Extinction Rebellion believes it is a citizen’s duty to rebel, using peaceful civil disobedience, when faced with criminal inactivity by their Government
Federal Reserve Bank: JPMorgan/Chase threat to financial stability of United States (here)
2016 – Federal Reserve released a 19-page letter that it & FDIC issued to Jamie Dimon, JPMorgan Chase CEO/Chairman, re: failure to present a credible plan for winding itself if the bank fails. Letter has frightening passages & large blocks of redacted material, instilling a sense of panic about the U.S. financial system ...by Pam Martens, Russ Martens WallStreetOnParade.com via ZeroHedge reports:
(top-l) Eleven climate activists from Extinction Rebellion arrested at a 'die-in' action staged in the NY State Comptroller's office to draw attention to climate crisis, demand NY divest pensions from fossil fuel investments – $13 billion dollars in Exxon & other fossil fuel corporations destroying life; (m) Dozens of local activists launched the "Stop the Money Pipeline" campaign in SF Bay Area – creative disruption at Chase Bank ...demanding JPMorgan Chase, the largest funder of fossil fuels worldwide, defund fossil fuels immediately to protect the planet. JPMorgan Chase, world's top banker of fossil fuels, has provided over $195 billion in financing to fossil fuel companies since the Paris Agreement in 2015. On the heels of Goldman Sachs and Blackrock announcements to divest from oil and gas, pressure is mounting on JPMorgan Chase – action by Bay Area Climate Coalition, Extinction Rebellion SFBay Area, Rainforest Action Network, 350 Bay Area, 350 Silicon Valley, XR Youth, Wetsuweten Solidarity Front Bay Area & Diablo Rising Tide. (bot) Rainforest Action Network action at San Francisco EPA to protest blasting off top of Coal River Mountain, Zombies ask EPA, "Where's your brains?" (here); Rainforest Action Network action at JPMorganChase – Rainforest Action Network's Chicago chapter & Topless America Project join together in the campaign against JP Morgan Chase & all Chase bank branches. JP Morgan Chase is a major financial sponsor of mountaintop removal coal mining projects. (Editor's note: Note the Chase logo is a swastika symboling the enduring JP Morgan, Chase financial alliance with Fed/City of London, Deutchebank & Hitler in WWII.)
05:45 PM Jun 30, 2011-0917-Leaked emails: British gov’t & nuke owners in collusion – PR campaign hides Fukushima toll on Mother Nature – British government (G-8) plan to play down Fukushima – work behind scenes with multinational companies: EDF Energy, Areva, Westinghouse – to hide truth – to prevent public from knowing about Fukushima meltdowns – to hide fallout genocide of Japanese people – & hide extinction of of ocean animals – for fear of undermining public support for nuclear power
07:30 PM Jul 1, 2011-0935-British gov’t – disinformation – to stop reporting true story of Fukushima
07:51 AM Jun 15, 2011-0739-Japanese media blackout of words: MOX, plutonium & meltdown
You Can Do It
You Can Shut Down the Nuclear Industry Military Industrial Establishment & Fed interest rate bankers that own them – to save people, the Pacific Ocean & Earth from nuclear, military-industrial ionospheric heaters, sonar, weather- & earthquake warfare, suffering & extinction
X Factor Global: Paige Thomas
(above) NUCLEAR IS NOT SAFE & CLEAN — It is not the answer to global warming. It is death & mutation & causes global warming & extinction of species of animals in the sea & sky & on land, including you.
Women in the Semipalatinsk nuclear test ground area of Kazakhstan in former Soviet Republic were not told of upwind ongoing nuclear testing & conceived these children ...are you downwind of Fukushima airborne fallout as it circulates around the Earth, forever? ...& as Japan daily burns it's nuclear waste making it airborne? ...Of course you are ...vulnerable in the rain & snow that brings fallout down to Earth on a continual basis. Are you within 25 miles of a nuclear reactor? ...then you can legally be exposed to low levels of fallout every day, that add up to many of the same illness & mutations that exposure to high levels can bring ...especially when you eat food or breath air or drink water with everyday fallout in it ...or on it. Hundreds of tons of nuclear waste that melted down on 3/11 into the water aquifers beneath the three Fukushima reactors blew up & melted down are still melting down & discharging into the sea since 3/11. The meltdowns never stopped & are destroying the plankton in the Ocean, the food chains & causing millions event trillions of sea life excruciating deaths. You will learn on this website who is responsible for the destruction of Earth ...but only you can hold the perpetrators responsible. In addition to nuclear, military space age electromagnetic spectrum ionospheric heaters used to heat the ionosphere & bounce non-ionizing radiation back down into the oceans for the purposes of weather warfare, earthquake warfare & destruction of life on Earth ...is also financed & controlled by the same people who finance & control nuclear. On this site you will learn these same people own & control every corporation in the Fortune 500 including nuclear, the military industrial complex & all the corporations polluting & destroying Earth ...but only you can learn of this & only you can hold them accountable.
India, Japan Nuclear Deal Implemented
The deal paves the way for an ambitious expansion of India’s civilian nuclear power program through purchases of material and technologies from Japan. New Delhi plans to nearly double its current nuclear energy capacity by 2022, (here).
(u) please donate to help us repair & maintain this site; (d) google search engine searches this site
02:43 PM Mar 24, 2014-8121-Caldicott: Fukushima pouring radioactive water into Pacific for rest of Time – nuclear industry covers it up because they know if truth comes out, it will be the end of nuclear power (AUDIO)
The Red Blob is seaborne nuclear fallout from Fukushima ... not simply warm water creating mysterious diseases ... destroying millions & trillions of sea life as the mainstream, fake news (owned by the nuclear industry), lies to you
-3918- July 31st, 2012 at 9:36 am Link between nuclear weapons and nuclear power is “becoming increasingly clear” says Japan professor — Nuclear power industry not thrilled people are talking about it (here)
-3039- April 9th, 2012 at 12:25 pm NSNS: Secret Japan nuclear bomb program covered up using nuclear power industry — Enough to build arsenal larger than China, India and Pakistan combined. (here) The United States deliberately allowed Japan access to the United States’ most secret nuclear weapons facilities while it transferred tens of billions of dollars worth of American tax paid research that has allowed Japan to amass 70 tons of weapons grade plutonium since the 1980s, a National Security News Service investigation reveals. That secret effort was hidden in a nuclear power program that by March 11, 2011– the day the earthquake and tsunami overwhelmed the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Plant – had amassed 70 metric tons of plutonium. Like its use of civilian nuclear power to hide a secret bomb program, Japan used peaceful space exploration as a cover for developing sophisticated nuclear weapons delivery systems. Political leaders in Japan understood that the only way the Japanese people could be convinced to allow nuclear power into their lives was if a long line of governments and industry hid any military application. For that reason, a succession of Japanese governments colluded on a bomb program disguised as innocent energy and civil space programs.
-1637- October 29th, 2011 at 12:34 pm Mainichi reveals “Secret” at Japan nuke plant — Country has ‘latent’ possession of nuclear weapons (here) There’s a little “secret” to the reprocessing plant [at Rokkasho in Aomori Prefecture]: On July 17, 1988, Japan implemented revisions to the Japan-U.S. Nuclear Agreement that would allow Japan to construct nuclear fuel reprocessing plants, despite strong opposition from the U.S. Congress. Using its own enrichment technology, it was now possible for Japan, in theory, to produce the raw materials necessary to build nuclear bombs.
Clinton as Secretary of State
–(also, Hillary caught poisoning U.S. food supply, here: pdf | ms word)—
-6005- Mainichi: Japan’s secret promise with U.S. to burn plutonium – “It is abnormal for sure” – “Expected to stir up controversy July 2, 2013(here) A Japanese prime ministerial envoy secretly promised to the United States that Japan would resume its controversial “pluthermal” program, using light-water reactors to burn plutonium, according to documents obtained by the Mainichi. The secret promise was made by Hiroshi Ogushi, then parliamentary secretary of the Cabinet Office, to Daniel Poneman, deputy secretary of the U.S. Department of Energy, during Ogushi’s visit to the United States on behalf of then Prime Minister Yoshihiko Noda in September last year.
-4279- September 16th, 2012 at 11:50 am Japan Professor: Use of nuclear energy is a crime against humanity – We have to think of this equally as the use of nuclear weapons(VIDEO) (here)
What's Happening in the Ocean?
