
Save Earth ...Seize Federal Reserve Founding Stock


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11 a.m. west coast 08-03-2024  portland homeboy strikes back — welcome

legal disclaimer: this is a human comedy satire & tragedy site ...financial crash dummies r welcome

to update or if you see a picture is missing refresh by pressing control r on newer computers on older computers control f5, thank you

 under construction, substantive & developmental editing & cell phone

 the views on this site are my views ... they do not have to be yours ... 

Instant UN peacekeeper army of millions of illegals military-aged men simply by providing them uniforms & guns

Biden sniff attack on robot decoy

Fascist dictators responsible for human misery wear different faces ...but are the same evil

Welcome to the assassination brought to you by Homeland Security Investigations Assassinations

Bill Gates child rape & murder vids

It's starting, Bill Gates announces the next pandemic date and outbreak location ...one (1) billion black & brown kids in South America & Africa


It's starting, Bill Gates announces the next plandemic date and outbreak location ...one (1) billion black & brown kids in South America & Africa ...(& Australia?)  

Russia sailed its ships to New York to help fight the American Revolution of 1776; sailed its fleet to San Francisco to help Lincoln in the Civil War in 1865; won World War 1 and World War 2 with very high casualties; was double-crossed by triple-agent Allen Dulles who was a director of Schroder Bank ...as Dulles before the end of WW2 hired Hitler's Gehlen Organization Eastern Front intelligence outfit that became a part of the newly formed CIA with the mission of destroying Russia ... betraying our Ally. Schroder Bank had Bechtel groom Ronald Reagan to be Governor then President. I've written two novels in long and abridged editions, on these topics.https://rumble.com/v54d5wu-putin-issues-urgent-warning-us-preparing-bird-flu-false-flag-to-sabotage-el.html  

Putin Issues Urgent Warning: US Preparing Bird Flu False Flag To Sabotage Election

Russia has saved our ass many times throughout historyRussia saved our ass many timeshttps://www.portlandhomeboy.com/1-28-my-books-ebooks.html 

Apple Alien monster destroys Bill Gates at last


to order at Trafford (paperback or e-book)   — or at Amazon & Curtis Brown

(Note: Re-issued print edition available 8/15/24, e-book available now) ...Visit San Francisco as it used to be ...a global tourist destination

Twenty years of on-the-job emotional anecdotes by San Francisco Muni Drivers; foreword: Studs Terkel . Includes the world's biggest picture collection of S.F. Cable Cars, Buses, Streetcars & Trolleys

(also, see 48-pg index), here | note: 676 page novel also includes a 120-pg appendix of included documentation) Also see 48-pg index (including an accompanying huge appendix of documentation https://www.portlandhomeboy.com/4-14-american-civilian-counter-terrorist-index.html 


Whitney Webb

Oh S**t ...it's coming & can't be stopped: JD Vance Deep Ties To Surveillance State! ...w/ Whitney Webb!

JD Vance deep Ties To Surveillance State ! ... w/ Whitney Webb !


DIY Social Engineering



Tavistock Institute

Davos Propaganda Czar

Soros buys Hispanic radio station network

Soros buys largest U.S. Hispanic radio station network 

Bill Gates & George Soros might as well be fucking each other, they're fucking everyone else

Fact checkers caught colluding with pedophile ring

Evil Soros globalist dynasty

Trudeau is  Bluto & your are Popeye

World Economic Forum Klaus Barbie Schwab

Pizza   https://rumble.com/v4ctxun-this-reporter-was-fired-after-airing-this-segment-exposing-pizzagate-.html 

Pizzagate investigative reporter found dead

Podesta molesta?

Podestas molesta? ...ask Hillary. 

I'll show you mine if your show me yours --Pizza Podesta Molesta & Justin Trudeau: I'll show


Podesta, Schumer, Hillary

Weaponizing the United Nations ordering to legalize adult sex with minors by weaponizing adult sex with minors

What you gonna do when they come for you?

Spain parade & animal trafficking

Podesta bloodbath pig-out sampling mixture of blood, semen & other body fluids with effigy of Hillary Clinton

Soros Maidan

Schroder presents Bechtel presents Harris presents Newsom presents World Economic Forum presents City of London dynastic central banking warlords presents Corp U.S. presents Skull & Bones presents civil war presents triumph of the Republic of the united states of America over United States Corporation (aka District of Columbia)Welcome to the LGBTQ+ False Flag Events ... when will the LGBTQ community purge its ranks of the woken dead?  Ask City of London's Tavistock ...they do this all this social engineering destabilization of society.

Meet Kamala's family!

This is the me me me faction of the LGBTQ community trying to compensate for who-the-hell knows what ...except instant gratification

We don't care where you shove it just keep it in the bedroom ... however, we detect the presence of the Vatican Bank here ... if a priest talks about having sex with a man, child or animal ...they will be excommunicating for talking about it HOWEVER NOT FOR DOING IT

Mystery guest informant & 2-bit traitor


A D R E N O C H R O M E 

fact check: Investigation finds no evidence hollywood uses Adrenochrome as an immortality serum  <>  harvested from a child in satanic rituals ...you must be thinking of t-cells

National homelessness brought to you by Schroder bank subsidiary Bechtel plus JPMorganChase

Who destroyed San Francisco?

Soros on out son Alex in

Soros & son & witch Pelosi

Schumer Podesta Soros Pelosi Clinton Bill Gates Schiff ...not too much good in or around them

Hillary & George Soros raped Haiti while Bill and President GW Bush ripped off at least one billion dollars donated to help Haiti ...at night Hillary likely skanked out

Diamond Rockefeller Soros

Soros the God of suffering ... Even through he is Jewish, in his teen years Soros was a Nazi informer, (here); has he more respect for life or his power over it?

Jewish, in his teen years Soros was a Nazi informer, (here); more respect for life or sociopathy? 

Could sell snow to an Eskimo like he sold his own soul to the Adversary


Soros Maidan

Soros on out son Alex in

Soros & son & witch Pelosi

Schumer Podesta Soros Pelosi Clinton Bill Gates Schiff ...not too much good in or around them

Hillary & George Soros raped Haiti while Bill and President GW Bush ripped off at least one billion dollars donated to help Haiti ...at night Hillary likely skanked out

Soros the God of suffering ... Even through he is Jewish, in his teen years Soros was a Nazi informer, (here); has he more respect for life or his power over it?

Jewish, in his teen years Soros was a Nazi informer, (here); more respect for life or sociopathy? 

I hold my pants up with a piece of twine; it keeps them up there mostly all the time; and if you love me, tonight after we dine, if you'll be mine, please pull the twine.


The heart is a lonely hunter

Charlotte Summers


Feeling tries to survive amidst genocide & madness

Voice Australia


We try so hard for peace on Earth

Male view of a Constitutional Republic & of Democracy

Female view of a Constitutional Republic & of Democracy 

...drowning in evil

DARPA: Forest fire as a military weapons

Forest fire as a military weapon

& is it really evil? ...we ask ourselves not wanting to believe

Trump grabs Tanya by the pussy !


Jack Smith castrated now Tanya Chutkan for the deep state to rule case.

but our tears & aching heart pant & weep without end

Who's behind the Jan 6 insurrection at the U.S. Capitol? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BUE4TCLlv-c&t=11s     Who is behind the insurrection at U.S. Capitol?

we are beaten by evil, by animals (including people) in anguish ghosts rise up so horribly

Go figure: Murder Incorporated

INVESTMENT FIRMhttps://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2024/07/explosive-revelation-investment-firm-that-allegedly-put-options/  —  INSIDER TERRORISTS MAKE MILLIIONS AS CRISES UNFOLDS   https://truthout.org/articles/911-terrorists-made-millions-on-the-stock-market/ 

evil scratches us out of denial & we grasp for rocks & sticks & handfuls of dirt to defend ourselves

—1— Combat Weaponized Social Media Combat Weaponized Social Media —2— Combat Weaponized Social Media —3— Combat Weaponized Social Media —4— Combat Weaponized Social Media

Millennial Millie ...  Video documents group & individual agents provocateur were hired by Soros to turn peaceful protests into riots, building burnings to hurt people linked to FBI CointelPro (counter-intelligence program) agents provocateur to start trouble then make arrestshttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Aib8N76uyq0

ShadowGate 1.0

Millennial Millie: Shadow Gate 2.0: Fake News Industrial Complex  — no commentary — Millennial Millie: Weaponized social media takeover of Iraq, U.S.A., Syria

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WqBU8EyPSh8&t=4s  —   https://www.millennialmillie.com/ 



Hacking of DNC NOT done by Russia, done by Ukraine CIA-contractors.

FTR #981   hacking by ukraine (here !) [as cia operatives] 

Secondarily, see https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=s_l-zbFX4aw


—1— (here)   —2a— https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Aib8N76uyq0  —2b— https://www.millennialmillie.com/    —3— (here)   —4— https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WqBU8EyPSh8&t=4s —4b— https://www.millennialmillie.com/  

hearts pounding we leap into the abyss laughing & crying as if angels in flight

Weaponized social media. Weaponized social media Authorizing domestic psyops to sway elections

McCain with CIA-trained ISIS agents provocateurs

(Editor's note: Not a photo ...photoshop collage to illustrate story.) MORE McCain slew Abel, here: Mid-East & Ukraine Maidan CIA-Nazi Coup

Double double toil and trouble ...Hillary bloodbath continues


to order at Trafford (paperback or e-book)   — or at Amazon & Curtis Brown

(Note: Re-issued print edition available 8/15/24, e-book available now) ...Visit San Francisco as it used to be ...a global tourist destination

Twenty years of on-the-job emotional anecdotes by San Francisco Muni Drivers; foreword: Studs Terkel . Includes the world's biggest picture collection of S.F. Cable Cars, Buses, Streetcars & Trolleys

(also, see 48-pg index), here | note: 676 page novel also includes a 120-pg appendix of included documentation) Also see 48-pg index (including an accompanying huge appendix of documentation https://www.portlandhomeboy.com/4-14-american-civilian-counter-terrorist-index.html 


madness & loss our only friend

Who Destroyed San Francisco?

