database reports
Nuclear Weather Forecast |
Alabama Alaska Arizona Arkansas California Colorado Connecticut Delaware Florida Georgia Hawaii Idaho Illinois Indiana Iowa Kansas Kentucky Louisiana Maine Maryland Massachusetts Michigan Minnesota Mississippi Missouri Montana Nebraska Nevada New Hampshire New Jersey New Mexico New York North Carolina North Dakota Ohio Oklahoma Oregon Pennsylvania Rhode Island South Carolina South Dakota Tennessee Texas Utah Vermont Virginia Washington West Virginia Wisconsin Wyoming |
012 210 004 014 385 007 006 001 029 005 065 018 016 011 ----- 019 001 130 004 006 009 014 005 010 038 001 016 008 002 018 172 027 012 002 012 006 103 010 ----- 006 ----- 012 019 012 007 040 170 ----- 002 001 |
Alabama Alaska Arizona Arkansas California Colorado Connecticut . 08:46 PM Jun 2, 2011 -0647- Cesium-137 in Delaware drinking water above max contaminant level. Florida Georgia Hawaii Idaho Illinois Indiana . Kansas . 02:15 AM Nov 19, 2013 -6713- Paducah Gaseous Diffusion Plant: Tornado damages uranium enrichment building – emergency alert. Louisiana Maine Maryland Massachusetts Michigan Minnesota . 02:21 PM Jun 26, 2015 -8666- NASA: Southeast – high levels of Fukushima polonium in Mississippi river – kept secret or death estimates skyrocket . 11:19 PM Oct 28, 2015 -8734- Child cancer clusters, double sets of teeth, missing eyeballs, brain tumors North St. Louis County, West Lake nuclear landfill. . 07:53 AM Jun 18, 2011 -0768- Snow & rainfall to flow into the Missouri River, may flood Nebraska nuclear site. . 08:11 AM Jun 10, 2011 -0694- Omaha: Fire knocks out spent fuel cooling at nuclear site – heightened alert – Missouri River floods. . 10:40 PM Oct 25, 2015 -8732- Beatty & Las Vegas: Exploding drums of buried waste skyrocket over site perimeter; crater reported; radiation spike in Vegas. .# 02:56 PM Apr 2, 2012 -2985- Fukushima Fallout in New Hampshire: Radioactive iodine at 12,000 atoms per square meter in sediment (STUDY) . 12:08 AM Nov 03, 2012 -4682- Oyster Creek site two levels from Fukushima event – People brought in during Sandy to run emergency center (AUDIO) 09:52 PM Sep 11, 2014 -8415- Waste Isolation Pilot Plant (WIPP): Exploding nuclear waste barrels sent Plutonium airborne; found in Carlsbad 30 miles away. . 09:16 AM May 10, 2015 -8629- Indian Point reactors 36 miles from Manhattan: Huge explosion – 200 foot fire ball – Huge black smoke – Steam leak prior day. North Carolina North Dakota Ohio Oklahoma Oregon Pennsylvania . South Carolina . Tennessee Texas Utah Vermont Virginia . 03:39 PM Sep 19, 2014 -8428- Hanford: My family’s dead; Mom & Dad: eaten by tumors (VIDEO) -8525- Baby cemeteries downwind – tumors, strokes, brain mush . . 10:01 PM Jan 30, 2012 -2427- Wisconsin issues statement on nuclear incident in Illinois - monitoring conditions after plant lost power - went offline. . 01:00 AM Jul 4, 2012 -3712- Russia owns 20% of U.S. uranium reserves* – Nuke Official: We're mining in Wyoming – you couldn’t imagine that 3-4 years ago. *[Hillary Clinton sold it to Putin who paid Podesta (her handler) in Russian nuclear stock]
# New Hampshire — "Due to its long half-life and continued release from ongoing nuclear energy production, [iodine-129] is perpetually accumulating in the environment and poses a growing radiological risk," the authors point out. The production rate of these two isotopes in a nuclear reactor occurs at a fixed ratio of 3 parts iodine-131 to one part iodine-129. The two substances travel together, so the presence of the easily detectable isotope also signals the presence of the longer-lived one. "If you have a recent event like Fukushima, you are going to have both present. The iodine-131 is going to decay away pretty quickly over the course of weeks, but the iodine-129 is there forever, essentially," Landis says. However, he explains, "Once the iodine-131 decays, you lose your ability to track the migration of either isotope."
under repair & reconstruction
Fairewinds video interviews & transcripts
Nuclear Power Makes Global Warming Worse
How nuclear industry throws us under the bus: a false narrative reactors significantly reduce global CO2
CCTV host Margaret Harrington of Nuclear Free Future, interviews Fairewinds Chief Engineer Arnie Gundersen and Research Assistant Grayson Webb to discuss how the atomic power industry tries to sell the world a false narrative that the nuclear industry helps reduce Global CO2.
Arnie and Grayson discuss Fairewinds 18-month research endeavor that found using atomic reactors would reduce CO2 emissions sustainable energy source only 6% by the year 2050 and cost more than $8.2 trillion dollars!
Renewable and sustainable energy sources are cheaper and boost the U.S. economy by creating jobs in America; here, | scroll down for transcript). (Formatted & edited oral history transcript by Nuclear Weather Forecast; (PDF, here) - or - (MS Word w/search engine, footnotes, endnotes, charts & supplementary information, here).

Manmade ionizing Alpha, Beta & Gamma radiation are attracted to & attack different human body parts.
