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10 a.m. 10-14-2023 sabotage - portland antifa & kiev color revolutions
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portland-kiev soros pelosi jpmorganchase imf agents
(click pic) Fed City of London, IMF, JPMorganChase, Soros, Skull & Bones, Sovereign Military Knights of Malta direct coups to destabilize & waste Portland Oregon & Kiev Ukraine, destroy life & rule Earth with vampire clowns ...politician robots of central bankers; castrate the police, then Armed Forces, then Constitution (freedom), call in UN peacekeepers or NATO to cop us & our streets ...,make us serfs, slaves, sex objects, body parts ...women and children kidnapped and/or confiscated and harvested, marketed as slaves and body parts by the State as in China. Progressive Portland - November 2022 - people of Oregon vote yes on Measure 112: to Remove Black Slavery as Punishment for Crime from the State Constitution.
Pregnant wife's AR-15 saves husband & kids in home invasion

Jimmy Dore show scores with documentation you should witness; "Killing is fun. The west hires us cause no one else will do it."
Devil in blue jeans: Sabotage – Portland color revolution name change to Antifa as IMF loots Ukraine central bank & depops & Soros’ Antifa loots Portland jewelry stores
Portland & Kiev both suffer Soros agents provoceteurs in color change revolution via Obama Obiden – then Gates & Monsanto Ukraine farm-land-grab & GMOs & put vaccines into Ukraine crops for human depopulation by starvation
Devil in your blue jeans genes
As we in Portland (renamed, Antifa) struggle in resistance to lead our lives peacefully and feed our children and ourselves and our pets, we are blinded by evil, seeing double, gasp in disbelief that Soros agents provocateurs are accomplishing the same color revolution in Portand Oregon (Antifa Oregon) … as in Kiev Ukraine.
Obama, Obiden & the Nazis of Desire
Our elected officials are equally corrupt, in fact, they were more just and fair and honest in Ukraine before Obama and the Nazis and CIA (same thing), Soros, IMF, JPMorganChase and Schroder bank as representatives did regime change and political- and financial coup d’etat replacing the democratically elected government and replacing it with fascists before City of London Federal Reserve System (same dynastic central banking interlocking directorship as in 1776) handed it over to Monsanto Bayer (Nazi companies founded with Bormann Nazi flight capital hidden in Eva Peron’s Argentine bank account,) and Bill Gates.
Pop! Pop! Fizz! Fizz! Oh what a relief it isn’t: Menage a trois of {Nazis & Soros the Nazi informer}, {Monsanto & Bill Gates awarded Ukraine’s breadbasket to the world to pollute it with GMOs and vaccines} and {you & your raison d’etre}
You don’t have to educate your self, stupid-ass. You don’t have to befriend and like this website. Just sheeple along to slaughter like you’re now doing. Can you read American? It’s not English anymore. It’s woke. You must
be able to read or you wouldn’t have gotten this far. Like it or not, your life depends on you understanding the subliminal messages embedded in this website that will reprogram you into a free person. Or just remain stupid, in a stupor, oblivious to your materialized spirit and dumb to your reason to be (raison d’etre}.
The key to successful color revolution is elevating the stupid and evil people to authority …in Portland and Kiev — while at the same time defunding the police to let thieves, thugs, murderers & rapists roam free
So the blue ball States are setting their prison captives free because murder is a great equalizer in death do us part time to fart. As the commercial window front plate glass was punctures and shattered in downtown Antifa, mini-me’s doused them with firebombs with people trapped inside, and managed to rob the oldest jewelry stores in town (probably in every blue State after all, they robbed all the savings & loans several decades back, not overly logistical just have riots …a looter’s wet dream. When they got bored with their midnight ramblings downtown, after a few years of smashing windows and setting fires every night with their midnight soirees …and after Soros financed the campaigns of criminal district attorneys in a baker’s dozen blue states who enshrined catch-and-release and defended the criminals against the victims successfully in a routine way, yawning while so-doing until all ethics and morality moved out of State…
YOU LOOT WE SHOOT & THE BODIES WILL NEVER BE FOUND …or… Try that in a small town in Oregon …and you will be shot then put thru a wood chipper.
Welcome home, Antifa …if you can’t take the heat, stay out of the kitchen
…and, Antifa start attacking the little rural farming and logging communities not far away with firebombing homes, farms and businesses. They tried that in the small towns and ended up being shot and put through wood chippers.
Justice prevails.
reset destabilization weapons used against us in the pacific northwest by billionaires: jpmorganchase, schroder (bechtel), soros, bill gates, world economic forum, imf, bis & city of london subsidiary federal reserve system wall street cess pool of dynastic fantastic central banker s
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KOIN 6 — Portland: More violent riots, highest murder rate & car thefts in U.S. — lowest education of all cities in U.S. — catch-&-release that & defund the poilce that, you idiots.

