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4: The Pacific Ocean is Dying & You Don't Even Know
The Nuclear Regulatory Commission's Final Solution for Mammals, Gaia & Divine Order
8 a.m. 03-24-2025 west coast usa |

Ingested nuclear fallout & waste radiation shreds your DNA with burning energy arrows & you get cancer rot — lesions & tumors in your eyes, brain, mouth, heart, skin, stomach, breasts, prostate, kidneys & liver. When you ingest (eat, drink, breathe, touch) nuclear fallout & waste, it can mutate your sperm or eggs or embryo, foetus or unborn child). If you believe nuclear power is safe and clean, what you hear humming in your ears is your immune system whispering: "41,000 people get fatal & non-fatal cancer from nuclear industry, every day."
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Mammals vs idiots / Donald & the Trumpettes
Donald & the Trumpettes / Keep Portland weird (2 of 16)
Keep Portland weird (3 of 16)
41,000 people every day get fatal or non-fatal cancer from nuclear industry (here) (4 of 16)
Fukushima meltdown kills trillions of animals in Pacific Basin from plankton to whales ... (here) (5 of 16)
...from Alaska to Malibu (here) (6 of 16)
According to the erudite scientific studies from Chernobyl ... (here) (7 of 16)
... nuclear fallout & waste mutate viruses & bacteria... (here) (8 of 16)
...to create new & mysterious diseases, (here) (9 of 16)
...adds to extinction of species & life... (here) (11 of 16)
...in the Pacific Ocean & land mammals (including people), (here) (12 of 16)
According to studies in England, Germany, Belgium, United States... (here) (13 of 16)
...women & girls that live within 20 miles of a nuclear reactor get more cancer than men or boys... (here) (14 of 16)
...or those living further away, (here) (15 of 16)
Nuclear energy is not safe & clean (16 of 16)
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(Alleged Fehme Schroder, Bechtel, Schumer, Bill Gates & Trump are wrong about nuclear power ...if we drill drill drill we must turn the nuclear reactors off


Countries let rivers & forests sue corporations that harm them; since City of London central bankers own & direct Fortune 500, start there.

Indian tribes spiritual sites & spiritual practices denied.
Satish Kumar — Hindu, Buddhist & Jain perspectives of a sacred place.

There's more to global nuclear warming, military climate change & bank owned pollution than meets the eye. Give Mother Earth A Voice to Fight Back ...help Mother Earth get legal personhood to sue corporations that hurt her w/global nuclear warming, military climate change, pollution, pipelines, plastics, pharmchem, pesticides, fracking, noise, aerial aerosols, microwaves, EMP, ionospheric heaters, electromagnetic spectrum weapons, warfare, mining, sonar, explosions, bulldozers & extracted fuels & their refining ... *0015 legal precedents & CELDF: Rights of Nature & tribal elders
Now, 41,000 people a day get fatal & non-fatal cancer from nuclear industry waste & fallout, (here) — Women & girls who live within 25 miles of a nuclear reactor get more cancer than men, boys or those living farther away, (here) —Documentation, medical & science, (here) |

There's a new savior on the block, called: Earth Personhood
— active in several countries & a few States ...adoption of this legislation granting personhood (previously just afforded to corporations) grants Mother Nature, Rivers, Forests, Air, Water, Earth & Fire personhood ... to have rights as persons ... rights to sue sinister corporations for hurting them, all life forms, you & your loved ones. Now Mother Nature & Gaia can kick the ass of corporations that cause pollution, global warming & climate change ...if you want it to happen, it will; now you can meet your Adversary head-on, (here)

Dark forces of oligarchal billionaire corporation-caused global warming central banker weaponized extreme climate change & nuclear fallout and waste, military ionospheric heater radiation & weaponized forest fires change at work. Our living planet is being murdered by central bankers using nuclear industry & weather warfare (not to mention conventional warfare) to loot and gang-rape Mother Nature & Mother Earth and bring their boot down on her face.