Manatees would like Federal Reserve Directors whose Corporations & Military Kill the Ocean, to be Made Extinct, too
-5680- Mar 29, 2013Manatees Dying in Droves on Both Coasts of Florida ” – Deaths of pelicans, turtles, dolphins also increasing – “Scientists fear this is the beginning of a devastating ecosystem collapse—(here)& (here)—
The meltdowns in Japan have never stopped or been contained and are impossible to contain ...in fact, three Fukushima meltdowns have been ongoing since March 2011; after the three molten lava nuclear cores melted through their containment vessels, deep into the Earth into the water aquifers below, those water aquifers fed and continue to feed plutonium and 1,000 other radionuclides directly into the Pacific Ocean (for, practically, Eternity) in the same migratory currents oceanic mammals including whales, dolphins, sea turtles, sea lions, seals and fish including tuna, salmon, herring migrate in, as well as eliminating tide pool life in Vancouver British Columbia and down the west coast, and killing millions and billions and perhaps even trillions of other sea life like crabs, lobsters, clams, oysters, sea weed, plankton (producing 80% of the world's oxygen and eliminating the oceanic food chains. Note: The dying of the Pacific Ocean became pronounced immediately of March 2011, including all the 'new & mysterious' diseases championed in fake news by fake scientists and fake politicians who are fake human beings.
03:29 PM Mar 16, 2014-8096-NYT: Gov’t scientist not allowed to publish findings that Fukushima cesium-137 levels could be 10,000 times higher than after Chernobyl in Pacific surface waters – Japan researchers pressured to downplay disasters impact – professors obstructed when data might cause public concern
Nuclear industry is a crime against sea life ...a reason the Pacific Ocean is Dying
Look What Nuclear & Military are Doing to our Sea Animals
Nuclear Industry is mutating our sea life
...gee, it's fun swimming from Japan to the U.S. in sea currents full of floating Fukushima plutonium, tritium etc.
First documented two-headed/tailed mutant whale(s) & dolphin(s) — U.S. University testing animals in Pacific for Fukushima radiation (....like they tested our vets?)
-8627- Mammals of the sea: ...Bodies riddled with tumors, eyes bleeding, covered in lesions — Missing testicles, eyeballs — Skin disintegrating, peeling off, turning yellow — Diseases in mammals ...never seen before.
Chernobyl science reports that radionuclides mutates viruses & bacteria to form new & mysterious diseases ...U.S. scientists won't even admit that! ...and, they can't even test for that (or they will lose their grant money)—(story, here)—
Sailors (people) are mammals, too:...hey, that's just like the U.S. Navy sailors onboard the U.S.S. Ronald Reagan nuclear aircraft carrier intentionally stationed offshore directly in the Fukushima radiation (oh, you don't really care about that & you don't even know, do you?—(story, here)—
Hey! ...the sea mammals & sailors have many of the same diseases from radiation & radionuclide ingestion thru breathing, eating & absorbtion thru the skin: -2169- 07:51 AM Jan 4, 2012 -2169- Alaska: Fukushima radiation sickens seals? Lesions on hind flippers and inside their mouths - Stricken live seals were lethargic, allowing people to approach - Necropsies found fluid in lungs and white spots on lungs; (Editor's Note:Note the skin sloughing picture,we will refer back to this later from the land animals section). Now folks, this can only be from three possible sources:
1. nuclear contamination;
2. new & mysterious diseases caused by nuclear or chemical contamination;
3. military testing of electromagnetic spectrum/microwave space age global heating weaponry (commonly referred to as weather warfare, earthquake warfare, HAARP or chemtrails ...all being ionospheric & stratosphere heating;
4. you can add to this list if you have any brains at all; (for example, laser weaponry used to shoot down satellites, planes, missiles & earthbound vehicles & civilizations).
Baby Elephant seals & sea lions die of leukemia-linked disorder -8702- California Coast: Many baby seals dying of leukemia-linked disorder- 1/3 of recent deaths at San Francisco Bay rescue center - 3:53 pm 09/26/15
Leukemia appears 2-3 years after exposure, average latent period, 5-10 years
-8702.1- also see: Physics and Radiobiology of Nuclear Medicine (Springer), Jun 29, 2013: Leukemia is one of the most common cancers induced by radiation in humans, accounting for one in five mortalities from radio-carcinogenesis. Risk of leukemia varies with age, younger persons more prone to radio-carcinogenesis - Leukemia appears as early as 2-3 years after exposure, average latent period of 5 to 10 years.
-8702.2 - also see: California sea lions dying from organs falling out of place, tumors, accumulation of puss inside bodies (PHOTO) 08:20 PM Sep 6, 2014 | 352
Sea lions dying from organs falling out of place, tumors
-8408- California sea lions dying from organs falling out of place, tumors, accumulation of puss inside bodies (PHOTOS) Marine mammal deaths reported by The Marine Mammal Center (Sausalito, Calif) since June 2014 (domoic acid-related deaths excluded):
(12) Abscess: Collection of pus in tissue of t body
(1) Carcinoma: Cancer that begins when altered or damaged DNA occurs so that cells become transformed, and begin to exhibit abnormal malignant properties.
(1) Cardiomyopathy: Heart muscle disease – deterioration of the heart muscle, usually leads to heart failure
(1) Coccidioidomycosis: Fungal disease - serious complications may occur in patients with weakened immune systems
(2) Disseminated Intravascular Coagulation: Blood clots [that can] lead to multiple organ damage - clotting is disrupted - severe bleeding can occur
(7) Neoplasia: Commonly referred to as a tumor - malignant neoplasm is a cancer
(6) Otostrongylus: Lungworms in lungs or heart of seals
(3) Peritonitis: Inflammation of tissue lining inner wall of abdomen - may result from infection (often due to rupture of a hollow organ)
(4) Pneumonia: Inflammatory condition of the lung
(6) Prolapse: Latin for to fall out - organs, such as the uterus, fall down or slip out of place - organs protruding through vagina or rectum
(3) Pyothorax: Accumulation of pus in the pleural cavity
(2) Renal Failure: Kidneys fail to adequately filter waste products from the blood
(5) Septicemia: Potentially fatal whole-body inflammation caused by severe infection
-8408.1- also see: CBS San Francisco: Record number of sick seals & sea lions - large pockets of green and yellow puss all over their body (PHOTO & VIDEOS) Apr 20, 2014
-8408.2- also see: Federal gov’t declares Unusual Mortality Event in So. California - 70% of all newborn sea lions may be dying - Testing for toxins, infectious agents (VIDEO) Mar 28, 2013
-8408.3- also see: Alarm as record numbers of seals and sea lions ‘starving to death’ along California coast - calls coming nonstop - washing ashore May 4, 2014
-8408.4- also see: NBC: Record level of sick or injured California seals and sea lions turning up - numbers are extraordinary - pups should be weighing 2x or 3x as much, severely malnourished (VIDEO) Apr 18, 2014
-8408.5- also see: TV: Huge increase in dead and sick sea mammals on California coast - Unprecedented numbers, annual record broken in 7 months - starving, drooling, brain damaged, suffering seizures - Sea lions ‘mysteriously’ vanishing on other side of Pacific - Experts: We don’t know what’s happening (VIDEO) Aug 3, 2014
Animals' Mysterious Diseases: Millions & Billions of Sea-life Wash Ashore Dead & Dying Excruciating Deaths on Pacific Rim Beaches
...from Alaska to Chile: The Pacific Ocean is Dying from Nuclear Industry & Military Depleted Uranium Target Practice, Ionospheric Heaters & Sonar
Fake news says the Pacific Ocean is Dying because global warming & climate change create 'new & mysterious diseases'...but experts' scientific documentation from Chernobyl prove nuclear fallout & nuclear waste mutates bacteria & viruses to create 'new & mysterious diseases'.
Pacific Northwest fishing industry tanks – whales, dolphins, seals, sea lions, manatees, sea turtles, sharks, pelicans, eagles, seabirds wash ashore dead & dying with painul seizures, heart attacks, tumors, lesions, bleeding eyes or starve to death from lack of krill, sardines, herring & missing food chains.
You can discern which sea life is destroyed by military operations, underwater sounding for oil & mineral exploration, or by the nuclear industry ... it's plutonium & other radionuclides from Fukushima that immediately creates leukemia, bleeding lesions and tumors ... and what the mainstream press and mainstream scientific community calls 'new and mysterious' diseases sickening salmon, tuna, crab, lobster, shellfish giving clams and oysters contagious cancers and making starfish, sea anenomes and tide pool life extinct ... and wiping out our insects, too.
However, Chernobyl research documents that radionuclides mutate germs, viruses and bacteria to create new and mysterious diseases.
Chernobyl: Consequences of the Catastrophe for People and Nature—(here)—– (free PDF) NOTE: Read the abstracts of each chapter of interest ...abstracts summarize chapters ... otherwise, it's too technical & tough going.
