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41,000 people a day get fatal & non-fatal cancer from nuclear industry waste & fallout, (here) –&– Women & girls who live within 25 miles of a nuclear reactor get more cancer than men, boys or those living farther away, (here) –&– Documentation, medical & science, (here)
Nuclear Power is Not Safe & Clean
Nuclear Waste & Fallout Reference Database
Environmental- & Earth Personhood Empowers You To Stop Nuclear Industry Now
These e-books & site help you understand you were borne here to protect Mother Earth from the Adversary & anti-Kingdom — order now & rest easier knowing you're fulfilling Mother Nature, Gaia & Divine Order
E-book 9,011 blurbs link to 35,000 published science studies, white papers, news stories, videos, photos never before collected to convict bankers, congress, teachers, billionaires, industrialists, apologists & bad science. Call to Action!
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Self-preservation & Pacific Ocean Conservation is half the battle
The only companion e-books (& website) to document nuclear industry & prior atmospheric testing are killing the Pacific Ocean ...& is a feminist issue because women & girls who live within 25 miles of a nuclear reactor get more cancer than men or boys or those living farther away ...& 41,000 men, women & children every day get fatal & non-fatal cancer from nuclear industry radioactive waste & fallout ...& that central bankers own the major corporations polluting the environment crushing Mother Nature & with Environmental Personhood are liable
Proving you are right, saving your family & others is half the battle
Now win arguments with your parents or in court against nuclear waste & fallout! ...here's 9,011 summarized newswire links to 35,000 published facts – to protect 1st Responders unknowingly dispatched to radioactive areas that are life threatening ...& to prove your case, intuition & feelings are right: Two-volume set & website proves nuclear industry is not safe & clean, & that central bankers own the Fortune 500 corporations polluting the environment & forcing Life on Earth to extinction levels & with Environmental Personhood are liable
Now easily win arguments with parents, friends & juries to keep pregnant women & kids & all Life on Earth, safe …these scientific facts from experts lend their authority that you need to save Life & win friends & influence people …Call to Action!
The Pacific Ocean is Dying & You Don't Even Know
The Nuclear Regulatory Commission's Final Solution for Mammals, Gaia & Divine Order
<> PDF CELL PHONE edition <> COMPUTER ms word edition w/search engine & pop-ups
(Free Sample download): Chapter 12. Mammals vs. Idiots <> PDF version (cell phone or computer) <> MS Word version w/search engine & pop-ups (computer only)
Purchase e-books, (here): $20.00 + 10% handling (inc. tax) = $22.00
To save Life from nuclear industry waste & fallout, read this companion set of e-books & website to recharge yourself, win friends & influence people.
1st Responders: Exploding nuclear waste barrels plague Las Vegas
E-book 9,011 blurbs link to 35,000 published science studies, white papers, news stories, videos & photos never before collected to convict bankers, congress, teachers, billionaires, apologists, industrialists & bad science. Call to Action!
Nuclear Power is Not Safe & Clean
Nuclear Waste & Fallout Reference Database
<> PDF CELL PHONE edition
<> MS WORD COMPUTER edition, search engine & pop-ups
Use the search engine to sort the database by state, country, city, reactor, dump, waste, illness, fallout, radionuclide, animal, name, date or company to win arguments with parents or juries to win friends & influence people.
Purchase e-books, (here): $60.00 + 10% handling (inc.tax) = $66.00
To save Life from nuclear industry waste & fallout, read this companion set of e-books & website to recharge yourself, win friends & influence people.
(up) Excerpt — Nuclear Waste & Fallout Reference Database
(up) Excerpt — Nuclear Waste & Fallout Reference Database
06:14 AM Nov 14, 2017 []-9006- Fukushima Cover-Up: “Keep cancers a secret” say doctors - “We’re getting leukemia and cataracts and we die suddenly” - “Students having sudden heart attacks” — Officials “actively ignoring” reports of illness and death
10:00 AM Feb 4, 2014 []-7051- Report: Fukushima nuclear waste will merge with radiation from U.S. reactors when washing up on West Coast - startling amounts released from operating plants - Diablo Canyon officials admit to recently discharging more tritium than Fukushima (VIDEO)
08:25 AM Nov 21, 2017 []-9008- “Fears of a major nuclear accident” - Reuters: Radioactivity levels surged to 1,000 times normal in Russia - AP: “Extremely high contamination” - Gov’t cover-up?
