
Save Earth ...Seize Federal Reserve Founding Stock


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Thespian theatre masks represent drama as joy vs misery and are a fitting symbol for our lives & the health of Earth fallen victim to nuclear waste & fallout destroying Mother Nature, Gaia & Divine Order

 Legal Disclaimer: a Satire, Comedy & Trajedy production hehe haha wah wah wah –

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Nuclear Power is Not Safe & Clean 

Nuclear Waste & Fallout Affects

41,000 people a day get fatal & non-fatal cancer from nuclear industry waste & fallout, (here) –&–  Women & girls who live within 25 miles of a nuclear reactor get more cancer than men, boys or those living farther away, (here) –&–  Documentation, medical & science, (here) 


These are some of the animals being damaged by nuclear industry.

Whales; the Pacific Ocean is dying & you don't even know. The NRC's final solution for mammals, Gaia & Divine Order

Ongoing Fukushima meltdowns to poison Pacific Ocean & kill sea's animals, forever; fascist Japan gov't keeps dumping nuclear waste into sea, burns it into jet streams.

Manatee – The Pacific Ocean is dying from ongoing Fukushima nuclear meltdowns & you don’t even know — 02:43 PM Mar 24, 2014 []-8121- Caldicott: Fukushima to be pouring radioactive water into Pacific for the rest of Time – nuclear industry covers it up cause they know if truth comes out it will end nuclear power, Dr. Helen Caldicott: There seems to be no end in sight for this dreadful catastrophe. About 300 to 400 tons of radioactive water per day are pouring into the Pacific, have been for the last 3 years, and will continue probably for the rest of time because no one can find out where the molten cores of a hundred of seethingly hot uranium are. No one can get near them because they’re so radioactive, and the water will continue to flow over them, I guess, forever more. I can’t see any other way out of it. [...] I had the same reaction as you when two days after the tsunami and earthquake occurred [...] I got this feeling in the pit of my stomach [...] there is simply nothing anyone can do about it. And people are asking me all the time what can I take, what nutrients can I take? There’s nothing you can take to remove the radioactive elements from your body once you’ve eaten them.

[]-8121- Caldicott: Fukushima to pour radioactive water into Pacific for rest of Time – nuclear industry covers it up – if truth comes out it will end nuclear power.

Sharks have been washing up dead on both the East Coast & West Coast of north America & in bays since March 2011

Mans laughter? ...or manslaughter? []-4581- Gov’t official, scientists convicted of manslaughter – gave public incomplete, imprecise, contradictory info on quake danger

Sea Turtle - ongoing Fukushima meltdowns into the water aquifers beneath the blown-up reactors since March 2011 are killing the Pacific Ocean - tons of nuclear lava in the aquifers feed Pacific Ocean 400-to-600 tons of unsafe radioactive water the last ten years 24x7x365 since 3/11 ...& will continue to kill life in the Pacific Ocean …practically forever, including Plankton ...which creates 80% of Earth's oxygen & is also the basis of the oceanic food chain …which is why the sea animals are starving, and why sea life is rotting from new & mysterious diseases caused by new & mysterious viruses & bacteria creating new & mysterious diseases …& some not new at all, like immune deficiency diseases, stroke, heart disease, heart attacks, eye, brain, skin, bone & organ cancers & leukemia … this is because of nuclear industry liars & genocidal murderers, known as central bankers and as K-12 teachers & university professors & the fake media & public radio & TV all claim nuclear energy is safe & clean … all these nuclear apologists should to to prison for life.

Mans laughter? ...or manslaughter? Convict nuclear holocaust denial scientists, media, central bank financiers & Congress for mans laughter / dumb denial; crucify them

Cows Got milk? About a dozen States report that milk is too full of Fukushima fallout to be safe to drink & exceeds EPA danger limits — Federal Reserve directors (financing & directing nuclear industry) should eat plutonium & fallout like they make whales, dolphins, all ocean & land animals (including people), do.

