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Traditional theater drama symbols

 Portland Homeboy 
10:36 p.m. 03-25-2025 west coast usa

legal disclaimer: this is a comedy, satire, & tragedy site for financial crash dummies 
























Donald Trump is not the president of America (the Republic of the united states of America founded 1776, dba America)

Donald Trump (and all presidents since 1913) is the president of the United States Corporation (founded 1868) a private corporation dba United States, out of England (America vs United States, here).

Since Bretton Woods, United States Corporation is under the jurisdiction of the IMF ...a foreign entity. The Federal Reserve System is also a foreign-owned entity, out of City of London Corporation ...as are many alphabet agencies. Hence the lawsuit entitled United States vs Trump is not titled, America vs Trump. United States Corporation only has jurisdiction in the ten square miles comprising the District of Columbia, dba Washington D.C. ...it does not have jurisdiction over the Republic of the united states of America.

President Trump & Admiralty Law: The Law of Money — Jordan Maxwell

Martin Sheen - Activism is what I do to stay alive.https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=p8_6xGzDTSo&t=1s 


ed https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=w-SPcsfz0_E 


Welcome ...I hope this site gives you sight, insight, foresight & hindsight to re-member, embrace & enforce your angelic purpose on Earth


Soldiers change but the war remains the same

The soldiers change, but the war remains the same

Michael the Archangel with a surfboard under his arm on the way to the beach dispatching the Adversary

Michael the Archangel surfboard under his arm on the way to the beach pauses to kill the Adversary

The soldiers change, but the war remains the same

Luke 22:36 — "But now if you have a purse, take it, and also a bag; and if you don't have a sword, sell your cloak and buy one"    

Don't Tred On Me

Don't Tread On Me


The brains and wealth of all countries will go to North America

"If this mischievous financial policy which has its origin in North America during the late war in that country, [and in 2025] shall become indurated down to a fixture, then that Government will furnish its own money without cost. It will pay off debts and be without debt. It will have all the money necessary to carry on its commerce. It will become prosperous without precedent in the history of the world. The brains and wealth of all countries will go to North America. That country must be destroyed or it will destroy every monarchy on the globe."   ~ Hazard Circular in 1865 [City of] London Times re: Lincoln's 'Greenbacks'

To get rid of the deep state remove the United States Corporation (dba United States) founded 1868 by City of London Corporation (Londinium Roman-founded c.47 AD) ...because they are one

After exorcising them ...we remain, The Republic of the united states of America (dba America) founded 1776 ...(which automatically removes the national debt)

Donald Trump Assassination Attempt

Follow the money — If Trump had been killed these companies would have made billions

Go figure: Murder Incorporated

INVESTMENT FIRMhttps://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2024/07/explosive-revelation-investment-firm-that-allegedly-put-options/  —  INSIDER TERRORISTS MAKE MILLIIONS AS CRISES UNFOLDS    https://truthout.org/articles/911-terrorists-made-millions-on-the-stock-market/ 

Trump shooter ballistics proves shots from 4 different distances

 Clic pic for video  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NaW8MzocIuE    Charts, Graphs, Maps, Evidence (here)

 City of London Corporation dba

City of London Corporation dba City of London dba City dba Crown dba Square Mile dba District of Columbia dba NY Federal Reserve System dba (CIA + MI6 + Mossad + Soros) dba United States Corp dba United States dba DNC dba RNC vs The Republic of the united states of America dba America

Ghislaine and Epstein, as most now know, were also operating a sexual-trafficking and sexual-blackmail operation that involved the sexual abuse of minors, who were used to seduce and entrap powerful individuals, particularly Democratic politicians. https://unlimitedhangout.com/2021/12/investigative-reports/meet-ghislaine-daddys-girl/ 
(Note: Excerpts, full article with links to documentation, here)   https://unlimitedhangout.com/2021/12/investigative-reports/meet-ghislaine-daddys-girl/  SCROLL DOWN FOR PARTIAL TRANSCRIPT

My God! The entire Congress!https://covertactionmagazine.com/archives/ 

Ghislaine and Epstein, as most now know, were also operating a sexual-trafficking and sexual-blackmail operation that involved the sexual abuse of minors, who were used to seduce and entrap powerful individuals, particularly Democratic politicians. https://unlimitedhangout.com/2022/03/investigative-reports/meet-ghislaine-heiress-to-an-espionage-empire/
(Note: Excerpts, full article with links to documentation, herehttps://unlimitedhangout.com/2022/03/investigative-reports/meet-ghislaine-heiress-to-an-espionage-empire/  SCROLL DOWN FOR PARTIAL TRANSCRIPT

CIA mighty Wurlitzer https://covertactionmagazine.com/archives/ 

Mighty Wurlitzer (media), a metaphor that CIA official Frank Wisner used to describe the Agency's influence on public opinion via various front organizations  —(wikipedia)

"Born in the City of London" refers to being born in the Square Mile, the nickname for the City of London. The City of London is a financial district in London, England — also known as 'The Crown', the 'City', and 'the Square Mile'. It has it's own currency, and military (police). It is recognized by about 122 countries as itself being a separate country, apart from England while apparently located, within ...in much the same way as the Vatican is a separate country, and the bodyguards of the Vatican (Sovereign Knights of Malta), again a separate country.  City of London Corporation Limited is a sovereign country located within the city of London and a sovereign government distinct from England. The City of London Corporation, officially and legally the Mayor and Commonalty and Citizens of the City of London, is the local authority

of the City of London, the historic centre of the city of London and location of the United Kingdom's financial sector. —(Wikipedia). Thru prior centuries, the City of London conquered countries of color then owned all subsequent colonies of color, while the British Monarchy owned all the white colonies. Consequently the City of London is the root of racism expressed in colonization and exploitation of colonies of color; about 120, which diplomatically recognize the City of London Corporation dba City of London as a sovereign country located within the city of London, howbeit called, The City of London. The City of London (corporation) founded the United States Corporation (dba United States) in 1868 ...discreetly succinct and apart and separate from the Republic of the united states of America (dba America), and was 

designed as a shadow government disquised as the Republic of the united states of America, but is confined to the boundaries of 10 miles within the District of Columbia ...and is now ruling the country thru fraud and counterfeit authority with the full backing of Schumer's DNC and George Soros and City of London, to defeat the Republic of America once and for all and eliminate personal and national sovereignty ...(see America vs Corp U.S., here). Hence the recent lawsuit was called, United States vs Donald Trump ... ... ... it was not called, America vs Donald Trump. The purpose of United States corporation is to financially rob, enslave, cripple, and eliminate the Republic ...starting with you.


Ghislaine Maxwell & Jeffrey Epstein sold bank spyware to CIA (USA), Mossad (Israel), MI-6 (United Kingdom) & all comers ... operating a sex-trafficking & sex-blackmail operation of sex abuse of minors & seduction & entrapment & extortion of the powerful ...particularly Democratic politicians ...(here)

Who framed Matt Gaetz? ...CIA? ...MI6? ...Mossad? ...Soros? ...DNC? ...RNC? ...NY Federal Reserve District founding stock owners? ...City of London? ...all of them ... ... ...Did they also frame Trump with Russia Russia Russia sex scandles & related goon sex trials?


Elon? & Ghislaine? & Jeffrey? ...& Donald?


Gates & Epstein live it up

Gates Epstein here  Gates sued forcing staff watch child rape & murder here

Pizza Ben Swann's "Reality Check" on "Pizzagatehttps://rumble.com/v4ctxun-this-reporter-was-fired-after-airing-this-segment-exposing-pizzagate-.html    Expose: PizzaGate ...here

A man's view of a constitutional republic & a democracy

Admiralty Law: The Law of Money — Jordan Maxwell A woman's view of a constitutional republic & a democracy States with voting roll software algorithms to create fake voters w/ I.D.

The Benny Show




Ayn Rand



Republic of the united states of America (dba America) vs United States Corporation (dba United States)

Crystal Ball in Hearts

Can you augur an inauguration ...Schroder & JPMorganChase can then pull strings of Soros & Schumer's DNC

Adam Schiff: Your true colors come shinging thru

Adam Schiff  'person of interest' in VIP child sex ring investigation — friends busted  


Who is running the country?

...(could it be City of London central bankers dba NY Federal Reserve dba District of Columbia dba United States? ...duh)

[What hast Obama wrought?] In 2021 [under the new Biden administration] Zelensky, overwhelmed by huge economic problems, changed the law preventing the sale of Ukrainian land and resources to foreign companies. So it was, that half of Ukraine's precious black earths and mineral resources [and farms] ended up in the hands of Monsanto / Bill Gates, Cargill, Dupont, controlled by big U.S. funds including BlackRock, Vanguard and Blackstone.

In 2021 Zelensky, overwhelmed by huge economic problems, changed the law preventing the sale of Ukrainian land and resources to foreign companies. So it was that half of Ukraine’s precious black earths and mineral resources ended up in the hands of Monsanto, Cargill, Dupont, controlled by big U.S. funds including BlackRock, Vanguard and Blackstone. ... ... ...

Ukraine – the investigation shows – is not only being robbed of its land, sold by Zelensky and 

Co. to the multi-nationals, but is also becoming increasingly indebted. The huge military supplies it receives from the U.S. and European superpowers are not given away, but on credit. Ukraine has already accumulated a foreign debt that would take centuries to repay. ... ... ...

This debt will grow with the ‘reconstruction’ that Zelensky has entrusted to the U.S.-based BlackRock, the world’s largest investment company.



So, if given the above two paragraphs, then BlackRock, Vanguard & Blackstone & United States Corporation dba United States inc. District of Columba & City of London Corporation dba City of London (these central bankers, here and their NY Federal Reserve System directors (here)] & U.N., World Bank & IMF (all evil spawn of Bretton Woods after WWII ...not to mention Zionist founding of Israel and Pakistan) ... are the ones fighting Russia since 1917 and betrayed Russia as our ally at Bretton Woods and instead allied with (the Holy Roman Empire being Fehme Germanic peoples deploying the Inquisition and Dark Ages) that is morphed to leading German financiers and industrialists to be the Fehme Nazi Germany (Nazis & Communists funded by NY Fed founding stock holders, here) from 1945-to-date (2025) to achieve the past centuries founding fathers of City of London's dream of financial globalism headed by these banking families and the founding families of the Vatican i.e. Vatican central bank (here) basically reverting to medieval trial by fire and trial by water making Ukrainian people martyrs when it is CIA & MI6 OUN-B (Organization of Ukrainian Nationalists Bandera) death squads reconstituted by Dulles, Casey, Bush, Reagan in the 1990's war in central Europe in a putsch called: The Full Court Press, being the destabilization of the Soviet Union & Eastern Europe again revitalized the last ten years with the IMF, CIA & MI6 branches of City of London implementing throughout eastern Europe dictatorship extorted by terrorist death squads commonly referred to as OUN/B, Nazis, Fascists ... ... ... which was outted in newspapers across the U.S. at the end of the Reagan Administration in two steps: 1. Underage call boys busted in the Reagan / Bush White House after midnight; and; 2. the Republican National Heritage Committee an official White House Organization getting out the ethnic Republic vote in Corp. U.S. when the dozen or so directors of that organization while stationed in the White House under Reagan & Bush were outted in the headlines all being fascist death squad leaders of AXIS WWII groups. However, Reagan & Bush out-fitted these leaders to go back to their countries to reinstitute fascism, which they did, resulting in first-of-all, the eastern European war in the 1990s started where WWI was started in Sarejaevo 

Republic of the united states of America (dba America) vs United States Corporation (dba United States)

U.S. Biolabs in Ukraine ...why?