remove everything below
remove everything below remove everything below remove everything below remove everything below remove everything below remove everything below remove everything below remove everything below
remove everything below
remove everything below remove everything below remove everything below remove everything below remove everything below remove everything below remove everything below remove everything below |
Russia provided military aid & sailed their fleets to New York to help America in the 1776 America Revolution, they sailed the Russian fleet to San Francisco to support Lincoln in the 1865 Civil War, they primarily won WWI against European fascism, they primarily defeated the European fascists in WWII
The Republic of the united states of America —vs— Washington D.C. dba the United States Corporation dba The United States
Who owns the Fed: (pdf ) —&— U.S. House doc, (here ) Note: At MediaFire click download tab ONLY (no add'l software needed)
When Heck Freezes Over The Darned Will Walk The Earth...
...Who in H*LL Groomed Kamala Harris, Nancy Pelosi, Gavin Newsom, Diane Feinstein, Ronald Reagan, Adam Schiff? ...Schroder Bank subsidiary Bechtel dun it |
Russia sailed her ships to New York to help America win the American Revolutionary War of 1776
Russia sailed her ships to New York to help America win in the American Revolution fight of 1776 against the Rothschild central bank mafia that financed the British Monarchy and imposed taxes (taxation without representation) and interest (taxation without representation) that helps the central banks, not you ...she sailed her fleet to San Francisco to help Lincoln in the Civil War in 1865; shortly after President Lincoln freed the slaves, the Czar of Russia freed the serfs.
Russia sailed her fleet to San Francisco to help Lincoln in the Civil War in 1865 ...shortly after Lincoln freed the slaves, the Czar of Russia freed the serfs
Russia won World War I against Germany & World War II against Nazis ...but then was double-crossed by United States / Nazi / Brisish double- & triple agents
Russia won World War I against Germany and World War II against Germany and German Nazis & Ukraine Nazis and ultra-right nationalist fascists and Japanese fascists suffering very high casualties; she was double-crossed in WWII and after by triple-agent Allen Dulles (international airport) who was a director of Schroder Bank who financed Hitler ...as Dulles (and his brother) not only exclusively represented the Nazi stock portfolio in the United States before WWII but before the end of WWII hired Hitler's Gehlen Organization Eastern Front military intelligence outfit (Foreign Armies East) that after WWII with the founding of the CIA became the Eastern Division of the CIA ... with the mission of destroying Russia ... betraying her and betraying the Russian people. Schroder Bank subsidiary Bechtel groomed all the San Francisco politicians to become State politicians then Federal politicians. (Editor's note: I've written two novels, in long and abidged editions, on these topics ...but there's an intelligence history of the last century by John Loftus, called, Secret War Against The Jews, that puts everything in context for intelligence buffs and intelligence whistle-blowers.)
Russia has saved our ass many, many times risking her life for America, for the last three centuries throughout history ...the sad truth is the Nazi party was funded out of NY City with City of London, as were the Communists that usurpted the people's Russian Revolution — when the Russian people, moms, dads, kids, babies and soldiers, bakers, butchers, candle makers all could not afford to buy the scarce food and were starving to death. The everyday Russian people rose up (as our Declaration of Independence and Bill of Rights instruct us to do) and overthrew their corrupt Russian government (like our blatantly corrupt Executive, Legislative & Judicial government today). She helped us fight the American Revolution against the evil City of London Rothschild banking syndicate (mafia / warlords) and reclaimed the riches of the billionaire class to feed the hungry ...like we should be doing in America, today. However, she is still fighting that international interlocking directorate of central bankers in the City of London Corporation ...but we are not, have not ...Altzheimer's in the old and Attention Deficit Disorder in the young brought about by aluminum and other heavy metals from chemical trails and flouride in out drinking water and poisons in our vaccines and brainwashing from traitors in the United States & British governments has made us dumb and numb walking dead.