Soros on out son Alex in Marin Highlands overlooking Golden Gate Bridge

Soros, Soros, & witch Pelosi

Feeding time at the zoo

Hillary & George Soros raped Haiti while Bill and President GW Bush ripped off at least one billion dollars donated to help Haiti

drowned & tossed dead upon the shore

2020 Election fraud proven by police arrests


Naturally the biggest solar flare of the year makes the biggest earthquake of the year  ...but, artificially — HAARP facilities & ionospheric heaters make the biggest earthquakes of the year (& volcanic eruptions, too)   ...for example, Japan was first threatened by Hillary's State Department if they did not comply they would suffer an earthquake

I must destroy their souls before they destroy mine is that your answer or mine what does that matter, now

some work of Jim Lee

Naturally the biggest solar flare of the year makes the biggest earthquake of the year ...but, artificially --- HAARP facilities & ionospheric heaters make the biggest earthquakes of the year (& volcanic eruptions, too)

Naturally ...the biggest solar flare of the year makes the biggest earthquake of the year

or stand up trembling with your archangels a wall around me you preparest a table for me in the midst of my enemies

captions: Japan threatened with earthquake before Fukushima

till all that is left of us is You


is that what my 77 years of life is for that flickering flame that Eternal Light in my darkness

Our premise: This was an earthquake warfare attack by China and by IMF (City of London central bankers)

cc  Bird Flu weaponized thru gain-of-function by financial Google & Bill Gates, (here) —    (here-1-of-2 ) & (here-2-of-2)


Kill A Banker, Win A Prize

District of Columbia (corp. U.S.) vs Russia

District of Columbia (corp. U.S.) vs Russia District of Columbia (corp. U.S.) vs Russia

Nancy sucks Nazi d**k for the New American Century peep show staring genocide lackys Cheney & Obama & their satanic masters, City of London dynastic central banker war lords who sacrifice women & children in war

EVERYTHING MR. EMORY HAS BEEN SAYING ABOUT THE UKRAINE WAR IS ENCAPSULATED IN THIS VIDEO FROM UKRAINE 24 Mr. Emory’s entire life’s work is available on a 32GB flash drive, available for a contribution of $65.00 or more (to KFJC). Click Here to obtain Dave’s 40+ years’ work, complete through Late Fall of 2021 (through FTR #1215). Mr. Emory has launched a new Patreon site. Visit at: Patreon.com/DaveEmory https://twitter.com/i/status/1503829062556520448 

(click pic for video) https://twitter.com/i/status/1503829062556520448 


add  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hgW9aH_lBhE   chain of fools 

Welcome to Shroder Bank subsidiary Bechtel's San Francisco-based politicians & their vision of a reset equitable America ...San Francisco city-approved perennial Alphabet soup public event with San Francisco District Attorney Kamala Harris, Nancy Pelosi, Diane Feinstein approval — to insert Shroder Bank subsidiary Bechtel Fed antics & bedroom politics into national politics & school policy — as the new normal forced on straight kids.

The fix is in

U.S. House of Representatives chart of who owns Fed ( pdf (msword) & Original House document, (here

  (below) Charts by Eustace Mullins, excerpted from: The Secrets of the Federal Reserve, second edition (1st 1952 — 2nd 1983, as I recall). He told me on phone original edition banned and burned in Germany when published in 1952. An intelligible expose on Federal Reserve System that makes sense ...(contains no senseless-economic-theory-garbage.)

Fed interest-rate bankers make a killing. They get the interest on the national debt, about $450 billion dollars this year ...free. Even though the American Revolution of 1776 was fought to stop the Bank of England charging interest, and even though the U.S. Constitution calls for a publicly-owned bank that doesn't charge interest, there was a financial coup in 1913, and Congress sold out& turned over the control of U.S. money to private bankers, a bankster cartel of eight families ...many of which are not even U.S. citizens. THESE EIGHT FAMILIES ARE THE DEEP STATE.

Fed interest-rate bankers make a killing. They get the interest on the national debt, about $450 billion dollars this year ...free. Even though the American Revolution of 1776 was fought to stop the Bank of England charging interest, and even though the U.S. Constitution calls for a publicly-owned bank that doesn't charge interest, there was a financial coup in 1913, and Congress sold out& turned over the control of U.S. money to private bankers, a bankster cartel of eight families ...many of which are not even U.S. citizens. THESE EIGHT FAMILIES ARE THE DEEP STATE.

Fed interest-rate bankers make a killing. They get the interest on the national debt, about $450 billion dollars this year ...free. Even though the American Revolution of 1776 was fought to stop the Bank of England charging interest, and even though the U.S. Constitution calls for a publicly-owned bank that doesn't charge interest, there was a financial coup in 1913, and Congress sold out& turned over the control of U.S. money to private bankers, a bankster cartel of eight families ...many of which are not even U.S. citizens. THESE EIGHT FAMILIES ARE THE DEEP STATE.

Fed interest-rate bankers make a killing. They get the interest on the national debt, about $450 billion dollars this year ...free. Even though the American Revolution of 1776 was fought to stop the Bank of England charging interest, and even though the U.S. Constitution calls for a publicly-owned bank that doesn't charge interest, there was a financial coup in 1913, and Congress sold out& turned over the control of U.S. money to private bankers, a bankster cartel of eight families ...many of which are not even U.S. citizens. THESE EIGHT FAMILIES ARE THE DEEP STATE.

Fed interest-rate bankers make a killing. They get the interest on the national debt, about $450 billion dollars this year ...free. Even though the American Revolution of 1776 was fought to stop the Bank of England charging interest, and even though the U.S. Constitution calls for a publicly-owned bank that doesn't charge interest, there was a financial coup in 1913, and Congress sold out& turned over the control of U.S. money to private bankers, a bankster cartel of eight families ...many of which are not even U.S. citizens. THESE EIGHT FAMILIES ARE THE DEEP STATE.

Fed interest-rate bankers make a killing. They get the interest on the national debt, about $450 billion dollars this year ...free. Even though the American Revolution of 1776 was fought to stop the Bank of England charging interest, and even though the U.S. Constitution calls for a publicly-owned bank that doesn't charge interest, there was a financial coup in 1913, and Congress sold out& turned over the control of U.S. money to private bankers, a bankster cartel of eight families ...many of which are not even U.S. citizens. THESE EIGHT FAMILIES ARE THE DEEP STATE.

Fed interest-rate bankers make a killing. They get the interest on the national debt, about $450 billion dollars this year ...free. Even though the American Revolution of 1776 was fought to stop the Bank of England charging interest, and even though the U.S. Constitution calls for a publicly-owned bank that doesn't charge interest, there was a financial coup in 1913, and Congress sold out& turned over the control of U.S. money to private bankers, a bankster cartel of eight families ...many of which are not even U.S. citizens. THESE EIGHT FAMILIES ARE THE DEEP STATE.

Fed interest-rate bankers make a killing. They get the interest on the national debt, about $450 billion dollars this year ...free. Even though the American Revolution of 1776 was fought to stop the Bank of England charging interest, and even though the U.S. Constitution calls for a publicly-owned bank that doesn't charge interest, there was a financial coup in 1913, and Congress sold out& turned over the control of U.S. money to private bankers, a bankster cartel of eight families ...many of which are not even U.S. citizens. THESE EIGHT FAMILIES ARE THE DEEP STATE.

Fed interest-rate bankers make a killing. They get the interest on the national debt, about $450 billion dollars this year ...free. Even though the American Revolution of 1776 was fought to stop the Bank of England charging interest, and even though the U.S. Constitution calls for a publicly-owned bank that doesn't charge interest, there was a financial coup in 1913, and Congress sold out& turned over the control of U.S. money to private bankers, a bankster cartel of eight families ...many of which are not even U.S. citizens. THESE EIGHT FAMILIES ARE THE DEEP STATE.

Fed interest-rate bankers make a killing. They get the interest on the national debt, about $450 billion dollars this year ...free. Even though the American Revolution of 1776 was fought to stop the Bank of England charging interest, and even though the U.S. Constitution calls for a publicly-owned bank that doesn't charge interest, there was a financial coup in 1913, and Congress sold out& turned over the control of U.S. money to private bankers, a bankster cartel of eight families ...many of which are not even U.S. citizens. THESE EIGHT FAMILIES ARE THE DEEP STATE.

Fed interest-rate bankers make a killing. They get the interest on the national debt, about $450 billion dollars this year ...free. Even though the American Revolution of 1776 was fought to stop the Bank of England charging interest, and even though the U.S. Constitution calls for a publicly-owned bank that doesn't charge interest, there was a financial coup in 1913, and Congress sold out& turned over the control of U.S. money to private bankers, a bankster cartel of eight families ...many of which are not even U.S. citizens. THESE EIGHT FAMILIES ARE THE DEEP STATE.

Fed chart footnotesCentral Bankers & their corporate interlocks of corporations they own

Fed interest-rate bankers make a killing. They get the interest on the national debt, about $450 billion dollars this year ...free. Even though the American Revolution of 1776 was fought to stop the Bank of England charging interest, and even though the U.S. Constitution calls for a publicly-owned bank that doesn't charge interest, there was a financial coup in 1913, and Congress sold out& turned over the control of U.S. money to private bankers, a bankster cartel of eight families ...many of which are not even U.S. citizens. THESE EIGHT FAMILIES ARE THE DEEP STATE.Fed interest-rate bankers make a killing. They get the interest on the national debt, about $450 billion dollars this year ...free. Even though the American Revolution of 1776 was fought to stop the Bank of England charging interest, and even though the U.S. Constitution calls for a publicly-owned bank that doesn't charge interest, there was a financial coup in 1913, and Congress sold out& turned over the control of U.S. money to private bankers, a bankster cartel of eight families ...many of which are not even U.S. citizens. THESE EIGHT FAMILIES ARE THE DEEP STATE.Fed interest-rate bankers make a killing. They get the interest on the national debt, about $450 billion dollars this year ...free. Even though the American Revolution of 1776 was fought to stop the Bank of England charging interest, and even though the U.S. Constitution calls for a publicly-owned bank that doesn't charge interest, there was a financial coup in 1913, and Congress sold out& turned over the control of U.S. money to private bankers, a bankster cartel of eight families ...many of which are not even U.S. citizens. THESE EIGHT FAMILIES ARE THE DEEP STATE.

Fed interest-rate bankers make a killing. They get the interest on the national debt, about $450 billion dollars this year ...free. Even though the American Revolution of 1776 was fought to stop the Bank of England charging interest, and even though the U.S. Constitution calls for a publicly-owned bank that doesn't charge interest, there was a financial coup in 1913, and Congress sold out& turned over the control of U.S. money to private bankers, a bankster cartel of eight families ...many of which are not even U.S. citizens. THESE EIGHT FAMILIES ARE THE DEEP STATE.

Fed interest-rate bankers make a killing. They get the interest on the national debt, about $450 billion dollars this year ...free. Even though the American Revolution of 1776 was fought to stop the Bank of England charging interest, and even though the U.S. Constitution calls for a publicly-owned bank that doesn't charge interest, there was a financial coup in 1913, and Congress sold out& turned over the control of U.S. money to private bankers, a bankster cartel of eight families ...many of which are not even U.S. citizens. THESE EIGHT FAMILIES ARE THE DEEP STATE.