Can you imagine if Biden gave the American people several hundred billion dollars instead of using it to genocide the Ukrainians? https://covertactionmagazine.com/2022/07/20/how-corrupt-is-ukrainian-president-volodymyr-zelensky/

Ukrainian Fascist Foundation of the Russia Russia Russia Psy-Op ...here

Hacking of DNC was in Ukraine by Ukrainian CIA Assets, not Russia ...same article

Traditional theater drama symbols

 America vs Corp U.S.   ...here American vs Corp U.S.


Musk Traces the Hacking of X to Ukraine ...here

 Vatican finds U.S. & IMF at fault

vatican finds imf, united states, ukraine at fault (not russia) ...Weapons of mass distraction (here)

Today's thought: Did Schroder Bank have its subsidiary, Bechtel (who put all the Californication politicians into office ...Reagan, Pelosi, Feinstein, Newsom, Harris, Schiff, Waters...) have its lackey politicians distract us with Soros-style destabilization riots & LGBTQ+ split- & multiple personality pronoun nuts during O'Biden / Harris? ... ... ... 'cause during that time China was focused gaining control of the Arctic shipping lanes ...because Bechtel (Schroder) builds nuclear reactors & dams in China & the United States corp. deep state intel community news media distracted us from geopolitics to benefit China & distract, divide, conquer and destabilize America.
Have a happy heart and avoid cesium to make sure!

give me the beat boys, to save my soul

highlights: of the de-banking, de-monetizing, asset forfeiture, squatters, trump vs soros page (*home)

1,000 Yr. Reich: Lateral to Rothschild Schroder JPMorganChase blocking, pass to Soros, handoff Schumer, lateral Bechtel handoff Obama handoff Biden handoff Podesta handoff Kamala fumble $370-billion green new steal, pile-up at the five Clinton, Pelosi, Waters, Schiff, Newsom, Bernie, USAID, DEI, CIA, FBI, IRS, SS, Dept Education, Justice Dept, State Dept there's still movement, flag; Trump & Musk recover, first & goal


...to enlarge screen press ctrl +  to shrink ctrl -  to reset ctrl 0  
To update (or pictures missing) refresh: press Crtl R 

(below) for easy reading ...to enlarge screen press ctrl +  to shrink ctrl -  to reset ctrl 0 

To update (or pictures missing) refresh: press Crtl R 

Alabama women, 85 & 61, sentenced for feeding stray cats  — Beverly & Mary sought to trap the cats to be neutered ... officers said they found Mary holding a can of cat food,  (here)

 site under re-construction 

Epstein & Maxwell: Intelligence triple-agents on the dark & wild side

Ghislaine Maxwell & Jeffrey Epstein sold back door bank spyware to CIA (USA), Mossad (Israel), MI-6 (United Kingdom) & all comers ... while operating a sex-trafficking & sex-blackmail operation of sex abuse of minors, seduction, entrapment & extortion of the powerful ...particularly Democratic politicians

Ghislaine and Epstein, as most now know, were also operating a sexual-trafficking and sexual-blackmail operation that involved the sexual abuse of minors, who were used to seduce and entrap powerful individuals, particularly Democratic politicians. https://unlimitedhangout.com/2021/12/investigative-reports/meet-ghislaine-daddys-girl/ 
(Note: Excerpts, full article with links to documentation, here)   https://unlimitedhangout.com/2021/12/investigative-reports/meet-ghislaine-daddys-girl/  PARTIALTRANSCRIPT BELOW

World War Musk Good vs Soros Evil https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AgBw5I6p0V4 
Investigative reporter Whitney Webb reveal about Elon Musk's grandfather Influencing geopolitics nation building & AI's dark shadow self

Ghislaine and Epstein, as most now know, were also operating a sexual-trafficking and sexual-blackmail operation that involved the sexual abuse of minors, who were used to seduce and entrap powerful individuals, particularly Democratic politicians. https://unlimitedhangout.com/2022/03/investigative-reports/meet-ghislaine-heiress-to-an-espionage-empire/
(Note: Excerpts, full article with links to documentation, herehttps://unlimitedhangout.com/2022/03/investigative-reports/meet-ghislaine-heiress-to-an-espionage-empire/  PARTIAL TRANSCRIPT BELOW

(top center) Investigative reporter Whitney Webb reveal about Elon Musk's Grandfather Influencing Geopolitics Nation Building ...& AI's Dark Shadow Self

de-banking, de-monetizing, asset forfeiture, squatters

de-banking, de-monetizing, asset forfeiture, squatters

Tit For Tat — What goes around, comes around — Every Senator who voted for feudal & unconstitutional de-banking asset forfeiture to eliminate free speech should lose their job, salary, pension, health insurance & be imprisoned for life (without due process) for treason & betraying Americans & MAGA

Police abuse of civil asset forfeiture laws has shaken our nation’s conscience. Civil forfeiture allows police to seize — and then keep or sell — any property they allege is involved in a crime. Owners need not ever be arrested or convicted of a crime for their cash, cars, or even real estate to be taken away permanently by the government. Forfeiture was originally presented as a way to cripple large-scale criminal enterprises by diverting their resources. But today, aided by deeply flawed federal 



and state laws, many police departments use forfeiture to benefit their bottom lines, making seizures motivated by profit rather than crime-fighting. For people whose property has been seized through civil asset forfeiture, legally regaining such property is notoriously difficult and expensive, with costs sometimes exceeding the value of the property. With the total value of property seized increasing every year, calls for reform are growing louder, and we are at the forefront seeking to rein in the practice.







Compare U.S. Republican Senate Woke Vote to End Free Speech





Now, the Senate has voted to allow billionaires with programs like paypal, for example, to claim 'hate speech', or, 'mis-information' ...then de-bank, de-monetize, and seize the assets and keep the assets of their clientele for themselves that they allege in their opinion are involved or associated with 'hate speech' or 'misinformation'. Clients or customers need not ever be arrested or convicted of a crime for their cash to be seized by billionaires permanently 

States with voting roll software algorithms to create fake voters w/ I.D. will restore Dems to control the Senate & House in 2026 ...unless MAGA acts now


without due process. This is anti-America anti-MAGA as you can get. This video (left) explains that the algorithms that are buried in software that allow someone to create fake voters and fake I.D.'s has been discovered in every State process ...suggesting that in two years it will be deployed to return Democrats to power in the Senate and House ...unless the algorithms are removed.


Click pic Kill A Banker, Win A Prize: Financial Warfare For Crash Dummies

New e-book available: Kill A Banker, Win A Prize: Financial Warfare for Dummies

Huma Abedin & Alex Soros


Oh S**t ...it's coming & can't be stopped; JD Vance Deep Ties to Surveillance State! ...hereClick pic for Whitney Webbclick pic

Schumer, Pelosi, Soros ...all the usual suspects

Click pics





Mitch the ho b*itch threatens MAGA

The elite can afford to travel in luxury in a third world country that has plenty to offer in return for plenty of money ...but what about the rest of us? Trump is the only politician who acknowledges our existence & suffering.

Pentagon New Plans To Use Lethal Force Against Americans!

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3sBBusd1dKA    (The big picture, here)



Assisted suicide fail more reliable to murder MI-6 Agent Zelensky

Schumer knows better and does worse.



Premise: Schumer is reflecting the UN script, and thusly has allegiance to a foreign entity, being the UN ... and worships United States Corporation dba United States (also a foreign-run entity, out of England) — and has no loyalty to America, he is a diaper of Corp. U.S. which is a subsidiary of City of London corporation (as are CIA, FBI, DEA, IRS, D.C.)

The evil ones (& Bill Hates) are coming for your livestock and companion pets. Zoetis is the animal health unit of Pfizer. In 2020 Zoetis totaled over $6 billion in vaccines. In early 2020 they were already working on a Covid "vaccine" for animals. In late 2020 they were pushing the USDA for approval for testing. It was granted.  On 1/26/21 Karen, a 28 year old Orangutan in the San Diego Park Zoo was nominated to get the jab. She had no side effects. Like clockwork, three dozen other zoos ordered the shot.  In 2017 Zoetis received a $14 million dollar grant from, wait for it, the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation. It was for the African Livestock Productivity and Health Advancement initiative. Since then, 1.7 billion shots have been administered. — Stan Sylvester, July 11, 2021

Psalm26:5 I hate the assembly of the evildoers and I will not sit with the wicked. 

(below) Musk points finger at Ukraine for hacking X





(below) Hacking of DNC done by fascist Ukraine CIA cut-outs


Hillary & Podesta up each other's ***

Hacking of DNC


OUN/B = Organization of Ukrainian Nationalists / Bandera

FTR #967 Update on Ukrainian Fascism, the Russia-Gate Psy-Op and the Possibility of a Third World War Posted by Dave Emory August 3, 2017


Democrats deep ties to Russia projected their dark shadow crimes onto Trump as a psy-op


. m






Rico Act Alleged Soros sedition, espionage, sabotage & terrorism across State, National & Global boundaries ...Will Trump classify the alleged Soros saboteurs & NGOs as terrorist organizations (which they are alleged to be) attacking stability in America (which they are alleged to do with riots causing billions in damages) undermining national & neighborhood security on Main Street, Wall Street & abroad? ...here


Will Trump classify the alleged Soros saboteurs & NGOs as terrorist organizations (which they are alleged to be) attacking stability in America (which they are alleged to with riots causing billions in damages) undermining national & neighborhood security on Main Street, Wall Street & abroad?



When will alleged Soros Terrorist & Intelligence Org be forced to pay for the alleged damages caused by their domestic, international & global destabization, false flags, riots & coups? ...here

Irish Occupy IMF Irish Occupy IMF

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=s01Xa1LmCOQ  Occupy movement begins as protest vs Wall Street & nuclear power  — now defends humanity against globalist central bankers, monarchs & billionaires


(click pic) 1979 First Occupy movement: Protest vs Wall  Street & nuclear power  — defends 99.99% against 0.001% central bankers, monarchs & billionaires

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fzUv9-cyrmQ  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vJZk9KAIJLg 

Pluto the Dog    premise — NY Federal Reserve stockholders, Schroder, JPMChase, Soros, Schumer-DNC, Schiff, German elite bankers ... still determined to destroy America? ...once a Nazi, always

Well, if the CIA is on the Burisma board after Hunter & George Bush Sr. replaced bin Laden's father on the board of Carlyle & Liz Cheney's pop aborted Iraq for a few bucks ...since Mossad blew up the Russian Nord Stream nat. gas pipeline supplying Europe so Israel could steal and sell Palestinian Gaza nat. gas to pipe to Europe ...I suppose it makes sense that Mossad is hiding somewhere in the closet using Ghislaine Maxwell's & Jeffrey Epstein's promis software spying on everyone to false flag & frame Russia doing a no-no, like blowing up the biggest nuclear reactor in the world that's in Ukraine. Too bad City of London is planning to kill them all, anyway. What's the point, I wonder. Oh, I remember, WEF wants WWIII to update Bretton Woods with digital currency. Yeah, easy to forget this reset sh*t. The good news is the Zionists are mostly Bretton Woods Christians who own City of London who are largely Jews. Got it? Unfortunately, it also makes sense Mossad is doing the climate mod that is shrinking the fresh water lakes draining Panama Canal so Israel can put thru their ben Gurian canal to rival the Suez Canal since Russia from Ukraine could affect the el Nino and stall the trade winds rain in the 70's Mossad can now ...unless China is. Or we are. One flew east and one flew west and one flew over the cuckoo's nest. Trump & Netanyahu almost did an end run on Ukraine minerals but half the deposit's in Russia, anyway. But, they all get marching orders from City of London, not to mention covid, bird flu, weather mod, chemtrails, aluminum rain, fallout, war, psy-ops and poverty.