Epidemiology: Fatal Fukushima fallout in U.S. — (1) Kills 20,000 folks; (2) 12 States report milk unsafe to drink; (3) Infant mortality rate up 30% – WA & BC (2011)

Horses, radiation sickness? - illness hits California horses - Fed Directors financing, owning & directing nuclear industry should eat plutonium & fallout like they make us & our animals, do; gee, if the pastures got covered with fallout & made the cows' milk radioactive, do you think the hay got covered with Fukushima radionuclides, too? ...ask your banker.

RADIATION SICKNESS HITS WEST COAST CALIFORNIA HORSES? — fallout on pastures, cow's milk radioactive, farmlands covered with Fukushima fallout.

Horses' skin's falling off, bodies covered in painful lesions, eyes swollen shut, liver damage & fainting ...Fuku airborne radiation? Sea mammals' skin, too ...seaborne Fukushima radiation sickness?

Horses' skin's falling off, bodies covered in painful lesions, eyes swollen shut, liver damage & fainting ...Fuku airborne radiation? Sea mammals' skin, too ...seaborne Fuku rads?

Butterflies - small animals suffer from nuclear radioactive waste, too; butterflies, lady bugs, bees, beetles, ants ...all insects are killed immediate in the areas most contaminated with airborne nuclear radioactive  waste & fallout.

Fukushima butterflies mutate – suggests humans can too ...and do. Fukushima babies born or aborted with extra arms & legs & gross birth defects; censored by globalists



Epidemiologist Rosalie Bertell (PhD, biometrics) explains the effects of the weaponized  DU on the people of Iraq and the planet. In subsequent parts of this series, Dr. Bertell offers readily-accessible ways to detox some heavy metals and poisons from the body - (part of a 2007 Snowshoe Films series, with Sister Bertell, a member of the Gray Nuns of the Sacred Heart).

Rosalie Bertell: Weaponized DU affects on Iraqi & friendly fire. Depleted uranium affects cells, 2 micron particle breaks into 2,000 nanoparticles of alpha emitters.

Paul Fusco's Chernobyl Legacy ...Chernobyl? It was an awakening that was overwhelming; it did so much damage to so many different people, in so many different ways. My first reaction was that I was looking at a different race of people.

Chernobyl, Ukraine — So much damage to so many different people, in so many different ways.

From 1949 to 1989, the USSR secretly conducted over 456 nuclear tests in Kazakhstan, exposing hundreds of thousands of people to dangerous levels of radiation.

Kazakhstan, U.S.S.R. — From 1949-to-1989, USSR  had 456 nuclear tests in Kazakhstan, exposing hundreds of thousands of unknowing people to serious affects.

Misha, Chernobyl, Ukraine ... Misha, a victim of Chernobyl was either in mother's womb, or an egg her mother carried not yet fertilized by a sperm, or fertilized by a sperm ...sperms are also mutated by nuclear radioactive waste & fallout

Chernobyl, Ukraine — Misha, a victim of Chernobyl was either in mother's womb, or an egg her mother carried. 

A collection of voices from press conferences, radio shows &interviews after the accident at Three Mile Island Unit 2 nuclear power plant near Middletown, Pennsylvania, March 28, 1979. This was one of the most serious accidents occurring in a U.S. operating commercial nuclear power plant.

Middletown, Pennsylvania, (by Harrisburg), Three Mile Island (TMI) — People died; dogs  cats went blind.

The Semipalatinsk Test Site (STS or Semipalatinsk-21) was the primary testing venue for the Soviet Union's nuclear weapons. It is located on the steppe in northeast Kazakhstan (then the Kazakh SSR), south of the valley of the Irtysh River. The scientific buildings for the test site were located around 150 km west of the town of Semipalatinsk (later renamed Semey), near the border of East Kazakhstan Province and Pavlodar Province with most of the nuclear tests taking place at various sites further to the west and south, some as far as into Karagandy Province. The Soviet Union conducted 456 nuclear tests at Semipalatinsk from 1949 until 1989 with little regard for their effect on the local people or environment. The full impact of radiation exposure was hidden for many years by Soviet authorities and has only come to light since the test site closed in 1991. The zone has been proposed for UNESCO World Heritage Site …[Editor’s note: Too big to be cleaned-up, that’s a hell of a heritage.]