Fed interest-rate bankers make a killing. They get the interest on the national debt, about $450 billion dollars this year ...free. Even though the American Revolution of 1776 was fought to stop the Bank of England charging interest, and even though the U.S. Constitution calls for a publicly-owned bank that doesn't charge interest, there was a financial coup in 1913, and Congress sold out& turned over the control of U.S. money to private bankers, a bankster cartel of eight families ...many of which are not even U.S. citizens. THESE EIGHT FAMILIES ARE THE DEEP STATE.

Fed chart footnotes

Original U.S. House Banking Subcommittee document, (here)  — Source: Federal Reserve Directors: A Study of Corporate and Banking Influence. Staff Report Committee on Banking, Currenc& Housing, House of Representatives, 94th Congress, 2nd Session, Aug 1976.  U.S. House of Representatives-substantiated primary charts: who owns the Fed, (pdf) (msword)

I hold my pants up with a piece of twine; it keeps them up there mostly all the time; and if you love me, tonight after we dine, if you'll be mine, please pull the twine.

Soros the God of suffering: Jewish, in his teen years Soros was a Nazi informer, (here); has he more respect for life or power over life?

 (excerpts from, America's Nazi Secret, by John Loftus)
ad (excerpts from, America's Nazi Secret, by John Loftus)

Concerned with Ukraine's border ...but not America's?


It appears that forces in China have aligned with Central & South American gangs ...because the gangs have adopted Chinese generational indenture to fortuitous crime & prostitution

Spy vs Spy


Bamboozled & skedaddled

 following sections under construction, substantive & developmental editing & cell-phone-reformat -- scroll past them 

Soros is a sociopath: hires sociopaths to go around the country setting buildings on fire & beating people ...why? As one of the world's richest men, he owns much gold and much stock ...he sells all his stock and the market crashes then he buys it back ...same with gold ...a very evil person who cares not for the health and safety of humanity, only for himself.


The scariest scandal-plagued corporations are involved in the Ukraine gain-of-function biolabs ... from our Millions Against Monsanto nemesis Bayer ...to the likes of Battelle, Metabiota & Southern Research ...gain-of-function biodefense contractors variously linked to the Biden family, origins of COVID-19 & 2001 anthrax attacks; but why is Bird Flu being weaponized by Google & Bill Gates to kill people ? (here-1-of-2 ) & (here-2-of-2)


know who the racist deep state establishment is?
follow their money back to who's printing it & it's them
xtreme social unrest not seen in 50 years
...successfully predicted by JPMorganChase — because they planned it ...(our historically Nazi collaborating central banks still at it! (scroll  down fast before your attention span needs sugar, booze, pot or sex or sleep ...or all of the above ...hmmm, not a bad idea)

city of london, founder-financiers of what is today, great britain & the united states, is the racist center of the fed city of london CNWO aka NWO + China + Great Reset; as such city of london dynastic banking families founded & maintain the food-, drug-, weapons- & human trafficking trade of men, women & children slaves & sex slaves & associated body organs, in the western world

1619 — Racist City of London bankers begin the human trafficking & slave trade of men, women & children to their colonies, the first 19 Africans reach the colonies that England was struggling to establish arrived in Point Comfort, Virginia, near Jamestown, in 1619, brought by British privateers who had seized them from a captured Portuguese slave ship, beginning human trafficking slave & sex slave trade from Africa.

1619 — Racist City of London bankers begin the human trafficking & slave trade of men, women & children to their colonies, the first 19 Africans reach the colonies that England was struggling to establish arrived in Point Comfort, Virginia, near Jamestown, in 1619, brought by British privateers who had seized them from a captured Portuguese slave ship, beginning human trafficking slave & sex slave trade from Africa.


  1. 6,000-2,000-1350 B.C. — Egypt develops monotheism (Aten, Amon which eventually morphs to Amen) which becomes the basis of monotheism influencing Judaic Christian culture, with Psalms passages lifted from the Egyptian Book of the Dead Passage into Light. Lives of Old Testament patriarchs parallel the recorded history, families & wars of several Egyptian pharoahs.
  2. 50 A.D. — Roman Empire founds Londinium on the current site of the City of London (not, city of London, proper), around AD 43.
  3. 300-ongoing — Contantine institutionalizes Christianity as an instrument of the State.
  4. 1,000-ongoing — German warlords create the Holy Roman Empire (which excludes Rome) founds the Fehme (assassins from the ruling class), & utilizes the Inquisition as a front to divest significantly wealthy rivals by deploying the Knights of Malta (to date).
  5. 1607 — Racist white City of London central bankers finance first attempt to colonize north America.
  6. 1608 — Racist white City of London central bankers finance & start to genocide & colonize India.
  7. 1619 — Racist City of London bankers begin the human trafficking & slave trade of men, women & children to their colonies, the first 19 Africans reach the colonies that England was struggling to establish arrived in Point Comfort, Virginia, near Jamestown, in 1619, brought by British privateers who had seized them from a captured Portuguese slave ship, beginning human trafficking slave & sex slave trade from Africa.
  8. 1672 — Racist white City of London central bankers start the slave trade from Africa (but, Africans were slave trading themselves for centuries). The City of London (a separate country inside the city of London) goes on to own all the British colonies of color around the world & finances the British monarchy who owns all the white colonies of color around the world, to date.
  9. 1730 — Racist white City of London central bankers bring opium from India colonies into China & successfully addict China.
  10. 1839 — The Opium War: China throws City of London opium traders via British merchants out of China
  11. 1841 — City of London hires the colonists from the Republic of the United States of America as a drug-running front to continue smuggling opium into China ...the drug running families become the ruling families of the Republic of the USA found in the Blue Book
  12. 1841 — American & City of London drug runners escalate the human trafficking slave & sex slave trade from Africa.
  13. 1868 — City of London Corporation founding the United States Corporation to in 1860s to displace the Republic of the united States of America
  14. 1913 — Our corrupt Congress (like today) sells out to white racist City of London Corporation ...City of London financial coup d'tate replacing publicly owned U.S. central bank with their own privately owned central bank (remember, we threw these vampire clowns out in 1776 with the American Revolution) ... & founding charter has private shareholders paid yearly interest on the national debt — forever — as personal dividends on their private ownership of founding Federal Reserve stock (which is exclusively owned by the international interlocking directorate of the Fed City of London including yearly national debt of the U.S. Fed plus the other five original Rothschild European central banks. Now do you see why Fed City of London orchestrated CV-19 as a biological warfare attack on the entire world? ...their annual national debt stock dividend is likely now about 12 trillion dollars directly into their pockets) ...not bad for a bunch of racist & fascist white vampire clowns.
  15. 1914 — Fed City of London create WWI & fund both U.S. & Germany to fight each other.
  16. 1919 — Fed City of London players finance Communism & Nazism out of New York City founding Ruskombank, involving Brown Brothers Harriman & Herbie Walker for whom George Hebert Walker Bush is named which illegally finances the Soviet Union & produces two consecutive 30-year Soviet development plans
  17. 1928 — Financial coup of racist Fed City of London creates great depression.
  18. 1945 — Fed City of London Lackeys (Dulles brothers, Brown Brothers Harriman) found CIA & hire Nazi leadership to run CIA eastern (anti-Russia) division —see Secret Treaty of Fort Hunt— & Kissinger (who Trump in 2020, fired) bring in Nazi rocket scientists & biological warfare scientists into U.S., Britain & Russia, later developing then deploying releasing smallpox, Aids, Lyme Disease, Swine Flu, Influenza, depleted uranium & CV-19 biowar weapons
  19. 1947 — Fed City of London create Israel & Pakistan as imperial military outposts for their opium, heroin, oil & human trafficking trades ...to ensure religious unrest to obscure Fed / City of London ownership of  opium, heroin, oil & human trafficking.
  20. 1947 — Fed City of London central bankers found United Nations to establish a New World Order of centralized global control (globalism) aka the New World Order (NWO) 
  21. 1947 — Paul Nitze drafts National Security Memorandum NSC-68, scapegoating the Soviet Union as the mortal enemy of the U.S. (even though the Soviet Union defeated the Germans in WWI & WWII defeated the Nazis ...& authorizing domestic psychological warfare against U.S. citizens, embodied & publicised as The Crusade for Freedom, by Ronald Reagan on national tour sponsored by Bechtel & GE in the early 1950s.
  22. 1940's — JPMorganChase interests along with DuPont finance & prepare to orchestrate a military coup against the U.S.A. to install a fascist government, but were busted.
  23. 1988 — Reagan / Bush Administration caught bringing underage callboys into the White House after midnight.
  24. 1988 — Reagan / Bush Administration's National Heritage Committee getting out the ethnic vote busted in national newspapers for all it's members being Eastern European death squad leaders & assassins during WWII.
  25. 2009 — They (JPMorganChase / Deutschebank / Fed / City of London), all Nazi partners, orchestrate U.S. housing crash; (see, Kill a Banker, Win a Prize — Occupy Deutschebank: Financial Warfare for Dummies)
  26. 2009 — NWO morphs to CNWO Great Reset ...New World Order Morphs to China New World Order
  27. 2011 — 911/WTC & fake news — Muslim pilots German citizens trained at U.S. military bases? here & here & here & here; Project for a New American Century plan for '2nd Pearl Harbor' mrophs to 911/WTC to justify Bush oil wars in Iraq & Iran.
  28. 2017 — Bill Gates & assumably foundation board member, Fauci, finance & present Covid total economic collapse & pandemic genocide scenario due to coming global influenza bioloical warfare attack for United Nations & World Economic Forum about releasing CV19, to the great reset crew.
  29. 2017 — DARPA is ordered to stop developing the CV-19 biological warfare weapon in the U.S. ...because it's labs are too dirty & there's fears the biological weapon will be transmitted from lab animal to lab workers then the population.
  30. 2017 — Fauci sends $350 million dollars to Wuhan Lab (presumably sending the virus biological warfare weapon as well), to continue working on the weapon in Wuhan (in cooperation with the Chinese Communist Party),  (here & here).
  31. 2009 — CNWO (China + New World Order) morphs to Great Reset ...New World Order Morphs to China New World Order to the not so Great Reset
  32. 2018 — JPMorganChase successfully predicts extreme social unrest not seen in 50 years (here & here & here)
  33. Fake elections & fake democracies throughout the Americas since 1913.
  34. 2019 — Fed City of London partnered with China release CV-19 biological warfare weapon officially released, to achieve Fed City of London-founded UN, globalist imperative & published objective to depopulate the world 90% by 2030.
  35. 2020 — DC mayor declares Christmas Eve 'Dr. Anthony Fauci Day'
  36. 2021 — China New World Order Great Reset of world oligarchs steal election to defeat Trump & deface democracy & U.S.  – no longer the beacon light of freedom in the world, as democracy falls to communism & authoritarian rule & censorship & defunding police to bring in UN Peacekeepers as defenders of the globalist authoritarian fascist regime striving to rule the world with computers & space age technology & corrupt voting machines ...to reduce America to a third world nation of economic slaves.