Nazi training? ,,,& father figure https://covertactionmagazine.com/2023/02/17/ukraine-hawk-who-heads-european-commission-has-a-nazi-pedigree-she-does-not-want-you-to-know-about/ 

Zelensky & wife, Olena during Vogue Magazine shoot.


Dec 16, 2013 John McCain addresses Ukrainian protesters in Kiev; U.S. Republican senator John McCain addresses crowds in Independence Square in Kiev on Sunday, encouraging the to protest in support of greater ties with the European Union & to sever ties with Russia.


MI-6 Agent Zelensky


Trump shooter ballistics proves shots from 4 different distances   https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NaW8MzocIuE   
Lot'sa Forensic Ballastics, Charts, Graphs, Maps, Evidence (here)

(up) Jul 28, 2022 Zelensky & wife, Olena during Vogue Magazine shoot

(up) 12/16/2013 McCain tells Kiev Soros-style protesters to support ties w/European Union, sever ties w/Russia; sets up Obama regime change coup d'etat w/Nazis .

(up) Ukrainian President Zelensky comes to power in carefully planned operation coordinated by Western intelligence services, says former U.S. diplomat. (down) Zelensky signs 100-yr City of London mineral rights deal before Trump meeting? ...two-faced MI-6 triple agent shows City bankers are America's enemies: in our 1776 Revolutionary War, War of 1812, 1865 Civil War, the City founding Corp U.S. in 1868, founding the Fed in 1913, in WWI, 1930 Great Depression, WWII & now Ukraine. 


https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=68DZhuOXM8I https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kBV1M4mE3ts 

Where's the beef ?

Where's the gold?
...(NY Fed? Fort Knox? WTC basement? City of London?)

Dec 16, 2013 U.S. Republican Senator John McCain addresses Ukrainian protesters in Kiev on Sunday, telling them to support ties with European Union, sever ties with Russia; setting up a U.S. regime change coup d'etat deployed by Obama / Biden after Ukraine refused an IMF loan requiring them to turn over their central bank to the IMF. After that refusal, the IMF-Soros–sponsored Nazi coup prevailed, the Nazi-run government was immediately recognized as legitimate by the Obama Administration then IMF stole 40 tons of Ukrainian central bank gold & shipped it to the NY Federal Reserve System ...(who still refuse to confirm receipt) ...here  https://www.portlandhomeboy.com/Ukraine.html 

relevant family Coat of Arms

Nazi Nancy?


Zelensky's crimes come home to roost



Can you imagine if Biden gave the American people several hundred billion dollars instead of using it to genocide the Ukrainians? 

Victoria Nuland hands out cookies to far-right & Nazi agents provocateurs just before the City of London-financed Nazi coup at Maidan --later she testified against Trump's phone call for Ukraine to investigate any mafia involvement threatening the Biden family involvement in Ukraine.


How did Chuck Schumer & his DNC & Pelosi get all the Democratic leadership to support the Nazis & Ultra-right criminals & gangsters running Ukraine & get Biden to piss away hundreds of billions of dollars to OUN/Bandera fascist-run Ukraine? ...oh yeah, I remember now ...cause someone like Soros paid them to ...and... because City of London's IMF & WEF want all the dictator-monarch leaders in Europe to destroy themselves with WWIII to make it easier to switch to digital currency NWO globalist dictatorship with City of London central banks in charge trafficking your kids' very being.

It kinda looks as the evidence comes in that the pushers of the New American Century continual warfare on several fronts appear to be the ones who tried to assassinate Trump & also accuse & try to convict him for Jan 6 ...ask Dick & Liz Cheney about Iraq & Bush, do gallows wait for traitors? ...ask Soros, too? ...Schumer, Pelosi, Podesta, Clinton — you've all murdered millions of innocent people & animals ...you're demons from the devil's spawn as America starts a world revolution to topple your new world order of central banker overt satanic dictatorship ...ask Newsom

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eERnMUgZLpo  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tQknBjzMnds  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yUqydBGBR5c  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yUqydBGBR5c 
 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=L07qobGetZg U.S. Biolabs in Ukraine ...why? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uwtUwJGq2qQ

With Friends Like These… Biden embraces Kosovo’s former Prime Minister Hashim Thaçi. Reports linked Thaçi to human organ smuggling and organized crime. In 1997, Thaçi was convicted of terrorism and sentenced to ten years in prison. In 2020, he had to cancel a trip to Washington because he was indicted by the Hague for war crimes and crimes against humanity. [Source: abc.net.au]

Kosovo Prime Minister Thaçi: organ smuggling, terrorism, prison; 2020, D.C. trip canceled when indicted for war crimes & crimes against humanity.



FULL SCALE WAR IN UKRAINE? (background documentation, here) With its 15 reactors ??? no more Ukraine, no more Europe. The West did a Soros-central banker CIA-banana-republic style coup to open Ukrainian markets to foreign investors & give control of its economy to multinational corporations ??? City of London used its U.S. corporation, neo-Nazis & far-right extremists to overthrow Ukraine's elected president & install a puppet government; engineered & managed by the City of London central banker interlocking international  directorate (inc. directors of IMF, JPMorganChase, Schroder, etc)

Full scale war in Ukraine? (background) With its 15 nuclear reactors — no more Ukraine, no Europe & fallout blows onto U.S. West Coast & planet, forever.

City & Schumer's DNC hands billions to Zelinsky to steal & weapons to resell because the Ukraine / Russia war started by IMF, Obama, Biden, McCain & Cheney's New American Century mandates simultaneous theatres

This woman is a Nazi sympathizer and a traitor to America ...but is loyal to the United States ... how is this possible?


Ukraine (here)
America's Nazi Secret (here)
CIA Soros Put Azov Nazis In Taiwan (here)
Covid & Ukraine / Australia Chicken (Bird) Flu  (here)
False Flags from Ukraine to Gaza to Allepo  (here)
Obama Kolomoisky Nuke Donetsk  (here)
Soros Goons: Portland Kiev Taiwan (here)
Ukraine / Belarus US Nazi Secrets  (here)
Ukraine Climate Woodpecker Attacks USA (here)



Ukraine / Gaza Destroyed by IMF (here)
Ukraine IMF / Russian Woodpecker  (here)
Ukraine / Japan Nuclear Meltdowns by IMF / CIA  (here)
Ukraine Martyred By City of London / IMF (here)
Ukraine Nazis Rat Out Democracy  (here)
Ukraine Punked by Nazi Bankers (here)
Ukraine Robbed by IMF Obama Biden Bill Gates Soros (here)
Ukraine Russia Israel US Borders (here)
Vatican Weapon Name Game (here)

Mar 27, 2024 — Cardone singled out Pelosi, claiming she's never made more than $179,000 per year, yet her net worth is estimated to be around $120 million.



the beginning of PizzaGate with emails between John Podesta & Hillary Clinton  BS & fake RussiaGate affair


Combat Weaponized Social Media ... Hacking of DNC NOT done by Russia, done by Ukraine CIA-contractors ... the beginning of PizzaGate & RussiaGate

FTR #981  hacking by ukraine [as cia operatives] 

Secondarily, see https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=s_l-zbFX4aw

Hacking of DNC


False Flags from Ukraine to Gaza to Allepo


Biggest stock trades in Congress: Nancy Pelosi tops list ...but who are the other culprits who have raked in billions now facing more scrutiny?

...speaking of vomit a lurid sex novel starring Upchuck Erectionist Prefectionist Genocidal Murderer Schumer & smut novel writer Leticia James


The Ukrainian Fascist Foundation of the Russia-gate Psy Op ...(Russia Russia Russia)

Ukraine Murdered by IMF City Central Bankers for City of London: Complicit Congress won't tell you ~ Central Bank Robbery: At moment of U.S. sponsored Nazi coup in Ukraine, Victoria Nuland allegedly has 40 tons of Ukrainian gold shipped to U.S. Federal Reserve stockholders ...(who disclaim receipt)

City, IMF & Obama start the Ukraine / Russia war ...returning Ukraine to its WWII Nazi & ultra-right status with a New American Century coup d'tat in 2014

Central Bankers Robbery: At moment Nazi coup in Ukraine, Victoria NuLand has 40 tons of Ukrainian gold shipped to U.S. Federal Reserve.

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Maidan Coup: What really happened to start the Ukraine war now approaching WWIII

Ukraine Legend

...to enlarge screen press ctrl +  to shrink ctrl -  to reset ctrl 0 

U.S. Biolabs in Ukraine ...why?


Can you imagine if Biden gave the American people several hundred billion dollars instead of using it to genocide the Ukrainians? https://covertactionmagazine.com/2022/07/20/how-corrupt-is-ukrainian-president-volodymyr-zelensky/

IMF New York Federal Reserve 

n System founding stock holders in  consentual incestual relationship

Burisma merry-go-round


NY Federal Reserve stock ownership

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=g-3bfuFiZiA       Bob Dylan Masters of War (printed lyrics here)

(click pic for youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jxrR6dmzpCI&t=12s ) EUROMAIDAN COUP: 2014 Nazi coup putches Ukraine from Putin to Biden - WTF? (up) Alleged Burisma nuclear & power mafia merry-go-round murders, coups, regime change, installed leaders, women hit by cars by mafia, puppet presidents, corrupt administrations & imbezzled U.S. taxpayer dollars. 
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How is it these dynastic banking interlocking directors of the Fed & City of London founded and financed the communists ... and according to Sutton and Loftus, two brilliant researchers financed the Nazis, as well ...oh, who cares ...except that the same forces are funding nazis and ultra-right throughout eastern Europe who are now also active in Asia and South America and guess where else ...could it be the USA?

Map showing Ukrainian troop concentrations on eastern Ukraine's border on eve of the Russian invasion of Feb 24, 2022

Can you imagine if Biden gave the American people several hundred billion dollars instead of using it to genocide the Ukrainians? https://covertactionmagazine.com/2022/07/20/how-corrupt-is-ukrainian-president-volodymyr-zelensky/
finds imf, united states, ukraine at fault (not russia) ...Weapons of mass distraction (here)

(continued here)

DOGE the Federal Reserve System, IMF, World Bank,
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Ukraine as a U.S. puppet for weather-, earthquake- and biological warfare against the Soviet Union and Russia.climate viewer.com 
(slide courtesy of Jim Lee, ClimateViewer.com)

ed https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=w-SPcsfz0_E 
Admiralty Law: The Law of Money — Jordan Maxwell

Trump shooter ballistics proves shots from 4 different distances   https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NaW8MzocIuE   
Charts, Graphs, Maps, Evidence (here)

The Benny Show https://www.youtube.com/shorts/gazpRAkIYAc  
A man's view of a constitutional republic & a democracy

Ayn Rand https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZV5arQxexyg&t=1s 
A woman's view of a constitutional republic & a democracy

Break up the four horsemen of banking

The Four Horsemen of Banking

"If my sons did not want war, there would be none." ~ Gugle Rothschild

edClap if you love war

Irish Occupy IMFIrish Occupy IMF

Irish Occupy IMFIrish Occupy IMF

Staircase to Heaven

Big Oil & Their Bankers In The Persian Gulf: Four Horsemen — Eight Families & Their Global Intelligence, Narcotics & Terror Network (here) https://www.amazon.com/Big-Their-Bankers-Persian-Gulf/dp/1453757732 

Common Sense: A staircase for Trump & Congress to kill the unconstitutional $36.22-trillion-dollar national debt

...10 steps done in one big beautiful financial reform bill — or, if the Fed admits treason & registers as the foreign agents they are & repay the national debt (plus interest since 1913) to taxpayers ...let the Fedsters die in  Guantanamo 

These steps as part of a sweeping financial reform bill are modeled to be after release of strategic petroleum reserves by twenty-seven nations, this measure should be enacted in tandem with as many willing nations as possible. The same Rothschild-led cabal controls central banks of most every nation and there is power in numbers. If these measures are enacted separately or by only one nation, the Eight Families cartel will use their financial clout to target and destroy the United States:

1) Introduce a Treasury Department-administered infrastructure investment fund, which workers should be strongly encouraged to opt into using accrued funds from their private 401K plans. This is important because the banker’s stock market casino will crash due to the next nine steps and workers must be shielded from this event. This fund can be used to rebuild America’s infrastructure, with American workers acting as lenders and receiving a fair rate of interest in return.

