8827 TV: Astronomical radiation in downtown Tokyo - directly outside gov’t building – ‘Horrific’ readings where kids play in Fukushima, ‘extreme’ levels where food grown for school lunches - nuclear expert shocked, upset by discovery – Gundersen found Tokyo remains contaminated – measured dust and found high dose of radiation. That dust is in the air that will be inhaled by the visitors and athletes of the 2020 Olympic Games. Current residents inhale it every day (VIDEO-CCTV Channel 17 interview )
CCTV (CHANNEL 17 IN BURLINGTON, VERMONT), published Jun 20, 2016
- Margaret Harrington, host: I know you mentioned Arnie Gundersen, the chief engineer at Fairewinds, and he said that he measured the radiation there, too. Could you talk about that a little bit?
- Maggie Gundersen, Fairewinds Energy Education founder and CEO: He’s working with some other scientists who are studying - both Japanese scientists, the samples that they took, and the U.S. scientists who are evaluating the samples - and they’re finding astronomical amounts of radiation, even in downtown Tokyo outside of METI’s door. METI is the regulatory agency over nuclear power… When he and others were downtown in Tokyo, they took samples right there in a garden right outside the door and on the front doormat, and these are really, really high samples. Frightening, because people walking in Tokyo will then be inhaling that dust. What was the film we saw from Japan that had the mothers who were in an area where kids play and run from middle school?
- Caroline Phillips, Fairewinds Energy Education: It’s a fantastic video… it’s a mothers organization, they live in the Fukushima Prefecture and they’re actually using Geiger counters that have been issued by the government. They’re walking along the river [in Fukushima City.]
- Maggie Gundersen: What’s so tragic about it - kids are running along dirt paths doing gym class and track and things like that and the mothers are right down in areas that are not posted and the kids can go after school and play, and people do nature hikes and stuff. And the radiation readings are horrific.
GENDAI BUSINESS ONLINE (ARTICLE IN JAPANESE), Jun 14, 2016: [J]ust before the 5th anniversary of the triple meltdown at Fukushima Daiichi, a group of young girls in the city of Minami-Soma rode their bikes to school past a shocked and saddened pedestrian. That upset observer was Arnie Gundersen, nuclear reactor expert… What surprised me at this visit to Japan… is that the decontaminated area is contaminated again, Mr. Gundersen said while explaining why it was such a sad shock to witness the girls on their bicycles. This was not what I had expected. I had thought that we would not find such high doses of radiation in the decontaminated area. But, sadly, our results prove otherwise.… Gundersen collected samples of dust [though] the official data cannot be released before the publication of formal scientific papers, it is evident that high doses of radiation, usually found in nuclear waste, was detected from these samples. This means that highly radioactive dust is flying around the city. In other words, the decontaminated land is contaminated again. Little girls are affected by the radiation 20 times as much as adult men. The Japanese government standard of 20 mSv is based on exposure assessments for adult men. The girls on their bicycles are actually being affected by a radiation dose equivalent to as much as 400 mSv. Mr. Gundersen also pointed out that human lungs are heavily affected by internal exposures to radiation. At this visit, I wore a radiation proof mask that can filter out 99.98% of radiation for six hours. I sent my filter to the lab, and they found a high dose of Cesium. But, unfortunately, the Japanese government only cares about the number on a Geiger counter and does not consider the internal exposure. This has resulted in a hazardous downplay of this kind of data and human lungs are affected by the serious internal exposure.… [T]he radiation from the mountains is coming back to the city by way of wind and rain. Mr. Gundersen noted the extreme radioactive contamination of the mountains… vegetables grown in that area exceed the government’s standard by 1500 Bq. These vegetables were sold at the Michino Eki in Tochigi prefecture, and the bamboo shoot grown in this contaminated region was used for elementary school lunches in Utsunomiya. These school lunches contained more than twice as much radiation as the government’s standard… However, the government continues to push for the end of people’s relocation and force the return to re-contaminated areas… Mr. Gundersen also found that Tokyo remains contaminated. He measured dust… and found a high dose of radiation. That dust is in the air that will be inhaled by the visitors and athletes of the 2020 Olympic Games. Needless to say, the current residents are inhaling it every day…
05:36 PM Mar 22, 2014 8117 Fukushima Evacuee: 50% of class with nosebleeds at same time - Immune system problems reported by many families (VIDEO)
02:27 PM Mar 22, 2014 8116 Black dust absolutely everywhere that’s highly radioactive - Gov’t would not evacuate children because they’d have to certify it was safe to return, and they could not - ongoing crisis (VIDEO)
03:31 PM Jan 17, 2014 6934 Many young people in Fukushima in high school die suddenly – Officials ignore all the problems – Former Mayor: People are always told any disease they have is not caused by radiation (VIDEO)
