRNA vaccines as well-suited to vaccinating against mutations. FTR #1166, we noted reported success of Operation Warp Speed vaccines has been conveyed via "news releases," rather than peer-reviewed scientific documents, (here).  

FTR #1166, we noted virus proliferation was spurring vaccine development and testing, (here).

FTR #1128, we analyzed the possibility of Project Coast and CIA veterans involved in the dissemination of the virus, (here).

FTR #1168, we noted South African links of the Struengmann brothers, apparently the source for venture capital behind BioNTech (here)Might we be seeing a manifestation of the same type of relationship that apparently exists between the Lyme Disease treatment establishment & biowarfare forces that appear to have created that scourge?  (here). (Read more)

(Disclaimer: The following information should be considered controversial & expresses the opinions of the speakers. Additionally, it opens the door for the serious citizen investigator to do mountains of research that support these positions in areas in which we are not trained & in which there are no easy answers just a lot of investigatory work ...the country is currently divided in half politically, this carries over to the medical community, as well.)

New Study Finds Coronavirus Has Reduced Life Expectancy for Blacks & Latinos (here)

Please listen to this Doctor (here)    https://phibetaiota.net/2021/02/mongoose-video-dr-sherri-tenpenny-on-depopulation-vaccine/?utm_content=12260611&utm_medium=Email&utm_name=Id&utm_source=Actionetics&utm_term=Email  

Dr. Judy Mikovits: Black Depopulation a Goal of NIH & CDC – Proven by the Scientific Data   (here) https://www.bitchute.com/video/hAnYEHSXHHw/

Exposes Gates, Fauci, Corrupt Science | Blacks Targeted by NIH, CDC (here) https://www.bitchute.com/video/dRGKaLLd78o/

Explains how the depopulation mRNA vaccines will start working in 3-6 months (here) https://www.bitchute.com/video/thgHE7VUsDrn/

By the year 2030, one in two children in the United States will be diagnosed with autism (here) https://vaxxter.com/does-the-autism-epidemic-undermine-our-nations-defense/

Ongoing info  (here) https://vaxxter.com/ 


Bank of America, JPMorganChase, Citigroup & Wells Fargo direct the companies that comprise the military industrial complex ...they direct the military industrial complex


Joe & Kamala will tax you to death — take away your kids & give them to government to raise — lie to you till you are broke & homeless — they are killing America

Are Schroder Bank & JPMorganChase & Schumer (Biden-Kamala) raising your taxes enough to destroy you? ...(right) Law of the Land vs Admiralty Law (bankers' law)

They're coming for your money

They're coming for your children

They're coming for your country

Wolves and Finance

Massive New Tax Increases


The Government is Coming for Your Kids


Jordan Maxwell



Trump is wrong about nuclear power ...if we drill drill drill we must turn the nuclear reactors off

(below mid & right) Schroder Bank's San Francisco Bechtel Corp grooms Pelosi, Feinstein, Newsom, Kamala & likely Schiff into national office & builds nuclear power plants in Washington State & China ...Biden's bandit queen is a Federal nuclear industry official ignoring  41,000 people a day get fatal & non-fatal cancer from nuclear industry — but Schroder & Bechtel tell you it's safe & clean.

A man's view of a constitutional republic & a democracy

A woman's view of a constitutional republic & a democracy A queen's view of a constitutional republic & a democracy View of a whale's migration thru plutonium waste from Fukushima to Malibu

The Benny Show


Ayn Rand


Candace Owens

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zU8_CwXP3og  <>  https://www.youtube.com/@CandaceOwensPodcast   

Nuclear Weather Forecast

Sea Life destroyed  <>   https://www.portlandhomeboy.com/sea-life-destroyed.html 

Trans queen klepto Biden nuclear offical pick steals luggage from airports & stores for women's clothes Sam Brinton finally fired ...we do not want mentally ill people like, Let's Go Brandon & allegedly Sam (both who identify as being sane) in charge of anything but bidets ...not nuclear reactors or the nuclear trigger ...blame Schumer.


Who is running the country?


Kiss the American Dream of home ownership, good-bye ... unless you're an illegal immigrant border jumper or replacement migrant or terrorist

Four more dayshttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ETJ8tvv2I2Y   

Kiss home ownership good-by ...thanks to Schroder Bank, their subsidiary Bechtel, and the politicians from California that Bechtel has groomed

Kiss the American Dream of home ownership, good-bye ... unless you're an illegal immigrant border jumper or replacement migrant / terrorist

Venezuela national tips off illegal immigrants & replacement migration criminals how to break into homes & get squatters rights

Biden squatters' rights nightmare


squatters rights removal


Discard squatters' rights


Biden & Harris Squatters' Rights Nightmare soon in your face to destabilize homeowners & renters & America, Soros-style


Replacement migration

It appears that Schroder Bank & JPMorganChase did not achieve world dictatorship by weaponizing WWI & WWII and have started WWIII by other means ...such as brainwashing your children & removing parental rights.

They're coming for your children

They're coming for your children They're coming for your children

They're coming for your children

They're coming for your children

Newsom shits on parents so Musk shits on Newsom


The Government is Coming for Your Kids


The Government is Coming for Your Kids


Ukrainian kids weaponized by Nazis


Inside alleged Schroder-Soros-Schumer-DNC-Pelosi-Biden-Kamala-backed Ukraine Nazi training camp for kids


Inside alleged Schroder-Soros-Schumer-DNC-Pelosi-Biden-Kamala-backed Ukraine Nazi training camp for kids — Trump is against war; Biden & Kamala make war to please their largest donors: Soros, New York Federal Reserve stockholders


Before world-reknown Stanford University Hoover Institute of War, Revolution and Peace scholar and historian Antony Sutton fled Hoover Institute fearing for his life, he proved shareholders of the New York Federal Reserve funded both Russian communism and Nazi fascism from their beginning. At the same time, while Schroder Bank focused on financially supporting Hitler ...and running U.S. military then civilian intelligence thru their board member Allen Dulles (who represented the Nazi stock portfolio in America and co-founded CIA hiring and installing Hitler's intelligence organization (the Gehlen Org) into the newly formed CIA to provide intelligence on how to destroy Russia (which they had done for Hitler) and (thru Schroder subsidiary, Bechtel headquartered in San Francisco) groomed the most destructive San Franciso-based immoral & unethical California politicians, including: Kamala Harris, Nancy Pelosi, Diane Feinstein, Gavin Newsom (Pelosi's nephew), Ronald Reagan (can you spell funded Contras?) and Adam Schiff ...to name a few of Schroder's frankenstein monster bot coprolites (petrified feces).