(U) Dana points out nuclear power is not safe & clean, as claimed by fake human beings ...as 20-30 million 1-ton decomposing bags of nuclear waste stored beside rice fields, persimmon & peach orchards of Fukushima, across Japan, attest ...& also stored on the beach beside the Pacific Ocean waiting for the next tsunami to drag them out to sea. (D) Every living organism in Fukushima Prefecture is contaminated with nuclear industry radiation going into the food chain to sicken & mutate unborn & born children & their parents.
Nuclear industry is a crime against birds
Tracking Airborne Fukushima Fallout
-6804- Dec 12, 2013 | Large die-off of Alaska seabirds from disease never found before in state history — Official: It’s super, super common… except it’s first time — Hundreds dead per km²; Continued to wash ashore — ‘Relatively’ natural; Witness:Head flopped backward, appeared to have seizure, then dropped dead (AUDIO) here
-8607a- Apr 10, 2015 | Officials: “Such a bizarre thing” off California coast — “We’re seeing multiple aborted fetuses every day” — 100,000s of seabirds that nest in area now missing… “Huge, unprecedented die-off like we’ve never seen” — Many baby seals dying after mothers led them to a cliff edge… “Brutal to watch” (AUDIO)here
-6649- Jan 20, 2015 | TV: “It’s like a scene from a horror movie” along West Coast — “We’re seeing all sorts of mysterious goings-on” — “There is no food out there” — Scientists can’t figure out why there’s mass starvation of seabirds — “This is a really serious thing” — “A species die-off is always unsettling” (VIDEO) here
-8655- Jun 11, 2015 | Senior Scientist: “Birds in bad condition” off West Coast — Zero babies survive on islands, usually over 15,000 — “Extremely poor” breeding success… they didn’t even try — Before and after photos show beaches deserted (VIDEO) here
Nuclear industry dumping/fallout = global warming+ military electromagnetic spectrum (rainbow) direct energy ionospheric global heater weapons
= unprecedented climate change & weather- & earthquake warfare...& it all adds up to = the global heating murder of plankton (& Earth's oxygen supply) + it destroys ocean food chains & creates new & mysterious diseases because nuclear mutates bacteria & viruses in new & mysterious ways
...consequently, nuclear & military(both owned &/or controlled by eight international interlocking dynastic central banking families in a cartel directorate of Fed founding stockholder dynastic money-issuing banking families)are directed by the Fed-owning dynastic interest rate central banking money-issuing class who finance the State (Government)
to destroy the planet for money & since they own & direct controlling shares in the Fortune 1,000 not only do they direct the corporations that are polluting the planet but they also constitute the military industrial nuclear establishment complex
that wages never-ending war against innocent civilians= the main reasons global warming & global heaters & climate change are destroying life in the Pacific Ocean & life on Earth in the 6th great extinction of life, Gaia & Divine Order on Planet Earth —& destroying the ability to feel & protect Love ...& 'they' do it for power & control then profit (since they already own practically, everthing anyway)
[Nuclear industry starves Seabirds & makes them sick EneNews —(Seabirds, here)—]
Sick and dead animals – Seabirds, sea lions, dolphins
-8883- May 31, 2017 | Alarming mass die-off on California beaches — “Extremely high” number of sick and dead animals — Seabirds, sea lions, dolphins affected — Experts: Never seen this many sickbirds — “How many have to die before somebody cares?” (VIDEOS) here
California to Alaska: Die-off of seabirds underway
-8727- Oct 15, 2015 | “Mind-blowing” die-off of seabirds underway from California to Alaska — Experts: “This is unprecedented… Worst I’ve ever seen… Why they’re dying, I’m still baffled” — “Every bird we’re seeing is starving to death… Basically withering away” — “Catastrophic molting” due to unknown cause (VIDEO) here
10 giant whales found dead in Pacific – Mass die-off of walruses & seabirds nearby
-8661- Jun 20, 2015 | 10 giant whales found dead in Pacific off U.S. coast — Victims of ‘mysterious affliction’ — Mass die-off of walruses and seabirds reported nearby — Experts: “Something out of the ordinary is happening” — “Really perplexing… We’re at a loss… Maybe whales ran into a toxin” (AUDIO) here
100,000s of seabirds in nest area missing – Baby seals dying after mothers lead them to cliff edge
-8607a- Apr 10, 2015 | Officials: “Such a bizarre thing” off California coast— “We’re seeing multiple aborted fetuses every day” — 100,000s of seabirds that nest in area now missing… “Huge, unprecedented die-off like we’ve never seen” — Many baby seals dying after mothers led them to a cliff edge… “Brutal to watch” (AUDIO) here
Mass-mortality events in marine world
-8548- Jan 25, 2015 | “One of largest mass die-offs of seabirds ever recorded” now underway on West Coast — Gov’t: “I’ve never seen anything like this, ever” — Experts: “Just massive, massive, unprecedented” … “Strong possibility of it escalating to affect other species” — “Significant uptick in mass-mortality events in marine world” here
Mass starvation of seabirds – species die-off unsettling
-8543- Jan 20, 2015 | TV: “It’s like a scene from a horror movie” along West Coast — “We’re seeing all sorts of mysterious goings-on” — “There is no food out there” — Scientists can’t figure out why there’s mass starvation of seabirds — “This is a really serious thing” — “A species die-off is always unsettling” (VIDEO)here
Sardine crash shakes ecosystem – Seabirds starve
-6888- Jan 5, 2014 | L.A. Times: Alarming West Coast sardine crash likely radiating through ecosystem — Experts warn marine mammals and seabirds are starving, may suffer for years to come — Boats return without a single fish — Monterey Bay: Hard to resist idea that humpback whales are trying to tell us somethinghere
Die-off of Alaska seabirds – Head flopped backward, appeared to have seizure, then dropped dead
-6804- Dec 12, 2013 | Large die-off of Alaska seabirds from disease never found before in state history — Official: It’s super, super common… except it’s first time — Hundreds dead per km²; Continued to wash ashore — ‘Relatively’ natural; Witness: Head flopped backward, appeared to have seizure, then dropped dead (AUDIO) here
Sea creatures wash up dead on West Coast – large numbers getting sick & dying
-8884- Jun 13, 2017 | TV: Huge number of sea creatures washing up dead along West Coast — “It’s a crisis all along Southern California… large numbers getting sick and dying” (VIDEO)here
Massive die-offs in Pacific Ocean – No fish out there, anywhere, over very large area – Where's their food?