11:44 AM Jan 17, 2014 6933 Former Official in Fukushima: This is a disaster of all humanity… the entire world - It’s on an international level, huge consequences – Now bigger than anything we can cope with (VIDEO)
09:59 AM Jan 17, 2014 6932 California seafood tainted from Fukushima disaster, says chef – everything from San Diego to Alaska off menu (VIDEO)
12:34 AM Sep 11, 2012 4236 Japanese mayor says students are gaining knowledge by eating radioactive food in school lunches
07:35 AM Sep 11, 2012 4240 “Don’t be a chicken” mayor tells parents concerned their children are eating radioactive lunches — “The pace of descending into deeper and deeper lunacy seems to be accelerating in Japan”
10:35 AM Feb 3, 2012 2471 Japan Lawmaker: 180,000 students may have eaten radioactive beef — 1,300 Bq/kg served for lunch in Miyagi
08:30 AM Aug 22, 2011 1192 Japanese Journalist: “It’s like killing our own children, I cannot allow it to happen” — Teachers forcing students to eat food that parents fear is contaminated with radiation (VIDEO)
02:18 PM Jan 28, 2012 2407 Leftovers: Local gov’ts testing school lunches AFTER children have already eaten -Yomiuri
05:05 AM Jun 1, 2011 0630 Gov’t answer to protecting children in Fukushima from radioactive fallout? Wear long-sleeved shirts while at school
12:25 PM Dec 5, 2011 1924 Local gov’t tests kids’ lunches: Tokyo nursery school serving milk with 18 Bq/kg of cesium — Over 160 times EPA limit — Milk industry protested testing
01:22 PM Nov 27, 2011 1853 “It’s like Russian roulette”: Only 10 percent of school lunches in Fukushima tested for radiation — Officials didn’t even know testing equipment was available
01:36 PM Jul 16, 2012 3803 U.S. Newspaper reports on link between birth defects and eating radioactive contamination — One piece of contaminated food may deliver radiation of hundreds of x-rays
12:07 PM Jul 28, 2011 1067 “Muzzled”: Fukushima teacher quits after being stopped from alerting students about radiation exposure — Asst. principal says “I don’t think the children are safe either”
12:46 PM Dec 7, 2011 8385.10 Japan Teachers: Students being taught pro-nuclear propaganda — Told radiation risk is less than dying of old age (VIDEO)
11:05 AM May 30, 2012 3459 Calif. tuna study: Radioactive contamination public health concerns - spent less than a month in waters near Japan - turtles, sharks, birds at risk
Because Bluefin tuna are harvested annually in the Eastern Pacific Ocean (EPO) for human consumption (2000 to 2010), possibility of radioactive contamination raises public health concerns.
All 15 Pacific Blue Fin Tuna collected in 2011 contained 134Cs (4.0 ± 1.4 Bq kg−1 dry wt) and 137Cs (6.3 ±1.5 Bq kg−1) in white muscle tissue. At capture, total 134+137Cs concentrations were about 10 times higher in 2011 PBFT than in PBFT from previous years.
Back-calculated 134Cs:137Cs ratios suggests that the radiocesium levels in California-caught PBFT were the result of <1 mth exposure to contaminated waters near Japan.
Other highly migratory species (HMS) (e.g., turtles, sharks, and seabirds) that forage near Japan may assimilate radiocesium and transport it to distant regions of the north and south Pacific.
11:43 AM Mar 22, 2014 8115 Cancer data for Fukushima – Statistics are terrifying especially for young girls – growing concern around cancer risk (VIDEO)
04:59 PM Jan 25, 2013 5210 Thyroid abnormalities in 55% of Fukushima girls tested age 11 to 15 (VIDEO)
11:55 AM Sep 24, 2012 4349 Gundersen: Girls are having as much as twice as many thyroid lumps as boys – Moms have a real legitimate reason to get their families out (VIDEO)
02:43 PM Sep 17, 2012 4286 Part II: Fukushima girls have 3x more thyroid nodules over 10 millimeters than boys – Also 56% more medium-sized nodules than boys
01:44 PM Sep 17, 2012 4285 Fukushima girls 3x thyroid cysts over 15 mm than boys – 79% more medium-sized cysts
01:59 PM Mar 20, 2012 2890 Gundersen: 20 percent of young girls living in some areas around Fukushima Daiichi will get cancer from radiation over their lifetimes (AUDIO)
07:31 AM Jan 18, 2012 2299 Fukushima risk underestimated – 5% of young girls will get cancer living in 20 milliSv/y for 5 years - Actually worse than that - Hot particles not included & counts only cancers, not other effects (VIDEO)
11:53 AM Oct 31, 2011 1653 8-year-old girl – 3,000 disintegrations radioactive cesium every second (1 Bq = 1 disintegration/sec) inside body
10:40 AM Feb 12, 2013 5328 Fukushima child 6,000 disintegrations every second inside body
02:37 PM Dec 10, 2011 1963 Top Radiation Expert: 50 Bq/kg in humans leads to irreversible lesions in vital organs (VIDEO)
01:47 PM Apr 5, 2011 0223 Enraged nuclear expert: I’m personally furious at the government for this misleading information that downplays ingesting milk with iodine-131 – No mother should ever have to wonder if the milk she feeds her child might be harmful
02:12 AM Apr 3, 2011 0204 Nuclear industry propaganda that low-level radiation [is safe] is absolute rubbish says physician who taught at Harvard Med School – It’s all about internal emitters (VIDEO) – It’s imperative that people understand that internal emitters cause cancer
08:36 PM Apr 4, 2011 0216 U.S. Department of Energy: No level of radiation is without health risks – Nobody is talking about the fact that there is no safe dose of radiation.