04:29 AM Mar 15, 2011 []-0031- Fukushima: Panic: No escape, gas stations close, rescuers go
02:44 AM Mar 15, 2011 []-0030- Reactor No. 4: Radionuclides released into atmosphere
01:26 PM May 6, 2015 []-8627- U.S. university testing animals in Pacific for Fukushima radiation - bodies riddled with tumors, eyes bleeding, covered in lesions - Some are missing testicles, eyeballs - Skin disintegrates, peels off, turns yellow - Mammals affected by diseases never seen in species (PHOTOS)
10:20 AM Aug 20, 2014 []-8376- Children of U.S. Navy sailors suffer cancers after Fukushima exposure - Couldn’t move… much pain… leukemia - Kids with thyroid cancer - Father: We couldn’t figure it out… his body was changing - Sailor: Right side of my body is shriveling up, one arm five inches smaller (VIDEO)
These are some of the animals being damaged by nuclear industry. |
Ongoing Fukushima meltdowns to poison Pacific Ocean & kill sea's animals, forever; fascist Japan gov't keeps dumping nuclear waste into sea, burns it into jet streams.
[]-8121- Caldicott: Fukushima to pour radioactive water into Pacific for rest of Time – nuclear industry covers it up – if truth comes out it will end nuclear power.
Mans laughter? ...or manslaughter? []-4581- Gov’t official, scientists convicted of manslaughter – gave public incomplete, imprecise, contradictory info on quake danger
Mans laughter? ...or manslaughter? Convict nuclear holocaust denial scientists, media, central bank financiers & Congress for mans laughter / dumb denial; crucify them
Epidemiology: Fatal Fukushima fallout in U.S. — (1) Kills 20,000 folks; (2) 12 States report milk unsafe to drink; (3) Infant mortality rate up 30% – WA & BC (2011)
RADIATION SICKNESS HITS WEST COAST CALIFORNIA HORSES? — fallout on pastures, cow's milk radioactive, farmlands covered with Fukushima fallout.
Horses' skin's falling off, bodies covered in painful lesions, eyes swollen shut, liver damage & fainting ...Fuku airborne radiation? Sea mammals' skin, too ...seaborne Fuku rads?
Fukushima butterflies mutate – suggests humans can too ...and do. Fukushima babies born or aborted with extra arms & legs & gross birth defects; censored by globalists
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Rosalie Bertell: Weaponized DU affects on Iraqi & friendly fire. Depleted uranium affects cells, 2 micron particle breaks into 2,000 nanoparticles of alpha emitters.
Chernobyl, Ukraine — So much damage to so many different people, in so many different ways.
Kazakhstan, U.S.S.R. — From 1949-to-1989, USSR had 456 nuclear tests in Kazakhstan, exposing hundreds of thousands of unknowing people to serious affects.
Chernobyl, Ukraine — Misha, a victim of Chernobyl was either in mother's womb, or an egg her mother carried.
Middletown, Pennsylvania, (by Harrisburg), Three Mile Island (TMI) — People died; dogs cats went blind.
Kazakhstan, USSR – Semipalatinsk Test Site 21: USSR nuclear weapons; NE Kazakhstan (Kazakh SSR), steppe south of Irtysh River valley.
(start at 2:54 to skip the music intro) Loren Moret — Fukushima mutated children.
City of London nuclear central bankers mutate you & need trial by fire & water; sink? ..innocent; burn? ...guilty.
These are some of the people who honor & respect Mother Earth. |
Countries let rivers & forests sue corporations that harm them; since City of London central bankers own & direct Fortune 500, start there.
Indian tribes spiritual sites & spiritual practices denied.
Satish Kumar — Hindu, Buddhist & Jain perspectives of a sacred place.