2) The U.S. needs to withdraw from the Bank of International Settlements, the World Trade Organization, the World Bank, the IMF and all Eight Families-controlled multilateral lending facilities. We would save billions funding these banker welfare schemes while freeing ourselves from rules which prevent our financial emancipation.

3) De-link the dollar from all currency baskets and IMF special drawing rights. Ban trade in dollars on all global exchanges. This will create a demand for dollars and strengthen our badly devalued currency. Impose currency controls by fixing the dollar at 1:1 euro, Chinese yuan, Canadian dollar and Swiss franc; 100:1 Japanese yen. During the 1997 Asian financial crisis, Malaysian Prime Minister Mahathir Mohamad fixed the nation’s currency – the ringgit. It was the only currency in the region that did not crash when Rothschild front-man George Soros took aim at the region.

4) Nationalize the Federal Reserve. According to a London barrister I have been in contact with, under the Federal Reserve Act there is 

a provision that allows for the U.S. government to buy back the Fed’s charter for $4-billion-dollars . We should pay this fee, revoke the Fed charter and launch a new U.S. dollar issued by the Treasury Department. With the dollar fixed, the vampires cannot crash it. Annexure – The Federal Reserve Cartel Part 1-5: The Eight Families 28]

5) Cancel the $10-15 trillion debt to the Illuminati bankers. Debt obligations to foreign governments and small bond-holders should be honored at par.

6) Arrest the perpetrators. Prosecute to the fullest extent of the law all fraudulent transactions involving the Fed cartel. Send the FBI to the New York Fed. Seize all documents. Confiscate the world’s largest gold reserves which are stored there. These were stolen from various governments including from our own Ft. Knox reserves.

7) Forget just repealing the Bush tax cuts on the rich. The top tax rate on people who make more than $1 million/ year should be raised to 75%. People making more than $500,000/year should pay 50%. All tax brackets below $75,000/year should see tax cuts. If you get more from government you need to pay for it, instead of soaking the middle-class and blaming it on the poor.

8) Slash Pentagon spending. Shut down all U.S. military bases on foreign soil, including those in Europe, Japan and South Korea. Withdraw ALL troops from Iraq and Afghanistan immediately. Use the savings to pay off government and small bond-holders.

9) Outlaw offshore banking by U.S. citizens and corporations. Bring your money home and pay taxes on it or surrender your U.S. passport/corporate charter. The dramatic increase in tax revenue would be enough to pay off the remaining debt to sovereign  governments and small bond-holders, while keeping our obligations to the Social Security trust fund.

10) Introduce single-payer health care and price controls on prescription drugs. The current corporate for-profit health care

...under the Federal Reserve Act there is a provision that allows for the U.S. government to buy back the Fed’s charter for $4-billion-dollars

bonanza depends upon sickness and ill health for its hefty profits. In 2006 Canada government spent $3,678 per person for free single-payer coverage for all its citizens. The U.S. government spent $6,714 per person covering the insurance, pharmaceutical, hospital, and AMA cartels. The savings attained from eliminating insurance / pharmaceutical / hospital chain / doctor perpetrated Medicare /Medicaid / Social Security fraud will save the U.S. Treasury billions. It is the only solution to skyrocketing and unsustainable health care costs. Using this methodology the U.S. could wipe out both its deficit and its debt within a year.

These measures should be planned in secret and introduced swiftly and in rapid succession. Social security and Medicare will be saved. The middle class will see their tax rates go down, while their retirement fund finances the rebuilding of a 21st Century America. Manufacturing jobs will come home, since the Chinese yuan will have seen a dramatic appreciation. Our national security will be enhanced by withdrawing from the role of global policeman.

If we keep thinking inside the banker-manufactured beltway box, our children have no future. They will live in a Third World country which produces nothing, lorded over by debt-collector parasites known as the “financial services industry”. The wealth-destroying Eight Families banker elite are the perpetrators of the U.S. debt crime. Should a woman who is raped serve the sentence of her rapist? That’s absurd. Then why should Americans or any other nation pay a fraudulent debt foisted upon them by con-men?

It is time for the President and Congress to get a backbone and force the criminal Federal Reserve cartel to make the “broad sacrifices”.

Dean Henderson, author: Big Oil & Their Bankers in the Persian Gulf: Four Horsemen, Eight Families & Their Global Intelligence, Narcotics & Terror Network

What is the FBI afraid of ...being hanged as traitors? ...New York City is the center of treason because the bankers who run the NY Federal Reserve District are the deep state knee deep in blood reporting to the Crown / City of London Bankers who are genocidal murderers ...wouldn't you hide, too? ...if you worshipped the devil? ...and did MK-Ultra blood sacrifices of children

Spirit Cooking

Spirit Cooking


Spirit Cooking

Spirit Cooking Devil Worship

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Pizza Ben Swann's "Reality Check" on "Pizzagatehttps://rumble.com/v4ctxun-this-reporter-was-fired-after-airing-this-segment-exposing-pizzagate-.html 


This is what the FBI is hiding about Jeffrey Epstein & Ghislaine Maxwell: FBI, CIA, MI-6 & Mossad complicity following orders from the Crown (City of London) c/o NY Fed ...see below

The end of morality in the western world Slaughtering children by Ukraine Nazis to sell body organs

Welcome to Corporate U.S.


Putin busts the Pelosi-Schumer-Podesta-Soros-funded adrenochrome child slaughterhouses for organ harvesting


Spain parade & animal trafficking

Apparently it's easier, more destabilizing & politically correct for United Nations & City of London central bankers to legalize sex with children & animals rather than throw perps in prison ...at least, as far as the Vatican is concerned

D.C. Welcome to Corporate U.S.

Epstein & Maxwell were intelligence operatives on the wild side

Ghislaine Maxwell & Jeffrey Epstein sold bank spyware to CIA (USA), Mossad (Israel), MI-6 (United Kingdom) & all comers ... operating a sex-trafficking & sex-blackmail operation of sex abuse of minors & seduction & entrapment & extortion of the powerful ...particularly Democratic politicians

Shut Up Portland! ...Be Happy!

Trump shooter ballistics proves shots from 4 different distances   https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NaW8MzocIuE   
Who Dun It? Charts, Graphs, Maps, Evidence (here)

Ghislaine and Epstein, as most now know, were also operating a sexual-trafficking and sexual-blackmail operation that involved the sexual abuse of minors, who were used to seduce and entrap powerful individuals, particularly Democratic politicians. https://unlimitedhangout.com/2021/12/investigative-reports/meet-ghislaine-daddys-girl/ 
(Note: Excerpts, full article with links to documentation, here)   https://unlimitedhangout.com/2021/12/investigative-reports/meet-ghislaine-daddys-girl/  SCROLL DOWN FOR PARTIAL TRANSCRIPT

Ghislaine and Epstein, as most now know, were also operating a sexual-trafficking and sexual-blackmail operation that involved the sexual abuse of minors, who were used to seduce and entrap powerful individuals, particularly Democratic politicians. https://unlimitedhangout.com/2022/03/investigative-reports/meet-ghislaine-heiress-to-an-espionage-empire/
(Note: Excerpts, full article with links to documentation, herehttps://unlimitedhangout.com/2022/03/investigative-reports/meet-ghislaine-heiress-to-an-espionage-empire/  SCROLL DOWN FOR PARTIAL TRANSCRIPT

Gates & Epstein1Unlimited Hangout investigative report  https://unlimitedhangout.com/2021/05/investigative-reports/the-cover-up-continues-the-truth-about-bill-gates-microsoft-and-jeffrey-epstein/ 
(Scroll down for story)

Shut Up Be Happy

Shut Up Portland Homeboy ...Be Happy!

Introducing the Fehme 1,000-year Reich Crests

Humpty Dumpty crest crest crest crest crest
CHILD'S PLAY — Kill A Banker, Win A Prize: Capital Punishment for Capitalists ...take central bank stockholders wealth — reverse the national debt so that the NY Federal Reserve System bankers owe us for charging us to use our money (plus interest since 1913) Sovereign Military Knights of Malta Rothschild family crest Skull & Bones Order of Life & Death City of London Corporation Vatican City & Vatican Bank

Vatican finds imf, united states, ukraine at fault (not russia) ...Weapons of mass distraction (here)


Ghislaine Maxwell & Jeffrey Epstein, as most of you now know, were also operating a sex-trafficking & sex-blackmail operation that involved the sex abuse of minors, who were used to seduce & entrap powerful individuals ...particularly Democratic politicians

Meet Ghislaine: Daddy’s Girl

Ghislaine and Epstein, as most now know, were also operating a sexual-trafficking and sexual-blackmail operation that involved the sexual abuse of minors, who were used to seduce and entrap powerful individuals, particularly Democratic politicians.


(Note: Excerpts, full article with links to documentation, here)   https://unlimitedhangout.com/2021/12/investigative-reports/meet-ghislaine-daddys-girl/ 

Meet Ghislaine: Daddy’s Girl

Daddy's Girl (1 of 6)

Daddy's Girl (2 of 6)

Daddy's Girl (3 of 6)

Daddy's Girl (4 of 6)

Daddy's Girl (5 of 6)

Daddy's Girl (6 of 6)

OVERT BILL GATES JEFFREY EPSTEIN Unlimited Hangout investigative report https://unlimitedhangout.com/2021/05/investigative-reports/the-cover-up-continues-the-truth-about-bill-gates-microsoft-and-jeffrey-epstein/


1Unlimited Hangout investigative report  https://unlimitedhangout.com/2021/05/investigative-reports/the-cover-up-continues-the-truth-about-bill-gates-microsoft-and-jeffrey-epstein/

Gates & Epstein


Gates Epstein


(Note: Excerpts, full article with links to documentation, here)  https://unlimitedhangout.com/2021/05/investigative-reports/the-cover-up-continues-the-truth-about-bill-gates-microsoft-and-jeffrey-epstein/ 

Gates Epstein Cover-up Continues

Gates Epstein

Meet Ghislaine: Heiress to an Espionage Empire

Ghislaine and Epstein, as most now know, were also operating a sexual-trafficking and sexual-blackmail operation that involved the sexual abuse of minors, who were used to seduce and entrap powerful individuals, particularly Democratic politicians.


(Note: Excerpts, full article with links to documentation, here)  https://unlimitedhangout.com/2022/03/investigative-reports/meet-ghislaine-heiress-to-an-espionage-empire/

Meet Ghislaine: Heiress to an Espionage Empire

Ghislaine Maxwell (1-of-6)

Ghislaine Maxwell (2-of-6)

Ghislaine Maxwell (3-of-6)

George Hamilton & Ghislaine Maxwell: A day at the races.