PMorganChase interests along with DuPont orchestrated a military coup against the U.S.A. but were busted by Marine General Smedley Butler (scroll down) ... that's why they remain among the usual suspects for releasing CV-19 & orchestrating the not so great reset. After all, Gates financed both a United Nations presentation & a World Economic Forum presentation that accurately showed the economic breaking of the world as a result of a biological warfare influenza virus, just a couple years before the current outbreak(s) ...and, Fauci is on Gates Foundation board of directors & both develop & own vaccines & Gates wants depopulation through vaccination.

Fasten your damn seatbelt, you're about to get educated!
The not so great reset Portland racism riots global coup, obscures: Capitalism (Fed City of London) runs on interest, which is a pyramid scheme outlawed by the U.S. Constitution that mandated a publically owned central bank that does not charge interest; one can say that when oligarchs City of London dynastic bankers & Rockefeller & Harriman founded the Fed & instituted a privately owned central bank running on interest, that's when they start destroying the Americas & thanks to the Bush dynasty, started the bananna republic fake democracies & fake elections & refugee crises. Look no further than your mirror. BTW, the private owners of the Fed City of London founding documents grant them the interest on the national debt each year, as a personal dividend on the privately held stock of the Federal Reserve (which they own & can not be sold but only inherited) across the Fed & other five original Rothschild banks. Since covid, that's several trillion dollars a year in personal dividends for them taken out of your taxes paying the national debt they created while the world is torn & crying out for salvation that will never arrive. Putin, installed by Reagan/Bush Admin, threw out Rothschild banks now Putin's to blame, not  to mention Trump (to preserve freedom of religion & the Constitution), for everything you are too cowardly to correct, such as your ignorance & failure to fight for Constitution freedom & fair elections. Welcome to hell. Welcome to Portland OR,  Antifa, OR, 'Where the inbred rule ...alongside Warburg (whose house in on the hill & Rothschild, who's makes money when blood runs in the streets.'


[Editor's note: please go to ink FTR#1168 where all the links & formatting are provided thru-out the following text]

FTR#1168 Bio-Psy-Op Apocalypse Now, Part 24: A Pound of Cure, Part 3

FTR #1168, we noted South African links of the Struengmann brothers, apparently the source for venture capital behind BioNTech (here). Might we be seeing a manifestation of the same type of relationship that apparently exists between the Lyme Disease treatment establishment & biowarfare forces that appear to have created that scourge? (here). (Read more)

FTR #1168 This program was recorded in one, 60-minute segment.

Introduction: Significant to the issue of vaccination against Covid-19 is the consideration of whether available vaccines will prevent illness in the recipients, but still leave them capable of spreading the disease.

The first major portion of the program consists of analytical review of the capital interests behind BioNTech–the German corporate partner producing a Covid vaccine with Pfizer.

Headed by a German MD couple whose parents were “gastarbeiter” (guest workers), BioNTech has soared exponentially in value since the approval of the vaccine by a number of countries.

A dominant consideration in power politics remains the advisory to “Follow the Money.”

Against the background of I.G. Farben and its successor companies’ dominant position in both the global pharmaceutical and chemical market, as well as its major position within the remarkable and deadly Bormann capital network, the program explores the capitalization of U?ur ?ahin and Özlem Türeci’s Ganymed firm and BioNTech.

Of paramount significance in both Ganymed (the couple’s initial commercial venture) and BioNtech are twin brothers Thomas and Andreas Struengmann.

Key points of analysis:

The brothers are major players in the pharmaceutical and biotech market.
They keep a purposefully low professional profile–a professional behavior characteristic of the deadly Bormann network.
Thomas was an important member of the board of Wacker Chemie, a major successor to two I.G. Farben subsidiary companies.
Wacker Chemie has apparently obfuscated its Nazi past.
Andreas initiated his medical career in apartheid South Africa, and the brothers’ Hexal firm began its significant international expansion in that country. (The apartheid regime was an offshoot of the Third Reich.)
Firms that evolved from I.G. Farben figure prominently in the dealings of Hexal, Wacker Chemie and BioNTech (Novartis, the Hoechst division of Sanofi-Aventis.)
The balance of the program presents analysis of the profound relationship between the Bormann capital network and I.G. Farben.

Forged during the closing days of the war, the close cooperation between corporate “masker” Hermann Schmitz and Bormann, the relationship built on the dominant position of I.G. Farben in the Third Reich and its interrelated military and industrial/commercial campaigns.

” . . . . If there is any doubt in Europe who in the long run won the peace, there is none whatsoever among the former German leaders dwelling in South America. It is a good bet that if Hermann Schmitz were alive today, he would bear witness as to who really won. Schmitz died contented, having witnessed the resurgence of I.G. Farben, albeit in altered corporate forms, a money machine that continues to generate profits for all the old I.G. shareholders and enormous international power for the German cadre directing the workings of the successor firms. . . . He was the master manipulator, the corporate and financial wizard, the magician, who could make money appear and disappear, and reappear again. His whole existence was legerdemain, played out on the gameboard of I.G. Farben and his beloved Germany. . . Their [Schmitz and Bormann] association was close and trusting over the years, and it is the considered opinion of those in their circle that the wealth possessed by Hermann Schmitz was shifted to Switzerland and South America, and placed in trust with Bormann, the legal heir to Hitler. [Hermann] Schmitz’s wealth—largely I.G. Farben bearer bonds converted to the Big Three successor firms, shares in Standard Oil of New Jersey (equal to those held by the Rockefellers), as well as shares in the 750 corporations he helped Bormann establish during the last year of World War II—has increased in all segments of the modern industrial world. The Bormann organization in South America utilizes the voting power of the Schmitz trust along with their own assets to guide the multinationals they control, as they keep steady the economic course of the Fatherland. . . . ”

After the war, the three main successor firms to I.G.–Hoechst (now a division of Sanofi-Aventis), Bayer and BASF rose to a pinnacle of sales and R & D dominance.

Review of Dorothy Thompson’s 1940 analysis of the Third Reich blueprint for world political domination, predicated on world economic domination (including the exploitation of decisive cartel relationships with the Wall Street elite; an account of Bertelsmann’s forthcoming purchase of Simon & Schuster, making this “former” publishing house for the SS a “Titan” in English-language publishing; a synoptic review of the scenario presented in the Nazi tract Serpent’s Walk.

1a. Significant to the issue of vaccination against Covid-19 is the consideration of whether available vaccines will prevent illness in the recipients, but still leave them capable of spreading the disease.

“A Vaccine Protects You, But What About Others? That’s Where Masks Come In” by Apoorva Mandavili; The New York Times; 12/09/2020; p. A5.

 The new Covid-19 vaccines from Pfizer and Moderna seem to be remarkably good at preventing serious illness. But it’s unclear how well they will curb the spread of the coronavirus.

Thats’s because the Pfizer and Moderna trials tracked only how many vaccinated people became sick with Covid-19. That leaves open the possibility that some vaccinated people get infected without developing symptoms, and could then silently transmit the virus—especially if they come in close contact with others or stop wearing masks.

If vaccinated people are silent spreaders of the virus, they may keep it circulating in their communities, putting unvaccinated people at risk.

“A lot of people are thinking that once they get vaccinated, they’re not going to have to wear masks anymore,” said Michal Tal, an immunologist at Stanford University, “It’s really going to be critical for them to know if they have to keep wearing masks, because they could still be contagious.”

In most respiratory infections, including the new coronavirus, the nose is the main port of entry. The virus rapidly multiplies there, jolting the immune system to produce a type of antibodies that are specific to mucosa, the moist tissue lining the nose, mouth, lungs and stomach. If the same person is exposed to the virus a second time, those antibodies, as well as immune cells that remember the virus, rapidly shut down the virus in the nose before it gets a chance to take hold elsewhere in the body.

The coronavirus vaccines, in contrast, are injected deep into the muscles and quickly absorbed into the blood, where they stimulate the immune system to produce antibodies. This appears to be enough protection to keep the vaccinated person from getting ill.

Some of these antibodies will circulate to the nasal mucosa and stand guard there, but it’s not clear how much of the antibody pool can be mobilized, or how quickly. If the answer is not much, then viruses could bloom in the nose—and be sneezed or breathed out to infect others.

“It’s a race: It depends whether the virus can replicate faster, or the immune system can control it faster,” said Marion Pepper, an immunologist at the University of Washington in Seattle. “It’s a really important question.” . . . .

. . . . “Preventing severe disease is easiest, preventing mild disease is harder, and preventing all infections is the hardest,” said Deepta Battacharya, an immunologist at the University of Arizona. “It’s going to be something less than that in preventing all infections, for sure,” Still, he and other experts said they were optimistic that the vaccines would suppress the virus enough even in the nose and throat to prevent immunized people from spreading it to others. . . .

. . . . But some studies have suggested that even people with no symptoms can have high amounts of coronavirus in their nose, noted Dr. Yvonne Maldonado, who represents the American Academy of Pediatrics at meetings of the federal Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices. The first person confirmed to be reinfected with the coronavirus, a 33-year-old man in Hong Kong, also did not have symptoms, but harbored enough virus to infect others.

Vaccinated people who have a high viral load but don’t have symptoms “would actually, be in some ways, even worse spreaders because they may be under a false sense of security,” Dr. Maldonado said. . . .

1b. The first major section of the program consists of analytical review of the capital interests behind BioNTech–the German corporate partner producing a Covid vaccine with Pfizer.

Headed by a German MD couple whose parents were “gastarbeiter” (guest workers), BioNTech has soared exponentially in value since the approval of the vaccine by a number of countries.

A dominant consideration in power politics remains the advisory to “Follow the Money.”

Against the background of I.G. Farben and its successor companies’ dominant position in both the global pharmaceutical and chemical market, as well as its major position within the remarkable and deadly Bormann capital network, the program explores the capitalization of U?ur ?ahin and Özlem Türeci’s Ganymed firm and BioNTech.

Of paramount significance in both Ganymed (the couple’s initial commercial venture) and BioNtech are twin brothers Thomas and Andreas Struengmann.

Key points of analysis:

The brothers are major players in the pharmaceutical and biotech market.
They keep a purposefully low professional profile–a professional behavior characteristic of the deadly Bormann network.
Thomas was an important member of the board of Wacker Chemie, a major successor to two I.G. Farben subsidiary companies.
Wacker Chemie has apparently obfuscated its Nazi past.
Andreas initiated his medical career in apartheid South Africa, and the brothers’ Hexal firm began its significant international expansion in that country. (The apartheid regime was an offshoot of the Third Reich.)
Firms that evolved from I.G. Farben figure prominently in the dealings of Hexal, Wacker Chemie and BioNTech (Novartis, the Hoechst division of Sanofi-Aventis.)