Kazakhstan, USSR – Semipalatinsk Test Site 21: USSR nuclear weapons; NE Kazakhstan (Kazakh SSR), steppe south of Irtysh River valley.

(start at 2:54 to skip the music intro) Loren Moret — Fukushima mutated children.

Peace & occupy activists are heartfelt people not defined by sexual identification, unlike Biden's Administration that forces sex identity & gender choice on kids & runs America by drugged S&M bedroom antics  ...& are all nuclear apologists & deny nuclear industry does everything you see in this video & 41,000 people every day get fatal & non-fatal cancer from nuclear industry ... not counting mammals & all life forms down to viruses & bacteria mutating to form new & mysterious diseases never seen before. Nuclear is not safe and clean & by it's manmade & womanmade & LGBTQ+made nature & indisposable lethal waste costs trillions of dollars to unsafely store & unsafely maintain …promoted by apologists, idiots, fools & genocidal murderers intent on destroying mammals (including people), Gaia & Divine Order.

City of London nuclear central bankers mutate you & need trial by fire & water; sink? ..innocent; burn? ...guilty.



These are some of the people who honor & respect Mother Earth.

In other countries like Bolivia & India rivers can sue corporations that harm them

Countries let rivers & forests sue corporations that harm them; since City of London central bankers own & direct Fortune 500, start there.

In the Light of Reverence follows struggles of several Indian tribes trying to protect their spiritual sites. which exist as landmarks in our country's landscape. Filmmakers Christopher McLeod & Malinda Maynor discuss religious freedom & how it pertains to Native American spiritual practices under the law.

Indian tribes spiritual sites & spiritual practices denied.

Sacred Land Film Project — Satish Kumar brings Hindu, Buddhist and Jain perspectives to the understanding of a sacred place.

Satish Kumar — Hindu, Buddhist & Jain perspectives of a sacred place. 























Environmental Personhood

an idea whose time has come


EARTH PERSONHOOD Save Mother Nature, get equity, stop racism & global warming — make Earth Personhood legal — countries let rivers & forests sue corporations that harm them — stop nuclear industry — return ownership of America's central bank to the people ...public ownership — outlaw interest (undeserved profit) ...private owners of the Fed get the interest on the national debt each year as personal dividends from private ownership of Fed stock.

EARTH PERSONHOOD  — Law of Mother Earth — Rights of our Planet  — Let rivers & forests sue corporations for wrongs.

Peace & occupy activists are heartfelt people not defined by sexual identification, unlike Biden's administration that forces sexual identity & gender choice on children & tweens & runs America by drugged S&M bedroom antics, dictator governors & sold-out catch-&-release district attorneys destroying law & order who should be in prison.

Consolo, Christina here — Radchick (twitter) here — Plane flights in Fukushima rads here — Nuked Radio here  — Fuku triggers airline pilot & passenger heart attacks, cancers, radiation illness symptoms here   —(former sterwardess)


GOT EQUITY? ... TAKE BACK THE TRILLIONS WHITE RACIST CITY OF LONDON CENTRAL BANKERS STOLE FROM US. They enslaved & raped 122 countries & peoples of color ...and reparations are a joke because 5x more people of color die from CoVid than white people ...can you spell racist biological warfare genocide?

NO EQUITY? - LONDON CENTRAL BANKERS — raped 122 countries of color, forced them into human- & financial slavery, to buy railroads & nuclear reactors for foreign aid & weapons.

FULL SCALE WAR IN UKRAINE? (background documentation, here) With its 15 reactors? no more Ukraine, no more Europe. The West did a Soros-central banker CIA-banana-republic style coup to open Ukrainian markets to foreign investors & give control of its economy to multinational corporations? City of London used its U.S. corporation, neo-Nazis & far-right extremists to overthrow Ukraine's elected president & install a puppet government; engineered & managed by the City of London central banker interlocking international  directorate (inc. directors of IMF, JPMorganChase, Schroder, etc)

Full scale war in Ukraine? With its 15 nuclear reactors — no more Ukraine, no more Europe & fallout simply blows onto U.S. West Coast & the entire planet, forever.