The American Revolution was fought against the international interlocking directorate of dynastic central bankers housed in the City of London Rothschild-founded central banking monopoly that we threw them out in 1776, with military support from Russia ...the evil central bankers came back in 1913 taking over our central bank and replacing it with their Federal Reserve System that is killiing us phycially and financially ... and it's time to throw them out, again ...the central bankers are killing us with replacement migration, biological warfare, propaganda, military warfare and economic warfare and financial warfare; we must obliterate and defund the IMF warring against us and all humanity and all life on the planet. It's high time for the City of London to repay us all the interest we've paid them since 1913 on the national debt, and cancel the national debt in its entirety, then return ownership of our moeny to us — then dissolve themselves. To avoid this inevitability the interlocking international directorate of the City of London bankers are trying to distract us threatening us with replacement migration (a WWIII tactic), nuclear war, cyber war, weather war, covert war, economic war, financial war, biological war, propaganda and food fights. Donald Trump is the only politician standing up against them to protect us ...with love of country. There have been successful and unsuccessful assassination attempts against many U.S. Presidents for standing up for the rights of the American people against the dynastic City on London central bankers.
Endorsed as recommended reading by President Truman's Vice President, The Great Conspiracy Against Soviet Russia, describes how the U.S. betrayed her ally after WWII ...instead choosing to hire Hitler's head of Foreign Armies East intelligence to become the Eastern Division in the newly formed CIA to continue to destroy Russia ...this manifested as Ronald Reagan in 1950 being groomed & financed and put on TV (just like Zelensky) to travel around America promoting the Crusade For Freedom. I was 4-5 years old at the time, and it was decades later before I learned the Crusade For Freedom was the first social engineering program (brainwashing) against the America people because it about freedom for Nazis and Fascists, not everyday working people. Bechtel groomed Reagan to be governor of California, then President of the United States ...just like Kolomoisky groomed Zelensky, starting him off in a TV sitcom about an actor who became president, and Zelensky then became President of Ukraine. Since the Russian Revolution in 1917, the United States & the British Commonweath has financed, destroyed and deployed Nazis to destabilize the Middle East, re-ignite WWII in Eastern Europe in the 1990s, fight as Muhajidin in Afghanistan so United States and United Kingdom could dominate the heroin market, and now in Ukraine, through-out Eastern Europe, and in Taiwan. (here) |
Eustace Mullins 1950 charts of the Dynastic Central Banking families that own the New York Federal Reserve System (pdf) & are backed by the 1976 Bi-Centennial 1776 original House sub-committee on banking document, (here) — (below) Charts by Eustace Mullins, excerpted from: The Secrets of the Federal Reserve, second edition (1st 1952 — 2nd 1983, as I recall). He told me on phone original edition banned and burned in Germany when published in 1952. An intelligible expose on Federal Reserve System that makes sense ...(contains no senseless-economic-theory-garbage-word-salads.)