Ghislaine Maxwell (4-of-6)

Ghislaine Maxwell 4.1

Ghislaine Maxwell (5-of-6)

Ghislaine Maxwell 6-of-6)

Whitney Webb

 at Harvard, Klaus Schwab was taught by Henry Kissinger

While at Harvard, Klaus Schwab was taught by Henry Kissinger

While at Harvard, Klaus Schwab was taught by Henry Kissinger

Klaus Schwab's World Economic Forum (WEF)


(Note: Excerpts, full article with links to documentation, here)  https://unlimitedhangout.com/2021/02/investigative-reports/schwab-family-values/

Schwab Family Values —by Johnny Vedmore

Klaus Schwab the World Economic Forum arm of the City of London interlocking international directorate of central banks

World Cyber-Pandemic Simulation Deployed by WEF & Russia

World Cyber-Pandemic Simulation Deployed by WEF & Russia

Cyber Pandemic Virus Incoming


Cyber Pandemic Virus Incoming


(Note: Excerpts, full article with links to documentation herehttps://unlimitedhangout.com/2021/02/investigative-reports/from-event-201-to-cyber-polygon-the-wefs-simulation-of-a-coming-cyber-pandemic/ 

Cyber Pandemic Virus Incoming

Cyber Pandemic Virus Incoming

Whitney Webb

grace 01 Californication


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Adamn Schiff


This woman is a Nazi sympathizer and a traitor to America ...but is loyal to the United States ...how is this possible?

This woman is a Nazi sympathizer and a traitor to America ...but is loyal to the United States ... how is this possible?


Find out how it's possible, here ...(America vs Corp U.S.)


(Click pic) https://www.portlandhomeboy.com/america-vs-corp-u-s-.html 



Newsom Kills Parental Rights

Kills Parental Rights: Newsom (Schroder / Bechtel) to sign legislation into law that forbids California schools from telling parents when teachers groom their kids who then consider sexual reassignment https://www.youtube.com/shorts/-BK0Qurt1SY 

It appears that Schroder Bank & JPMorganChase did not achieve world dictatorship by weaponizing WWI & WWII and have started WWIII by other means ...such as brainwashing your children & removing parental rights.

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They're coming for your children

They're coming for your children They're coming for your children

They're coming for your children

They're coming for your children

Newsom shits on parents so Musk shits on Newsom https://www.youtube.com/shorts/-BK0Qurt1SY

The Government is Coming for Your Kids https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DeXv4RiuaDM

The Government is Coming for Your Kids https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DeXv4RiuaDM

Ukrainian kids weaponized by Nazis https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-3195711/Now-CHILDREN-taking-arms-Shocking-pictures-inside-Ukraine-s-neo-Nazi-military-camp-recruits-young-six-learn-fire-weapons-s-ceasefire.html 

Inside alleged Schroder-Soros-Schumer-DNC-Pelosi-Biden-Kamala-backed Ukraine Nazi training camp for kidshttps://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-3195711/Now-CHILDREN-taking-arms-Shocking-pictures-inside-Ukraine-s-neo-Nazi-military-camp-recruits-young-six-learn-fire-weapons-s-ceasefire.html 

Inside alleged Schroder-Soros-Schumer-DNC-Pelosi-Biden-Kamala-backed Ukraine Nazi training camp for kids — Trump is against war; Biden & Kamala make war to please their largest donors: Soros, New York Federal Reserve stockholders

Before world-reknown Stanford University Hoover Institute of War, Revolution and Peace scholar and historian Antony Sutton fled Hoover Institute fearing for his life, he proved shareholders of the New York Federal Reserve funded both Russian communism and Nazi fascism from their beginning. At the same time, while Schroder Bank focused on financially supporting Hitler ...and running U.S. military then civilian intelligence thru their board member Allen Dulles (who represented the Nazi stock portfolio in America and co-founded CIA hiring and installing Hitler's intelligence organization (the Gehlen Org) into the newly formed CIA to provide intelligence on how to destroy Russia (which they had done for Hitler) and (thru Schroder subsidiary, Bechtel headquartered in San Francisco) groomed the most destructive San Franciso-based immoral & unethical California politicians, including: Kamala Harris, Nancy Pelosi, Diane Feinstein, Gavin Newsom (Pelosi's nephew), Ronald Reagan (can you spell funded Contras?) and Adam Schiff ...to name a few of Schroder's frankenstein monster bot coprolites (petrified feces).

Kiss the American Dream of home ownership, good-bye ... unless you're an illegal immigrant border jumper or replacement migrant or terrorist

Four more dayshttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ETJ8tvv2I2Y   

Kiss home ownership good-by ...thanks to Schroder Bank, their subsidiary Bechtel, and the politicians from California that Bechtel has groomed

Kiss the American Dream of home ownership, good-bye ... unless you're an illegal immigrant border jumper or replacement migrant / terrorist

Fehme 1,000 year Nazi Reich? (Schroder, Bechtel, Pelosi, Feinstein, Newsom, Soros) & Kamala's San Francisco ... ... ...Are the blue States run by dynastic Reich Schroder Nazi & Fascist New York Federal Reserve stockholders?

SS man Otto Von Bolschwing. —  Helene Von Damm Reagan administrations   Underground Reich —  Bormann capital network, —   Paul Manning 


We do not think Dick Cheney was a war profiteer that with Israel and Germany did WTC/911 for as a red flag excuse to destroy Iraq so Bechtel and Haliburton could rebuild it just that Liz Cheney is a chip off the old block and she's not a war profiteer, either ...do you?



Little ol' Nancy Nazi-lover — FTR #673 Nancy Pelosi Bormann Democrat?


the Von Bolschwing/Getty family milieu and prominent Bay Area Democrats, including San Francisco mayor Gavin Newsom [now California governor & presidential contender] and House Speaker Nancy Pelosi  

Nazi sympathizer and personal friend of Hitler J. Paul Getty .

Dick & Liz's New America Century of endless City of London dynastic central banker wars


End of catch-&-release in California? Mexican president sends troops to turn back migrants from U.S. border.



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Welcome to California


California Replace guns?  

Kamala's war on children and family






Welcome to Schroder Bank subsidiary Bechtel's San Francisco-based politicians & their vision of a reset equitable America ...San Francisco city-approved perennial Alphabet soup public event with San Francisco District Attorney Kamala Harris, Nancy Pelosi, Diane Feinstein approval — to insert Schroder Bank subsidiary Bechtel Fed antics & bedroom politics into national politics & school policy — as the new normal forced on straight kids ...and now, Schroder is thru Bechtel positioning Gavin Newsom to be our next dictator-resident.

...speaking of vomit a lurid sex novel starring Upchuck Erectionist Prefectionist Genocidal Murderer Schumer & smut novel writer Leticia James


Can you spell, OUN/B Azov Nazis in Ukraine fighting Russia? ...Chuck Schumer can

Schroder Bank (subsidiary Bechtel) are in a love/hate relationship with JPMorganChase...

...competing as globalist partners-in-crime to rule the world &/or destroy it ...they let Soros do the initial destabilization (bloody color revolutions & false flags) but they deploy the troops, weapons, weather warfare (fully documented, here) & chemical trails that destroy the ozone layers & turn the sky into a microwave electronic plasma & bio-war curtain alongside nuclear fallout

Schroder Bank is in a competitive love/hate relationship with JPMorganChase

Eustace Mullins 1950 charts of the interlocking international Dynastic Central Banking families that own the New York Federal Reserve System, here: (pdf)  & are backed-up by the 1976 Bi-Centennial 1776 original House sub-committee charts on banking document, (here) 

Charts by Eustace Mullins, excerpted from: The Secrets of the Federal Reserve, second edition (1st 1952 — 2nd 1983, as I recall). He told me on the phone the original edition was banned and burned in Germany when published in 1952. An intelligible expose on Federal Reserve System that makes sense ...(contains no senseless-economic-theory-garbage-word-salads.)

(below) Kind of sounds like the United States Corporation Executive, Legislative, Judiciary & Schumer's DNC today persecuting Trump and the Republic of the united states of America & funding Nazis in Ukraine to fight Russia for Wall St. & City of London profits, redux deja vu ...did they do it?

  ed Kissinger recruited as a spy for Dulles, in charge of file room where records of nazis brought into U.S. were kept; hired by a company collecting nazis to use for WWIII against Russia. U.S. Nazi partmershiphttps://www.portlandhomeboy.com/3-15-IMF-Russian-Woodpecker-in-Ukraine.html 

Kind of sounds like the U.S. Corporation State & Justice Departments today persecuting Trump and the Republic of America & funding Nazis in Ukraine to fight Russia for Wall St. & City of London profits.

(up) click pic: Excerpted from America's Nazi Secret, by John Loftus (up) click pic: Excerpted from America's Nazi Secret, by John Loftus (up) click pic: Excerpted from America's Nazi Secret, by John Loftus

Alan Dulles who (with his brother) handled sales of the Nazi stock portfolio in America); he also ran the U.S. WWII Office of Strategic Services (military intelligence) fighting Germany — but, Dulles and his brother were on the Board of J. Henry Schroder Bank that financed Hitler.

Allen Dulles was the first CIA director & according to a PBS documentary film (not to mention John Loftus) Dulles hired Hitler's chief of intelligence Reinhard Gehlen & the Gehlen Intelligence Organization running Hitler's Foreign Armies East against Russia and supervising Foreign Armies West against the U.S.) to continue destroying Russia after WWII.

CIA Gehlen Org Eastern Division was paid for by U.S. taxpayers to destroy our Russian allies who defeated the Nazis. Dulles begot Casey (Reagan's campaign mgr) whereas JFK removed 500 Dulles CIA agents then was shot (when JFK printed American money ...the two dollar bill which was not United States corporation money but instead money of The Republic of the united states of America... and wanted the Federal Reserve System to register as foreign agents being a private business organization run out of the United Kingdom's City of London corporation of dynastic central banking families being and interlocking international banking mafia directorate) ... and Dulles ran the Warren Commission that omitted any involvement of the Nazi Organization of Ukrainian Nationalists and OUN/Bandera (OUN/B) active in Ukraine & Taiwan, today.

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 Central Bankers & their corporate interlocks of corporations they ownCentral Bankers & their corporate interlocks of corporations they own

Welcome to Schroder Bank subsidiary Bechtel's San Francisco-based politicians & their vision of a reset equitable America ...San Francisco city-approved perennial Alphabet soup public event with San Francisco District Attorney Kamala Harris, Nancy Pelosi, Diane Feinstein approval — to insert Schroder Bank subsidiary Bechtel Fed antics & bedroom politics into national politics & school policy — as the new normal forced on straight kids ...and now, Schroder is thru Bechtel positioning Gavin Newsom to be our next dictator-resident.