1979-Occupy Wall Street begins as a public anti-war movement protest against nuclear power &  dynastic banking families enabling it to kill mammals (including people) & all life on Earth. 01:19 AM Oct 28, 2011 [] -1629.1- also []-1629-  Occupy Wall Street protest began over nuclear power & bankers   – Film ‘Early Warnings’ details anti-war sit-in on Wall Street on 50th Anniversary of 1929 Stock Market Crash. Protestors demand an end to financial support for nuclear industry & was part of larger occupations at Seabrook Nuclear Power Plant. Plan to “Occupy Wall Street” protest against the central bankers financial system was put into action over 39 years ago, seen in this clip ‘1979 Wall St. Occupation’ http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ODCvbn_hUDI

Oct 28,e 2011 []-1629.1- []-1629- 1979 Film ‘Early Warnings’ – protest on Wall Street – 50th Anniv. 1929 Market Crash - stop nuclear industry financial support; part of larger occupation at Seabrook Nuclear Reactor site.  http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ODCvbn_hUDI 

Submarine Groundwater Discharge as a Source of Radioactivity to the Ocean from the Fukushima Nuclear Power Plant – Authors: Charette, M. A., WHOI, USA, mcharette@whoi.edu | Breier, C., WHOI, USA | Kanda, J., Tokyo University of Marine Science and Technology, Japan | Nishikawa, J., University of Tokyo, Japan | Buesseler, K. O., WHOI, USA []-8149

Submarine Groundwater Discharge as a Source of Radioactivity to the Ocean from the Fukushima Nuclear Power Plant – Authors: Charette, M. A., WHOI, USA, mcharette@whoi.edu | Breier, C., WHOI, USA | Kanda, J., Tokyo University of Marine Science and Technology, Japan | Nishikawa, J., University of Tokyo, Japan | Buesseler, K. O., WHOI, USA []-8149


Nuclear Weather Forecast
by Bob Nichols

Project Censored Award Winner, Bob's nuclear weather forecast of cities that hazardously exceed safe levels of nuclear radiation

USA by City total Gamma Radiation counts per minute (CPM)