-8859- Mar 16, 2017 | Massive die-offs reported in Pacific Ocean — Officials: “No fish out there, anywhere, over a very large area”… “What’s happening? Where’s their food?” — “Alarming… Frightening… Total failure in reproduction… Like nothing we’ve ever observed before” (VIDEO) here
California to Alaska: Die-off of sea creatures – Food chains continue to collapse – Mass starvation events – "I was doing nothing but counting dead animals”
-8831- Jan 12, 2017 | Massive die-off of sea creatures from California to Alaska — Animals starving as food chains continue to collapse — Mass starvation events plague West Coast — Scientist: “Felt like I was doing nothing but counting dead animals” — TV: Deaths really quite troubling (VIDEO) here
Alarm over what’s happening in ocean – Beaches full of bodies – Countless carcasses
-8796- Mar 29, 2016 | “Mind Blowing”: Die-off in Pacific far worse than anything ever seen before — Expert: Alarm over what’s happening in ocean — Deaths puzzling gov’t scientists, “I’ve never heard of such a thing anywhere in world” — Reports: Beaches full of bodies… Countless carcasses — Official: We want to know if it’s related to Fukushima (VIDEO) here
-8769- Feb 4, 2016 | Scientists: West Coast bird die-off “is biggest ever recorded” — Stomachs completely empty — “Staggering… Alarming… Unheard of… Never seen anything like it” — “Unprecedented in size, scope, duration” — “Deaths could reach many hundreds of thousands” — “A host of other freakish phenomena” (VIDEO)here
Carcasses litter beaches for miles
-8761- Jan 13, 2016 | TV: “Carcasses littering beaches for miles” — “Complete reproductive failure” — “Horrifying… Horrid… Mind-boggling… Off the charts” — Unprecedented die-off “has potential to be biggest mortality event in state history” — “The most extreme I’ve ever seen” (VIDEOS) here
Pacific Ocean is Dying – animal die-offs: Elephant in room is Fukushima nuclear industry radiation
-8729- Oct 20, 2015 | Former U.S. Gov’t Official: “The elephant in the room is Fukushima radiation” when it comes to Pacific Ocean animal die-offs… elephant in the room is Fukushima radiation” when it comes to Pacific Ocean animal die-offs… Media’s silence is deafening — Mentions coverage by ENENews here
Hundreds of millions of sea stars dead
-8712- Sep 15, 2015 | TV: Massacre along West Coast continues — Alarming, bleak situation as disease re-emerges — Hundreds of millions of sea stars estimated dead — Changes in cellular matrix observed, “a lot of interesting genes being found” — Other sea life disappearing as tidepool communities ‘shift’ (VIDEO) here
1,500% normal death rate in whales off West Coast
-8702- Aug 24, 2015 | “Horrific environmental mystery… Everyone’s freaked out”: 1,500% normal death rate in whales off West Coast — Gov’t declares unprecedented Unusual Mortality Event — Scientists alarmed, ‘no idea’ what’s happening — Expert: “It’s all going to cascade up to us” — Other die-offs being reported (VIDEOS)here
Dead whales: Mysterious die-off in Pacific continues
-8675- Jul 12, 2015 | TV: U.S. scientists testing for radiation in dead whales as mysterious die-off in Pacific continues — Now 14 carcasses reported, expert warns “death toll could still rise” — “Whales may have consumed something toxic… trying to find an explanation for this unusual event” (VIDEO) here
Fish washing up “extremely poisonous” – Coastal communities in grave danger
-8657- Jun 16, 2015 | Gov’t: “This is unprecedented in extent and magnitude”… toxic bloom may stretch from Calif. to Alaska — Largest event ever recorded? — Official: “It’s new territory… we’ve never had to close essentially half our coast” — Fish washing up “extremely poisonous” — “Serious concern for coastal communities” here
Birds in bad condition
-8655- Jun 11, 2015 | Senior Scientist: “Birds in bad condition” off West Coast — Zero babies survive on islands, usually over 15,000 — “Extremely poor” breeding success… they didn’t even try — Before and after photos show beaches deserted (VIDEO) here
Seafloor littered with dead fish – washing up “as far as I could see”
-8647- Jun 02, 2015 | TV: Scientists warning of mass die-off along California coast — Official: Seafloor littered with dead fish, washing up “as far as I could see” — Toxin has spread all up and down West Coast — Experts: “Very, very unusual… Really extraordinary” (VIDEO) here
13 baby gray whales and 55 dolphins found dead – Corpses of sea lions, birds, sea turtles decomposing –Rash of dead humpback whales in Oregon –
Apr 03, 2015 | 13 baby gray whales and 55 dolphins found dead on West Coast — “Rash of dead humpback whales in Oregon” — “Corpses of sea lions, birds, sea turtles decomposing” — Mysterious deaths probed by gov’t — “Fear for whales encountering ‘radiation hot spots’…Volunteers trained about dangers of radiation” (VIDEO) here
Disease outbreak on U.S. West Coast is largest ever seen in any population of animals – Tens of millions dead – scientists believe radiation from Fukushima to blame
Mar 14, 2015 | Expert: Disease outbreak on U.S. West Coast is largest ever seen in any population of animals — Tens of millions dead — Official: Gov’t needs to declare emergency before extinction occurs — Many scientists believed radiation from Fukushima to blame (VIDEO) here
Sea creatures sick, dying, disappearing at alarming rate on Pacific coast – Ocean life faces mass extinction – Some wonder: is it fallout from Fukushima?
Jan 18, 2015 | “Sea creatures sick, dying or disappearing at alarming rate all along Pacific coast… Some wonder if it’s fallout from Fukushima” — New York Times: “Ocean Life Faces Mass Extinction” — Study: “We may be on precipice of major extinction event” in marine wildlife (VIDEO) here
Fukushima radiation major threat to survival of baby birds – radioactive material biomagnifies in food chain
Sep 18, 2014 |Fukushima radiation a “major threat” to survival of baby birds — “Immediate and worrisome” impacts on marine wildlife discussed — More damage as radioactive material biomagnifies in food chain here
Birds falling from sky, sea lions convulsing – Heart lesions, severe shrinking in brain, nervous system failure
May 3, 2014 | ‘Marine Mystery’ in California: “Toxic outbreak threatening marine life” — Birds falling from sky, sea lions convulsing — “Worst they’ve ever seen” — Toxin hits record level, almost 1,000% above gov’t limit — Heart lesions, severe shrinking in part of brain, nervous system failure (VIDEO)here
Record level of sick or injured California seals & sea lions turning up – severely malnourished
Apr 18, 2014 | NBC: Record level of sick or injured California seals and sea lions turning up — “The numbers are extraordinary” — “Scientists worried… The worst kind of perfect storm” — Pups should be weighing 2 or 3 times as much, “severely malnourished” (VIDEO) here
Months of uncontrolled radioactive releases from Fukushima a problem for Pacific, radionuclides building up in food chain
Feb 04, 2014 |Marine Expert on MSNBC: Months of uncontrolled radioactive releases from Fukushima a problem for Pacific, radionuclides building up in food chain — Health threat to Americans not likely if leaks ended soon after 3/11 (VIDEO)here
Killer whales - Only baby born in 2013 died – Just two born in 2012
Jan 22, 2014 | TV: Problems with killer whales local to West Coast — Only baby born in 2013 died — Just two born in 2012 — Depleted fish supply blamedhere
Sardines vanish
Jan 14, 2014 | “They’re All Gone”: Shock as sardines vanish off California — Fishermen didn’t find a single one all summer — Scientist: This is about the entire Pacific coast… Canada, Mexico, U.S. — NOAA: We don’t know why; The young aren’t surviving here
Plutonium & uranium suspected of spreading through food chain – Terrifying: Pacific ecosystem has collapsed since Fukushima
Jan 8, 2014 | Radiation Expert: It’s terrifying how Pacific ecosystem has collapsed since Fukushima — Plutonium and uranium suspected of spreading through food chain (VIDEO) here
Whales in record numbers display unusual behavior – Problems in Pacific could bring sea life to area
Dec 21, 2013 | “Unprecedented activity” near Canada’s West Coast: Whales in record numbers, displaying highly unusual behavior — Expert: Problems in Pacific could be bringing sea life to area; “Something’s amiss out there” here
Expansive ‘death zone’ of birds on Alaska island, thousands wash ashore – Radiation on back of mind
Nov 27, 2013 | Expansive ‘death zone’ of birds on Alaska island, thousands wash ashore — Resident: Radiation’s always on the backs of our minds — Samples sent to lab for testing — Reporter: ‘Facebook alarmists’ fear Fukushima to blame here
Possibility of radioactive contamination raises public health concerns – Tuna – Turtles, sharks, birds too?
May 30, 2012 | Full California Tuna Study Now Online: Possibility of radioactive contamination raises public health concerns — Spent less than a month in waters near Japan — Turtles, sharks, birds also at risk? here
Fukushima contamination carried to shores of U.S. — Radioactive tuna caught off San Diego
May 28, 2012 | Fukushima contamination carried to shores of U.S. — Radioactive tuna caught off San Diego coast — “We were frankly kind of startled” says scientisthere
Nuclear industry is a crime against birds (cont)
(u) Tracking Airborne Fukushima Fallout
(u) Former tide pool life on thousands of miles of Vancouver, British Columbia mainland & island coastline before being extinquished (exterminated) by nuclear industry
Nuclear industry destroys all species in tidepools in Pacific Northwest & West Coast
(above) Dana Durnford is the first person on the Planet Earth to document the death of all tide pool life along thousands of miles of coastline and islands in Vancouver, British Columbia ...extinction which has now spread down thru Washington, Oregon & California.
He says, "The entire 2000 kilometers we checked of Canadian Pacific Coast Line was devoid of all life except four main species ...and, they are very patchy. We found several other species, like limpets and snails etc. in tiny. insignificant spots ... never in groups.
5,500 species missing from tidal area
When a rational person considers the reality of the 5,500 species that are missing from the tidal area – that is also the nursery of the pacific ocean itself – recovery seems highly unlikely ... ... ... because Fukushima can not be stopped.
Bigger marine animals: salmon, fish & crabs will not last much longer
The bigger marine animals like salmon, fish, crabs, etc will not last much longer ...and, because people are ignoring 5,500 missing species, it seems almost impossible to have a debate with that closed and compartmentalized and irrational mind-set."