1c. The I.G. Farben company, a core element of the Third Reich, was central to Bormann’s plans to secret Germany’s wealth abroad. Note, also, I.G. Farben’s dominance of the European chemical industry, and the opinion of Dr. von Schnitzler that technical dependence on I.G. facilities would continue after the war. (To learn more about I.G. Farben, see—among other programs–FTR#’s 305, 411, 506, 552. Serious students should also read Treason’s Peace and The Devil’s Chemists, available for download.)

Martin Bormann: Nazi in Exile; Paul Manning; Copyright 1981 [HC]; Lyle Stuart Inc.; ISBN 0–8184-0309–8; p. 28.

 . . . I.G. Farben was a formidable ally for Reichsleiter Bormann in his plans for the postwar economic rebirth of Germany. In a telephone conversation with Dr. von Schnitzler, Bormann asked what would the loss of factories in France and the other occupied countries mean to German industry in general and to I.G. in particular. Dr. von Schnitzler said he believed the technical dependence of these countries on I.G. would be so great that despite German defeat I.G., in one way or another, could regain its position of control of the European chemical business. “They will need the constant technical help of I.G.’s scientific laboratories as they do not own appropriate installations within themselves.” . . . . 

2. Bormann and Herrmann Schmitz then discussed I.G.’s prospects for the postwar period. The cozy relationship with powerful elements within the power elites of the Western allies was foreseen by Schmitz as boding well for the company’s future. Schmitz’s predictions were relatively accurate. Neither Schmitz nor any of the I.G. Farben executives were severely punished and the firm’s three successor firms carried on effectively in the postwar period.

Martin Bormann: Nazi in Exile; Paul Manning; Copyright 1981 [HC]; Lyle Stuart Inc.; ISBN 0–8184-0309–8; p. 158.

. . . . The Reichsleiter asked Schmitz his views of the future. Schmitz replied, ‘The occupation armies will be understanding in the West, but certainly not in the East. I have instructed all Farben administrators and technicians to come to the West, where they can be of use in resuming our operations once the disturbances of 1945 come to a halt.’ Schmitz added that, while general bomb damage to the I.G. plants was about 25 percent of capacity, some were untouched. He mentioned speaking with Field Marshal Model, who was commanding the defenses of the Ruhr. ‘Model had planned to turn our Bayer-Leberkusen pharmaceutical factory into an artillery base, but he agreed to make it an open, undefended factory. Hopefully, we will get it back untouched.’ ‘What about your board of directors and the essential executives? If they are held by the occupation authorities, can I.G. continue?’ Bormann asked. ‘We can continue. We have an operational plan for such a contingency, which everyone understands. However, I don’t believe our board members will be detained too long. Nor will I. But we must go through a procedure of investigation before release, so I have been told by our N.W. 7 people who have excellent contacts in Washington.” . . . . 

3. The broadcast details the profound relationship between I.G. Farben and the government of the Third Reich. Of particular utility to the Bormann flight capital program was I.G. Farben’s elaborate infrastructure in foreign countries. Note that, as is seen here, I.G. Farben was inextricably linked with both the government of the Third Reich and with the Nazi party itself.

Martin Bormann: Nazi in Exile; Paul Manning; Copyright 1981 [HC]; Lyle Stuart Inc.; ISBN 0–8184-0309–8; p. 54.

 . . . This, too, reported to Martin Bormann.I.G. Farben’s N.W.7 office in Berlin compiled military and economic data on all countries for the Wehrmacht. This department was staffed with men of recognized ability in all branches of business and science. It was under the direction of Dr. Max Ilgner, nephew of Hermann Schmitz, I.G.’s president, who was known throughout the industrial world as ‘the master of financial camouflage.’ [Emphasis added.] Farben had offices and representatives in 93 countries, and no social gathering of businessmen was too small to be covered by an N.W.7 representative, whose reports on market conditions, factory installations, raw-material supplies, and research were transmitted immediately to Berlin and Dr. Ilgner. In the United States, N.W.7 operated through the firm of Chemnyco, Inc., an American-formed subsidiary. Chemnyco sent tremendous amounts of information ranging from photographs and blue prints to detailed descriptions of entire industrial complexes and secret processes. . . . 

4. Of particular importance for this discussion is the fact that I.G. used German military conquest to gain effective functional control of the chemical industry of the continent. In paragraph 13, we noted Georg von Scnitzler’s prediction that I.G.’s technical dominance would result in the postwar perpetuation of this control. As we will see, this control was maintained.  It is against the background of I.G. Farben’s continued dominance of the European chemical industry as well as the postwar perpetuation of the Nazi party apparatus that the BioNTech capitalization relationship must be viewed!

Martin Bormann: Nazi in Exile; Paul Manning; Copyright 1981 [HC]; Lyle Stuart Inc.; ISBN 0–8184-0309–8; pp. 55–56.

 . . . This huge organization functioned as a manufacturing and research arm of the German government, with the responsibility of discovering all possible means of increasing the military power of Germany. More than RM 4.25 billion was invested in new plants, mines, and power installations, with other millions going into new research facilities. . . . So close had Farben become to the government that I.G. always knew in advance all invasions planned by Hitler. It was to supply the materials necessary to each conquest, and when a land had been overrun and subjugated, the Farben experts would handle the consolidation and organization of the industrial facilities as additional supply sources for the German armed forces. As German troops swept across Europe and Hitler proclaimed his vision of a thousand-year Third Reich, I.G. Farben also dreamed of world empire. This was outlined with clarity in a document called Neuordnung, or ‘New Order,’ that was accompanied by a letter of transmittal to the Ministry of Economics. It declared that a new order for the chemical industry of the world should supplement Hitler’s New Order. Therefore, the document stated, Farben was fitting future industrial plans into such a framework. . . . I.G. Farben was the major chemical firm on the Continent, and as each country fell to Germany its acquisitions of chemical and dyestuff companies were enormous. I.G. also increased its investments in these by RM 7 billion. [Emphasis added.] . . . . 

5. More about I.G. Farben, the Third Reich and the development of the remarkable and deadly Bormann organization.

Martin Bormann: Nazi in Exile; Paul Manning; Copyright 1981 [HC]; Lyle Stuart Inc.; ISBN 0–8184-0309–8; pp. 56–58.

. . . .The close relationship of Farben to the Third Reich leadership was underscored in other ways. I.G.’s leading officials assisted in formulation and execution of economic policies of government; its president was a member of the Reichstag; its leading scientist was a chief assistant to Hermann Goering under the Four-Year Plan; its statisticians and economists prepared intelligence for the Nazi High Command; scores of its technicians were at any given time on loan to the air and war ministries. . . . The contact men of N.W.7 throughout the world were called the I.G. Verbindungsmanner, the liaison officers between Farben back in Germany and the branches elsewhere. These I.G. Verbindungsmanner, as well as all other key Farben representatives working beyond the borders of the Third Reich, were members of the National Socialist German Workers Party. . . . So now Martin Bormann had at his command not only the Auslands-Organisation but also the I.G. Verbindungsmanner of Farben, which could be counted on to heed his orders when it was time to disperse the commercial assets of the Third Reich. . . . 

6. The vast international operations of the I.G. Farben firm and its various subsidiary operations was a principal element of the Bormann organization. I.G. Farben chief Hermann Schmitz discussed I.G.’s involvement with the Bormann program.

Martin Bormann: Nazi in Exile; Paul Manning; Copyright 1981 [HC]; Lyle Stuart Inc.; ISBN 0–8184-0309–8; pp. 157–158.

. . . . In testimony later given to Nuremberg investigators, Schmitz praised Bormann for the way he had directed the distribution of German assets around the world. His own Farben organization had, of course, contributed to the success of the operation. Every regional representative working for Hermann Schmitz was an exceptional businessman, or he would not have been with I.G. All had contributed sound advice in their areas of competence, the regions of the world where they represented Farben while keeping an eye on the subsidiaries of the parent concern and the 700 hidden corporations they controlled. They had provided assistance and continuing guidance in establishing the 750 new companies created on order of Bormann, who wanted more than hidden assets; Bormann wanted the money and patents and technicians put to work to create even greater assets that would bolster Germany in the postwar years. In their meeting in the chancellery, both men checked over the figures of sums disbursed, and they were accurate to the pfennig. . . .

7. As forecast by Dr. Scheid in the August 10, 1944 meeting, the corporate allies of the major German corporations, including and especially those of I.G. Farben, proved to be of great value to the success of the Bormann flight capital program.

Martin Bormann: Nazi in Exile; Paul Manning; Copyright 1981 [HC]; Lyle Stuart Inc.; ISBN 0–8184-0309–8; p156.

. . . . Powerful friends of the Bormann organization in all Western countries, including those sprinkled in control points throughout the administration in Washington and in the financial and brokerage businesses of Wall Street, the City of London, and the Paris establishment, did not wish a coordinated drive to get at these external German assets. They had understandable reasons, if you overlook morality: the financial benefits for cooperation (collaboration had become an old-hat term with the war winding down) were very enticing, depending on one’s importance and ability to be of service to the organization and the 750 corporations they were secretly manipulating, to say nothing of the known multinationals such as I.G. Farben, Thyssen A.G., and Siemens; and, as a second reason, the philosophy of free enterprise and preservation of private property. . . .

8. Note the postwar resuscitation of I.G. Farben, in the form of the “Big Three” successor firms that grew out Farben. Although officially broken up at the end of World War II, I.G. Farben continued functioning in new form. Recent mergers (such as the 1996 merger of I.G. cartel affiliates Ciba-Geigy and Sandoz to form Novartis) indicate a new coming together of the old components of I.G. Again, pay close attention to the relationship between these companies and the Bormann capital network.

Martin Bormann: Nazi in Exile; Paul Manning; Copyright 1981 [HC]; Lyle Stuart Inc.; ISBN 0–8184-0309–8; p. 282.

. . . . By 1956, the three major multinationals (Hoechst, BASF, and Bayer) reshaped from the 159 companies within Germany that had comprised I.G. Farben were generating record profits for the original 450 major Farben stockholders, who had organized themselves into the I.G. Farben Stockholders Protective committee in Bonn. The Big Three went on expanding, tripling capitalization in 1956 from investment funds that poured in from the interlocking companies established in safe haven countries by Martin Bormann and Hermann Schmitz. There was a return, more vigorous than ever, of the huge, monolithic industrial multinationals that dominated the German economy before and during World War II. . . .

9. The enormous corporate wealth and power of the three successor firms is at the disposal of the Bormann capital network and Underground Reich.