Who dun it? Did Alex & Huma do it ...(Do what?)

Back in the day when we were somebody. Kamala, District Attorney in San Francisco speaking at Martin Luther King Jr day. event for kids.


Huma Abedin & Alex Soros


Trump patriot don't tread on me


(below) Kind of sounds like the United States Corporation Executive, Legislative, Judiciary & Schumer's DNC today persecuting Trump and the Republic of the united states of America & funding Nazis in Ukraine to fight Russia for Wall St. & City of London profits, redux deja vu ...did they do it?

  ed Kissinger recruited as a spy for Dulles, in charge of file room where records of nazis brought into U.S. were kept; hired by a company collecting nazis to use for WWIII against Russia. U.S. Nazi partmershiphttps://www.portlandhomeboy.com/3-15-IMF-Russian-Woodpecker-in-Ukraine.html 

Kind of sounds like the U.S. Corporation State & Justice Departments today persecuting Trump and the Republic of America & funding Nazis in Ukraine to fight Russia for Wall St. & City of London profits.

(up) click pic: Excerpted from America's Nazi Secret, by John Loftus (up) click pic: Excerpted from America's Nazi Secret, by John Loftus (up) click pic: Excerpted from America's Nazi Secret, by John Loftus


Were you there when they crucified my Lord?

(Certainly not having breakfast with Judas, Schumer & Klaus Schwab & the New York Federal Reserve stockholders planning assassination at the Passover drive-by)

Feature Story

Johnny Cash: Were You There When They Crucified My Lord?


Trump shooter ballistics proves shots from 4 different distances

 Clic pic for video  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NaW8MzocIuE   



July 13, 2024 - 1st Attempt (Butler) (story w/illustrations & forensic ballistic graphs, here)

Who owns the Fed: (pdf —&— U.S. House doc, (here)  Note: At MediaFire click download tab ONLY (no add'l software needed)

Humpty Dumpty crest crest crest crest crest
CHILD'S PLAY — Kill A Banker, Win A Prize: Capital Punishment for Capitalists ...take central bank stocholders wealth — reverse the debt Sovereign Military Knights of Malta Rothschild family crest Skull & Bones Order of Life & Death City of London Corporation Vatican City & Vatican Bank

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The famous DEI Secret Service Girl


crests of domestic & international terrorists

Who is Tanya Chutkin, the judge persecuting Trump?



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Would it not be helpful to survival of America & Europe if all the contracts taken out on Trump were removed and put on Schumer?

After all, it is not the White race to blame ...it is simply the White central bankers ...the international interlocking dynastic central banker families that own the New York Federal Reserve and the City of London corporation [who founded the United States Corporation dba The United States (as in, The United States vs Trump) ...then the IMF that is a foreign corporation that owns the United States] ...these families: (here).

Schumer knows better and does worse.


Central bankers are the root of most evil


Kill A Banker, Win A Prize — Yes, change the weather and crush the central bankers who create the conditions  text

https://www.portlandhomeboy.com/1-28-my-books-ebooks.html  <>  https://www.portlandhomeboy.com/4-1-weaponizing-climate-change.html   

(left) White genocide, property confiscation, squatting in South Africa linked to Soros & Oakland CA

White Genocide in South Africa linked to Soros


Russia Russia Russia

UpChuck is spouting UN rhetoric on the Soros take


Replacement migration Schwab speaks for the central bankers Replacement Migration https://rumble.com/v58w9i5-wef-memo-reveals-plan-to-depopulate-the-world-of-1-billion-white-people-by-.html  Trojan Horse

Russia provided military aid & sailed their fleets to New York to help America in the 1776 America Revolution, they sailed the Russian fleet to San Francisco to support Lincoln in the 1865 Civil War, they primarily won WWI against European fascism, they primarily defeated the European fascists in WWII ...(cont here) ...in all these wars, America was fighting against the City of London Central Bankers & later the New York Federal Reserve shareholders

The Republic of the united states of America  —vs—  Washington D.C. dba the United States Corporation dba The United States

Who owns the Fed: (pdf —&— U.S. House doc, (here )   Note: At MediaFire click download tab ONLY (no add'l software needed)

a soft coup to take over the school (Kamala-style soft coup replaced Biden)

Soon they may take over the town government, maybe the county ...


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America vs Washington D.C. dba the United States Corporation dba The United States



RadChick Christina Consolo

RadChick Christina Consolo

This is one of RadChick's videos www.youtube.com/watch?v=gDEszs38vdU    

Shut up Portland Homeboy ...be happy!

These are notes for a finished you tube I'll never make, called Portlandhomeboy.com

My 2nd vid: portlandhomeboy.com rough cut (not final cut)  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=StDXy8kpbuo  


Nuclear Weather Forecast, our first video

My 1st vid: Nuclear Weather Forecast https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KDjGR5o9H6A&t=3s 

(down left) How is Tanya not a CIA asset: She (& her law firm) represented Burisima (Kolomoisky hired Hunter as board member & put "former" 3rd in charge of CIA on board, too) — & Tanya represented Fusion GPS who concocked the fake Steel dossier hoax that Trump was a Russian asset & hookers pissed on him to which at least 30 intelligence assets, double agents and/or triple agents falsely verified ...(Did the 30 spooks do it?)

Who is Tanya Chutkin, the judge persecuting Trump?


Tanya Chutkin grabs Trump by the https://www.youtube.com/shorts/7Av6y-uVca4

Hail, hail, the gang's all here https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GNNlctAoB2      

It's starting, Bill Gates announces the next pandemic date and outbreak location ...one (1) billion black & brown kids in South America & Africa


(up right) Did Schumer & his DNC clones the Sorocrats do it? —  Schumer has sold out & betrayed all the Democratic voters in the U.S.A. & destroyed the Democratic Party 

It's starting, Bill Gates announces the next plandemic date, outbreak location & target ...one (1) billion black & brown kids in South America & Africa ...(& Australia?)


Huma is the Arab terrorist puppet master... Alex is the global replacement migration border jumper agent provocateur puppet master —  (1-below) Huma informs & befits Islamic terrorists; Alex informs, outfits & befits border jumper terrorists & 'color revolutions' in funding agents provocateurs like Obama staged 2014 Maidan coup in Ukraine blaming Russia; Schumer, DNC & Kamala befit Antifa riots & burnings nationally & blamed racism ...DNC, FBI & Antifa did Jan 6 and blamed Trump, (more-1).