Nuclear industry is a crime against birds (cont)
Dec 30, 2013 | LA Times: Experts saybald eagle deaths related to Fukushima radiation
– Idaho officials reporting similar sickness – “It’s hard to have your national bird in your arms, going through seizures” (AUDIO) here
Jan 01, 2014 | Officials: Unprecedented disease outbreak to blame for dozens of bald eagles deaths — “A major development.. really kind of undocumented” — Concern virus may have mutated — Brains hemorrhaging, immune systems not fighting it off, why are they now more susceptible? (VIDEO) here
Nuclear industry murders eagles
Nuclear industry gives Eagles seizures & painful deaths EneNews—(Eagles, here)—
Bald eagles dying at rate much higher than normal – 60 dead in Utah since December
Feb 04, 2014 | TV: Bald eagles dying at rate “much higher than normal” ...and, it’s not from West Nile virus as previously claimed — Now 60 dead in Utah since December — “We feel helpless, we don’t have a lot of answers” (VIDEO) here
Eagles: Brains hemorrhaging
Jan 01, 2014 | Officials: Unprecedented disease outbreak to blame for dozens of bald eagles deaths — “A major development.. really kind of undocumented” — Concern virus may have mutated — Brains hemorrhaging, immune systems not fighting it off, why are they now more susceptible? (VIDEO) here
Eagles: Wings paralyzed & seizures
Dec 29, 2013 | ‘High Alert’: Mystery illness killing bald eagles in Western U.S. — Wings paralyzed, full blown seizures — Experts: “Very big concern”… “Never seen anything like this”… “We just don’t know what’s going on” (VIDEOS) here
Repeat set of classic experiment; when Beagles eat radionuclides ...they all die
Feb 14, 2012 | Beagles to be injected with radioactive substances during gov’t toxicity experiments? here
Thousands of millions of fish wash up dead in Alaska
Aug 18, 2015 | Official: “Thousands of Millions” of fish wash up dead in Alaska — Piles of them… I have never seen anything like it… First time we’ve ever heard of this (VIDEO) here
Deformed & abnormal birds – Die-off of birds on Alaska beaches, float in Pacific – “Starving”
Aug 08, 2015 | Die-off of birds all over Alaska beaches, floating in Pacific — “They seem to be starving” — Record-breaking spike in rescues, “such a dramatic increase” — Deformed and abnormal animals reported (PHOTOS & AUDIO) here
Ill baby seals being abandoned; Dozens of walruses dead – Dying whales, birds, fish – Unprecedented
Aug 07, 2015 | US Gov’t: “We don’t know what’s going on” in Pacific — Many ill baby seals being abandoned; Dozens of walruses found dead; Dying whales, birds, fish — “Unprecedented things happening” — Experts: “It’s been a very unusual marine mammal year… I’m really worried, very concerned” (AUDIO) here
Bald eagle deaths are related to Fukushima radiation – “It’s hard to have your national bird in your arms, going through seizures”
Dec 30, 2013 | LA Times: Experts suggest bald eagle deaths are related to Fukushima radiation – Idaho officials reporting similar sickness – “It’s hard to have your national bird in your arms, going through seizures” (AUDIO) here
Whales in record numbers display unusual behavior – “Something’s amiss out there”
Dec 21, 2013 | “Unprecedented activity” near Canada’s West Coast: Whales in record numbers, displaying highly unusual behavior — Expert: Problems in Pacific could be bringing sea life to area; “Something’s amiss out there” here
Nuclear industry murders ocean food chains ...& that's a reason the Pacific Ocean is dying
Jun 17, 2014 | S. California fishermen ‘skunked… haven’t seen a squid’, usually 10,000+ lbs/day — ‘Complete crashes’ at oyster hatcheries — Sardines, mackerel missing in areas — Pelican sites alarmingly deserted — Record number of sick sea lions — Ultra-rare whales appear after decades — Mammals, birds, fish in odd places—(here)—
Plunge in baby California pelicans
Jun 02, 2014 | AP: Drastic plunge in baby California pelicans — Zeroborn in multiple study areas — Expert: “The bottom dropped out”; From 1,000s to 10 or less, unknown why it’s occurring —(here)—
20 newborn pelicans where 10,000 expected
May 28, 2014 | Professor: Just 1% of usual number of baby California pelicans; “Nearly complete failure to breed”; Only 20 newborns in area where 10,000 expected — Expert: ‘Flabbergasted’ by what’s happening in Malibu, “I’ve never seen anything like that” (AUDIO) —(here)—
Pelican breeding failures
May 01, 2014 | SF Chronicle: “Unbelievable hordes” of fish near California coast; Most birds, sea lions, dolphins, whales anywhere— Expert: ‘Off the charts’ pelican population “highly unusual… could reflect breeding failures elsewhere”; “Abnormal ocean conditions” to blame? —(here)—
Pelicans starving in Pacific Northwest since 2011 Fukushima nuclear industry reactor meltdowns
Dec 22, 2013 | Experts: “Really an off year” — Pelicans starving in Pacific Northwest since 2011, killing baby birds for food — Breeding success “really poor” since 2011 — “I believe pelicans are responding to large scale changes” — “Sardine crash” in Pacific since decline in 2011 —(here)—
Manatees, pelicans, turtles, dolphins dying
Mar 29, 2013 | “Manatees Dying in Droves on Both Coasts of Florida” — Deaths of pelicans, turtles, dolphins also increasing — “Scientists fear this is the beginning of a devastating ecosystem collapse” —(here)—
Nuclear industry apologists blame victims
Mar 27, 2013 | Wildlife vs U.S. nuclear plants: Flies short-out transformer — Pelicanstarts emergency generator — Snake causes fire — Bird shuts down reactor… more—(here)—
Pelicans contaminated with oil in Gulf
Dec 01, 2012 | Radio: Tests indicate Minnesotapelicans exposed to contamination in Gulf — Concern for what it could do to population — Dispersant chemicals in 1/3 of birds — Official: ‘Really interesting’ results coming in —(here)—
Sea creatures wash up dead on West Coast
Jun 13, 2017 | TV: Huge number of sea creatures washing up dead along West Coast — “It’s a crisis all along Southern California… large numbers getting sick and dying” (VIDEO) —(here)—
Mass die-off litters beaches – sick & dead seabirds, sea lions, dolphins, whales
May 31, 2017 | Alarming mass die-off on California beaches — “Extremely high” number of sick and dead animals — Seabirds, sea lions, dolphins affected — Experts: Never seen this many sick birds — “How many have to die before somebody cares?” (VIDEOS) —(here)—
Fish population collapses – whales down – squid disappearing – major die-offs everywhere —(here)—
Nov 03, 2015 | TV: “Researchers say massive decline of fish is throwing off ecosystem” along California coast — Expert: “Population has truly collapsed”… They’re gone virtually everywhere — Whale numbers dropping significantly, squid disappearing, other major die-offs seen (VIDEO) —(here)—
Marine mammal population down
Aug 09, 2015 | Toxic bloom “basically eating the West Coast alive” — “Unusual deaths up and down the Pacific coast” — “All populations of marine mammals are way down” in areas — Experts: “Largest ever recorded… This is really unprecedented territory… Never seen an event like this” (VIDEO) here
More dolphin, sea lion, seabird deaths
Jun 22, 2015 | TV: Emergency survey underway along West Coast, marine life being affected “in ways never seen before” — CBS: “Unusual increase in dolphin, sea lion, and seabird deaths” — Thought to be largest toxic bloom “anywhere, ever” — Worry that impacts on fish to last several years (VIDEO) here
No baby birds survive, usually 15,000
Jun 11, 2015 | Senior Scientist: “Birds in such bad condition” off West Coast — Zero babies survive on islands, usually over 15,000 — “Extremely poor” breeding success… they didn’t even try — Before and after photos show beaches deserted (VIDEO) here
100s of millions of sea animals die on coasts of Fukushima & Pacific Northwest
Apr 22, 2015 | Professors: 100s of Millions of animals have died recently along West Coast — Worst mortality event ever known — “Wiped out at least 20 different species” — Marine life also disappearing from Fukushima coast (VIDEO)here
Emergency: Closure of fisheries – alarming die-offs, mass reproductive failures, strange diseases
Apr 16, 2015 | Just In: Emergency closure of fisheries along entire West Coast — Almost no babies surviving since 2011 — “Catastrophic crash… Population decimated… Crisis… Collapse so severe” — “Latest in series of alarming die-offs… mass reproductive failures… strange diseases” — Official: “A lot of weird things out there” here
Marine mammal strandings – Whales, dolphins, sea lions, birds wash up in large numbers – Thousands likely dead — Violent seizures shown on news
Aug 30, 2014 | TV: “Surge in marine mammal strandings” on U.S. West Coast — Scientists: “This is very weird”; “My biggest fear is if this… is everywhere” along coast — Whales, dolphins, sea lions, birds recently washing up in large numbers — Many thousands likely dead — Violent seizures shown on news (VIDEO) here
Jul 28, 2014 | AP: Marine birds disappearing in Pacific Northwest — Significant ecological shift, crashes in many species — “Something’s happening on a big level, but what is it” — Herring problem may be far worse than revealed… result of contamination? Mexico suddenly bans bluefin tuna fishing, U.S. may be next here