https://www.transcend.org/tms/2023/05/federal-reserve-cartel-the-eight-families-part-1-of-6/ |
(below) Kind of sounds like the United States Corporation Executive, Legislative, Judiciary & Schumer's DNC today persecuting Trump and the Republic of the united states of America & funding Nazis in Ukraine to fight Russia for Wall St. & City of London profits, redux deja vu ...did they do it?
If you don't know history, life is a mystery
Solution: Cancel central bankers, national debt & interest (taxation without representation)
It is 1776 again & America is fighting Crown central bankers that control the British United Kingdom Commonwealth
Solution: Americans must own American currency backed by precious metals & people must legally enter the country — Right now the New York Federal Reserve is a Crown subsidiary owned and controlled by foreigners: IMF & City of London Corporation central bankers |
Trump assassination attempts go nuclear, who dun it? ...America? — Russia? Ukraine? Iran? Dick & Liz Cheney? Soros? Schumer? WEF? IMF? IMF? IMF? IMF? NATO?
dba Open Society Foundations, New York Federal Reserve, Schroder, Bechtel, JPMorgan Chase – City of London bankers, Clinton Foundation, Schumer ...in Dick and Liz Cheney's New American Century Slaughterhouse |
(right) Law of the Land vs (Law of the Sea) Admiralty Law (bankers' law)
Would it not be helpful to survival of America & Europe if all the contracts taken out on Trump were removed and put on Schumer? ....& back on Soros?
After all, it is not the White race to blame ...it is simply the White central bankers ...the international interlocking dynastic central banker families that own the New York Federal Reserve and the City of London corporation [who founded the United States Corporation dba The United States (as in, The United States vs Trump) ...then the IMF that is a foreign corporation that owns the United States] ...these families: (here).
Bank of America, JPMorganChase, Citigroup & Wells Fargo direct the companies that comprise the military industrial complex ...they direct the military industrial complex |
Who dun it? Did Alex & Huma do it ...(Do what?)
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Viewing on computer? ... Crtl + to enlarge ... Crtl - to shrink ... Ctrl 0 home
(down left) How is Tanya not a CIA asset: She (& her law firm) represented Burisima (Kolomoisky hired Hunter as board member & put "former" 3rd in charge of CIA on board, too) — & Tanya represented Fusion GPS who concocked the fake Steel dossier hoax that Trump was a Russian asset & hookers pissed on him to which at least 30 intelligence assets, double agents and/or triple agents falsely verified ...(Did the 30 spooks do it?)
(up right) Did Schumer & his DNC clones the Sorocrats do it? — Schumer has sold out & betrayed all the Democratic voters in the U.S.A. & destroyed the Democratic Party
It's starting, Bill Gates announces the next plandemic date, outbreak location & target ...one (1) billion black & brown kids in South America & Africa ...(& Australia?) |
Here's how quick & easy it is to rig voting machines (from anywhere) to get the outcome you want ...(but what if so many people do it, it breaks all the machines into gibberish? HACKERS, GET READY!
Huma is the Arab terrorist puppet master... Alex is the global replacement migration border jumper agent provocateur puppet master — (1-below) Huma informs & befits Islamic terrorists; Alex informs, outfits & befits border jumper terrorists & 'color revolutions' in funding agents provocateurs like Obama staged 2014 Maidan coup in Ukraine blaming Russia; Schumer, DNC & Kamala befit Antifa riots & burnings nationally & blamed racism ...DNC, FBI & Antifa did Jan 6 and blamed Trump, (more-1).
All a kid has to do is shove a pen tip into a hole in the back of the machine by the on/off button and anyone can instantly rig the machine plug in votes or remove votes ...fast as you can say, 'we've been screwed'.
Why & how? ...Soros dumps $100,000,000 into Texas to flip it blue ...How? ...(up & down) watch these videos: Dominion + Schumer illegal voter registration
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click on pic for a pop-up |
2) The history of corrupt voting machines goes back even before there were voting machines. It started with war forcing regime change; then it morphed to coups d'tats, then to provocations & false flag events by agents provocateurs. Then it became institutionalized in fake elections, puppet regimes, banana republics and finally with voting machines and next internet voting. Problem is, digital voting can be controlled by a drunk moron in a cafe. And internet voting can be robotic & run remotely by intelligence agencies or artificial intelligence over the internet; or by a 10 year old nerd with a pen poked into a hole in the back of the machine & a $10 fake voting card -or- a USB drive.
Alex Soros and his father focus these days on capturing the minds and votes of hispanic and all border jumpers and non-border jumpers in the Americas: South, Central & North, and Africa and Asia and are active doing coups thru-out Eastern Europe and elsewhere around the world. George Soros buys politicians and promotes replacement migration, defunding the police, catch-and-release, sex reassignment and the state programming children without parental intervention.
That's a joke!
...dark USA Oligarchs like Bill Gates & George Soros and their families & foundations & those they fund should be totally divested ...because Gates & Soros are successfully taking over & rotting America, USA, Europe, Eastern Europe ...can Asia, Africa, mid-East, Central & South America & Russia be far behind? ...not to mention banks like U.S. Bank, Wells Fargo, JPMorganChase, Bank of America, Citigroup — bank robbery has a new meaning ...have you been robbed by your bank? ...and don't know?
In this Unlimited Hangout investigation, the past that Klaus Schwab has worked to hide is explored in detail, revealing the involvement of the Schwab family, not only in the Nazi quest for an atomic bomb, but apartheid South Africa’s illegal nuclear program. Especially revealing is the history of Klaus’ father, Eugen Schwab, who led the Nazi-supported German branch of a Swiss engineering firm into the war as a prominent military contractor. That company, Escher-Wyss, would use slave labor to produce machinery critical to the Nazi war effort as well as the Nazi’s effort to produce heavy water for its nuclear program. Years later, at the same company, a young Klaus Schwab served on the board of directors when the decision was made to furnish the racist apartheid regime of South Africa with the necessary equipment to further its quest to become a nuclear power ... while at Harvard, Schwab was taught by Henry Kissinger, who he would later say was among the top 3–4 figures who had most influenced his thinking over the course of his entire life. |