No safe levels of nuclear radiation exposure ... standard is based on ‘cost-benefit’, not safety
09:57 AM Jun 2, 2011 0642 International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) says no such thing as safe levels of radiation – standard based on ‘cost-benefit’, not safety – Study from National Academy of Science says one out of five workers will get from cancer and suffer if exposed to IAEA-deemed allowable radiation level.
(Also see: Yes, nuclear fallout is in your breast milk, too –here)
8821.1 Fairewinds Comments on the EPA’s [lethal] Proposed Changes to the Protective Action Guidelines (here)
08:55 AM Dec 21, 2012 5006 Mother: Child with severe nose bleeds, full body rash after playing in Fukushima contaminated water – So much blood, thought head was cut open - fingers covered in open sores
08:55 AM May 14, 2012 3319 Young girl covered in mud during decontamination effort in former Fukushima evacuation zone – ban to enter area lifted last mth (PHOTO & VIDEO)
12:52 PM Aug 19, 2012 4058 NBC: Radioactive contamination in San Francisco neighborhood – 400 times EPA limit found in soil sample - Boys & Girls Club exposed to contaminated dust?
02:22 AM Aug 21, 2012 4073 Biologist: We’ve seen dramatic effects on Fukushima animals & plants – Now we’re seeing it at the level of DNA (AUDIO)
09:27 PM Oct 27, 2013 6608 Film: Young Fukushima girl douses herself with gasoline, lights it – asks why did this nuclear disaster happen to us? (VIDEO)
04:59 PM Jan 25, 2013 5210 Thyroid abnormalities in 55% of Fukushima girls tested age 11-15 (VIDEO)
10:07 PM Jan 24, 2013 5206 Recess decontaminaton – Children play by adults shoveling radioactive dirt (VIDEO)
09:01 PM Jan 23, 2013 5199 Mother terrified to return to Tokyo with 3 kids due to Fukushima contamination – Tells her, what you are experiencing is treatable – contact PTSD center
02:01 PM Jan 23, 2013 5195 Washington Post: Nuclear plant produces snow in Pennsylvania – never seen this phenomenon observed before (PHOTO)
03:37 AM Jan 23, 2013 5192 Fukushima 7th Grader: Government knows we are suffering and they don’t do anything (VIDEO)
04:13 PM Dec 18, 2012 4989 Professor: Japan radioactive crops being shipped to cleaner areas and mixed into food supply? (VIDEO)
08:48 PM Dec 17, 2012 4985 Photographs doctored at multiple U.S. nuclear power plants (VIDEO)
(Also see, Secrets of Supermarket Meat & Fish, here)
Nov 27, 2019 – British shops will sell radioactive food grown near the Fukushima nuclear disaster site from next month under controversial EU plans. By Emily Ferguson — Brussels has forged a trade deal with Japan that removes controls over radioactivity levels on foods produced on the island following the 2011 nuclear disaster, The Telegraph reports. As a result, Britain will soon be selling goods from the disaster-hit area including baby food, breakfast cereals, fish crustaceans, meat and green tea. Current plans do not allow for the contaminated products to be labelled, meaning consumers won't know the food contains radioactive substances.
video censored
(above) British shops to sell Fukushima radioactive baby food – contaminated products will not be labelled

05:54 PM Jan 11, 2012 2237 Interview with Fukushima woman losing hair, nails, teeth (PHOTO, VIDEO)
How did the radiation sickness symptoms go, Emiko?
