[Editor's comment] Central banks won't be satisfied until the entire surface of Earth is dead from never-ending pursuit to greedily dig up things to burn for fuel or hammer into profitable metals ...regardless of consequences
Humankind's adventurous profiteers have now set their sights on mining the depths of the sea floor for minerals and precious metals. This is one of the few zones of earth that scientists know very little about, full of strange creatures, unknown bacteria, and hydrothermal vents that may harbor the keys to how life on earth began. (cont.)
Banking Cartel Four Horseman Rule World ...not to mention, Bormann Org
...but not China? ...an IMF member since 1945
China joined Rockefeller's International Monetary Fund (IMF) on December 27, 1945, one of 35 original members. People's Republic of China assumed responsibility for China's relations with the IMF, April 1980.
Systemic Bush family North American fig leaf of South American Bormann Organization: a Nazi in the house?
City of London, Sovereign Knights of Malta, Skull & Bones continue Inquisition
...Global central bank mafia, Fehme, deathsquads, agents provocateurs, economic & financial warfare
For 16 centuries after Constantine (who in 300 A.D. institutionalized & weaponized Christianity as a terrorist instrument of the State), Fehme terrified Germans, as secret, terrorist death squad societies of medieval Teutonic Knights
The Inquisition was German war lords & death squads who excluded Rome ... central banks fight the war and fight the peace and keep going where their Fehme and Nazis left off.
The Holy Roman Empire predated German General Staff (composed of industrialists & bankers) ...but, with positions of equal power. The great, ruling families were land owners and controlled the armies of Medieval Germany & Europe. They used the Fehme to assassinate rivals, steal their property & families, & exterminate democratic peoples opposed to fascism (the corporate state) & exterminate working people, peasants & slaves rebelling for redistribution of food, water, health & wealth... the same as the central banks do, today. (continued)
If these money-issuing families who wage financial & economic warfare against us & who wage genocide & ecocide against us & who using nuclear industry defy the Will of our Creator & prevent all creatures with DNA to faithfully reproduce themselves after their own kind (as Divine Order intended) ... ... ... were arrested by our District Attorneys, tried by a jury of our peers & marched to the gallows ... & we bring our armies home from fighting corporate terrorist wars around the world, home to help us rebuild America ... would the entire world be safer, more secure, healthier & happier?
(Central banks own the nuclear industry & the media, here)
Cut the military budget in half - it's a shell game pyramid scheme
...use our military labor at home to rebuild the United States, not to fight oil wars
Eliminate the central banker stranglehold on our lives. We no longer need a stock market, conventional weapons and arms sales and trafficking and non-conventional weapons, [nuclear weapons, biologiocal, chemical, weather warfare, geoengineering, arms sales, covert action (death squads) and central bank laundering of drug trafficking).
If all business was non-profit (no stock shares issued), we would eliminate profit as a motive by the interlocking board directors, and eliminate corporate welfare to oil and weapons companies, and those gambling on the stock market can just work for a living, instead of living off the labor of others.
Publically-owned central banks do not have interest (usury) ... I don't not charge interest to borrow money from myself. Nor, would you.
The military budget is just another consolidation of power and transfer of wealth from poor to rich. The military doesn't really get the money ... the defense contractors supplying weaponry get the money.
We can use our international space station for sabor rattling ...and use our mlitary to rebuild the U.S. Cut the military budget in half. Use the money to install solar power in the U.S. and in developing countries.
We have full spectrum electronic & electromagnetic pulse weapons, now ...far more threatening that wipe out AC & DC electricity & all electrical systems & electronic communications & life support systems. We must divist these murdering parasite clowns (who build, proffer & traffick nuclear & say that is is safe & clean & force it onto other countries as a condition of receiving U.S. foreign aid & weapons sales priorities.
Can you imagine? ... in apartheid South Africa all citizens (white men and women) were trained in proper firearm handling. Should 250 million Americans of all colors be trained and licensed in proper handling of firearms? It's time 250 million Americans were trained and licensed in proper handling of firearms, conventional warfare, unconventional warfare, covert action, electronic warfare, finanical warfare and sonic warfare, propaganda and use of police and military weaponry.
Then, we can safely recall our troops from around the world from fighting wars to profit oil companies and central banks and our troops will no longer have to murder civilians for oil companies and central banks, nor commit suicide when they realize what they have done, nor suffer ill health the rest of their lives. Our citizenry should be our domestic army and police force. We're all in this together. We can dispense with CIA, FBI and all agencies who work to increase the profits of oil companies and central banks ...for starters. And, have Congress increase the minimum wage to $100 an hour ...or, legally try them for treason and imprison and/or execute them.
Encourage the executive and judicial branches of our government to get rid of all lobbyists. Remove the profit motive and you remove the lobbyists. Either everyone in the U.S. has a pension and health care ...or no one should. Everyone should work, at the same wage. Our food and skies and children and ourselves should not be engineered by anyone.