Marine animals get sick and die – hobble & fall over
May 24, 2014 | TV: “Like a horror show” at Los Angeles-area beach — Unusual number of marine animals suddenly getting sick and dying — “I wonder if something’s in the water” killing them — They “hobble and fall over, it’s heartbreaking” (VIDEO) here
Record numbers of seals & sea lions starving to death – many unhealthy, wash ashore
May 04, 2014 | Alarm as record numbers of seals & sea lions ‘starving to death’ along California coast — “It’s just spiked… calls started coming nonstop” — “So many unhealthy… washing ashore” — “Extremely complex issue… multitude of factors in play” — “Definitely a mystery, we’re hoping it’s not the new norm” here
Correspondent loses arm after filming in Japan
Feb 28, 2014 | PBS special on Fukushima starts tonight with rare look inside plant — Correspondent loses arm after filming in Japan — “Amputated after an apparently minor injury” (VIDEO) here
West Coast killer whales: only baby born, dies
Jan 22, 2014 | TV: Problems with killer whales local to West Coast — Only baby born in 2013 died — Just two born in 2012— Depleted fish supply blamed here
Jan 14, 2014 | “They’re All Gone”: Shock as sardines vanish off California — Fishermen didn’t find a single one all summer — Scientist: This is about the entire Pacific coast… Canada, Mexico, U.S. — NOAA: We don’t know why; The young aren’t survivinghere
Experts warn: Marine mammals & seabirds starving
Jan 05, 2014 | L.A. Times: Alarming West Coast sardine crash likely radiating through ecosystem — Experts warn marine mammals and seabirds are starving, may suffer for years to come — Boats return without a single fish — Monterey Bay: Hard to resist idea that humpback whales are trying to tell us somethinghere
California: Hundreds of whales in bay
Nov 30, 2013 | CBS News: 100s of whales in bay on California coast; It’s never been like this, we just can’t even believe it — Experts: We just aren’t sure what’s going on; “A once-in-a-lifetime chance… unheard of, it’s unbelievable, nobody’s seen this” (VIDEO) here
Swim For Your Life to Escape Plutonium? ...I would
Nov 25, 2013 | NYTimes: Unprecedented concentration of sea creatures near shore in California; Experts baffled, longtime residents astounded — Biologist: “It’s a very strange year… The $64,000 question is why?” — Similar to ‘extraordinary’ events seen recently along Canada’s Pacific coast? (VIDEO) here
Nuclear apologists blame seaweed, not failed industry
May 28, 2013 | Seaweed causes shut-down of multiple nuclear reactors here
Dead sea lions everywhere
Mar 30, 2013 | CBS Los Angeles: “Dead sea lions everywhere” — Rescuer: I’ve never seen anything like this… we never would have imagined the numbers — Expert: No oceanographic explanation for what we’re seeing (VIDEO) here
Dead dolphin spike – Babies washing up
Mar 29, 2013 | TV: Dead dolphin spike in Louisiana, Mississippi — “We have been advised not to discuss our findings” — babies washing up (VIDEO) —(here)—
Oiled wildlife
Sep 07, 2012 | Large sections of thick liquid oil spotted floating in Gulf after Isaac — Oiled wildlife reported —(here)—
Your Enemies are Destroying the Life Force on Planet Earth
(click pic for free 4 pg e-newsletter (pdf) – The Life Force in Portland, Oregon – with live links, download, here)
Se cret Pi c Colle ction (collected from reviewing 9,000 articles) Secret Picture Collection – effects & affects of historical, new & continuing airborne & seaborn Fukushima & other fallout on Pacific Basin ...(continents, people, animals, plants, pastures, farmland, forests, food chains, grocery stores, biota, viruses & bacteria) from 9,000 links to 36,000 pieces of published news documentation, scientific white papers, books & videos
The Life Force is Suffering - Can You Feel It? ...try
Stop letting Fed interest-rate bankers get away with murder
Look what Nuclear Industry is Doing to our Seals & Manatees & Fish
07:51 AM Jan 4, 2012-2169- Alaska: Fukushima radiation sickens seals? Lesions on hind flippers & inside their mouths – Stricken live seals lethargic, allow people to approach - Necropsies found fluid in lungs, white spots on lungs. Polar bears starve, as do sea lions, seals, whales, dolphins & more sealife from airborne & seaborne Fukushima fallout (ionizing radiation) destroying plankton, krill, sardines, herring, tuna & salmon food chains – & are covered w/bleeding lesions & tumors indicative of cancer; read our free e-books: —(here)— At the same time, military-industrial microwave-driven earthquake & weather warfare is also destroying dolphins, whales, seals, fish & other life in the sea ...& the plankton ...consequently destroying the Earth's major oxygen producing ecology. —(story, here & here & here)—
Scientists fear human genetic defects from Fukushima fallout after butterfly study
(up) Representative morphological abnormalities. From left to right, dented eyes (Shiroishi), deformed left eye (Iwaki), deformed right palpus (Takahagi), and deformed wing shape (Fukushima); (down) (l-r) Normal; Right hindwing much smaller than left hindwing – Fukushima City, 60 km from Fukushima Daiichi; (m)Wings folded – Takahagi, Ibaraki Prefecture, 80 km from Fukushima Daiichi; (r) Wings rumpled – Iwaki, Fukushima Prefecture, 40 km from Fukushima Daiichi; (r) add'l example. (See accompanying story, below-here.)
Butterfly mutants: human implications – Irregularly developed eyes
Aug 13, 2012 | Biologist on Mutated Butterflies: Study – overwhelming implications for humans — Japan Researcher: Insects believed to be very resistant to radiation — Irregularly developed eyes, malformed antennae, much smaller wings (PHOTO - below) here——[here]—
Pro-nuclear brainwashed Nazi idiots: Do youreally want 'safe & clean' nuclear energy to do this to Your Kids?
99% of offspring die – eat ‘low-level’ contaminated food
Sep 23, 2014 | “Groundbreaking” study reveals Fukushima nuclear waste is poisoning wildlife: Up to 99% of offspring died after eating ‘low-level’ contaminated food — “Very high” abnormality rates including “severe and rare” deformities (PHOTOS - below)here——(here)—
High rates of abnormality & mortality
Aug 14, 2014 | Scientists: Fukushima radiation is causing “serious biological effects” — Disaster’s widespread impact now being revealed — “Major irreversible shifts” in ecosystems discussed — “High rates of abnormality and mortality”… severe damage to humans next? (PHOTOS – below) here——(here)—
(above) Taira et al. 2014 examined response of the Pale Grass Blue Butterfly; they found: size reduction, slowed growth, high mortality and morphological abnormality: (l)Tumors in the thorax of the Pale Grass Blue Butterfly; (r) Normal morphology. Common to all the published studies – the hypothesis chronic (low-dose) exposure to ionizing radiation results in genetic damage and increased mutation rates; Hayashi et al. 2014 documented effects of radiation on rice – After three days, a number of effects were observed; Taira et al. 2014 examined response of the pale grass blue butterfly. They found size reduction, slowed growth, high mortality and morphological abnormality. A review of genetic and ecological studies for a range of other species revealed significant consequences of radiation. Population censuses of birds, butterflies, and cicadas at Fukushima showed major declines – attributable to radiation exposure.
Radiation Expert: “Alarming” number of children with cysts or lumps on thyroid after Fukushima
— Access to Japan’s birth statistics requested, not granted here——(here)—
Fear of diseases: A study conducted by the United Nations Scientific Committee on the Effects of Atomic Radiation (UNSCEAR) found that the number of cases of thyroid cancer and leukemia in Japan would not rise significantly as a result of the reactor meltdown in Fukushima. Yet [Winfrid Eisenberg, radiation expert and member of International Physicians for the Prevention of Nuclear War (IPPNW)] said the deformed butterflies spoke for themselves, even if findings in research on animals and insects could not completely speak for humans. A series of ultrasound examinations conducted on over 40,000 children in Japan found 35 percent of the children to have lumps or cysts. “That is not normal among children,” Eisenberg, who is also a retired pediatrician, told DW. He added that the figure was alarming. He, along with some of his colleagues, requested access to Japan’s birth statistics for the time since the disaster at the Daiichi nuclear power plant in Fukushima. As of now, he is still waiting for access to be granted. —(here)—
Butterfly genetic defects foretell human mutants
Aug 22, 2012 | Scientists fear increased genetic defects in humans from Fukushima disaster after results of butterfly study here——(here)—
Butterfly's stump wings – will humans stump?
Aug 14, 2012 | Comparison images show severe mutation of Japan butterfly’s stump-like wings (PHOTO) — Reporter: “Scary” that humans could be affected by mutation, toohere——(here)—
(click pic) Butterfly's stump wings – will humans stump? ...Yes,a pregant woman's baby will stump.