The following chart shows the interlocking directorship controlling J. Henry Schroder. Several other interlocking directorate charts in sum defining the international interlocking directorship of City of London and its U.S. subsidiary, Federal Reserve System, can be found at, Central Bankers Kill Animals, (here) ...that's useful if you want to know who's pushing your buttons and pulling your strings, doing these wars, raising prices ...are you gettin' it, yet? After all, if you were a director of the NY Fed, and you owned 20% of every company in the Fortune 500 like they do (here), and were getting all the interest on the national debt every year ...you'd be among the richest people in the world, too ...not to mention out loud, that IRS revenues to go pay the interest on the national debt as an exclusive dividend to the private bankers who exclusively own the stock of the NY Federal Reserve ...(see chart following chart 2)

Central Bankers & their corporate interlocks of corporations they own Central Bankers & their corporate interlocks of corporations they own

hail new york deep state — follow the money & you get to the people who print it — kill a banker, win a prize ...(on sale, now ...support this channel — here)

kill or be killed — dynastic central banking families destroy you w/ world wars, depressions, high prices & inflation (here)  ...they get all the taxes you pay to the IRS every year ... to pay off their interest on your national debt which in their founding documents is due them as a dividend on their exclusive ownership of NY Federal Reserve stock shares — they do business as (dba) deep state nwo military industrial complex central bankers wall street great reset dnc)

to enlarge screen press ctrl +  to shrink ctrl -  to reset ctrl 0 
Crtl + to enlarge ... Crtl - to shrink ... Ctrl 0 to home  —  To update (or pictures missing) refresh: press Crtl R 

NY Federal Reserve stock ownership

Here's another way to see this chart:

(below) for easy reading ...to enlarge screen press ctrl +  to shrink ctrl -  to reset ctrl 0 
Viewing on computer? ... Crtl + to enlarge ... Crtl - to shrink ... Ctrl 0 to home  —  To update (or pictures missing) refresh: press Crtl R 

How is it these dynastic banking interlocking directors of the Fed & City of London founded and financed the communists ... and according to Sutton and Loftus, two brilliant researchers financed the Nazis, as well ...oh, who cares ...except that the same forces are funding nazis and ultra-right throughout eastern Europe who are now also active in Asia and South America and guess where else ...could it be the USA?

...and, here's another way to see this chart:

(below) for easy reading ...to enlarge screen press ctrl +  to shrink ctrl -  to reset ctrl 0 
Viewing on computer? ... Crtl + to enlarge ... Crtl - to shrink ... Ctrl 0 to home  —  To update (or pictures missing) refresh: press Crtl R 

Smedley Butler




...but, it might be easier to watch this first:

Maidan coup

Burisma merry-go-round


(click pic for youtube) EUROMAIDAN COUP: 2014 Nazi coup putches Ukraine from Putin to Biden - WTF? (up) Alleged Burisma nuclear & power mafia merry-go-round murders, coups, regime change, installed leaders, women hit by cars by mafia, puppet presidents, corrupt administrations & imbezzled U.S. taxpayer dollars. 

...or, you could look at it this way:

Morgan Stanley Calls USA Riots 3 yrs Prior

JPMorgan plot to seize White House, overthrow Roosevelt, and install a Fascist dictatorship


Was the jan 6 2020 white house assault not trump but a replay by jpmorgan (today, JPMorganChase) new york & london central bankers of their 1868 & 1933 coup attempts to bypass the constitution & install a fascist ruling elite of industrialists, oligarchs & billionaires? 

(excerpts from, The Morgan Fascist Coup Plot and How FDR Defeated It, by L. Wolfe. This article appears in Aug 11, 2006 issue of, Executive Intelligence Review.)

The 1933 Coup (after the wall street / crown 'depression' financial coup)

The coup was aimed at toppling President Franklin D Roosevelt with the help of half-a-million war veterans. The plotters ... alleged to involve some of the most famous families in America, (owners of Heinz, Birds Eye, Goodtea, Maxwell House & George Bush’s Grandfather, Prescott) believed their country should adopt the policies of Hitler and Mussolini to beat the great depression using forced labor.

The Villians

The "Morgan Coup Plot" ... was part of the drive for fascism that produced the Hitler and Mussolini regimes, which is broader than "Wall Street" or even "British." ...The majority of U.S. "players" and operatives, while having connections to House of Morgan ... are also connected to powerful sections of British oligarchy, and with networks of international Synarchy, especially tFrance- and Belgium-based interests directly involved in creation of the Hitler and Mussolini regimes.  

Just as with the drive for fascism today, behind it are the entirety of what LaRouche has called the "slime mold" of oligarchical financial interests, led by international Synarchy.... ... ...in today's political situation in the United States we are, in effect, confronting the same forces that attempted to impose fascism in the United States during the 1930s.  ... ... ...

"Synarchy provided ideological orientation for Wall Street circles with respect to economic, political, and social organization ...  Dr. Alexis Carrel, French biologist and eugenicist associated with French Synarchist circles.[16] He ... argued for mankind to follow guidance by an elite class and to implement enforced eugenics for population management. It was Carrel who had first suggested the use of gas chambers for eugenic purposes on a mass basis... ."

'Synarchy' vs Anarchy

The U.S.A.: Fascism Past and Present, by Clifford A. Kiracofe, Jr. July 7, 2006 issue of Executive Intelligence Review.

The word "Synarchy," and its associated ideology, was invented by the 19th-Century French occultist Alexandre St. Yves d'Alveydre (1842-1909), who headed the esoteric Martinist Order.

Born in 1842, he adopted the outlook of leading European intellectuals of the extreme right, Joseph de Maistre, Louis de Bonald, and the mystical occultism of Fabre d'Olivet (1767-1825), Napoleon's personal occult advisor.

St. Yves created an extreme right ideology to oppose what he perceived to be "anarchy," ... among nations. He called his new ideology "Synarchy".

The economic dimension of Synarchy influenced the "corporatist" political ideologies and movements of the early 20th Century such as Fascism. Corporative ideology called for the organization of society with control held by the ruling oligarchic and plutocratic class. Labor was to be crushed and parliamentary government was to be eliminated.

St. Yves' vision for Europe ... called for organizing Europe through a regional (Europe-wide) council composed of corporative chambers of economists, financiers, and industrialists. ...Through this process, finance and industry would be concentrated, and become the main political power governing society, a society in which labor was to be coerced into submission.


(excerpts from, The Morgan Fascist Coup Plot and How FDR Defeated It, by L. Wolfe. This article appears in Aug 11, 2006 issue of, Executive Intelligence Review.)

The Setting

As FDR prepared to take office in the late Winter of 1932-33, the U.S. government, much as today, was a captive of a cabal of private financial interests: the London-New York banking axis, whose strategists were the prime sponsors of fascism in Europe.

President Herbert Hoover's economic team was controlled by his Ambassador to Britain, former Treasury Secretary Andrew Mellon, and Federal Reserve Chairman Eugene Meyer, whose father had helped found the American branch of the Lazard Frères banking house and whose own career was created by Lazard. Behind them was a larger cabal of private investment banking interests, who had a stranglehold on U.S. government credit policy, including the investment banks of Kuhn, Loeb; the Morgan interests; the Rockefellers; Dillon Read; Brown Brothers Harriman; and Lazard Frères.[3]

Since the 1876 Specie Resumption Act, U.S. economic and credit policy had increasingly been dictated from London. Since 1913, the main vehicle for the implementation of that policy had been the Federal Reserve, a private central bank, established by British policy interests, and run by those interests and their U.S. allies in the Wall Street investment banks.

The Morgan bank, at times official U.S. banker for the British government, was founded and always based in London, known there as Morgan Grenfell, with its arms in New York being J.P. Morgan, Morgan Guaranty, and some other institutions.

Kuhn, Loeb arose as Jacob Schiff's enterprise, guided by his London partner, Sir Ernst Cassel, personal banker for King Edward VII, the British Round Table, and the Fabian Society. Kuhn, Loeb was then taken over by the London/German Warburg family, the biggest stockholders in the Nazi cartel IG Farben.

The Rockefeller family, beginning with a British partner in their early oil monopoly, extended into a cartel with Britain's Shell Oil, into Chase Manhattan Bank and Citibank, and into family foundations, all put into the service of British imperial policy.

Brown Brothers Harriman combined Brown Brothers (the family firm of Montagu Norman, known in England as Brown Shipley) in a 1931 merger with the Harrimans, made powerful by Sir Ernst Cassel's arrangement of British crown financial backing for Averell Harriman to acquire Union Pacific Railroad.

In this "secret government," which defined the parameters and often the details of critical policies, the House of Morgan held the most important portfolio, as the most important agent of Anglo-Venetian interests in the United States. The Morgan partners held directorships in 167 industrial concerns, banks, railroads, and utilities, and they controlled, through their banking relationships, the most important media in the United States, including the New York Times. And most importantly, the Morgans, along with the other merchant banks, controlled the market in the public debt of the United States , in concert with the Federal Reserve, through the latter's "open market" operations.

Agents of this cabal, acting under the orders of Bank of England Governor Montagu Norman, helped sponsor Hitler's Nazis as their proposed handmaidens to implement the policies demanded by their direct agent, Montagu Norman asset, Hjalmar Schacht. Schacht was to head the Hitler regime's financial and economic policy. Through Schacht and other assets, the Synarchists—Wall Street and London investment banks and their French and German political partners—had created huge global cartels, aimed at controlling all basic industry and raw materials, making governments and their populations subject to their power over economic life.

Throughout the 1920s, the New York and London investment banks participated with the German backers of the Nazi Party, such as Fritz Thyssen, in creating global cartels in steel, raw materials, and chemicals. The Nazis were the operatives chosen to implement the bankers' policies in Depression-wracked Germany. With plans to seize power in the United States, Britain, and France, along with the Nazis in Germany and Mussolini's Fascists in Italy, the aim of these private banking circles was world power.

In 1932, as the U.S. Presidential campaign moved towards its conclusion, Hitler's Nazis were on the edge of financial ruin. A rescue effort was organized, with the supervision of the Bank of England's Montagu Norman, to funnel cash into the Nazi coffers. The principal Wall Street bank chosen to handle this operation was Brown Brothers Harriman, whose principles included erstwhile playboy Averell Harriman, who was later to gain an important hold on the "liberal" wing of the Democratic Party, and Prescott Bush, grandfather of the current occupant of the White House; Prescott Bush actually served as bagman, taking the funds to Germany.[4]

[Editor's note: Sort of like Hunter Biden and Joe Biden are the bagman for the CIA taking funds, arranging biological gain-of-function weapons, and Chinese tracking technology to the Nazis and ultra-right in Ukraine and thru-out Eastern Europe who happen to be mercenaries for the CIA which carries out the wishes and dictates of the City of London and their subsidiary Wall Street and the NY Fed to conquer Russia then China, steal the world's wealth, depopulate the planet and party hardy on your nickel why they eat your soul.]

JPMorgan Coup Plot to Takeover the United States, Destroy the Presidency, Destroy the Republic, Destroy Democracy & Install a Fascist Dictator to Destroy You ...history repeats itself?

The soldiers change, but the war remains the same

(stories, here & herehere & War is a Racket)—

War Is A Racket

By Major General Smedley Butler

1: War Is A Racket
2: Who Makes The Profits?
3: Who Pays The Bills?
4: How To Smash This Racket!
5: To Hell With War!


September 2008 launched an extraordinary chain of events:

  • General Motors (owned by JPMorgan/Chase), the world’s largest company, went bust
  • Washington Mutual became the world’s largest bank failure
  • Lehman Brothers became the world’s largest bankruptcy ever
  • Damage spread around the world.

(Editor's note: Who plotted, benefited and won this financial warfare? ...the historically Nazi and fascist banks: Deutschebank started the housing collapse, Chase (JPMorgan/Chase) bought bankrupt Washington Mutual and, for the first time, marched west, saturating the west coast in conquest, with Chase Banks(e-book download, Kill A Banker, Win A Prize: Occupy Deutschebank ...Financial Warfare for Dummies, (here)

*1,2  APK Trump assassination attemps John Lennon assassination

...or, you could look at it this way:

John Lennon Assassination

FTR#1321 The Assassination of John Lennon   Dave Emory KFMU archives   Imagine by John Lennon

What three letters of the alphabet link John Lennon’s murder to the murders of John F. Kennedy & Robert Kennedy? (here)

By Jeremy Kuzmarov - Dec 8, 2023  - Covert Action Magazine  –  Jefferson Airplane - Volunteers of America

...or, you could look at it this way:

Donald Trump Assassination Attempt

Forensic ballistics proof: Nine (9) incoming shots from at least three (3) assassins before any return fire six (6) incoming shots from 400' – two (2) from 800' – one (1) from 1,300' ...before any return fire

July 13, 2024 - 1st Attempt (Butler) (story w/illustrations & forensic ballistic graphs

Trump shooter ballistics proves shots from 4 different distances

 Clic pic for video  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NaW8MzocIuE   

July 13, 2024 - 1st Attempt (Butler) (story w/illustrations & forensic ballistic graphs


...or, you could look at it this way:

Who Dun It? — Could it be Iraq war genocidal murderers Dick & Liz Cheney trying to do an Irag to Iran for the New American Century Slaughterhouse ...planting $1.5-million dollars in offshore accounts for the patsy? ...then blame it on Iran? Who dun it? ...Schumer? ...Ukraine? ...Kamala? ...Obama? ...Soros? ...You? 