Huma Abedin & Alex Soros


Digital election rigging 2007-2024https://rumble.com/v5giiw5-hack-the-vote-digital-election-rigging-2024.html 

Creative use of voting machineshttps://www.bitchute.com/video/LoMJN4Tue33m/

Soon they may take over the town government, maybe the county ...https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6pbNH9zaQEM 


All a kid has to do is shove a pen tip into a hole in the back of the machine by the on/off button and anyone can instantly rig the machine plug in votes or remove votes ...fast as you can say, 'we've been screwed'.

As usual, everything Trump & Sidney Power said, was absolute & true.

All ya need is a pen & fake $10 voter card –or– a $100 USB device

Dominion rigged the machines in Colorado, from Serbia, in a test run

Dominion had modems in voting machines but testfied they didn't.

Dominion fraud?


Dominion fraud?


Dominion fraud?


Dominion Fraud



Why & how? ...Soros dumps $100,000,000 into Texas to flip it blue ...How? ...(up & down) watch these videos: Dominion + Schumer illegal voter registration

6/11/2024 - 6,000 Dominion Voting Machines F*kt Up

$1,000,000 Schumer paid for voter registration fraud op f*k up

$1,000,000 Schumer paid for voter registration fraud op f*k up

The fix is in digital vote control & fake voter registration

Digital vote control

color revolution ... Soros ballot harvesting: Soros Caught Boasting All Future Elections Are '100% Rigged'


Widespread voter registration fraud paid for by UpChuck Schumer for $1,000,000


2020 Election fraud proven by police arrests



The devil went down to Georgia

Georgia seals evidence of voting machine security breach

Georgia seals evidence of voting machine breach

portlandhomeboy.com is the name of this working script on you tube


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All around the mulberry bush the monkey chased the weasel, da da daditty, pop! goes the weasel.

click on pic for a pop-up

All around the Mulberry Bush, The monkey chased the weasel. The monkey stopped to pull up his sock, Pop! goes the weasel.


Pandemic lock-down starting before election as predicted ...will the 2024 election be locked-down as predicted?


[2] Lockdown hours test-run stops voters


2) The history of corrupt voting machines goes back even before there were voting machines. It started with war forcing regime change; then it morphed to coups d'tats, then to provocations & false flag events by agents provocateurs. Then it became institutionalized in fake elections, puppet regimes, banana republics and finally with voting machines and next internet voting. Problem is, digital voting can be controlled by a drunk moron in a cafe. And internet voting can be robotic & run remotely by intelligence agencies or artificial intelligence over the internet; or by a 10 year old nerd with a pen poked into a hole in the back of the machine & a $10 fake voting card -or- a USB drive.




The 'color revolutions' are real blood & guts regime change; smaller false flag ones are fake media events like Kamala's first speeches to her kids & grandkids made to look like rallies; destabilizing Antifa riot terrorists for years burning down America ...hired by Soros-funded organizations, bussed from location to location like Antifa leaders were bussed to Jan 6. 


color revolution ... Sep 2, 2020  Deputized troopers may snarl MultCo's protest prosecution plans; more and more questions have accumulated following the announcement that Oregon State Police troopers had been deputized by U.S. Marshals.

U.S. Marshals deputize Oregon State Police troopers despite  Multnomah County (Portland) catch-&-release policy in blue State love fest c/o Gov Kate Brown the clown. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ns2UtYKCb1s 

color revolution ... Seattle protest turns violent with looting & fires downtown; many protesters were still on downtown streets at 10 p.m. despite Mayor Jenny Durkan's 5 p.m. curfew.

Clueless in Seattle — Criminal violence looting & fires; protesters defy stupid blue Mayor Jenny Durkan's 5 p.m. curfew — enjoy State love festival. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=S_4FluN2Wsk 

 color revolution ... Sep 1, 2020  - Criminal protesters demand Portland mayor's resignation; set fire outside mayor's condo building for another Pelosi Harris brainless blue State lovefest; Matt Finn reports.

Sep 1, 2020 - Criminal protesters demand Portland mayor resignation; set fires outside stupid mayor's condo building – criminal Pelosi Harris blue State love festival redu https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=23KS2UBIbhc 

color revolution ... we expect grid fails from a red flag EMP attack, not sabotage by agents provocateurs cutting nearly through power poles to fall in the wind or with a push

Police & FBI investigate power poles cut with chainsaw in Snohomish County, WA; started at night with a power outage outside Lynnwood – no run-of-the-mill call – A look ahead at the civil war Pelosi & Harris promised if Trump was elected? ...we're getting it, anyway.   https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DP_dyBfdnz8&t=1s  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DP_dyBfdnz8 


color revolution ... JPMorgan IMF fascist coups in Portland & Kiev

KOIN 6 — Portland: More violent riots, highest murder rate & car thefts in U.S. — lowest education of all cities in U.S. — catch-&-release that & defund the poilce that, you idiots.

color revolution ... JPMorgan IMF fascist coups in Portland & Kiev

Blue Portland demonstrators (criminals) protest police violence  Wednesday & mark 70 nights of rioting, burning buildings,  smash store window, loot & rob jewelry stores.

JPMorgan IMF fascist coups in Portland & Kiev

Antifa attacks Portland ICE — Timeline of protests, riots: Portland Police Bureau releases nightly recap of fires, vandalism; another Pelosi & Harris lovefest celebration.

JPMorgan IMF fascist coups in Portland & Kiev

Jul 17, 2020 — Portland protest: Man caught on video attacking a U.S. Marshal with a hammer | ABC7; Portland: Texas sociopaths earns $26/hr 'have riot will travel' (story) 


Color revolution regime change (a subset of CIA & MI6 covert ops) always gets rid of a democracy politician like JFK in America or Salvador Allende in Chile and replaces them with a fascist CIA-asset dictator like Gavin Newsom or Kamala Harris or Barack Hussein Obama Soetoro Dunham or let's go Brandon in the U.S. or Zelenski the bankers' puppet in Ukraine.


What is a Corp U.S. color revolution? ...(w/Combat Weaponized social media) 


color revolution ... Dec 16, 2013 John McCain addresses Ukrainian protesters in Kiev; U.S. Republican senator John McCain addresses crowds in Independence Square in Kiev on Sunday, encouraging the to protest in support of greater ties with the European Union & to sever ties with Russia.


color revolution ... Who's behind the Jan 6 insurrection at the U.S. Capitol?