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Environmental Personhood
an idea whose time has come
EARTH PERSONHOOD — Law of Mother Earth — Rights of our Planet — Let rivers & forests sue corporations for wrongs.
Consolo, Christina here — Radchick (twitter) here — Plane flights in Fukushima rads here — Nuked Radio here — Fuku triggers airline pilot & passenger heart attacks, cancers, radiation illness symptoms here —(former sterwardess)
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NO EQUITY? - LONDON CENTRAL BANKERS — raped 122 countries of color, forced them into human- & financial slavery, to buy railroads & nuclear reactors for foreign aid & weapons.
Full scale war in Ukraine? With its 15 nuclear reactors — no more Ukraine, no more Europe & fallout simply blows onto U.S. West Coast & the entire planet, forever.
Oct 28,e 2011 []-1629.1- []-1629- 1979 Film ‘Early Warnings’ – protest on Wall Street – 50th Anniv. 1929 Market Crash - stop nuclear industry financial support; part of larger occupation at Seabrook Nuclear Reactor site. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ODCvbn_hUDI
Submarine Groundwater Discharge as a Source of Radioactivity to the Ocean from the Fukushima Nuclear Power Plant – Authors: Charette, M. A., WHOI, USA, mcharette@whoi.edu | Breier, C., WHOI, USA | Kanda, J., Tokyo University of Marine Science and Technology, Japan | Nishikawa, J., University of Tokyo, Japan | Buesseler, K. O., WHOI, USA []-8149
These are the globalist central bankers & billionaires who direct nuclear industry as a weapon of war to destroy mammals (including people), Gaia & Divine Order |
(up) Worldwide average doses from radionuclides produced in atmospheric testing by central bankers' nuclear industry, from the international interlocking directory of City of London corporation directors, also directing IMF, BIS, JPMorganChase, World Bank, etc. & the entire Fortune 500
Is Nuclear (manmade & woman-made) ionizing radiation the true cause of most cancer? (click here)
(Click here): Journal of the Australasian College of Nutritional and Environmental Medicine - Vol 21 No 1 - April 2002 - 1 © 2002 ACNEM, Ö Hallberg & O Johansson
(up) Lung cancer deaths in the world (89 countries (IARC) in relation to period of exposure to enhaled radionuclides produced by nuclear weapons testing 1945-to-1985 (UNSCEAR) ...thanks to central bankers' nuclear industry & their enablers at IMF, BIS, World Bank, JPMorganChase ...see our banking charts of perpetrators |
Is Nuclear (manmade & woman-made) ionizing radiation the true cause of most cancer? (click here)
(Click here): Journal of the Australasian College of Nutritional and Environmental Medicine - Vol 21 No 1 - April 2002 - 1 © 2002 ACNEM, Ö Hallberg & O Johansson
(up) It is customary for the central bankers to make buying & installing nuclear industry reactors a requirement for countries who want foreign aid &/or weapons purchases from the United States corporation (the corporate entity that through several coups d'tate has sublimated The Republic of the united States of America) and is an interlocking international directorate of central bank mafioso & yakuza. How does this international interlocking directorate have that power? ...they control & direct the World Bank, IMF (holding company of the bankruptcy of the United States Corporation, and owners of the IRS), World Bank, EXPORT-IMPORT Bank (EXIM), Bank of International Settlements (BIS) & the entire Fortune 500 ...all part of the globalist new world order. |
Is Nuclear (manmade & woman-made) ionizing radiation the true cause of most cancer? (click here)
(Click here): Journal of the Australasian College of Nutritional and Environmental Medicine - Vol 21 No 1 - April 2002 - 1 © 2002 ACNEM, Ö Hallberg & O Johansson
Is Nuclear (manmade & woman-made) ionizing radiation the true cause of most cancer? (click here)
(Click here): Journal of the Australasian College of Nutritional and Environmental Medicine - Vol 21 No 1 - April 2002 - 1 © 2002 ACNEM, Ö Hallberg & O Johansson
EARTH ISLAND vs EARTH PERSONHOOD | (Soros - click pic) Vids (here). CAQ (here)
Watch it to the end ...your life will change, forever. Good luck. You'll need it. Info for the man & woman who care.