Nuclear industry is a crime against Seattle, Vancouver & Portland
Radiation precautions for areas near Seattle, Vancouver, Portland
Portland has cesium at 100 Bq/m²
Radiation precautions for areas near Seattle, Vancouver, Portland. Perhaps you need to wash your shoes …and other things. If in Oregon, Wash., Calif. you need to demand officials test how Fukushima fallout has affected rivers and fish -- Significant radiation hit west coast and settled in on Cascades. We’ll see a statistically meaningful increase in cancer from Fukushima on west coast …after Japan, the most radioactive area is Cascade Mountains. Portland had cesium at 100 Bq/m² – Arnie Gundersen
12:45 PM Nov 16, 2014 -8498- U.S. Nuclear Professor: Fukushima “a really major event here”, Washington [State] had radioactive aerosols 100,000 times normal; “Far more bigger accident than we’re hearing” — Model shows West Coast completely blacked out due to particles covering area — Gundersen: Lung cancers to start increasing in Pacific Northwest (AUDIO)
02:07 AM Nov 5, 2014 -8488- West Coast - Baby whales dying since 2011 - none survive - mothers pregnant for weeks, then abort; starving - skeletons with skin (VIDEO)
01:02 PM Nov 4, 2014 -8487- Nuclear Expert: Melted fuel cores burn through containment vessels - mix with groundwater (AUDIO)
08:14 AM Nov 4, 2014 -8486- Mysterious Phenomena off U.S. West Coast: Fish disappeared, whales nearly absent, no krill, high rates of egg failure among birds - California Fishermen: There’s almost nothing there, just water
01:17 PM Nov 3, 2014 -8485- Food products heavily contaminated by Fukushima found in U.S.; Over 30,000 pCi/kg of cesium, also had Cobalt-60 and Antimony-124 - FDA: We found no Fukushima contamination in U.S. food supply during routine monitoring
03:38 PM Nov 2, 2014 -8484- Official: Fukushima destroyed our life… it can destroy history itself - Professor: Very hard to imagine a future beyond Fukushima (VIDEOS)
08:29 PM Oct 31, 2014 -8483- Sinkhole develops under dam in U.S. - 7 nuclear reactors downstream - Water seeping out - Gov’t notified of stability issues, nuclear plants begin evaluating potential flood impacts - Structure same height as Niagara Falls (PHOTOS)
11:33 PM Oct 30, 2014 -8482- Video: Purple cloud seen by engineer after Fukushima explosion… I took a photo - Former Prime Minister: Smoke from reactor blast had different color than officials claim; Steel appears to have melted on top of Unit 3; Suggests possible nuclear explosion
04:19 PM Oct 30, 2014 -8481- U.S. sailors have won major battle in Fukushima lawsuit - Now 200 young Navy and Marines with leukemia, organs removed, brain tumors/cancer, blindness, more - Gov’t: Fukushima a terrible tragedy… Navy ships under threat - radiation will kill like a nuclear weapon (VIDEO)
Join Us On a Roller Coaster Ride to Save the Life Force
You can realize your Angelic calling and Divine nature and respect Life and protect Life.

----------- HEALTH CARE FOR OUR PLANET ----------
Next time you hear nuclear apologists say nuclear is safe & clean, just say, "put it where the sun doesn't shine"
Business-as-Usual Daily Nuclear Industry Reactor Fallout, Dumps, Mines & Nuclear Catastrophe Fallout Hurts Wild & Domesticated Mammals (including human), Pets & Other Animals with Excruciating Pain & Suffering
Here is an excerpt from Chernobyl: Consequences of the Catastrophe for People and the Environment: Chapter 11. Chernobyl’s Radioactive Impact on Microbial Biota, by Alexey V. Yablokov; edited by Janet Sherman:
[Abstract] Of the few microorganisms that have been studied, all underwent rapid changes in the areas heavily contaminated by Chernobyl. Organisms such as tuberculosis bacilli; hepatitis, herpes, and tobacco mosaic viruses; cytomegalovirus; and soil micromycetes and bacteria were activated in various ways. The ultimate long-term consequences for the Chernobyl microbiologic biota may be worse than what we know today. Compared to humans and other mammals, the profound changes that take place among these small live organisms with rapid reproductive turnover do not bode well for the health and survival of other species.
[Article] One gram of soil contains some 2,500,000,000 microorganisms (bacteria, micro-fungi, and protozoa). Up to 3 kg of the mass of an adult human body is made up of bacteria, viruses, and micro-fungi. In spite of the fact that these represent such important and fundamentally live ecosystems there are only scarce data on the various microbiological consequences of the Chernobyl catastrophe.
Several incidences of increased morbidity owing to certain infectious diseases may be due to increased virulence of microbial populations as a result of Chernobyl irradiation. … … …
All microorganisms (viruses, bacteria, fungi, and protozoa) and microbiological communities as a whole undergo rapid changes after any additional irradiation. The mechanism of such changes is well known: inclusion and increase in the frequency of mutations by natural selection and preservation of beneficial novel genes that for whatever reason appear more viable under the new conditions. This micro-evolutionary mechanism has been activated in all radioactively contaminated areas and leads to activation of old and the occurrence of new forms of viruses and bacteria.
Thank you for your interest. Please contact your friends & share this info.
Every nuclear reactor is a nuclear dump where waste is stored, so we focus on America first then locations of every nuclear reactor & dump in the world, since all give you immune deficiency diseases, heart attacks & cancer.
Biden & Dementia Note: Portland Metro Creative Aging & Cognitive Arts Center is not funded at this time. enrollment membership info for our curriculum for students will be available, here.