A count is 1 radioactive decay (visualize a lit 4th of July sparkler). Maximum (Normal) Safe Level = 10,500,000 cpm
City State Targeted people (2010 Census) *excludes animals 2019+2018  cpm 2019  (to 09/28/2019) cpm 2018 cpm 2014 cpm 2010 cpm
Colorado Springs Colorado 645,613 139,913,803 55,454,710 84,459,093 77,531,924 76,610,646
Portland Maine 514,098 136,347,673 57,432,273 78,915,400 70,562,301 72,303,623
Raleigh North Carolina 1,130,490 132,661,909 53,250,822 79,411,087 86,455,793 83,956,621
Little Rock Arkansas 699,757 129,706,693 55,154,055 74,552,638 76,215,932 78,182,688
Navaho Lake New Mexico Transient 112,397,917 41,830,535 70,567,382 66,144,162 62,065,704
Worcester Massachusetts 916,980 109,611,065 45,946,770 63,664,295 69,759,521 66,964,161
Riverside California 4,224,851 109,130,945 46,060,520 63,070,425 48,278,115 42,141,542
St. George Utah 138,115 108,214,611 45,860,054 62,354,557 37,575,033 Withheld
Spokane Washington 527,753 105,831,839 38,766,375 67,065,464 67,793,568 69,153,884
San Diego California 3,095,313 103,687,101 43,136,980 60,550,121 70,015,388 56,398,762
Fresno California 930,450 102,882,248 41,886,788 60,995,460 59,151,574 55,737,537
Idaho Falls Idaho 133,265 102,230,609 42,363,998 59,866,611 61,853,463 56,452,217
Boston Massachusetts 4,552,402 99,733,882 42,285,718 57,448,164 55,872,587 Withheld
Phoenix Arizona 4,192,887 98,410,809 41,121,770 57,289,039 55,819,031 67,386,025
Denver Colorado 2,543,482 96,630,471 40,259,288 56,371,183 54,031,301 55,000,092
Atlanta Georgia 5,286,728 95,375,173 38,843,296 56,531,877 54,106,528 58,119,516
Hartford Connecticut 1,212,381 94,350,982 39,985,927 54,365,055 52,877,950 50,943,963
Los Angeles California 12,828,837 94,011,445 40,715,741 53,295,704 57,330,302 39,042,587
Grand Junction Colorado 146,723 93,828,206 39,947,113 53,881,093 62,622,863 55,584,966
Tucson Arizona 980,263 93,786,545 38,342,494 55,444,051 54,672,922 51,394,744
Yuma Arizona 195,751 93,203,590 39,615,344 53,588,246 Withheld 40,290,894
San Bernardino California 4,224,851 92,846,852 38,633,456 54,213,396 55,639,762 40,290,894
Rochester New York 1,079,671 91,095,264 38,785,649 52,309,615 41,986,291 42,909,261
Casper Wyoming 75,450 90,088,957 35,271,829 54,817,128 54,486,784 Withheld
Concord New Hampshire 146,445 88,644,976 37,487,725 51,157,251 53,194,262 49,471,796
El Paso Texas 622,263 85,167,016 35,534,531 49,632,485 48,467,500 41,405,636
Reno Nevada 64,511 82,964,461 34,806,642 48,157,819 48,652,050 45,652,620
Oklahoma City Oklahoma 1,252,987 82,899,155 33,497,353 49,401,802 46,670,753 46,971,250
Louisville Kentucky 1,235,708 82,704,088 35,282,247 47,421,841 49,286,459 55,722,791
Billings Montana 158,934 82,458,347 34,170,165 48,288,182 86,706,987 83,566,931
Kansas City Kansas 2,009,342 82,246,356 33,294,681 48,951,675 46,100,748 33,845,409
Augusta Georgia 564,873 80,756,488 37,940,452 42,816,035 56,609,079 75,152,717
Providence Rhode Island 1,600,852 80,693,142 32,368,427 48,324,715 48,095,619 59,086,647
Bakersfield California 839,631 80,196,381 31,759,446 48,436,935 49,268,312 46,033,648
Pierre South Dakota 21,361 79,275,542 30,805,739 48,469,803 51,233,191 47,605,216
Boise  Idaho 616,561 78,960,914 33,028,425 45,932,489 44,882,019 Withheld
Mason City Iowa 51,749 77,935,598 32,377,231 45,558,367 46,785,028 43,273,451
Shreveport Louisiana 439,811 77,758,626 32,556,612 45,202,014 42,886,169 43,273,451
Anaheim California 3,010,232 76,793,706 34,000,190 42,793,516 53,110,386 51,880,230
Laredo Texas 250,304 76,562,722 30,817,461 45,745,261 48,749,949 45,375,474
Albuquerque New Mexico 887,077 76,020,816 30,962,218 45,056,596 58,845,967 58,159,101
Pittsburgh Pennsylvania 2,356,285 75,244,195 30,962,305 44,281,890 44,541,789 45,717,605
New York City New York 8,175,133 75,026,609 32,013,310 43,013,299 39,111,198 38,082,618
Virginia Beach Virginia 1,676,822 74,065,716 33,446,012 40,619,704 42,592,443 45,967,615
Kearney Nebraska 52,591 73,288,079 30,736,687 42,551,392 47,269,641 44,326,457
Champaign Illinois 231,891 72,687,748 30,548,759 42,138,989 42,864,294 Withheld
Cleveland Ohio 2,077,240 72,626,097 29,375,377 43,250,720 41,479,510 31,078,508