Butterflies – wings folded, rumpled, mismatched
Sep, 21, 2012 | More images of deformed butterflies after Fukushima — Wings folded over, rumpled, much different sizes (PHOTOS - see above) here
Aug 15, 2012 | Plutonium releases from Fukushima plant highlighted in final sentence of butterfly mutation studyhere
Mutant butterflies outside Fukushima evac zone
Aug 14, 2012 | The Australian: The devastating physical & genetic effects of Japan’s nuclear disaster are revealed — All mutant butterflies were caught far outside Fukushima evacuation zonehere
Aug 12, 2012 | Japan Times: Study finds ‘abnormalities’ in 52% of second generation offspring from butterflies collected May 2011 — Unusually small wings, premature death here
Jul 12, 2012 | Study: Significant decrease in Fukushima birds and butterflies as radiation levels increase – NYT here
All Fukushima Fir trees mutated – insect legs missing or crooked
Dec 23, 2015 | Major Japan Newspaper: Mutations in nearly every fir tree by Fukushima — Insects with missing legs or crooked — Abnormalities also found in monkeys, fish and frogshere
Mutations increase in Fukushima plants & animals
Jul 22, 2015 | Japan Reporter: Mutations increasing in Fukushima — TV: “Strange things happening to the plants and animals” — Gov’t News Agency: “Long list of mutated life forms reported” (VIDEO) here
Birds blind, unable to fly
May 15, 2015 | Former Japan TV News Anchor: Mutations have begun in Fukushima; Birds blind, unable to fly — Magazine: “Birds in tailspin 4 years after Fukushima… the proverbial canary in a coalmine” — Professor: Birds with mutations popping up all over in contaminated areas (VIDEO) here
Enormous decline in animal species
Apr 17, 2015 | CBS: Worst may not be over from Fukushima — “Effects of radiation have become much more severe” — “Enormous decline” seen in animal species — “Striking drop-off… really dramatic impacts” due to nuclear disaster (VIDEO) here
Mutant flowers – gigantic leaves, seeds very big
Oct 29, 2014 | Gundersen: Mutations in plants being reported after chronic Fukushima exposure — Professor: Mutant flowers found in Fukushima — Biologist: “Gigantic leaves, seeds very big” after nuclear disaster (VIDEO) here
Birds found with perplexing deformities
Jun 25, 2014 | Emergency research underway in Japan after birds found with perplexing deformities — “Something unusual occurring inside their bodies” — Never reported in 500,000 exams done before 3/11 — Now observed at every site across country, some over 1,000 km from Fukushima (PHOTO – below) here
Noboru Nakamura, a researcher at the Yamashina Institute for Ornithology: “In Iitate, I caught a Japanese bush warbler in the net yesterday. It had feathers missing from the back of its head, and its skin was dark on that part. I found the same thing last year and the year before in Minami-Soma. I don’t know the reason.”
Kiyoaki Ozaki, Yamashina Institute for Ornithology deputy director-general: “Bird banding surveys of the common reed bunting began in 1961, and nearly 480,000 of the birds have been examined; we monitor their tail feathers closely. But this sort of abnormality hasn’t been reported before. I’ve seen thousands of the birds, but it was the first time for me to see tail feathers like these. There is something unusual occurring inside the birds’ bodies, perhaps with their genes or hormone secretion. It’s in the realm of possibility could be the effect of radioactive substances."
(click pic for story)
Fukushima: Birds with mutations popping up all over in contaminated areas
Birds blind, unable to fly
May 15, 2015 | Former Japan TV News Anchor: Mutations have begun in Fukushima; Birds blind, unable to fly — Magazine: “Birds in tailspin 4 years after Fukushima… the proverbial canary in a coalmine” — Professor: Birds with mutations popping up all over in contaminated areas (VIDEO) here——(here)—
May 15, 2014 | New study reveals deaths and mutations ”increased sharply’ from exposure to Fukushima contamination, “especially at low doses” — ‘Small’ levels of cesium may be ‘significantly toxic’ — Smithsonian: “In other words, things don’t look good for the animals living around Fukushima” here
Apr 14, 2014 | Fairewinds Video, (here): ‘Anomalies’ in plants and animals documented by Fukushima residents, some severely deformed — Scientists: Genetic mutations observed in Fukushima include trees with peculiar distortions, insect abnormalities, tumors in birds, more (PHOTO - below) here
Wind above Tokyo – one of fastest air currents on Earth – blows straight East to L.A., NY & all points between. Your last pickle ...grew near said path?
(l)Fairewinds Energy Education, Apr. 10, 2014 — Chiho Kaneko, member of the Board of Directors of Fairewinds originally from Iwate, Japan (at 11:15 in): It’s not just people who are sicker. I met a home gardener who lives in Kawamata, Fukushima, 30-miles from Fukushima Daiichi. She grows luffas, whose fruit is often dried to make bath sponges. Last year, with some trepidation, she used the seeds saved from the year before. She found flower buds directly growing out of the fruit. Some of her pole beans were abnormally gigantic. Near Fukushima city, another person saw a frog so severely deformed that, at first, it was difficult to tell that it was a frog, save for its hopping. These are true events described by people I met who took notes and photographs of these environmental anomalies. (r) Mutated daisies.
Fairewinds: "The Fukushima Daiichi disaster opened the door to see how this is not merely a Japanese crisis. It is a crisis that transcends geography and time. We traced the roots of this crisis back 60-years to the fishing boat Daigo Fukuryumaru, or #5 Lucky Dragon, and American efforts to force nuclear power upon the Japanese people."
Mar 16, 2014 | NY Times: Gov’t scientist not allowed to publish findings that Fukushima cesium-137 levels could be 10,000 times higher than after Chernobyl in Pacific surface waters — Japan researchers pressured to downplay disaster’s impact — Professors obstructed when data might cause public concern here
Apr 02, 2013 | UPI: ‘Shellfish gone near damaged nuke plant’ — Researcher: Likely extinct because of Fukushima nuclear crisis here
Mar 27, 2013 | Japan Newspaper: Sea creature disappears around Fukushima plant here
Feb 27, 2013 | Japan Scientists: Truly unusual deformities in Fukushima — Forests may be evolving into different ecosystems — “There’s been a sudden, large change” here
Feb 17, 2013 | Magazine: Some plants glowing after Chernobyl – researchers find countless examples of monstrous mutations — Claims wildlife now considered healthy here
Jan 02, 2013 | BBC in Fukushima: “This place is really strange, on the surface it looks pretty normal, but then listen – nothing” (AUDIO) here
Dec 09, 2012 | Japan Times column on nuclear mutations: Professor seeing ‘increase in negative effects’ from Fukushima since last year — Report of insect with leg growing from head (PHOTO – below) here
Note leg grows out of head of Cicada & deformed wings
“In 300km area from Fukushima plant, a variety of mutated cicadas were observed.” –Fukushima Diary.
An online comment to this Enenews item (from 'Mack):Dec 9, 2012 – As a comparison, after the Three Mile Island nuclear accident, residents living around there found:
Taking Another Look at the Suffering from Three Mile Island (TMI)
Mutated plants @ :53 2. Two-headed still-born calf @1:40 3. 600% increase in cancer @6:25 4. Out of 500 homes sampled, they found 45 living cancers, 23 cancer deaths, 53 benign tumors, 39 thyroid problems & 209 with respiratory problems @6:30 5. Leukemias & cancer deaths @7:28 6. Down syndrome @7:58 7. Cash settlements paid out by TMI owners for deaths $ birth defects @7:45 8. Photos of Mutated plants, stillborn animal @10:22 9. Photos from Chernobyl, 8-legged colt, children's hair loss @10:35 10. Infant death rate soars 3 months after TMI @11:27
This powerful documentary challenges the claims of the nuclear industry and government that no one died as a result of the core meltdown at the Three Mile Island nuclear facility in Pennsylvania. It utilizes the testimony of area residents and scientific findings to reveal that deaths, especially from cancer and birth defects in children, have been widespread since the 1979 accident. Indeed, it notes that Three Mile Island's owner has been quietly settling numerous damage cases brought by persons seriously impacted by the accident. Winner of the Worldfest Silver Award, Houston International Film Festival. Winner of the Director?s Citation, Black Maria Video and Film Festival. Chosen for screening at the 1993 Earth Peace International Film Festival.