 Who's behind the Jan 6 insurrection at U.S. Capitol?

National Endowment for Democracy Deletes Records of Funding Projects in Ukraine ... Deletion needed to preserve big lie of an unprovoked Russian invasion

color revolution ... Combat Weaponized Social Media ... Millennial Millie ...  Video documents group & individual agents provocateur were hired by Soros to turn peaceful protests into riots, building burnings to hurt people linked to FBI CointelPro (counter-intelligence program) agents provocateur to start trouble then make arrests


color revolution ... Combat Weaponized Social Media   ... Millennial Millie: Shadow Gate 2.0: Fake News Industrial Complex  — no commentary — Millennial Millie: Weaponized social media takeover of Iraq, U.S.A., Syria

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WqBU8EyPSh8&t=4s  —   https://www.millennialmillie.com/ 

(up) Soros destabilization playbook on USSR, Russia, Chechnya, Greece & more now being used on U.S.A. — Dec 16, 2013 Senator John McCain addresses Ukrainian protesters & Nazis & Ultra Right extremists in Kiev on Sunday, telling them build ties with European Union, sever ties with Russia ...setting up the Maidan-coup Obama Biden regime change coup d'etat using Nazi agents provocateurs & death squads.


Alex Soros and his father focus these days on capturing the minds and votes of hispanic and all border jumpers and non-border jumpers in the Americas: South, Central & North, and Africa and Asia and are active doing coups thru-out Eastern Europe and elsewhere around the world. George Soros buys politicians and promotes replacement migration, defunding the police, catch-and-release, sex reassignment and the state programming children without parental intervention.


Did Soros & Hillary do it? ...and Molesta? ...I mean, Podesta

Bubble, bubble, toil & trouble ,,,Hillary at it again ...but it's fun & tastes so good! ...(not to mention all that oil) Double double toil and trouble ...Hillary bloodbath continues ...but it's fun & tastes so good

Hillary & George Soros raped Haiti while Bill and President GW Bush ripped off at least one billion dollars donated to help Haiti ...at night Hillary likely skanked out

Diamond Rockefeller Soros

Fun and games at Podesta dinner party; he's in charge of paying out the trillion dollar Inflation Reduction Act monies.


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Democrats deep ties to Russia projected their dark shadow crimes onto Trump as a psy-op


Tulsi, honey, this is likely weather warfare too, just like Maui ...we'll hear from Jim Lee soon



3) Covid machinations tbd

4) United Nations invented replacement migration as Agenda 21 dba Agenda 2031 as a criminal enterprise controlled by City of London central bankers in-so-doing proving governments are in collusion with U.N. to enrich themselves and destabilize stable governments for a NWO globalist central world dictatorship without freedom, individual or national sovereignty ... to enslave humanity to monarchy (dictatorship) as it existed before the founding of America and will return if America fails. tbd

-) Science has linked chemtrails to increasing Alzheimer's in adults and Attention Deficit Disorder in children. tbd


The World according to Portland Homeboy

Trump Grabs Chutkin By The Pussy Shut Up Portland Homeboy, Be Happy Ionospheric Heaters (Weather Warfare) Nuclear Weather Forecast Radchick
Trump grabs Chutkin by the pussy portlandhomeboy.com is the name of this working script on you tube Jim Lee's interactive map of world weather warfare sites Nuclear Weather Forecast, our first video

RadChick Christina Consolo

My 4th vid ...test trying to handle the technology https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=67ywADLfPi0&t=153s  My 2nd vid: portlandhomeboy.com rough notes  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=StDXy8kpbuo   3rd vid: nippet of Jim Lee interactive ionosperic heater map https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lhC3-kddVgY    <>  3.41 Array of Weather Warfare Technology  <>    https://www.portlandhomeboy.com/3-41-Array-of-Weather-Warfare-Technology.html My 1st vid: Nuclear Weather Forecast https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KDjGR5o9H6A&t=3s  This is one of RadChick's videos www.youtube.com/watch?v=gDEszs38vdU    


Democrats to vote for Trump


Occupy Global Revolution

Occupy Global Revolution

Ireland Occupy IMF 

Ireland Occupy IMF




Trump shooter ballistics proves shots from 4 different distances

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NaW8MzocIuE   July 13, 2024 at 3:11?PM PDT - 1st Attempt

1st Trump Assassination Attempt

Incoming shots fired from "the lone gunman" (before any return fire )...six (6) from 400' out, two (2) from 800' out, and one (1) from, 1300' out ... NOW, YOU FIGURE IT OUT !

Computer keeps eating pictures no matter how many times I reload them



Now, 104,018,434 (104 million) armed Americans eye the assassination attempts on President Trump …knowing the FBI, Justice Dept and Homeland Security were proponing the fake Steele Dossier …knowing FBI is historically complicit in domestic assassination ops fomenting false-flag staged faux revolutions with COINTELPRO. CIA handles foreign murders and assassinations, except domestic ops of great import to City of London bankers, such as domestic presidential assassinations.


Forensic ballistics report: (6) shots from 400’, (2) from 800’, (1) from 1,300’

If you try to walk on the nut tree forest floor you’ll trip over alphabet letters like quicksand. WEF CIA FBI DEI IRS USA D.C. NAZI MOSSAD OUQTINVU.

Free pass for Brown & Root, who sped Vice President Lyndon Johnson into his presidency faster than a speeding bullet. Just like Kamala. Fingerprints of Schroder Bank’s Bechtel are on the hairbrush used to groom Kamala, and spank her fanny will us?



Kamala momala banana fanna bolala fe fi la la la, Kamala

Maya Harris

Kamala's daughter


One big alone nut case

Camel-lah’s husband his latent fingerprints may appear when digital I.D. does. United Nations barks at the door. NATO howls at the moon. Bill Gates m––sturbates over infanticide & with Google finances Bird Flu gain-of-function. Hunter Biden’s $2 toss-ups. Ghislaine’s bio-war lab. The alone nut doesn’t fall far from the tree.


Who dun it? …the assassination attempt on President Donald J. Trump

In Dante’s centuries-old novel, Inferno, he writes there is a sign on the gates of Hell that reads: Abandon hope all ye who enter here. I talk website speak …simple sentences that need no attention span for. I’ll prove who’s responsible.