Blue Portland demonstrators (criminals) protest police violence Wednesday & mark 70 nights of rioting, burning buildings, smash store window, loot & rob jewelry stores.

Antifa attacks Portland ICE — Timeline of protests, riots: Portland Police Bureau releases nightly recap of fires, vandalism; another Pelosi & Harris lovefest celebration.

Jul 17, 2020 — Portland protest: Man caught on video attacking a U.S. Marshal with a hammer | ABC7; Portland: Texas sociopaths earns $26/hr 'have riot will travel' (story)

Burning Secret: USA – Southeast of Portland, Estacada & Mollala Oregon Arsonists hired by Soros come from Portland to attack locals' homes with firebombs: kept secret – there’s more to these fires – U.S. leaves democracy – Soros/City of London fascist dictatorship.
video censored
The Cold Warriors have always been, and will always be, the City of London central bankers & their apologists that own the Federal Reserve & are out to destroy Estacada, Mollala, Russia, China & the United States, & America.
Well, partisans in Portland Oregon have a message for these looting and burning agents provocateurs:
You Loot We Shoot...
...and the bodies will never be found

Dec 16, 2013 U.S. Republican Senator John McCain addresses Ukrainian protesters & Nazis & Ultra Right extremists in Kiev on Sunday, telling them support ties with European Union, sever with Russia; setting up a forthcoming U.S. regime change coup d'etat of Nazi agents provocateurs.
—Portland: Texas sociopaths hired by Soros' nonnprofits earn $26/hr 'have riot will travel', (story)
— sociopathic protester earns $78,000 a year yelling & sign waving. How much to go from Texas to Portland OR to burn & beat people as Soros/Pelosi agent provocateur? network of Soros sociopath groups (here) & (here)
— Paid protesters? They’re real – a Beverly Hills firm hires them & is sued for extortion ( here)

Senate Majority; Dem's riot plans: Majority drops bombshell video exposing democrat plans to fuel riots