Richland Washington 253,340 72,167,290 30,094,892 42,072,398 43,952,575 42,462,819
Ft. Smith Arizona 280,467 71,962,055 30,270,840 41,691,215 40,204,196 27,464,158
Lincoln Nebraska 36,288 70,915,186 29,242,763 41,672,423 39,644,691 38,364,483
Harrisonburg Virginia 125,228 70,662,023 30,264,404 40,397,619 44,341,947 42,627,816
Rapid City South Dakota 134,598 69,408,172 28,747,378 40,660,794 50,414,698 45,991,871
Lexington Kentucky 472,099 69,064,980 27,109,625 40,660,794 41,289,782 40,437,537
Corpus Christi Texas 428,185 69,038,452 28,165,779 40,872,673 Withheld 31,170,190
Wichita Kansas 630,919 68,940,289 28,439,856 40,500,433 40,044,594 37,214,737
Charleston West Virginia 309,635 68,351,221 26,688,315 41,662,906 44,523,393 41,515,781
Bismarch North Dakota 114,778 68,238,357 25,408,589 42,829,768 40,282,304 37,428,401
Tallahasee Florida 367413 66,975,091 28,737,789 38,237,302 51,495,078 46,265,053
Salt Lake City Utah 1,087,873 65,714,531 24,072,497 41,642,034 41,834,713 34,129,726
Amarillo Texas 251,933 65,502,943 27,222,224 38,280,719 39,786,545 51,654,082
Memphis Tennessee 1,324,829 64,907,611 26,849,542 38,058,069 42,064,177 40,266,325
Detroit Michigan 4,296,250 63,973,514 27,188,676 36,784,838 35,462,060 33,348,525
Tulsa Oklahoma 937,478 63,706,897 24,317,661 39,389,236 40,194,300 44,914,200
Lockport New York 21,165 63,198,963 25,508,393 37,690,570 37,587,984 50,646,759
Fort Worth Texas 6,426,214 61,506,102 25,428,543 36,077,559 38,024,763 39,009,134
Des Moines Iowa 40,325 61,353,009 25,666,567 35,686,442 31,299,169 30,595,847
Omaha Nebraska 865,350 61,101,893 23,936,510 37,165,383 40,793,190 46,265,448
Madison Wisconsin 605,435 60,613,719 23,936,510 35,876,503 35,089,399 37,326,813
Birmingham Alabama 1,272,394 59,361,830 25,902,727 33,459,103 37,279,576 35,208,341
Richmond Virginia 1,208,101 58,793,690 24,769,433 34,024,257 39,869,741 35,465,677
Knoxville Tennessee 837,571 58,073,145 24,445,196 33,627,949 36,933,392 41,048,695
Carlsbad New Mexico 837,571 57,023,144 22,464,126 34,559,018 31,717,264 57,037,388
Eureka California 134,623 54,974,069 22,977,426 31,996,643 31,912,801 32,993,677
Aurora Illinois 201,110 54,763,765 20,666,862 34,096,903 32,501,575 34,792,696
St. Paul Minnesota 3,348,859 53,086,069 21,448,662 31,637,407 30,978,727 36,566,003
Indianapolis Indiana 1,887,877 53,083,288 22,200,962 30,882,326 30,491,151 30,506,295
Chicago Illinois 9,461,105 52,881,752 23,624,816 29,256,936 35,616,039 35,536,804
San Jose California 9,461,105 52,845,534 22,159,489 30,686,045 35,040,285 33,750,733
Miami Florida 2,356,285 48,908,447 20,777,171 28,131,276 58,817,366 54,933,182
Philadelphia Pennsylvania 5,965,343 48,316,309 24,936,733 23,379,576 35,342,783 38,694,052
Burlington Vermont 336,585 47,932,020 21,026,957 26,905,063 32,224,782 34,574,137
Yaphank New York 5,945 47,796,766 20,355,367 27,441,399 25,225,836 25,917,590
Houston Texas 5,920,416 47,680,861 18,400,971 29,279,890 30,919,406 30,143,188
San Francisco California 4,335,391 47,450,434 19,699,115 27,751,319 36,906,707 35,956,655
St. Louis Missouri 2,787,701 47,079,386 20,082,957 26,996,429 28,767,465 25,428,139
Las Vegas Nevada 584,752 46,359,489 19,438,982 26,920,507 27,940,625 44,723,366
Mobile Alabama 412,992 46,018,641 16,051,485 29,967,156 Withheld Withheld
Duluth Minnesota 279,771 45,579,145 18,749,602 26,829,543 24,795,036 27,215,692
Baton Rouge Louisiana 802,484 44,204,030 16,332,726 27,871,304 30,602,056 30,996,192
Dallas Texas 6,426,214 44,054,422 18,276,405 25,778,017 29,815,799 30,346,947
Nashville Tennessee 1,670,890 41,651,291 15,867,595 25,783,696 24,216,843 26,086,721
Paducah Kentucky 98,762 39,820,675 14,065,789 25,754,886 30,559,339 Withheld
San Antonio Texas 2,142,508 35,816,751 16,476,935 19,339,816 25,055,907 28,788,161
Tampa Florida 2,783,243 34,165,076 14,753,084 19,411,992 19,337,106 24,080,296
Fairbanks Alaska 97,581 32,447,613 14,044,955 18,402,658 20,475,017 20,335,069
Washington D.C. 6,097,684 30,563,891 13,206,282 17,357,609 28,332,149 32,743,871
Anchorage Alaska 380,821 25,251,197 10,607,520 14,643,677 15,347,337 19,254,548