...or, you could look at it this way:

1st Trump Assassination Attempt

Incoming shots fired from "the lone gunman" (before any return fire )...six (6) from 400' out, two (2) from 800' out, and one (1) from, 1300' out ... NOW, YOU FIGURE IT OUT !

Computer keeps eating pictures no matter how many times I reload them


A shot came from 1,300' out


...or, you could look at it this way:

Now, 104,018,434 (104 million) armed Americans eye the assassination attempts on President Trump …knowing the FBI, Justice Dept and Homeland Security were proponing the fake Steele Dossier …knowing FBI is historically complicit in domestic assassination ops fomenting false-flag staged faux revolutions with COINTELPRO. CIA handles foreign murders and assassinations, except domestic ops of great import to City of London bankers, such as domestic presidential assassinations.

...or, you could look at it this way:

Did Austin Private Wealth do it? — This zoo seems to be running the country along with B. Gates, Soros, Schumer, City of London central bankers, NY Fed stockholders, the Bormann financial empire & Vatican Bank stockholders

...or, you could look at it this way:

Follow the money, who benefits by an assassination of President Trump? 

Go figure: Murder Incorporated

INVESTMENT FIRMhttps://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2024/07/explosive-revelation-investment-firm-that-allegedly-put-options/  —  INSIDER TERRORISTS MAKE MILLIIONS AS CRISES UNFOLDS    https://truthout.org/articles/911-terrorists-made-millions-on-the-stock-market/ 

 If Trump had been killed these companies would have made billions.

...or, you could look at it this way:

It appears speculatively alledgedly 'they' tried to blame Iran as Dick & Liz Cheney & the Bush neo-con NWO plan for a New American Century Slaughterhouse for continual warfare to genocide populations that they orgasm over assassinations & regime changes ...this time they f*kt-up doing an Iraq to Iran, y'think?

...or, you could look at it this way:

Forensic ballistics report: (6) shots from 400’, (2) from 800’, (1) from 1,300’

If you try to walk on the nut tree forest floor you’ll trip over alphabet letters like quicksand. WEF CIA FBI DEI IRS USA D.C. NAZI MOSSAD OUQTINVU. Free pass for Brown & Root, who sped Vice President Lyndon Johnson into his presidency faster than a speeding bullet. Just like Kamala. Fingerprints of Schroder Bank’s Bechtel are on the hairbrush used to groom Kamala, and spank her fanny will us?

One big alone nut case

Camel-lah’s husband his latent fingerprints may appear when digital I.D. does. United Nations barks at the door. NATO howls at the moon. Bill Gates m––sturbates over infanticide & with Google finances Bird Flu gain-of-function. Hunter Biden’s $2 toss-ups. Ghislaine’s bio-war lab. The alone nut doesn’t fall far from the tree.

Who dun it? …the assassination attempt on President Donald J. Trump

In Dante’s centuries-old novel, Inferno, he writes there is a sign on the gates of Hell that reads: Abandon hope all ye who enter here. I talk website speak …simple sentences you need no attention span for. I’ll prove who’s responsible.

What three letters of the alphabet link murders of John Lennon, John F. Kennedy & Robert Kennedy to shots just fired?

The message in the fortune cookie is, “It was not a lone nut. It was a walnut, almond & cashew forest”.

A lone nut would have to be JPMorganChase. Or, Schroder Bank. And/or it’s subsidiary, Bechtel. Or team George Soros, Hillary Clinton, Chuck Schumer, John Podesta. Nancy Pelosi. Alphabet soup agencies. World Economic Forum. City of London. Hi-tech billionaires. Skull & Bones. Bohemian Grove. Knights of Malta. Congress. The lone nuts cover the forest floor. All the usual suspects in one sun-sized nut case.

Typical MK-Ultra alone nut programmed assassin …Google it

Alone nut drowning in $1.5-million-dollars in offshore bank accounts, sophisticated explosive triggers, explosives, drones, encoded cell phones …literally on the Government payroll.

All singing the Ascension he would be dead & the involved clues some fool at the top of the nut pyramid forgot would be no lone nut. The pyramid crumbles. The eye on top, closes, belly up.

Another red herring that stinks itself numb.

Enter George Soros, Bill Gates, Hillary Clinton, Nancy Pelosi, Chuck Schumer, John Podesta …who knew they sang in the same choir. You did. I did. Who didn’t? …FBI knows nothing, sees nothing, tells nothing and all point at the mirror …hear no evil see no evil speak no evil.

This guy is straight outta an LSD hypnotic trance. Multiple personality #3.

(7-20-2024 to be continued)

...or, you could look at it this way:

Did Austin Private Wealth do it? — This zoo seems to be running the country along with B. Gates, Soros, Schumer, City of London central bankers, NY Fed stockholders, the Bormann financial empire & Vatican Bank stockholders

In the U.S. assassinations of charismatic public figures seem always to have FBI and CIA involvement ...both agencies get there marching orders from the international interlocking directorate of the City of London central bankers ...nothing to see, here  ...invariably MK Ultra is involved in programming the subject  



...or, you could look at it this way:

DICK & LIZ FAIL DOING AN IRAQ TO IRAN ...salting the shooter's offshore accounts

Sorry Liz and Dick Cheney ...you f*kt up trying to frame Iran on this one like you framed Iraq ...you losers.

Neo-con hawks want to frame-&-blame Iran (by neo-cons et al putting $1.5-million-bucks into the shooter's offshore accounts) ...given Dick & Liz Cheney & their Schroder / Bush / City of London banker neo-con NWO globalist plan for a New American Century currently filled with fifteen (15) mushrooming simultaneous U.S. wars exterminating millions of children ...the central bankers love regime change assassinations too, y'think? ...this time they f*kt-up & failed doing an Iraq to Iran — it's as clear as night & day these guys need to be shaken down then taken down. And, that's why the Constitutional Republic of the united states of America (dba America) has to ally with Russia & her allies in order to defeat the interlocking international directorship of dynastic central bank families that control the IMF and the United States Corporation (dba United States).

...or, you could look at it this way:

FBI & CIA can easily extort, blackmail or assassinate anyone in the Executive, Legislative & Judiciary bodies ... 1st Assassination attempt proof of 2nd shooter (likely 3-to-4 shooters) 

1st Assassination Attempt 7/13/24 (cont)

Proof of 2nd shooter ...FBI can now assassinate anyone in Congress, extort or blackmail them


Both assassins in 1st & 2nd attempts were previously in Blackrock-related videos

...or, you could look at it this way:

2nd Assassination attempt shooter recruited mercenaries in Ukraine ...he founded a non-profit ...the first member was a female CIA agent ...likely his handler

2nd  Assassination attempt — Trump's Assassin Things You MISSED 

Note: I send the information on the Business Plot section of the video involving JPMorgan


Both assassins in 1st & 2nd attempts were previously in Blackrock-related videos

2nd Assassination attempt shooter recruited mercenaries in Ukraine ...he founded a non-profit ...the first member was a female CIA agent ...likely his handler

2nd Attempt (CIA evident evidence) 9/15/24 (cont)

CIA fingered again


Both assassins in 1st & 2nd attempts were previously in Blackrock-related videos

The famous DEI Secret Service Girl


City of London central bankers are likely assassins. For three centuries all they do is rob and murder people, races, governments, countries, the Animal Kingdom and Mother Nature. What's one more?

1st Assassination Attempt 7/13/24 (cont)

DEI Secret Service rent-a-cop abandons her post to protect Trump because she wants to breast-feed her baby? ...talk about making the U.S. the laughing stock of the world ...good job, Soros is probably laughing himself silly


 Who Dun It? ...almost blew Trump's head off on worldwide TV ...sounds like another twisted CIA protocol, doesn't it

 001 Trump assassination attempt

I'll tell you the story in pictures, (here)

Build shooter was on allegedly solely owned by WEF member

...rumored two adjoining empty buildings used by shooter are owned by a WEF member tied to Klaus Schwab, (representing City of London central bankers & billionaires that mandate, plot & navigate war using their China / New World Order (C+NWO) gambit

Did JPMorganChase do it?  ...then Schroder had the winning field goal

Did Morgan Stanley do it? ...(after all, they called the riots three (3) years prior to them happening) ...not to mention the plot

Did Morgan Stanley do it for JPMorganChase? ...and the taking out of the international chair of Morgan Stanley retribution or getting your players ahead in terms of inner-rival City central bank league games? 


For news analysis & keystone cop commentary, see 'News', (here https://www.portlandhomeboy.com/news.html)

International Chairman of Morgan Stanley taken out

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=H8x0RoH3hAY   https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RZCqhoWXBkc 

[4] Schroder v JPMorgan Chase v Rothschild — International bank chairman of Morgan Stanley, taken out of play

What?! ...the day after the assassination attempt, the international Bank Chairman of Morgan Stanley was taken out apparently by weather modification on a clear calm day by a sudden fleeting squall??! 

Bottom of the 4th quarter

My hitch-hiking heart

Did the Central Bank League Do It?Central Banker League

Financial Warfare for Crash Dummies

Deep State are City of London central banekrs

bank loan interest is taxation without representation ... IRS taxes is taxation without representation of your needs — you do not need wars ...babies need nurturing, not bullets ... drop food not bombs

For news analysis & keystone cop commentary, see 'News', (here https://www.portlandhomeboy.com/news.html)

JFK Jr. spills the beans tells the truth about the West's 2014 Nazi-led successful coup to take Ukraine away from Russia & give it to 'the City' , IMF & NATO for neo-con forever New American Century war



Did IMF do it?

Did the IMF do it? ...How 'bout the City of London & their subsidiary the NY Federal Reserve stockholders, them? ...masters of genocide & falsehood intent on ruling the world ...hmmm
 City of London



IMF World Bank United Nations

...IMF & World Bank are foreign controlled private corporations

IMF World Bank United Nations

City of London


((up) click pic: Excerpted from American's Nazi Secret, by John Loftus

John Loftus


Back then, the Republicans got caught with Nazis & Fascists ...today, Schumer's DNC is 100% doin' it w/Nazis & Fascists ...& many Republicans if not all — Problem is, Corp U.S. (dba City of London dba Corp U.S.) has taken over America ...almost; Vance can help America survive for 12 years three (3) terms in office; but he has to reseat America


Who is behind the assassination attempts on Donald J. Trump? ...The Adversary puts a mask on the assassin ...ask Judas Chucky Schumer & Kamala —

— Can you spell, NATO & OUN/B Azov Nazis in Ukraine fighting Russia? ...Chuck Schumer can; he works for central bankers (see NY Fed chart, here) ...off to see the wizard of Oz Soros together they happily merchandise plague, war, revolution & death

And Satan entered into Chuck who was called Schumer, being of the number of the twelve. And he went away, and communed with the chief priests and captains, how he might deliver him unto them. And they were glad, and covenanted to give him money. And he consented, and sought opportunity to deliver him unto them in the absence of the multitude.