Barr: oronavirus lockdowns greatest intrusion on civil liberties since slavery.
EYEWITNESS: "YOU LOOT, WE SHOOT ...& the bodies will never be found" |
24+ ongoing Months of Soros-funded Antifa Riots in Portland, Oregon |
— battlecry of arson victims & fire refugees in Estacada & Mollala Oregon ... with raging wildfires destroying residents' property, life savings & animals ...Antifa rioters & scum descend on rural communities to burn them down ...& rural residents vow, "You loot, we shoot ...& the bodies will never be found"
8 P.M. 9/14/2020 — Portland Oregon Antifa Whoregon: NEWSFLASH – How many wildlife & domestic animals & pets: animals, deer, cows, dogs, cats, birds, sheep, squirrels, rabbits, foxes, skunks, racoons, dogs & cats have been trapped & burnt alive by the raging fires in Estacata & Mollala? looters/agents provocateurs who smashed windows & started fires in, & looted stores for several months in Portland now going out to rural Estacata & Mollala ...where eyewitness testimony confirms the looters are throwing firebombs to start & spread the fires in houses to loot them. Citizen patrol groups have formed as well as volunteer police officers from as far away as Vancouver Washington to help the residents, who now say,"You loot, we shoot ... & the bodies will never be found," (cont, here-1a)
(1-of-19) Here in Portland Oregon Antifa Whoregon, I am scared & buying a shotgun & a pistol two pistols & a rifle three rifles... because the governor & mayor consider the out-of-control Antifa riots burning out stores & murders the last 100-130–550 730+ days to be peaceful love fests ...recently 'they' broke into stores & pulled out the furniture to fuel bonfires in front of the mayor's condo he moved out the next day, (cont here)., we've renamed Portland, Oregon to be Antifa, Whoregon to commemorate Soros funding our county district attorney to be stupidly catch-&-release. Portland Antifa Riots Started May 25, 2020 & are still happening as of today, Oct. 25, 2021 ...they did manage to rob the oldest jewelry stores in Portand's that for KKK equity? Billionaires, bankers, Soros's Antifa & nuclear suck the life force out of parents, girls, boys. pets, whales, dolphins, birds, bees, flowers, trees, Mother Nature, Gaia & Divine Order ...and you can stop it by wanting to
Under the watchful eye of puppies, kittens & the Pacific Ocean — abstract: 'They' use nuclear & civil unrest to destroy us ...but who are 'they'? Antifa? Nuclear? Soros? Gates? Fauci? Reagan? Clinton? Trump? Bechtel created & backs Pelosi, Feinstein, Brown, Newsom, Reagan & JPMorganChase is an owner of the Fed/City of London that owns Bechtel (JP Morgan owns a mansion in Portland). That's California, Oregon, Washington & the U.S., who are 'they'? we go: pdf, here – word with search, here — (Central banks own nuclear industry & the media.)
EYEWITNESS: "YOU LOOT, WE SHOOT ...& the bodies will never be found" |
24+ ongoing Months of Soros-funded Antifa Riots in Portland, Oregon |
— battlecry of arson victims & fire refugees in Estacada & Mollala Oregon ... with raging wildfires destroying residents' property, life savings & animals ...Antifa rioters & scum descend on rural communities to burn them down ...& rural residents vow, "You loot, we shoot ...& the bodies will never be found"
8 P.M. 9/14/2020 — Portland Oregon Antifa Whoregon: NEWSFLASH – How many wildlife & domestic animals & pets: animals, deer, cows, dogs, cats, birds, sheep, squirrels, rabbits, foxes, skunks, racoons, dogs & cats have been trapped & burnt alive by the raging fires in Estacata & Mollala? looters/agents provocateurs who smashed windows & started fires in, & looted stores for several months in Portland now going out to rural Estacata & Mollala ...where eyewitness testimony confirms the looters are throwing firebombs to start & spread the fires in houses to loot them. Citizen patrol groups have formed as well as volunteer police officers from as far away as Vancouver Washington to help the residents, who now say,"You loot, we shoot ... & the bodies will never be found," (cont, here-1a)
(1-of-19) Here in Portland Oregon Antifa Whoregon, I am scared & buying a shotgun & a pistol two pistols & a rifle three rifles... because the governor & mayor consider the out-of-control Antifa riots burning out stores & murders the last 100-130–550 730+ days to be peaceful love fests ...recently 'they' broke into stores & pulled out the furniture to fuel bonfires in front of the mayor's condo he moved out the next day, (cont here)., we've renamed Portland, Oregon to be Antifa, Whoregon to commemorate Soros funding our county district attorney to be stupidly catch-&-release. Portland Antifa Riots Started May 25, 2020 & are still happening as of today, Oct. 25, 2021 ...they did manage to rob the oldest jewelry stores in Portand's that for KKK equity? Billionaires, bankers, Soros's Antifa & nuclear suck the life force out of parents, girls, boys. pets, whales, dolphins, birds, bees, flowers, trees, Mother Nature, Gaia & Divine Order ...and you can stop it by wanting to
Under the watchful eye of puppies, kittens & the Pacific Ocean — abstract: 'They' use nuclear & civil unrest to destroy us ...but who are 'they'? Antifa? Nuclear? Soros? Gates? Fauci? Reagan? Clinton? Trump? Bechtel created & backs Pelosi, Feinstein, Brown, Newsom, Reagan & JPMorganChase is an owner of the Fed/City of London that owns Bechtel (JP Morgan owns a mansion in Portland). That's California, Oregon, Washington & the U.S., who are 'they'? we go: pdf, here – word with search, here — (Central banks own nuclear industry & the media.)
Earth as a *Friendly Fire target
...Fed interest rate bankers kill plankton, trees, oxygen & life on Earth for profit ... that's why the Ocean is dying & the forests are browning from chemicals sprayed from huge jet planes
Mark 8:36-38 36For what shall it profit a man, if he shall gain the whole world, and lose his own soul? 37Or, what shall a man give in exchange for his soul?
*Friendly fire is an attack by a military force on their own forces, or allied or neutral forces, while attempting to attack the enemy, either by misidentifying the target as hostile, or due to errors or inaccuracy ...or downright evil.
Global warming should be called global heating, says scientist —(here)— Ionospheric-stratospheric heating weaponry, (Weapon 7)
"True, the white man brought great change. But the varied fruits of his civilization, though highly colored and inviting, are sickening and deadening. And if it be the part of civilization to maim, rob, thwart, and threaten ...what is progress? I am going to venture the man who sat on the ground in his tipi meditating on life and its meaning, accepting the kinship of all creatures, acknowledging unity with the universe of things, was infusing into his being the true essence of civilization." – Chief Standing Bear, The Land of the Spotted Eagle, 1933
Capital punishment for capitalists — It is impossible to separate capitalism from racism & genocide of indigenous peoples ...British capital (then U.S. capital) was used to massacre 122 countries of color conquered by the City of London corporation-person, the mother who gives birth to money for all western big banker warlords, here: (cell phone pdf, here – computer: word with search, here)
Thank you for your interest. Please contact your friends & share this info.
Every nuclear reactor is a nuclear dump where waste is stored, so we focus on America first then locations of every nuclear reactor & dump in the world, since all give you immune deficiency diseases, heart attacks & cancer.
Biden & Dementia Note: Portland Metro Creative Aging & Cognitive Arts Center is not funded at this time. enrollment membership info for our curriculum for students will be available, here.