— Diarrhea — From June to August, had diarrhea like water
— Numbness — Fingers (except for the thumb and pointing finger) got numb. More and more area started feeling numb. It hurt too; arms and neck didn’t have numb; one month and half have passed since the beginning; numb feeling disappeared
Mouth/Teeth — From 8/18, my jaw started having terrible pain. In October, felt like some thing was stuck between the teeth, and 3 teeth fell off. After all, 4 teeth fell off; had remaining teeth pulled off too because they hurt too much; lost 8 teeth in total.
— My hands got bladder on 10/20 (not itchy or painful, grew every 10 minutes, yellow water is inside. My legs got bladder too.
— Fatigue: Next symptom was fatigue. Couldn't move for 3 days. Fatigue. — Couldn’t move for 3 days. — 11/9, extreme fatigue, couldn’t even open the eyes. — Felt too tired to sit on chair — Met old friend (42.) She and her husband both were suffering from fatigue.
— High Fever and Blood Pressure: — 10/26, got fever - Average temperature was about 35? but it went up to 37? — Blood pressure increased too (140,93).
—Hair Loss. Started losing hair from November; niece told me I was balding. — Kept losing hair in December too — Had my hair cut to be 3cm but still kept losing. — Met old friend (42) — She had hair until October but had to wear a wig in December.
— Nails Lost — Nails dropped off too
Bleeding — Husband had nosebleed in the toilet —He has hardly had nosebleed before
08:57 AM Jan 14, 2012 2264 Women can’t control themselves – Leads to stress, teeth & hair fall out
02:04 AM Oct 30, 2013 6619 Intensive contamination areas by downtown Tokyo – health help for kids & pregnant women needed (MAP)
04:42 PM Oct 30, 2013 6622 Japan Professor: Pregnant women get free new houses if they move back to Fukushima – Physician/Mayor: Children being severely harmed, must be evacuated (VIDEO)
05:52 PM Aug 9, 2012 3981 Pregnant women used for decontamination activity after Fukushima disaster – Report (VIDEO)
03:56 PM Jul 2, 2012 3700 Fukushima Woman: Many are aborting babies - really happening - I know many women who were visibly pregnant then suddenly weren’t (VIDEO)
11:52 PM Nov 12, 2014 8494 Japanese doctors threatened for revealing data on how bad Fukushima-related illnesses really are – Gundersen: We had pregnant sisters in Tokyo deliver two dead babies & one with deformities, that’s alive; Gov’t won’t disclose miscarriages or stillbirths around Fukushima (AUDIO)
02:07 AM Nov 5, 2014 8488 West Coast – Baby whales dying since 2011– none survive –mothers pregnant for weeks, then abort; starving – skeletons with skin (VIDEO)
12:41 PM Dec 10, 2014 8522 Experts: 100% death rate for baby killer whales along West Coast – Alarm bells ring as no newborns have survived in past 3 years – This is absolutely the worst thing possible, pregnant orca dies with decomposing stillborn full-term fetus inside – we’re going to lose them …they’ll be extinct for sure (VIDEO)
07:18 PM Jun 11, 2011 0708 Fukushima health study: 100 mSv/yr okay for pregnant moms – Effects of radiation do not come to happy people – they come to people that are weak-spirited – Soviets required mandatory evacuation at Chernobyl at 5 millisieverts.
12:44 PM Mar 4, 2014 8061 Fukushima: Genetic defects & radiation-induced illness; baby of Navy sailor born with multiple genetic mutations, mother pregnant aboard USS Reagan for Japan rescue mission (VIDEO)
09:10 AM Apr 12, 2013 5738 U.S. Experiments: Hundreds of pregnant women fed nuclear material - infants & children fed radioactive lemonade
05:13 PM Mar 28, 2013 5675 Three Mile Island meltdown 34 years ago today – America’s forgotten nuclear terror – Pregnant women, small children told to leave area (VIDEO & AUDIO)
09:26 AM Oct 11, 2013 6532 Doctors warn about radioactive substances from Fukushima coming to West Coast in 2014 – Consider keeping kids away from beach, perhaps pregnant women as well (VIDEO)
06:36 AM Apr 11, 2011 0277 0277a Health risk from Fukushima fallout – U.S. west coast: 8-10 times more contamination – don’t drink rainwater; vulnerable groups – children & pregnant or breast-feeding women – avoid vegetables w/large leaves, fresh milk & creamy cheese
01:36 PM Jul 16, 2012 -3803- Birth defects & eating radioactively contaminated food - Ukraine shows elevated birth defects of brain & spinal cord – One mushroom eaten in affected areas may deliver as much radiation as hundreds of chest x-rays – This accumulation is most worrisome for pregnant women. Radiation is an agent that can not only cause birth defects, but alter the human genome with long-term effects on future generations.
04:58 PM Apr 9, 2011 -0269- Official in BC, Canada connects with pregnant moms and those with newborns seeing radiation levels in rain rise steeply – community health at stake – no-drink order after radiation increase