I'll tell you the story in pictures, (here)

In the U.S. assassinations of charismatic public figures seem always to have FBI and CIA involvement ...both agencies get there marching orders from the international interlocking directorate of the City of London central bankers ...nothing to see, here  ...invariably MK Ultra is involved in programming the subject


City of London central bankers are likely assassins. For three centuries all they do is rob and murder people, races, governments, countries, the Animal Kingdom and Mother Nature. What's one more?


What three letters of the alphabet link murders of John Lennon, John F. Kennedy & Robert Kennedy to shots just fired?

The message in the fortune cookie is, “It was not a lone nut. It was a walnut, almond & cashew forest”.

A lone nut would have to be JPMorganChase. Or, Schroder Bank. And/or it’s subsidiary, Bechtel. Or team George Soros, Hillary Clinton, Chuck Schumer, John Podesta. Nancy Pelosi. Alphabet soup agencies. World Economic Forum. City of London. Hi-tech billionaires. Skull & Bones. Bohemian Grove. Knights of Malta. Congress. The lone nuts cover the forest floor. All the usual suspects in one sun-sized nut case.



Ongoing DNC coup sucks off Soros and City of London central bankers Bill and Monica style wannabe kings and queens. Bill Gates and WEF want to depopulate humanity Kissinger-and-Hillary-styling ...to digitally I.D. each living and mineral thing as a commodity to buy short after war then sell long.


Typical MK-Ultra alone nut programmed assassin …Google it

Alone nut drowning in $1.5-million-dollars in offshore bank accounts, sophisticated explosive triggers, explosives, drones, encoded cell phones …literally on the Government payroll.

All singing the Ascension he would be dead & the involved clues some fool at the top of the nut pyramid forgot would be no lone nut. The pyramid crumbles. The eye on top, closes, belly up.

Another red herring that stinks itself numb.

Enter George Soros, Bill Gates, Hillary Clinton, Nancy Pelosi, Chuck Schumer, John Podesta …who knew they sang in the same choir. You did. I did. Who didn’t? …FBI knows nothing, sees nothing, tells nothing and all point at the mirror …hear no evil see no evil speak no evil.

This guy is straight outta an LSD hypnotic trance. Multiple personality #3.

(7-20-2024 to be continued)


Sorry Liz and Dick Cheney ...you f*kt up trying to frame Iran on this one like you framed Iraq ...you losers.


1st Assassination attempt proof of 2nd shooter (likely 3-to-4) ...Now, FBI can easily assassinate anyone in Congress, extort or blackmail them 

Both recent assassins in 1st & 2nd attempts were in Blackrock-related videos

1st Assassination Attempt 7/13/24

1st (cont)

2nd — Trump's Assassin Things You MISSED 

2nd Attempt (CIA evident evidence) 9/15/24

DEI Secret Service rent-a-cop abandons her post to protect Trump because she wants to breast-feed her baby? ...talk about making the U.S. the laughing stock of the world ...good job, Soros is probably laughing himself silly


Proof of 2nd shooter ...FBI can now assassinate anyone in Congress, extort or blackmail them


Note: I send the information on the Business Plot section of the video involving JPMorgan


CIA fingered again


2nd Assassination attempt shooter recruited mercenaries in Ukraine ...he had a non-profit ...the first member was a female CIA agent likely his handler


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Did Austin Private Wealth do it? — This zoo seems to be running the country along with B. Gates, Soros, Schumer, City of London central bankers, NY Fed stockholders, the Bormann financial empire & Vatican Bank stockholders

Follow the money, who benefits by an assassination of President Trump? 

Go figure: Murder Incorporated

INVESTMENT FIRMhttps://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2024/07/explosive-revelation-investment-firm-that-allegedly-put-options/  —  INSIDER TERRORISTS MAKE MILLIIONS AS CRISES UNFOLDS    https://truthout.org/articles/911-terrorists-made-millions-on-the-stock-market/ 

 If Trump had been killed these companies would have made billions.

And of course, they tried to blame Iran but Dick & Liz Cheney and their Bush neo-con NWO plan for a New American Century seems obvious if they want continual warfare to genocide populations they love assassinations & regime changes, y'think? ...but this time they f*kt-up doing an Iraq to Iran.


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Portland Homeboy augurs the coming presidential inauguration gala a la Schroder Bank vs JPMorganChase vs WWIII

#1 — 1st assassination attempt — The day Trump was shot & survived I predicted it would be followed by an EMP attack or a world war; the next day the banks and airports across the U.S. and across the planet suffered what they called an "Internet outage" and banks & airports shut down. https://www.pennlive.com/nation-world/2024/07/massive-internet-outage-shuts-down-banks-flights-more-what-you-need-to-know.html 





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J. Henry Schroder 

Fed interest-rate bankers make a killing. They get the interest on the national debt.

Fed interest-rate bankers make a killing. They get the interest on the national debt

Fed interest-rate bankers make a killing. They get the interest on the national debt

Fed interest-rate bankers make a killing. They get the interest on the national debt

Fed interest-rate bankers make a killing. They get the interest on the national debt,

Fed interest-rate bankers make a killing. They get the interest on the national debt

Fed chart footnotes

Central Bankers & their corporate interlocks of corporations they own

U.S. House of Representatives chart of who owns Fed ( pdf (msword) & Original House document, (here)  —   (below) Charts by Eustace Mullins, excerpted from: The Secrets of the Federal Reserve, second edition (1st 1952 — 2nd 1983, as I recall). He told me on phone original edition banned and burned in Germany when published in 1952. An intelligible expose on Federal Reserve System that makes sense ...(contains no senseless-economic-theory-garbage.)

The Four Horsemen of Banking





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#2 — 2nd assassination attempt — The day after, I predicted Schroder Bank who owns Bechtel who grooms California politicians, would benefit if Kamala was assassinated because Newsom (Pelosi's nephew) would be inserted in place of Kamala for a presidential run, (angering Hillary & her Kissinger / Nazi Skull & Bones / NY Fed JPMorgan shareholder handlers).


Prior, Newsom (Schroder / Bechtel) signed legislation into law that forbids California schools from telling parents when teachers groom their kids who then consider sexual reassignment. https://www.youtube.com/shorts/-BK0Qurt1SY





#3 — My premise proved JPMorgan (now JPMorganChase) due to several previous attempts to take over the White House https://www.portlandhomeboy.com/3-26-Morgan-Stanley-calls-USA-riots-3-yrs-prior.html   was responsible for Jan 6 given that:

(A) Smedley Butler turned them in and they were outted (busted) in the national press for wanting Butler to lead a military coup to remove a sitting president from office; and as soon as I published that premise the Youtube videos I used as evidence about Smedley Butler were scrubbed from the Internet


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Deja vu one more time https://www.portlandhomeboy.com/3-26-Morgan-Stanley-calls-USA-riots-3-yrs-prior.html 

Soros 'color' revolutions in Greece, Ukraine, thru-out Eastern Europe, Washington D.C. (Jan 6), U.S. cities nationwide, Haiti & is forbidden to enter several countries because he financially ruined them stole their wealth & installed corrupt regimes.