Aug 22, 2012 | Fukushima ‘Superhero’ tells kids the arch-enemy is bad reputation from nuclear crisis — Fights against ‘fools’ & ‘sloppy people’here
Aug 22, 2012 | Radiation Expert: “Alarming” number of children with cysts or lumps on thyroid after Fukushima — Access to Japan’s birth statistics requested, not granted here
Aug 20, 2012 | Gundersen: Rapid insect mutations seen after Fukushima are frightening (VIDEO) here
Aug 14, 2012 | NBC: “It’s pretty clear something has gone wrong with the ecosystem” – Japan Researcher here
Aug 14, 2012 | Professor who met with Fukushima physicians: Thyroid diseases already apparent — Diseased newborns and Down’s syndrome still kept secret here
What Do These Three Pictures Have in Common?
...your heart will be torn apart & then you'll decide the consequences for the perpetrators (...we identify them)
(above) Ever wonder what happens to mammals (including people) & forests by nuclear power plants? ...and in the sea, whales, dolphins, seals, walruses & sea lions? ...from Fukushima plutonium, military sonar & depleted uranium, oil exploration soundings & aerial ionospheric aerosols, weather warfare & electro-magnetic pulse weapons? We are currently in the Sixth Great Extinction of Life on Planet Earth ...and it is manmade. Using this site, you can identify & document the magnitude, suffering & horror of this extinction & also pinpoint who is to blame, their weapons of choice & why they should be arrested, tried, convicted & marched to the gallows to clean the Earth so life can return ...before it is too late. —(caption continued, here with links)—
Nuclear industry is a crime against land animals, too
Look what nuclear & military industry is doing to our land animals
Nuclear industry is a crime against cats: domestic kittens & wild mountain lions
(Look what nuclear industry wants to do ...& is doing, to you)
Oregon's first two-headed house cat mutant – Idaho's first wild mountain lion mutant
...kitten born between Portland & Salem – likely genetic mutation from Fukushima nuclear industry fallout
First documented two-headed kitten in Oregon – born between Portland & Salem – likely genetic mutation from Fukushima nuclear industry fallout ... Idaho's mutant mountain lion likely a Fukushima or nuclear waste victim.
...gee, it's fun breathing the air & eating the grass in Oregon full of airborne Fukushima plutonium & cesium & iodine that rains-thru & contaminates our food & air & water mutates our genes (Deucy, Oregon's first two-headed cat, a genetic mutation likely from Fukushima fallout, was born in Amity about half-way between Portland & Salem, on June 12, 2013. The cat gestation period is 64-67 days, indicating conception in early April, 2013. Mutated mountain lion shot east of the Cascades in Idaho - likely genetic mutation from nuclear fallout from normal reactor discharges, testing &/or nuclear waste in dumps, soil, food, water &/or air.
Nuclear industry is a crime against horses
(Note skin sloughing on land mammals, refer back to skin sloughing picture of sea mammals —(here)—
—(Horses – devastating mystery illness hits Northern California & Southern California horses, here)—
You can realize your Angelic calling and Divine nature then respect and protect yourself and protect Life. This website and the three free e-books are our gift to you to fulfill your Angelic calling, in hopes of you becoming self-realized, and fulfilled as a spiritual entity ridding the planet of the Fed interest rate bankers who own and direct all the corporations in the Western world now damaging Mother Nature, Natural Order, Divine Order and the Life Force with pollution, greed and war. Which side are you on? Heaven & Hell & Eternity and who knows what else, is waiting for your decision. God and Mother Nature need your help, it's that simple.
Who Are You? Why Are You Here?
You are Guardians. You Are Here To Protect Life & Protect Mother Earth & To Exact Justice Against Those Evil Ones Who Are The Anti-Kingdom
The Pacific Ocean is Dying from Nuclear Industry, Sonar, Electromagnetic Pulse (EMP), Depleted Uranium (DU) Target Practice, War Games, War, Ionospheric Aerial Aerosal Spraying (Chemtrails), Pharmchem & Petrochem & Stratospheric Weather Warfare (manmade typhoons, lightning, floods, fires, tidal waves & earthquakes). This website and our free e-books exist to provide documentation for you to show to others. As the sea dies, you do.
Survival Today – The Survival of Women and Saving All Life from Extinction Depends on Taking Care of the Earth & Marching the Fed Interest Rate Banker Families to the Gallows — these Fed interest rate baking family dynasties attack Natural & Divine Order with nuclear, depleted uranium (du), sonar, weather, earthquakes, electro-magnetic pulse (emp) & chemtrail warfare ...bet your life on it ...('they' already have)
Next time you hear nuclear apologists say nuclear is safe & clean, just say, "put it where the sun doesn't shine"
click pic to find out how to get your freee-books, today ...pdf for cell phone & tablets & ms word w/pop-ups for computer
Business-as-Usual Daily Nuclear Industry Reactor Fallout, Dumps, Mines & Nuclear Catastrophe Fallout Hurts Wild & Domesticated Mammals (including human), Pets & Other Animals with Excruciating Pain & Suffering
Here is an excerpt from Chernobyl: Consequences of the Catastrophe for People and the Environment: Chapter 11. Chernobyl’s Radioactive Impact on Microbial Biota, by Alexey V. Yablokov; edited by Janet Sherman:
[Abstract] Of the few microorganisms that have been studied, all underwent rapid changes in the areas heavily contaminated by Chernobyl. Organisms such as tuberculosis bacilli; hepatitis, herpes, and tobacco mosaic viruses; cytomegalovirus; and soil micromycetes and bacteria were activated in various ways. The ultimate long-term consequences for the Chernobyl microbiologic biota may be worse than what we know today. Compared to humans and other mammals, the profound changes that take place among these small live organisms with rapid reproductive turnover do not bode well for the health and survival of other species.
[Article] One gram of soil contains some 2,500,000,000 microorganisms (bacteria, micro-fungi, and protozoa). Up to 3 kg of the mass of an adult human body is made up of bacteria, viruses, and micro-fungi. In spite of the fact that these represent such important and fundamentally live ecosystems there are only scarce data on the various microbiological consequences of the Chernobyl catastrophe.
Several incidences of increased morbidity owing to certain infectious diseases may be due to increased virulence of microbial populations as a result of Chernobyl irradiation. … … …
All microorganisms (viruses, bacteria, fungi, and protozoa) and microbiological communities as a whole undergo rapid changes after any additional irradiation. The mechanism of such changes is well known: inclusion and increase in the frequency of mutations by natural selection and preservation of beneficial novel genes that for whatever reason appear more viable under the new conditions. This micro-evolutionary mechanism has been activated in all radioactively contaminated areas and leads to activation of old and the occurrence of new forms of viruses and bacteria.
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Capital Punishment for Capitalists
The Fed directors (1% of the 1%) who own the original issues of Fed stock are paid the interest on the national debt by U.S. taxpayers (the 99.9%) each year, as 'dividends' of personally disposable income, currently in the amount of ~$700 billion dollars a year from the United States, alone.
However, since it is an international interlocking directorate owning the five original Rothschild-founded central banks ... when you sum up the interest payments on the national debts of those five countries, each year the eight families (and the banks they own) who own the founding stock, likely get over $2 trillion dollars each and every year in personal disposable income.
That is why they are the 1% of the 1%, who own 20% of the Fortune 500 in the form of controlling shares of each corporation, and likely the Fortune 1,000, too ...including all the corporations that pollute Earth that comprise the military-industrial-nuclear complex (cartel), all the major banks, oil companies, insurance companies, pharmchem & petrochem corporations and instigate wars and revolutions, sickness and misery, as well as all the corporations that produce and sell weapons, munitions, aerospace and space, food and clothing, cigarettes, drugs, alcohol, sugar, opium-derivation corporations, and so on ...according to the U.S. Revolution Bicentennial U.S. House of Representative Subcommittee on Banking report of 1976.
That report is available in abbreviated chart form (below) as well as the entire study (below). Those $2 trillion dollars do not include interest payments on homes, cars, personal loans, commercial real estate and development loans ...but only interest on loans to the U.S. and to foreign States.
That yearly $2 trillion dollars they pocket for their personal enjoyment is enough to end homelessness on Planet Earth, finance solar, end poverty, end hunger, and install sewage and clean water facilities for everyone on the planet. Now do you know why we say, in blame: "The Pacific Ocean is Dying – To Save Earth & Clean the Planet ...March Fed Interest Rate Bankers to the Gallows."
U.S. House of Representatives document-derived selected primary charts: who owns the Fed (pdf) | (msword) | Original whole U.S. House Banking Subcommittee document, (here) Who owns whom? Who owns the nuclear industry? (here) Who owns the media? ...and, the presidency? (pdf | msword)
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Nuclear Power is Not Safe and Clean
Service Area Worldwide with a Focus on the Pacific Ocean, Oregon, Washington, California, British Columbia, Alaska, Hawaii, U.S., EU, Russia, India, Japan & locations of every nuclear reactor & dump since all give you immune deficiency diseases, heart attacks & cancer