When we use nuclear power, we create something nature tried to destroy to make life possible
Until about two billion years ago, it was impossible to have any life on Earth; that is, there was so much radiation on Earth you couldn’t have any life – fish or anything. Gradually, two billion years ago, the amount of radiation on this planet – and probably in the entire system – reduced and made it possible for some form of life to begin. Now when we go back to using nuclear power, we are creating something which nature tried to destroy to make life possible. Every time you produce radiation, you produce something that has a half-life, in some cases for billions of years. I think the human race may wreck itself; it is important that we get control of this horrible force and eliminate it. Nuclear power is not worth it. – Admiral Hyman G. Rickover, U.S. Navy officer, engineer, & driving force behind naval nuclear power
All of life on Earth is radioactive now, and it only took about 70 years. The more people, plants and animals get, the quicker they sicken. It is just that simple. – Bob Nichols
True, the white man brought great change. But the varied fruits of his civilization, though highly colored and inviting, are sickening and deadening. And if it be the part of civilization to maim, rob, and thwart, then what is progress? I am going to venture the man who sat on the ground in his tipi meditating on life and its meaning, accepting the kinship of all creatures, acknowledging unity with the universe of things, was infusing into his being the true essence of civilization. – Chief Standing Bear, The Land of the Spotted Eagle, 1933
For this other death – not by plague, this time, not by poison, not by fire, not by artificially induced cancer, but by the squalid disintegration of the very substance of the species – this gruesome & infinitely unheroic death-in-birth could as well be the product of atomic industry as of atomic war.– Ape and Essence by Aldous Huxley (1949)
You also must help us by prayer, so that many will give thanks on our behalf for the blessing granted us through the prayers of many. – Corinthians 1:11
But now, if you have a purse, take it, and also a bag; and if you don't have a sword, sell your cloak and buy one". - Luke 22:36
(Administrations tainted – nuclear reactors 'owned' by Federal Reserve – nuclear fuel owned by Russia – nuclear waste trafficked into civilian populations)
Oct 19, 2012 | Nuclear-funded Obama on nuclear-sponsored daily show: Nuclear forgotten as component in energy future – Oil, gas, wind, solar all mentioned… same as at debates (VIDEO)here
For 16 centuries after Constantine institutionalized & weaponized Christianity as a terrorist instrument of the State, the Fehme terrified Germans ...as secret, terrorist death squad societies of medieval Teutonic Knights & Soverign Knights of Malta
The Holy Roman Empire predated German General Staff (composed of industrialists & bankers) ...but, with positions of equal power. The great, ruling families were land owners and controlled the armies of Medieval Germany & Europe. They used the Fehme to assassinate rivals, steal their property & families, & exterminate democratic peoples opposed to fascism (the corporate state) & exterminate working people, peasants & slaves rebelling for redistribution of food, water, health & wealth... the same as the central banks do, today.
Oddly, the Fehme & Knights of Malta overlap as historically, the Knights of Malta led the paramilitary operations & death squads of the Inquisition of the Holy Roman Empire for hundreds of years. Today, the Knights of Malta are not only the bodyguards of the Pope, but also are a private club, and also recognized as a virtual country. The members of the club include such notables as Ronald Reagan, Lee Iococca, Reinhardt Gehlen and almost all the heads of all the intelligence agencies in the western world, (which, incidentally, are directed by the interlocking directorate of the western central banks).
The Knights of Malta recognize as a sovereign country, The City of London, aka Square Mile, aka The Crown. The City of London is a square mile located in the heart of the city of London, in England. It is historically and currently the home base and one of several central banking headquarters of all the western international (central) bankers, (another being the Bank of International Settlements (BIS), being the bank where the central banks, bank), in Switzerland.)
The Crown is simultaneously the seat of the Rothschild family banking empire. The Crown, does not refer to the British monarchy. It referes to the City of London. Because, the Crown being originally the interlocking directorate owning the Bank of England, an independent nongovernmental entity, financed the British Empire. (The Bank of England was nationalized in the 1950's, but unfortunately the prior private owners continue to receive royalties). For example, the private owners of the Federal Reserve Bank, which is not a Federal institution, receive annual interest (royalties) paid on the U.S. National Debt. Consequently, when President Obama doubled the national debt, he doubled the royalties received by the private owners of the Federal Reserve Banks. So, if the national debt is now 20 trillion dollars, the interest paid annually on this amount to the private owners of the Fed (listed below at the multi-colored link), is about $300 billion dollars, paid out of your taxes. Now, do you see why you can't pay your bills. Now do you see why our forefathers fought the Revolutionary War against the Bank of England and City of London, so that they would not be financial slaves to the central banks, they fought and died for financial independence. Which they received.