Chucky at it again

And Satan entered into Judas

Did Schumer do it? ...disingenuous

I just want you to know I can see through your masks.

Bob Dylan Masters of War (printed lyrics here)

...speaking of vomit a lurid sex novel starring Upchuck Erectionist Prefectionist Genocidal Murderer Schumer & smut novel writer Leticia James


I just want you to know I can see through your masks.

Bob Dylan Masters of War (printed lyrics here)

Chucky Schumer & Pelosi & Leticia James DNC manage a trois

Chucky Schumer & Pelosi & Leticia James DNC manage a trois

I just want you to know I can see through your masks.

Bob Dylan Masters of War (printed lyrics here)

Chuck & Satan

The Adversary puts a mask on the assassin ...ask Judas & Chucky Schumer & Kamala

Bob Dylan Masters of War — (printed lyrics here)

I just want you to know I can see through your masks.

(not to mention your hair implants, scalp painted with sprayed on grey & pancake sprayed on face)

What does a cold-blooded murderer look like, Nancy? ...look in the mirror  -- You too, Chuck Schumer scum of the Earth


Pelosi the Reptilian ...What does a cold-blooded murderer look like, Nancy? ...look in the mirror — You too, Chuck Schumer scum of the Earth ...look in your mirror & both of you cast no reflection, spiritual leper vampires feasting on innocents

Did Nancy & Chuck's Nazis do it in Butler to get Soros bucks? (the second attempt guy was in Ukraine recruiting mercenaries from around the world) ...or Hillary's? ...or Podesta's? ...or Schiff's? ...or Raskin's? ...or Schumer's DNC's? ...or City of London's? 


Nancy Pelosi ... know what a Nazi collaborator looks like? ...look in a mirror

can you pick out the real nazis from those who hire them?

Since the Russian invasion of Ukraine & the resulting cries of “We are all Ukraine,” many have been eager to downplay the proliferation of neo-Nazis in Ukrainian paramilitary groups intelligence, police, the Ukrainian armed forces & even parts of the government. As Jimmy and Grayzone’s Max Blumenthal discuss, reports of neo-Nazis in Ukraine are not at all exaggerated, and the Zelensky government is, in fact, largely beholden to these racist, xenophobic, anti-gay groups that brag of the “fun” they get from fighting and killing.

 "Killing is fun."

Soros: Jewish Nazi-informer – stages protests, regime change, finances chaos - crashes stock & gold mkts; sells long, buys short etc. ... Elon calls out Soros

Insider traders; Braindead? – Pelosi greets Zelensky: Nazi slogans – Slava Ukraini! – Glory to Ukraine – Svaboda Ukraine!  ... This is what a Nazi collaborator looks like.

chain of fools 

Click pic for video & again for sound oligarch-owned Ukraine24-TV ... like our media is oligarch-owned. ... EVERYTHING MR. EMORY HAS BEEN SAYING ABOUT THE UKRAINE WAR IS ENCAPSULATED IN THIS VIDEO FROM UKRAINE 24 Mr. Emory’s entire life’s work is available on a 32GB flash drive, available for a contribution of $65.00 or more (to KFJC). Click Here to obtain Dave’s 40+ years’ work, complete through Late Fall of 2021 (through FTR #1215). Mr. Emory has launched a new Patreon site. Visit at: Patreon.com/DaveEmory

Ukraine24-TV   Click pic 4 vid again to hear 

Ukraine: Pelosi, 3rd in line to U.S. presidency –  Pelosi crime family walks in Obama/Biden crime family footprints in Ukraine.  ... This is what Nazi collaborators look like.

(below) for easy reading ...to enlarge screen press ctrl +  to shrink ctrl -  to reset ctrl 0 
Viewing on computer? ... Crtl + to enlarge ... Crtl - to shrink ... Ctrl 0 to home  —  To update (or pictures missing) refresh: press Crtl R 

Ukraine in WWII and today

https://www.portlandhomeboy.com/2-3-hunter-biden---the-nazis-of-desire.html   Ukraine in WWII & today

Were you there when they crucified my Lord?

(Certainly not having breakfast with Judas, Schumer, Klaus Schwab & the New York Federal Reserve stockholders planning assassination at the Passover drive-by)

Johnny Cash: Were You There When They Crucified My Lord?

Lillie McCloud



Did Nancy & Chuck's Nazis do Butler to get Soros bucks? ...(second attempt guy was in Ukraine recruiting mercenaries world-wide for Nazis) ...or Hillary's? ...or Podesta's? ...or Schiff's? ...or Raskin's? ...or Schumer's DNC's? ...or City of London's?  

Nancy, know what a Nazi collaborator looks like? ...look in a mirror

can you pick out the real nazis from those who hire them?

Since the Russian invasion of Ukraine & the resulting cries of “We are all Ukraine,” many have been eager to downplay the proliferation of neo-Nazis in Ukrainian paramilitary groups intelligence, police, the Ukrainian armed forces & even parts of the government. As Jimmy and Grayzone’s Max Blumenthal discuss, reports of neo-Nazis in Ukraine are not at all exaggerated, and the Zelensky government is, in fact, largely beholden to these racist, xenophobic, anti-gay groups that brag of the “fun” they get from fighting and killing.

 "Killing is fun."

Soros: Jewish Nazi-informer – stages protests, regime change, finances chaos - crashes stock & gold mkts; sells long, buys short etc. ... Elon calls out Soros

Insider traders; Braindead? – Pelosi greets Zelensky: Nazi slogans – Slava Ukraini! – Glory to Ukraine – Svaboda Ukraine!  ... This is what a Nazi collaborator looks like.

chain of fools 

Click pic for video & again for sound oligarch-owned Ukraine24-TV ... like our media is oligarch-owned. ... EVERYTHING MR. EMORY HAS BEEN SAYING ABOUT THE UKRAINE WAR IS ENCAPSULATED IN THIS VIDEO FROM UKRAINE 24 Mr. Emory’s entire life’s work is available on a 32GB flash drive, available for a contribution of $65.00 or more (to KFJC). Click Here to obtain Dave’s 40+ years’ work, complete through Late Fall of 2021 (through FTR #1215). Mr. Emory has launched a new Patreon site. Visit at: Patreon.com/DaveEmory

Ukraine24-TV Click pic vid again to hear 

Ukraine: Pelosi, 3rd in line to U.S. presidency –  Pelosi crime family walks in Obama/Biden crime family footprints in Ukraine.  ... This is what Nazi collaborators look like.


Huma Abedin & Alex Soros


Fake voting machine patents, (here) https://www.portlandhomeboy.com/3-8-Sydney-Powell-Fake-Voting-Machine-Patents.html   owned by U.S. Army, assigned to a consultant to Bush's Carlyle Group defense contractors — patent: anyone can rig machines from any Starbucks with a personal computer — or hack it quick & easy

(alleged)-Fehme Schroder Bank (subsidiary Bechtel) DNC Traitors: May the weight of your sin crush you & you drown in the blood of those you've slaughtered

Golden Gate from Marin

Soros on out son Alex in

Soros handles San Francisco politicians groomed by Bechtel, a subsidiary of ... and follows marching orders of Schroder Bank (groomed & financed Hitler causing WWI & WWII w/ JPMorgan, City of London Corp, New York Federal Reserve stockholders & United States Corp ...Schumer represents  N.Y. Fed stockholders like JPMorganChase. San Francisco U.S. Congress clowns don't look in the mirror at CIA's hit parade.

 May the weight of your sin crush you & you drown in the blood of those you've slaughtered

Soros @ 2:15 in

Golden Gate from Marin

March to their war drum

Evil Schumer, my pal

Hail, hail, the gang's all here


Soros on out son Alex in

Soros & son & witch Pelosi

Schumer Podesta Soros Pelosi Clinton Bill Gates Schiff ...not too much good in or around them

Soros handles San Francisco politicians groomed by Bechtel, a subsidiary of ... and follows marching orders of Schroder Bank (groomed & financed Hitler causing WWI & WWII w/ JPMorgan, City of London Corp, New York Federal Reserve stockholders & United States Corp ...Schumer represents  N.Y. Fed stockholders like JPMorganChase. San Francisco U.S. Congress clowns don't look in the mirror at CIA's hit parade.

The reason Kamala is locked up in the basement in 2024 just like Biden was in 2020 is because the voting machines can be rigged again, y'think? ...Here's how quick & easy it is to rig voting machines

Can we expect Schumer - Soros - Pelosi cartel riots on election day then ongoing for years


Musk = Free Speech but Soros & Schumer's DNC = censorship


Musk = Free Speech —vs— Soros + Schumer + DNC = Censorship <> Musk brings out best in people —vs— Soros + Schumer + DNC brings out worst 

Soros playbook to takeover countries in play in the U.S.A. c/o traitor Schumer's DNC

The One-Man Destabilization Machine


Chaos equals profit expanded, (here)

When you get down to it, Schumer represents the United States Corporation (dba United States) —NOT—the Constitutional Republic of the united states of America (DBA America), (here)  https://www.portlandhomeboy.com/3-america-vs-corp-u-s-.html 

Expect Soros / Schumer / Pelosi giving go-aheads for cartel shots fired gang riots & city burnings in Blue States (Geo Floyd-type) on election day & from then ongoing for years — the DNC has rotted & is following the Soros –playbook to destabilize countries

Soros buys largest U.S. Hispanic radio station network — Very likely to deploy communist propaganda in Texas w/$100,000,000 to do a 'color revolution' with border jumpers to oust Senator Ted Cruz, turn Texas U.S. Congress blue using Schumer-style fake registration ops

...bet on Soros destabilizing Texas with State & national riots and murders like his involvment in Ukraine and thru-out Eastern Europe and thru-out the U.S. ...& bet on rotten voting machines, too ...& bet on B. Gates pissing pandemics on us shutting down voter booths,  EMP attacks shutting down banks & airlines, and limited nuclear war in the mid-east & in Eastern Europe.

DIY Social Engineering https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sJdjCy35Hww

Tavistock Institute

Soros Maidan

Davos Propaganda Czar

Soros buys Hispanic radio station network

City of London central bankers are likely assassins. For three centuries all they do is rob and murder people, races, governments, countries, the Animal Kingdom and Mother Nature. What's one more?

This is who dun it

The Four Horsemen of Banking


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Portland Homeboy augurs the coming presidential inauguration gala a la Schroder Bank vs JPMorganChase vs WWIII

#1 — 1st assassination attempt — The day Trump was shot & survived I predicted it would be followed by an EMP attack or a world war; the next day the banks and airports across the U.S. and across the planet suffered what they called an "Internet outage" and banks & airports shut down.  https://www.pennlive.com/nation-world/2024/07/massive-internet-outage-shuts-down-banks-flights-more-what-you-need-to-know.html 

And, the day after Trump was shot he offered Jamie Dimon a job to be treasury secretary ...what I'd call being a day late and a dollar short.

#2 — 2nd assassination attempt — The day after, I predicted Schroder Bank who owns Bechtel who grooms California politicians, would benefit if Kamala was assassinated because Newsom (Pelosi's nephew) would be inserted in place of Kamala for a presidential run, (angering Hillary & her Kissinger / Nazi Skull & Bones / NY Fed JPMorgan shareholder handlers).

Welcome to PortlandHomeboy.com ...just catting around

cat lover


Alabama women, 85 & 61, sentenced for feeding stray cats  — Beverly & Mary sought to trap the cats  to be neutered ... officers said they found Mary holding a can of cat food,  ( here ) .