Martin Bormann: Nazi in Exile; Paul Manning; Copyright 1981 [HC]; Lyle Stuart Inc.; ISBN 0–8184-0309–8; p. 282–283.

. . . . Each of these three spinoffs from I.G. Farben today does more business individually than did Farben at its zenith, when its corporate structure covered 93 countries. BASF and Bayer individually boast worldwide sales of nearly $10 billion annually, while Hoechst, now the world’s largest chemical company, generated $16.01 billion in worldwide sales in 1980. Each does more business than E.I. du Pont de Nemours, with sales of $9.4 billion. The United States is, of course, the major market, one into which these German corporations continue to pour investment money for both new capital construction and corporate takeovers. Together, these three multinationals assure permanent prosperity for the original 450 Farben stockholders, their banks, and the shadowy shareholders of the Bormann organization in South America who guard and vote the Hermann Schmitz trust fund through intermediaries at the annual meetings of BASF, Bayer and Hoechst. [Emphasis added.] . . . . 

10. A significant part of the I.G. Farben legacy, the Hermann Schmitz Trust is also at the disposal of the Bormann capital network and the Underground Reich.

Martin Bormann: Nazi in Exile; Paul Manning; Copyright 1981 [HC]; Lyle Stuart Inc.; ISBN 0–8184-0309–8; pp. 279–280.

. . . . If there is any doubt in Europe who in the long run won the peace, there is none whatsoever among the former German leaders dwelling in South America. It is a good bet that if Hermann Schmitz were alive today, he would bear witness as to who really won. Schmitz died contented, having witnessed the resurgence of I.G. Farben, albeit in altered corporate forms, a money machine that continues to generate profits for all the old I.G. shareholders and enormous international power for the German cadre directing the workings of the successor firms. . . . He was the master manipulator, the corporate and financial wizard, the magician, who could make money appear and disappear, and reappear again. His whole existence was legerdemain, played out on the gameboard of I.G. Farben and his beloved Germany. . . Their [Schmitz and Bormann] association was close and trusting over the years, and it is the considered opinion of those in their circle that the wealth possessed by Hermann Schmitz was shifted to Switzerland and South America, and placed in trust with Bormann, the legal heir to Hitler. [Hermann] Schmitz’s wealth—largely I.G. Farben bearer bonds converted to the Big Three successor firms, shares in Standard Oil of New Jersey (equal to those held by the Rockefellers), as well as shares in the 750 corporations he helped Bormann establish during the last year of World War II—has increased in all segments of the modern industrial world. The Bormann organization in South America utilizes the voting power of the Schmitz trust along with their own assets to guide the multinationals they control, as they keep steady the economic course of the Fatherland. . . . 

11. In closing, the program notes the economic and political significance of the Bormann network:

Martin Bormann: Nazi in Exile; Paul Manning; Copyright 1981 [HC]; Lyle Stuart Inc.; ISBN 0–8184-0309–8; pp. 284–285.

. . . . Atop an organizational pyramid that dominates the industry of West Germany through banks, voting rights enjoyed by majority shareholders in significant cartels, and the professional input of a relatively young leadership group of lawyers, investment specialists, bankers, and industrialists, he is satisfied that he achieved his aim of helping the Fatherland back on its feet. To ensure continuity of purpose and direction, a close watch is maintained on the profit statements and management reports of corporations under its control elsewhere. This leadership group of twenty, which is in fact a board of directors, is chaired by Bormann, but power has shifted to the younger men who will carry on the initiative that grew from that historic meeting in Strasbourg on August 10, 1944. Old Heinrich Mueller, chief of security for the NSDAP in South America, is the most feared of all, having the power of life and death over those deemed not to be acting in the best interests of the organization. Some still envision a Fourth Reich. . .What will not pass is the economic influences of the Bormann organization, whose commercial directives are obeyed almost without question by the highest echelons of West German finance and industry. ‘All orders come from the shareholders in South America,’ I have been told by a spokesman for Martin Bormann. . . . 

12a. We close with Dorothy Thompson’s analysis of Germany’s plans for world dominance by a centralized European economic union, utilizing dominant corporate relationships with American corporations to effect control of the United States.

Ms. Thompson was writing in The New York Herald Tribune on May 31, 1940! Her comments are reproduced by Tetens on page 92.

Germany Plots with the Kremlin; T.H. Tetens; Henry Schuman [HC]; 1953; p. 92.

. . . . The Germans have a clear plan of what they intend to do in case of victory. I believe that I know the essential details of that plan. I have heard it from a sufficient number of important Germans to credit its authenticity . . . Germany’s plan is to make a customs union of Europe, with complete financial and economic control centered in Berlin. This will create at once the largest free trade area and the largest planned economy in the world. In Western Europe alone . . . there will be an economic unity of 400 million persons . . . To these will be added the resources of the British, French, Dutch and Belgian empires. These will be pooled in the name of Europa Germanica . . .

“The Germans count upon political power following economic power, and not vice versa. Territorial changes do not concern them, because there will be no ‘France’ or ‘England,’ except as language groups. Little immediate concern is felt regarding political organizations . . . . No nation will have the control of its own financial or economic system or of its customs. [Italics are mine–D.E.] The Nazification of all countries will be accomplished by economic pressure. In all countries, contacts have been established long ago with sympathetic businessmen and industrialists . . . . As far as the United States is concerned, the planners of the World Germanica laugh off the idea of any armed invasion. They say that it will be completely unnecessary to take military action against the United States to force it to play ball with this system. . . . Here, as in every other country, they have established relations with numerous industries and commercial organizations, to whom they will offer advantages in co-operation with Germany. . . .

13. We have discussed the Nazi tract Serpent’s Walk in many programs and posts. Bertelsmann appears to be cementing Underground Reich control of English language publishing.

“Deal Turns Book Giant Into a Titan” by Alexandra Alter and Edmund Lee; The New York Times; 11/25/2020.

The biggest book publisher in the United States is about to get bigger. ViacomCBS has agreed to sell Simon & Schuster to Penguin Random House for more than $2 billion in a deal that will create the first megapublisher.

Penguin Random House, the largest book publisher in the United States, is owned by the German media conglomerate Bertelsmann. Adding Simon & Schuster, the third largest publisher, would create a book behemoth, a combination that could trigger antitrust concerns.

The deal announced on Wednesday includes provisions that would protect ViacomCBS in the event that a sale is squashed by authorities. Bertelsmann would pay what is known as a termination fee if the deal does not go through.

The sale of the company will profoundly reshape the publishing industry, increasingly a winner-take-all business in which the largest companies compete for brand-name authors and guaranteed best-sellers. . . .


Dec 5, 2017: FTR #981   the ukrainian fascist foundation of the "russia-gate" psy-op

hacking of the dnc was done by ukraine fascists (here) [as cia operatives hired by the city] — not by russia 

Introduction: In FTR #967, we noted the Ukrainian fascist affiliation of Andrei Artemenko, a Ukrainian member of Parliament who worked with CIA and FBI-connected Trump business associate Felix Sater. Alleged by our media and government to have signified “Russian influence” on the Trump administration, this Sater/Artemenko gambit was actually an ANTI-Russian conspiracy.

by Dave Emory — In this program, we highlight the profound extent to which the “evidence” in the Russia-Gate “investigation” tracks back to the very same OUN/B successor organizations we have covered in so many of our previous programs: A story noting the probable Dnipropetrovsk origin of the missile technology apparently facilitating North Korea’s guided missile technology documented the political affiliation of Igor Kolomoisky [Kolomoiskoy], governor of the “Dnipro” district:   “ . . So, among the Kolomoisky-backed militias was the Azov battalion whose members marched with Swastikas and other Nazi insignias... . In response to the reports of possible Ukrainian collusion in North Korea’s missile program, Oleksandr Turchynov, secretary of the Ukrainian national security and defense council, issued a bizarre denial suggesting that the New York Times and U.S. intelligence agencies were pawns of Russia. . . . Press reports about Turchynov’s statement left out two salient facts: that as the interim President following the February 2014 coup, Turchynov ordered Right Sektor militants to begin the bloody siege of rebel-held Sloviansk, a key escalation in the conflict, and that Turchynov was the one who appointed Kolomoisky to be the ruler of Dnipropetrovsk.” The journalistic viewpoint on a Ukrainian hacker allegedly used by “Russian hackers” against the U.S. comes from Anton Gerashchenko, part of the same milieu as Pravy Sektor, Azov, etc. Gerashchenko is, in fact, an apologist for Azov, as discussed in FTR #‘s 803, 804, 808, 818: “ . . Security experts were initially left scratching their heads when the Department of Homeland Security on Dec. 29 released technical evidence of Russian hacking that seemed to point not to Russia, but rather to Ukraine. . . A member of Ukraine’s Parliament with close ties to the security services, Anton Gerashchenko, said that the interaction was online or by phone and that the Ukrainian programmer had been paid to write customized malware without knowing its purpose, only later learning it was used in Russian hacking. . . . It is not clear whether the specific malware the programmer created was used to hack the D.N.C. servers. . . .” Reading between the lines, an otherwise characteristically propagandized New York Times article encapsulated critically important information:  “. . . While still politically influenced, Ukrainian law enforcement is no longer a swamp of incompetence and corruption. It has been able to monitor Mr. Manafort’s former business associates and turn up evidence of Russian hacking in the 2016 United States election, in part owing to American support. . .” Exemplifying the Ukrainian fascists at the epicenter of “Russia-Gate” are a group of Ukrainian hackers, working in tandem with fascist politicians like the aforementioned Anton Gerashchenko. The hacker/ Ukrainian fascist link spawned the “PropOrNot” list of “Russian/ Kremlin/ Putin” dupes in the U.S. media: This list was compiled by the

Ukrainian intelligence service, interior ministry and –ahem – hackers: “. . . One of the more frightening policies enacted by the current oligarch-nationalist regime in Kiev is an online blacklist [42] of journalists accused of collaborating with pro-Russian ‘terrorists.’ [43] The website, ‘Myrotvorets’ [43] or ‘Peacemaker’—was set up by Ukrainian hackers working with state intelligence and police, all of which tend to share the same ultranationalist ideologies as Parubiy and the newly-appointed neo-Nazi chief of the National Police. . . . The website is designed to frighten and muzzle journalists from reporting anything but the pro-nationalist party line, and it has the backing of government officials, spies and police—including the SBU (Ukraine’s successor to the KGB), the powerful Interior Minister Avakov and his notorious far-right deputy, Anton Geraschenko. Ukraine’s journalist blacklist website—operated by Ukrainian hackers working with state intelligence—led to a rash of death threats against the doxxed journalists, whose email addresses, phone numbers and other private information was posted anonymously to the website...” A Ukrainian activist named Alexandra Chalupa has been instrumental in distributing the “Russia did it” disinformation to Hillary Clinton and influencing the progress of the disinformation in the media. “. . . One of the key media sources [46] who blamed the DNC hacks on Russia, ramping up fears of crypto-Putinist infiltration, is a Ukrainian-American lobbyist working for DNC.   She is Alexandra Chalupa—described as the head of the Democratic National Committee’s opposition research on Russia and on Trump, and founder and president of the Ukrainian lobby group ‘US United With Ukraine Coalition’ [47], which lobbied hard to pass a 2014 bill increasing loans and military aid to Ukraine, imposing sanctions on Russians, and tightly aligning US and Ukraine geostrategic interests. . . . In one leaked DNC email [50] earlier this year, Chalupa boasts to DNC Communications Director Luis Miranda that she brought Isikoff to a US-government sponsored Washington event featuring 68 Ukrainian journalists, where Chalupa was invited ‘to speak specifically about Paul Manafort.’ In turn, Isikoff named her as the key inside source [46] ‘proving’ that the Russians were behind the hacks, and that Trump’s campaign was under the spell of Kremlin spies and sorcerers. . . ” Alleged “Russian agent” Paul Manafort – identified in FTR #919 as a probable “advance man” for regimes targeted for destabilization – may well have been the person who recommended to his “client” Yanukovich to fire on the Maidan demonstrators. It was that gunfire that signalled the end of Yanukovich’s government. This reinforces Mr. Emory’s take on Manafort. “. . . The lawyer’s demands for explanation spring from the hacking earlier this year of the iPhone of Mr Manafort’s daughter,  [since confirmed as genuine, at least in part–D.E.] Andrea, with around 300,000 messages published in the dark web.

