Folks can return to the reactor stricken area in only 20,000 years: Amusement park electric bumper-cars abandoned after Chernobyl nuclear disaster & evacuation of Pripyat, Ukraine, Apr 27, 1986, —(Alexei Yablokov, here) & (obit, here)—
(archival info) New Russian law on state secrets: All info on Northern Fleet radwaste & subs now secret —(here)—
We won't go back. Power to the people who are marginalized / We're tryin' so hard not to catastrophize / Concerned which threat he (Trump) might authorize / We won't go back in time when bigotry was fine. / We won't go back. / We fight to form a more perfect union / That's why we established the Constitution. / We won't compromise our values under any administration!!! / And we just might start a revolution. / We won't go back. / Rap: We don't want no throwback / We ain't got time for that. / We're down with that broke back. / If you're not down for yourself, it don't matter if it's someone else. / They won't go back. / This is our country, one nation. / Doesn't matter what my race is or my religion. / That's not this country's basis, it's freedom. / So you best recognize we got to live our lives. / We won't bully. We'll respect, We won't lie and we'll protect. / Power to the people. We won't be marginalized! / We won't go back.
SITE & e-BOOK TAKEAWAYS – Summary & small print: Note: this site is documented with 9,000 newswire headlines each summarizing five published pieces of documentation linked to 30,000 published newspaper & magazine articles & TV news ...including scientific studies, book, white papers & youtubes ...which are available in our free reference e-book, right here; also, highlighted documentation is included in our MD, nuclear scientist & epidemiologist section, right here. The takeaways from the free e-books & this website, are:
IF you can read all the way from 1-8 , you are a genius
(1) Exposure to low level nuclear radiation over time is just dangerous as immediate exposure to high level levels of nuclear radiation;
(2) Women & girls living within 25 miles of a nuclear reactor get more cancer than men or boys or those living farther away;
(3) Since the March 2011 meltdowns (continuing in water aquifers beneath the Fukushima site dumping directly into the ocean since March 2011 & continuing, practically for Eternity) new and mysterious diseases blamed for the deaths of millions, billions & even trillions of sea life from plankton to whales and blamed for the destruction of the ocean food chain and starvation of untold millions of sea mammals and fish and birds ...which is turn is blamed on global warming ... is fake news. That is because nuclear scientists and epidemiogists from around around the world and specifically in Eastern Europe investigating Chernobyl document that ionizing (nuclear) radiation mutates viruses and bacteria to form new viruses and bacteria never seen before (presumably in addition to direct contact with Fukushima & military seaborne radionuclides) is proximate and/or causal for the new and mysterious diseases, infections, lesions and tumors blamed on global warming;
(4) The depletion of our ozone layer was caused by the U.S. 8 months after our spacecraft discovered the Van Allen Belt (ozone layer), the U.S. start setting off nuclear bombs in the upper atmosphere and blew permanent big holes in our ozone layer (it was not from underarm deodorant aerosols, nor greenhouse gases as we were/are falsely told;
(5) It is not only nuclear reactor radionuclide radiation and nuclear dumping into the sea destroying life in the Pacific Ocean, but also military using depleted uranium target practice, military sonar and oil company exploration sonar both that burst the ear drums of whales, dolphins and other sea mammals and fish as well as burst their organs ...and
(6)The military use of space age electromagnetic spectrum radiation to emulate solar flares and create global heating of the outer atmospheres above earthquake faults for use in weather, tidal wave, typhoon and earthquake warfare for the purposes of, and finally:
(7) Creating increasing national debt which in turn creates greater 'dividends' being the annual taxes we pay on the yearly interest of the national debt to the eight families and their assignees who own the original founding stock of the Fed ...which is an international interlocking directorate including the five original Rothschild banks, which in adding up the annual interest on the national debts of those countries is over $2 trillion dollars a year in personal disposable income; this is nonwithstanding the amount of interest that is paid to them on personal, car, home, real estate, civic and other national State loans, interest on foreign aid including building railways and nuclear reactors ...and not withstanding their dividends from controlling ownership in all the Fortune 500 corporations and presumably the Fortune 1,000 ...including all the corporations both public and private comprising the military industrial complex and all the banks, oil companies, drug companies and other corporations that create the pollution that is destroying life on Earth ... for which
(8) We must now give Earth environmental personhood to sue these corporations out of existance, and we must march this 1% of the 1% (for crimes against people, animals, nature, Gaia and crimes against Divine Order) to the gallows, today.
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under construction One of the worst nuclear disasters in the world
Britain's worse nuclear disaster
A British scientist & his team revealed levels of radiation illnesses in Fallujah, Iraq from U.S. munitions ...were comparable to, or higher, than those found in Hiroshima and Nagasaki after atoms bombs detonated there in 1945. —(story, here)—