
Save Earth ...Seize Federal Reserve Founding Stock


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Central Bankers Hurt Animals with nuclear weather war radiation

Central Bankers Snot You with Radiation

Nuclear fallout from reactors slowly, or quickly from bombs, catastrophes, accumulated fallout (takes 1,000's of years to fade), exists to make sure, animals don’t. They call endless accumulation, ‘background' radiation.

Central bankers had nuclear radiation invented, mass produced, to deploy, merchandize, traffick, pay for in blood ...(yours), war, destroy economies, paychecks, savings, lives ...gobble them up like a garbage disposal. Carelessly, human. Garbage.

They Mercilessly Hurt Animals ...Guess What?

The corporations central bankers own and direct mercilessly hurt animals into misery,  excruciation …you're a mammal, a human animal. Is it collateral damage, semantics or biology? 

Animals with mammary glands are called, ‘mammals’

Animals with mammary glands are called, ‘mammals’ …mammary glands are arranged in organs such as breasts in primates, udders in ruminants, and dugs of other animals. You’ve got mammary glands, you’re a mammal, a human animal …however, death doesn’t care about the details of a life, nor suffering.

What about Animal Immigrants?

Central bankers hurt, you ...earn interest on costs to end your pain, bank on your lesions, cancers, infections, tumors, diseases; torment you bear witness to is negotiable, like a seaborne animal swimming in the currents by floating plutonium and 1,000 other radionuclides, while migrating, here ...but, not by you. 

Hurt on the Installment Plan

Sometimes we die at speed of light from high exposure to nuclear radiation; sometimes we die slow to prolonged exposure to low levels of radiation …again, death and suffering skip details. You shouldn’t. See the pictures ...if you cry., they get blurry. If they don’t, you’re already dead.

Planting consciousness seeds to awake your angelic purpose ...to protect & nurture mother earth

(don't try to understand ...look at the pictures on the right to give you a clue then look at the charts in this column then figure it out, yourself.)

to stop the dark harvest of species loss from military extreme climate change ...erase central bankers

animals being destroyed by central bankers with nuclear power & military climate change ...weapons only central bankers can own & command. (note: for picture & scientific & university credits go to endnote references in the back of each of the companion e-books, find your picture, click on the endnote reference number which takes you to one of the 9,011 headlines, click on the headline which takes you to a summary with 3-to-5 pieces of documentation, then click on the image or story for original credits from a total of 25,000-to-35,000 pieces of published documentation.)

Central Bankers & their corporate interlocks of corporations they own

Nuclear radiation hurts animals

Nuclear is bad

Mammals of the land & sea: Seaborne, Sea Lions in the Kuroshio current from Japan to the U.S. West Coast swimming in the ocean current next to floating plutonium & several hundred to a thousand other radionuclides from the three Fukshima nuclear reactor meltdowns that started in 2011 and melted down as molten lava into the water aqufirs feeding the Pacific Ocean & continue today and perhaps, for Eternity ... their skin peels off, they get lesions, organ cancers, miscarriages, cancers of the eye & brain & breast & prostate ...like people do. And ...horses just inland from the Pacific where the entire West Coast had fallout readings in the United States in many cases as high as they were in Japan ... the thoroughbreds & race horses die suddenly, or guess what, their skin peels off, too & they get strange illnesses never seen before.
Central Bankers & their corporate interlocks of corporations they own


Nuclear radiation hurts animals

Nuclear radiation hurts animals

Russia, Kazakhstan, nuclear testground babies

Central Bankers & their corporate interlocks of corporations they own

Nuclear radiation hurts animals

Nuclear radiation hurts animals & so does electromagnetic-spectrum-microwave imaging weather warfare

 Nuclear radiation hurts animals

Central Bankers & their corporate interlocks of corporations they own

Nuclear radiation hurts animals & so does electromagnetic microwave weather warfare

Nuclear radiation hurts & mutates children

Nuclear radiation mutates &/or kills animals
Central Bankers & their corporate interlocks of corporations they own

Nuclear radiation gives  people & animals cancer, mutates &/or kills them

Nuclear industry radiation & fallout mutates &/or destroys animals, plants & all living things

Nuclear industry radiation hurts, mutates, sickens &/or gives cancer to animals, people & all living things

Nuclear radiation hurts animals & so does electromagnetic-spectrum-microwave imaging weather warfare

Central Bankers & their corporate interlocks of corporations they own

Nuclear industry ionizing radiation & weather warfare electromagnetic microwave radiation destroys animals, people, plants and all living things

Nuclear radiation hurts animals & so does electromagnetic-spectrum-microwave imaging weather warfare

Central Bankers & their corporate interlocks of corporations they own

Nuclear radiation hurts animals

Nuclear radiation hurts animals & so does electromagnetic-spectrum-microwave imaging weather warfare

Nuclear radiation hurts animals & so does electromagnetic-spectrum-microwave imaging weather warfare

Central Bankers & their corporate interlocks of corporations they ownNuclear radiation hurts animals & so does electromagnetic-spectrum-microwave imaging weather warfare

Kazakhstan nuclear test ground mutant humans.

Nuclear radiation hurts animals & so does electromagnetic-spectrum-microwave imaging weather warfare

Kazakhstan mutants

This is a promotional video for Nuclear Weather Forecast (www.nuclearweatherforecast.com)


kill or be killed — these are the dynastic central banking families that destroy earth

central bankers mass murder animals

The guys & gals destroying life on Earth with nuclear weather warfare.