One of the texts sent to her sister, Jessica, said: "Don't fool yourself. That money we have is blood money.’ It continued ‘You know he has killed people in Ukraine? Knowingly, as a tactic to outrage the world and get focus on Ukraine. Remember when there were all those deaths taking place. A while back. About a year ago. Revolts and what not. Do you know whose strategy that was to cause that, to send those people get them slaughtered.’ ” Reinforcing the hypothesis that the Maidan shootings were a provocation is the disclosure by Ukraine’s chief prosecutor that the rifles allegedly used to fire on the Maidan demonstrators were recovered by an alleged Yanukovich operative and leader of the snipers who was one of the  demonstrators  on the Maidan! “ . . . Ukraine’s Prosecutor General Yuriy Lutsenko says that the man who helped the so-called “black hundred” of police task force Berkut, who had been shooting at protesters during the Revolution of Dignity, flee Kyiv and deliberately drowned their weapons to conceal evidence, was himself one of the participants of the Maidan protests. ‘With the help of military counterintelligence, we have found weapons of the ‘black hundred,’ including a sniper rifle, which the entire country saw on footage showing the shooting at the protesters from outside the October Palace,” he told the 112 Ukraine TV channel. . . . ‘We found it with a large number of automatic rifles on the bottom of one of Kiev’s lakes. They were cut and drowned in one batch by a single group, whose leader is one of the targets of our investigation. Unfortunately, this man who, according to our version, upon the orders of [former Interior Minister Vitaliy] Zakharchenko helped the ‘black hundred’ flee Kyiv, destroyed and drowned their weapons, he, himself, was with us on the Maidan,’ Lutsenko said.. . ” The sniper activity in the Maidan must be weighed against the fact that Nazi-linked elements from the Azov milieu were serving as snipers in Kiev at the time. Were they connected to the shootings of demonstrators? The supposed “evidence” of Russian hacking in the U.S. election comes from CrowdStrike, whose co-founder and chief technology officer – Dmitry Alperovitch – is deeply tied to the NATO/OUN/B milieu installed in power in Ukraine: “. . . Dmitri Alperovitch is also a senior fellow at the Atlantic Council. The connection between Alperovitch and the Atlantic Council has gone largely unremarked upon, but it is relevant given that the Atlantic Council—which is is funded in part by the US State Department, NATO, the governments of Latvia and Lithuania, the Ukrainian World Congress, and the Ukrainian oligarch Victor Pinchuk—has been among the loudest voices calling for a new Cold War with Russia. As I pointed out in the pages of The Nation in November, the Atlantic Council has spent the past several years producing some of the most virulent specimens of the new Cold War propaganda. ” ### ##

1. Following is information supplementing the discussion from FTR #967 concerning attempts by the OUN/B successor organizations to oust Poroshenko:
2. Efforts by Yulia Tymoshenko to pass information about Poroshenko to U.S. authorities.
3. The role of former Ukrainian intelligence chief, Pravy Sektor intimate Valentyn Nalyvaichenko in Tymoshenko’s efforts.
4. The role of Nalyvaichenko in providing dirt on Poroshenko to Artemenko
5. The role of Atlantic Council financier Viktor Pinchuk in advancing “peace plans” being attributed to “Russia/Putin/the Kremlin/dupes of same.”

A Ukraine Link to North Korea’s Missiles? 

— by Robert Parry; Consortium News; 08/15/2017

Robert Parry highlights a critical feature of the transfer of Ukrainian ICBM technology to North Korea. Dnipropetrovsk, where a financially distressed missile factory resides, had Ukrainian oligarch Igor Kolomoisky as governor, beginning in 2014 just after the Maidan revolution.

1. Robert Parry highlights a critical feature of the transfer of Ukrainian ICBM technology to North Korea. Dnipropetrovsk, where a financially distressed missile factory resides, had Ukrainian oligarch Igor Kolomoisky as governor, beginning in 2014 just after the Maidan revolution.

Kolomoisky is a strong backer of neo-Nazi elements of the Ukrainian militia units that are prominent in the military conflict in Eastern Ukraine–the Azov battalion in particular.

Azov’s political front, National Corp, recently formed a far-right union, along with Right Sector/Pravy Sektor and Svoboda, calling for: an end to the country’s attempts to move closer to the EU; instead forming a “European Union with the Baltic States;” Ukraine to acquire its own nuclear arsenal.

As Parry also notes below, it was Kolomoisky’s operation in Dnipro that has come under suspicion for a possible role in the shoot-down of Malaysia Airlines Flight 17 on July 17, 2014. That may well have been a rogue Ukrainian military operation authored by neo-Nazi militias operating in that area–they had access to the anti-aircraft missile technology used to down the aircraft.

“A Ukraine Link to North Korea’s Missiles?” —by Robert Parry; Consortium News; 08/15/2017

U.S. intelligence analysts reportedly have traced North Korea’s leap forward in creating an intercontinental ballistic missile capable of striking U.S. territory to a decaying Ukrainian rocket-engine factory whose alleged role could lift the cover off other suppressed mysteries related to the U.S.-backed coup in Kiev.

Because the 2014 coup – overthrowing elected President Viktor Yanukovych – was partly orchestrated by the U.S. government’s influential neoconservatives and warmly embraced by the West’s mainstream media, many of the ugly features of the Kiev regime have been downplayed or ignored, including the fact that corrupt oligarch Igor Kolomoisky was put in charge of the area where the implicated factory was located.

As the region’s governor, the thuggish Kolomoisky founded armed militias of Ukrainian extremists, including neo-Nazis, who spearheaded the violence against ethnic Russians in eastern provinces, which had voted heavily for Yanukovych and tried to resist his violent overthrow.

Kolomoisky, who has triple citizenship from Ukraine, Cyprus and Israel, was eventually ousted as governor of Dnipropetrovsk (now called Dnipro) on March 25, 2015, after a showdown with Ukraine’s current President Petro Poroshenko over control of the state-owned energy company, but by then Kolomoisky’s team had put its corrupt mark on the region.

At the time of the Kolomoisky-Poroshenko showdown, Valentyn Nalyvaychenko, chief of the State Security Service, accused Dnipropetrovsk officials of financing armed gangs and threatening investigators, Bloomberg News reported, while noting that Ukraine had sunk to 142nd place out of 175 countries in Transparency International’s Corruptions Perception Index, the worst in Europe.

Even earlier in Kolomoisky’s brutal reign, Dnipropetrovsk had become the center for the violent intrigue that has plagued Ukraine for the past several years, including the dispatch of neo-Nazi militias to kill ethnic Russians who then turned to Russia for support.

Tolerating Nazis

Yet, protected by the waves of anti-Russian propaganda sweeping across the West, Kolomoisky’s crowd saw few reasons for restraint. So, among the Kolomoisky-backed militias was the Azov battalion whose members marched with Swastikas and other Nazi insignias. Ironically, the same Western media which heartily has condemned neo-Nazi and white-nationalist 

violence in Charlottesville, Virginia, adopted a much more tolerant attitude toward Ukraine’s neo-Nazism even as those militants murdered scores of ethnic Russians in Odessa in May 2014 and attacked ethnic Russian communities in the east where thousands more died.

When it came to Ukraine, The New York Times and other mainstream outlets were so dedicated to their anti-Russian propaganda that they veered between minimizing the significance of the neo-Nazi militias and treating them as bulwarks of Western civilization.

For instance, on Feb. 11, 2015, the Times published a long article by Rick Lyman that presented the situation in the port city of Mariupol as if the advance by ethnic Russian rebels amounted to the arrival of barbarians at the gate while the inhabitants were being bravely defended by the forces of civilization. But then the article cited the key role in that defense played by the Azov battalion.

Though the article provided much color and detail and quoted an Azov leader prominently, it left out the fact that the Azov battalion was composed of neo-Nazis.

This inconvenient truth that neo-Nazis were central to Ukraine’s “self-defense forces” would have disrupted the desired propaganda message about “Russian aggression.” After all, wouldn’t many Americans and Europeans understand why Russia, which suffered some 27 million dead in World War II, might be sensitive to neo-Nazis killing ethnic Russians on Russia’s border?

So, in Lyman’s article, the Times ignored Azov’s well-known neo-Nazism and referred to it simply as a “volunteer unit.” In other cases, the Times casually brushed past the key role of fascist militants. In July 2015, Times published a curiously upbeat story about the good news that Islamic militants had joined with far-right and neo-Nazi battalions to kill ethnic Russian rebels.

The article by Andrew E. Kramer reported that there were three Islamic battalions “deployed to the hottest zones,” such as around Mariupol. One of the battalions was headed by a former Chechen warlord who went by the name “Muslim,” Kramer wrote, adding: “The Chechen commands the Sheikh Mansur group, named for an 18th-century Chechen resistance figure. It is subordinate to the nationalist Right Sector, a Ukrainian militia. Right Sector formed during last year’s street protests in Kiev from a half-dozen fringe Ukrainian nationalist groups like White Hammer and the Trident of Stepan Bandera.

“Another, the Azov group, is openly neo-Nazi, using the 'Wolf’s Hook' symbol associated with the [Nazi] SS. Without addressing the issue of the Nazi symbol, the Chechen said he got along well with the nationalists because, like him, they loved their homeland and hated the Russians.”