Kind of. Ironically, we did not win the American revolution. We lost it. We won the battle, but lost the war. The treaty we signed was written by the British Monarchy, not by the colonists. To the victor go the spoils, and consequently the colonies signed a treaty that guaranteed the British Monarchy would in perpetuity receive royalites on all sales made, forever ...and that the debt was to be paid forever to the British empire and/or its asignees (being the Crown, or City of London who financed the British empire). We also lost the War of 1812, for we signed another treaty, that again reaffirmed we would forever pay royalties on all sales made in this country, to the British empire and/or its assignees (again, being, The Crown).
The logic behind this was that since the British Empire financed the colonies, it was entitled to royalties on all sales the colonies made. Actually, the Crown financed the British Empire, consequently they were/are being paid, by the British Monarchy.
The Crown owned/owns all the British non-white colonies, or, colonies of color. The British Empire owned/owns all the British white colonies. The Crown is also a separate country, as is the Knights of Malta, and is the Vatican. The country, The Crown, is recognized by the country, The Knights of Malta, in non-white countries around the world owned and/or governed by The Crown in suzerainty.
Historically, the Crown financed the King of England's wars, as its interlocking directors of all the Rothschild banks historically founded in Germany, England, France, Italy and [I don't remember the 5th, probably Spain, it's probably listed here, someplace.)]
The Fehme was led by the sons of the ruling families of the Holy Roman Empire. It was considered an honor to serve. It is perhaps for this reason, Timothy McVeigh when he bombed the Federal Building was in association with Andreas Strassmeier son of Gunther Strassmeier, Helmut Kohl's former chief of staff.
[Of lateral interest: 23. Handling German reunification, Zoellick must have worked closely with Gunther Strassmeier, Helmut Kohl’s former chief of staff and the architect of German reunification. Strassmeier is the father of Andreas Strassmeier, a key figure in the Oklahoma City bombing investigation. (The Beast Reawakens, by Martin A. Lee; hardcover, Little Brown & Co., pp. 352-3, ISBN 0-316-51959-6.)]
If these money-issuing families who wage financial & economic warfare against us & who wage genocide & ecocide against us & who using nuclear industry defy the Will of our Creator & prevent all creatures with DNA to faithfully reproduce themselves after their own kind (as Divine Order intended) ... ... ... were arrested by our District Attorneys, tried by a jury of our peers & marched to the gallows ... & we bring our armies home from fighting corporate terrorist wars around the world, home to help us rebuild America ... would the entire world be safer, more secure, healthier & happier?
Only indigenous & native traditions depending on & honoring plants, animals, clean water, Mother Earth & the Great Spirit ...can save us & our planet
The good people of Earth are ashamed of the interlocking directors of our central banks for creating nuclear industry and allowing it to destroy the Pacific ocean and mankind, animals, plants, air, water, ground, the Earth and future generations ...and for not yet stopping it, and not – yet – delivering central bank directors-and-industrialists who brought it into existance (along with fracking, sonic undersea oil exploration, wars, coups and countercoups, depressions and resessions, poverty, cancer, and poor healthcare, lack of dental care, and keep it all going) ...legally to the gallows. And not yet admitting the error of their ways & immediately shutting down all nuclear reactors by sundown and switching to solar power, as many countries have successfully done ... by sunrise. And for this, they must be arrested as enemies of mankind, of Nature, Mother Earth, and God, the Great Spirit & Holy Ghost. The pro-nukers are murdering us all ...& for this, they all must be arrested, brought to trial, judged, sentenced, and marched to the gallows. Do not doubt yourself ...this is the Truth, the whole Truth, and nothing but the Truth.
City of London Interlocking Central Bank Directorate Continues Inquistion* of Holy Roman Empire (being German war lords who excluded Rome)
We Take the Masks Off the Bad Guys
Kids of all ages, to save the animals, try the bad guys, seize their property, bring them to trial, convict & sentence them & march them to the gallows
The first premise of this site
We will prove to be true that all mammals (including people) are hurt the same way by manmade radiation (nuclear industry fallout, waste, and nuclear industry catastrophic and business-as-usual goings on) – which hurts all animals and plants with DNA, that reproduce themselves after their own kind.
The second premise
We will prove manmade radiation mutates bacteria and viruses to create new and mysterious diseases (and additionally these new and mysterious diseases are not caused by global warming, but by human greed and powerlust embodied by the interlocking directorate of the Federal Reserve Bank).
The third premise
We will prove that the people responsible for causing suffering and diseases and omnicide are identified by the U.S. House of Representatives; consequently those people are to blame for the majority of disease, cancer, war, suffering, poverty and starvation on Earth and we can hold them responsible ...seize their property, bring them to trial, judge them, sentence them then march them to the gallows.
Robert Mueller & the WTC/911 Commission Cover-up,(here)