 —International Chairman of Morgan Stanley taken out by freaky sudden squall on sunny day

Pelosi in Taiwan defies China ...freaky lightning strikes on sunny day by White House kill three (3)

Freaky lightning strikes a fuel depot in Cuba ...direct hit

Direct hit

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=H8x0RoH3hAY     https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RZCqhoWXBkc 

Lightning strikes by White House kill three (3) after Pelosi goes to Taiwan against will of China


Lightning strikes Cuba supertanker base


Lighting shoots up from the ground meeting electrical charges in the atmosphere coming down


Weaponized climate change & weaponized lightning?   




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Jamie Dimon

https://www.americanbanker.com/list/who-are-the-contenders-to-replace-jamie-dimon-at-jpmorgan-chase  |<>| https://fortune.com/2024/09/16/who-is-daniel-pinto-jp-morgan-jamie-dimon-successor/   |<>| https://www.forbes.com/sites/jackkelly/2024/09/16/as-fed-readies-potential-rate-cut-jpmorgan-ceo-jamie-dimon-warns-of-stagflation/  |<>| https://www.wsj.com/finance/banking/andrea-orcel-commerzbank-unicredit-takeover-c080b506  |<>| https://www.instagram.com/p/C-ysNrmtyz-/?locale=c%C3%A1c%2Bc%C3%B4ng%2Bvi%E1%BB%87c%2Bki%E1%BA%BFm%2Bti%E1%BB%81n%2Bonline%2Bt%E1%BA%A1i%2Bnh%C3%A0%E3%80%90TK88.TV%E3%80%91.hqsy&hl=en  |<>| https://www.reddit.com/r/economy/comments/1fguiyo/ceo_of_jpmorgan_warns_us_of_economic_fate_worse/  |<>| https://www.reddit.com/r/economy/comments/1fguiyo/ceo_of_jpmorgan_warns_us_of_economic_fate_worse/  |<>| https://www.instagram.com/p/C-gxqvkK91M/?locale=%E6%80%8E%E4%B9%88%E5%81%9A%E5%81%87%E4%B9%8C%E5%85%B9%E5%88%AB%E5%85%8B%E6%96%AF%E5%9D%A6TFU-4%E8%AF%81%E4%B9%A6%E8%81%94%E7%B3%BB%7B%E5%A8%81%E4%BF%A1%2BTG%2F%E9%A3%9E%E6%9C%BA%3A%40buth2788%7DGNeBl%3F%3F%3F%3F%3F%3F%D1%A7%3F%3F%C6%BEY2W0U&hl=ar



(C) The day after the first assassination attempt Trump announced he was considering JPMorganChase CEO mountaintopper Jaime Dimon for Treasury Secretary ...as if Trump was a day late and a dollar short in accepting the JPMorganChase East Coast gambit prompting retaliation by the Schroder Bank / Bechtel West Coast gambit a slap in the face & formenting perhaps a 2nd assassination attempt to remove Trump then another to remove Harris to seat Newsom (Pelosi's nephew) in a contest between Pelosi (Schroder / Bechtel) vs Schumer (NY Fed / JPMorganChase / Deutschebank shareholders) infuriating Hillary.


Soros buys largest U.S. Hispanic radio station network — Very likely to deploy communist propaganda in Texas w/$100,000,000 to do a 'color revolution' with border jumpers to oust Senator Ted Cruz, turn Texas U.S. Congress blue using Schumer-style fake registration ops ...bet on Soros destabilizing Texas with State & national riots and murders like his involvment in Ukraine and thru-out Eastern Europe and thru-out the U.S. ...& bet on rotten voting machines, too ...& bet on B. Gates pissing pandemics on us shutting down voter booths,  EMP attacks shutting down banks & airlines, and limited nuclear war in the mid-east & in Eastern Europe.

DIY Social Engineering


Tavistock Institute

Soros Maidan

Davos Propaganda Czar

Soros buys Hispanic radio station network


1) Huma informs & befits Islamic terrorists; Alex informs, outfits & befits border jumper terrorists & 'color revolutions' in funding agents provocateurs like Obama staged 2014 Maidan coup in Ukraine blaming Russia; Schumer, DNC & Kamala befit Antifa riots & burnings nationally & blamed racism ...DNC, FBI & Antifa did Jan 6 and blamed Trump, (more-01).

Abedin was Hillary's top assistant for many years. Huma's mother is the editor of a publication for the Muslim Sisterhood; the Muslim Brotherhood is a fascist Muslim faction of Arab Wahhabi-cult ultra right Nazi terrorists that has sworn to destroy America. Muslim leaders condemn the Muslim Brotherhood's murderous interpretation of the Koran, and condemn the Brotherhood's violence and rhetoric. Huma was previously married to Anthony Weiner, justly named for his child abuse convictions and Pizzagate ...and illegally having hundreds or thousands of classified emails from Hillary on his laptop (of which he escaped justice). Huma is the Arab terrorist puppet master... Alex is the border jumper & agent provocateur puppet master. 


That's a joke!

...dark USA Oligarchs like Bill Gates & George Soros and their families & foundations & those they fund should be totally divested ...because Gates & Soros are successfully taking over & rotting America, USA, Europe, Eastern Europe  ...can Asia, Africa, mid-East, Central & South America & Russia be far behind?   ...not to mention banks like U.S. Bank, Wells Fargo, JPMorganChase, Bank of America, Citigroup — bank robbery has a new meaning ...have you been robbed by your bank? ...and don't know?

Bank Fraud
USBank fraud announcedhttps://www.consumerfinance.gov/about-us/newsroom/cfpb-fines-us-bank-37-5-million-for-illegally-exploiting-personal-data-to-open-sham-accounts-for-unsuspecting-customers/





Trump vs Soros

[Kingdom of God + Trump & the Republic (patriots) + Musk + Russia + China(?) —vs— Soros + United Nations + B. Gates + Corp. U.S. + City of London Central Bankers + NY Federal Reserve + NATO + Vatican Bank + Bormann Org + China(?)]