Lisa Haven

Extinction Level Event Now Underway! Bible Prophecy Exploding!

Pet monkey has a pet tiger; pet tiger has a pet monkey.


Global migration

Global migration (no sound?)

Global migration

Global migration (no sound?)

Sea Lion mass mortalityh

Trump, Putin. Podesta, Hillary, Obama & Biden are pro-nuclear; so blame seaborne radionuclides decimating sea life, on Trump & on you


species loss ...who owns the polluting corporations making greenhouse gases forcing global warming? ...and is responsible for eXtreme climate change? ...(gov't military weather warfare)

Federal Reserve has no diversity nor representation of the 99% & their founding warlord dynastic central bankers are white racists who conquered 122 countries of color & enslaved them financially & as slaves.

The dark forces of corporation-caused global warming & of nuclear fallout & gov't military eXtreme climate change at work. Our living planet is being murdered by central bankers using nuclear industry & weather warfare (not to mention conventional warfare).

The dark forces of corporation-caused global warming & of nuclear fallout & gov't military eXtreme climate change at work. Our living planet is being murdered by central bankers using nuclear industry & weather warfare (not to mention conventional warfare).

Federal Reserve has no diversity nor representation of the 99% & their founding warlord dynastic central bankers are white racists who conquered 122 countries of color & enslaved them financially & as slaves.

Federal Reserve has no diversity nor representation of the 99% & their founding warlord dynastic central bankers are white racists who conquered 122 countries of color & enslaved them financially & as slaves.

"Banking institutions are more dangerous to our liberties than standing armies. If American people ever allow private banks to control the issue of their currency, first by inflation, then by deflation, the banks and corporations that will grow up around will deprive the people of all property until their children wake-up homeless on the continent their fathers conquered. The issuing power should be taken from the banks and restored to the people, to whom it properly belongs." ~ President Thomas Jefferson, 1801-1809 

The Fed owns & controls the military-industrial-establishment constituent warlord corporations

{Editor's note.} (1) The private stockholders of the Fed own 20% of each Fortune 500 company. (tbd). — (2) They sit as directors on the boards and direct those corporations and therefore are responsible for 100% of the pollution of greenhouse gas pollution forcing global warming that those corporations make. — (3) The Federal Reserve is not Federal (not publically owned) but privatedly owned, and its directors already sit on the boards of the original five western central banks in Europe, plus perhaps over hundred central banks of other countries. — (4) The Fed is a subsidiary of the "City of London corporation", their corporate headquarters. "The City of London" i.e. "the Crown" i.e. "the Square Mile" i.e. "the City" ...is a square mile located in the city of London, that is a sovereign country recognized as such by 122 other countries — which happen to be countries of 'color', since 'the City" conquered and own(s)ed / controls all the British colonies & countries of color (they conquered), and the British Monarchy (King, Queen, other genocidal royalty) owns all the 'white' countries / colonies. — (5) So, the City of London is the seat of white racism in the western world, since they only conquered countries of color. — (6) So stop saying all white men are racists and start saying the white board of directors of the City of London corporation are racists. —  (7) When the directors of 'the City' founded the Fed in 1913, the made themselves the only stockholders ...and...  made it so they got the interest on the national debt each year, as their annual personal dividend on their exclusive ownership of Fed stock. — (8) So cancer, war (weapons trading), space travel, famine, sickness, nuclear reactors, depression, recession ... whatever (cont)

Fed owns all Fortune 500 companies causing eXtreme climate change, global warming, pollution & war

increases public debt that increases the national debt by Biden (demos) or Trump (repubs), adds to (increases) the interest on the national debt. —(9) Today, the national debt is $30 trillion dollars. And,  (today being 9/10/2022 (under a pretty and full moon) the interest on the national debt this year, is: "May 31, 2022 interest costs will reach historic highs within the next 10 years ... projecting that annual interest costs will rise from $399 billion in 2022 to $1.2 trillion in 2032." — (10) That's how much the owners of the Fed get every year as a stock dividend just from the Fed ...not counting the interest from the original five European central banks they own, and not counting the interest they get from the other over 100 central banks they control. — (11) We threw them out in the financial Revolution of 1776, and (except for 2 years) had a publically-owned central bank from then until 1913 — (12) when the warlord racist central bankers did a financial coup in the U.S. and bribed Congress (as usual) and the privately owned Fed took over (monetary policy & interest rates) financial control of America — (13) and the United States Corporation (founded by the City of London corporation in 1868) had by then displaced the Republic of the united States of America, with the United States (corporation). The name of our country is America. It is now illegally run by a private corporation, out of England, called the 'United States'. — (14) America believes in personal sovereignty (freedom from government) & financial freedom and the United States (corporation) believes in global government under New World Order / Great Reset central bank control with no personal freedom, no public ownership and financial & physical slavery.

Thank you for your interest. Please contact your friends & share this info. 

Every nuclear reactor is a nuclear dump where waste is stored, so we focus on America first then locations of every nuclear reactor & dump in the world, since all give you immune deficiency diseases, heart attacks & cancer.

Biden & Dementia Note: Portland Metro Creative Aging & Cognitive Arts Center is not funded at this time. enrollment membership info for our curriculum for students will be available, here.