by Bob Nichols, who collects and charts Nuclear Weather Forecast data on an ongoing basis:

One way to measure the Rad became widespread in the States. That is, by measuring, recording and publishing the Total Gamma Radiation at ground level at many locations in the United States. Those Rad Numbers are presented in the above chart. Starting the Rad Count over at the first of the year is the convention. That is misleading to non-physicists. I reject that standard start-over practice as silly. It is absurd to think that Billions of Rad Counts just go away on January 1 each year. 

Once emitted from the nuclear power plant, the Rad travels with the wind. Much of it goes around the world and is detected on the West Coast of the United States. Nuke power plants add to the deadly radiation every minute of every day. Dr. John Gofman, Medical Director of the Livermore Nuclear Weapons Lab famously called that kind of thing “premeditated murder”. “This is a bad situation for all who breathe,” states EU physicist Dr. Paolo Scampa.

All cities with RadNet Total Gamma Radiation counters are above the Maximum Safe Gamma Radiation Level. Their killer attack on your body’s trillions of cells never ceases. It did not used to be that way y’know – back in the day. There were only four radioactive Isotopes then in existence and their Decay products. They were mostly in the ground. Today there are 1,946 known radioactive Isotopes in existence in our atmosphere. The known Gamma radioactive Isotopes are measured by RadNet and reported here. Cell assassins, like Plutonium 239, and its brothers were never around; they did not exist on this Planet. RadNet has largely stopped reporting radioactive Beta counts.  The amount of Rad in the air now dooms humanity to a relatively quick extinction. Have a wonderful radioactive weekend and remember to Dodge the Rads, it’s dangerous out there.

What you're not supposed to know about hidden nuclear reactor fallout & waste discharges

Radioactive nuclear wastewater discharges penetrate into water aquifers all over the place.

These are the globalist central bankers & billionaires who direct nuclear industry as a weapon of war to destroy mammals (including people), Gaia & Divine Order


 Worldwide average doses from radionuclides produced in central bankers' nuclear industry atmospheric testing

Thank you for your interest. Please contact your friends & share this info. 

Every nuclear reactor is a nuclear dump where waste is stored, so we focus on America first then locations of every nuclear reactor & dump in the world, since all give you immune deficiency diseases, heart attacks & cancer.

Biden & Dementia Note: Portland Metro Creative Aging & Cognitive Arts Center is not funded at this time. enrollment membership info for our curriculum for students will be available, here.

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