Russia provided military aid & sailed their fleets to New York to help America in the 1776 America Revolution, they sailed the Russian fleet to San Francisco to support Lincoln in the 1865 Civil War, they primarily won WWI against European fascism, they primarily defeated the European fascists in WWII <> Russia was betrayed by United States Corporation, NY Federal Reserve stockholders, City of London stockholders, Schroder Bank (w/subsidiary Bechtel) & JPMorgan with the first Corp. U.S. domestic psyops popularized nationally by Ronald Reagan in 1950 when he was groomed by Bechtel and sponsored on TV by General Electric, called: THE CRUSADE FOR FREEDOM* ...after the newly formed CIA hired the Reinhardt Gehlen Organization; Gehlen was Hitler's intelligence head designated to destroy Russia in WWII who provided direction to Hitler's Foreign Armies East against Russia, and Hitler's Foreign Armies West against the United States and the United Kingdom. However, the City of London bankers international interlocking directorate who created WWI and WWII had member directors who were in-fighting each other from the beginning for supremacy ...as it is today, and is highlighted in one of my e-books: Kill A Banker, Win A Prize — Financial Warfare for Dummies

*The Crusade for Freedom was an umbrella name for all the fascist,  ultra-right & Nazi forces around the world  ...a manifestation of globalism as we encounter it today. During the Reagan / Bush Administration, there was a group in the White House called , The Republican National Heritage Committee. Their job was to get out the ethnic vote from ethnic groups living in the U.S. to vote Republican. There were two main stories in the mainstream press back in those days in the late 1980s: Underage call boys being given a tour of the White House at midnight; and, all the members of the Republican National Heritage Committee were  WWII & post WWII fascist, ultra-right and Nazi death squad leaders from Eastern Europe ...they got outted. Then they got outfitted to continue and prove a mini-WWIII in Europe that resulted in the destabilization of the the Soviet Union & Eastern Europe that began in Sarjevo (where WWI began) and ended with Standard Oil recovering the Baku oil fields they had lost in the Russian Revolution 80 years prior ... when the people of Russia, moms, dads, soldiers, police were all starving and the people rose up and got rid of the billionaires and trillionaires who owned everything and had left the people to starve.  Truman's vice president on the backflap of a book described how Russia had been double-crossed by the Allies ...the name of the book, was, The Great Conspiracy Against Soviet Russia. Unless you read this book, you can not call yourself an informed patriot ...because your real ememy is the international interlocking directorate of the City of London Corporation of central bankers ...not Russia. The other book you must read by John Loftus, it is an intelligence history of the last 120 years of U.S. & British & Israeli intelligence agents, double-agents (traitors) and triple agents. One of these men was a director of Schroder bank (that financed Hitler), he also co-founded CIA and hired Hitler's Nazis to run the eastern division of the newly formed CIA in the late 1940s ...who initiated the Crusade for Freedom for Schroder Bank to brainwash America to hate Russia.



{IF ...} WWI & WWII (and all western wars since) was orchestrated & executed by New York Federal Reserve Stockholders & City of London Corporation Stockholders

{& IF ...} America —vs— United Nations (dba Replacement Migration = B. Gates + George Soros + New York Federal Reserve Stockholders)

{& IF ...} Republic of the united states of America dba America —vs— NWO dba U.S. Corporation (District of Columbia) dba United States + (United Nations Replacement Migration + New York Federal Reserve Stockholders + City of London Corporation + United Kingdom + European Union)

{THEN ...} Peace on Earth = Immediate Elimination of City of London Corporation, United States Corporation, United Nations Corporation, NATO corporation, World Health Organization Corporation, B. Gates & George Soros

{THEN ...} Peace on Earth = America + Russia + China united together —vs— New York Federal Reserve Bank + City of London


Kill A Banker, Win A Prize — Yes, change the weather and crush the central bankers who create the conditions like poverty starvation and war and create refugees while they destabilize then re-colonialize countries — we are a pack of fools, it is all written in the United Nations plans the year the central bankers founded the IMF and world bank was it also the year they founded Israel and Pakistan & CIA as western outposts to keep the (heroin) opium poppy fields it is very simple ...(1) there are refugees; there are UN replacement migration including terrorists. (2) Europe and America takes in replacement migration terrorists; the West NWO puts them in small towns; they outnumber the people in the small towns; they take over the small town governments then the states; then the bankers destroy them with genetically targeted biological warfare ...IT IS THE BANKERS IT IS ALWAYS THE BANKERS that do this!

https://www.portlandhomeboy.com/1-28-my-books-ebooks.html  <>  https://www.portlandhomeboy.com/4-1-weaponizing-climate-change.html   


In South Africa the white population population was trained to use weapons ...& in Israel the general population is trained to use machine pistols, such as the Uzi, which the Israeli's invented, also the Desert Eagle. In the U.S., the populations of the Red States and the Blue States should voluntarily also be trained similarly if hundreds of terrorist armies attack the Red and the Blue States from within, both Red & Blue will have each others' backs. When their common enemy is defeated, Red and Blue will no longer hate each other, but will have learned to co-operate for their common good ...then they can eliminate the City of London & New York Federal Reserve central bankers who caused all this destabilization and poverty and starvation and war in the first place, by hoarding all the money in the world and by not allowing the third world to develop their own nature resources instead the white central bankers stole the third world's resources & slaughtered third world peoples, as City of London continues to do, today ... and which accounts for the current violence thru-out the globe on each continent. The City of London, a square mile within London, aka the Crown aka the City aka the Square Mile is a separate country of one square mile recognized as such by about 122 countries. The City of London owned / owns all the British colonies of color; the monarchy owned / owns all the white British colonies. Vatican City is also a  separate country of 122 acres, or one fifth of a mile. The bodyguards of the Vatican are The Knights of Malta, which is a virtual country comprised whose members include the heads of intelligence of many countries and the most powerful.


If all Americans buy a pistol & a shotgun and take lessons ... we can hold back the City of London mercenary hoards — the military must support their families not their corrupt governments

The people in the American Revolution of 1776 toppled the City of London dynastic central banker families. The people in the Russian Revolution of 1917 toppled the Romanov dynasty, and Nicholas II abdicated.