Rockets for North Korea

The Times encountered another discomforting reality on Monday when correspondents William J. Broad and David E. Sanger described U.S. intelligence assessments pointing to North Korea’s likely source of its new and more powerful rocket engines as a Ukrainian factory in Dnipro.

Of course, the Times bent over backward to suggest that the blame might still fall on Russia even though Dnipro is a stronghold of some of Ukraine’s most militantly anti-Russian politicians and although U.S. intelligence analysts have centered their suspicions on a Ukrainian-government-owned factory there, known as Yuzhmash.

So, it would seem clear that corrupt Ukrainian officials, possibly in cahoots with financially pressed executives or employees of Yuzhmash, are the likeliest suspects in the smuggling of these rocket engines to North Korea.

Even the Times couldn’t dodge that reality, saying: “Government investigators and experts have focused their inquiries on a missile factory in Dnipro, Ukraine.” But the Times added that Dnipro is “on the edge of the territory where Russia is fighting a low-level war to break off part of Ukraine” – to suggest that the Russians somehow might have snuck into the factory, stolen the engines and smuggled them to North Korea.

But the Times also cited the view of missile expert Michael Elleman, who addressed North Korea’s sudden access to more powerful engines in a study issued this week by the International Institute for Strategic Studies.

“It’s likely that these engines came from Ukraine — probably illicitly,” [missile expert] Michael Elleman

said in an interview with the Times. “The big question is how many they have and whether the Ukrainians are helping them now. I’m very worried.” . . .  .

The Risk of Nuclear War

. . . . Yet, while the Ukraine crisis may have reduced living standards for average Ukrainians, it was an important catalyst in the creation of the New Cold War between Washington and Moscow, which offers lucrative opportunities for U.S. military contractors and their many think-tank apologists despite increasing the risk of nuclear war for the rest of us. . . . .

The MH-17 Case, Kolomoisky’s operation in Dnipro also has come under suspicion for a possible role in the shoot-down of Malaysia Airlines Flight 17 on July 17, 2014. According to a source briefed by U.S. intelligence analysts, Dnipro was the center of a plot to use a powerful anti-aircraft missile to shoot down Putin’s official plane on a return flight from South America, but instead – after Putin’s plane took a more northerly route – the missile brought down MH-17, killing all 298 people aboard.

For reasons that have still not been explained, the Obama administration suppressed U.S. intelligence reports on the MH-17 tragedy and instead joined in pinning the shoot-down on ethnic Russian rebels and, by implication, Putin and his government.

In the West, the MH-17 shoot-down became a cause celebre, generating a powerful propaganda campaign to demonize Putin and Russia – and push Europe into joining sanctions against Moscow. Few people dared question Russia alleged guilt even though the Russia-did-it arguments were full of holes. [See here and here.] . . . .

. . . . In response to the reports of possible Ukrainian collusion in North Korea’s missile program, Oleksandr Turchynov, secretary of the Ukrainian national security and defense council, issued a bizarre denial suggesting that The New York Times and U.S. intelligence agencies were pawns of Russia.

“This information [about North Korea possibly obtaining rocket engines from Ukraine] is not based on any grounds, provocative by its content, and most likely provoked by Russian secret services to cover their own crimes,” Turchynov said.

Press reports about Turchynov’s statement left out two salient facts: that as the interim President following the February 2014 coup, Turchynov ordered Right Sektor militants to begin the bloody siege of rebel-held Sloviansk, a key escalation in the conflict, and that Turchynov was the one who appointed Kolomoisky to be the ruler of Dnipropetrovsk.  ###

Above is part 1 ...for parts 2, 3, 4, 5, go to: Dec 5, 2017: FTR #981 the ukrainian fascist foundation of the "russia-gate" psy-op

1. Following is information supplementing the discussion from FTR #967 concerning attempts by the OUN/B successor organizations to oust Poroshenko:
2. Efforts by Yulia Tymoshenko to pass information about Poroshenko to U.S. authorities.
3. The role of former Ukrainian intelligence chief, Pravy Sektor intimate Valentyn Nalyvaichenko in Tymoshenko’s efforts.
4. The role of Nalyvaichenko in providing dirt on Poroshenko to Artemenko
5. The role of Atlantic Council financier Viktor Pinchuk in advancing “peace plans” being attributed to “Russia/Putin/the Kremlin/dupes of same.”

Who Destroyed San Francisco?

(Hint: started by Schroder bank Bohemian Grove having Bechtel have President Reagan & the Californication nation Congress members Feinstein, Pelosi, Boxer ...(Reagan was an Altzheimer puppet then like 'Let's Go Brandon Joe' is now) taken over by Vice President Bush (Skull & Bones JPMorgan/Chase) ——— who together closed the mental hospitals & dumped the 'patients' out onto the streets of Californication then homelessness trended nationally being cheaper for State Govenors to abandon people onto the streets than help them (Bechtel-China style) ——— those are the seeds of today's homelessness, a collaboration between Schroder & JPMorgan/Chase & Communist China, as it remains, today going to digital I.D. & digital banking  & Chinese social credit & Covid passports forcing 10-minute cities where you are not allowed to travel more than ten minutes from your home in 'climate lockdowns' & relinquish all private property & personal mobility ...all monitored by artificial intelligence & armed mini-drones using facial & retinal identification to find & kill ...you.

Soros on out son Alex in

Soros, Soros, & witch Pelosi

Feeding time at the zoo

Hillary & George Soros raped Haiti while Bill and President GW Bush ripped off at least one billion dollars donated to help Haiti

(below ...1st from left) ...for example, Japan was first threatened (extorted) by Hillary's State Department if they did not comply they would suffer an earthquake ...(at the time Japan was making MOx fuel for nuclear 'clean' bombs for the U.S.A.  (that dissipate radioactive signatures in a short time insufficient evidence remains of detonation), at Fukushima ———— (2nd from left) Here are the actual Alaska HAARP facility measurements of IMF (City of London central banker) ionospheric heaters bounced off the atmospheric ionosphere to warm the offshore undersea slipping techtonic plates ('earthquake faults') thousands of miles away contribuing to the three Fukushima Dai Ichi meltdowns ...along with first-hand testimony by engineers working at the Alaska HAARP facility ———— (4th from left) ...a HAARP weather warfare attack on the Phillipines that can create the conditions for typhoons as well as tidal waves caused by shifting techtonic plates (earthquakes)

till all that is left of us is You

(below) Our premise illustrated by a likely ionospheric heater (HAARP in Alaska, Washington State, Russia, China, Japan, Ukraine) earthquake attack in Taiwan, was likely by China or perhaps NATO (CIA / MI6), that is City of London central bankers & IMF ...(or all of the above players working together in concert for the next 30 years to bankrupt Earth & depopulate &/or force the remains of humanity into one-world-globalist government). All the major power have ionospheric heater weather warfare technology (much cheaper than nuclear w/no millenial radiation) & AI so if humanity has no peace the central bankers & billionaires must be eliminated by lone nut assassins working alone who have no friends & a grudge against the elite that cause such great suffering to animals (including people), Mother Nature & disrupt Divine Order in Heaven-on-Earth.

Russia sailed its ships to New York to help fight the American Revolution of 1776; sailed its fleet to San Francisco to help Lincoln in the Civil War in 1865; won World War 1 and World War 2 with very high casualties; was double-crossed by triple-agent Allen Dulles who was a director of Schroder Bank ...as Dulles before the end of WW2 hired Hitler's Gehlen Organization Eastern Front intelligence outfit that became a part of the newly formed CIA with the mission of destroying Russia ... betraying our Ally. Schroder Bank had Bechtel groom Ronald Reagan to be Governor then President. I've written two novels in long and abridged editions, on these topics.

Feeling tries to survive amidst genocide & madness but for we who feel in song stand in triumph on a bloody battlefield we try so hard for peace on Earth ...drowning in evil & is it really evil? ...we ask ourselves not wanting to believe but our tears & aching heart pant & weep without end we are beaten by evil, by animals (including people) in anguish ghosts rise up so horribly evil scratches us out of denial & we grasp for rocks & sticks & handfuls of dirt to defend ourselves hearts pounding we leap into the abyss laughing & crying as if angels in flight we tumble torn, shredding thru the starry night madness & loss our only friend but for an aging pet we must care for only to save us both for each other How have they removed joy on Earth, removed us from ourselves drowned & tossed dead upon the shore rotting stinking in defiance Holy of Holies, answer this for me must I sacrifice myself before them? I must destroy their souls before they destroy mine is that your answer or mine what does that matter, now or stand up trembling with your archangels a wall around me you preparest a table for me in the midst of my enemies we must save your dream with ours till all that is left of us is You is that what my 77 years of life is for that flickering flame that Eternal Light in my darkness

J{Morgan gold market & silver market rigging

In the U.S. assassinations of charismatic public figures seem always to have FBI and CIA involvement ...both agencies get there marching orders from the international interlocking directorate of the City of London central bankers ...nothing to see, here  ...invariably MK Ultra is involved in programming the subject. Sprinkle liberally with Schumer, Podesta, JPMorganChase, Schroder Bank, Bechtel, Bohemian Grove, Skull & Bones and Sovereign Knights of Malta

Could sell snow to an Eskimo


"...you will reap the whirlwind," —Chuck Schumer

legal disclaimer: this is a human comedy satire & tragedy site ...financial crash dummies r welcome

to update or if a picture is missing refresh by pressing control r on newer computers on older computers control f5

under construction, substantive & developmental editing & cell-phone-reformat

Thank you for your interest. Please contact your friends,  share this info & ask yourself if you now know who to blame.

Nuclear Weather Forecast thru-out the site: Every nuclear reactor is a nuclear dump where nuclear waste is stored, so we focus on America first then locations of every nuclear reactor & dump in the world, since all give you immune deficiency diseases, heart attacks & cancer.

Biden & Dementia Note: Portland Metro Creative Aging & Cognitive Arts Center is not funded at this time. enrollment membership info for our curriculum for students will be available, here.

Have a happy heart and avoid cesium fallout to make sure!

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legal disclaimer: a comedy & satire site — All site content, except where otherwise noted, is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 License.— for educational, historical & news purposes — attributions: for all individual ownership attribution see the individual original sources & attributions in the original 25,000-to-35,000 documents &/or evidence linked to by the 9,011 descriptive blurb news release links; and/or to other attributions given on the accompanying website ... in all cases refer to the documents linked to, by the 9,011 links for ownership attribution. Any revenue derived is to offset nine years of non-paid individual non-profit work around the clock 24/7/365 in researching, writing, compiling and bringing these e-books & website & documentation to your attention for altruistic educational, historical & news purposes as a public service.