Kiss the American Dream of home ownership, good-bye ... unless you're an illegal immigrant border jumper or replacement migrant / terrorist


Schroder Bank —> Bechtel (their subsidiary) —> Bechtel-groomed politicians (inc. Newsom, Kamala Harris, Pelosi, Feinstein, Reagan, Schwartzenegger, Eastwood) —> Blue States then nationwide

Free $150,000 home loans for undocumented immigrants — This bill is now being sent to Gavin Newsom to sign into law. This will send normal American's to the back of the line, and allow illegal migrants a competitive advantage. If that wasn't bad enough, Nancy Pelosi slipped up this weekend and explained how she not only supports this law, but that she has much bigger plans than stopping with California. Make sure to watch the video to find out what's coming next! 


Before world-reknown Stanford University Hoover Institute of War, Revolution and Peace scholar and historian Antony Sutton fled Hoover Institute fearing for his life, he proved shareholders of the New York Federal Reserve funded both Russian communism and Nazi fascism from their beginning. At the same time, while Schroder Bank focused on financially supporting Hitler ...and running U.S. military then civilian intelligence thru their board member Allen Dulles (who represented the Nazi stock portfolio in America and co-founded CIA hiring and installing Hitler's intelligence organization (the Gehlen Org) into the newly formed CIA to provide intelligence on how to destroy Russia (which they had done for Hitler) and (thru Schroder subsidiary, Bechtel headquartered in San Francisco) groomed the most destructive San Franciso-based immoral & unethical California politicians, including: Kamala Harris, Nancy Pelosi, Diane Feinstein, Gavin Newsom (Pelosi's nephew), Ronald Reagan (can you spell funded Contras?) and Adam Schiff ...to name a few of Schroder's frankenstein monster bot coprolites (petrofied feces).


America vs Corp U.S.

Presidential emergency declarations have made it legal for Corp U.S. to test chemical and biological weapons on the American people.  “DC Uniparty kills House resolutions to end US Emergency powers in Iraq, Syria, Libya and Yemen” by Alexander Rubinstein; The Gray Zone; 7/20/2023 ...These same emergency powers give the President the power to lift the bans on testing biological weapons on US citizens ...Yet another emergency declaration provides the authority for the US government to test biological weapons on American citizens ...US code allows the president to suspend existing law on biological and chemical warfare in the event of a declared national emergency  (here & in detail here)

My hitch-hiking heart

Republic of the united states of America vs United States Corporation —  Confessions of a Jan 6 Rioter



 (disclaimer) Schumer has sold out & betrayed Democratic & Republican voters in the U.S.A. ...his treasonous DNC has destroyed the Democratic Party & he holds the Dem Congress in the palm of his hand supporting his dictatorship like demon bots with contagious diarrhea of the mouth stupifying followers and rotting their souls ...reality intervenes: Bechtel groomed all the San Francisco & California Dem politicians like Kamala, Newscum, Pelosi, Feinstein, Reagan (began as Dem & switched to Republican)  ...Bechtel is a subsidiary of & follows marching orders from Schroder Bank who helped groom & finance Hitler; Dulles (international airport) was a CIA co-founder & CIA director and represented City of London central bankers New York Federal Reserve shareholders ...and Dulles was a director on the board of Schroder Bank and directed U.S. OSS WWII military intelligence and he and his brother exclusively handled sales of the Nazi portfolio in the U.S. ...can you spell, triple intelligence agent ...he was also the chairman who covered up the JFK assassination since 1962 to today.

Who is running the country?

It's not the government ...not the Executive, not the Legislative, nor the Judicial. Just like every corrupt or corrupted country, it's a cadre of billionaires and trillionaires and oligarchs. They look, smell and taste like human beings ...except where you and I have feelings in our heart and sharing, they have murder in their hearts, usury and greed. If there's one take-away from Life, it's people care for one another, or they don't. Jew, Christian, Moslem, Buddhist, Indigenous ...same thing ...with Mother Earth and Mother Nature ...you nurture them or destroy them.

Trump? ...or Soros ...or the New York Federal Reserve shareholders

The big banks and City of London international interlocking directorate who control all the western banks double-crossed Russia. While Russia and the west defeated the German industrialists and military in World War I, the big banks financed both sides against one another. It didn't matter who won. As long as the big banks made money on the winner and the loser. Even while the west was dying in pools of blood in the trenches beside the Germans, the big bankers were enjoying feasts, pussy and dick. WWII, too.

Liz & Dick Cheney's criminal enterprise, New American Century of constant war really doesn't stack up at all against the 1,000 year German Reich of Fehme deathsquad and assassin overt and covert ops and conventional and unconventional torture and war. It's just a flash in the pan of the last ten centuries ...and the next ten. These centuries get broken up into generations. Wars, Presidents, Monarchs are all found three generations ahead so that the current generation has no memory of the history of the previous two.

Right now, 'replacement migration' is running the country with border jumpers paying $20,000 each except the criminals & terrorists that Joe & Kamala let in for free only if they dismember you, fast or slow is mute.

You never have to ask who, what, when where, how & why ...people more caring than you are doing all that research, for you. Actually, they're not doing it for you, they're doing it for the Kingdom of God ...which is above your pay grade, but not theirs and of which you're a part even if you're an ignorant, lazy, good-for-nothing in your own eyes ...and mine — you're left face down in the dust of God's plan in squalor amongst Divinity ...but most don't see this unless they're stoned, almost dead or mourning.

War, genocide, starvation, poverty, filth, chemtrails, weather warfare ... it's always the central bankers, the billionaires and oligarchs giving birth to it and animating it. It doesn't matter if Soros and Bill Gates are helping the central bankers to fund these United Nations programs, Agenda 2020 and 2030 and putting a bunch of unelected employees in charge of usurping your sovereignty and your lover and your kids and taking all you own, away ...does it? You don't even notice it. You're too afraid not knowing if it was a coincidence of atoms or Not.

If I were you, I'd blame the Bormann Organization, not the central banks City of London, NY Fed or Vatican Bank ...that's passe'. ...(to be cont)

Thank you for your interest. Please contact your friends,  share this info & ask yourself if you now know who to blame.

Nuclear Weather Forecast thru-out the site: Every nuclear reactor is a nuclear dump where nuclear waste is stored, so we focus on America first then locations of every nuclear reactor & dump in the world, since all give you immune deficiency diseases, heart attacks & cancer.

Biden & Dementia Note: Portland Metro Creative Aging & Cognitive Arts Center is not funded at this time. enrollment membership info for our curriculum for students will be available, here.

Have a happy heart and avoid cesium fallout to make sure!

Traditional theater drama symbols

